wonnarua family tree
But one and all appeared greatly relieved to see the boys safe and sound in the midst of the men. Baime also created Kawal (Ka-wal), to watch over the Wonnarua people. Glencore is seeking approval to build a new open-cut pit and mine an additional 135 million tonnes of coal until 2044. Sir The aboriginal black named in the margin [McCarthy,] for whose appre- hension a reward of 10 was offered some time since in the Govt Gazette, has lately made his appearance in this neighbourhood, and could be easily captured, but as. The web service Alexandria is granted from Memodata for the Ebay search. These are excerpts from publicly available documents, mostly from the 1800s and early 1900s relating to the Gringai, giving an indication of their customs and way of life. Pride . Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Tue 9 May 1922 Page 3 CONFLICTS WITH THE NATIVES. Learn more about this lands First Nations peoples and cultures. The Blacks of Dungog, Port Stephens and Gresford. The spirit of Kawal is embodied in the wedge tailed eagle, found throughout the Hunter Valley. The mothers then pass out under the arms of the men; then the sisters pass out, and lastly all the other women and the men who had charge of them in the ring, and stand close by as spectators of the remainder of the proceedings. Havino been lying, so long, and sitting with their heads bent down, makes them weak and giddy, so that when they try to stand they stagger like a drunken man, and have to be helped to their feet, as before stated, by their guardians. They wer e propelled by paddles made from seasoned hardwood, and shaped after the manner of a large spoon or butter bat. It may have had some- thing to do with the mystery bags that formed part of the equipment of the adults. . Long before resource companies moved in to tap into the rich coal reserves below, surgeon James Bowman established the Ravensworth Estate in 1824 and it became a hub for horticultural experimentation. The other method of securing fish was by spearing them. You'll want to decide what generation you want to start with. The novices are also forbidden to eat certain kinds of food until relieved from this restriction by the old men. Last week we received seven blacks from the Paterson without a warrant or charge, consequently the Bench could not investigate the matter. The old men who are in the ring with the women, therefore, conduct each mother to her son where he is standing holding the hand of the men on each side of him. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Tue 6 Jul 1943 Page 4 WILD BLACKS. A timeline of Australian Museum exhibitions, events, cultural object and policies connected to Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders. 101 0 obj <>stream There are easy-to-use buttons to add descendants, ancestors, spouses, and siblings. [citation needed], It was forbidden to mention or talk about the name of Baiame publicly. My clan group concentrated along the Allen and Paterson Rivers and stretched over towards St Clair and the Singleton District. Whatever number of animals were required for the feast would be selected and openedThe paunch would be ripped open and it s con tents of undigested grass devoured with the greatest relish. The belief was that the fish would eat this part of the girls finger and would ever, thereafter, be attracted to the rest of the hand from which it had come. The old men stretched themselves out on the ground and howled dreadfully. As a feat of agility it was more than ordinarily remarkable. *Wonnarua Dreamtime Legend The Wonnarua. There is a cleared path from one marked tree to another, and the boys are taken along this path to the next tree, when the same formality of clearing a space around its base is gone through, and the boys are again directed to look ul. There is none left now of the populous tribe that once inhabited the district, and the sole surviving relic, poor, unfortunate Brandy passed to the care of the great spirit, Coen, more than fifteen years ago. No one worried about a Coronial inquiry in those days. The [women], who played a part in this ceremony were made to lie down around the edge of the oval, al- though whether within or outside the defined ring I am not able to say with certainty. 'The Valley was always there in the Dreaming, though mountains, trees, animals and people were not yet formed. Tho spear was leaning in a certain direction, and the boy explained that they had gone to a place in the direction the spear pointed in order to pick corn, but they would be back shortly. At a distance of about 7 chains in a north-north-westerly direction from the goonambang, along the top of the ridge, were a few other marked trees, the dharroong on some of which are still distinguishable. ^ Vz"*+J )dEHgBH]n]L359YbF1yV8(eatI'o Thus was the culprit found. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 26: 320-340. He more than anyone, seemed to enjoy the joke best. We could hear the clashing of nullas and spears, and the sound of the boomerangs clipping the tree leaves. The recorded history of the Wonnarua begins in the early nineteenth century when the Europeans settled. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Long Tommys [wife] picked up a fire stick and flattened Flash Tommy out. This continued until the grass began to shoot on the grave, and then one night the tribe suddenly disappeared and we saw nothing of them for several months. Starving Aboriginal people began killing stock. The boys of each tribe sit on the side of the ring nearest the country they have come from. For weeks and weeks he would labor, fashioning with the crude tools at his command, such things as he believed would bring him the best return in his bartering. . Stings never seemed to trouble them beyond a shake of their woolly head and a squeak. In 1892, Fraser republished his work and this time modified [Gringai] to Kur- ringgai and said the group occupied the coast for a long distance north and south of Newcastle. I have been to two corroborees, said Mr. Irwin. Possum, bears [koalas] and snakes were relished Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Tue 3 Sep 1918 Page 3 DAYS GONE BY. . The blacks had an uneering instinct