how long to wait before swimming after belly button piercing
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Last medically reviewed on December 21, 2018. You can effectively change out a belly button piercing yourself, but you have to be completely sure that your piercing is fully healed before doing so. Clean the bath thoroughly first. Anyone who's sat down in a Claire's piercing booth when they were young knows that you'll have to use a saline spray to clean the piercing. Theres no problem going in the sun, just dont face your navel directly to it to avoid sunburns. Remember, a new piercing is a deep, open wound, and should be treated with all of the care of a normal deep wound. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Belly button piercings have been popular for a long timeand for good reason. He also has the vision to travel the whole world and share it with all readers of Outdoor Favor. For ear and facial piercings, you can exercise immediately, though Brooks advises you to do so with care, and avoid contact sports. A belly button piercing, also known as a navel piercing, is a piece of jewelry thats typically inserted through the skin, directly above the belly button. Piercing is one of the oldest and most practiced forms of body modification. Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. Brooks advice for a new piercing is as follows, If youre going to clean it with anything outside of showering regularly; clean it with saline. she says, Otherwise dont twist, turn, or rotate the jewelry and do your best not to sleep on it. This doesnt change if you prefer to be at the gym every day, or not, as keeping a new piercing clean is always the best course of action. Depending on what piercing you have and what kind of workout youre doing you may run the risk of getting snagged or bumped. Thoroughly rinse afterward. Later on, you can follow the tips so as prevent an infection and enjoy your splash in the pool. This is the same kind of infection you are likely to get if you accidentally scratch the area. You can also leave the piercing empty. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Try to follow all of the aftercare instructions directly from your artist in terms of keeping your new piece of body art clean, using a lotion to moisturize, and protecting it from the sun. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. The piercer will disinfect the area around your navel. This normally is produced by the body, can be foul smelling as well but is not an indication of an infection. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. All rights reserved. Anything that is in the water is getting into your piercings, and even in the cleanest of pools chlorine is going to hurt your piercing as well, Brooks says. Are your earrings or body piercings causing a nickel allergy? Wow! A belly button piercing is ideal for bikini season and a great way to show off at the beach. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 159,697 times. To prevent these, there are some belly button piercing healing rules that should be followed. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Do not use alcohol and other antiseptic products since they cause obstruction of the skin by blocking pores. It can take anywhere from nine months to a year for a belly button piercing to fully heal. Belly button piercing infections are as a result of bacteria. Avoid swimming whether it is in chlorine treated pools, in the sea, river, ocean or lake. The full breakdown, according to NHS, is that ear piercings take six to eight weeks, belly button piercings take six months to a year, and nose piercings take up to six months. Saltwater and chlorine may be okay for your piercing, however, other bacteria in the water may be problematic. Belly button piercings are done either with tools or freehand by a professional piercer. Everyone heals differently, so they may provide you a range. Plus, Figueroa says its not good to submerge an open wound in water, especially because the chemicals in a pool will irritate a healing tattoo. To establish that the product manufacturers addressed safety and efficacy standards, we: We do the research so you can find trusted products for your health and wellness. So what can you do If you just can't stay out of the pool? After waiting for a month, or at least for three weeks, you can get ready to step into the pool. Its also important to avoid soaking your new belly button piercing in anything but a sterile saline solution until its healed; bodies of water both big and small like baths, the ocean, or a pool may harbor bacteria and cause infection. Family Medicine 32 years experience. Thank you for this article and your time. The placement is then marked; you should have agreed on location with your piercer beforehand, but now is the time to double-check that its marked in the correct spot. (Fun To Read!). Its a super quick process which makes it very manageable.. Well walk you, Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties. Most people know that they should avoid swimming after getting a tattoo, but it's the same for a piercing. Generally, there are two types of infections that can occur on the belly button. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. If the piercing needle wasn't sterile, there . Sometimes it is easier to tell people not to do something, rather than to advise them on how to proceed with care, she says, In addition, if a client has a tendency to worry it can be much simpler for them to avoid exercising completely, rather than to have them review a long list of dos and donts with their piercer., The good news is, as long as you're keeping your piercing clean, it shouldn't be harmed by your workout routine. While chlorine may be okay for piercings, all the other bacteria in the water may cause you trouble and you can never be sure how balanced the chemical levels are in anyone else's pool, or what else may be in the water. Wearing tight clothes means the pierced area is constantly in conflict due to rubbing that not only causes irritation but its like scratching the ongoing process to delay. For more advice, like how to shower with a new piercing, read on. Things You Should Know Before Getting a Double Helix Piercing, Want a Genteel Look But Dont Know How to Hide Ear Gauges? Observing good hygiene in matters concerning belly button aftercare involves: Belly button piercing may not be for everyone depending on the kind of lifestyle you live. Then, its recommended to clean your piercing twice a day with a sterile saline solution. Infections are pretty easy to treat (u. References If the customer chooses another option, we charge [for] the jewelry.. This means six to eight weeks for a simple ear piercing, and up to 6 months for nipple/navel piercings and at least two weeks for a tattoo. Some of the telltale signs of infection include: To avoid the infections, you should follow the aftercare instructions given to you by the piercer. Although they disinfect the area, they do not promote healing. Bumps are, Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Word of mouth is often the best way to find a reliable and reputable shop. Let the establishment be a clean one to minimize the likelihood of infection. DOI:,,, What to Do with an Infected Belly Button Piercing, How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Piercing