catholic prayer for good biopsy results
so I now await further testing and doctor visits to find the root of this problem, as we all do in these situations. Here are 10 prayers Christians can pray before surgery. We pray for the doctors who are caring for us, that they would be mindful of your guidance and wisdom. My family has all but abandoned me and I actually believe that some will be happy to hear if it turns out the biopsy is malignant. Thank you, Amy. And if you see or hear a sparrow, remember that you too, are in Gods constant care. Thank you for leading this precious sister Would you consider donating just $10, so we can continue creating free, uplifting content? Im just praying victory over this in the name of Jesus most days i feel like i am in a million pieces but i have prayed that the Lord has healed me and i will get benign results Prayer For A Good Test Result God, my Healer, I pray in Jesus' name that the results of these lab tests will be good news. I am forever grateful for all my blessings. 1. I pray that God gives you peace and calmness which transcends all worldly understand. Give me a measure of your strength so that I might not give in to discouragement, deception, and doubt! Still praying you get benign results in the name of Jesus KC let us know when you hear from them. I did have Thyroid cancer, but the 4 breast biopsies have all come back benign.
In Jesus name I submit this prayer. Keeping you in my thoughts every day. And You take what is meant for evil and turn it around for good. God wrap your arms around her during this time of waiting. Father, I pray you would make your presence known to Katrina today. Dear Lord, Its so scary when we dont know what is going on with our health. So do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows. Thank you! We pray you would bring her relief. I especially love the walk and look for sparrows. So, what didi you think about the prayer for good results and good news and about the prayer for a positive outcome in your life? Minister to her during this waiting period in special ways to show her how much you love her and will never leave her side. I know it's good because You are good. Thank you. Provide for her needs. She suffers from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism and it has her depressed, anxious, fatigued, and she has gained weight. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. She stayed in contact with me daily to see how I was doing. No matter what the results, He will never stop taking care of you! Its this waiting, Lord, thats about to do me in. We believe in the power of miracles and thank you. It is a struggle to stay focused on anything. My symptoms persisted and I couldnt keep food down. Im so glad Im not alone and other Christians have felt the same. Let it come back as benign, Lord, but even if it doesnt, You are still sovereign over this situation. Thank God I found a group of women on Facebook with the same disease who encouraged me to find a specialist. Bless my body, bless my soul and bless my aura. Please save me and give me another chance to live a healthy life. As I am reading your post, my stomach continues to gurgle loudly as it has for days. I pray today at her appointment you will help the doctor to have wisdom and speed along the process for her so she doesnt have to wait as long. he thinks its not serious, could be an amalgam tatoo which is when dentist burns the skin doing metal fillings , caps . I would love for you to share any tips to help others deal with anxiety as they wait for a diagnosis. Dear God the Father, Lord Jesus, St Padre Pio, St Jude. Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner? Then he said to him, Rise and go; your faith has made you well. ~, While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the mans eyes. Years of sports and walking across concrete floors at the family hardware store had done a number on Jeffs spine. Here are 15 powerful prayers for healing after surgery. You are in God's constant care! Dear Jesus, when we dont know whats going on with our health it can be so scary. I am anxious about all the things you mentioned and the unknown is very triggering given I struggle with depression daily and have no family support so to go this alone is distressing. Thank you for the update. At the beginning of last week I went in for my diagnostic mammogram & ultrasound. I Love you lord. In Your abundance of love, dear Father, may this medical issue be resolved. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Philip Kosloski - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 05/03/21. May the Lord answer you when you are in distress, may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.. There is a way to ensure that everything you do comes out positive, and it is through prayers. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! Kelli will be having a colonoscopy soon. Required fields are marked *. God our Lord, intercede for me, help me, help me and dont let anything bad happen in my life. The prayer for things to go well should be made with a specific focus; that is, there must be something you are focused on accomplishing, which you need the aid of the universe for a positive turnaround. And I can only have that if your Spirit strengthens my heart to hold more of your Son through faith. You take care of us and help us through troubles when they come. Valerie. What a blessing that he has taken the weight of the financial burden during a time such as this. Im praying for you Penny. Maintaining good health can be difficult, even though the world has been graced with many advancements in healthcare over the past century. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. A little big but not too big so could be whats causing the pain. Give her joy today. Comfort her. Horace, I remember your prayer request on FB and I was thinking of you over the holidays because I knew you were going through something similar. by Valerie Murray | Jan 5, 2018 | About, Blog, Facing Fear, Faith, Health and Fitness | 100 comments. Please envision my husband and fully healthy, happy and vibrant! Prayer for Normal Blood TestGod of Grace and Mercy, You heal all diseases. God understands the fears you had as well. How many? He has the victory and in that victory, I have hope. Amen5. Help Sherry through Grant me the talent of being exact in my explanations and the ability to express myself with thoroughness and charm. I have some relief today by the grace of God i am able to get the colonoscopy in 3 days so prayers that procedure goes well and get good results i will have it done on friday. Thanks to any and all. Thank you Kelli for sharing. Last year I was diagnosed with a rare form of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma & had 8 rounds of Rituxin. 7:14) "You will see that in prayer you will find more knowledge, more light, more strength, more grace and virtue than you could ever achieve by reading many books, or by great studies. Please let the amazing power of hope in You shine through my circumstances and let me feel the love of Jesus right now. Ive been praying for you today Elizabeth. Please pray that God will do what He sees fit. I pray urgently for my both breasts will be tested on April 12, and the results will be proved negative, free of lymphoma and cancer, no cancer and benign!! Please watch over my hubby as he has a prostate biopsy. Please pray for benign results and that God will give me peace during this troubling time. I am so sorry you have so many health issues going on. I pray you all have nothing but happiness and peace moving forward. You are sealed with the Holy Spirit and guaranteed eternity with Him. I know he dwells there now, but not enough of him. WebSaint Dymphna, martyr of purity, patroness of those who suffer with nervous and mental afflictions, beloved child of Jesus and Mary, pray to Them for me and obtain my request. You love us. We all hope for the best when it comes to our health, but sometimes things dont go as planned. Hope all is well. Be her refuge and strength. Protect my mother. You walk with me through the fire. Amen. Jaime. Are you about to take on the next phase of your life? Hi im in need of prayer had been having tiny bit of blood in stool for about a year only happened about 3 times thought nothing of it but maybe constipation til a little over a week ago it happened quite a few times in one day and it was very very much.. ofcourse Ive googled all the symptoms and then noticed i have other symptoms of colon cancer like diffrent narrow bowel changes and weight loss , and stool samples have shown positive for blood in stool even tho im not having noticeable blood anymoreim hoping the weight loss is because of anxiety and because i had a baby in begining february but still from mid march by may i noticed i lost 10 pounds and im still losing a few praying other symtpoms can be explained with something else, i know there is power in prayer i just dont know if cancer is something in gods will for me and i pray if it is i have strength to accept it but i hope so bad that it is not his will for me i pray i just keep my faith and stop letting fear knock my faith down i want to see my kids grow up and grow old with their dad but with all my symptoms i just feel like all hope is lost and everything is pointing in the cancer directionplease pray for my anxiety to go away i try to give it all to god and then my mind runs wild again..pray that they hurry with referrals and insurance to get colonoscopy as soon as possible pray they find no cancer in Jesus name..sorry for long post just need to be lifted up in prayer for a while til i can get some results thank you..Godbless. Our problem is not in believing in You. I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen. Lots of people with strong faith get sick. Another verse says, The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient towards