famous descendants of rebecca nurse
The court asked the jury to reconsider the verdict; they found her guilty after reviewing the evidence and discovering that she had failed to answer one question put to her (perhaps because she was nearly deaf). Ancestor charts showing the family relationships of Mitt Romney (1947-) to other famous people. I am a descendant of Rebecca (Towne) Nurse who was unfortunately hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. Stoughton suggested that perhaps the the jury had not heard Rebecca make an incriminating statement when another prisoner was brought in to testify against her. I am a descendent of Rebecca Nurse as well. 8th great-grandmother Francis Nurse (c1618 - 1695) Great . Rebecca Towne Nurse Famous memorial Birth c.21 Feb 1621. She was tried and convicted in the spring and summer of 1692 and executed on July 19. Wadsworth Publishing Co, 1972.Records of Salem Witchcraft: Copied from the Original Documents, Volume 1. "Biography of Rebecca Nurse, Victim of the Salem Witch Trials." Looking at old maps to discover where family farms were once located and where that property is today will give descendants at least a general idea of the resting places of their witch trial victim ancestors. [citation needed]. "Biography of Rebecca Nurse, Victim of the Salem Witch Trials." Elizabeth CLARKE , John TOWNES. Her married sisters Mary Eastey and Sarah Cloyce were also accused. Her family emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, settling in Salem, although most of the Towne family would eventually move inland to Topsfield. She was condemned to hang. Im an 8th grader currently working on my project focused on the Salem Witch trials and your article helped me so much! She was the wife of Francis Nurse, with several children and grandchildren, and a well-respected member . She was the wife of Francis Nurse, with several children and grandchildren, and a well-respected member of the community. By 1852, Crumpler had moved to Charlestown, Massachusetts to begin her medical career as a nurse. I would love to hear from anyone else who shares some of these ancestors. , Hey Cuz! She is my friends 9th Great-grandmother which is how I learned they were hanged the same day. From Wikepedia: Rebecca & Mary both hanged, Sarah later released. Mary Eastey was born Mary Towne to William Towne and Joanna Towne ( ne Blessing) in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Several spectators adopted head motions indicating that they were in Nurse's thrall. Although her exact resting place has never been confirmed her descendants erected a tall granite memorial in the family plot in 1885 at the Rebecca Nurse Homestead cemetery in Danvers (formerly Salem Village), Massachusetts. ; Salem citing his usual copious sources.[6]. W. Elliot Woodward, 1864.Kimball, Henrietta D. Witchcraft Illustrated. George Burroughs and the Salem Witch Trials, Biography of Martha Carrier, Accused Witch, M.Div., Meadville/Lombard Theological School. John Nurse born about 1645; his death, if this is the same man, appears in Reading, Massachusetts Vital Records on 26 Nov 1717. Was Doug Coldwell ALIVE during the 17th century to compile "firsthand knowledge" of Rebecca Nurse? discoveries. I am a direct descendant of Rebecca Towne Nourse and Francis Nourse. Rebecca Towne Nourse is my ninth great grandmother on my mothers side. .. Rebecca passed away on July 19 1692, at age 71 in Salem, Essex Co. .. 1. . [4], This occurred during a time when the Massachusetts colony was seized with hysteria over witchcraft and the supposed presence of Satan within the colony. SOURCE: Site of Salem Witch Trial Hangings Discovered: Why Its Important to Genealogists. Then we are related in some way because her brother Edmund is my 8th great-grandfather! I have a book written in 1930 by Charles Sutherland Tapley all about the family and the trial. Would it be possible to somehow mention that her main accuser, Ann Putnam,Jr., recanted in 1706. Thank you for visiting the site! There will be 10 performances from Oct. 17 to 27; tickets start at $19.50. Ive known since I was a teenager that I was related to her, but only just connected the dots via family tree recently. They told Rebecca openly that if she was innocent, they prayed that God would show her innocence, for "it is a sad thing to see church members accused". Thanks! She expressed great remorse for her role against Rebecca and her two sisters, Mary Eastey and Sarah Cloyce, in particular: "I desire to be humbled before God for that sad and humbling providence that befell my father's family in the year about '92; that I, then being in my childhood, should, by such a providence of God, be made an instrument for the accusing of several persons of a grievous crime, whereby