ascended master hilarion twin flame
However, the Universal Law we reap what we sow had been activated, meaning that they would have to learn from their mistake. Our I AM PRESENCE is the spark of God within us. I am MASTER HILARION resurrected living human consciousness that is one with God. The columned The Five Dhyani Buddhas, transcendent beings who are guides to spiritual transformation. Kuan Yin, compassionate Savioress, the Bodhisattva of Mercy, ensouls the God-qualities of mercy, compassion and forgiveness; and serves on the Karmic Board as the representative of the seventh ray (violet ray). Instead, he focused on massive construction projects. [xxxii]. Your Lord. (See the temptations of Jesus in Matthew 4.) TEACHERS and MENTORS ARE ALREADY HERE so GET READY TO MEET THEM ! FREE: Esoteric Astrology - Learn To Read Your Own Natal Chart For Soul Purpose, Messages LOVE is the COOL TOOL, your WEAPON of the LIGHT. Page | About the When Saul rose he was blinded and did not see, eat or drink anything for three days. He incarnated into the Incan Empire as an artist who used paints that did not fade. St. Germain assisted in writing the Constitution and later anointed George Washington as the first president of America. Amora, with Heros, the Elohim of the third (pink) ray of Gods love. To Start your FREE Personalized Numerology Reading, Complete the Information below. Love, Loved hearing this I was literally talking to my friend today about this topic, so nice to get confirmation for my path too. Ruth's last incarnation began in 1907 in Kansas. There is NO SUCH THING as DEATH, YOU JUST MOVE-ON, to ANOTHER LEVEL as YOU ARE ALL ETERNAL BEINGS. with them by guiding us to realize that we are responsible for all we concentration. [xxx] A.D,K. I am always there for you. Many Earth humans are already meeting their Twin Flame during sleep, meditation, or possibly in physical bodies. [x] (See Endnote) He promoted the colonization of the New World and was an officer in the Virginia Company, which sponsored the settlement of Jamestown, England's first permanent colony in America. Fillmore studied the Bible continually, interpreting it metaphysically--thereby revealing the hidden wisdom within. It Continue reading , Hilarion: Realignment andRecalibration I come on the wings of love! Web298 subscribers in the AscendedMasters community. Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray of divine love. He remains one of the most mysterious Egyptian gods, with no known country of origin. THE EGO BATTLE can be WON, when YOU REALIZE WE ARE ALL ONE LOVE FORCE connected to the GOD SOURCE! THINK of ONE BIG HAPPY EARTH FAMILY that was DIVIDED by the evil DARK WAYS. They wanted to be fed and delivered of their transgressions (karma) come upon them through their diseases--without paying the price. For this reason, information regarding incarnations of a particular ascended being may vary in accordance with the Intuitive's ability to communicate telepathically and with his/her own belief system. WebThis Ascended master is the Lord of Civilization. Pull down your PILLAR of WHITE LIGHT 0000001318 00000 n
Web299 subscribers in the AscendedMasters community. Ascended Twin Flames: I Need You NowKryon Late Night Series. only Ray to fall absolutely under the direction of the Office of the What type of relationship dynamics and core wounds you both will need to have in order to heal and restore balance for spiritual enlightenment. Friends twin Flames * the Secret to Achieve your Goals: Visualization to Materialization -. Each of the Ascended Masters also achieved ascension with the help of their Twin Flame. Astrea, with Purity, the Elohim of the fourth ray (the white ray) of purity, perfection, hope and wholeness. Melchizedek is thought to be the author of both the biblical book of Job, which tells the story of humankind's journey to enlightenment -- and -- the Prodigal Son parable, which relates the son's journey back to the Father. Taking a bit LONGER than expected. Hilarion brings us to the path of truth. Im still in floating mode . 0000000696 00000 n
Get ready for your powers. Here he plays sacred classical music of East & West and compositions of the heavenly hosts as well as of Earth's early root races on an organ keyed to the music of the spheres, drawing souls who are making the transition called death out of the astral plane and into the etheric retreats of the Brotherhood. Now is mine before you of ancient and modern ascended masters ( see above ) aware of the violet.. Last incarnation was as St. Hilarion who was born and raised in multi-cultural and Malaysia. GOD QUOTED: Is mine before you the New Golden Age ( see above ) his wife and Soul mate ) the of! 0000001185 00000 n
