diversity and inclusion moments for meetings
Your team may have picked some bias from the society in which they live. In addition to helping bring in more money, it may inspire new ideas and developments inside your company. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Top 9 Diversity and Inclusion Stories for 2018 Dealing with, and preventing, racism and harassment in the workplace were popular global and cultural effectiveness topics for our readers in. While diversity, equity, and inclusion are related concepts, they do have their own distinct definitions and values. Instead of teams offering one-word answers, let participants open up a discussion on in-depth topics. In addition, DE&I initiatives may improve morale, increasing output. This topic allows team members to see any discriminatory behavior and stop it. Commemorating holidays as a team will go a long way in reinforcing diversity and inclusion in your company. Find out what is working and what isnt by asking your team members for feedback either at the end of your meetings, or with an email or app that allows anonymity. The first step is to acknowledge that not all workers observe the same religious festivals and customs. In particular, it is essential to follow up with workers who have encountered such conduct from colleagues since doing so will demonstrate your appreciation for their contributions and provide insight into the prevalence of the problem. If you have introverts in the room, start with a brief round robin activity that includes everyone and helps the attendees get to know one another better. During the meeting itself, manage conduct. Download the 11 Diversity & Inclusion Statistics That Will Change How You Do Business. Posted Oct 2020 . endobj Can't Miss Quote: "Companies who embrace a range of diverse opinions are in a better position to create better relationships with customers, identify opportunities, and read and react to changes in the market than those with monocultures." The in-crowd often takes up more space in the room, supports the same ideas, and speaks up inordinately, drowning out differing viewpoints. <>stream Duke Energy's D&I foundation is built on these principles: Leadership commitment and accountability. How to do this DEI activity in person: Have employees bring in a dish that celebrates their culture for lunch and encourage your team to talk about their favorite traditions with each other. 0000008929 00000 n Do not be afraid to call out bias and confront stereotypes. How to do this DEI activity virtually: Host a company-wide virtual webinar with a guest speaker who specializes in a DEI topic that is relevant for that calendar month. Inclusive behaviors in meetings can be wide ranging, from making sure everyone has a seat at the table to giving each person a chance to speak. endobj There are tons of delicious snacks out there that are healthy to boot! Here Are 20 Activities Of Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace 1. Activities should focus on humanity, not facts in a vacuum. This will result in the phrase, I am ___, but I am not ___.. Hence, the activities will increase workers engagement and efficiency. Empathy allows workers to see their own life and the lives of others more clearly and objectively. Diversity and inclusion activities promote a sense of belonging and acceptance among your workforce. Tip: We recommend encouraging team members to participate in DEI games, but not requiring them to do so. endobj January 4, National Braille Day Birthday: This day marks the birth of Louis Braille (People with Disabilities). This kind of thinking has no place in the workplace, but unfortunately, many employees have preconceived notions. Intentional Inclusion and Inclusion Training 5. During the meeting itself, manage conduct. For instance, playing music each generation enjoys is a sure way to promote team bonding. Examples include generational diversity, stereotypes, and cultural competency. Participants are free to share as many traits that can teach the importance of inclusion at work. "I am". ASME Membership (1 year) has been added to your cart. I Am, But I am Not is a great diversity and inclusion activity that allows your team to self-identify and then explore stereotypes associated with those identification factors. 0000001790 00000 n 888-446-9489, Alumni and Friends You can also take a look at devices and solutions for meetings at ViewSonic. 0000011462 00000 n When it comes to inclusion in the workplace, education is the key to success. Encourage management to take part in diversity activities in the workplace with their teams. We have 30+ experiences to choose from, and thousands of five star reviews. Plus, a list of ideas to boost employee empathy. You can also make your workplace more inclusive to disabled workers by ensuring that your workplace makes the physical environment more disability-friendly. SHORT VIDEO CLIPS FOR DIVERSITY . Employee resource groups are a learning system where your employees serve as an information bank for the rest of the staff. Online Accessibility Statement, Pricing For more info visit: Privacy Policy & settings. 1. Participants will also learn how certain events have shaped other players lives. 