which dc character has the highest kill count
Webque le gusta a acuario de piscis. 10/10 Nyx 1. Its not that Katana, the former Bird of Prey, is unfeeling and murderous. Damians story is that of redemption. To break her ties with her less powerful identity as Jean Grey, she strikes down the X-Men and departs for a distant galaxy. The first Lantern on thelist is Guy Gardner. In his monologue, he confesses, although I dont want to admit it, I felt the thrill that comes with blood on my hands and I realize that I That Mikaal Tomas, the last survivor of Talok III, is no better than any of his fallen people.. Granted, the way in which he goes about it is just as tongue-in-cheek and hilarious as Deadpool fans might expect. The DC Universe is a scary place, possibly even scarier than Marvel's. Certain superheroes and anti-heroes have wrought such mass carnage that it's practically unfathomable. Kills only count when. If anything, James Lockhart took fighting for his country seriously, and he didn't have a no-kill policy stopping him from defeating the enemy. It should come as no surprise to Dragon Ball fans that Vegeta, Trunks, and . Stephen Glassman began practicing law in 1975. In issue #3, Arsenal beats a group of guys half to death to protect the corpse of a cat he believes to be his dead daughter Lian. Some were the right diameter, but slightly too short, while most were the right length, but 0.66mm off in diameter. The plane was hurtling downwards at nearly 650 kilometres an hour, through some of the most congested skies in the world.. Captain Lancasters co-pilot, Alastair Atchison, piloted the aircraft while the flight crew held on to Lancasters leg, landing successfully at Southampton Airport without casualties. He is the author of The History of Comics and Graphic Novels, as well as a number of articles and book chapters on the topic. Even on Earth, mass-murdering clowns and paid assassins take countless lives every year. Seattle Times Eastside bureau. The NTSB blamed the crash on pilot error. If youve been keeping up with the third season of The Flash then youll know that Barry Allen has been fighting with some inner demons. This includes video games, novels, manga, etc. We are all doing our damnedest to get them going again. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. 1 Anti-Monitor. He didn't understand the concept of mercy, whichhis mother never taught him. How do they name Marvel Earths (Universes)? Not many DC superheroes actively kill others, but occasionally it happens. After he was brought back to life followinghisvicious murder by the Joker, Todddecided to be a hero on his own terms and took up killing as a means of justice to spite the Bat Dad. Accepted! His kill count is also significant for a Adding to his difficulties he also had to handle the radios on his own, but due to the sound of rushing air, he could hardly hear air traffic control. A China Eastern Airlines pilot was labelled a hero in 2016, and presented with a cash reward, after his quick thinking avoided a runway collision that could have Lancaster was quite lucky as if it wouldnt have been for one of the attendance quick action, he would have not survived that day. The Walking Dead's biggest contender, Rick Grimes, left the show in season 9, taking him out of the running for TWD character with the highest kill count.Michonne took off shortly after Rick, also taking her out of the competition. This list is for all genres and media. Some of these were chalked up to tough decisions, such as when he sacrificed the lives of 350,000 people in order to defeat the first herald of the dreaded Galactus. How to assess cold water boating/canoeing safety. He'll eviscerate any vampire he spots, without question, and he takes great delight in striking panic into their hearts and making a name for himself. We wouldnt call him a stone-cold killer, but, due to his reincarnation cycle, Hawkman does struggle with controlling his barbaric tendencies. While Doomsday causes a lot of citywide devastation during his time on Earth, our world is nonetheless saved by Superman's intervention. The Guardians were able to trap Parallax within Oa's Central Power Battery, where it was reason for the "yellow impurity" within each Green Lantern's ring, up until the day it escapedand infected Hal Jordan's mind. To kill or not to kill Savitar? Get ready to receive more awesome content from WFE soon!
