data driven pages arcgis
A string that defines whether picture markers and picture fills will be converted to vector or rasterized on output. The default is the first field using the string "PageNumber" in the field name. You may also want gaps in the page numbering to allow for inserted pages. You do not have to use the default. It would be unnecessary to have to do everything in arcpy.mapping just because of such a simple, custom requirement. I hope you have as much fun with the map template and Data Driven Pages as I did! This templates shows you how Data Driven Pages can be used to automatically update map elements, such as the bar scale, scale text and page number, and text, such as the title or page number, as the pages change. They are commonly used for distributing documents on the Web and are becoming a standard interchange format for content delivery. Dynamic text elements include page name, number and count, as well as labels identifying neighboring pages. for pageNum in range (1, mxd.dataDrivenPages.pageCount + 1): Data Driven Pages gives you the ability to generate a set of output pages by taking a single layout and iterating over a set of map extents. These steps assume that you already have an index layer with all the needed fields for customizing the pages. Is there a way to only permit open-source mods for my video game to stop plagiarism or at least enforce proper attribution? If the value in this field is null, incomplete, or otherwise unusable, Data Driven Pages ignore the field and apply the last spatial reference used to the current page. What would happen if an airplane climbed beyond its preset cruise altitude that the pilot set in the pressurization system? These include short integer, long integer, and text. Adjust grid cells for desired overlap (strips that show on adjacent pages). This list includes fields from a table joined to the index layer. A number that controls compression quality value when image_compression is set to ADAPTIVE or JPEG. Returns a reference to the index layer in a Data Driven Pages enabled map document. It is too large to store in a shapefile. It then extracts the value from a field in the index layer called TRS. You are not confined to using only polygon layers as the index layer. The first page of the series, or page 1, is determined based on the values of this field and whether the sort is in ascending order or not. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. See the following help topic: Is there a template I can use to learn more? If your two data frames on each page have different extents then I don't think you can do this with only DDP. Many of the Data Driven Pages properties and methods use an internal index value rather than the literal names of the pages used to create the index layer. 4: Determining the Optimal Keymap Position:The map template shows each legislative district for Massachusetts on a different page. production; it extends the capabilities of Data Driven Pages and is
Use the drop-down list to select an appropriate field containing the data you want to use to determine scale. A map series is a collection of pages (also known as map sheets) built from a single layout in which each page shows a particular map extent. They are. It next parses the values, strips away leading zeros, reconstructs the text element title string, and sends the results to a printer. Through the Definition tab, you can select the index layer that drives the geographic extent for each page. This list includes fields from a table joined to the index layer. The DataDrivenPages class only has a single exportToPDF method but that does not mean other export files can't be created. It may not be obvious which index value represents a specific page. It is not valid when a page number field has been specified. I first designed the layout so that the keymap was placed in the top left corner of each page. Refer to the Exporting your map topic in ArcGIS for Desktop Help for more detailed discussions on exporting maps. There is no default spatial reference. One of my goals when I was creating the template was to showcase Data Driven Pages and to help you become more familiar with their use. A percentage value of 100 percent places the closest point of the index feature adjacent to the edge of the data frame. #example values from a field called TSR are "080102", "031400", '"PageNumber" >= 1 AND "PageNumber" <= 10', exportToPDF (out_pdf, {page_range_type}, {page_range_string}, {multiple_files}, {resolution}, {image_quality}, {colorspace}, {compress_vectors}, {image_compression}, {picture_symbol}, {convert_markers}, {embed_fonts}, {layers_attributes}, {georef_info}, {jpeg_compression_quality}, {show_selection_symbology}), printPages ({printer_name}, {page_range_type}, {page_range_string}, {out_print_file}, {show_selection_symbology}). Add this new layer to your map document and use it as the index layer for the Data Driven Pages. This layer contains features that define the extent of the main data frame for each page in the series. Returns a reference to the index layer in a Data Driven Pages enabled map document. Or, you can apply the formatting tag Page