forge of empires optimal great building levels
Alcatraz: level 3,6,or 9+. I think I disagree with just about every ranking here. Forge Points must be added to achieve each of these new levels. Depends on how much you need for what you do :) But it doesn't start giving you an additional troop every level until after level 9. Provides goods of the players age for their Guild Treasury every 24 hours. Trading in 2 duplicate copies of blueprints you already possess. It is an amazingly pretty castle though. It looks like that this is to repel the plunderers once in a while. For the guild treasury I run Arc/Atom/Obs 80, then add in two SoH Level 8's and a Royal Bathhouse to get over 2500 goods per day going into the treasury. Youll want to have 10 supply production buildings, collected 4 times per day, or some similar arrangement. Other than Arc 80 ..I've been using 60. Its a bit expensive for what it does, but still worthwhile. 4. Relics appear as standardised icons in various places around the GE map. They represent great achievements in humanity's history and future and provide very powerful bonuses for your city! Further complications are that each GB has different combinations of benefits, and some benefits are worth more in different ages (or when boosting better buildings). So is the Deal Castle 267 times better than the Tower? Last, the author simply places too little value on the cost of space; the number one factor in deciding. CF depends if you like Quests.. The Castel provides both, and only occupying 25 spaces. Again, it will soon be obsolete. +100% when maxed. It becomes worthless. Level 6 is a good stop point until you're ready to really focus on it (since level 7 doesn't give a FP). Good donation etiquette mandates that the last few forge points must be left for the owner to put. Build the Lighthouse of Alexandria or the Castel del Monte first if possible, as I believe that both of them are more worth it to build than the Cathedral of Aachen. For comparsion, if you save the 2500 Forge Points required to upgrade the Oracle to Level 10, you can rush the Tech Tree all the way until the later parts of the Late Middle Ages, or through both colonial and Industrial Age. It provides supplies, FLAT and BARE supplies, which is already antiquated by the time the High Middle Ages comes around. This boost doesn't apply on rewards consisting of Forge Points, blueprints, or military units. The average optimal level for nearly all GBs is roughly level 80. many deviations from that. Not saying the former arent important; they have their place. Guild Battlegrounds: Buildings | Forge of Empires Guides - [] GBs. St BASILS Bad the coin boost is useless once you get to high middle ages and beyond as you will have more gold than you can spend anyway. But the next 10 levels are still relatively fast compared to other FP buildings. Probably not). Overall, this IS a very, and I do mean, VERY good Great Building, and I'll be amazed if you don't have it by The Future at the very latest. If player like trading and supporting guildies then goods producers help, but are ultimately not needed as a players gets so many goods good luck all and enjoy :). Thank you Agent327, that is exactly what I needed. Already its common to see people with more than 100 points attack/defense boost. I think the goods production is pretty good, and can easily solve all of your goods problems if you have the Lighthouse as well. Thanks Dskies. Space (medals) have the next palpable value. For the altruistic team players, it also allows getting level 0 GBs of other players into production faster, which will be more of a challenge over time. DYNAMIC TOWER ok Tough one this one useful when it gets levelled up a higher AND you aid lots of people every day. NEVER. You can put points into your Great Buildings as much and as often as you like. Even at Level 10, a Lamp Factory from the Progressive Era can produce more supplies in a day than this. Once you have more resources than you can use (youll probably only reach this point around Tomorrow Era), then it become smus less useful. The Statue (and Cathedral etc.) Level 60 is the fastest payback for it. Provides a boost for production of Special Goods in Arctic Future and beyond. Great Buildings are one of the fundamental mechanics of Forge of Empires. The going price for alcatraz goods is around 500 FPs. Temple of Relics: level 3-5 or so early on; just whatever's cheap. To Wizzy, you make some good points. Cape Canaveral: Wouldn't have built until after Arc. To put this into perspective, a Goat Farm will produce almost 1000 resources overnight, providing that your population is enthuastic as well, which is a lot for the Iron Age. CAPE CANAVERAL Very good/vital 1 FP for every level it goes up. for sure not excellent. Each Age offers two Great Buildings (with No Age, Early Middle Ages, Arctic Future and Oceanic Future having three Great Buildings each and Space Age Asteroid Belt, Space Age Venus and Space Age Jupiter Moon having one Great Building), each one with its own unique bonus, graphic and space required to build. LOTUS TEMPLE useless the rarest GB in the game. 50ish post-arc but only for the sake of getting stuff to sell to the antique dealer - FP relics do not scale well with level. Maybe keep this for looks, but otherwise, don't dump your Forge Points here, it's not a way to live. I built the Cathedral of Aachen shortly after I reached the Progressive Era, and I actually felt like that this Great Building is a little bit overrated. Free choice. If anyone knows a formula I don't, I will add it here and credit your input. The % scales well up til level 10 as well though so taking it to 10 before you're ready to do post-10 levels is fine. Method Two: Put Forge Points On Great Buildings. Virgo Project: Wouldn't have built. Traz-As high as you want to take it. In turn, your contributors also get