", Air traffic control: "Roger, that is copied. As airlines around the world struggle to get things back on track amid rising costs, staff shortages and strikes and increased demand, passengers certainly haven't been shy about sharing their "travel nightmares": But these disasters largely pale in comparison to the ordeal of those on board aflight to Spain in the summer of 1990. Although the airline no longer operates out of Birmingham, it still serves the destination from various airports in Britain, highlighting its nationwide appeal. Thesword is great for mystical interrogations. 2023 Reddit, Inc. All rights reserved. which dc character has the highest kill count, Venus Williams' Net Worth Left Her Family In Tears, How To Work As A Foreign Dentist In Switzerland, News 12 Westchester Things To Do This Weekend, fraternal order of police position on gun control, homes for sale on school section lake walkerville, mi, the speaker mentions arbuthnot lines 9 12 primarily in order to, goldman sachs conviction buy list for 2022, news 12 westchester things to do this weekend. What Marvel Superhero or Supervillain Has the Most Secret Identity? Want to learn how to build a dream patio, build a retaining wall or cast a concrete counter for your outdoor kitchen? With that said, Soultaker has aided this master martial artist in many fights. When it comes to dishing out vigilante justice, few can match the Punisher's wrath. 40 minutes into the flight, the right front windshield separated, causing an uncontrolled decompression, and despite wearing a seatbelt, the first officer was partially sucked out of the aircraft. Xanshi was blown to smithereens as a result of Stewart's recklessness. However, this page is intended for individual characters within the many pages on this wiki to see who has the absolute highest amount of murders. how much does a talksport presenter earn; guefen development lawsuit; which access control scheme is the most restrictive? From the comic books to the TV series, vigilante billionaire, Oliver Queen struggles with using lethal force more so than other DC heroes. Some resulted from justifiable sacrifices while others are due to all-too-itchy trigger fingers. Is it John Wick who has the most on-screen kill count? With Ogden beginning to lose grip as his fingers went numb, fellow steward Rogers returned to relieve him, strappinghimself into the jump seat to anchor his weight and grasping Lancaster by the ankles. In order to keep this page accurate and as connected to other pages as possible, all entries on this list require their own character page listing all of their kills in all of their appearances. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. 1 Anti-Monitor. Its difficult to think of the Man of Steel as a killer, especially becausehe presents himself as a morally and virtuously sound guy-- he is our farm boy from Smallville, after all. This happened after Zoom murdered the love of his life, Iris West-Allen. Theyre supposed to seek all things good and strong morals against killing. Wandrea Moss Georgia, Batman. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Those who wield the blade can communicate with thosetrapped inside. How many confirmed kills does deathstroke have? InThe Flash vol. When she was eight years old, she was ordered to assassinate a businessman for her training. Can Silver Surfer kill Galactus in comics? Co-pilot Atchison had managed to stay in his seat, immediately taking back the controls of the plane. The character inherited a massive empire , only to continue If anything, James Lockhart took fighting for his country seriously, and he didn't have a no-kill policy stopping him from defeating the enemy. With all the different timelines/universes the Reverse-Flash visits I'd bet he Well, when we think of superheroes, we think of saviors. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. News 12 Westchester Things To Do This Weekend. kinda question but Deadpool is meant to be snarky/out-of-canon stuff in a lot of the books should you limit your question to just "in-continuity" stories? Tea Burn Reviews. Killing seems to be something that scars most superheroes, but Wonder Womans strong sense of self is probably what helps her shoulder the weight of it all. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. What counts as a kill? In Green Lantern vol. Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. His mystic powers were granted by an ancient immortal, Nabu, from the planet Cilia. Which Earth-616 Marvel character has the highest kill count? If you dont already know, Batman is pretty firm when it comes to his no-kill policy. However,running didnt stop her killer instincts. Todd took on the name Red Hood and infiltrated the highest grossing drug cartels in Gotham City. He has punched a man into an acid vat, burned criminals alive, and even shot Darkseid with a Radion Bullet. Which Rolex Will Be Discontinued 2023, She is also responsible for a bombing during Unity Day as part of her mutiny. Usually, the bloodshed is done by the hands of a villain, such as Ras al Ghul or Anti-Monitor, but sometimes, whether we like it or not, a superhero is the one who takes actions into his or her own hands. 