which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier
Surely Jana isn't the "small but expensive" noun in this sentence! Adding "the house" as the subject to the sentence keeps this adjective phrase from being a dangling modifier. a. Vegetarianism promotes better health. Values of a, Which of the following statements about pro forma financial statements is incorrect? , A modifier at the beginning of a sentence must change the subject. Then, ask yourself what noun that phrase is supposed to be modifying? C) Lots of people are going to lose their jobs as a, Which of the following statements about the English language is most likely not true? Answer: The sentence that contains a dangling modifier is To raise a good dog, persistence is important. B. C. It's correlated, but not causal. Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced modifier? A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that is not clearly and logically related to the word or words it modifies (i.e. . "You failed to enclose a check for $25." Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC how to make paper star ornaments doll stuffed in pussy rblx trick interview sex video top songs of 1937 buy . Several students walk home together in the evening. Lakshmi began to research typing in the search words. A dangling modifier, or dangler, consists of descriptive words or phrases that either have nothing to describe or describe the wrong term. Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! The correct answer is: Which of the . 0000006665 00000 n Which of the following statements best describes the fallacy of division? Misplaced Modifiers are words or phrases that do not clearly point to the word or phrase they modify, in this way obscuring meaning. We spotted a curious scene filming the market last Sunday. B) If the Fed wants to increase money supply, it sells government securities. Read more about dangling modifiers, and then test your ability with our quiz. A) Business format franchises are less popular than product and trademark franchises. Can you spot the dangling modifier in the sentence above? C They heard there was a car crash on the evening news . Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! Resting on the sea bottom, the old trunk held many coins. For example, the pollen of forty-eight plants native to Europe and the Middle East. C. However, "the big dog" is a complete phrase. Which of the following statements is true regarding a bureaucracy? Where should a modifier be placed in a sentence? To raise a good dog, persistence is important. For example, in the following sentence, the word burger is modified by the word vegetarian: Example: Im going to the Saturn Caf for a vegetarian burger. Hence you can not start it again. a. 0000001554 00000 n Read more about dangling modifiers, and then test your ability with our quiz. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. (1 point) Playing with the children, it was obvious they had a great time. The school bus has a morning and afternoon route. B. In business, but not in ethics, there are strategies and decision-making. Identify the verb of the main clau, Identify the redundancy in the following sentence: "Plans include the addition of additional office space." Misplaced and dangling modifiers quiz with answers pdf rockola 1448 jukebox for sale used corvettes for sale on facebook marketplace. A. A. "America loves its patriots" Here are the different types of fallacies of ambiguity we have seen: Equivocation, Amphiboly, Accent, Hypostatization, Division, Composition, Which of the following verbs is usually followed by a gerund phrase rather than an infinitive phrase? A dangling modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that modifies an element that is missing from a sentence. Lets help each other to perfect our writing. The two principal types of modifiers are adjectives (and adjectival phrases and adjectival clauses), which modify nouns; and adverbs (and adverbial phrases and adverbial clauses), which modify other parts of speech, particularly verbs, adjectives and other adverbs, as well as whole phrases or clauses. D. The four men eating lunch talked quietly in the corner. 0000001275 00000 n A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. .9 One of the following sentences contains an independent clause and a dependent clause, which makes it a complex sentence. Good should never be used as an adverb (modifying a verb). Modifiers tend to be descriptive words, like adjectives and adverbs, but can also be phrases or clauses. A) Strategic changes will bring about changes in resource-allocation choices. \\A) The product needs farther testing. Since a modifier has to provide more information about something, by definition, the thing it is modifying has to exist. transitive verb. copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? Crawling across the floor, the blocks fell over. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? Each of these can influence peoples actions negatively. The assumption that what is true of a part is true also of the whole. a. union membership has been decreasing steadily since the 1930s b.union membership decreased from 1930-1960, but has, Which of the following statements is an appropriate purpose statement? A. Dangling modifiers make your writing nonsensical. \\, Which statement is most correct? \\D) How much farther is the conference room from here? The phrase noun modifier is a very broad category of words that modify nouns. C?? Since prepositional phrases should be closer to the subject they modify, moving "by fixing the transmission" to the front of the sentence also helps you avoid fixing a misplaced modifier. A) Equity investors expect to get their money back, along with a substantial capital gain, through the sale of their stock. HTMO@[?Qul'+!$ )JE { 0000003012 00000 n O b. Cell phones should be silenced when watching a theater performance. One can mistake which word is being modified. 1 : to call forth or draw out (something, such as information or a response) her remarks elicited cheers. In order to get good grades, you need to apply yourself more in class. Collecting groceries, the store got busier and busier. However, they need to come right before the words they modify to avoid becoming dangling modifiers. c) Some govern the behavior of institutions rather than individuals. a. allerg*, Which of the following statements best describes the fallacy of false cause (post hoc ergo propter hoc)? Plowd. A) Most entrepreneurial firms want to grow. A. 4. A. C) If employees are resistent to change, the only option le, Which of the following statements best describes the fallacy of composition? a. You may use different words as long as you retain the b. B) There are some instances in which franchising is not appro, Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT, referring to the balanced budget multiplier? d.Use extensive repetition. 234 0 obj<>stream A) "No warranties" B) "Seller makes no warranties on this product whatsoever" C) "As is" D) None of the above. (1 point) prepositional phrase gerund phrase participial phrase appositive phrase 6. (a) Economic profits induce firms to enter an industry; losses encourage firms to leave (b) Economic profits induce firms to leave an industry; profits encourage firms to leave (c) Economic profits and losses, Which of the following statements is CORRECT? The clouds burst into rain, and Steve saw them. Check out one more example of an adjective phrase that's missing a subject. Complete refers to an action, but does not name the performer of that action. It conveys a much different message than the writer intends. Hanging modifiers often take the form of an introductory phrase related to the wrong thing. In this sentence, the word being modified is unclear. You must sign in or sign up to start the quiz. These disorders include depression, heat intolerance, onychophagia, pathologic jealousy, dysthymia, and trichotillomania. After walking to school, the bus slowly passed by. Consider the following example: At eight years old, both my sisters were accepted to Harvard. The assumption that when one event precedes another, the first caused the second. You're probably familiar with adjectives as modifiers of nouns and adverbs as modifiers of verbs,. (A dangling modifier is a phrase that doesn't modify the noun that's near it.) Most stress disorders can be effectively treated with serotonin-uptake inhibitors. Which revision corrects the dangling modifier in this sentence? Sometimes writers use modifiers incorrectly, leading to strange and unintentionally humorous sentences. D. Arriving ten minutes late, the store was closed for the night. xref Descriptions: Answer: The sentence that contains a dangling modifier is To raise a good dog, persistence is important. b. For example, in the following sentence, the word "burger" is modified bythe word "vegetarian": Example: I'm going to the Saturn Caf for a vegetarian burger. LanguageTool will detect and correct any errors to ensure flawless writing! 233 quizzes. An act that is performed only by a human being and thus is proper to man. Crawling across the floor, the baby knocked over the blocks. After finishing the task, Jill turned on the TV. What is the greatest good as explained by Aristotle? Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that a scatter plot is the most appropriate tool for Marie to use in estimating future personnel needs? 1. t!J}gg?f7oz:Wk,xGw%8;ccl2&@n1Wb!Gs^If,dB*|{MfH6jti%Q0bA~!n%%D HY A dangling modifier is one in which the entered word or phrase appears to be associated with the subject rather than the object, or nothing. Sealed in an envelope, I couldn't read the message. A modifier describes or qualifies another part of a sentence. C. Generating positive job at, Which of the following statements about limited partnerships is incorrect? This sentence contains a dangling modifier. The baby crawled across the floor, knocking over the blocks. An ellipsis is a type of punctuation mark that consists of three dots (). Which of the following inversion sentence is acceptable? (1 point) Which of the following statements is true of an explanatory hypothesis? Filled with cream, covered in chocolate frosting, and dusted with sprinkles, you will enjoy this cupcake. As a writer, the last thing you want to do is confuse your readers and make them think, what did I just read? Dangling modifiers do just that, so its best to steer clear from them! B) Significantly challenging goals that are pursued blindly may increase unet, Which of the following statements is correct? Punctuation and spelling, 3. 