Choco-Moo Behind the Scenes
Here’s a quick behind the scenes look at how we created our latest animated advert for Choco-moo chocolate milk drink. Click ‘Choco-moo!‘ to check out the video.
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[tw-column width=”one-half” position=”last”]LH Auto-Rig was used to create the skeleton for Lily. Stretchy limbs were added for extended functionality and flexibility for the character. [/tw-column]
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The 3D environment lighting setup was kept relatively simple for ease of control. Vray Lights were created for a smooth workflow with the Vray renderer. A series of Vray render elements were added to the render output for a high level of control of the scene in post. An Ambient Occlusion pass was also generated as seen above to compliment the final look of the scene adding definition and depth to the final composite.
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[tw-column width=”one-half” position=”last”]Hair farm is our main hair solution at JTX. The hair layering system within Hair farm is robust and intuitive. Hair dynamics were simulated per scene to produce some secondary action on the hairstrands. Hair farm allowed fast simulation times which were essential for fitting in to our pipeline. [/tw-column]