agrochemical use and misuse
Usually, the regulations are carried out through the registration process. Water is central to all life, but we use it to destroy. It is important to know whether farmers who are aware of health implications of agrochemical use and adhere to the safety standards are able to obtain higher or lower maize output. 9C>|:FX[w>k,WZ1OSg:FY z#Fzd)5JKB)pX#-+fqQsT&J5[}D}"F(bXp.WP-UOd z OYHl$OQvGX{J[Q{}W{ F:TKdpSTzD'Ak(=:>J(x:MSOjV#mmx?||&HP[RT3~h6Ch+ 8 Intervention to increase farmers awareness of health implication of agrochemicals use in the study area should consider interactive radio programs in local languages. Carboxin, oxycarboxin antibiotics like Aureofungin, organic mercurials, lime sulphur, dodine, and other antifungal agents eliminate harmful fungus from an infection court. 2, pp. Significant penalties can result from misuse, including improper storage resulting in chemical leaks, chemical leaching, and chemical spills. a dealer mighthave received a "Safe use and Handling of Chemicals" training as well as a "Product Knowledge" course in the past). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A multiple linear regression model was used to analyze how output is affected by the level of awareness of agrochemical use risk. Presently the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has been a dangerous issue to agricultural production, soil and health. The abuse of agrochemical products poses serious problems to the environment, the farmer, and the general food consumer. Government-issued permits for purchase and use of approved agrichemicals may be required. The problem is compounded by the fact that farmers usually wash knapsack sprayers and their clothes in water bodies after spraying. M. M. Mattah, P. A. D. Mattah, and G. Futagbi, Pesticide application among farmers in the catchment of ashaiman irrigation scheme of Ghana: health implications, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, vol. An increase in the number of children in school by one person leads to a decrease in the probability of a farmer being in the low level of awareness by 0.071 and increases the probability of a farmer being in moderate and higher levels of awareness by 0.053 and 0.018, respectively. They affect the underlying infection and have a systemic effect. Request Farmers Meeting Based on the findings of this study, four policy recommendations are relatable. Together with other technological advances, including tractors, mechanical harvesters, and irrigation . This is because farmers who own radio and television receive information on safety use of agrochemicals. Once acomplaintis filed with the Department, a field investigator is assigned the case. It has a positive effect on output and hence meets the a priori expectation. On farms, proper storage facilities and labeling, emergency clean-up equipment and procedures, and safety equipment and procedures for handling, application and disposal are often subject to mandatory standards and regulations. Although most herbicides are safe for animals and humans, they have no effect on the plants they target or the insects that rely on them. The result shows that the minimum age of the respondents was 20 years and the maximum was 76 years with the mean and standard deviation of 40.5 years and 13.2 years, respectively. Agrochemical stores in selected geographical locations in North Central Nigeria were surveyed, a structured questionnaire administered and students of selected Universities and staff of the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development were sampled. [5], the use of pesticides by farmers to control weeds, increase agricultural productivity, and preserve agricultural produce has reached a crescendo thereby calling for urgent attention. The study confirmed the findings of Fianko et al. This can lessen the growth of antibiotic resistance. endstream endobj 128 0 obj<> endobj 129 0 obj[/ICCBased 139 0 R] endobj 130 0 obj<> endobj 131 0 obj<>stream to help appropriately redress misapplications and chemical residue on fresh food produce. . HlTO0~_q;gOMl*hQj Likewise, if a farmer moves from moderate to high levels of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use, his or her maize output will increase by 309kg (3.09 bags) per acre. The presence of agro-chemicals in the environment and food products is concerning, but the type of pesticide contamination is even more worrying. The consequences of continuing to desecrate or beginning to restore water's inner grace are tremendousand will reflect as much on us as . xb```6 ``a`b QK,x,vef :sb B:+n;u jSaN-%,28&3 This is clear from the fact that most rural farm households derive their livelihood from this sector. , , , , , , How you plan to care for your hibiscus plant, International Year of Fruits and Vegetables builds a nutritious future, CONTROL THE WEED THROUGH SOIL ACTIVE HERBICIDES. 333341, 2012. Natural occurring substances (such as pyrethrum) and manufactured organic compounds are two types of contact insecticides. 80]kms>.tIk6O)@3 Of these plantain farmers, over 97% used the insecticide chlorpyrifos, and 84% applied nematicides, 64% herbicides, and 22% fungicides, with only 31% of participants reporting the use of some type of protective clothing during application. Agriculture is one of the principal sectors of Ghanas economy. For example, manually inspecting each plant and the entire farmland for pests, insects, and weeds and then engaging in removal is not practical without specialised expertise and a large expenditure of time and effort. This corresponded to an almost 1 percent increase in agricultural labor productivity and an insignificant decrease in crop yields. Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers, soil conditioners, algaecides, and other agrochemicals are examples. Descriptive statistics such as percentages were used while ordered logit model was used to identify factors influencing farmers awareness level of health implications of agrochemical use. The multiple linear regression model was used to analyze how output is affected by level of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use. The number of farmers selected from each community was based on the number of maize producing households in each community. During storage they are most vulnerable to theft, vandalism, accidental or deliberate misuse or the effects of extreme weather conditions. 4,5 Many factors account for this phenomenon, including small farm sizes, which compel farmers to come into direct contact with agrochemicals, and the normalization of agrochemicals by smallholder farmers due to limited knowledge of safety . It is statistically significant at 1% and confirms the a priori expectation. Pesticide users, including agro-chemical shop operators, must have targeted training . Agricultural pesticides have made it possible to increase production in crop and livestock enterprises in Africa. A reality many people know exists, but one that is not getting enough attention and awareness. Prescription Drug Use and Misuse in the United States: Results from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health . For example, systemic toxins and Paris green (copper acetoarsenate). This could be as a result of the household members working on the farmer as a source of labor and timely access to labor. Effects on Soil. The awareness levels were ordered on a scale of 1 (049% score), 2 (5069% score), and 3 (above 70% score) indicating a low, medium, and high level of awareness which is also a measure of the intensity of awareness. %PDF-1.4 % startxref The country has for the past few years experienced continuous decline in GDP contribution from the sector, but it still remains the foundation on which the countrys economy rests. The significant differences in the cutoff points indicate that the three categories statistically and significantly differ and hence all the three categories should be included in the model. Click to explore. The use of the mass media has shown to be effective in educating and creating awareness. This implies that smallholder maize farmers are more aware of agrochemicals use risk than large-scale farmers holding other factors constant. The large-scale use of agrochemicals has raised environmental and human health concerns. We are at the forefront of the search for solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems, seeking to be a global force for positive change. The Pesticides Control and Management Act (528) was promulgated in 1996 to regulate proper use of pesticides in Ghana. Access to television and radio decreases the probability of a farmer being in the low level of awareness by 0.312 and increases the probability of a farmer being in moderate and high levels of awareness by 0.245 and 0.066, respectively. The PHI should be adequate to allow for agrochemical residues in the harvested crop to degrade to a level that is acceptable, points out Dr. Gunathilake. Agrochemicals are usually delivered to a store by the supplier or transported by the user. The world fertilizer nutrient (N+P 2 O 5 +K 2 O) consumption has increased from 162 million tonnes in 2008 and is projected to reach 201 million tonnes in 2018, at annual growth rate of 1.8 . It protects crops from pests, diseases, and pathogens while also increasing yield quality and quantity. In Ghana, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the regulatory body that oversees the use of recommended pesticides. Ejura-Sekyedumase District Assembly, District Information, From the theoretical ordered logit model, the empirical ordered logit model that was used to analyze the determinants of level of health implications of agrochemical use is given by. On average, the respondents have the moderate awareness level of health implications of agrochemical use (0.578). Plants may become spotted, curled or even die when exposed to a pesticide, often because wind has carried it from its intended area. Based on a statistics by statistica, In 2019, the agrochemical market worldwide was worth approximately $234.2billion. Mattah et al. 2, pp. 10801087, 2013. As the name suggests, the distribution of the logit model is logistic function whereas the probit model has a normal probability distribution. These factors result from the misuse of pesticides through the erroneous beliefs of farmers about pesticide toxicity, lack of attention to . 3, no. 2, 2014. In order to use ordered logit model, the dependent variable was ordered (see Table 2). The law regulates the use of agrochemicals so that they are without risk to people, livestock, wildlife and the environment. 35.40%, 32.74%, and 19.47% of respondents disposed of Agrochemical containers using Pit burial, Burn/Incinerate, and Indiscriminate methods, respectively, while 12.39% used ecological . Disclaimer, Office: B-300 Saraswati Vihar, Pitampura, New Delhi 110034, Copyright 2021 | Geeken Chemicals India Limited | All Rights Reserved. Make sure you have the correct pesticides for the job if youre planning to use one to manage weeds. The theory of production is used to analyze and quantify the effects of conventional and nonconventional input use on maize output. Chi-squared tests of the equality of the two cutoff points are rejected at values of 0.00 or less. Fungicides are toxic compounds or insecticides that kill or prevent fungus and their spores from growing. It is a confirmation of a research conducted by Gaber and Abdel-Latif [23] which opined that farmers who received school education had more knowledge about the negative effects of pesticides on health. 