difference between china and us political system
The U.S., on the other hand, is a federal constitutional republic with three governmental branches sharing powers. We will write a custom Research Paper on Political system comparison between India and China specifically for you. While hierarchy and equality may appear to the post-Enlightenment West to be antithetical concepts, in China they remain inherently complementary. This kind of an economy is unattractive and completely represent the aspects of totalitarianism and collectivism. In contrast, the governments discount rate on the future is lowerin part because of its Leninist emphasis on controland explicitly focused on long-term returns. Even though both countries are different in every way, they are still recognized as each others competition in the International Arena. But at every point since 1949 the Chinese Communist Partycentral to the institutions, society, and daily experiences that shape all Chinese peoplehas stressed the importance of Chinese history and of Marxist-Leninist doctrine. Photo by Charles Clegg [CC BY-SA 2.0] Capitalism's global victory has been achieved through two different types of capitalist systems: the liberal meritocratic capitalism that has developed incrementally in the West, and the state-led authoritarian capitalism that is exemplified by China. They make three plausible but false assumptions: Democracy is an inevitable consequence of economic development; authoritarian regimes are never seen as legitimate; and the Chinese think, behave, and invest much like anyone in the West. This shared quest for predictability explains the continuing attractiveness of an authoritarian system in which control is the central tenet. Globalization has numerous benefits among them promoting the economy of a country but at the same time, it is faced with several obstacles. In the China-U.S. ideological competition during the pandemic, what the U.S. seeks is not all about U.S. leadership in the international community nor U.S. economic benefits but rather coping with its identity crisis. Beijing ICP prepared NO.16065310-3, China vs. America: Political diversity vs. political conformity. The Communist Party of China (CPC) harbors no supremacist beliefs and doesn't plan to export its governing model abroad. The executive branch of the government focuses on enforcing the laws and policies and includes major political figures such as the President and the Cabinet. China is among the most open markets in the world: It is the largest trading nation and also the largest recipient of foreign direct investment, surpassing the United States in 2020. Looking into the future, the path for China-U.S. cooperation will become more tortuous owing to the nationalist ideological struggle triggered by the coronavirus. Nevertheless, these changes do not seem to stand any chance of influencing its foreign policymakers, who remain convinced of their system's superiority relative to all others. The founding fathers of USA forecasted their nation to be one that respects and follow basic human rights and Biblical ideas as guidance. Responding, however, will only escalate a lose-lose war, and the entire international community will suffer as a result. Jimmy Dore delivered a monologue on the history of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how a "tiny cabal" are using the situation for profit on Friday's broadcast of 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' on FOX News. Civic engagement is not just on an individual basis but is also done through the use of groups and communities. That means not that these people are unconcerned with long-term outcomes but, rather, that their risk aversion increases significantly as the time frame lengthens. The CPC runs the country while the other non communist parties play the role of participatory. Entry to the CCP and to a university involves compulsory courses in Marxist-Leninist thought, which has also become part of popular culture, as evidenced by the 2018 TV talk show Marx Got It Right. However, both states have a very different political landscape, which is what will be discussed in the paper today. The reality is quite different. Although many in the West may believe that China sees only opportunity in its 21st-century global plans, its motivation is very different. Navigating your companys future in China, Americans Dont Know How Capitalist China Is, Economics and Democracy Are Two Sides of the Same Coin, Authoritarian Political Systems Cant Be Legitimate, The Chinese Live, Work, and Invest Like Westerners, A version of this article appeared in the. There are two political theories that are needed in the discussion, the elite and the pluralist theory. But the third assumption can also mislead those seeking to engage with China. The U.S., on the other hand, is infamous for its self-deluded belief in so-called "American Exceptionalism," to which end it obsessively seeks to force all others to change their ways in order to replicate its own radically. China vs. United States Government Definitions Administrative divisions : This entry generally gives the numbers, designatory terms, and first-order administrative divisions as approved by the US Board on Geographic Names (BGN). The Leninist nature of politics is also evidenced by the language used to discuss it. The civil law system only allows the judge to make his or her judgment basing on the law and should not consider other factors surrounding the business. That history also explains the paradox that the rulers and the ruled in China operate on very different time frames. A cleaner in Chongqing now owns several apartments because the CCP reformed property laws. . Until Western companies and politicians accept this reality, they will continue to get China wrong. In that period there has been ruins of buildings as well as joy of victories, rapid advance in success as well as pride, tortuous ordeals and lesions from mistakes done . But defaults and bankruptcies are common in