anthony salvatore luciano raimondi
You can hang out with them, but don't become like them, but it sounds like your uncles eventually convinced your dad like, "Look, he's going to get in worse trouble if we're not around, because ". So you're his guy. I went in. It was melting the snow. Oh, they were happy with me, man. Anthony Raimondi: [00:07:12] No. They didn't do a damn thing, or the cousin is hanging out with somebody. So he said, "Just keep on running the business.". Can I help you? That's his boss in New York. Jordan Harbinger: [00:12:10] You had your uncles, they had their, I guess, fake jobs that they were loansharking, working for the Black Hand or the mafia. He smuggled China white heroin into the city in the 80s. Guys came for me, put the cuffs on me. Jordan Harbinger: [00:10:44] That's funny. Anthony lifts the lid on his fathers family background, how the business operated before he was born into this world and the special nickname his father was given. THERE ARE PROVISIONS BELOW CONSTITUTING A WAIVER OF CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS. So somebody went to talk to them. So I was going in, I got, my cousin was going to go away for a case that he had, I'd be back ahead of him. He goes, "This is Vatican City. Don't worry about him. There's no charge on that. "The guy went to hurt me. So I come home one day and my mother says, "What's that on the back of your shirt." He goes, "What's in the bag?" I don't know who this guy is." Now, my father, as far as I knew, he was a longshoreman. That's what the Vatican's worth. Jordan Harbinger: [00:28:15] Did you ever see Death after that? Anthony S. Luciano Raimondiwas born into the world of organized crime, spent much of his life as a mob enforcer, has played part in heists and assassinations, and is the author of When the Bullet Hits the Bone. Boom! I'm very curious. For over two decades Frank hid a secret from Anthony about his true identity. Lessons/Courses/Products: We will ask for your consent first. Let's put it that way. They took their end and they kicked you down the stairs. I mean, they have bazooka, they have hand grenades. Why not? They laid him out. DISCOVERY AND APPEAL RIGHTS MAY ALSO BE LIMITED IN ARBITRATION. "Okay. You're going to come in there and eat with us like regular people. We collect the information above for the following purposes. You got to punch a couple of holes because the gasses in the body, they'll make them float. Anthony Raimondi: [00:20:04] Yeah, exactly. I see why there's room for more. He would tell me, "Go up to Fifth Avenue where Scappy's club is. I want to straighten him." Everybody's saying, "Where am I? I noticed you've been sued for patent infringement. They're all involved in something. But when everybody doesn't realize, Meyer did his own work. Loaded it, showed me the safety and everything on it. He says, "What are you doing?" If you're a big earner, you could be the biggest lowlife in the world. I say, "Where's everybody?" Next day, I go to Camp Lejeune. I said, "I'm going to take it with me when I go down to Third Avenue. THE LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS HEREIN AND ELSEWHERE IN THESE TERMS OF USE APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. It was that straightforward, and the hard realities of that instruction were soon laid bare as Anthony went to extreme lengths for answers. Now, it got members which were Antonio Ribeiro who was my cousin, Salvatore Pappalardo who was another cousin, and my favorite at that time in the stock was Paul Jacob Marcinkus. The guy says, "Listen, I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. NO WARRANTIES. I didn't like being in school. Jordan Harbinger: [00:07:27] Yeah. This is my first time." I thought it was cadaver club . After he's in about 16, 17 days, he turns around and says, "Anybody who was involved in the stock fraud with the Vatican, I'm going to excommunicate them and defrock them from the church," which means now you'll fall under Italian law. What We Discuss with Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi: "The guy went to hurt me. He goes, "Do you understand what I'm saying?" Anthony Raimondi: [00:13:48] Definitely. I could do this gun blindfolded. Boom! I mean, but he never opened his mouth and said a word. Yeah. The other jet made it into Brooklyn. Captain went, opened up the gate, and took me out. We had a charter for it at one time, this would be a charter. I was sitting there and hear, "Who the f*ck is in charge here?" Anthony Raimondi: [00:22:43] Like this guy's full of nonsense. He goes, "Look at this kid. All right. You'll be in good company. The Company will comply with the GDPR and CCPA pursuant to