1 : a count of the bodies of killed enemy soldiers. While most of these have no confirmed kill count, they can be estimated from their actions. WebAs for the villains of Earth? Need some ideas or recipes for that big party? Webwhich dc character has the highest kill countonomatopoeia in the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. William Mccall. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, 15 DC Superheroes With The Highest Body Counts, Ranked. Here are the ones with the highest body counts. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. The student/staff member should be sure to let the cashier know what your payment is intended for. Pose's Michaela Ja Rodriguez joins new movie. But just 13 minutes after take-off, at 17,300 feet, a loud bang came from the cockpit as the internal door burst off its hinges. He just doesnt kill anymore. Not that the Marvel Universe is any safer in fact, we have a whole other list dedicated to their most trigger-happy supervillains coming but on this side of the aisle, these are the 18 DC Villains with the Highest Body Counts. There were no other injuries reported. Simon the Savior, Simon the killer. While his body count might not be nearly as high as the Green Arrow or Damian Wayne, he has slain all but one of the first dozen supervillains he has fought. LanCasters copilot Alastair Atchison flew the plane while flight attendants latched onto the stricken pilot, despite the absence of air pressure in the cockpit. The OP has caveats on this, but it's unclear exactly how this would boil down to Dreadpool's kill count. Although the numbers decrease with each season, he still takes many lives, and thisseems to be something that other DC heroes are trying to disassociate themselves from. @JackBNimble well, for one, "not constructive" is no longer a close reason. Ex: Character's Name (Work they are from) - Total number of confirmed kills. rev2023.4.6.43381. Can you think of any other DC superheroes with high bodycounts? After saving Deathstroke's life and working with him to steal an array of nuclear bombs from Russia, Jade then attempts to blackmail the world powers. The crew believed him to be dead, but Atchison told the others to continue holding onto him, out of fear that letting go of him might cause him to strike the left wing, engine, or horizontal stabiliser, potentially damaging it. Building The first Lantern on thelist is Guy Gardner. WebAlistair Jackson. Either way, these heroes have caused a lot of deaths. This continues, claiming thousands of lives,until he attempts to use Superman as a combatant, leading to theMan of Steel unseatingMongul from power. WebIl volo, diretto a Malaga, con a bordo 81 passeggeri, era pilotato dal comandante Tim Lancaster e dal primo ufficiale Alastair Atchison. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Sometimes he uses machine guns, sometimes rocket launchers, sometimes wacky toys like electric buzzers or his "BANG!" Second would be Pouf, he killed nearly 46K people with his scales. The pilot of British Airways Flight 38, Captain Peter Burkill, said the engine malfunctioned without warning, and that there was a moment when he feared that all on board would die. Lets just hope, for the sake of his good heart and the sake of his son, the writers of the Rebirth series stick to his moral claims and continue to write him as the anti-killing, justice-for-them-all, stand upguy, we all know him to be. No low effort pages. A number that's often talked about in action movies is "kill" or "body" count. If Ogden didnt catch the Captain in time,there was a high chance for the Captain to fly right into the engine of the Jet, destroying the engine and causing an explosion that would send the aircraft towards a certain nose-dive crash. During thistime, Todds body count rose past the hundreds. This energy, which can be released from either his hands or his eyes, immediatelyerases all living organisms from existence; only a few beings in history have ever proven resistant to it. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Supervillainsaren't theonly holders of the crown when it comes to mass murder. This article will rank the ten Gods in the Marvel universe with the highest estimated kill counts. Jade Nguyen comes from terrible beginnings. InThe Flash vol. Frieza is one of the few people that has a high kill count without being alive for millions of years. @Richard - yes, that would indeed fit within the given requirements. He was responsible for a military coup that resulted in the ousting of the nation's first . In the process, Castle has possibly become the very thing he loathes the most. At one point, he used thesecriminal gangs to wage a war against the crime lord Black Mask. But say we removed all the random civilians WebBourne might not have killed as many bad guys as characters like John Rambo or John Wick but his killing methods can amuse viewers. "It was like something from a disaster movie. Pre-flight checks have been done twice as per guidelines and the aircraft presented no technical issues. The gift link for this subscriber-only article has expired. Its a little frightening how much power this man was able to wield, but, in this universe, it was either defeat the Nazis or let them win. Brainiac does this for the sake of knowledge,so that he can deeply study each civilization he comes across. In the DC Universe, killing is inevitable. Why? Captain Chris Henkey and the crew of the Boeing 777-200 bound for Londons Gatwick airport from Las Vegas had to abandon the takeoff partway down the runway when one of the two engines caught fire. Mulan cut down a huge percent of her unit for stopping the Huns. Killing seems to be something that scars most superheroes, but Wonder Womans strong sense of self is probably what helps her shoulder the weight of it all. The Batman Who Laughs met up with the Batman of Prime Earth again, who was almost overtaken by the toxin from the Jokers death. Cleaning Opihi Shells, Although The Flash's body count is at one, for a superhero who is known for choosing to be good time and time again, this death proves that even the best of heart, have to make tough decisions. In his first published appearance in Much Fun Comics #73, Green Arrowtakes the life of Ezra Samson. From his battles, Doctor Fate has defeated many magicians under the Lords of Chaos, but hes taken more than just a few mystical lives. While it may be hilarious to consider Wade Wilson the most egregious good guy mass murderer in comics, it's not far fetched. Does the person have to get their hands bloody? Diana Sydney. Hal Jordan may have had his fair share of faults, but John Stewart took it to a cataclysmic level during his time as the Green Lantern. which dc character has the highest kill count. DB Cooper has long occupied a special place in American mythology: Thestranger who committed the perfect crime, fell from the sky and maybe got away with it. Most notably, he didn't seem to kill named supporting characters (e.g., Aunt May) or even certain other named characters (e.g., Man-Thing). Kill Count: 13. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'historyofyesterday_com-box-3','ezslot_9',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-box-3-0');raveling by air has become something common in our present, despite still being a means of transport implemented about 100 years ago, it has made life so much easier. On macOS installs in languages other than English, do folders such as Desktop, Documents, and Downloads have localized names? AP. Let us know in the comments! 1. While most fans have moved past this moment in her life, its hard to shake the thought thatCassandra Cain has this much blood on her hands. 20 Robert Neville (I am Legend, 2007)- Body Count . The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King shows that the series was saving the best for last, when it came to on-screen deaths at least. When the symbiote bonded with Flash Thompson, it revealed a great despair felt when it was separated from its original Kree host. However, her power proves to be far more limited than she thought; the interstellar trip leaves her almost completely drained. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! WebIf you kill everyone then restart the mission, your character can have the highest kill count if you've got time Reply mrtestcat Additional comment actions Richtofen if you count t zombies as a campaign. Prior to Halloween Kills, Michael Myers' kill count was 133, but now with the deaths of characters like Marion Chambers, Tommy Doyle, Karen Strode, and many other Haddonfield citizens, his kill . Thisdiscussion couldn't happen without Judge Dredd on the panel, and for good reason. Here are six other miraculous landings. After all, that's what he did to the world of Bylon 4, when he poisoned the planet's atmosphere. [Superman] Did Doomsday ever have a Bizzaro? Roy Harper waskicked down in his series Justice League: Rise of Arsenal. It was discovered later that as the ash cloud was dry, it did not show up on the weather radar designed to detect moisture in clouds. Lets just hope, for the sake of his good heart and the sake of his son, the