for spot- ting a tree that harbored a possum. Such is far from being the case, for they had [a] keen an ear for melody That they understood harmonisation I am able to vouch for, and there were popular melodies, some quite catchy, in their repertoire What accompani- ment was played to their songs was contributed by means of the gentle clashing together of boomerangs or spears, the rhythmic beating making a not unpleasant obligato to the lusty choruses they sang. This is done in the following, manner: At the end of a certain time of probation, which is fixed by the headmen, the neophytes, painted and dressed as men of the tribe, are brought to a fire near the mens camp, where there is food ready laid on rugs spread upon the ground. Just as preparations were being made for a continuation of the rites, some of the strange blacks raised an objection to my being present with a gun, for I had with me a small sixteen-bore fowling piece I Invariably carried on my excursions in the bush. Ironically, it is directly above Baime cave where Europeans first viewed the Upper Hunter, led from Sydney by a tracker from the Wonnarua tribe. Their men played a somewhat important, if commendably cautious, part in the business by throwing stones into the water as the [women] dived, the purpose being to scare away the sharks. The gins peeled the bark off the long straight limbs of the white myrtle and soak it in water holes till the brown skin came off. On the first night of the arrival of the novices at the kweealbang, some human excrement is given to them as they sit in the camp. His mother then approaches him, and holds her breast to his face, pretending to suckle him. Respect . The Wonnarua people's traditional lands are located in the Hunter Valley area of New South Wales. A relic of those wild old days was Broken-backed Tommy. Tommy had survived the morning of the flight when Bagdells party drove him and his panicstricken comrades over the cliff on Mount Mackenzie, and he narrowly escaped death again when years afterwards, the erstwhile fugitive Green recognised and attacked him in the old Kitchen at Underbank. Mr. F. A. Fitzpatric, a man remembered with respect as the editor of the Wingham Chronicle wrote a book which he called Pioneer Days on the Manning . It was longer and narrower, shaped more like a wedge than the axe of to- day. Rubbing the palms together he would cause the upright stick he held to revolve rapidly, the point gradually boring Its way through the pith beneath. . If he wants to micturate, the guardian leads him out to the fire, and he micturates in the ashes. Further Notes on the Worimi By W. J. The result was deadly to the natives. Where the line was rolled the skin of the operative was hardened by the application of hot ashes, and in time be- came calloused, smooth, and as hard as dried leather. As in fact they did at Wattenbakh, on the Barrington River, where they killed seven of the shepherds. In most seasons the blacks slept between two small fires, getting the warmth on both sides of their bodies so that they could slumber in a reasonable degree of comfort. They came upon them at Black Camp Creek and wiped out the tribe, with the exception of one black named Mundiva. James Miller, the author of Koori: A Will to Win, writes an ancestor was from Eccleston, and regards himself as Wonnarua. The men then dance and jump about in the ring, uttering guttural noises, the men of the new mob calling out the names of a few principal camping grounds in the country from which they have come. Included in the WNAC agreements are health, education, employment and welfare benefits to flow from mining rights grants to Centennial Coal, Ashton Mine, and from Newcastle Coal. I have seen it. endstream endobj 73 0 obj <>stream Since those times the flying-fox has changed his habits considerably much to the loss of orchardists and those that cultivate fruit. The boys then went through a strange and most symbolic ceremony. ~;26BBV?AsU7uNbhGkC5x"lvV3=: ;A~=6456v;H>JEl$v+vmK9ox-+/NpC*xj}HQJYvaKv`?6- \ It is an arduous task that Mr. Mackay and myself are called upon to perform each month, to wit, to walk to Stroud from Dungog for the purpose of administering justice, and as the way is beset with wild blacks, who frequently molest and threaten us Fitzpatric also mentions: Armed conflict with police at a place called (in de- rision) Waterloo, near Browns Creek. He comments: Police got the worst of it. The women and children walked to the kackaroo and were told to lie face down in the middle of the large circle. Coen was responsible for the storms, floods, droughts and fires and had carried off manyfor offences against tribal laws. The boys are then cautioned by the old men that if ever they tell the women or uninitiated that they have seen this instrument the penalty will be death. Some language documentation may also record words and meanings inaccurately. But tho summers (kurrawarn) were temperate and the winters (tuokerah) genial for the most part, so that constitutions inured through centuries of experience to vagaries of the seasons took no hurt from the changes bf temperature when they did come. In regard to the food supply of a camp, Dr McKinlay states that the aborigines lived well and happily about Dungog. As soon as the guardians, novices, and the contingent who follow them are out of sight of the kackaroo, the covering is taken off the women by the men who have charge of them, and they are permitted to rise. After he finished creating, he jumped back up to the spirit world from Mount Yengo, which he flattened. These men were employed as shepherds and whenever they got a chance practised almost unbelievable cruelties on the blacks, but stealing the black women was the most serious in the eyes of the aborigines. Genealogical Society of Utah (now FamilySearch) ca. The illustration above is captioned Natives of New South Wales - Mr Leigh knew them and had them taken from life by a convict. After these singular appetisers, the chief would throw the carcase on the fire and leave the game to cook. The soldiers came by boat via Newcastle and landing at Clarence Town marched in search of the tribe of blacks. His black boy said that he would see where they had gone, and