a market economy. In International Business: Competing in the global marketplace (11th ed.). American companies will do so only if U.S. tariffs become more penalizing than moving would be. Those with low social-credit scores may find themselves prevented from buying an airline ticket or getting a date on an app. Order original essay online with 25% off. Between 1990 and 2009, investment from China to all of Latin America was about $7 billion. The Chinese political system is dominated by multiparty cooperation as well as political constitution under the direction of the Communist party of China (CPC), but the USA is governed by the western style of multiparty system. (2016). Routledge. What is the political difference between China and the USA? Half of the representatives in Congress are millionaires with their median net worth reported to be more than a million. This is the most appropriate entry point to reveal the evolution of human-land relationships. Reforming Sino-American Cultural Exchange for the Better. The closing meeting of the fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress is held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing . (2012). Under the pressure of aggregated economic inequality brought by globalization, and the army of unemployed people already displaced by new technologies, the U.S. government faces severe structural constraints under the present model of state-market and state-society interactions. GM sells more cars in China than in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico combined. A decade ago its retail-goods market was about $1.8 trillionless than half that of the United States. The big difference is that in China the party, state, and army is led by one person. In 2020 China had more billionaires than the U.S. did, and it outpaces the U.S. three to one in minting them. Regardless of who wins, it is unlikely that one of the . China now has better highways, rail systems, bridges, and airports than the United States does. The country itself remains so diverse that some minority groups even have their own autonomous administrative divisions which include regions, prefectures and counties. The positions in this branch can be for either a five-year long term or even an unlimited amount of time. Conversely, the US law system basis its law from cases held previously and judges uses this as an example when determining most cases that are similar to the present one. Along with China's economic and military rise, its leading political values will increasingly shape both China and the world at large. Then, in the 1990s, she took advantage of the new economic freedoms, becoming a 30-something entrepreneur in one of the new Special Economic Zones. In terms of political system, China is unique to all other countries in the world since up to date it is still run by a Communist party (Nolan, 2012). The United States has a democratic system, but in countries . Canadian jurisdiction is the opposite; if it's not left to the Provinces, it's most likely the responsibility of the federal government. Ideological competition between China and the U.S. in recent years comes in three basic models: The nationalist hegemony model that ultimately serves U.S. hegemonistic purposes in the international community. A. According to Hill (2017) "from time to time a nation will adopt a system that will merge collectivism and individualism alongside democracy". And the party has always believed in and emphasized the importance of Chinese history and of Marxist-Leninist thought, with all they imply. Difference between United States of America Political System and China Introduction . By comparison, progress on these issues is for Western economies extremely slow. And when Xi announced, in 2017, that the three critical battles for Chinas development would fall in the areas of reducing financial risk, addressing pollution, and alleviating poverty, he also made it clear that the objective of these reforms was to solidify the system rather than to change it. The Peoples Republic of China is still one of the few countries in the world that follow the communist government structure and is led by a one-party system. However, the beliefs and positions of political parties change over time, so . For example, the British role in the Opium Wars of the 1840s kicked off a 100-year period that the Chinese still refer to as the Century of Humiliation. Globalization. After all, each is the others largest trading partner, and China has lent more than $1 trillion to the U.S. government by holding U.S. Treasury bills. According to this view, economic growth and increasing prosperity will cause China to move toward a more liberal model for both its economy and its politics, as did those countries. Diversity is naturally occurring, whether it be among ethnicities, religions, governing systems or whatever else. In much Western analysis the verb most commonly attached to Chinas reforms is stalled. The truth is that political reform in China hasnt stalled. Thats why China is the most active private-equity market in Asia. That Canada has elected communists to office, I suggest is just about as important a disparity as the American gun insanity. The geographic location factor is important since it dictates how well a country can be accessed to do business with and both China and United States have good locations since they are connected to water bodies. When Nixon first visited China, in 1972, the differences between the two countries were vast, in political and economic systems and of course in ideology. But because this is also a Leninist system, those issues are of critical importance to Chinese leaders, who wont change their minds about them, however effective or helpful their foreign partners are economically. In this interview he talks about the accessibility of the Chinese market, Americas demonization of China, what the Chinese dont understand about the U.S., and more. The economy has grown 36-fold over the past three