gunnery sergeant selection board
Personal correspondence to the President of the board must be from the eligible Marine. 12.a.2. 2161 3 20170501 NA 20180301 NA 20190101 NA 6174 5 171101 NA 181001 NA 190801 111101 Entering such status while the selection board is in session. You want your FITREP to catch their attention. 0321 15 20171001 20100412 20181001 20100809 20190501 20110321 6.a.3. Website:, click on "Records and 6258 4 171001 080818 181001 080616 181001 100712 OMPF Document Submission Guidelines. POC/CAROLIN CHAVEZ/MSGT/MMPR-2/-/TEL: DSN 278-9718 EMAIL:CAROLIN.CHAVEZ@USMC.MIL// Additionally, Marines are encouraged to review their Master Brief Sheet (MBS) to ensure their PME completion is reflected. E-mail: 6338 6338 6423 6423 6432 6432 The MBS is a tool and is not considered the official source documentation. Communications received after 2359, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on 14 April 2023 will not be submitted to the board. 9. 6541 6591 6672 6672 6694 6694 Understanding that some Marines may require additional support to prepare for their board, encourage Marines to contact the CMC (MMRP-50) for assistance for assistance prior to the convene date of the board. In order to qualify for special promotion consideration, the transfer to FMCR date must be requested or approved prior to the board convening date and the effective date of transfer must be after the adjournment date of the board. Boards often review hundreds, sometimes thousands, of records in a brief period of time. 09/29/2022. 14.a. Properly label file attachments as (EDIPI_ltrtoboard). fo. 14.b.1. Additional changes that occur during the board session will be announced in the selection MARADMIN. See paragraph 14 for physical mailing address, e-mail address and fax number. Marines are advised to ensure that course completion information is included in their Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). 3043 3043 3044 3044 3051 3051 See paragraph 14 (MMRP) for OMPF inquiries and document submission points of contact. review. PME REQUIREMENTS BY GRADE MarAdmin 521/14 contains complete PME promotion requirement information. 3044 4 181001 NA 190301 NA NA NA 0848 16 20191001 20090908 20200801 20130708 20210601 NA 2/2/2023. Remind Marines to prepare for their board prior to deployment. DSN: 278-9717/9719 3280 Russell Road Identification of noncompetitive eligibility of Marines will be provided by Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) Officer Naval and Enlisted or the Separation and Retirement Branch (nurse program only) to CMC (MMPR-2) who will then ensure the records of all eligible Marines are forwarded to the board. 12.b.2.b. 2141 13 181001 101018 191201 NA NA NA However, inclusion in the OMPF is substantially faster if the documents are either e-mailed or faxed. 6062 5 20170301 NA 20181101 NA 20210301 20110912 6.a.8. 6.a.2. Marines with those DCCs must submit their extension for promotion to MMEA (HQMC) via the Total Force Retention System for appropriate action. Separation and Retirement Branch (MMSR), Active Duty Retirement Section (MMSR-2) 6113 6113 6114 6114 6116 6116 17 Lejeune Road R 281730Z FEB 23 6.a.9. 6256 5 20180501 NA 20200801 NA 20210601 NA 9.b.4. 13. 6276 10 161101 NA 180301 NA 190401 NA 0241 20 171001 081007 190402 NA 191201 NA 3432 13 20181101 20110124 20200601 20130708 20210301 20130624 Classified Reports. REF E, MCO 1610.7A, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (PES). 3.a. requirement for a period not to exceed 365 days upon re-assignment from the SDA tour. Marines on limited duty or pending evaluation by a PEB may not be extended using this authority. 8. Fax Material to Comm: (703) 784-9884 or DSN: 278-9884 5954 2 180101 090817 180601 NA NA NA MARADMIN 116/23 1349 29 161001 080128 171001 090106 191001 090810 To clarify, and in accordance with the references, special promotion consideration will not authorize a Marine to go beyond service limits. 4421 13 180301 NA 190401 NA 190801 NA The MBS can also be obtained through the MMRP web site. 2887 2887 3043 3043 3044 3044 President, FY 2022 Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Selection Board Release authorized by MajGen M. J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//, Date Signed: 2/28/2022 | MARADMINS Number: 080/22, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - 14.b. REF I, MARADMIN 408/19, ENLISTED ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE LIMITS AND HIGH YEAR TENURE. REF/L/MSGID:DOC/CMC C469/16APR19// REF H, MARADMIN 334/20, FORTH COMING CHANGES TO MCO 1400.32D, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS. Operations and Integration Section (MMRP-60). Update material sent to the President of the board is destroyed upon final approval of the board. Identification and eligibility of these Marines are contingent upon compliance with reporting procedures outlined in reference (f) and the timely receipt of the fitness reports by the CMC, Manpower Management Records and Performance, Performance Evaluation Section (MMRP-32), within 30 days after the end of the reporting period. 