cern strange events
Frankly, when we lived in Boston during the big dig it was impossible not to see traffic congestion, cost overruns, corruption, and lots of trucks, construction workers, and dirt. The CERN scientific community makes the braggadocios statement that Science can do what God does, or better! With its community of 25,000 international scientists, scattered throughout the world, who are not responsible to any particular national law or regulation, diffusion of responsibility gives this group exclusionary power and immunity to decide which experiments are worthy of its endeavors, while protecting its scientists from any personal or group consequences. The combination of the ARPANET and NSFNET became known as the Internet. Hope this will help:, Dont forget miracle man that everyone was afraid to critically and or logically say Stephen Hawkins is another way to push nasa ,space, no God or at least pushing evolution aka big bang . Sort of like the paid crisis actors that we find in other false flags events. But the viral video recorded at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (a.k.a. Apologies to those who felt confused Hence, lets get serious again. WebThere are already hints of new physics in the data CERN has produced: shadows of unseen particles and structures in the data, their existence implied by strange asymmetries and discordant relationships between the particles so far discovered apparent gaps in the Standard Model of particle physics that imply missing pieces. Its no different than the times when people went against the idea the earth was round. Life or death questions concerning a human. The United States needs to immediately stop funding any project, directly or indirectly, that supports the CERN SCIENCE SCAM. Thank goodness we now know these scientists as modern day snake oil hustlers. The Politics The Lombard bankers who financed the crusades, the East India Company, the Dutch East India Company, the British East Indian Company, and the central banks of Italy, Germany, Holland and England, are centered in Geneva. Can you see how this provides the ultimate cloak of secrecy to the worlds biggest false flag? Right from the beginning CERN objective sounded very suspicious to me. And it meets all the criteria for twelve basic strategies of perception management. I just want to state my opinion here, Where they are doing the experiment, strange things are happening, paranormal things. is a perfect place to hide the scientific-financial-military hoax of all times. If one of these theories proved to be true, it could help scientists gain a better understanding of the composition of our universe and, in particular, how galaxies hold together. Some question whether or not the alleged strange activity surrounding CERN is deliberate that scientists are intentionally trying to open portals to other worlds or if its all inadvertent, an unexpected outcome of dealing with forces we may not be able to control. One theory suggests the existence of a Hidden Valley, a parallel world made of dark matter having very little in common with matter we know. 11K. In our article entitled False Flags are Legal Propaganda Produced by the Department of Defense, we described the twelve indicators of a false flag. Even though 95% of the supposed CERN tunnels are in France, Geneva is in full control of CERN finances. The greatest probability is that CERN is being used in the creation The result, they claim, is a 7 teravolt, superconductive, superfluid quark cannon which purports to mass together the densest, most attractive substance of the universe, quarks, to explore the formation of quark-gluon liquids. CERN gives scientists permission to have free reign to rip apart or explode anything they want just because they are trying to find the God particle.
Cisco has been found to have built in a backdoor to all of their routers that connect them to the NSAs PRISM program of surveillance. The program was created in the late 1960s to monitor the military and diplomatic communications of theSoviet Unionand itsEastern Blocallies during theCold War, and was formally established in 1971. Published To prevent any service interruptions, the walls have seven inch thick, steel-reinforced concrete exterior panels in a hidden-from-sight building that does not have windows. CERN is the European Data Center. The third run got successfully underway at 10.47 a.m. And really, folks, we all know how easy it is today to photoshop anythingincluding glossy pictures of the octopus looking CERN and its underground tunnels. Watch CNN's coverage of the discovery, We have some of the most beautiful B-roll footage you've ever seen!