the below guidelines. He's got to know. Legitimate interests for processing your personal information exist where you submit the information with an expectation that it will be processed and there is no undue impact on you. You know, they were all in the books and whoever owned the company or whatever was with them. Anthony Salvatore Luciano Raimondi has been a gangster for much of his life, beginning when he was just thirteen years old. They told them what happened. I don't want to spoil anything here because there is a lot of interesting stuff from securities fraud to the assassination of the Pope. He says, "When we die, we're going to go before God. Lucky introduced her and my grandfather to each other. It was all loaded with stocks. [00:44:09] A couple of months later, we're going down to take the plea. Jordan Harbinger LLC (the COMPANY) welcomes to you (the WEBSITE or SERVICE) and any other websites operated by the Company. We're talking about in the '70s. We're going to do more after this. Visitors are those who visit the Website but do not register with us. Jordan Harbinger: [00:23:36] The Jordan Harbinger Show with our guest Anthony Raimondi. Go check out Six-Minute Networking. He became a made man on Good Friday 1979, and again in 1993. He became a made man on Good Friday 1979, and again in 1993. Anthony Raimondi: [00:09:31] Oh, hell, no! They went to their house, knocked on the door, and you know what? Yeah. Jordan Harbinger: [00:17:38] I mean, if I'm stabbing somebody, I feel like you deserve to get your ass kicked. You took it from him." The Enforcer follows the chapters of his first book, When the Bullet Hits the Bone. Jordan Harbinger: [01:01:03] Oh, right, because they put him in the . [00:47:58] We went into the diner. These Conditions and documents referred to herein (as amended from time to time) contain the entire Agreement between you and us relating to the Website and any matter covered and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, representations, understandings or proposals between us. If you have any questions about this, please contact us. And they saw that I was in school and I told them what happened. I killed him. So my cousin tells him, "You can't take them." The next day, I'm back in school. Unless otherwise stated, these charges appear for each purchase on an Order Confirmation page or in an Order Confirmation sent via email to the consumer following their purchase. They threw me in the cage, where all adults I was about, I was 15 going on 16. Pursuant to the California Online Privacy Protection Act, we hereby disclose that we do not currently honor do not track signals issued by browsers or other third-party sources. They take me away. With together mode, you can bring everyone together in one space in the same virtual room. And I just looked at it very nicely and I turned it around by the center so he could hear me. Let's say a member of your family died, right? He served as a top enforcer to the Colombo family for more than three decades. There is a stipulation, the state, the city and the Feds have what's called the Youth Offenders Act up to the age of 24, anything you do, you're considered as a youth offender. This jet plane came through the block. Anthony Raimondi: [00:55:27] Billion, yeah, billion. Anthony Raimondi: [00:20:12] When he was in the United States, every time he went someplace, I was the only baby. Yeah. Individuals under the age of 18 are strictly prohibited from using the Website and the accounts for any such person shall be terminated upon discovery by the Company. You dirty mother f*cker. Jordan Harbinger: [00:28:17] you went to Vietnam and everything. I killed him. And I'm looking at them and I didn't say a word. Say a member of your family died. You further agree that we are not responsible for the availability of any external websites or resources, and do not endorse and are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for the content (including misrepresentative or defamatory content) of any third party websites, nor for any damage, loss or offense caused or alleged to be caused by, or in connection with, the use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on such external websites or resources, including those of affiliates, joint-venture partners, or others to whom we might provide links from time to time. He was born into the world of organized crime. Jordan Harbinger: [00:34:20] Above your eye. One question guys, ok. As long as you're 24, once you hit 25, that's it you're an adult. Anthony Raimondi: [00:08:51] Same thing. And he's going to pull that. He says, "We'll talk." He goes, "This kid isnt going to run away with the money.". We come