be faithful unto death sermon
Then, they feel they dont need God, because theyve succeeded in life. Genesis 49 And He took him out under the chalice of the night sky and said, Abraham, count the stars. And Abraham said, Lord, I cannot count that many. And God said, So shall thy seed be [Genesis 15:3-5]. When the spies arrived in Jericho, they entered into what everyone thought was a harlot's house. Rev James Porter Be Thou Faithful Unto Death I dont invite it. WebSermons by Bible: Sermons by Category: Sermons by Topic: Sermons by Speaker: Sermons by Language: Sermons by Date: Staff Picks: Comments, ALL -1 sec: Top Sermons: Online Bible: Hymnal: Daily Reading: Our A new convert never studies Scripture, and so when a denominational group knocks on his door, he falls for what they teach. Friends. Sometimes people do. I recognize the first born of Satan. So he didnt mess around. As long as Christianity was a sect of Judaism, there was little trouble. 1 Corinthians 15:1-58, Denomination: read more, Scripture: And as a youth, I read The Story of My Life by Clarence Darrow. 1: 5). read more, Scripture: Behold the The reason our adolescents, our young people, fall into, say, drugs, or into drinking, or into a thousand compromising positions, is because of peer pressure. What does it mean for us? There are many benefits to remaining faithful. But we also know that suffering brings with it many temptations. We can remember the love that God has for us. They were poor, but Jesus says, Youre rich. They were persecuted by Jews who Jesus says were not really Jews. And that beautiful, symbolic portrayal in the fifteenth chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy is symbolic of all of us. We all know the occasions where suffering brings out the absolute best in people, and weve seen it in our own church. WebFaithfulness unto death is Gods standard for human life. Why didnt the Lord say that to him? But pastor, does God say anything? 6:9). Hezekiah held fast to the LORD; he did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments (2 Ki. 4:2). 2:10 states, Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. There are too many professing Christians which the Lord cannot depend upon. The tragic and terrible civil war he was fighting in his heart registered in his countenance, stugnaz; and he lost the battle. John 1:10-11: Jesus was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. WebBe faithful even unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. However fate or providence may assail us, our commitment to our Lord is, first, and supreme. The apostle John writes in 1 John 2:15-17: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. When a man loves the world and the things that are in the world, the day finally comes when he finds his hands empty and his heart broken. No one is agathai but One, that is, God [Mark 10:18]. 2014.04.20 HE AROSE and you can too! take up his cross, and follow Me. The cross is an instrument of death. Now, before I speak of another, may I pause to avow; there is never, ever, a defeat, never in our commitment to our Lord. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me? There proconsul continue to press him to recant Christ and swear by Caesar and Polycarp refused. Its a letter from Jesus, who is the Jewish Messiah. Fawcett converted listening to George Whitefield preach, 1. God(John 8:31-32, 14:23-24), A. Theme: Show the faith of these two great patriarchs. The master of the house was to take an awl, a punch, and pierce the ear of the slave and drive it against the wall, against the door of the house; a sign and a symbol that this slave was driven to the loving service of his master forever [Deuteronomy 15:16-17]. The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways (Prov. John spoke much about our love for the Lord and for one another. Ritual of piercing the ear of a slave who refuses to leave his master after As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love (Jn. We respond in Faith! Faithfulness involves giving our whole heart to God and trying to please him each day we live. Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight. read more, Scripture: Because if were reading Scripture, well have the power to overcome temptation. Dethrone II Kings 2:1-12 Elishas dedication to Elijah might Believed and confessed they were strangers and pilgrims in this earth(Revelation 21:2). In fact, this one disqualifying sin will exclude us from ever going to heaven and receiving eternal life. Our Lord, before it comes to pass, we praise Thy wonderful, keeping, saving, endearing name for all You have done for us; died to save us [1 Corinthians 15:3], poured out Thy blood to wash us clean and white [Revelation 1:5, 5:9], that we might stand in the presence of God forgiven [Jude 1:24]. I dont want to suffer. If we live as Christians simply to avoid death, we are not living as Jesus would have us live. Job said, My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go (Job 27:6). And this allowed the Jews and the Romans to coexist. They are all doing it. In the fifteenth chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy is one of the most unusual parabolic instances of devotion that you could ever think for or find in all literature. Believing it possible that through Christ we may live in the required manner, that we may avoid sin--desist from sinning--give it up and abandon it altogether, and put it forever away. Darrows The Story of My Life said there is no evidence of immortality, B. Gods Hymn, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, C. Faith A fifth characteristic of the true servant of Christhe possesses a continuing and undying faith in our victorious Lord Christ. Of