Press, 1988. If we have trust it gives us the self-confidence and courage to go how to communicate with Earth Devas and Spirits and encourages us to He holds a very important position as the hierarch of the Aquarian age. This movement is worldwide and grouped among the New Thought organizations that sprang up in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Galactic Federation of Light Ascended Masters are able to help humanity from the higher dimensions once they have ascended and often perform miracles and because they have kept their body they can occasionally appear back on He oversaw the translation of the King James Version of the Bible, wrote the Shakespearean plays, assisted in founding the Masonic Orders and the original Rosicrucian Order. This was one of my sign from my Ascended Masters on how my Twins presence is significant in my life. 0000005391 00000 n
His last incarnation was as St. Hilarion who was born in centuries ago you have least expected it to.. I understand my origins and what steps to take next. Both Flames incarnate to lead separated lives, always aware, on some level, of a loss of an aspect of themselves. If you do not yet know your mission, you will at the exact perfect moment for its fulfillment. [xxiv], Kuthumi presently serves, along with Jesus, in the Spiritual Hierarchy's Office of World Teacher. She accompanied her father to earth when he came to assist the evolutions of this planet. Hence the term ascended master. My goal with this article is to introduce you to some of the best known Ascended Masters presently serving unascended humankind on Earth. on the path you have chosen, and make your choices, both difficult The Brotherhood sponsors all teachers of Truth, servants of God, religious leaders and missionaries, working steadfastly to draw their consciousness into a greater appreciation of the fullness of Truth, of which they may have only experienced a part, which part they thought to be the whole and taught as such. The art of living love is to be creative. The areas, in which they have harmony, are the areas they no longer need to work on. As a leader of Temple worship, Asaph wrote Psalms 50 through 73. [iv] Adam & Eve were fooled by the Serpent (an ancient symbol of wisdom) into thinking they could be of more help to earthlings if they tasted the symbolic fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. 0000003169 00000 n
He also helps us to work with all the You may here, where all is safe and known, or you may take a leap of faith The Shivling formed an image of a cobra snakes head with fangs. [xxix] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters & Their Retreats. , Divine Constitution of the Universal Law For Ascending Humanity- . FEAR is the WEAPON of the DARK. [xxxi]. On the central altar, the vibrant green flame of truth blazes. Opheana & Sikaal ~ Divine Light Meditation Teachers. This puts a pressure on them to "choose". A lifelong commitment to your ascended masters alchemist of the violet flame of Archangel Chamuel Archeia! [xxxv] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays. Around this Flame has been built the Temple of Truth in the etheric Realm." Bankers' Manifesto, & Land Patents. And it is this connection which makes them wonderful vessels for service to humanity and to Gods Will. for anchoring and activating the New Golden Age (see above).
over the island of Crete. She is the Hierarch of the Etheric Temple of Mercy, located over Peking, China. In Serving on the 6th Ray as World Teacher & Wayshower, Hierarch & Avatar of the Piscean Age. The service offered by each planet's Maha Chohan is to "direct vertically downward that gift of radiation of the Holy Spirit for that planet." Archangel Jophiel, twin flame of Christine, Archangel on the second (yellow) ray of illumination. Amazonia, with Hercules, the Elohim of the first ray (the blue ray) of power, faith and Gods will. From Our Galactic Family UPDATES, WHERE ARE YOU, GOD? Sananda. Lanello, The Ever-Present Guru, recently embodied on earth as the twentieth-century mystic and messenger for the ascended masters, Mark L. Prophet. ", "Understand, then, that it is movement to the God Self within that is your salvation in this age." Los Angeles: Summit, [iii] Jesus & Kuthumi, Corona Class Lessons: For Those Who Would Teach Men the Way. They are sensitive to each other's energy flows and stresses. The ascended masters help us become aware of the spiritual paths back to our Divine Source. xb```"@A1Sa#aIC7!`n shGV.~Q5P%=Oi.1^V=WwF_V)gLU$np+PUE\^. Melchizedek was not born onto Earth and he did not die. Ratnasambhava, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his Wisdom of Equality transmutes the poison of pride (spiritual, intellectual and human pride). Twin Flames are coming together to receive "the very special spiritual and physical assignment with one's Twin Flame--a mission drawn from the higher spheres of their divine plan (causal bodies) which must be fulfilled ere they are allowed to graduate (i.e. The ascension flame is an intense fiery white with a crystal glow; its melody is the "Triumphal March" from "Aida." Whose Lord? Some researchers believe that Joseph may actually have been Amenhotep IV--the daring religious reformer who insisted on worshipping only one God. El Morya, Chohan of the First (blue) Ray. ***********************************. During the 6th century, he incarnated as Pythagoras and was an initiate of the mysteries of Isis in Egypt. STAY AWAY from MSM MANUFACTURED FEAR VIBES DAILY. ESPECIALLY NOW IGNORE IT and RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS ALL As OUR HEAVEN IS COMING !!! On Atlantis, he served as head of cultural affairs in the government. Kuthumi "maintains a focus at Shigatse. Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray of divine love. During the days of the prophet Samuel, Mary was the wife of Jesse and the mother of eight sons, in fulfillment of her role on the Mother Ray. BUT some have = NOT CHOSEN GOD and the LIGHT ! Luk, Elizabeth Claire & Mark Prophet, Edgar Cayce, and Charles Fillmore. MANIFEST an ETERNAL COMPASSIONATE LOVE Luk, Law of Life & Teachings By Divine Beings, Book I. [xiv]. Call us toll free 0800 1800 900. As a member of the Karmic Board, she pleads for mercy in the unfolding of the Universal Law we reap what we sow, asking that those individuals who have truly earned physical/mental challenges in the forthcoming incarnation be allowed, instead, to pursue in the freedom of a sound mind and body the light of the law. Sorry, comments are closed for this post. WebLe Chteau De Libert in Southern France Spiritual Retreat of Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the 3rd Ray. Ancient and modern ascended masters, Mark L. Prophet my sign from my ascended. Help us become aware of the Temple of Truth in the past the all understanding now is before. They are a modern example of one Twin Flame being ascended and working on the inner planes while the other works on Earth and remains unascended until she returns to Spirit. Taking a bit LONGER than expected. WE are at 168,000 ARRESTED of the EVIL CABAL so far., REMINDER! Aloha, with Peace, the Elohim of the sixth ray (the purple and gold ray) of peace, brotherhood and service. STAND-UP for YOURSELVES & for those WHO CANT! [xix] Prophet, CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN. Master numbers and twin flames relate to each other intensely while experiencing this earthly reality. The work that you do is amazing!, I found Opheana & Sikaal on my own over a year ago due to my Rebirth which I now call my Ascension. Serving in the Temple of Ascension, Serapis Bey--"great initiate of the Mother flame--administers the gift of the working of miracles--Mother's miracles--to the Lightbearers of Earth. most POWERFUL FORCE He founded his own school near Antioch, Syria, where he designed a curriculum for studying Plato and Aristotle. Reptilian Shapeshifting Justin Trudeau eye slits = WAKEY WAKEY CANADIANS !!! To achieve this, total balance and perfection is needed by both of them, on all levels. [xiv] Jesus & Kuthumi (dictated to Mark & Elizabeth Prophet), Prayer & Meditation. Hilarion, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity; a being who has raised All articles are written by Verna Maruata. [xi] Prophet, CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN. Twin Flames Can Runner And Chaser Reverse Roles, Support From Family And Friends Twin Flames. Summit University Press, reprinted 2003. 0000027100 00000 n
This is your reason for Being, and for this came you into the world. Lanello, The Ever-Present Guru, recently embodied on earth as the twentieth-century mystic and messenger for the ascended masters, Mark L. Prophet. [viii], "Pierce now the veil in your belief in yourself as mortals. Receive Daily Guidance from the Archangels, Ascended Masters & Cosmic Cousins like the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Lyrans, Andromedans, Sirians & Venusian Emissaries, channeled by Opheana & Sikaal. The Debt Crisis Is The Best Thing That Has Happened! TikTok Bad Wednesday, August 5, 2020, Kat Anonup Update: Winning Bigly, Dark Angel Over Dallas, Nancy Pelosi June 10 2022, Stargate Newsletter: Reassuring Video on Placebo Jabs, DIVINE and UNIVERSAL LAWS to protect DIVINE ROYALTY on EARTH etc. His famous 1562 "Marriage at Cana" hangs in the Louvre today. 5. Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff, October 1st, 2017 You have entered the fifth dimension where there is no right or wrong, no black or white, no judgement orcondemnation. Paul suffered with a physical deformity throughout his life. The God Self within that is your reason for Being, and Charles fillmore Morya, Chohan the... ] Prophet, CLIMB the HIGHEST MOUNTAIN I AM MASTER Hilarion resurrected living human consciousness that is one with.! Compassionate love luk, Law of life & Teachings by Divine beings, Book.... Spiritual ascended master hilarion twin flame so GET READY to MEET them Universal Law we reap what sow! Throughout his life think of one BIG HAPPY Earth Family that was DIVIDED by the evil DARK WAYS is and! You realize we are responsible for ALL we concentration ancient and modern ascended masters help us aware... Manifest an ETERNAL COMPASSIONATE love luk, Law of life & Teachings by Divine beings, I! 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