1. A) In some industries, such as automotive and retail food, franchising is a dominant form of business ownership and growth. First, look to see if your sentence has an introductory phrase that comes before the subject of the main clause. C. There, - Select the correct option to complete the sentence. Two notes about dangling modifiers: Unlike an inappropriate modifier, a dangling modifier cannot be fixed by simply moving it to a different location in a sentence. When a sentence contains a dangling modifier, the subject is either unclear or missing completely. `` and '' before the last two sentences also illustrate, Which is which sentences are punctuated correctly check all that apply andrew's common of. In the phrase red hat, the adjective red modifies the noun hat. Incorrect Tests of the Shroud of Turin have produced some curious findings. The baby, crawling across the floor, knocked over the blocks. Which sentence contains a misplaced or dangling modifier? C. English is th, Which one of the following is TRUE? Correct them according to the methods just shown. Definition of a dangling modifier: "A dangling modifier fails to refer logically to any word in the sentence. Privacy Policy. one : make it less extreme : Moderate traffic rules have been changed to let him through Van Wyck Brooks. Covered in sweat, she arrived home and fell onto the sofa. Modifiers are words, phrases, or sentences that add description to sentences. Sentence Structure Dangling Modifiers Dangling Modifiers: Quiz 1 Time limit: 0 Quiz Summary 0 of 10 Questions completed Questions: Information You have already completed the quiz before. C. Magma comes out of a volcano vent, becomes lava, and then cools and becomes part of the land around the vent. After walking to school, the bus slowly passed by. Explanation: A dangling modifier or a misplaced modifier is a word that is supposed to modify a word but because of its incorrect collocation in the sentences, it makes the general meaning confusing. A. I scheduled my exam for Sunday; my plan is spend four or five hours studying on Saturday. For example, in the following sentence, Modifiers are words, phrases, or sentences that add description to sentences. A modifier changes, alters, limits, or adds more information about something else in the sentence. A) NAFTA was an expansion of the United States Japan Free Trade Agreement that had been in effect since 1981. (b) Six Sigma quality uses a statistical measure with a goal that equates to only 3.4 defects per million. Elicited Acts. c) She was good at her last job, so she w, Which of the following statements best reflects the you-attitude as described by Kitty O. Locker? d. My audience should understand. If the sentence contains a dangling modifier, label it DM and underline the dangling modifier. c. "We will send you the me, Which of the following is a true statement regarding ethical behavior in the workplace? Elevators can't stand in line. -T, Which of the following statements is not an example of stereotyping? While I was riding my bike, a raccoon crossed the street. C. The cost of doing business in a country or region is always independent o, Which of the following statements best describes the 12 Federal Reserve Banks? C) M1 includes assets primarily used as a means of saving. Can I smoke weed on my porch in Colorado? Answer Expert Verified. \\ A) Supply-chain management includes hiring the qualified HR Director. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase in a statement that changes something that isn't explicitly stated. What is an example of a modifier in a sentence? I cant believe I heard you complain about your surprise party! When I was eight years old, both my sisters were accepted to Harvard. We look forward to completing your order when we receive your credit card information. (c) The funda, Which of the following statements is correct? c. If some, - Select the correct option to complete the sentence. 0000004511 00000 n To make perfect lasagna, an authentic Italian recipe is a good place to start. It may also alter the information about the object presented. Processes are custom, Which of the following statements does not provide an example of an effective team leader? A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word in the sentence that isn't explicitly expressed. \\ A. Which of the following sentences contain a dangling modifier? Some of the sentences contain a misplaced or dangling modifier. A modifier is a word, phrase, or sentence that modifies, that is, gives information about another word in the same sentence. DM 2. Hence you can not start it again. Both terms refer to modifiers that are connected to the wrong thing in a sentence. Which of the following phrases is sufficient to disclaim an implied sales warranty? B. For Aristotle, eudaimonia is the highest human good, the only human good that is desirable for its own sake (as an end in itself) rather than for the sake of something else (as a means toward some other end). A misplaced modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that, because of its incorrect position within a sentence, modifies the wrong thing. Ideally, a modifier comes right before or right after the word it modifies. In grammar, the complement to a linking verb is a group of adjectives or a group of nouns that come after the verb and describe or identify the subject. The government increases its spending by 300 and taxes also increase by 300, then: A. increase in the level of output and income will be, Which of the following is NOT something to check during a thorough revision? Which of the following attributes has been identified as some of the worst behaviors exhibited by coworkers? The car's engine didn't fix its own transmission. C) Are you for rea, Which of the following sentences handles its subject most positively? 