their lives were taken away from them, whom now I have just grounds and good reason to believe they were innocent persons. She married Isaac Estey, a farmer and barrel-maker, in . Shared note. I read the script and I see modern relevance in the play to the issues on our minds today.. [2] Her husband was a "tray maker" by trade, who likely made many other wooden household items. Anyone who is a descendant is invited to leave the familys story on the productions website, www.punctuate4.org, and get a discount on a ticket. Rebecca, the daughter of William Towne and Joanna Blessing, was baptized Feb 21, 1621 in England. Nurse was then indicted for witchcraft. Both women were church members and respected, prominent members of the community. Rebecca Nurses arrest on March 24, 1692 came as a complete surprise to the citizens of Salem because she was considered such a pious and upstanding citizen. Interestingly, 12 year old accuser Ann Putnam Jr. formally apologized by age 26, saying she had been under Satan's delusion and the providence of God.bringing "the guilt of innocent blood" upon the community. PGM is now co-managing this profile since Black Sheep Project is no longer active. She is my great grandmother 10th removed. Research devoted solely to this person has either not yet taken place or it is currently in progress. Lewis, Jone Johnson. When the verdict not guilty was, the honoured court was pleased to object against it, saying to them, that they think they let slip the words, which the prisoner at the bar spake against her self which were spoken in reply to Goodwife Hobbs and her daughter, who had been faulty in setting their hands to the devils book, as they have confessed formerly; the words were what, do these persons give in evidence against me now, they used to come against us. After the honoured court had manifested their dissatisfaction of the verdict, several of the jury declared themselves desirous to go out again, and thereupon the hounored court gave leave; but when we came to consider the case, I could not tell how to take her words, as evidence against her, till she had a further opportunity to put her sense upon them, if she would take it; and then going into court, I mentioned the aforesaid, which by one of the court were affirmed to have been spoken by her, she being then at the bar, but made no reply, nor interpretation of them; whereupon these words were to me principal evidence against her. Nicholas Noyes the minister who accompanied the accused persons to their deaths, was a distant uncle, as I am descended from his sister Hannah Noyes. The farm that Nurse and her husband lived on became the center of a long-standing dispute between Townsend Bishop, the farms owner who leased it to the Nurses, and Zerubabel Endicott, a neighbor who disputed the boundary of their adjoining land, according to Emerson Baker in his book A Storm of Witchcraft: The farm that Rebecca and Francis Nurse leased from Reverend James Allen was the focus of a long and complicated boundary dispute between Allen, the Nurses, and the abutting Endicott and Putnam families. St. Nicholas Church at Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/640804/nurse-homestead-cemetery, Site of Salem Witch Trial Hangings Discovered: Why Its Important to Genealogists, https://www.freereg.org.uk/search_records/5818f6cee93790ec8b81a8b3, https://archive.org/details/salemwitchcraftw02upha_0/page/268, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QG1K-FSRB, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QG1K-ZTS2, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QG1K-S45M, http://salem.lib.virginia.edu/n12.html#n12.4, https://www.mass.gov/doc/resolves-of-1957-chapter-145/download, https://malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2001/Chapter122, https://ancestralfindings.com/site-of-salem-witch-trial-hangings-discovered-why-its-important-to-genealogists, The Salem Witchcraft Papers (SWP No. That was before Nurse and 21 others of the 33 who had been convicted were exonerated in 1711 by the state, which paid compensation to the families of the victims. Welcome to the Towne Family Association, Inc. site, dedicated to the descendants of William Towne and Joanna Blessing, who were married 401 years ago at St. Nicholas Church on April 25, 1620. Nurse, to be sure, was only indirectly interested in the suit. pennsylvania nurse aide registry reciprocity. In doing my family tree I have found that I am a descendent of Rebecca Nurse. One signer was General Israel Putnam's father. Sometimes we are assisting someone looking for a connection to a different event and they get surprised to find their ancestors were connected to the witch trials.. The play focuses on the true story of Haverhill Judge Nathaniel Saltonstall, who