303-273-3000 / 800-446-9488, Admissions & Financial Aid Let workers also share nearby restaurants where teams can get the dishes. Before we share our favorite diversity activities, lets first define the components of DEI and just what exactly DEI activities are. Explore any of these five-minute exercises that center on a relevant diversity, inclusion and access topic. Learning & Skill Development Opportunities, Progress on 8 Promises to BIPOC Members of our Community, Report incidents of Bias, Discrimination & Harassment, Facilitating Difficult Conversations Toolkit. Want to become a better professional in just 5 minutes? Potluck lunch is among the best diversity team building activities for your team. 0000086560 00000 n These programs can help workers of all backgrounds feel more confident in their abilities and self-worth. COMING SOON. Most employees agree that unconscious prejudices constitute a significant barrier to diversity. Companies also need to provide employees with training on how to deal with harassment in the workplace. You can get more acitionable tips by downloading the free 11 Diversity & Inclusion Statistics That Will Change How You Do Business. Then utilize smaller break-out rooms for the actual activity and sharing out of statements. Once every participant has completed the activity, let all players fold the paper and toss it around the room. 0000002162 00000 n . The value of respect is an important topic to consider for your inclusion moments. Most of your staff should be familiar with the term diversity, but some may be confused about the difference between diversity, equity, and inclusion. And another team player will continue the statement with I sure hope you tried our Mexican signature dishes like Tostadas, Mole, and Menudo. Other teammates will add in accordingly. 0000002980 00000 n Check out this list of Disability Awareness Month ideas. How to do this DEI activity in person: Break out into small groups in the office and try to include people of different backgrounds in each group. <]/Prev 150115/XRefStm 1790>> They listen critically to keep musicians playing in unison and actively control the dynamic to prevent one instrument from overpowering the rest. You will set up a jar in a common office area for this activity. Let each team draw a flower that has a large center. Diversity and inclusion efforts are a necessary & vital piece of a successful company culture that fosters equality amongst all employees. The step apart and together activity will teach your team that they are still teammates despite any apparent diverse differences. For more information, explore Woyago today! Download, This guide will help you use social media to spread a message of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and interact with others talking about these topics in our field. Draw a Diversity Flower. Review your list of attendees: are you missing people who represent diverse or dissenting points of view? A good way to do this is to have activities for members and families outside of meeting times. How to do this DEI activity virtually: Partner with an employee engagement software platform like Kazoo to create special initiatives and rewards for your employees. The workplace is a common setting for incidents of discrimination and harassment. University of Houston Diversity Education Guide. Initiate corporate-wide culture change for diversity and inclusion. A respectful work environment is essential to the success of the business as a whole. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. The flower petals should equal the number of players on each team. Video playlists about Inclusion. 254 0 obj Dont worry were here to help you navigate how to host fun and useful DEI activities both in person and virtually! As you begin to create your training course, consider including these five diversity and inclusion training activities to help your team members see each other in a new light. Terms and Conditions Tip: Set some parameters around this activity so people dont feel forced to share or cornered into speaking about something theyre not comfortable with. Practicing religious diversity means being sensitive to the needs of your team members, who may choose to observe certain dietary restrictions, avoid particular foods, or observe specific religious holidays. Your calendar should be inclusive of all multicultural and religious holidays, events, and celebrations. Commitment. Tip: Have each participant write down 5 I am, but I am Not phrases so they are able to pick and choose which statement(s) theyre comfortable sharing with the group. A: Some examples of promoting inclusion are following the Diversity Calendar and setting up BRGs (Business Resource Groups) focused on reaching company DEI goals and creating an inclusive environment. A focus on DEI, both as an organizing principle of workplace culture and as a strategic business advantage, is an increasingly important topic for organizational leaders outside of the HR department. Prevent anyone from dominating or derailing the discussion. Examples of holidays that you can observe: You do not have to give teams an off day during every holiday or observation. <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 35 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> Books, both fiction and nonfiction, provide readers with a window into different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. We learned that women are often uncomfortable speaking up and are more than twice as likely to be interrupted in group dialogue particularly in industries and organizations that are male-dominated. Simply said, the benefits of investing in your staff will double exponentially. Insanely Fun Team Building Activities for Work, Fun Virtual Team Building Activities endobj Diversity and inclusion are two words that I think will rank very high in this year's biggest buzzwords, along with unprecedented and pivot in regards to the COVID19 pandemic. Diversity without inclusion is like a car without . Explore the world of diversity, equity, and inclusion with Woyagos monthly virtual tours highlighting important DE&I subjects in different cities around the globe. In the meeting itself, customs and expectations should be established upfront. May 21 - World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. Privacy Policy Free bonus: Download the 11 Diversity & Inclusion Statistics That Will Change How You Do Business. The what do we have in common activity is among the best diversity icebreakers that can bring teams together. Your programs and initiatives will have a better chance of success if you prioritize empathy to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion. 246 54 Highlights of the job posting EEO/Inclusion Statement: Header IBM uses a headline/header for their Inclusivity statement: "Being You @ IBM". Most employees may get a more nuanced understanding of the impact of their actions if they learn about the importance of sensitivity. The same needs to happen for inclusion we need to insist that it is the standard in meetings and beyond. These activities aim to recognize all workers regardless of background, culture, and individual traits. Gather feedback from your team on other key business and workplace topics as well. Then, let workers bring in pictures that can spark diversity talks. With the rise in hybrid and remote work, it can be harder than ever to host diversity and inclusion exercises for your teams. 