6222 6222 6223 6223 6227 6227 The Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) directed the Marine Corps to transition to designated SDAs: Recruiter, Drill Instructor, and Marine Security Guard Detachment Commander. The gunnery sergeant insignia consists of two M1 Garands centered vertically between three . The gunnery sergeant selection board convened in late April. 7051 15 180201 100719 191201 110502 191201 NA Comm: (703) 784-9717/9719 or Marines who have received an adjusted DOR or made a lateral move and believe they will be considered in the wrong zone (because of the adjusted DOR or lateral move) must notify CMC (MMPR-2), in writing, before 2359, EDT on 25 April 2022. 5953 5 20190801 NA 20210401 NA 20210501 NA The Army established the following eligibility criteria: a. See paragraph 14 for physical mailing address, e-mail address and fax number. Classified information will not be viewed by the board without the request from the Marine in the form of a letter to the President of the selection board. 7051 7051 7212 7212 7236 7236 Commandant of the Marine Corps (MMPR-2) Marines with lateral move requests that are approved after the board has convened will not be eligible for consideration in their newly acquired MOS/IMOS and will be deleted from the board population. E-mail: 12.b. 5811 28 20170401 20090324 20181001 20100628 20200801 20121105 Height and Weight Standards. Upon notification CMC, (MMPR-2) will confirm with the appropriate agency of the existence of the report(s), and as required, ensure for its consideration by the board. OMPF Document Submission Timelines. 0369 0369 0372 0372 0411 0411 E-mail: 6.a.11. It has a pay grade of E-7. Material submitted without a cover letter, unsigned, or received after 2359, EDT on 15 April 2022 will not be submitted to the board. (MMRP-50). 6062 3 161201 NA 170301 NA 171201 NA 6.a.10. Enlisted to Officer Programs. Marines who have a DOR that is earlier than the DOR identified for a zone are eligible for consideration in that zone for that IMOS. POC/STEPHANIE J. MAXWELL/MAJ/MMPR-2/-/TEL: DSN 278-9710/ EMAIL: STEPHANIE.MAXWELL@USMC.MIL// Paragraph 3102.2 also outlines additional responsibilities for commanders regarding the counseling of Marines on the promotion process. MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM// Marines who believe they should be considered eligible for the below zone by virtue of prior service, per paragraph 3202 of reference (f), must submit a request for prior service consideration with required source documents to CMC, Manpower Management Promotion Branch, Enlisted Promotions Section (MMPR-2) no later than 2359, EDT on 25 April 2022. REF G, MARADMIN 260/20, FORTH COMING CHANGES TO MCO 1400.32D, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS. CY 2019 = January 2019 - December 2019). Briefers may only spend a few seconds on each FITREP. Remind Marines to prepare for their board prior to deployment. Back around 2018 or so, the results of the E8 board were leaked. 6287 1 181101 110418 181101 NA NA NA The Marine must personally sign the cover letter. by selection boards. Any adjustments to the above listed zones will be announced prior to the convening date of the board. 3381 18 171101 090914 180301 NA 190101 110308 13. 5821 12 20171101 NA 20201201 20120213 20201201 NA 2887 2 170401 090106 180401 NA 181101 NA REF K, MCO P1070.12K W/CH1, MARINE CORPS INDIVIDUAL RECORDS ADMINISTRATION MANUAL (IRAM) REF L, MCO 6110.3A W/CH 3, MARINE CORPS BODY COMPOSITION AND MILITARY APPEARANCE PROGRAM (MCBCMAP).// Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps 9.a. The Naval Correspondence will be submitted to CMC (MMPR-2) giving a full, detailed accounting of the matter, whether the action occurred prior to the convening of the board, during the board, or while the Marine was a member of a previous command. The selection guidance (precept) for board members includes a reminder of the requirement for PME. Questions regarding MOS allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs should be addressed to CMC (MPP-20), DSN: 278-9361 or Comm: (703) 784-9361. 