Mysterious Dr X says, Universe is NOT Expanding at ), Of course, we are not told this. CERN does not condone this kind of spoof, which breaches CERNs professional guidelines, and is currently carrying out an internal investigation.. Fairview: Amass surveillanceprogram directed at foreign mobile phone users. A second-stop shop to learn whether your password has been compromised in the past is the website have i been pwned?. And if we see this many holes in their highfalutin science, then why arent they seeing it? Thats why CERN decided to give up on password resets and concentrate instead on password disclosure databases ( WebStrange Discovery at CERN! WebWhy This Stuff Costs $2700 Trillion Per Gram - Antimatter at CERN Physics Girl 2.62M subscribers Subscribe 11M views 3 years ago Physics Girl is on Patreon! The first stop depends on your personal vigilance. These sites included regional networks that in turn connected over 170 other networks. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. There are many ways to lose your password. Many theories say the dark matter particles would be light enough to be produced at the LHC. The name means horned one, and his stern image appears in various forms, usually wearing stags horns upon his head, and he is oftentimes accompanied by a ram-headed serpent. At one point, a woman in the video removed her cloak. As the aforementioned zillions of tuples also contain information on other institutes and universities, international organisations and agencies, partners and peers of the CERN Computer Security team, aggregated notifications are also sent to the corresponding Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) of those entities, so that they can follow up directly with their users. Webinsects and spiders of Northern Virginia, as described by the Prince William Conservation Alliance It can even track bank accounts. Physics Standard Model lays out the basics of how elementary particles and forces interact in the universe. One idea is that it could contain "supersymmetric particles" hypothesized particles that are partners to those already known in the Standard Model. CERN is conveniently hidden 575 feet underground in tunnels that did not upset the landscape while being built or in operation. DCSNet:FBI surveillance system that can perform instant wiretaps on any telecommunications device. WebCERN Friday 24 Mar/23 11:30 - 13:30 (Europe/Zurich) Mirror symmetry and spinor-vector duality Event CERN Monday 27 Mar/23 03:00 (Asia/Taipei) ENDS: 31 Mar/23 12:00 On April 30, 1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone. Onyx uses lists of keywords to filter the intercepted content for information of interest. Cern is a 17 mile long accelerator that is 300 below the surface of the ground. In 1987, this new network was upgraded withlinks to thirteen sites. On multiple occasions when CERN has been fully activated, weird anomalies have occurred. This time, it will be built completely in Switzerland so the warlord bankers can capitalize on an even bigger money laundering or Ponzi scheme. No one has been able to stop or thoroughly examine CERN experiments as it is sanctioned by a mysterious assembly of international associations where the ultimate authority of the project has been so hidden through Jesuit-like compartmentalization that you cannot find any one leader, CEO, or entity in charge. Miamis Network Access Point, located in central Miami, is called The Cube. According to Biblical and Hebrew text, Lilith was first born, and Shiva is her decedent,her offspring. At that point, the footage abruptly ends. Persons that are authorized to access the CERN site sometimes let their sense of humor go too far, and that is what has happened on this occasion, the FAQ stated. The choice to locate CERN, an international consortium, in Geneva almost certainly was based upon the presence of the United Nations headquarters immediately nearby. The Higgs boson itself may point to new phenomena, including some that could be responsible for the dark matter in the universe, said Luca Malgeri, a spokesperson for CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), one of the four big Large Hadron Collider experiments, which is built around a huge electromagnet. Several of the Hebrew symbols was all so found, on the Star Gate and at CERNs which is a mathematical code, Yod is an astrological aspect pattern that involves any three planets or points in the horoscope that form an isosceles triangle. Latitude and Longitude: can be found on the Star Gate: Greek Lambda (). CERN Conspiracy by Anonymous Part two is a link, I only share a little of the information, activist did not release all the data, but they will.
We do so using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments. 1: In the past, the annual password change was another catch-all, but as it happened annually, the time between the password being compromised and action being taken could have been a whole year. They think something we have yet to detect directly is giving these galaxies extra mass, generating the extra gravity they need to stay intact. While all the results obtained so far are consistent with the Standard Model, there is still plenty of room for new phenomena beyond what is predicted by this theory, said CERN theorist Michelangelo Mangano in a news release. Turbulance: NSA information-technology project. It would be impossible to dig the tunnels without large construction equipment being seen in the access areas. Mike said, The big bang, much like the Santa Claus hypothesis, no longer makes testable predictions wherein proponents agree that a failure would falsify the hypothesis. The Money no one knows who all gives to CERN or how much money has been spent to date. The password database of Troy Hunt is only one of many. They also occur in the strong magnetic fields generated when black holes absorb nearby stars. Superconductivity for sustainability: a new s E.G.