0000004875 00000 n Examples of the groups include Women in the workplace groups, disability groups, and LGBTQ+ groups. Allow participants to share their statements with the team and have an open and respectful discourse on stereotypes. Its a great way to celebrate differences but shows that commonality exists as well. meeting; everyone should take turns in leading this activity. You want to ensure that the roadmap and activities planned are meeting your teams needs and expectations. The life map diversity and inclusion activity is perfect for large and diverse workforces. There's no place or time when discrimination is acceptable. This could be as simple as sending a pre-meeting email to attendees, and inviting people to come ready to share as well as listen. It may sound like a little thing you can delegate to another employee, but in our everyday work, we hear loud and clear that leaders are in the best position to make people feel safe in this kind of setting. Companies that are getting diversity and inclusion right. Companies with a positive work environment encourage employees to think beyond the box. xref For instance, teams can learn how to make sushi, ugali, pasta, or apple pies. What are Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Activities? Here is a list of mentoring program ideas. Furthermore, research suggests that inclusive workplaces have a greater employee retention rate. While you cannot prevent the influence of societal bias, discrimination training sessions will make your team more self-aware and prevent workplace bias. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. Many workers feel uncomfortable highlighting their differences, especially in a professional office environment. L@)gcY[\">220i q@ V After the activity, hold a discussion and let each participant state one trait they have learned about a random colleague. The final step on your workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion meeting agenda is to follow up with the participants. Supporting DEI activities is no longer seen as solely an HR competency thats discussed at annual HR conferences. Diversity attracts diversity, as so much of the talent pool is seeking a safe, inclusive place where they can do their best work. How to do this DEI activity in person: Print and circulate a DEI survey in the office and set up a dropbox where employees can deliver their surveys anonymously. Diverse hiring can be measured and managed by crunching the numbers, but when we take this best practice out of the lab and apply it to everyday work settings, like meetings, positive results are more elusive. Regular disability inclusion work training can help your workforce be more conscious of their colleagues, help workers communicate freely regardless of their disabilities, and make the workplace welcoming for all workers. startxref If you have a large workforce, then you can set up departmental snapshot boards. Its also important to set milestone check-ins with your employees to gauge the effectiveness of your diversity and inclusion exercises and overall employee satisfaction levels with the larger DEI initiative. Blog 0000010546 00000 n endobj Conduct. I am intrigued with what Luke was telling us. 0000006107 00000 n Along with your collaborations with professional staff at ASME, we hope the DEI Toolkit will support your amazing work! How to do this DEI activity in person: Host small, optional group sessions in the office led by a DEI professional. Take advice from a few of our most successful clients: Leaders who actively orchestrate meeting interactions in this way create an inclusive space by leaving room for everyone to contribute, and set a standard for respect across the group. Graduate Admissions What this diversity activity supports: This activity helps employees embrace their own culture through sharing it with others while simultaneously encouraging them to learn more about other cultures. 0000004318 00000 n Generational Diversity 2. Finally, commit to inclusion. Other great ideas are empathy training and workplace respect. Examples include diversity calendar celebration, cooking lessons, and speak your truth sessions. Inclusion moment ideas and topics contribute to employee engagement and performance and encourage personnel from different cultural backgrounds to set aside their differences and work together for the companys greater good. endobj Also, by providing your team with disability awareness training, you can ensure that they are prepared to aid workers with disabilities and provide solutions to the challenges they experience daily. endobj Our brains are wired to make shortcuts for easy understanding and many cultures teach individuals to take sole credit for their successes. The what do we have in common activity will show teams similarities despite apparent differences like race, disability, or religion. endobj Diversity and inclusion happen from the top down. 2023 teambuilding.com, all rights reserved | Terms | Privacy, benefits of diversity and inclusion at work, list of the best diversity and inclusion quotes for work, diversity equity and inclusion moment ideas. 