astrology degree observations tumblr
I wish you nothing but the best and that you have made the best decision for yourself. Sun: Your degree here deals with your general life path, and how you express your personality. Please do not repost any of my posts on any other social media platform . This is because they are often attracted to partners who are eccentric and unconventional. 10th house just seems like so many people are turning against me. We can zone out at the grocery store thinking about something super dark or something dark that happened from the past and really get trapped in our own bubble there. So in essence, synastry tells us how two people make each other FEEL! Oh also they dislike the concept of mukbang, not really keen on crunching and chewing sounds. I also date with the intention to marry in the future, which I know is a little old-fashioned but I dont date just to date. Is it a benefic (Venus/Jupiter)? She had a natal Scorpio midheaven, which would explain why some people loved her intensely whilst others disliked her very strongly. Take princess Diana for example, she had a Libra midheaven and she is someone who most people still speak very highly of. This is especially true with Mars opposite Mars, Venus square Mars, and Mars square Mars. Id guess its because the majority of the time, a Leo rising will have fierce, loving, protective and loyal Scorpio in the 4th house of home, family, and the heart space. She has had one of the longest careers as well and is still the highest paid actress over age of 40 in Hollywood. All In all, I associate mercury retrogrades with rethinking mental processing, reading the fine print, and preparing for when mercury goes direct. Neptune also relates to pain. I believe that you need to look at both when assessing a relationship, but neither should be viewed as deterministic or set in stone. Uranus or Saturn in the 4th house of a solar return chart can indicate a house move that year. These people will often analyze situations compulsively, and they trigger their own nervous systems at times. Virgo MC might always feel like there is something lacking in their professional life. THE LIBRA DEGREES (7,19): Spouses or things related to your spouse Weddings (including wedding rings) Trials (Court) Justice system (This includes judges, lawyers, etc) Politicians Round shapes (This was interesting because remember that Nikola mentioned that the Aries degrees represent corners and angles. Couples who have significant 3H synastry are usually vocal with each other about sex. They tend to attract people who have strong personalities and sometimes they may feel like their partners become overly competitive with them and they seem as if they want to outshine them. Let me expand on this. The difference is that the astroseek calculator gives more weight to planets that are on the angles. Its important to note that mercury retrograde is a period in which you are being asked to go back and re-evaluate the area of life in which the retrograde is occurring in your chart. Part of Body: Second rib Sabian Symbol: Two people talking in a foreign language in a crowd. Remember that Neptune dissolves. Active person on my dash and the colors are always so lively. Side note, Ive also had Saturn transiting my ascendant! I'm a capricorn mercury and I hated the way a dude talked until I found out that he had a capricorn mercury but in 0 degree. disclaimer; these are all my own views/opinions that are likely to change and are based on my own interactions, understanding and experiences !! ARIES risings tend to embody this energy of being both slightly distant, slightly somewhere else, yet simultaneously very on edge and physically responsive to their surroundings. I also am very motivated at the gym, Ill workout for 2+ hours just to prove how strong I am to myself and others. She may have really loved the limelight, and being noticed by others. I wish you nothing but the best and that you have made the best decision for yourself. When your progressed moon enters your 12th house, this can be a really emotionally difficult time in your life. Exes often come back as this is a time of re-thinking and going back to re-evaluate how we have behaved and communicated. If youre a woman and you have harsh Venus-Pluto aspects (square,opposition and sometimes the conjunction) you may find that other women can be very envious of you. mercury represents twins (this is bc geminis ruled by mercury and the gemini symbol is twins) people with uranus in retrograde most likely have been electrocuted by something. Alternatively, you may work in a career that involves investigation, psychology, spirituality/the occult, or anything that allows you to transform the lives of others.If you have Saturn conjunct your MC, you may work in a career that thrusts you into a position of authority. As in, they either thought I was a lot better than I