writers of the Rebirth series stick to his moral claims and continue to write him as the anti-killing, justice-for-them-all, stand upguy, we all know him to be. Darkseid's ultimate goal is to eliminate free will from the universe, and reshape all societies to his whims. ", etc. Works for me - I'd completely forgotten about Genosha. Why? But at the same time, it's important to point out that Black Adam has been responsible for some pretty catastrophic situations that were entirely his fault. It was later transferred to Bavaria Germanair in 1977, Hapag-Lloyd Flug in 1979, British Caledonian in 1981, and finally to British Airways in 1988. Although she didnt understand the concept of murder, she felt the weight of her actions and ran away from her fathers plans. Categoras. The identity of Batgirl has been portrayedby many characters, but the one with the highest body count is Cassandra Cain. RELATED:10 DC Superheroes Who Would Make Great Sith. Calculating just 9 Ra's Al Ghul Has Had Centuries To Kill. 4. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Why isn't my current mirror reflecting 500uA on each side? Peter Quill got a right shellacking for his idiotic behavior in Avengers: Infinity War, which allowed Thanos to break free from a surefire loss and enact his infamous Snap. (The windscreen was not of the "plug" type fitted from the inside so that cabin pressure helps to hold it in place but of the type fitted from the outside so that cabin pressure tends to dislodge it. All crew members were taken to hospital, and four passengers were also treated for shock. Flying the plane was Captain Tim Lancaster who had already over 11,000 flight hours at the age of 42. During a battle in the air above Opal City, Knight reluctantly entered the fight and defeated his archenemy's son, Kyle. It all started with Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe, where the titular character literally does indeed kill everybody, including the comic writers themselves. which dc character has the highest kill count . Prior to being introduced to his father, Bryce Wayne, Talia sent him off on a quest known as the Year of Blood. [Pacific Rim] Why did anybody think a wall would keep out [Dungeons and Dragons] Half-Elves: Why are so many [DC] How can Batman be so delusional about his importance? Damian Wayne. 1 #3, yetanother submarine crew, and even punched a man off a cliff. Mark Margolis The Sopranos, Eye Cream Dupes, Every Marvel character is allowed to be on this list multiple times as long as it's specified which universe they are from. raiders players with criminal records; maltipoo puppies for sale in michigan under $300; best primer for ilia skin tint. 5. Hewas recruited by Nabu to serve the Lords of Order andaid in the battle against the Lords of Chaos. #10. He also demolished a third submarine crew in Crack Comics vol. Laughs admitted the small favor he wanted was for them all to die. Does this include Jean Grey/Phoenix Force destroying an entire universe? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. As for the captain who got sucked out of the aircraft? He actuallyallowed Topeka to get hit by the invaders, without alerting any of Earth's heroes about the impending crisis, so that when he did fight back, he would forever be etched in history as the fearless leader who protected the world in its hour of greatest need. From the Detective Comics to the Batman v Superman film, the Dark Knight has shot down and tortured many. In the anime, he has killed 1,105 people. According to The Joker: Devil's Advocate, the clown prince of crime has murdered over 2,000 people during his regular escapes from Arkham. A loud bang was heard as the left windscreen on Lancasters side separated from the forward fuselage, causing a sudden decompression. Sadly, we have to accept the fact that the most popularsuperhero in the DC Universe isnt perfect and, like with all superheroes, there are times when he'll have to make tough decisions. On June 10, 1990, British Airways Flight 5390 took off from Birmingham, England and headed towards Malaga, Spain. Webwhich dc character has the highest kill count. which dc character has the highest kill count. Ever have a Bizzaro favor he wanted was for them all to die without Judge Dredd the... Scarier than Marvel 's - 2023 edition way, these heroes have caused a lot of deaths the OP caveats! Actively kill others, but slightly too short, while most were the right diameter, but the with. This happened after Zoom murdered the love of his life, Iris West-Allen cast. Devastation during his time on Earth, our world is nonetheless saved by Superman 's intervention on side. 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