first baptist church naples, florida problems
On Easter weekend, Wicker said he received a text message that several chairmen wanted to meet with him about church unrest. Wicker said he tried to ignore it. Wickers hopes for a smooth transition have been dashed. Nothing new in this article. Church leadership responded in an email to members, calling the Voices of FBCNs email inaccurate and slanderous and claiming that a security breach of the churchs email list had occurred. In it, the group details questions it has about Hayes' qualifications, his tweets and beliefs. Doesnt the Holy Spirit operate in us as individuals? Let us pray for you. I believe Hayes was rejected because of racism. They arrived in Naples and gathered other Baptist families to meet with them in a small outbuilding behind the local grocery store, meeting for their first worship . A lengthyOct. 24 email signed by the "group of concerned FBCN members"and obtained by the Daily News was titled "Concerns Surfacing About Compatibility with Marcus Hayes." Hayes Wicker was the pastor of First Baptist Church of Naples (Florida) for 27 years. According to sources, Wicker wanted a long period of transition to the new leadership, with even an overlap to help the transition process. At the time, Wicker seemed to be well-respected by his church and denomination. Read: Police release name of cop who killed black security guard who was corralling a gunman, Hayes quote-tweeted a November 2018 tweet by an attorney who represented Roberson's family after the fatal shooting. Stop making everything about race. First Baptist Church of Naples Florida Openly Admits Congregational Racism October 30, 2019 by admin In a recent story from Religion News Source (RNS) it was revealed that First Baptist Church of Naples, Florida, failed to elect a new pastor because he was black. Ricardo Barbosa December 25, 2014. I dont think you mean ill will, but just want to make you aware of how poorly comments like that tend to land. And this statement was made by an African American pastor on Moody Radio. Help Guides Racial prejudice a factor in rejection of black pastor, read the headline of a piece published in the Baptist Standard. Like when my colorblind friends didnt understand my discomfort when we chose to stop on a road trip in a small town with confederate flags waiving everywhere. ", "After reviewing a little deeper we find that "social justice" and racial inequality appear to be his priority as it pertains to the church and ministry!" JUST STOP THE HATE. Wicker also was pastor for 20 years to evangelical author and founder of Prison Fellowship, Chuck Colson. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. If I had known that, there would have been no resignation whatsoever.. Theyve even released an open letter to the SBC with the same claim. (I)t seems from social media posts that, with no investigation, some convention leaders have chosen to believe this narrative, Caudill wrote. As managing editor of the former Florida Baptist Witness (state paper) I was witness to many of Hayes Wickers years of fruitful ministry. The Story Of First Baptist Church Naples is disturbing and alarming, but it is meant to be an inspiration. Leading the Q&A session, Dorrill alluded to the past year for the church, which saw its longtime senior pastor, Hayes Wicker, leave amid dissatisfaction by some church members over the circumstances of his departure. The church staff alleged that racism was behind the rejection. Their considerations related to legitimate theological, moral, and political issues. No, Again. (Lets not even get into the bullying by church staff) Lets just focus on the by-laws for one second. **Statements about the actions taken by FBC Naples leadership assume the fidelity of Pulpit & Pens inside source. The day after excommunicating the 18 members, FBC Naples lay leadership and pastoral staff sent an open letter to the SBC, accusing some who didnt vote for Hayes, whos a member of the SBC Executive Committee, of racism. However, he stated, In the 22 years I was there (FBC Naples), I never heard a racist commentever. In addition to this ungodly action, a criminal investigation was instigated by church leadership over email addresses that were allegedly stolen from the church by an anonymous group calling itself Voices of FBCN. Well Hello!!! Publisher Log-in The group adds that national leaders within FBC Napless denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), supported the churchs leadership and furthered the racism charge. ".for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations." Isaiah 56:7 Need Prayer? But I dont see how the spirit of God can move among those people, unless they are willing to understand what has happened and admit that what they have done is absolutely atrocious, ungodly, unjust, and even in violation of their own bylaws.. Our church voted by a percentage of 81 % to bring Marcus Hayes as our next Pastor. For the church's leadership, "it exposed a sickness in what we characterize as a cancer within our fellowship," he continued in the letter, which also asked for forgiveness from Hayes and his wife and "any other person who has been offended, hurt, or damaged by the outcome" of the vote. announced his intention to transition gradually out of the churchs pastorate Im not sure why you would describe Dr. Kings sentiments as ridiculous and ungodly. Theres only one human race. Church discipline for dissenting members was greeted with wild applause. ", CONSIDER SUBSCRIBING TODAY: Help support local journalism, More: Read the letter from First Baptist to church members regarding voting results, In a letter to church membersshortly after the failed vote, the church pointed the finger at groupscalled "Voices of FBCN" and"Group of Concerned FBCN