decades, chiefly because of market-oriented reforms that have created a vibrant private sector, which now accounts for about two-thirds of Chinas GDP. The branches of the government are not only responsible for the laws of the land but are also responsible for ensuring free and fair elections and that the citizens of the country that they represent are being heard (USG, 2020). Consequently, inequality is greater in China than in the United States, measured by the Gini coefficient. Disclaimer: ProEssays.net is a custom writing service that provides online on-demand writing work for assistance purposes. For individuals, whove lived through harsh times they could not control, the reaction is to make some key choices in a much more short-term way than Westerners do. Citizen engagement is a necessary facet of not just American politics but also a democratic state. Many Chinese believe that the countrys recent economic achievements have actually come about because of, not despite, Chinas authoritarian form of government. Empowered by Xi to deal with the corruption that had become so prevalent early in that decade, the commission can arrest and hold suspects for several months; its decisions cannot be overturned by any other entity in China, not even the supreme court. For any deep analysis of the ideological aspects of the China-U.S. rivalry to be complete, two questions need to be answered: What political interests do the ideologies serve, and in what forms are they presented? Learn how to overcome barriers when working globally. China and the United States are one of the strongest economies in the world, and both nations are considered superpowers and have contributed significantly to global politics and culture. Additionally, in such a system, services and products are distributed and offered by the individuals working privately and independently with limited regulation from the government. Is your time best spent reading someone elses essay? The pandemic has added urgency, but American politicians appear not to have found the answers. A country that provides its citizen with education produces better minds that can bring in better business ideas to the economy. China has been shifting away from an investment-driven growth model to one led by private consumption. One reason that many people misread Chinas trajectory may be thatparticularly in the English-language promotional materials the Chinese use overseasthe country tends to portray itself as a variation on a liberal state, and therefore more trustworthy. - Quora Answer (1 of 17): Americans hold the individual in the highest regard, whereas Chinese hold the community in the highest regard. Is a China-U.S. decoupling a real possibility? Some manufacturing has been relocated away from China since the trade war with the U.S. began in 2018, but that hasnt made a dent in either Chinas exports or Americas trade deficit. After observing how other nations are doing well under democracy in the international market, countries with command systems are now doing all they can to change this even if it means giving up some of their traditions. The Vietnamese premier is very powerful. The PRC isn't just pragmatic, but also respectful towards all of its partners. Its just not liberal reform. This paper analyzed the different political structures of both countries and highlighted the stark differences between a democratic state and a communist state, but the analysis also provided one similarity, which was the elitist government structure that existed in both political structures. Americans Dont Know How Capitalist China Is, A version of this article appeared in the. When we first traveled to China, in the early 1990s, it was very different from what we see today. According to Nolan (2012) "as for the number of democrat countries, 123 of the 196 countries are exercising democracy as compared to only 69 countries in 1987" (p. 101). Had she been born in 1955 in almost any other major economy in the world, her life would have been much, much more predictable. Much of Donald Trumps rhetoric and his actions on China were meant to deflect attention from his leadership failures at home, such as neglecting his duty to protect the public from the coronavirus. The premier controls the civil bureaucracy, The party general secretary runs the economy. A median of 41% across the 14 EU member nations surveyed name China, compared with a median of 39% who say the same about the United States. Its GDP dropped 6.8% in the first quarter of 2020, but resumed growth from the second quarter onward. The Chinese political system is dominated by multiparty cooperation as well as political constitution under the direction of the Communist party of China (CPC), but the USA is governed by the western style of multiparty system. In the political system of the United States, Democrats are largely associated with liberalism (a political philosophy based on belief in progress) while Republicans are associated with conservatism (a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability). The United States and China are different in almost every way in their social norms, administrative policies, economic reforms, and the vastest difference in their political ideology. China and the United States are one of the strongest economies in the world, and both nations are considered superpowers and have contributed significantly to global politics and culture. As a result, economic growth came in tandem with social progress (through, for example, legislation protecting individual choice and minority rights), which made it easy to imagine that they were two sides of a coin. However, the long-term effects cannot be fully accessed at the moment. Get a 100% original essay FROM A CERTIFIED WRITER! HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Global Collaboration. Advantages and Disadvantages of Bellwether Cases, The Conundrum of Non-Criminalization of Marital Rape in India, Examination of School Shootings and Student Safety from Public