you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. Please lift up up my family in your prayers. Thank you, Lord, for your unending love for me! Lord help her through all the side effects of treatment. Ive literally made myself sick with this. covers prayers, spiritual meaning, bible verses and dreams interpretation. I pray as KC waits you will help her transform her thoughts so she can feel your steadfast peace that is beyond our human comprehension. Jeff and I both knew that with Gods help, we would have handled whatever his test results had shown. Please quell my little sisters and my familys anxiety. Im glad you were able to cling to Psalm 23. I am a busy teacher and mother of 3. You really know how much worried I was before my tests.. You really did a wonder in my life.. thankyou from the bottom of my heart for giving me a negative result in my test.. Amen. May pain be managed in the days following surgery. Heavenly Father, I come to you with heavy heart. Prayer for a BiopsyHeavenly Father, You know how fearful I am as I await the results of this biopsy. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. Its a 2-3 week wait for those results. And so we trust in your character and we pray for peace of mind. Simons mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. Please, grant ____ your spirit of courage. However, you must be sure of the persons desire. Your email address will not be published. Im rejoicing with you. They found something Now they have me scheduled Needle biopsy to check. We pray that the colonoscopy finds no cancer. You make the darkness tremble. Im praying you feel Gods peace over you and comfort calming your anxious thoughts. I pray you would direct the doctors and help Penny to have your peace that is beyond all our understanding. I just need to know what it is Im facing. I hope and pray you find answers and the care you need to recover. I know that though Your devine grace, all is possible. I am only 42. Its amazing what some fresh air and some praise music does for the soul. Several times. The prayer for a positive day will eliminate every form of negativity in your day. I pray the truth of your Word would help her take her mind off of her worries. Please pray for me. I suffer from very severe anxiety, and although the doctors are fairly confident that this is nothing, I cant help to reflect on the fact that Im only 23, and now Im scared I will be handed a death sentence and wont be able to finish school, get married, or have kids. I claim his complete healing and recovery. Read Chapter All Versions. But my life verse is again my greatest comfort: For we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to HIs purpose. We dont know what tomorrow might hold, but in Christ Jesus we know what eternity does! Dear Miranda, Thank you for sharing. Just putting it out there because it took the doctors cutting into him to discover that was all it was even after every test/scan imaginable. I am sick with worry. I am feeling very anxious and scared right now. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Help me honor you in all my ways. Ive been praying for you and hope things are going well. Lord, I pray against breast cancer. Please let my mothers biopsy test for cancer be negative. Reveal even the sin I am not aware of, Lord. Amen. I have low ferritin and a vitamin D deficiency, but the doctors say that doesnt explain the abdominal pain. You are brave. I pray that Toms biopsy results bring good news. That he will recover and live a long blessed life . Amen. Anonymoussays: October 1, 2017 at 12:00 am Please hear our prayers, please pray for us Dear God the Father, Lord Jesus, St Padre Pio, St Jude, Nothing more we ask for in our lives now but for a negative result of my mommys biopsy. Thank you! After 8 days of waiting, Jeff got the CT scan. It wasnt cancer or anything dire. I want to have peace, be able to control my thoughts, but mostly I want to feel Gods presence. I, too, have an ulcer but it is not colitis, crohns or Ulcerative Colitis. I pray for strength and faith for my family through this. But if its something, I pray for effective treatments and healing. We pray for good results dear Lord. Blessings, Valerie!! Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics. Im so thankful for my best friend. St Jude thank you for always helping me and Lord, I thank you for the strength you give me everyday, I thank you for my beautiful family, my wonderful amazing husband and the greatest gift from you, my daughter. I know the New Year is coming up and Im praying for benign results for you and that the Lord will calm your anxiety with His peace. We had friends who were dealing with difficult diagnoses. My tests came back abnormal so I need o have a biopsy today. Dear Lord, I pray youd give Amy peace in her heart and mind as she waits to hear the results of her test. The MRI on my husband Jeffs back was pretty routine. You are not alone. Tanya, Ill be praying for you.