1. human action something that people do or cause to happen. a. Tom focuses more on members' needs than the team's goals. 2a: limit or narrow the meaning, especially in grammatical construction. You must first complete the following: Results [] Examples: a. It includes the presumption of causation. She arrived home and fell onto the sofa covered in sweat. 0000003785 00000 n Explanation: A dangling modifier or a misplaced More : Answer: The sentence that contains a dangling modifier is To raise a good dog, persistence is important. c. A vegetarian diet can provide plenty of protein. Which of the following sentences contain(s) a dangling modifier? C. is more convenient and efficient without the, Which of the following statements is incorrect? B) Supply-chain management includes all the activities that produce goods and services and delivers them to the customer. Since championships can't be unbeaten, the modifier is dangling. Add semicolons as needed. Riding in a swiftly moving vehicle, the landscape becomes blurred. grace is right! Take a look at several examples of participial phrases that have become dangling modifiers in their sentences. For example, "Big" makes no sense without specifying what is large, which leaves "large" as a dangling modifier. ..Which of the following is a compound sentence?A. The assumption that what is true for the whole is true for each of the parts. event something that happens at a given place and time. d) All of the answers ar, Which of the following statements is true of different types of unions? At globalanswers, Josie writes content. Directions: In the blank beside each sentence, indicate whether that sentence contains a dangling modifier (DM) or a misplaced modifier (MM). Adjectives and adjective phrases can become dangling modifiers when they don't have anything to modify. b) If we adopt Candidate 1, we would need to hire programmers who know the Java language. B) This hotel has world-class amenities. A) M2 measures assets primarily used as a medium of exchange. A man is fully responsible with the consequences of his acts. Dangling modifiers and how to fix them. 1. A. Changing employee attitudes is necessary if you are to manage dissonance. C) A limited partnership is usu, Which of the following statements regarding firm growth is incorrect? ***** B) Etsy hosts courses for aspiring female coders. Take a look at different sentence variety examples you can use that may result in dangling modifiers. A dangling modifier requires more extensive editing. A) My brother had an old truck that sat by the garage that needed paint. A. participial B. gerund C. This is an example of a: Misplaced modifier Phrase fragment Dangling modifier, Is it a: misplaced modifier dangling modifier correct. In the following sentences, which one contains an unacceptable dangling modifier? Collecting groceries, the store got busier and busier. Look at each offer separately. The largest portion of global output is in English-speaking countries. B) Substitutes place a floor on the prices firms in an industry can charge and on the profits fi, Which of the following statements is correct? Which group gave land to the daimyo for protection? It makes no statement with respect to causation. 0 B. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library. \\d. Be the first to read new posts and updates about MLA style. In many circumstances, instead of conveying the intended information, it ends up relaying completely different information. C. What kind of fallacy of ambiguity matches the following statement? If the sentence is correct as written, write $C$ in the blank. All rights reserved. Remember, the subject that is being modified should immediately follow the comma after the introductory phrase. e.Limit sentence content. The morality of the human action depends on three main determinants: object, circumstances and intention. To raise a good dog, patience is useful is the example of a dangling modifier. Keep reading for dangling modifier examples, explanations for why they happen, and how to fix them in your writing. They are NOT in the labor force C. They have NOT looked for work during the past four we, Which of the following statements is true regarding surface acting? Up to start the quiz modified should immediately follow the comma after the word or phrase in a sentence what... Words as long as you retain the b phrase, or sentences that add description sentences. More in class ) business format franchises are less popular than product and trademark franchises becoming! Correct as written, write $ c $ in the sentence contains a dangling modifier is a dog. Changes, alters, limits, or adds more information about something, such as information a! Them to the wrong term ) my brother had an old truck sat. Or qualifies another part of a, Which of the following statements is true of different types of?! 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