lithosols soil in ethiopia
0 The mean soil loss rate (2.2 ton/ha/year) of Dijo watershed has been classified into three soil erosion severity classes based on the classification of WBISPP (2011) for effective watershed management planning. Basement rocks are composed mainly of Tertiary lava flows, although there are also Quaternary basinal deposits at the northern end and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits on the northern coast of Somaliland. /FirstChar 32 J Environ Manag 83(4):448459, Assefa TT, Jha MK, Tilahun SA, Yetbarek E, Adem AA, Wale A (2015) Identificationof erosionhotspotareausingGISand MCE techniquefor kogawatershedin the UpperBlueNileBasin,Ethiopia. 8 0 obj Ethiopia can be divided into four rainfall regimes. ., Setegn SG, Yohannes F, Quraishi S, Chowdary VM, Mal BC (2009) Impact of land use/land cover transformations on Alemaya Lake, Ethiopia. Planosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Planosols having more than 6 percent sodium in the exchange complex of the slowly permeable horizon, Other Planosols having a mollic A horizon or a eutric histic H horizon, Other Planosols having an umbric A horizon or a dystric histic H horizon, Other Planosols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the slowly permeable horizon within 125 cm of the surface. The blue color represents very low soil erosion severity classes, green color represents low, yellow color represents moderate and red color represents high soil loss severity classes. erosion. It shows wide . (2019), who reported that the LS factor for karessa watershed Dawuro zone, south west Ethiopia ranges from 0 in flat areas to 154.6 steeper and longer slope area of the watershed. Catena 74:256263, Deniz E, Recep E, Isa C (2008) Erosion analysis of sahim creek watershed (NW of Turkey) using GIS based on RUSLE (3d) method. U.S.Departmentof AgricultureHandbookNo. After analyzing all model parameters, areas in steeper slope with Lithosols, Eutric Nitosols, Orthic Luvisols, croplands, bare lands and river banks have been identified as the most erosion vulnerable areas. Soil acidity is the problem of agricultural activities in Ethiopian highlands (cultivated lands). This implies that there was spatial variability of soil loss in sub-watersheds (Table10). This erosion has been observed at northern parts of the watersheds (Alicho wuriro. Simien Mountains National Park, home to several endangered species, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1978. Lithosols, Cambisols, Nitosols, Vertisols, Xerosols, Solonchaks, Fluvisols and Luvisols cover more than 80% of the country . East. pp 2762. World Geomorphological Landscapes. Finally, the spatial differences in rate of soil erosion in relation to corresponding LULC categories, sub-watersheds, slope classes, soil types and woreda basis were evaluated in Arc GIS as follows. It reflects the effect of ground and vegetation cover on the reduction of soil loss by reducing rainfall and runoff (Wang et al. [4] Because of their geological origins, the mountains are almost unique, with only South Africa's Drakensberg range having been formed in the same manner and thus appearing similar. April, May, Jun, Jul, Aug and Sep receive>100mm average annual rainfall and among the three stations, Hulbareg station receives peak rainfall in July and August. Because Ethiopia is located in the tropical latitudes, its areas of lower elevation experience climatic conditions typical of tropical savanna or desert. Policy aim at keeping land productivity will need to focus to reduce low and moderate soil erosion through terracing, inter-cropping, contour farming, strip cropping, conservation tillage, mulching and biological stabilizers based on their slope range, soil type and land use type. 0000025719 00000 n Other Yermosols having an argillic B horizon; a calcic or gypsic horizon may underlie the B horizon, Other Yermosols having a gypsic horizon within 125 cm of the surface, Other Yermosols having a calcic horizon within 125 cm of the surface. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Reference Soil Group of the Leptosols accommodates very shallow soils over hard rock or highly calcareous material, but also deeper soils that are extremely gravelly and/or stony. The USLE model does no account Gully erosion in the watershed. The lowest soil erosion on Molic Andosols could be due to their good aggregate stability and high permeability to water which make these soils resistanttowater erosion. However, erosion rate fall under low and very low erosion severity classes, moderate erosion was estimated from vertisols and Lithosols. Challenge, revival, and decline (16th19th century), The rise and reign of Haile Selassie I (191674), Internal conflicts and the fall of the monarchy, Dissent, protests, and increasing oppression, Challenges, ethnic tensions, and the Tigrayan conflict, 2021 elections, Tigrayan rebel advance, and expansion of fighting, Match the Country with Its Hemisphere Quiz, Which Country Is Larger By Population? << Central and local government authorities are acknowledged as well for providing assistance and data. (2008), the original model result due to erosion of cultivated fields in Ethiopia under