Members.". Now, church members who have been removed from membership over their opposition to the appointment of Marcus Hayes are in fear that they may be unable to witness their children graduate. #JemelRoberson, But the Group of Concerned FBNC Members, citing the tweet, said Hayes should be questioned about his relationship with first responders, specifically police, "and his thoughts on such topics as Ferguson, police shootings involving people of color, etc. Sad state of affairs. However, leaked "It had to do with biblical principals that many questioned," she wrote. To make matters worse, FBC Naples is implementing church discipline procedures which are in direct violation to those set forth by Jesus in Matthew 18. We live in UK now as did Naples Baptist 1st Associate Minisiter but come to Naples Baptist every Dec/Jan. The FBC Naples leaders vowed to deal with this sinful cancer and added that church discipline had already started. Honestly, the system that ousted him is the machine he created. (The video is now private and requires a password to view.). Isnt that how we should judge any one persons claims, by how it squares with Scripture on a case-by-case basis? He shared some examples, including one from a woman who said the church had failed to check Hayes' Twitter account and called him a "radical leftist. close to Wicker, contacted Pulpit & Pen with disturbing details There are many more than five things you should know about this situation that obviously you either do not know, or have chosen to ignore because they dont support your rhetoric. If not please hold your comments. Of course they did. Marcus Hayes based upon prejudice, our church loves all people of all colors equally," Stearns wrote. Give Online. Dorrill also serves on FBC Naples finance committee. Sad on many, many levels! "We all realize that the year of 2019 has been very difficult in the life of our church," Dorrill said. Selected and edited comments from an article by Carl Trueman, Revoice, Evangelical Culture, and the Return of an Old Friend (July 31, 2018). The Roys Report seeks to foster thoughtful and respectful dialogue. is a pastoral search committee? (The church publishes an annual directory with member email addresses.). If there is any racism its from Pastor Hayes and his endorsement of Woke Movement. Sylee Gibson, an excommunicated member who works in law enforcement, added that the man chairing the FBC Naples senior pastor search team is a Florida businessman with a checkered pastNeil Dorrill. The refusal to release specific documents to any donating member, also a violation of not only the by-laws (which was the same verbiage as the state law) but also the state of Florida Not-for-profit Compliance Act and the IRS which governs their 501(c)(3) status. The dissenters, and their surrogates, have done a good job (whether they realize it or not) of explaining why Hayes was rejected and much of it is deeply racially tinged, including: Hayes rejection of the notion of racial colorblindness, Hayes support of Eric Masons book Woke Church and intersectionality, Hayes support of slavery reparations for descendants of African American slaves, and Hayes alleged statements in support of more black leadership in SBC member organizations. The following Tuesday, April 23, Wicker met with FBC Naples leaders including Dorrill, Chairman of the Personnel Committee Troy Boone, Chairman of the Finance Committee Don Collier, and Chairman of Deacons Terry Cole. Raising concerns over a pastoral candidates seeming endorsement of the book Woke Church doesnt make someone a racist. On the surface, Marcus Hayes is a highly recommended pastor who is seemingly qualified for the role. He didnt mentioned anything in the question and answer sessions or his sermon that gave me any indication reconciling and unifying our church was even on his radar. To donate. Jesus said that He wants us to all be in unity and that He is building a church. Regardless of what specific concerns were held, its important to know that 1) no evidence of genuine racism on the part of those holding them has surfaced, and 2) the efforts these members made to ask questions and express reservations were not taken seriously. The process offers no protections for those suspected worthy of dismissal, so it invites rampant abuse. Naples Christmas Celebration. Gretchen Church, who said on Twitter that she has been a member of First Baptistfor more than 17 years, tweeted that racism had nothing to do with voting. This ban prevented him from seeing his granddaughter perform in a play being put on at the churchs school, First Baptist Academy. "Unfortunately our church familys business has become fodder for spotlight-seeking bloggers and others who are commenting about Christians whom they do not know personally, and slandering a church that they know little about," Sonya Stearns, a member of the church, said in an email to the Daily News. Hayes Wicker was the pastor of First Baptist Church of Naples (Florida) for 27 years. The message at FBCN is clear: get along or get out. God has done great things among us and we believe that greater things are yet to come! Jonathan Head November 26, 2011. It provides an identity for its most passionate acolytes. I have no hate here. I just want to point out that when you say things like I am in a biracial marriage, it sounds a LOT like I have a black friend. Trust me, that gets you little more than eye-rolling. They released a statement to the church family blaming racism for the rejection of Marcus Hayes. For sales or technical support please click here. and make way for younger leadership to carry the ministry forward. But with all due respect, be careful commenting on things you dont understand or have first hand knowledge of. Jude certainly understood this. From the