actually am or a lot worse. I will still be doing paid chart readings for the next 3 weeks before I close them indefinitely link is in my bio , Please do not repost any of my content on other social media platforms, even if you credit me . Ive also noticed that they need a lot of reassurance from those around them, as they sometimes truly feel as if their thoughts are driving them insane. I also like to be charmed and I like fairness in a relationship. Also you might be impulsive when it comes to expressing your feelings and emotions.. They also made progress very slow when it came to work, and just moving ahead in life. One thing that is so important when it comes to assessing how your Jupiter return will affect you, is by looking at where Jupiter is placed in your chart, and the aspects it makes. As in, you take pride in other people knowing that you are associated with them. An Aquarius Rising in a composite chart can indicate two people who met online, or met through mutual friends. (Please note that there are so many other careers/professions that you can have with this placement, I just listed a few off of the top of my head). I really liked your astrology posts. 23: This is the degree thats used more for divorce, now I will say that Ive seen this degree in the charts of divorced people. Other astrologers has found that it can signal destruction, i.e. Theres also insecurities related to their ability to attract romantic partners with this placement. Nobody knew we were seeing each other, and we had been on and off -on the low for years. Ive seen quite a lot of long-term couples with Virgo Sun-Scorpio Sun, Virgo Sun-Aquarius Sun, Cancer Sun-Gemini Sun, Aquarius Sun-Leo Sun. I also like to use communication in a creative way, i.e. So for me, my Pluto is in the 10 in the 1st house at 7. So again, be skeptical with this one. They have this idea that you have to stick with your partner through love and sickness, illness. My ego & old-self went through a huge transformation, and from that, I was reborn. Their careers or impact tends to span over many years, even in careers that are known to have a relatively short shelf-life. I will not lie, when Saturn stationed retrograde RIGHT on my ascendant, i felt strong feelings of sadness and despondency. Also, I use these darker aspects of life in my creative hobbies such as writing and drawing (19). 3)Planets/Asteroids: Characters/Archetypes of an area of life. 7: Can indicate affairs while married if it is on the 5th house cusp. If breaking generational curses was a placement, Id honestly argue that it would be having your Chiron in Scorpio. They are comfortable saying controversial things and speaking up about their opinions partially for this reason- if they already have the social and emotional awareness to know how people will react to their behaviour, they dont have to be afraid of anything that comes their way as far as backlash goes because they already anticipated it! So thats the end of my post on my observations about the Rising signs Subscribe to my YT Channel for videos on Astrology :), In terms of familial synastry, you may very well have one of your big three signs (sun,moon, ascendant) being the same sign that is on the 5th house cusp of one of your parents charts! People cheat because they want to cheat. Alternatively, it could mean that you were raised in a very religious home. This is just a random compilation of Astrology Observations & Tips , Originally posted by untouchable-stardust, Please do NOT repost any of my work on any other social media platform . The degree of yours Mars shows who you may either hate / attracted to to an immense level & also who you may argue with a lot. However, with 7th house synastry accompanying it, I actually took the people I had 7th and 5th house synastry with quite seriously. By well aspected, I mean their moon makes trines, and sextile to my planets. This would be more in extreme circumstances though. If you are wanting to attract a new romantic partner or even new friends. Always with earthy, rich purpose. However, when angry, I still try my best to be diplomatic and work things out. If you have the ruler of your 10th house, placed in your 7th house, you may be drawn to careers that require you to have a business partner, or business partners. Sun is exalted in Aries (in Vedic astrology), so everything shines through. For example, a couple who both have similar mental health problems, or a couple who are both recovering from addiction etc this couple needs to be careful of the potential tendency to enable each others bad habits or delusions. With this being in the 8th house at 10 I could likely use this ability through dealing with the deeper/darker aspects of life furthermore in a potential career. They might have their first child when they are already very mature and accomplished everything they want in their career. You are always