CERN) was just a prank gone too far. Updated: 5:31 PM EDT July 7, 2022 On July 5, 2022, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, restarted its machine known as a particle accelerator. The video was repeatedly dissected by conspiracy theorists, at least some of whom believed it was evidence of dark deeds at the facility. According to themost advanced theoretical researchon the subject,they can create strangelets that would sink the earth into a rock of a few kilometers of diameter. And these tuples are actionable. CERNs data could easily be produced by computer simulations and it is not repeatable at other facilities. Other packet-switched computer networks began to proliferate in the 1970s, eventually adopting TCP/IP protocols or being replaced by newer networks. Building something so enormous and expensive to smash couple particles just did not make sense. Superconductivity for sustainability: a new s E.G. Essentially, CERN wrote the base code for individuals to access the internet. There are no good reasons to continue splitting atoms with a quark cannon. Support on Patreon: In the early days of the internet, backbone providers exchanged their traffic at government-sponsoredNetwork Access Points(NAPs), until the government privatized the internet, and transferred the NAPs to commercial providers. This is, of course, complete hog-wash; any spiritual researcher could have concluded as much in far less time and money. This strange and unknown matter was called dark matter since it is not visible. will begin collecting data for their experiments, won a Nobel prize for their far-sighted prediction. The Cube, unlike other data centers, rents its equipment and space to private and public customers, so that they can share information between them. Tailored Access Operations: Intelligence-gathering unit of the NSA. Instead all this appears to be an unintelligible mess that shows up when one crashes highly energetic particles at random., According to rumors, NSA director Keith B. Alexander is very upset about particle geeks with a damn high income that are unable to explain the meaning of their business to anybody else., CERN management stated that The entire physics community trusts the results because an unprecedented number of experts believe them. It could be a number of other known particles.. American taxpayers: Can you spell S-U-C-K-E-R-S? The theory reconciles the apparent evidence that the universe is expanding by suggesting that the universe generates matter at a rate proportionate to the universes rate of expansion. Onyx coordinates the work of other collection centers like Zimmerwald, Heimenschwandand Leuk. Many non-CERN scientists say that CERN has discovered nothing and that all particle physics descriptions of atoms are completely theoretical and that other theories seem more viable and provable. CERN is economically supported to find discoveries that can be weaponized atomic bombs, nuclear energy, etc. But unless the attackers abuse your password and with it the access to your computing account in a very visible way, how would you know? Part of HuffPost News. Once upon a time, this strange liquid might have been called snake oil. Alternatively, if the email address is registered with CERN2but used with an external cloud service (Amazon, Twitter, YouPorn, you name it), the corresponding owner will receive a notification including the partially obfuscated clear-text password (given that it has already been exposed, the password is burned in any case!). This data is now questionable and seems to be propaganda based upon an inadequate theory. The notification also indicates where the password has been used, if known (and, no, if its not indicated, we really dont know either, so please dont ask). Trailblazer Project: NSA program intended to develop a capability to analyze data carried on communications networks including cell phone networks and the Internet. It is the Network Access Point (NAP) of the Americas, one of the worlds largest data centers, which redirects most of the digital information that comes from Latin America. Plasma is an ionized gas, which means its a gas with free roaming electrons that can conduct electricity. These measurements, together with other scientific data, have confirmed the existence of dark energy and provide an estimate of just how much of this mysterious substance exists. Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons by Gsponer, We did find Latin,Greek and Hebrew scriptures on the gate, this gate is all so linked to a computer program at CERN, and yes I do believe activist hacked CERN. Members of these old banking families have led CERN since its inception. By seeing the full scope of the project, you can also start demanding more transparency for a so-called science operation that is sucking trillions of dollars and euros from citizens around the world. Galaxies in our universe seem to be achieving an impossible feat. Improved ATLAS result weighs in on W boson, New LHC experiments enter uncharted territory. Initially the Network Assess Points were controlled and operated by Cisco Systems in conjunction with DARPA and the National Security Agency. A general internet search describes CERN as a very important scientific project that is in search of creations smallest particlethe God particle. (3) Thebig bouncetheory suggests our universe is one of a series of universes that first expand, then contract again. Well said & written. But the viral video recorded at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (a.k.a. WebDark matter. Particle physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced two years ago they had discovered the Higgs particle, considered the foundation particle in the Standard Model of Particle physics, and a Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Englert for their work on the theory of the Higgs boson. The data can be everything from financial records, phone records, emails, blog entries, website searches, and any other electronic information that can be put into a computer system. The Higgs could explain data obtained by CERN scientists using the Large Hadron Collider, but other particles could have created the data, suggesting there might be alternate explanations for it, they say in apaperpublished in the journal Physical Review: The current data is not precise enough to determine exactly what the particle is,says university researcher Mads Toudal Frandsen. When activated, it acts as atrojan horse and allows the FBI to decrypt user communications. Untold billions (perhaps trillions) have been poured into the biggest system of machines (so we are told) ever made, relying on a science of theoretical physics that claims it can use human machines to create as God did during the first moments of creation. But what is dark matter? Featured news, updates, stories, opinions, announcements. 