back to kill your whole family. You agree not to use the Website in a way that may cause the Website to be interrupted, damaged, rendered less efficient or such that the effectiveness or functionality of the Website is in any way impaired. Anthony Raimondi: [00:02:37] The Black Hand, it would be that was what you would call the original mafia. Jordan Harbinger: [00:12:01] Nice. My father, my uncles go up to the precinct. Enter your name and email address below and I'll send you periodic updates about the podcast. Anthony Raimondi: [00:07:01] Yeah, the foundations, the flooring. I told my cousin what happened. I said, "Yes, you could." They're very nice. Paperback. They didn't do anything. Anthony Raimondi: [00:10:08] They're not going to hand you the cash like that. Jordan Harbinger: [00:12:06] So there's room for more. You must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original Content. He goes, "Okay." Okay. Jordan Harbinger: [01:01:16] I'm very curious. I walk up to Carroll Street, walk across Fifth Avenue, Seventh Street, and Fifth Avenue, dropping off envelopes and picking up envelopes. That'd probably be part of their archives now. Jordan Harbinger: [01:03:29] For more with Austin Meyer, including the details of his own investigation into patent trolls, and why none of us are safe, check out episode 326 of The Jordan Harbinger Show. they told me because I've seen him on the plane. I mean, it is the next level type of stuff. He goes, "Down at Monte's." Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally! We went to go back to the car and I went like this outside the way. I didn't want to work for a living. Anthony Raimondi: [00:08:41] You belong to him, so he handles whatever problems you may have. Visit, Frank Salvatore Raimondi, the father of Anthony. Any violation of system or network security may subject you to civil and/or criminal liability. We're going to do what now?". If any provision of these Terms of Use is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect, and the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision. The right to restrict processing: Ask us to restrict certain type of processing of your personal information. Anthony Raimondi: [00:33:15] Cadabra, not cadaver. They say, "We got to see grandpa." I think I read the whole book and like three hours. This kid was the only survivor. I'm just getting up to, and he's dragging me out of the house. They saw the light. We can't control him. They thought they were two tough guys, but they were two brothers in the school together. No oral explanation or oral information given by either of us shall alter the interpretation of these Conditions. And matter of fact, that's the first time I saw Vin Diesel over there. How do you expect the guy to stay like this all his life and not go out with a woman? They forgot about it after that. She turns around, "Raimondi in the back of the classroom. The guy who brings the tea and everything goes to check on the Pope. That's not supposed to be dead in the coffin and the other guy," yeah. Pope Paul VI, he had three kids. But we can get into that whenever you want to. They subscribe to that course. $30.95. They're not to be touched and that's all the papers." ", Next day came, they got me in the hole. Latest was UDance EP24 2022| Miss Monique Dilby Nick Curly Stan Kolev Lazarusman Gorge Pornbugs Khen MB Valence Karol XVII Supernova Haze-M |Progressive Tech House Deep Melodic Techno DJ Set|Electronic Music ibiza Global Radio XTC Summer Mix|Original Spotify Session. Company reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time. I looked at him. You're managing the cadaver club, which also sounds like the most mafia thing ever. And they threw me and lockup. Visit, Ninety-nine years. "You know, we bless him first and then we kill them?" I got to scare this guy with it." I was like their golden child. Anyway, I'm over there and we heard the explosion, but then we heard something sounding like a rocket coming through the air. [01:03:42] Big thank you to Anthony Raimondi, The Enforcer. YOU ASSUME THE RISK OF ANY AND ALL DAMAGE OR LOSS FROM USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, THE WEBSITE OR THE SERVICE. The transcript for this episode is in the show notes. They didn't touch that. lead to affiliate programs for which The Jordan Harbinger Show receives compensation. I wanted to keep on going. See 17 U.S.C. They got me for now here's the kicker, not murder, nothing like that. He says, "Why?" They have shylock, bookmaking, and everything else, but their main source of income was from weapons. Now, the FBI stock had the FBI stamp on it, the counterfeit ones. I mean they probably grew up in the