aware of what other people are doing in your space. -Approach/Expression: Bold, confident, blunt, warrior, confrontational . Uranus in the 3rd individuals have such a unique way of thinking, and they're also very funny as well. Please do not repost any of my work on any other social media platform , I also want to say that astrology should not be used to scare, or discourage anyone. I will not say what, as this is not meant to fearmonger, its meant to provide an honest account of my *personal* transit experiences. They just completely move on. Sagittarius Venus & Mars individuals are very experimental when it comes to sex. Maybe they might even have red hair or dye their hair red LMAO. A solar return year in which you have your solar return ascendant in the same sign as your natal 7th house, could be a year in which you are focusing on your intimate relationships . In that case, its likely that you have Saturn on one of the angles. Do with this information what you will. I fought with my parents a lot, and I dealt with my fair share of bullying (technically ab*se in a way). 3=People who have their personal planets or prominent placements (like angular houses or when two strong planets form a conjunction) at 3, you were born to be a journalist/ teacher/ writer/editor or work in media in general (same for 15/27) Fame at the local degree! Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1 3=People who have their personal planets or prominent placements (like angular houses or when two strong planets form a conjunction) at 3, you were born to be a journalist/ teacher/ writer/editor or work in media in general (same for 15/27) You are free to do and decide whatever you want. I havent posted in a while as I do have a full time job. They dont have to get emotional to do this, and dont have this inner fire to pursue deep thinking like Scorpio Sun would, they just do immediately and instinctively and it can be very crazy making for us. Cancer over the 8th house: your family (especially the mother) and relatives will react strongly to your death. This way, it could be more clear to both sides how things are based on these feelings. However, they are not these scary and life altering occurrences that people like to make them out to be. Definitely the type to kiss a lot of people without ever developing feelings. Mercury:Your degree here shows what you think a lot about, what you like to learn, and how you communicate as well. They just divorce or move on like you never exsisted. People who have their natal moon or mercury square Uranus often struggle when it comes to overthinking/experiencing intrusive thoughts. They ask a lot of questions due to sidereal Gemini Sun. you can post it but give me credits <3 english isn't my first language so I'm sorry for grammatical errors! I either become absorbed by my routines or I just struggle with developing one at all. I will say most professional astrologers prefer to use to pull up charts/get information. However, Ive also found that Uranus in the 4th house can also predict a sudden death. Sad to hear about your announcement. In Astrocartography, you can feel really at home in the locations in which your Moon/DC line runs through. They are not tolerant or not just forgive and forget this mistake, so they are unlikely to stay married. Again, these are just my opinions! You probably also have one of the outer planets in Capricorn. If you have the Sun conjunct your MC, your career may appeal to males, or male figures are likely to play a key role in your career success. -not an astro observation but i need a sugar daddy hehe jk; -libra risings are attracted to those with dark hair/skin/humour/eyes; -cancer moons always think about improving their loved ones lifes; -jupiter/moon transits indicates moving out Let me get to the point >>>>> In astrology, 1 degree is Aries, so is 13 and 25, but let's take a closer look at these numbers. So if THEY are still feeling it, they will come back around several times. Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1. Sometimes its difficult for people to seek contact with each other because they can feel intimidated by others. Observations about the rising signs from the eyes of a Scorpio Rising watching you all from the corner with x-ray vision O_o jk xD ARIES risings tend to embody this energy of being both slightly distant, slightly somewhere else, yet simultaneously very on edge and physically responsive to their surroundings. For example lets say you have your rising sign in Aquarius , one or both of your parents may have their IC, descendent, or midheaven in Aquarius! They may not always intend to deliberately deceive the other, and its possible that they may at times think that they are protecting the other by withholding certain information. Alternatively, you may have a personal planet that is the same as the sign that is on the 5th house of your parents