0000010900 00000 n They not only harm the entire batch right away, but they also have a long-term impact on the field. 0 The result shows that an increase in formal education by one year leads to an increase in maize output by 433kg (4.33 bags). It was also revealed that 31% of the farmers understand the labels after reading. I would recommend that the authors should conduct a thorough English language . Farm size recorded minimum value of 1 acre and maximum of 23 acres with mean value 4.909 acres. Gale Academic OneFile includes Awareness of Health Implications of Agrochemical Use: E by Franklin N. Mabe, Kwadwo Talabi, and Gi. 5. Bangladeshi poor and untrained farmers apply the agrochemicals massively for getting rapid and huge returns from their shared lands causing incurable risks for the ecosystem and human health. The environment may be affected, chemicals may pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. In the area of reuse of empty containers of agrochemicals, 53.2% said they dispose of them while 46.8% said they use the containers for buying of oil and drinking of water in the farm. The IDOA cannot help complainants recover damages. Farmers and homeowners must be licensed to apply restricted pesticides. K. A. Asante and J. W. Ntow, Status of environmental contamination in Ghana, the perspective of a research scientist, in Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry-Environmental Research in Asia, Y. Obayashi, T. Isobe, A. Subramanian, S. Suzuki, and S. Tanabe, Eds., pp. Take time to observe the surrounding area. M. Parhi, Diffusion of New Technology in Indian Auto Component Industry: An Examination of the Determinants of Adoption, Discussion Paper Series No. Over use of these chemicals have severe effects on environment that may lead to an immediate and long term effects. J. Ajah and J. N. Nmadu, Socio-economic factors influencing the output of small-scale maize farmers in Abuja, Nigeria, Journal of Social Science, vol. Even if a violation of the Illinois Pesticide Act cannot be substantiated, both the complainant and the alleged violator will be notified in writing of the complaint's status. The exposure of farmers to agrochemicals has short term and long term effects [8, 9]. Laary, J.K. (2012) Dry-Season Farming and Agrochemical Misuse in Upper East Region of Ghana: Implication and Way Forward, Journal of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, 5(1) About 68% of the farmers stated that they do not eat, drink, or smoke during chemical application and 32.5% admitted that they do. 17, 2016. Experience in agrochemicals use and farm size have a negative significant effect on farmers level of awareness of health implications of agrochemicals use. and fertilizers. A cost-benefit analysis conducted with a separate group of 26 plantain farmers identified several national markets and one export market for plantain production in the Indigenous Territories. The study aims to identify risks of agrochemicals that impact farmworkers, consumers, and ecology in Vietnamese mango cultivation to enhance safety and friendly production. But the new pesticides seemed rather safe, especially compared to the forms of arsenic that had killed people in the 1920s and 1930s 12. A. Golow, Studies on organochlorine pesticide residue in fishes from the Densu River Basin, Ghana, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol. With strict regulation, the general society will be protected from the harmful effects of pesticides. Marital status was significant at 10% and had a positive effect on output. Tips for Farmers. In this study, utility is defined as the satisfaction (equivalently measured as the benefit) a farmer derives from adhering to safety precautions and recommended dosage of agrochemicals. About 60 percent of those complaints involve drift. The face-to-face interviews were used due to its appropriateness in clarifying questions in the questionnaires. This means that there are certain socioeconomic and demographic factors that influence the farmers awareness level of health implications of agrochemical use. Agricultural Impact Mitigation Agreements, Safety and Health Assistance for Ag Employers, Commercial Pesticide Applicator/ Operator Training and Testing, Private Pesticide Applicator Training and Testing, Licensed Pesticide Operators /Applicators /Dealers Search, Aerial Pesticide Application Questions and Answers, Agrichemical Facilities Containment Program, Containment Requirements for "On-farm" Agrichemicals. Since the era of the Green Revolution, Agricultural production worldwide experienced much efficiency with a remarkable aim to eradicate threats of food insecurity. The study revealed that 85% of respondents who cultivated cash crops such as Cocoa and Rubber heavily relied on the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. Marginal effects of ordered logit model and the individual awareness levels. )$f$Ae2cy5}l9'&kc6Hx>r0~|O?/fn$`BVq#Z[_z_)M2z2~ 8,g5wGl|\qn;i4 &5i 7, article no. Antimycotics are another name for fungicides. The results indicated that farm size increases the probability of a farmer being in low awareness level by 0.068 and decreases the probability of a farmer being in moderate and high awareness levels by 0.051 and 0.017, respectively. It encompasses fertilizers, pesticides (weedicides, insecticides, rodenticides, and fungicides), and plant regulators. Last edited on 11 November 2022, at 11:17, Top six agrochemical firms grew steady in 2013, Agricultural chemicals market value worldwide in 2018 and 2019 with a forecast from 2020 to 2025, "Agricultural Chemical Usage - Chemical Distribution Rate - ID: t722h8817 - USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System",, This page was last edited on 11 November 2022, at 11:17. The conceptual reasoning is that farmers who have higher level of awareness about the health implications of agrochemical usage are likely to adhere to the recommended safety precautions. Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality was curved out of the former Sekyere and Offinso District in 1988 with the legislative instrument PNDC LI 1400, 1988 [20]. 59, no. Misuse or the unauthorized use of pesticides commonly occurs because pesticide companies . Africa's population, currently estimated at 1.3 billion people, is expected to double by 2050 (1), placing enormous pressure on African food production systems that are plagued by low productivity. Regarding the independent variables, we cannot say how representative our sample is in terms of the types of governance . Farmers response to indicators of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use. Farmers score indicating the extent of awareness is specified in the equation [2]where denotes the level of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use by th farmer. The main source of information on agrochemicals use was media and manuals. 0000009429 00000 n 2, pp. Farmers are highly motivated to using these strategies due to the emphasis placed by most agricultural development policies in Ghana which suggest the use of external inputs such as machinery and agrochemicals as the panacea to increasing food productivity. Many agrochemicals are toxic, and agrichemicals in bulk storage may pose significant environmental and/or health risks, particularly in the event of accidental spills. Although accidents and emergencies involving pesticides are rare, unfortunately they do occur. 1, 2009. Associated with increased and inappropriate use and handling of agrochemicals are environmental and health problems. The unsafe handling and use of agrochemicals can lead to accumulation of hazardous chemicals in the body, causing adverse effects on health. However, problems could arise through the indiscriminate use and in 1962 these were highlighted by Rachel Carson in her book Silent Spring 13. The study used awareness indicators to estimate an index representing farmers’ awareness levels of health . The Department's role in pesticide misuse incidents is limited to determining whether a violation has occurred. This is an open access article distributed under the, Therapeutant Fungicide: A chemotherapeutant is a fungicide capable of eliminating a fungus after it has caused infection and treating the plant. 0000002093 00000 n Pesticides Use in Ghana. Ordered logit regression model was used to identify factors that affect farmers level of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use. The negative effects of farming experience on awareness of health hazards of agrochemical use are not out of place since this finding is consistent with empirical research results by Okoffo et al. "In recent years, the Chinese government has made . 90, no. The active ingredients are typically viscous and have a high solid content. The study sought to identify factors that influence maize farmers awareness of health implications of agrochemicals use and its impact on maize output in Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality. Among the interventions this era saw to date were the use of fertilizers and pesticides in our day-to-day farming activity to boost yield and control pests/diseases. Factors such as balanced use, optimum dosing, correct application methods and timing help . Wettable powders, soluble concentrates, suspendable concentrates, emulsifiable concentrates, wettable dry granules, and soluble powders are all examples of insecticides. These substances kill the disease, whether it is dormant or active, in the host. The founders, who established Beyond Pesticides (originally as National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides . Significant penalties can result from misuse, including improper storage resulting in spillage. Molluscicides: Molluscicides are used to treat schistosomiasis and are a highly specialized field. It is, therefore, important to know the limiting factors to farmers awareness of health risks associated with agrochemical use. 115 0 obj<> endobj ? It suffocates crop growth by absorbing all minerals, water, and nutrients available to the plant. . Insecticides are chemicals that are used to kill, damage, repel, or control insects. The study recognizes that education is important for improving farmers awareness regarding health implications of agrochemicals use. 188230, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 2014. Without the usage of pesticides and chemical fertilisers, hazardous organisms would continue to thrive and adapt at an accelerated rate, posing a major threat to agricultural produce. The mean score of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use in the study area was 58% indicating a moderate level of awareness. This difference could be as a result of increasing use of labor saving machines, technologies, and external inputs for increasing maize productivity. Agrochemicals are the result of modern technology that depends on inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. Mode of action- The mode of action distinguishes physical poisons, nerve poisons, respiratory poisons, protoplasmic poisons, general poisons, and chitin inhibitors. To view EPA's new healthy lawn care practices video, visit: Healthy Lawncare Practices. Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers, soil conditioners, algaecides, and other agrochemicals are examples. Years of education are significant at 1% which agrees with the a priori expectation suggesting a positive effect on the farmers level of awareness of health implications of agrochemicals use. 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