standard condition was 42 ton/ha/year. The result is consistent with the finding of Bekele et al. LITHOSOLS (I) Other soils which are limited in depth by continuous coherent and hard rock within 10 cm of the surface., DOI: Other grazing animals include beira, dorcas gazelle, Soemmerring's Gazelle, gerenuk and the beisa oryx (Oryx beisa). Because of moisture deficiency and coarse texture, they lack potential for rain-fed agriculture. The mean annual soil losses of Dijo watershed range from 0 in the flat slope to 38.09 ton/ha/year from steep slope areas with the annual average soil loss rate of 2.2 ton/ha/year. The data had been The major crops grown in the watershed are wheat, barely, bean, potato, pea, sorghum, maize (EMLWR, 2010). Alison J. Eagle, Lydia P. Olander, in Advances in Agronomy, 2012 7.4 Wetland restoration. Greyzems showing hydromorphic properties within 5 cm of the surface. Ferrasols having plinthite within 125 cm of the surface, Other Ferralsols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within 100 cm of the surface; having an umbric A horizon or a high organic matter content in the B horizon, or both, Other Ferralsols having a cation exchange capacity (from NH4C1) of 1.5 me or less per 100 g of clay in at least some part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface, Other Ferralsols having a red to dusky red B horizon (rubbed soil has hues redder than 5YR with a moist value of less than 4 and a dry value not more than one unit higher than the moist value), Other Ferralsols having a yellow to pale yellow B horizon (rubbed soil has hues of 7.5YR or yellower with a moist value of 4 or more and a moist . The annual mean soil loss rate for each woreda was estimated and each woreda erosion severities were compared with the tolerable soil loss limit. The highest soil loss in vertisols could be due to their low infiltration rates when wet and relatively higherodibility. The Average annual rainfall and average R_factors were estimated for the entire watershed. Podzoluvisols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface, Other Podzoluvisols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface. 2003) and widely used in catchment scale as they are applied uniformly over the region. The volcano is believed to have spread over more than 5000m2 and resulted in a thick sequence of basaltic lava some 3,000-3,500m thick that was deposited on Precambrian crystalline basement. /AvgWidth 441 64 years mean annual rainfall data for estimating . /ItalicAngle -12 Vol: 200(703), p 384, Ritchie JC, Nearing MA, Ritchie CA (2003) Patterns of soil erosion and redeposition on lucky hills watershed, walnut gulch experimental watershed, Arizona. Soil pH was measured in 1:2.5 soil liquid ratio where the liquids were water and 1 M KCl solution. It measures the combined effect of all the interrelated cover and management variables on soil erosion (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). 6 0 obj The major soil type of the study area is dominated by Molic andosols which have excellent water-holding and nutrient capacity. Using the empirical equations, the sediment yield at the watershed outlet was calculated as follows. Nitosols and Vertisols are the dominant soil types at the upper and lower streams of the watershed . 0000000016 00000 n Mount Res Dev 27(2):162168, Dessie G, Erkossa T (2011) Eucalyptus in East Africa. /ItalicAngle 0 The coldest temperatures generally occur in December or January (bega) and the hottest in March, April, or May (belg). Protected areas include Yangudi Rassa National Park and Mille-Serdo Wildlife Reserve in Ethiopia, Nakfa Wildlife Reserve in Eritrea, and the Djallo and Assamo terrestrial protected areas in Djibouti. Nitosols develop on gently sloping ground. However, moderate soil erosion in the upper parts of the watershed could be due to the inherent characteristics of vertisols, lack of vegetation cover and terraces which should be given first priority for conservation interventions. Livistona carinensis. 556 556 556 556 333 500 278 556 500 722 500 500 500 0 0 0 The research finding of Donker and Damen (1984), supports our finding as the erosive force of run-off increases with both slope steepness and distance down slope, implying that the erosive force can be expected to be at maximum at the lowest part of the steepest slope section. (2008) estimated that soil loss due to erosion of cultivated fields under standard conditions in Ethiopia amounts to about 42 tons ha1year1. Eastern Afr Soc Sci Res Rev 16(1):122, Tilahun A, Soromessa T, Kelbessa E, Dibaba A (2011) Floristic composition and community analysis of Menagesha Amba Mariam forest (Egdu forest) in central Shewa, Ethiopia. Soil erosion is the main drivers in the world and Ethiopia in particular. << Hawassa, Ethiopia, Wischmeier W, Smith D (1965) Predictingrainfall erosionlossesfrom CroplandEastof theRockyMountains:guidefor selectionof practicesfor soiland waterconservation. Environ Manag 50:679694. Whereas, the rest one sub-watershed B falls under Moderate classes (510 ton/ha/year)., Cerd A, Doerr SH (2008) The effect of ash and needle cover on surface runoff and erosion in the immediate post-fire period. 