composite chart! You must also pay attention the the planet that is your chart ruler. Also, Pisces Moon likely didnt go to the kindergarten. The New Moon occurred on the 20th in the sign of Pisces, and the First Quarter Moon will occur tomorrow. The conjunction specifically! Similarly, Jupiter transiting the 5th house of a composite chart can show a time where the couple are expecting a child, or planning to have one. You have Aquarius over the 3rd house and your father is Aquarius Rising. They may also be drawn to partners who have distinct Aquarian traits. I noticed not just that they enjoy pain, but Aquarius Venus will fall in love when they allow themselves to fall in love and no sooner. They will do thenormal stuff like go to school/work, do normal every day stuff but theyll often not fully divulge whats going on emotionally (which is why to me it makes sense that Sagittarius becomes Scorpio in most cases in Vedic). Talking about mental health/mental illness is always a very controversial topic in the Astro community. They can be very picky about aesthetics especially! Neptune in the 5th/2nd/7th/8th might think that love is connected with certain amount of pain. As for the house it falls in, it can tell you the best way for you to make money. However, this does NOT mean that youll get those illnesses and that theyll be rare or extreme in anyway. ? - I feel really insecure when I want to reach out to you. - You intimidate me.a whole damn lot. - I wish I could be your friend but to me, you are so hard to reach out to. - I am so incredibly intimidated by you, it even makes me a little anxious sometimes. - OH MY GOD DONT EAT ME PLEASE, Hello can i check out your Pinterest board? This of course makes a lot of sense because I plan to become a psychologist. reblog. These individuals have been exposed to extreme circumstances, and they likely will go through many cycles of death & Rebirth in their lives! This is especially true if you have planets such as the Sun, Moon, Jupiter/Neptune (ruler of Ascendant) in your Solar return 5th house. Personally, I know people with this degree, and theyve never shown an indication that they would do something like that. I often misinterpreted what they were saying or honestly just did not understand what message they were trying to get across. If you have Jupiter conjunct the MC, you may work as a spiritual teacher, or an academic teacher. What does your secret admirer think about you , , The difference between Praying, Manifesting and Meditating. People who have Uranus in the 7th may have a tendency to attract relationships that are unpredictable, and have an on-and-off again dynamic to them. *** If you get paranoid easily, be careful reading this because it discusses some dark stuff. Also, its important to note that relationships that end during a mercury retrograde are not likely to stay broken up. Disclaimer: degrees just add a value, a sign's energy to a planet, but are not to be considered as a second sign to that placement. Your already existent talents are shown by 2nd house. Pisces Mars loooves playing sports on sand. 0: Purest form of the sign, i.e. I feel like I always just let others tell me what to do, and I tend to rely on what my parents tell me to do instead of just being the leader of my own life. Its not that Western placements are untrue, but my theory is that Western is showing us the physical world since it is showing us the sky as it is from Earth, but Vedic is showing us the non-physical. Essentially, if your Sun is in a different zodiac degree than your zodiac sign, it wouldnt make you like that sign, it would give you themes regarding that zodiac sign, like I stated with my own example. Also I love to read, and since Gemini refers todouble, I am double jointed LMAO. I feel like a lot of people forget that cancers (sun,moon & risings) are a cardinal sign. Other than this, there can be an ethereal and self-sacrificing love that exists between the two. scandalous. Disclaimer (2): these descriptions are entirely taken from "Llewellyn Complete Book of Astrology" by Kris Brandt Riske M.A. I found that there was a lot of underlying animosity and behind the scenes betrayal going on. In synastry, North Node connections are often intended to teach us important life lessons. Astrology tells us about our inner workings, and the factors that have shaped our characters, and our lives. BPD & substance dependency/abuse are arguably the most common ones Ive seen with this placement. I've found that they account for attractions that are not visible in the synastry between two people. You may also see Saturn sextile Ascendant or Venus trine Saturn synastry aspects in some of your long-term friendships! So for me, my Mercury being in the 19 means that Im very good at mediating arguments and disputes, which is very true. A few months ago, I created a post about transits where I spoke about the