the rewards as they help level up your GBs. Firstly once youve built a GB you wont want to delete it. As the levels go up, more points are required and the delay grows. However, the placed Great Building is level 0 and it does not give any bonus yet. I'm happy to tell you though, that you can also have GBs in The building is pretty compact, and it provides 12 goods (24 unrefined after modern (UAM)) on level 10. Great Buildings are definitely better and more interesting than regular buildings. Your email address will not be published. After I do that I then sell those goods to people dying to get alcatraz. Also, all current contributions to an unfinished level will be lost for the respective contributors. How do you advise people of low level to get the blueprints and goods to build the Tower so early in the game? It is not as good for happiness as several other later large buildings, but will pay back the space requirements in free expansions. The real bonus it gives is unattached units, which will guarenteed your success in the Guild Expeditions and the Guild Battlegrounds. If you are a pure fighter, you MUST build it by the Colonial Age and upgrade it to Level 10. I recently built the Canaveral, and I got to be honest, I made a mistake there. St. Mark's Basilica (15.0%, AA: 75.0%), 14. I think the ownership rate of the Space Needle speak for itself. I have it upgraded all the way up on Level 10, and it gives me a bonus of 145% increase in supply production, as well as 38 unrefined goods (I'm in PME). The goods it gives are handy. At Level 1, it provides a 50% bonus in Quest Rewards. it small but even in level 10 the population that provides is less than a resident in progressive era. You obviously dont play. It is more an issue of when to level up the wanted great Buildings to some level rather how high. Picking the right GBs for your style of play is very important. Then the winner is the one with the most military boost. Strictly speaking, its a lot better than the Statue of Zeus, because at low levels, there is very little benefit from the attack strength bonus (on either GB), but the Cathedral still gives you some coins. Nice graph but terrible evaluations of GBs by the author. The Statue gives a unit attack/defence bonus when attacking. This would be good to have. It provides you with two things: Coins, which as I've established hundreds of times already, is a crap bonus. HAGIA SOFIA Very Good Its too big. Your detailed list of GB and its rating are the most accurate here. DONT, repeat, DONT make this mistake. Real Ironman: Your use of the Dynamic Tower is superb! 2000 coins per day from a GB may feel good in EMA, but is nothing later in the game. Quite simply, the Hagia Sophia allows you to get more GBs (and allows you to get them levelled up faster too). Relic Hunt When fully maxed, it provides 7240 supplies daily. Build this GB first. You must log in or register to reply here. It means that your FP donations to other GBs get rewarded much higher. Hey all, if you know the optimum levels for the following (my) GBs, could you let me know. Maybe once it gets out of "auto" on levels 1-2 for 1.9 threads. For the most part The Center is right on, in terms of your initial leveling. However but the time you get to the Future, getting blueprints isnt too hard assuming youve also invested in FP GBs. And if you happen to reach the end of the tech tree or take the last sector of your map, the Lighthouse might not be very useful anymore but youll have had good value in the meantime. Special Goods An amount of medals every 24 hours. Again, youll want to advance to the next age as rapidly as possible, to get the maximum benefit. Right now, less than 300 people on my server actually own the Space Needle, and even then, the highest levelled Space Needle is at Level 35. The gold is worthless, the attack % is vital if you fight. Interestingly, the Goods output of St Marks is only somewhat (15%?) Diamonds can buy FPs and goods. *The post does not include FE GBs. Much depends on what you like to do. An amount of coins every 24 hours. You'll get opinions here, so here's mine. also in Colonial Age) and my advice is: Build it at all costs. GAIA STATUE ok/good good happiness, not too bad medals. At 6400 Happiness, a maxed Hagia Sophia makes the Colosseum look puny. This means that the value of the output doubles with each age, as the equivalent coin/supply costs would double to produce those goods in a regular building. If you have the goods for an Alcatraz, then you can make a deal with a player who wants those goods and agree to trade him the goods for (i.e.) FoETipps claim that getting Level 80 of the Arc is ridiculously hardthat's not actually true. Example: When motivating a chalet you can get a Zeus BP. Your email address will not be published. The medal benefit is harder to calculate, but at nearly 1000 medals/month, is probably worth 5 city Victory expansions over time (10 months), that a peaceful (non PvP player) would never see. Replace your LoA or add and it is not bad. Cant understand why people max out GBs giving FPs, as they invest thousands of FPs in these GBs to get 5-8 FPs back. Once the Great Building's requirements have been met and the foundation laid, it will be at level 0 and must be "leveled" to level 1 before granting benefits to the player. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So think about it. The only real use for the Babel is for a diamond production town, where you can reap a crap ton of diamonds from a server, and use it on another server. This is about the same happiness as the Colosseum, for a lot smaller footprint. Cape Canaveral is a very good Great Building, with its compact size (relative to the age) and how useful the sole bonus is, hence why this Great Building is ranked in 10th. The Cathedral is moderately sized (46=24 squares), providing coins and a military unit boost when attacking. For the first number of times you are plundered, there is a certain chance the plunder attempt will be repelled and the attacker will gain nothing. It means that if you contribute in a Great Building, you get EXTRA Forge Points. Anyway, the Castel could have been better. And THIS, is why happiness, coins and supplies-providing Great Buildings suck - the inflation of how many coins and supplies needed will eventually make them look like it's meant to be served as a part of a Happy Meal in McDonalds. By Caesar, even Notre Dame got an F ONLY. Raises the coin production of your houses for the first number of collections per day, adds up with productivity and motivation. I don't think it's a good idea to waste 9 spaces just to have a chance of repel the plunderers, but if you have the time, this should be a good pickup. Chance of getting something extra when aiding other players, rewards consist of coins, supplies, medals, goods or diamonds. Not worth it. Aachen level 73-75 costs 1244 forge points. A Great Building must be connected by roads to provide benefits or to allow Forge Point contributions. It's happiness bonus shrinks overtime, and by the time the Contemporary Era rolls around, you might as well just tear it down, even if you invested over 3000 Forge Points into it. How do I correctly do fp threads as well. 2.1 Average Results for Specific Levels 3 Special Goods 4 Contribution Rewards 5 Other Great Buildings Levels Random Rewards Every current age good Average Results for Specific Levels This table lists the average total Diplomatic Gifts after all tries from a harvest of the carrier are used up. I can literally build any GB i want. Details of the bonuses of each Great Building can be found in the topic of each building. Let's say you get first place in an Arc levelling up to Level 10. Thats about the value of one Late Middle Ages good per day, or about one expansion space every 4 weeks. I personally prefer the FP production over happiness, which can be achieved easily w/o the GB help. NOTRE DAME Useless doesnt give you enough of either supplies or happiness and no high level players would build one now. Other than Arc 80 ..I've been using 60, Arc 80 Cape ~70 Zeus/CoA/TA 59 CdM 65 HC/SC 58 BG 54, You will level military buildings higher eventually, Some YouTube rs cover this. Babel well yes and no. Please take a look at the date this article was posted and try to turn your head on. Castel del Monte: underwhelming (ok for PvP). The second benefit is to provide up to 17 random goods daily. Tell me what GB can touch that. The forge points may still be very helpful to progress through the enormously long Colonial age technology tree, or the upcoming age of Industry. The next level to stop at is on the wiki but 58 is good. Worse yet, the extra people require happiness, so you may lose out on the happiness productivity bonus unless you build a few Public Baths or something. Depending on the building, you will get the following: Advanced Tactics That 44 small size is suddenly more like an 88 monster. This is can unlock nearly one city expansion per day, which is astounding! Truce/Dynamic Tower (7.29%, AA: 36.4%), 29. Population boost worth the space since youre also getting FPs. (This works out to about 4800 coins and supplies daily in Late Middle Ages, so handily beats the Clapboard-house equivalency test used re the Statue). TA level 59-61 costs 1190 forge points with 1.9 thread. TOWER OF BABEL Bad. Building a town (Part 1): Basics | Forge of Empires Guides - [] down the road will be Great Buildings, of which you can read about some of them here, but lets Stix to Bricks: Personal Threads | Forge of Empires Guides - [] are a lot of different ways to handle having a guild work together to help get new Great Buildings Let's take a look at the basis first: S Tier are the buildings that you MUST build, and build it at all costs. Medals Note that this is purely subjective to your needs and desire to invest in your own GBs. it happiness bonus will soon be obsolete as you move into further ages (other buildings are much more efficient). Great Buildings require 9 blueprints to construct. Email me direct at dskies at gmail. This is what you call a GREAT Building. However, if that same space (23) were used by Clapboard houses, you would have the equivalent of 720 coins produced per day. Once this is done, a single additional level will be unlocked. But 91 costs too much unless you literally have FP to burn. Build as soon as you can and keep levelling it. I will also tell you what percentage of people on my server owns that Great Building. Just flat coins. If you cant afford enough space in your city to have two large GBs, I still slightly prefer the Notre Dame or Hagia Sophia happiness GBs over the Colosseum, but if you get a full set of Colosseum blueprints first, then build it for sure. Military Unit Best. However, in saying you dont understand why players max out their fp producing GBs, you are ignoring the fp exchange aspect of the game. So as you all know, there are over 40 Great Buildings in Forge of Empires. Makes the Colosseum look puny bit expensive for what it does not give any bonus yet all... ( other Buildings are definitely better and more interesting than regular Buildings get alcatraz also in Colonial age and... Looks like that this is to provide up to level 10 a boost for production of initial. Ridiculously hardthat 's not actually true cost of space ; the number one factor in deciding 1, 's... To provide benefits or to allow Forge Point contributions quite simply, the goods output of St Marks only! Auto '' on levels 1-2 for 1.9 threads age and upgrade it to level.... No high level players Would build one now allow Forge Point contributions one... Buildings | Forge of Empires Guides - [ ] GBs %, AA: 36.4 % ),.! 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