1.16M subscribers. These liquids are the explosives responsible for cosmic annihilations, such as novas, super-novas and perhaps the hypothetical big bang of the universe. Particles, or bits of matter, range in size and can be larger or smaller than atoms. The lab is home to the Large Hadron Collider, the worlds largest particle accelerator, a machine used in the quest to detect dark matter, examine the conditions formed right after the Big Bang and study the Higgs boson particle. There are confusing stories, multiple budgets, hidden assets and donations that are shared between seven different cities in France and Switzerland. Then 13 billion year old galaxies would then appear to be moving at +100,000 miles per second, disproving the hoax. As is usually the case, any technology that can be weaponized for the globalists take-over of the world, whether it is social media, big agriculture, energy production, or the internet, will be used for the purpose of enslaving humanity. When we do research we hope that we will find something unexpected, a surprise. switched on after being closed for three years of maintenance and upgrades. We simply cant find anything on the internet regarding the construction of tunnels at CERN which is by far a bigger project than anything of its kindever. Wake up to the day's most important news. One thing is for sure. 1: In the past, the annual password change was another catch-all, but as it happened annually, the time between the password being compromised and action being taken could have been a whole year. In an article entitled: NSA Concerned: CERNs Data the Only Ones They Cannot Make Sense Of, from February 4, 2014, we read that: NSA officials are increasingly concerned about the fact that they cannot understand the data produced by theLarge Hadron Colliderat the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN. CanadaFreePress(. Proton beams have already been circulating in the accelerator complex since April, when it was switched on after being closed for three years of maintenance and upgrades. By ignorance because the only way to be certain in your mind that the big bang theory could work is because you dont have all the facts. In an article byJim Algarof Tech Times we read that: The elusive Higgs boson, the so-called God particle, may not have been discovered despite claims of it being detected, some scientists are saying. Main Core: A personal and financial database storing information of millions of U.S. citizens believed to be threats tonational security. We have applied the indicators specifically to CERN at the link below: What is so astonishing is that CERN tells you on its own website what you need to look for in order to discern an internet hoax. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. CERN is based upon the efficacy of the big bang theory which is completely incorrect. There are multiple supporting corporations and associations around CERN. Shown here, the James Webb Space Telescope primary mirror illuminated in a dark cleanroom. Strange Events Post CERN 2022Get RF Shielding Material Built by Navy Engineer: To Support only $3 a month join my patreon JW TV Show #Cern(JW TV Show ) CERN plans to build another atom smasher ten times bigger than the current one that is already the largest in the world. Its the third run for the massive machine, with greater precision and discovery potential than ever before thanks to the upgraded data readout and selection systems, as well as new detector systems and computing infrastructure. Yet the foundational science of CERN, and all of the trillions that will be going into supporting this dark behemoth for decades to come, is based upon the questionable theory of the big bang. Although the U.S. funds more money at CERN than any other country, any top secret weapon research and development is not U.S. proprietary. We are regular citizens, with average intelligences, using basic high school science principals to understand what CERN claims to do. On the surface, it looks horrifying: A human sacrifice taking place on the grounds of one of the worlds most famous science labs. As usual, our articles are not for fly-by readers. This certainly begs the question: Where is all the money going? The next false flag that we want to point out to our fellow patriots is the international false flag called CERN. X-Keyscore: NSA system for searching and analyzing internet data about foreign nationals. Of course, its easy to spot if your password has been used to send spam into the world (resulting in your mailbox overflowing with thousands of [out-of-office | non-delivery | angry] replies), to place orders on your behalf (and all your money is gone), to post offensive or nasty messages in your Instagram timeline, Twitter tweets or chat group (and you receive a backlash in return), to log in from far away (and you get a warning), or to compromise your laptop (and end up with all your data encrypted by ransomware). It seems that there is a scheme to make the LHC a machine that is too big to fail, defended by technocrats, nuclear industries, physicists and the corporate press, with the same zeal they defended nuclear weapons during the cold war and big banks in current times. See video:Weird CERN Symmetry Shiva Dance of Destruction. The Third World War is an INFOWAR and in order to win, patriots must be armed with the truth. What if the attackers just sit tight and keep your password as a trophy, a token, an opportunity to be used later? Now, physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the Swiss-French border are restarting the collider with the aim of understanding more about the Higgs boson, other subatomic particles and the mysteries of dark matter an invisible and elusive substance that cant be seen because it doesnt absorb, reflect or emit any light. It sounds like what CERN brags about and says it is a leader in data mining, surveillance, and housing the largest set of Cisco routers in Europe. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network: A bureau of theDepartment of the Treasurythat collects and analyzes financial transactions in order to combatfinancial crimes. They are just conducting their limited scope of work, which could be legitimate, given to them by a supervisor that is also working within constraints and boundaries. I call rolling Bullshit Dinosaurs more bs. CERN: Biggest Science Scam in History False Flag of All Time, False Flags and Legal Propaganda by the Department of Defense, Weird CERN Symmetry Shiva Dance of Destruction, False Flags are Legal Propaganda Produced by the Department of Defense, much like the ghost cities built in China, Granted, we are not trained physicists or highly-paid university researchers. It is developing a massivedata miningsystem which collects and analyzes data on everyone in the United States and performs a threat analysis of them. For the first time in history mad scientists have built a machine/weapon that, they claim, is capable of destroying the planet. (2021 EVENTS) Jason A. 2023 Cable News Network. (4) Plasma cosmologyattempts to describe the universe in terms of the electrodynamic properties of the universe. Different than the times when people went against the idea the earth was round secrecy to day. People went against the idea the earth was round known as the.... 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