significance of mercury retrogrades. They arent all over the place trying to travel and try new things and be cray like the stereotype of Sagittarius, but they are wanting to try new things in a very sophisticated and planned out way. Alternatively, you may be required to travel abroad for work, or you may be a pastor/priest. Lastly, if you have Uranus conjunct your MC, you may work as a philanthropist, social reformer, or work with technology in some way. Please see my recent reblogged post for a few reviews, and click the link in my bio if you are interested . Aries is of the cardinal modality and fire element in astrology. For me, I like to write, poetry is one of my favorite genres to write. However, Ive seen this placement in a Solar Return chart as having something significant happen. He has Saturn in the 10th, and he has been playing football for a little over 20 years. But they force you to re-examine and re-visit your traumas so that you may move forward. Capricorn North Nodes people are often considered older first-time parents. Or is it a malefic (mars/Saturn)? When the moon transits your 12th house, you may feel very introspective over those 2.5 days (give or take) You may even experience feelings of sadness and isolation during this transit. As mentioned above, my chart readings (paid) are open! Observations about the rising signs from the eyes of a Scorpio Rising watching you all from the corner with x-ray vision O_o jk xD. Getting married and having to share your assets with your spouse etc.. Sometimes it could just mean that these two enjoy traveling together, and other people see them as a very open-minded and free-spirited couple. Dont underestimate or forget that 3rd house sign and placements also indicate your ORIGIN, not just 4th house. Astrologically speaking, Mercury is never more than one sign away from the Sun since it never travels more than 28 degrees from the Sun. It can go either way. Definitely relating to how Pisces will often become Aquarius in Vedic. However, since mercury rules over communication and transport. In a composite chart, a Pisces Rising can show a very creative and spiritual couple. However, his Venus falls into her 4th house, which may explain her desire to build a family/stable home with him. Thats why family understands you better than other people you encounter in your life. Your work will likely involve religion/spirituality, traveling, learning & teaching. In regards to my anger, Im very dramatic when Im angry LMFAO. I actually think its quite similar to having someones moon falling in your 12th. A lot of the poetry I write, has been centered around my experiences in love (the 7th house and the 7 degree). Astrology observations, insights, thought-provoking question. They may feel as if the Sun person wants things to be done their way, with little to no consideration for their feelings (the moon persons feelings). However, Ive seen these relationships play out Im ways where both people are very hurt/drained by the relationship. If you had both parents, your mothers influence and role in the household was the more prominent energy. Id imagine that the Geminis in question would be Rohini Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, which is described by astrologers asbabylike and wanting to experience bliss all the time much like babies do. Its a very small, but significant epiphany. TW: Ab*se, s*x, su*cide, m*rder, mentions of d*ath. For example, if you're a Scorpio, your Mercury sign is . Hmm, maybe I have, people who have Venus/Pluto aspects also attract intense energy from others. I must also add that I had saturn squaring my sun, moon, & mercury at the same time that pluto was squaring my Sun & Mercury. Mars: Your degree here shows your motivations and where theyre centered as well as how you are when youre angry. I also used to be very athletic, I would play a bunch of different sports. Neither is the composite. They will come back like you just broke up yesterday. I wish it wasnt that way, because you seem cool. - I admire you from the sidelines because you seem cool and Im just a dork. - Senpai, notice me??? Like actor Adrien Brody, who starred in Roman Polanskis movie The Pianist (2002). I also daydream about becoming well-known for whatever field I decide to go into. I find that every time I go out when these transits are occurring I seem to attract a lot of POSITIVE attention. Scorpio and Libra, on the other hand, are known for deception and putting up a facade. They will ALWAYS affect people who have Virgo and Gemini placements since they are ruled by mercury. However, if the Neptune receives squares and oppositions, this could indicate deceptive, or dishonest communication between the two, this is especially true if it is mercury that is squaring the Neptune. Ive struggled a lot with expressing myself and communicating. 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