Administration Viewpoint. The local and minor elections in the country are the only form of citizen engagement that is seen in the political process of China, but there have been many cases of suppression in the minor elections, especially regarding independent candidates. China, if it doesnt respond to U.S. nationalist challenges, will face soaring nationalist pressures at home. This is a belief alien to many Western business executives, especially if theyve had experience with other authoritarian regimes. In China, however, growth has come in the context of stable communist rule, suggesting that democracy and growth are not inevitably mutually dependent. The . Pundits tend to be alarmed by a default here and there. In China, the legal system "is based on civil laws" (Nolan, 2012). Some of these challenges are brought about by differences in legal, political and economic systems of different countries. Examination of School Shootings and Student Safety from International and Non-International Armed Conflict, Comparison Between Democracy Vs. All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. They still blame foreign interference for many of their misfortunes, even if it occurred more than a century ago. For international business management of doing business in a country like China, it can sometimes get hard since it is not possible to function liberally as in a democratic nation. This paper will compare two great countries the United States and China by looking in details how and why their legal and political systems differ, explain what determines the level of economic development in each country. By 2008 she was making the most of the rise in disposable incomes by buying new consumer goods that her parents could only have dreamt about. China's Transition from Socialism? The country will need to continue to reform and privatize its state-owned firmsand shift from investment to private consumptionor it will not be able to sustain its growth. Believing, for example, that political freedom would follow the new economic freedoms, they wrongly assumed that Chinas internet would be similar to the freewheeling and often politically disruptive version developed in the West. In our work we have come to see that people in both business and politics often cling to three widely shared but essentially false assumptions about modern China. The difference in efficiency between the central and local groups is significant. And only the U.S. can threaten Americas economic supremacyby underinvesting in its own infrastructure and by limiting trade. Additionally, before starting a business internationally, it is important to consider additional factors that the law systems of that country do not consider since failure to do so can result in loss of profit. The name of the game in China is scale. Such ideas may appear very different from the outward-facing, Confucian concepts of benevolence and harmony that China presents to its international, English-speaking audience. The Chinese government is, however, much easier to decipher since it is a communist one-party state that is also led by elites even though it goes against the very grain of communism. Delivery in 6+ hours! Would you like to get this essay by email? The Chinese can see this as crass and boastful, while in the United States, humility can be regarded as a sign of weakness. However, as the world is constantly moving towards a market-based system, the country had to switch to this system that allowed it to increase economic and still maintain its communist status. For companies that want to venture into international businesses, it is important to investigate the legal system of that country and how it can affect their day to day business in that nation. That figure is higher than in all Western countries (for example, only 53% of U.S. individual investors trade this frequently); its also even higher than in neighboring Hong Konganother Han Chinese society with a predilection for gambling and a similar, capital-gains-tax-free regime. This plays out every time a Western company negotiates access to the Chinese market. A Leninist approach to selecting future leaders is also a way the CCP has maintained its legitimacy, because to many ordinary Chinese, this approach produces relatively competent leaders: They are chosen by the CCP and progress through the system by successfully running first a town and then a province; only after that do they serve on the Politburo. During the Cold War in the 20th century, and particularly afterward, the U.S. sought to establish and consolidate its leadership role in the international community in the name of freedom and democracy so much so that U.S. hegemony was also often referred to as hegemonic liberalism.. ChatGPT has become a sensation since its public release in November, with its ability to produce plausible responses to text prompts, including requests to write essays. Weijian Shan understands the delicate U.S.-China dynamic as well as anyone. What's most ironic about this observation is that domestic American politics are nowadays focusing on the merits of diversity, yet its foreign policy is exclusively predicated on conformity. And the narrative has had some powerful supporters. Our own experiences on the ground in China confirm this. Chinas leaders argue that its essentially Leninist rule book makes Chinese politics far less arbitrary or nepotistic than those of many other, notably Western, countries (even though the system has its share of back-scratching and opaque decision-making). Dictatorship, Gun Control: Legal, Psychology and Political Viewpoint, Difference Between Criminal and Civil Court System. What has caused the frequent conflicts between the two countries? Any shift in supply chains will be gradual and partial, because its very costly to move from the most efficient supplier to the second or third best. Just about as important a disparity as the American gun insanity two theories. 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