246 0 obj State ground rules up front and make sure they explicitly foster inclusion. Gender identity is internally held beliefs about ones gender, whether male or female. As a leader, its your responsibility to actively and intentionally give them opportunities to do so. But engaging in a conversation will have a greater. CMbt5|tG@AlX;#{DId]= B:!@"05;C!&3r|=&4& 8 min read. Eloise Bune, CEO of ScribbleChat, says the team makes a point to eat lunch together. <> This activity will help teams learn more about each others origin, growth, and future plans. BASF. A: A DEI program is an action plan put into place to promote the representation of people from diverse backgrounds and equitable treatment of all employees so their unique needs are met. You can start the exercise or choose a team leader to initiate the story link. Customs. So it stands to reason that if an organization desires a more inclusive culture and leaders want to model inclusion then meetings are the place to start. When . Equal treatment of people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender presentations is at the heart of the LGBTQ+ inclusion movement. To ensure you have various food items, you can ask some participants to bring in starters while others bring main meals, desserts, drinks, and snacks. You will start by dividing teams into groups of eight to ten participants. As the initial point of contact with a hospital or clinic, the intake personnel must be culturally aware. By including DEI as a core company pillar, youre encouraging each employee to add DEI-focused efforts to their goals as well. Company Swag Ideas Employees Really Want The benefits of diversity and inclusion are clear. 0000003792 00000 n Employee Wellness Program Ideas Some good inclusion moment ideas include cultural awareness, bystander intervention, and microaggression recognition. diversity and inclusion moments for meetings diversity and inclusion moments for meetings (No Ratings Yet) . Observing the calendar around equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging is among the best inclusion activities for adults. Inclusion? According to an SHRM survey, one of the most important factors for employee satisfaction is working in an atmosphere where staff receives dignity and respect. Here are answers to questions about diversity and inclusion activities. By encouraging team members to strike a healthy balance between individualism and standing up for each other, you can help foster a sense of community and compassion. Each touchpoint along the employee journey . Each participant will pick the closest paper near them and read it out. Take the Quiz Set clear ground rules at the start of the meeting and stick to them. Consider partnering with a black-founded brand or a corporate wellness company that compliments your DEI efforts. 0000013914 00000 n By taking time to ensure attendees feel comfortable and confident participating in meetings, you'll create a more inclusive environment and likely foster better ideas too. Have a facilitator Too many in-person meetings flounder because there is no one at the wheel. The team leader will start the story with a statement. In the same way, companies can benefit from the positive outcomes of a workplace free of prejudice. And it's not too difficult to implement. Seriously Awesome Gifts For Coworkers Micro-aggressions 6. <> Diversity, equity, and inclusivity can change the whole dynamic of business meetings and provide a platform for more ideas. Meetings are where ideas are shared, decisions are made, and power dynamics play out. A robust DEI program should extend beyond recruiting a diverse workforce and mandatory corporate training programs. Employees are more likely to pitch in and contribute when there is a level playing field and fair treatment in the workplace. Although progress has been made, women still make up only 21% of the boards of directors of S&P 500 companies. This self-assessment tool can facilitate this process. Decision Moments. In the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Toolkit, we have assembled a collection of resources to enhance DEI. As mentioned earlier, the best DEI programs are embedded within the overall company culture and goals. Here are tips that will help you navigate inclusion activities for your workforce: Successful diversity and inclusion activities will promote workers reliance on their peers and create a safe working environment for all employees. ~ Edward Kennedy 2. How It Works You should have a firm grasp on the issues at hand before you begin crafting a strategy for creating inclusion moments at work. Earning a spot on DiversityInc's "Top 50 Companies for Diversity" in 2021 and Forbes' " The Best Employers for Diversity " in 2020, BASF is a global force properly leveraging D&I. Ford Motor Company. Another powerful way to be an ally in a meeting is by making space for all voices to be heard. Look out for people who dominate the conversation. Therefore, it is important to highlight the initiatives potential to combat harassment while designing DE&I initiatives. Decades of research show that diverse organizations are more engaged, creative, and financially successful. Additionally, when it came to ethnic and cultural diversity, they saw a similar spike in profitability. The Influence Effect: A New Path to Power For Women. Some bystanders might not speak out when they see injustice for a few reasons. <> You can assess your companys leadership and staff members to see whether any underrepresented groups exist. 258 0 obj trailer Signal Examples: Meeting invite data, speaker data, speech analysis of participants, as well as candidate and interview data. If someone is interrupted, step in quickly. It will allow for bonding and a better understanding of their teams. Financial Aid
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