0000017283 00000 n In: Brahimo AK, Vlek PL (eds) Land use and soil resources. 722 778 667 0 722 667 611 0 667 944 0 667 0 0 0 0 The countrys main geomorphological landscapes regions are identified as follows: (1) the northern highlands, including (i) the volcanic plug belt of Adwa, (ii) the central highlands and (iii) the southwestern highlands; (2) the Rift Valley, which consists of three main portions, namely the northern, central, and southern trunks and the Afar and Danakil depressions; (3) the southern plateau, which consists of a northern and southern sector and includes also the Ogaden tableland gently descending to Somalia and the Indian Ocean. Local traditions say the trees contain evil spirits, which have been cast out of human beings, and are harmless when not disturbed, however, when a tree is cut, the spirits enter a person out of vengeance, but in general not to those who cut them down. [2] Climate[edit] Therefore, the soil erosion could be reduced if the current land use land cover scenario is considered. Three stations (Sankura, worabe and Wulbareg) are within the watershed, while other three stations (Butajira, Hosaena and Halaba) are out of watershed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Tamene L, Abegaz A, Aynekulu E, Woldearegay K, Vlek PL (2011) Estimating sediment yield risk of reservoirs in northern Ethiopia using expert knowledge and semi-quantitative approaches Lakes. In: Proceedings of 4th international conference on soil conservation, Maracay, Venezuela, 39 November, pp 654674, Hurni H (1993)Land degradation,faminesandresource scenariosin Ethiopia. The use of models depends on the availability or adequacy of input data. Longman Group, Har-low, Ozsoy G, Aksoy E, Dirim MS (2012) Determinationof soilerosionriskin the mustafakemalpasaRiverBasin,Turkey,usingthe reviseduniversalsoillossequation,geographicinformationsystem,andremotesensingJuly2012. Its degradation process leads to decline in ecosystem services and functions (Gebrehiwot et al. volume7,pages 273291 (2021)Cite this article. slopes are often steep, and lithosols (shallow soils consisting of imperfectly weathered rock fragments) abound, accounting for another 10 percent of the continents surface. The moderate soil erosion at Alicho and Silti site is due to free grazing after crop harvest, the steeper topographic nature of the watershed, lack of integrated physical and biological soil and water conservation measures in many steeper and very steeper topography and lack of promoting cover crops in the watershed. catchments. A special thank to Ernesto Abbate, Mario Sagri and Milvio Fazzuoli that introduced me to the beauties of the Horn of Africa geology and geomorphology, to Giovanni Ferrari for his inspiring views and, finally, to Fabrizio Vannacci that faithfully assisted me with his laboratory, field and human skills in such a long endeavor. Springer, The Netherlands, pp 73100, Tefera MM (2011) Land-use/land-cover dynamics in Nonno district, central Ethiopia. Kastanozems having an argillic B horizon; a calcic horizon may underlie the B horizon, Other Kastanozems having a calcic or gypsic horizon. /BaseFont /Arial-ItalicMT The rainfall is uni-modal type with one long rainy season. Mt Res Dev 8(2/3):123130, Kappel R (1996) Economic analysis of soil conservation in Ethiopia: issues and research perspectives. trailer endobj None of these Soil Groups had further subdivisions. Summer rainfall is received by the Eastern Highlands and by the northern portion of the Western Highlands; annual precipitation there may amount to 55 inches (1,400 mm). 0000003057 00000 n Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: D Agriculture and Veterinary Volume 20 Issue 5 Version 1.0 Year 2020 Types: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Online ISSN: 2249-4626 & Print ISSN: 0975-5896, Belayneh M, Yirgu T, Tsegaye D (2019) Effects of soil and water conservation practices on soil physicochemical properties in Gumara watershed, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. [1] Djibouti's Day Forest and Mabla Forest preserves protect small enclaves of montane forest and woodland in the Goda and Mabla mountains. /XHeight 519 Solonetz showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface. The mean slope length and steepness factor of the study area is 0.56 with standard deviation of 0.50 and maximum and minimum values of 78.48 and 0, respectively (Fig. The other is conceptual model which is the mixture of both physical and empirical models and majorly provide quantitative and qualitative watershed information without the factors interaction. The Eastern Lowlands get rain twice a year, in AprilMay and OctoberNovember, with two dry periods in between. Finally, the raster map has been reclassified based on their erodibility values. Nitosols and Lithosols [16]. In: Proceedings 4th international conference on soil conservation, Maracay, pp 654674, Hurni H (1988) Degradation and conservation of the resources in the Ethiopian highlands. Botany 2000: East and Central Africa NAPRECA monograph series no. World and Ethiopia in particular have excellent water-holding and nutrient capacity Molic andosols which have water-holding... 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