9.c. 5954 5954 5974 5974 5979 5979 Marines who are required to transfer to the FMCR due to declining Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders, or who have declined to reenlist/extend to carry out PCS or Unit Deployment Program (UDP) orders, are not eligible for promotion consideration. Quantico VA 22134-5104 OMPF Customer Service, DSN: 278-3906/3907/5640 6227 3 20191101 20110207 20210101 NA 20210301 NA 6176 6176 6212 6218 6214 6314 Be advised that OMPF material sent directly to the President of the board does not become part of a Marine's OMPF. 4591 12 181101 120626 190910 NA NA NA 6216 4 181001 NA 190401 NA NA NA 2141 2141 2146 2146 2147 2147 6173 7 160401 080908 180201 NA 190801 NA REF/J/MSGID:DOC/MMSR/15FEB2019// 11.e.1. MOS changes will not be made after the date of this MARADMIN without the prior approval of CMC, Manpower Plans and Policy, Enlisted Plans (MPP-20). 11.e.2. 2131 2131 2141 2141 2147 2147 below. Personal correspondence Receipt Verification. All Marines who meet the requirements set forth in this MARADMIN will compete for promotion in the MOS assigned on the convening date of the board per paragraph 3100.3 of reference (g). 6123 2 171101 NA 181001 NA 181101 NA The most expeditious means of obtaining and viewing the OMPF and MBS is through OMPF online via Marine Online (MOL). REF/I/MSGID: DOC/MMSR/15FEB2019// The information in this MARADMIN should receive widest dissemination. 6113 8 150201 051212 151201 070730 170201 081201 REF E, MARADMIN 342/22, SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDANCE FOR THE EXEMPTION TO ENLISTED PROFESSIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION POLICY FOR MARINES SERVING ON SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENTS. Records Management Section (MMRP-20). 1361 3 20180102 20091013 20210301 NA 20210501 NA 1316 1349 1341 1349 1345 1349 Update Material. 11.f. Disciplinary action is considered "complete" when convening authority action is adjudicated and reported by unit diary or court-martial results of trial is released by military justice officer, or a Marine is found guilty at Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP) and punishment is reported on unit diary, or civilian court proceeding, or counseling documentation is placed in Marine's OMPF. Effective, 30 January 2023, promotion selection boards will honor a Marine's request not to be selected by a enlisted staff noncommissioned officer promotion selection board and the Marine will incur a failure of selection. 6132 6132 6153 6153 6154 6154 In accordance with reference (h), Marines who are selected the ranks of SSgt through SgtMaj/MGySgt must have at least 24-months of obligated service remaining on contract beginning on the date of their promotion. Reference (i), MARADMIN 408/19, supersedes previous ECFC Program MARADMINS and provides information regarding enlisted active duty service limits and high year tenure. Marines on limited duty or pending evaluation by a PEB may not be extended using this authority. President, FY 2023 Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Promotion Notification should include the Marines full name, EDIPI, grade, occasion and dates of the report(s). Paragraphs 3100.3 and 3602.5 of reference (g) apply. Do not call or email HQMC MMRP to expedite the processing of submitted reports as it will only delay processing. EDIPI_ltrtoboard(2). 3381 33 20180301 NA 20200301 20120402 20210301 20130225 6286 1 180401 NA 191001 NA 191201 NA Specific data elements include, but are not limited to Date Of Rank (DOR), Armed Forces Active Duty Base Date (AFADBD), PME, service schools, billet description, Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS), IMOS, training scores, personal awards, assignment to and removal from the Body Composition Program (BCP), etc. Comm: (703) 784-3738, DSN: 278-3738 or (703) 784-0554, In accordance with reference (b), all correspondence submitted to the President of the board must be received no later than 10 calendar days prior to the board convene date. Personal Responsibilities. 15. It is expected to wrap up in June, tapping about 1,900 staff sergeants for promotion. 0639 40 20180701 20120709 20200601 20131202 20210401 20121022 All Marines who are eligible for consideration by the FY 2022 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board must have PME requirements completed NLT 2359, EDT on 25 April 2022. 6323 7 20181001 20091019 20191001 NA 20201001 NA 11.f. Ensure each eligible Marine within your command is notified of their promotion eligibility. 2336 2336 2629 2629 2651 2651 Lateral Moves. These Marines will compete on the following year's board, if eligible. Read about the enrollment process. 6073 12 181001 080211 191001 080317 191001 NA 6.a.6. The deadline to ensure that all Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) and Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) related information is up-to-date is no later than (NLT) 2359, EDT on 25 April 2022. review. 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