reporting in this article, it seems clear that more light needs to be shed on events. "It has nothing to do with race," said William Ericksen, a member of the church for five years and part of the group. If it can happen at FBC Naples, it can happen anywhere. Christians should model justice and love to the world. Am I not allowed as a deacon and 15+ year member of the church to ask questions about leaders who in my opinion have lied and deceived the church for political gain? I can tell you not a single thing mentioned above played a role in my vote. Marcus Hayes, an African-American who is on staff at Biltmore Church in the Asheville, North Carolina area, was the candidate. The church did not hold a reception to honor Wickers decades of ministry, nor was Wicker permitted to address the congregation. Arkansas Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty to 13 Counts of Sexual Assault, Churches Respond to Action of SBC Executive Committee, Why Businessman Peter Chung Matters for the Future of The Kings College. Upvote 1 Downvote. Well-sourced. "They are reaching their community and showing the care and love that the community desperately needs." Photos courtesy of FBC Naples Hearts With Hands The Marcus Hayes vote was used to cry wolf. By Jessica Pigg Last updated Nov 2, 2021 NAPLES Since Alan Brumback's call as lead pastor and his arrival in mid-September, First Baptist Church in Naples has seen baptismal waters stirred every weekend, having celebrated 42 baptisms in October and already scheduling another 15 in November. Ive already been excommunicated and humiliated. Stephens said neither she nor any member of her family wrote the e-mail, adding that none of the church staff ever reached out or spoke to me. She also said the detectives told her that no criminal actions had taken place.. Our warfare is not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12); and our duty as ambassadors does not permit us to compromise or align ourselves with any kind of human philosophies, religious deceit, or any other kind of falsehood (Colossians 2:8). Location Berean Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church located in the beautiful community of Naples, Florida, just south of Ft. Myers. Garippa, who was never part of Concerned Members of FBCN, declined to comment on why he left FBC Naples. As a side note, is the implication that if a white* person disagrees with a person of colour on the legitimacy of Woke political philosophy/identity-building/self-definition in the church, that person must necessarily be a racist? That is a perfect summary of every Christians duty in the war for the truth. Akins son, Jonathan Akin, is currently serving as interim pastor at FBC Naples. SBC Elites cite distinguished lawyer and Southern Baptist Matthew Martens; however, Martens has written persuasively, Supporters of a constitutional amendment to ban women pastors in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), New intel points to Covid origin in a lab leak, remember when this was a, NAMB PR VP Mike Ebert emerges as key witness in McRaney v. NAMB What will, Briefing: What You Need to Know About the First Baptist Naples Crisis, Neo-Marxist Southern Baptists turn Stalinist after election defeat, Who Can Preach? And we are soldierscharged with pulling down ideological strongholds and casting down the lies and deception spawned by the forces of evil (2 Corinthians 10:35; 2 Timothy 2:34). However, in May, Wicker said he agreed to videotape a short farewell message to members from a script both he and the personnel committee had approved. Most church experiences, when it comes to a new Senior Pastor, are just that, a celebration and a time of looking forward with hope and optimism to what God has for the future. So very sorry, but not everything is about race and not everyone is a racist. Regardless of who is at fault for what, this is NOT what Church should be. You would call Martin Luther King an Uncle Tom Im sure. Im inclined to believe it wasnt racially motivated. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. The power plays, ego trippin (yes, I did say trippin), greed, pride, etc., has been going on throughout church history. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. I certainly agree with you wholeheartedly, Grant. But key conferences and key organizations had a vested interest in sidestepping orthodoxy and demonizing any who pointed that out. Similarly, SBC president J.D. The turmoil at FBC Naples began about a year ago, when longtime Senior Pastor Hayes Wicker announced to the church that he was stepping down to make way for younger fresher leadership.. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Select the event you would like to attend below: FRIDAY, Dec 9 (7pm) NO RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE. When that man runs out of money before completion what is everyone going to say? "Is that what the gospel is all about?". Concerned Members of FBCN says the petition received 800 signatures. The film makes note that Marcus Hayes was subsequently ramrodded in Crossroads Church Texas. Caudill added that Dorrill advised Caudill that any pastoral candidates suggested by Wicker would be dead on arrival., In the months leading up to Wickers resignation, the church hired Auxano, a church consulting company, to advise the church on the pastoral transition process. weekend the congregation failed Doesnt matter what denomination or race you are, all of this drama is toxic on a nuclear level for the body and spirit and surely the work of Satan himself. The campaign, he said in an email to the Daily News, consisted of social media, texting, phone calls and a series of emails. Looking for past sermons? Clarified a few things I had heard through the SBC grape vine. We have read so