88m ncoer bullets
FAIL bullets go in CHARACTER, c. Bullets/Comments for outstanding APFT score or other positive fitness bullets will go in PRESENCE, d. If PROFILE, make a comment . BULLET EXAMPLES: NOTE: MAKE SURE BULLETS REFLECT YOUR NCO. To contribute examples, use this form. American Military University. Far Exceeded Standard. 88M Motor Transport Operator. MOS 88M Motor Transport Operator NCOER Comments May 2nd, 2018 - MOS 88M Motor Transport Operator NCOER bullets HELP We need more examples If you got em they can be shared by using the form below NAVFAC P 300 MANAGEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING SUPPORT EQUIPMENT May 4th, 2018 - Naval Facilities Engineering Command 200 Stovall Street 88N Traffic Management Coordinator. Achieves NCOER Bullet Comments. Loheide NCOER.pdf. NCOER bullets for Met Standard and Did Not Meet Standard. o accepted responsibility and took initiative; involved in every aspect of the mission. Did Not Meet Standard. Level left blank will show all. We need more examples. o managed Detachment narcotics during CENTCOM AOR deployment; greatly enhanced Detachment survivability. Examples: failed to meet APFT standards for the two mile run and sit-ups with a total score of 148. To contribute examples, enter them below. Below are examples of comments describing these decreasing levels of performance. Sample NCOER Bullets. ncoer. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. Words and actions communicate lack of understanding or indifference. Scored a 270 on the APFT. These bullets may continue to prove benefitial as an aid in developing a Senior Rater Narrative; however, they will soon be replaced with with actual Narrative Statements in order to . Platoon; Non commissioned officer; Sergeant; Exceeded Standard. FAIL bullets go in CHARACTER, c. Leads NCOER Bullets. LEADERSHIP MILS512. They cannot be longer than two lines, preferably one, and no more than one bullet to a line. (Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence beyond the chain of command, Leads by example, Communicates) Click on a Tab to View Bullets. Thanks! To contribute examples, enter them below. Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence, Leads by example, Communication. Comments are required for "Failed" APFT, "No" APFT, or "Profile" when it precludes performance of duty, and "No" for Army Weight Standards. Far Exceeded Standard. 150 NCOER bullets for military and professional Bearing, fitness, confidence, and resilience. However, most performance bullets can go in multiple areas of the NCOER under the current system, so this is not a problem specific to evaluating character. Exceeded Standard. Thanks! Gives loyalty and leadership support to the chain of command. At the NCO level, 88M Motor Transport Operators supervise or operate tactical wheeled vehicles, assist in organizing convoys, dispatch vehicles, verify vehicle logbooks, compile time, mileage and load data, and perform self-recovery operations. This nco and his/her soldiers often take disciplined initiative in applying leader competencies and attributes; First, aligning the ncoer with current leadership doctrine. If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. Taking care of soldiers is his number one priority. Leadership NCOER Bullets o sound management style and procedures inspired peers and subordinates, o sets stringent, yet achievable performance standards for. We need more examples. We need more examples. Submit a Bullet! NCOER Bullets Examples New NCOER - How To 20160315 - Copy.doc. 88A Transportation Officer. When the rater enters bullet statements on the NCOER, they should match the rating marked: Excellence, Success, or Needs Improvement. Hundreds of Senior Rater NCOER bullets to aid in the preparation of Part V Overall Performance and Potential of the DA Form 2166-8 NCO Evaluation Report (NCOER). Demonstrated excellent stamina, endurance, and military bearing throughout rigorous training. Identify what a NCO did and how well they performed. To contribute examples, enter them below. o assumed HR duties in the absence of an MOS-qualified HR Specialist; kept admin functions running for 270 days in addition to regular duties, o true Soldier; epitomized Army values; influenced others to commit to personal greatness; developed team's higher devotion to Army standards, o continued to train soldiers and teach them basic rifleman skills despite personal adversity; always placed the mission first, o fostered a climate of dignity; an influential advocate for a culture of inclusivity and respect which values the contributions of all service members, o a steward of Army's commitment to safety, respect, inclusiveness, diversity, and freedom from sexual harassment; committed to the Army's People First initiative, o demonstrated a strict adherence to the SHARP, EO, and EEO programs, exhibiting a level of professionalism that was above reproach, o ensured SARC flyers were prominently displayed throughout the LA Convention Center, in support of SHARP, to prevent any incidents, o accepted all challenges and responsibilities without hesitation, o accepted responsibility and took initiative; involved in every aspect of the mission, o accomplished all tasks in a professional, efficient manner; demonstrated a level of self discipline normally found in higher ranks, o acted without hesitation to correct shortcomings and achieve objectives, o addressed peers and subordinates with respect; facilitated communication up and down the chain of command, o advocated for the Army SHARP and EO programs; fostered an environment free of harassment through training and by his own example, o aided a supportive EO and SHARP environment by participation and her own example, o anticipated required actions and took the initiative to complete them; reduced operational delays to zero and eliminated follow-up corrections. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. Failed to supervise subordinates; relieved for ineffectiveness and replaced by junior NCO. Excellence, Needs Improvement, Senior Rater and Success Bullets). o graduated challenging High Threat Tradecraft Course; significantly enhanced security of Detachment operations. Back to CMF 88 NCOER Bullets. expertly performed security and circulation control of a 6,700km sector in Bosnia. NCOER bullets for Met Standard and Did Not Meet Standard. HELP! 88H Cargo Specialist. (Addresses rated NCO's performance as it relates to Army Values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. must be short, concise, and to the point. Standard. achieved three honor platoon awards during rating period, developed a rigorous PT program which resulted in improvement of section APFT scores from an average of 224 to an average of 246, achieved an outstanding rating on 3 out of 4 command inspections, best in the battalion, improved the processing rate of pay actions from 65percent to 94percent in less than 3 months, in the absence of an officer, commanded the detachment on two separate missions at JRTC, coordinated and executed ahead of schedule the set up of a local area network for 240 computers during the battalion move, selected by the JTF Commander to serve as the J3 to train an ARNG staff on all aspects of TOC Operations, commended by numerous officers for his exceptional training of the national military academy of the former Soviet Republic of Moldova, awarded the FORSCOM's MG Aubrey "Red" Newman Award for leadership excellence, first-choice reporter on prestigious MacArthur Awards ceremony in Pentagon - lauded by Chief of Public Affairs for 117 releases to media, selected as a finalist for the White-House Military Office Senior NCO of the Year, processed over 200 evaluations for all four military services; error-free and achieved an exceptional 98 percent on-time rate, nominated for the Agency's "Technician of the Year", coordinated the movement of 184,000 pounds of equipment worth over $2.5 million maintaining 100percent accountability, maintained 100percent accuracy for 7 Major Subordinate Command ammunition accounts valued at over $28 million, led by example by mentoring two soldiers toward successful achievement of their gold recruiter rings, displayed technical mastery of his instrument as solo bugler during wreath laying ceremony for the Defense Minister of Greece, demonstrated excellent work habits and attention to detail that contributed to a 26percent rise in EIB success, directly responsible for 7 soldiers being awarded the EFMB, biked across Georgia; 468 miles in 6 days, maintained a 100percent SIDPERS accuracy rate for all transactions for 12 months, his aggressive training program resulted in 12 soldiers excelling in the Army's Culinary Arts competition; Winning 16 medals, selected over 10 senior SFCs to be Detachment First Sergeant, received a 100percent rating from the Command Inspection Program in NBC, Property Book, and vehicle maintenance, lack of supervision over subordinates and failure to follow procedures resulted in the loss of $2,000 worth of equipment, demonstrated little concern for the security and accountability of sensitive items during cyclic field exercises, improper purchase from subordinate adversely affected morale and discipline within the section, consistently failed to meet administrative suspenses, counseled by the Battalion CSM for having the most disorganized platoon in the company, failed to develop subordinates; did not perform mandatory performance counseling for the NCO-ER, many times has failed to inspect soldiers and their equipment, perception of improper conduct adversely affected morale and discipline within the Division, unexcused absence from duty left platoon enlisted soldiers unsupervised, failed to comply with instructions of superiors on several occasions, encouraged soldiers to grow by cheating for each other, integrity compromised upon submission of false documents, constantly complained about time spent in the field, an exceptionally talented and gifted NCO who consistently produced superb results - a must select for promotion, models, mentors, and motivates soldiers to emulate Army values, selected over other senior NCOs to manage the administrative section of the largest directorate in the Agency, unlimited potential; one of tomorrow's leaders; promote now, absolutely outstanding NCO whose performance and abilities clearly outdistance that of his peers, capitalize on his leadership abilities and select for Drill Sergeant School, clearly capable of serving with distinction in the most demanding and critical assignments, promote immediately, place in leadership positions, send to ANCOC and assign as a trainer of soldiers, would be an invaluable asset on any Battalion Staff, the epitome of a professional NCO warrior; a model for all others to emulate, unlimited potential; clearly a future First Sergeant, promote first time eligible in the secondary zone, outperformed 99 percent of his peers; clearly the best NCO in the battalion, unlimited potential, promote now, send to 1SG's course and assign as a 1SG, his demonstrated competence and potential deserves immediate promotion to MSG, his leadership is directly responsible for his platoon being rated number one of twelve. Examples can be contributed by using the form below.