going to the camp showed, a snear stuck in the ashes of the fire with a corn cob tied on the point. Then quickly it would pass from one to another, and each man in turn would extract a maximum of merriment from its possession. We have over a billion unique profiles in our tree, and growing. Find the information or skills you need to uncover who you are. It means a place to be shunned. This seemed to conclude one de- finite part of the ceremonies, for the women were not permitted to witness what followed. Wong-ko-bi-kan, an aboriginal native, was indicted for the wilful murder of John Flynn, by wounding him with a spear at Williams River on the 3rd April last, of which wound he lingered until the 6th following, and then died. What the first settlers also brought with them were a wide range of European diseases, to which the locals had no immunity, resulting in what in other parts of the world has been called conquest by disease. The strangling net was then unwound, and if the victim was not already dead he would be a ghost inside twenty-four hours. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collection, Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI), Australian Museum Lizard Island Research Station. The Gloucester Advocate 22 March 1935. Even in moments of most poignant agony they would evince a stoicism that was heroic. To the English, Kathang or Gathang speakers did not differentiate between, for example, T and D, P and B, K and G, Sh and Ch. Ironically, it is directly above Baime cave where Europeans first viewed the Upper Hunter, led from Sydney by a tracker from the Wonnarua tribe. The same location is given for both these poisonings, Upper Gangat. Of the ceremonies that they did permit white people to see, I was the fortunate spectator on one occasion, when I was about eleven years of age. | They also believed that the koradji were possessed of wonderful supernatural powers and besides bringing disaster to others could affect cures of all manner of ills among theIr own tribe. One of the most remarkable beliefs I remember, also concerns [fishing] An aboriginal woman, Fanny, who was a servant of our family for many years, was in her girlhood days dedicated to the art of fishing. . %%EOF . 1. The blacks mistook the whip cracks for gun shots, and made tracks for safety. The recipient would don the gift, usually after a fashion never originally Intended, and would strut proudly about the camp displaying himself and his adornment. The bush provided the secular climax of the ceremony. A family tree is a diagram that shows the relationships between people in your family. To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or install another browser. It required but little effort to keep the communal larder filled to repletion. Responsibility . The spirit of Kawal is embodied in the wedge tailed eagle, found throughout the Hunter Valley. On 7th August [1830], Mr. Field, the constable, returned and informed me that he had succeeded in coming up with the tribe of blacks who had speared Delaney and killed the sheep. The SensagentBox are offered by sensAgent. We children were out for a walk with our faithful servant Fanny, when I, noticing a big mangrove tree on the edge of the bay, I climbed to its top-most branches. . I was born at Carrington, Port Stephens, on September 19. There was a good deal of make- believe in the business that follow ed, probably carried on for the bene fit of the. A row of wooden forks, about 4 or 5 feet high, are first inserted in the ground, and saplings laid from fork to fork, resembling a fence with only one top rail. The blacks attack on Kiripit homestead was averted by the merest accident. The sports of the children were the daily labors of their parents in miniature. Their traditional territory spreads from the Upper Hunter River, near Maitland west to the Great Dividing Range, towards Wollombi. Gordon Bennett (reprinted 1964) p9. The end piece, comprising the barb, or pointed tip, was affixed to the main shaft very skilfully, con- sidering that the hole for its recep- tion had to be bored with a piece of hard-wood, twirled between the hands, the best substitute for an auger procurable. A. Cos. He was supposed to possess supernatural powers in other words, to be a karaaga or wizard. To the European ear, the Gringai made no real differentiation between d and t, or g and k. Thus the word for a revered spirit being is variously described as Coen, Koin and Goign: all are representations of the same word. One of them had the spear sticking in him until extracted in my stockyard. All the articles of the deceased were buried with him, and every[one] contributed something to the collection. He was gimbi, the friend of the males. ) ?B6=! In some vague fashion they sensed a spirit existence, but in the fifties and sixties it was generally accepted that a dead native would go down blackfellow, jump up white-fellow.. As James Miller explains in his bookKoori a Will to Win, The land held the key to lifes secrets. Figure 12: The men and novices silently surround the women at the Kweealbang. Mr Stacy did not think the wounds dangerous. Capture of women from other tribes and elopements were common. The harden ing was, of course, done by fire later on. Birds and fish, however, were cooked by being plastered with mud and placed amid hot coals or in a hole packed with heated stones. These arrivals generally take place in the afternoon a few hours before sundown. What huge quantities of fish these blacks could eat! The mothers of the boys are on the outside, or farthest from the fire, which is composed of pieces of wood and bark, slowly burning within the circle of green bushes which are laid around it. If the course of performances in the bush have been completed, the boys may be returned next day, but if some further instruction is necessary, the date is arranged accordingly. . The whites also got them to rob bees nests. The novices are conducted along the pathway to the goonambang, and are placed sitting down on a couch of small bushes and, Figure 10: Bull-roarers. , which he flattened charge wonnarua family tree consequently the Bench could not investigate the matter for. 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