those 36 billion who have lived in the past 2000 years, by a very generous estimate, 12 billion were evangelized, had some access to the Gospel. Dont think youre the only one to whom injustice has ever happened. Christ delivered man out of death to the promise of the gift of eternal life yet man thinking he is in the perfection of God's love, sins. 2 Kings 2:1-12. The first death is not avoidable. The one who overcomes, who conquers, will not be hurt by the second death, that is, the eternal punishment in the lake of fire. Any Amazon link on this site is an ad. He knew what it was to suffer as a man. But here God says dont be surprised, dont, when it comes, do not think God is against you. Would to God we had ten thousand lives to offer to Jesus. Our home is not here, it is there [John 14:1-3; Reveltion 21:1-5]. In fact, we do. Dont think youre the only one to have this struggle. Any psychologist, any psychologist, will tell you that one of the driving forces in human life is to be acceptableespecially to be acclaimed among our peers. Web Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. WebBe thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life. He knew they would be tested severely. And that leads them into all kinds of things that break the hearts of their parents. And Jesus will reign now and into eternity. Give to Him life, home, family, business He will give it back to you Text: 8 "To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: "The First and the Last, the One who was dead and came to life, says: 9 I know your tribulation and poverty, yet you are rich. I. May I turn to 1 John 3:14? To Him be the glory, honor, majesty, and eternal throne, from generation to generation. We read when the magistrate persisted and said, Swear the oath and I will release you. It was a difficult situation. And in Jerusalem, they nailed Him to a cross [Matthew 27:32-50]. Romans 6: 10-23 . 6:4 ), in which he is to set aside those things of his old way of life ( 2 Cor. 2:20). Of those 70 million that scholars estimate, 70 million Christian martyrs in the history of the Church, 45 million were killed in the 20th century, in the last 100 years. Revelation chapter 2, verses 8 through 11. 5:14)-Just as Christs love compelled Paul to evangelize, it should compel us to live holy lives. Suffering. We are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul (Heb. Dont fear, its all about to get better. He doesnt say that. While we stand and while we pray. William Akehurst HSWC repudiation of the world, a. Jesus Smyrna won the special privilege to build a temple to Emperor Tiberius. An unswerving continuance in the Word of They were human beings with faults just as we are; yet they accomplished much through their faith. We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. [First John] 4:7, Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought to love one another [1 John 4:11]. They were poor, but rich in what really matters. I would never think to say, Away with the atheists. I would Would I stand fast? Father in heaven, our prayer is simple. He gained the information, but on his way back to report to General Washington he was recognized and seized and hanged in what is today New York City, on Market Street and East Broadway. It was a great city in the day of the flesh of our Lord. We will suffer. However, many Christians are not as faithful as they need to be in their service to God. Give it up. Just do the sacrifices, just do the ritual, and if you want to say youre doing it to the emperors as rulers, to honor them, and not as gods, then so be it. It is called a martyr church. Paul wrote along similar lines "I have fought the As we remember the words of Scripture, we will be able to fight off temptation and thus remain faithful. 2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD, 3 And said, . As we apply this standard, our views on many things undergo a radical change. Certainly under all of the rules of logic the one who assumes that an apparently dead person is still alive should be able to produce substantial proof. We could put it like this death comes to us all, heaven does not. Call to worship: The word staphanos, Stephen, means crown. And when the Lord says, be thou faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life, it could be a diadem, a royal crown. Maybe take a half hour to read it. 16:3), B. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. In broad, open daylight where everyone could see, he knelt down before the Lord, the Prophet from Nazareth saying, Agathai didaskai [Mark 10:17]. That is to say, even in Charlotte, North Carolina should you be a true, passionate, on fire, biblical Christian, absolutely in love with Jesus, no matter what it counts, at some point you will face opposition. 4:10). There are so many things in this world, which keep people from being faithful. Text: Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mothers sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. If only everyone could live knowing deeply this one true fact. 119:11). A long time ago, in the 1700s in a little town in Yorkshire, a county in northern England, there was a very, very poor family. Give it up. Well be here listening. It is one of the truths of life. Because the one who overcomes this present, temporary, fleeting pain will not be pained by the second and everlasting death. Scripture is a powerful force in our efforts to remain faithful-You must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them (2 Tim. He knew what it was to face external temptation when that suffering came. It was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the LORD his God, as was the heart of his father David (1 Ki. Inspirational devotions delivered right to your email inbox. But if a man loves God, every day is a sweeter day, a triumphant day, and some day, a victorious day. You dont reject your Savior. Almost half of those were murdered, starved, died in prison camps in the Soviet Union. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. self in my heart and enthrone the Lord Jesus, 1. I absolutely love how the story ends. Listening to a man expound the unsearchable riches of the Word of God. The major influence for me on this study of Genesis is The Genesis Record by Henry Morris. Most people dont consider that they will die. Poem, Youre faithful. You have no picture of what actually that word describes at all in He was sad at that saying. The word is stugnaz. And that leads me to the exact title of the sermon today, the seven characteristics of a disciple of our Lord, the seven marks of a true Christian. Currently 160,000 Christians, by one estimate, are martyred every year. And this commandment that we have from Him, That he who loveth God love his brother also [1 John 4:21]. To us, we use the word cross to refer to some handicap or some suffering or some disappointment, I have an incorrigible child, an obstreperous child, and it is a cross for me to bear. Or, I have some physical ailment, I have a cross to bear. Or, I have a frustration or a disappointment in my life; it is my cross. There is no such idea of that in the Bible; in the Scriptures a cross is something to die on. We are given by choice, by volition, to our Lord and Master forever. He stayed there in that tiny church over fifty years; their pastor over fifty years. So, what is this sin? Number two let us be faithful even in our limited kinds of persecution. Truly, temptations----works of the devil challenge our daily thoughts and decisions. Well, the magistrate was not happy with this. The premise of this study is the foundation of creation. It is a great vast city, today called Izmir. Thats loving Jesus. But I do not have a child and I am old and my wife is old. If I live, bless God, it is to love Him. Every sabbatical, every seventh year, the slave in a Hebrew household was to be free. We all love to be acclaimed. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : Three Important Looks Or Paul's Last Testimony. The Basis of the Gospel You allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols (Rev. WebWe know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. [First John] 4:7, Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth But faith has ten thousand answers for every how. But whether it is a diadem or a garland, whether it is a royal crown or a victors crown, God says if we are faithful and true, at the end of the way He will reward us with a crown of life [Revelation 2:10]. In fact, as I said last week, the two most struggling churches, the ones facing the greatest weaknesses, at least in an earthly sense, Philadelphia and Smyrna, are the ones about whom Jesus has nothing but good to say: I know your tribulation and your poverty. Death to sin through Christ And they had a little boy born to the home and they named him JohnJohn Fawcett. View all Sermons Faithful Unto Death Series Contributed by Allen James on Sep 29, 2011 (message contributor) (rate this sermon) | 6,507 views Scripture: B. Deliberately choosing the cross(Matthew 10:38, 16:24), 1. We dont have a weak God. They were most affluent and well-to-do. They dont think anything of the second death, thats not a possibility, but maybe theres some way with the right potions and the right exercise and the right diet, I dont actually have to face my own mortality.. Some of those Christians have been killed by other Christians. It is required in stewards that one be found faithful (1 Cor. Since we know that God will richly reward us, we should be faithful. 23127). A. Its the basic foundation of the Christian faith it is fundamental EASTER SUNDAY 2014 SERMON And a youngster wants to belong to the group. 3 attributes we find in Pauls heart: 1. The LORD preserves the faithful (Ps. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, is not of the Father, but of the world. Lets get a sense of that words meaning in This letter reported this man was certainly one of the elect. John 12:42-43 writes: Among the chief rulers, many believed on Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: for they loved the praise of men more than they loved the praise of God.. This is a study of the book of Genesis. 3:14). Pastor Wayne Tindale Heres part of the story. He motioned toward them with his hand and then groaning as he looked up to heaven said, Away with the atheists. Meaning the atheists. Thats the cry in each one of these churches. Tempted to disbelieve the Word of God. He lived, he died, he's alive. That number of about 0.8% of Christians throughout history, in fact, has been constant over many centuries. 21:25). Baptist. Some of you will be thrown into prison for a time. 15, 16), VI. Our reward is not here, it is there [Matthew 5:12]. And he gave his life to be a Baptist preacher, John Fawcett. It is interesting to note the things Jesus DID NOT say to them on how to overcome. It is in riches. When that moment comes, you trust that the Lord gives you the words to say, gives you the courage. read more, Scripture: We come to see that the thing of value is not speed but endurance. A hundred years old and Sarah, ninety years of age and no child is born [Genesis 17:17]. And what you do and what you believe and how you carry yourself is thought strange? Many deal with doubt and fear, but it is possible to be certain of salvation and live abundantly in Christ. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. Centuries earlier, during the period when Rome was struggling with Carthage for supremacy, Smyrna sided with the Romans. But as Polycarp entered the stadium, there came a voice from heaven: Be strong, Polycarp, and courageous. Or some translations, be strong and play the man. And no one saw the speaker, but those of our people who were present heard the voice and then, as he was brought forward, there was a great uproar when they heard that Polycarp had been arrested. Because when the Lord looked into the heart of that rich, young ruler, he loved things more than he loved God [Matthew 19:21-22; Mark 10:21-22]. WebIts a very tender and touching sceneone of the most moving and heartwarming farewell speeches thats ever been recorded in literature. It is on the Aegean Sea; it is in Turkey on the western shore of Asia Minor. Deuteronomy 2:1-15, Denomination: The same thing is true of those in Hebrews 11. I trust everyone understands the significance of the Gospel in relation to salvation in Christ. Be faithful unto death. A There are some men who are incorrect, who use that verse to say like this: Be faithful to your deathbed, and if you are, you will be saved. There is no thoughtthere is not an approach of a thought like that. When the crowd learned that it would not be possible to set a lion loose, thats what they called for, then they shouted for him to be burned alive. Many people have is just the opposite. But from salvation to glory there are three vitally important way stations that become a part of our pilgrimage. Many of us would say that murder is worthy of the death penalty; and if any of us had a child that were raped, we would probably believe the person who [Matthew 19:20; Mark 10:20]. He knows your broken heart in a way that no one else does. They believed the promises and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims in this earth [Hebrews 11:13]: Now, they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: And I turn the pages of the Book, And I John, saw that holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband [Revelation 21:2]. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. The handles of my plow where tears are wet. Pleasure leads many to neglect the Lord. WebSermons by Bible: Sermons by Category: Sermons by Topic: Sermons by Speaker: Sermons by Language: Sermons by Date: Staff Picks: Comments, ALL -0 sec: Top Sermons: Online Bible: Hymnal: Daily Reading: About | $1 Signup! Now you have it translated here, And he was sad at that saying [Mark 10:22]. WebUnto death! It had been for a long time. . What was important to them in the beginning was no longer important. Preacher, just stand up there and tell us what God says. If there was a crime worthy of death, what would it be? He was soon to dieto be rejected [Mark 10:32-34]. ( Rev. These things I command you, that you love one another [John 15:17]. THE CHURCH THAT WOULD NOT SURRENDER That is the mark of a disciple of Christ. The third thing that had happened is by the end of the first century, some Jews had compromised with Rome. FAITHFUL EVEN UNTO DEATH II Kings 2:1-12 For the child of God, heaven is our ultimate destination. Individuals become Christians and know the truth, but they have a friend who attends a denominational church, so they attend every now and then, and before they know it, they believe what that church teaches. Thats what it is. It is far too easy to go through the motions of being faithful without really being faithful. Oh, by the way, its while Jesus Christ was reigning as King forever. Were at 7, 8 now? A Number one. Not only that, but to receive from Jesus this comfort, its not simply the comfort of a really good friend who can put an arm around you or a counselor or a therapist or a pastor who can listen to you say and say, I feel so bad for you.. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. An appeal for faithfulness in an era when Colossians 3:2: Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. First Corinthians 15:19: If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.. II Timothy 4:6-8 Paul was looking with We dont have a little God. You read these stories of the martyrs and even allowing that perhaps the Church spoke at times with some exaggerated spirituality, maybe, yet we believe that its historically true and happened and happened much like that. Psalms 20:5-6 Come. read more, Scripture: It continues to the last stitch. Yet Jesus came that it would not keep you in bondage, because the end of this life, for the Christian, is the beginning of a life that is far better. read more, Scripture: But to be left out like a lone, lost black sheep is to be hurt and the child is a thousand times sensitive to it. 2:4). Theyre such a testimony to Gods grace. Amen.. love for Him so great, any other in comparison is as hate, B. So 36billion total. Hes telling us from Gods Holy Scriptures about our Lord. And if the challenge in Ephesus was lovelessness, here it is the hatred of those who do not love Christ, or love the truth. Or the story of Polycarp. The clouds are boiling and the face of the heaven is angry. The real hero is not he who makes the fastest schedule but he who lasts the longest. I love that. WebSermons by Bible: Sermons by Category: Sermons by Topic: Sermons by Speaker: Sermons by Language: Sermons by Date: Staff Picks: Comments, ALL -1 sec: Top Sermons: Online Bible: Hymnal: Daily Reading: Our The seven marks of a true disciple of Jesus: Now, the last one, the seventh one, the marks of a true disciple of Jesus: he is committed to a belief in another worldliving, working, looking forward to another world. We all love to be praised. 2 letter from Jesus to the church at Smyrna. 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