served on the court and questioned the fairness of the trials. I've added the project box and PGM as co-manager. I am an innocent person.. Cummings : Descendants of Isaac Cummings (1601-1677) of Topsfield/Ipswich, his son Isaac Cummings Sr. (1633-1721) and grandson Isaac Cummings Jr. (1664-1746) and his wife Alice Howlett accused Elizabeth (Jackson) Howe (1637-1692) of witchcraft. Geo A. Kimball, 1892.Mays, Dorothy A. I cant tell you how much horror and shame I have felt knowing what my ancestors did. Will be merging children etc. I was wondering if one of the managers could add a few quick words to the effect that Rebecca Nurse was FALSELY accused of witchcraft by some of her neighbors. A fanciful representation of Rebecca Nurse's trial from. In 1672, Francis Nurse served as Salem's Constable. The abuses of the Salem witch trials contributed to changes in U.S. court procedures, including the guarantee of the right to legal representation, the right to cross-examine ones accuser, and the presumption of innocence instead of guilt. All but one of their children were married by 1692. ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, thoughtco.com/rebecca-nurse-biography-3530327. ABC-CLIO, Inc, 2004.Goss, K. David. And particularly, as I was a chief instrument of accusing of Goodwife Nurse and her two sisters, I desire to lie in the dust, and to be humbled for it, in that I was a cause, with others, of so sad a calamity to them and their families; for which cause I desire to lie in the dust, and earnestly beg forgiveness of God, and from all those unto whom I have given just cause of sorrow and offense, whose relations were taken away or accused. She inspired other dramatic treatments of the Salem Witch Trials. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. John Nurse (1673-1747) 4. According to oral tradition, Nurse's family secretly returned after dark and dug up her body, which they interred properly on their family homestead. I pray your relationship with your boyfriend is flourishing. in Great Yarmouth, England , United States, Died on July 19, 1692 John Keenan, a descendant of Rebecca Nurse, at the Salem Witch Memorial, where a stone bears the witchs name. Rebecca(Preston) then had 1715.Charles A Towns of Park Ridge , IL, who is collecting records of the descendants of William and Joanna Blessing Towne, parents of Rebecca Nurse, now has a record of 15,203 descendants of Rebecca Nurse and believes that these are at least 30,000 descendants of this worthy woman. She was the wife of Francis Nurse, and had several children. https://www.thoughtco.com/rebecca-nurse-biography-3530327 (accessed March 1, 2023). The Dowling Family Tree with over half a million relatives,contains thousands of pictures and over four thousand GeneaStars.We are all related! Leave a message for others who see this profile. ", The Nurse family accepted Ann's apology and were reconciled with her:[10] by contrast, they never forgave Samuel Parris, the village minister, whom they held personally to blame for their bereavement "none can know what we suffered by the loss of such a mother" and they did not rest until Parris was removed from office in 1697. we call are grandmother a witch ever since we found out as a joke (Shes okay with it though considering I can be called a witch by inheritance/ wizard), Our grandmother* BTW when I mean shes okay with it, I mean the annoyed but not grounded okay with it. Sources:Nevins, Winfield S. Stories of Salem Witchcraft. New England Magazine, September 1891 February 1892, New England Magazine Corporation, pp: 717Towne, Abbie Peterson and Marietta Clark. Due to the rarity of such household goods, such artisans were esteemed. Sarah born in 1663; testified in June 1692 as being aged 28; married Michel Bowden of Marblehead and Salem after that date. Four or more generations of descendants of Rebecca Towne (1621-1692) if they are properly linked: 1. She is my 10 great grandmother on my mothers paternal side of the family. [15] In Howe's novel, Nurse is used as a character foil for the main character, Deliverance Dane. This made them wonder if any of the other accused witches were possibly innocent. John Nurse (1645-1719) 3. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. This is very, very interesting! Im also a descendant of Rebbeca Nurse on my mothers side of the family .. Shes my 10 great grandmother too! His famous parents were Pilgrims John Alden (c. 1599-1687) and Priscilla Mullins of the Mayflower. Having a family connection to the witch trials is not unusual. Fiske waited briefly, then returned to the jury, and soon came back with a verdict of guilty. Rebecca Towne Nurse (21 Feb 1621 19 Jul 1692) was executed for witchcraft by the government of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England during the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. }Customer Service. If he doesnt appear soon I can take care of this. Doing our family tree I found out Rebecca was my 8th great grandmother. So many of us are descendants of Rebecca Nurse. Rebecca was a well-respected member of the community. After emigrating to Salem MA, two additional children, Joseph and Sarah were born. 9 Jan 1656, Essex Co., Mass. This cemetery is referred to as GR2 Nurse private burial ground, off Pine Street in the "Vital Records of Danvers, Massachusetts to the end of year 1849, Volume II, Marriages and Deaths". According to the book Women in Early America, Nurses conviction and execution marked the beginning of the end of the Salem Witch Trials. Born in Yarmouth, England in 1621 to William Towne and Joanna Blessing, her entire family immigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony sometime between the years 1638 and 1640. She is likewise a major character in Robert Wards Pulitzer Prize-winning operatic adaptation of Miller's play. In 1706, her accuser, Ann Putnam, Jr., gave a public church confession upon entering the Salem Village congregation. Started with her husband Francis Nurse. (#3579) this site was amazing it helped me so much on my project thank you !!!!! display: none; Some writers allege that Nurse thus incurred his hostility, and that this was one of the incentives to the subsequent prosecution of Rebecca Nurse. However, after the not guilty verdict was read in court, the afflicted girls began having fits and cried out against Nurse, according to the book The Salem Witch Trials: A Reference Guide: When Thomas Fiske, the jury foreman, announced the verdict the afflicted children raised such an outcry that Chief Justice William Stoughton asked Fiske to reconsider. If so, login to add it. It was later written that Rebecca had "acquired a reputation for exemplary piety that was virtually unchallenged in the community," making her one of the "unlikely" persons to be accused of witchcraft. On December 17, 1711, the General Court awarded the Nurse family 25 in restitution for Rebeccas wrongful conviction and death. "Biography of Rebecca Nurse, Victim of the Salem Witch Trials." Towne Esq., San Francisco, Cal. The Nurse family remained in the home for many generations. Yardley, PA: Westholme, 2021. Rebecca was portrayed by actress Shirley MacLaine in the 2002 CBS miniseries, Salem Witch Trials. Aunt Sally, a cook for Florida's first self-made millionaire, ship salvager William Curry, gets the credit for making the first Key lime pie in the late 1800s. Rebecca married Francis Nurse in 1640 and raised a family of eight children on a farm in Salem Village. The Putnams of Salem Village embodied this battle in their quarrels with the Nurse family, Mary Easty's brother-in-law. What an interesting and in depth article. In 1909, Rebecca Nurses home in Danvers, Mass was purchased by the Rebecca Nurse Memorial Association and opened to the public as a historic house museum. in Danvers (Salem Village), Massachusetts, This form allows you to report an error or to submit additional information about this family tree: Rebecca NURSE (1621), Biography from Wikipedia (see original) under licence CC BY-SA 3.0. [3], Rebecca Towne Nurse (or Nourse) (February 21, 1621 July 19, 1692) was executed for witchcraft by the government of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England in 1692, during the Salem Witch Trials. Are we never to point out errors which common sense should have prevented in the first place? View entire list of famous kin for Rebecca (Towne) Nurse. Mary married John Tarbell at Salem, on October 25, 1678. The verdict was not surprising as Nurse was well-liked in Salem and 39 people had risked their lives to sign a petition in support of her. Have you taken a DNA test? As a result of his search for the truth, he was put on trial and his family placed in peril. This is so interesting! Death 19 Jul 1692 (aged 71) . The list of descendants of Nurse includes former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, "Scrubs" actor Zach Braff and "I Love Lucy" star Lucille Ball. The notes about merging at the top of this profile are from March 2019. Our job was to make sure no one ever forgets the victims.. Could she get a "Notable Sticker" or is there some reason you don't want to do that? She appears to have been an amiable and exemplary woman, and well educated for the times in which she lived. Sarah Towne Cloyse (1642-1703) - (daughter) accused of witchcraft, but released from custody. Saltonstall, like his peers of the time, believed in witchcraft but questioned the due process and the dependence on spectral evidence.
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