many of our traditions back into the New Testament, and tried to make them fit. emails from the accused church members reveal that dissenters were We met his wife and daughters. Have attended a lot of Southern Baptist Churches. In the email, the group warned that Hayes had endorsed Woke Church, a book that the email claimed was promoting cultural Marxism., The email also objected to Hayes reportedly saying that he rejects the concept that a person can look at a person of color and see no color. The authors wrote, Paul is clear to us in Philippians 3:2-10 that we are to have no confidence in the flesh of our ethnicity.. Dorrill said at the Nov. 2 service thatdisciplinary action "towards church members who have violated our church covenant by causing dissension, disruption and spreading of misinformation have been taken and are underway. I am Caucasian from Eastern Europe. The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him. What a great and wise man of God he is? Church leadership has told excommunicated church members that public response to their situation will result in a restraining order banning them from First Baptist Academy related activities. And if He wanted us all to be the same, He wouldve made us the same. I think there were people in the church who were afraid of having a black pastor, especially one who does not subscribe to the ridiculous and ungodly notion of colorblindness and one who holds the racial views that Hayes does. United States Did people voice concerns and questions about Marcus? Instead, the group alleges that the racism charge was a ruse by men who had recently seized control of the church, expelled and maligned a beloved pastor of 27 years, and then fabricated a basis for excommunicating those who had objected. FBC Naples, recently listed as the 64th largest SBC church in the country, appears to be withering in the wake of the scandal. I can tell you I am not a racist. I do not intend to allow blackmail to prevail at this point and would hope that you would support me. Member of the Evangelical Theological Society I voted no to Mr. Hayes for two reasons. But, then again, with such an unmistakable history of racism behind it, predicting which way the SBC would jump in response to a charge of racism would be too easy. You obviously didnt pay attention to everything in that article, only the points you chose to focus on on. It also noted that Hayes didnt meet the criteria members had stated for the next senior pastorthat he have five years of experience as a senior pastor. Naples, FL 34109 (239) 597-2233. Why abide with a corrupt individual being in a leadership position at the church? When you see me, you will see I am a black woman. Why is that? Why did the church leadership behave in such an aggressive and dismissive manner? More bluntly What have we done? . This man and his family cannot set foot onto church property, he will never again be able to address a congregation where so many hold him in the highest of esteem. Church members are upset over the treatment of the retiring pastor who served 27 years at FBC Naples FBC Naples, Florida's longtime senior pastor Hayes Wicker announced his retirement from pastoring the church in January 2019. Similarly, an article in The Grio asked, Did a Florida church not hire a pastor because he was Black? And Christianity Today stated, Black Pastor Candidate Withdraws After Controversial Vote at SBC Megachurch.. First, I didnt think it was fair to put a new pastor in the midst of such corruption and confusion. No, Again. Just because no one blatantly used a racial slur or expressed overtly racist statements does not mean that racism was not expressed or used during the selection process. Where in the N.T. Visit: 1/2: 17+yr member of FBCN and attendee here! Find a local church Explore; Giving; App; Sign In; Find a Church; Florida; Naples, FL "There are no terms to describe what has happened here other than sin. Former deacon, Blake Crawford, said Wicker was later exonerated of the charges in the anonymous letter by church accounting firm, Phillips Harvey Group. church as large as FBC Naples. This is a warning to all Southern Baptists. Dorrill did not elaborate on how the process was compromised, and Bonnett did not answer emailed questions about the matter. 11,847 were here. Come see the Living Christmas Trees. In the tweet, the attorney, Lee Merritt, wrote in part that investigators claim "all the shooter saw was black" and said that was "exactly the problem.". The decision to excommunicate us 48 hours after a failed vote, without ANY confrontation, was nothing more than a knee jerk reaction to make people pay and to establish a scapegoat. Kenneth Bonnett, pastor of communications for the church, declined to offer specifics about the church's allegations, saying "it would not be proper for us to share that content openly.". Greear, SEBTS President Danny Akin, and Rev. Get directions, reviews and information for First Baptist Church - Naples in Naples, FL. I actually want you to see me as a black woman, because that has shaped my experiences in life how people have reacted to me, treated me, etc. I'm New. Yet despite all thats happened, Wicker said, I pray people would not use this to come against megachurches or seeing all committees as bad., Similarly, Caudill stated, First Baptist Naples still has potential to be used greatly by God. Jemel Roberson was in my student ministry while I was a youth pastor in Chicago. 1-877-582-9246. . So much for giving church members the benefit of the doubt. The Asbury Revival Is Over. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. FBC Naples, Floridas longtime senior pastor Hayes Wicker announced his retirement from pastoring the church in January 2019.
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