same area as you? So you go to see the guy and then you put them in the hospital. They saw what I wanted and they gave me out of the contract with no problem. I said, "Okay. And he just turned around and he waved at me like this, and he just went. He goes, "The stocks." Was one of them. He went out and did it himself. Guys coming out, two, three, four guys, each cop pulling us all out of the car. Such mediation may occur in-person, online (via webcam), or telephonically, and shall be scheduled within 30 days of either party providing the other with a request to mediate. Three different majors Rosanna Scotto interviewed me, Channel 11 interviewed me, 1010 Wins interviewed me because everybody they interviewed had these weird stories. [00:34:04] This guy walks into the bartender. Like, to your right, there was a dance when you made the turn like this, there was a dance floor to your right and there were all tables and chairs. God is going to look at me and He's going to go, "Uh-uh," he's going to pull the lever. He goes, "You probably go into recession," but then he goes, "You'll hit a depression that you'd never come out of." Jordan Harbinger: [00:11:14] That makes sense. Sure enough, like he said, we went to trial. You name it. Once he goes to sleep, you get potassium cyanide in a glass bottle." #anthonyraimondi#vietnam#fraud#mafia AboutPressCopyrightContact. That's solitary confinement because I'm a new fish in there. I was waving to say something. I'm looking at him. There's parking space. The Content includes the specific selection and arrangement, or design, of all Content. We're always hanging out together. I used to laugh when he told me this. He was born into the world of organized crime. I'm unloading it, pulling the action back, safety's on and off. Every week I was getting shipments of stocks every week. He says, "You know how many years we've been killing Popes in the Vatican? Jordan Harbinger: [00:32:37] I find it a little ironic that the club full of like gangster guys that are using force to get everything done is called the Diplomat. So I'm supposed to go before God, tell Him this. He goes, "And I will find it." He knew that I wasn't just some guy coming up there to see him. So your uncle's a big shot." He made it up." The right to object: Object to how we use your data. He said, Yeah. You want to have a lot of interesting friends that may be used to kill people for a living, this is what you need. Every time I used to go up there, I see him. The devil will say, "Nah, I don't want you either." You assume all of the risk, responsibilities and consequences resulting from your use of, or access to, third-party websites. They think he was completely incinerated, this guy. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE WEBSITE OR ANY OF ITS CONTENT WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THE WEBSITE OR THE SERVERS THAT HOST SUCH CONTENT ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS OR ARE FULLY FUNCTIONAL, ACCURATE OR RELIABLE. But my cousin goes, "You're the expert. They were happy with me, man. You'll be in shock when you see that, especially about Lufthansa. He was the youngest one. Anthony Raimondi: [00:12:23] My father had three brothers. I don't even know how I made it back downtown. Loansharking, shylocking, it's the same thing. Or he says he really saw it because when they put me in the ambulance, I've seen him walking down the block. I'm going to get charged with possession of an unlicensed gun and firing a gun in the city limits, a total of a year and a half, you got to do it. I'm like, "Oh yeah, two guys in one coffin, save money." It's just not not as upbeat. We went down to Monte's Restaurant. Jordan Harbinger: [00:14:11] Yeah, you still remember his name. And then it turned down again to the other door. He says, "Don't worry about getting in trouble. He says, "Listen, we got a deal going." And especially when Pope John Paul I came in. I told him what happened. The Company is engaged in the sale of services worldwide and within the USA. They said, "That guy is Sally Burns." I was cleaning up the Diplomat, you know, mopping the floor, sweeping, and stuff like that. The two detectives, he had something done with them that they had to beat that they didn't really want to go on. Club is., '' Yeah consequences resulting from your use of, design! Saw it because when they put him in the same virtual room the body, they make..., or access to, and the hard realities of that instruction were soon laid bare as anthony went trial! It was that straightforward, and again in 1993 have any questions about this, please contact us laugh he... 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