I have not had trauma to the area it use to be about the size of a small pea i just figured a pimple was coming on but never happend now it has grown and a little pain from it now, i looked it up myself judging on the placement and from what ive read it may be a tumor on parotid gland, i read most are benign but since its starting to cause pain that can be a sign of malignancy. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. ~, Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. ~, He said to her, Daughter, yourfaithhas healed you. Waiting has never been something I have been good at. Let the biopsy come back as negative and NO breast cancer. Living in absolute terror. Ill leave the link in the comments. Help Sherry through this. Lord, may the results come back quickly. Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. And its normal to feel scared in these kinds of situations. We remember that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. We grow as we learn. You said, On top of that, Im so scared that my faith maybe isnt strong enough to get me to heaven. Thank you so much for letting me know. It has been a month since these symptoms began and the last couple of weeks I really have felt such a peace. They have sent my blood for further testing to see what could be causing it. I prayed before going for biopsy and got hopefully good news from doctor. I just love how you saw a cross as you were waiting for the doctor and looking out the window. Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. Every test comes back normal nothing is showing up even though I am feeling so ill. Cast all you anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Prayer for Those in Prison Using Scripture. ~ I Peter 5:7 NIV. You will deliver me from this time of trouble. Please Lord and Saint Jude I pray for your assistance please let Emilys biopsy results be negative for cancer. I am praying every day and wearing my miraculous medal to keep my faith in the forefront. His chiropractor just wanted a close look at what was going on with Jeffs poor, beat-up back. Amen. One such prayer that is particularly relevant to medical testing is the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes, which is a nine-day prayer that can be said before or after a medical test. Give me a keen understanding, a retentive memory, and the ability to grasp things correctly and fundamentally. Please continue to bless her and our family like. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. Please let Nazarios biopsies results return negative for any threat against his health. I constantly have to remind myself that God is in control. And You take what is meant for evil and turn it around for good. ~Psalm 94:19. So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. In your Mighty Name we pray, Amen. Jeff said he wasnt worried. I struggle between not wanting to lean on my own understanding but not wanting to have cancer, and trusting that Gods will for me is perfect, completely. But then the ultrasound showed nonspecific finding of gallbladder wall thickening. Our Lady of Fatima, Im waiting for news about my life that could change my future. I did heard Urine was positive taking meds , something that i am scared of and try not to worry i been research and if that was anything wrong related to what is going on with my body , i tried to sleep sometime i couldnt n worry about my teenager son going thru with adhd depression and anixety want be there with him see him growing up , want upgrade jobs and get house. I know that You are able to heal and protect me. You are aware of my reliance on You to bring about a total and final resolution to this issue, and I am steadfast in my belief in Your Word. If you are waiting for a diagnosis or a test, I feel for you. Erase the What Ifs? from my mind. How To Become A Deacon In The Catholic Church. To take the steps needed. Amen4. I pray to you and The Lord and ask for assistance. Thank you so much for sharing. I pray that my biopsy results are negative and I pray that I do not have cancer. These we ask through the intercession of Mother of Perpetual Help, Holy Spirit, all the angels and Saints Amen. Point out the beginning, direct the progress, and help in the completion. Work through her lawyer as she prepares for the appeal. I pray to you today, Our Lady of Fatima, to help me receive good news, to help me take all the bad luck out of my life and to attract only positive energies. You need to say a prayer to receive good news today. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Im praying for you. Thank you for your blog and God bless us all with peace and healing! Lord, we pray for her favor and that her disability would be approved.
Dear God, today, I am facing a surgery that makes me feel anxious and afraid. The Book ofPsalmsis a collection of cries, prayers and praise. So glad to hear that your tests were clear. That Christmas, I had stabbing pains when I talked and had been losing my voice. I am awaiting a biopsy report on my left breast that l had on Friday 12/7/18. Jesus I trust in Your mercy. In Jesus NameAmen, I am praying for the mass removed from my 26 year old daughter s uterus to be just s nodule not a sarcoma!! Can I Pray the prayer for positive outcome for someone else? The Catholic Church provides many prayers for many situations including the Catholic prayer for good medical test results, short prayer for good medical test results and bible verses for medical test results. Im currently experiencing a lot of symptoms and still dont have a diagnosis. Sorry for the long post but would also like prayers for my walk with God i prayed and promised to god like never before with previous health scare and now struggling to actually do right and give up everything i said i would i know God doesnt punish but i feel like maybe i will have health problems because i am shrinking back in my walk i dont want to but im having difficulty. Im so sorry you are going through all this. This includes asking God for guidance when it comes to our health. Instead, remind yourself that the worst-case scenario is probably unlikely. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. Thank you for being one of those friends, Nicki! Please let my daughter-in-laws biopsy results be benign. Right out that window was a perfect view of a cross (a steeple on a church nearby). I thank you for our jobs, the food we eat everyday, the house we live in, our good health, my solid marriage and the love I share with my family.
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Here are 10 prayers Christians can pray before surgery whatever his test results had shown to live long. Enough of him month since these symptoms began and the last couple of weeks I really have felt a.
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