Aftercare, Dominique Fontaine, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, HWNC-BC, What's Really in Tattoo Ink? Very hot water will cause your piercing to swell and hurt. Take the cotton bud and rub it lightly to form a lather. According to Consumer Reports, Nexcare ranks highest on the list of waterproof bandages, with Band-Aid next on the list. When having physical activities or exercises, take care to avoid getting the area hurt. Taking aftercare measures and precautions suggested by your piercing professional are the best ways to care for a recently done belly button piercing. JNP. Dont rely on amateurs or DIY videos when it comes to getting a body piercing. Well, were sure you are loving the hot piercing, but are you curious to know whether or when would you be able to step into the pool for a swim? so ideally, you should not swim for 6 months to let it heal to 60 to 100%. In this stage, the body starts to react to the healing wound. Placement: Pierced through the skin right above the naval, with a true belly button piercing centered directly above the navel, Healing time: 6-8 months, fully healed by 12 months. In my studio, we usually charge 40 euros [or $40 USD] with a basic titanium internal threaded piercing, says Claudia Valentini, a Barcelona-based body piercer. How long will it take to heal? With this in mind, can you go swimming with a new belly button piercing? This will also help to relieve discomfort and pain on the area. Your piercer may recommend you do the following during cleaning: If you become pregnant after having your belly button pierced, you dont have to part with your jewelry unless it becomes uncomfortable. However, unlike ear piercings or face piercings, theres no way to avoid submerging your belly button in a hot tub! Association of Professional Piercers. Ask your doctor if ther. Leave the belly button piercing in. Weird Things Asked About Swimming? "Your ear piercing after swimming needs to be rinsed under running water to rinse off any germs that could cause infection." document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We may earn a commission when you purchase via links on this page. With time, there could be bleeding. This thus disqualifies it for use on piercings. Showers are safer than bathtubs because they can harbor germs[source]. As a general guide, healing times for the most common body piercings can be: It's possible to pick up an infection from any body of water, so while your piercing heals you should avoid swimming in: If you have any signs of infection, see a GP. As far as intensive exercising goes, Figueroa says its not recommended because its not good to have bacteria sitting on top of an open wound. Should I use just the saline water and nothing else? about Want to Know How to Hide Ear Piercings? The symptoms of an infection can include: If you develop an infection or other irritation, be sure to speak with your piercer or doctor before applying any ointment or other topical treatment to the area. Once you are absolutely certain that the piercing is healed, you can go ahead and enjoy swimming. Don't fiddle with your piercings. It's easy for bacteria to hole up inside it. The ocean is a natural bathroom for living things you dont want that in your new piercing.. Can you use it on infected piercings? Skimping on the material can lead to undue irritation or infection. If you still want to swim before the healing period is over then please at least get a waterproof bandage from any pharmacy to cover your navel piercing. This is the second stage in the healing process. Always wash your hands with soap before handling the jewelry or piercing. While chlorine may be okay for piercings, all the other bacteria in the water may cause you trouble and you can never be sure how balanced the chemical levels are in anyone else's pool, or what else may be in the water. While it may be tempting to relax in the bath for a long time, limit your piercings exposure to soap and chemicals from shampoos or conditioners by only bathing as long as you need to. This information helped. Michael is heavily inclined towards traveling to natural places and documenting cultures/people from different parts of the world. When well taken care of, the piercing heals off without issues. Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. [1] [2] Dirt and oils from your fingers can transfer to your piercing (which is an open wound), and potentially cause an infection. You can consult your piercing professional for knowing the right quantity and frequency of application of these essential oils or any other healing ointment. Pus is not to be confused with sebum which is a normal secretion. But now its back and i seriously dont know what to do. Also, make sure you do not step into the swimming pool if the piercing shows any signs of infection. These are: This is the first stage of the healing process. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. 1. Avoid straining the area and get enough rest. After the piercing has been done, some care you can give it involves adopting the correct lifestyle to facilitate healing. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Your piercer should also wear disposable gloves at all times. Below are the healing stages and various aftercare procedures. Everyone's body heals at different speeds depending on your immune system and overall health. No one is ever prepared for the nastier side of it. Any initial itchiness and localized tenderness is normal. After meeting with your piercer, theyll ask you to have a seat in a hydraulic chair. You can, technically, re-pierce your belly button yourself, but there are many risks that are involved with doing this. It could produce a bad odor as well and is an indication of an infection. Avoid instances in which the piercing could get into contact with dirty things. Use disposable, soft paper products to pat dry. First and foremost, hide the navel from the direct hitting sun. According to Healthline, you should at least cover your piercing with protective bandages when working out and must clean it afterward to avoid infections and irritations. Even if it looks totally healed on the outside, you might still need to let the piercing rest up on the . If you experience any discomfort or tightness, its recommended that you remove the jewelry thats currently in place. When one gets a new belly button piercing, some of the things that may seem harmless may end up causing infections. That way, its healed and ready to be shown off at the beach, the lake, or by the pool! Keep scrolling to find out more, and remember, its your choice whether you hit the gym, but the facts dont lie. Although some might see the belly button piercing as a simple process, it requires to be carried out by a professional using the right tools. This can be in the form of gray or green discharge. We Have 8 Smart Ways! Take a look. This will help to prevent infections as piercings can quickly regress if mistreated or not well taken care of. This means that it will take time before swimming after you have had a belly button piercing. Generally, theyll recline your chair until youre lying in a relaxed position. Make sure you keep the area clean and dry now until it is fully healed. This fluid may form a crusty material. When it comes to new piercings and working out, the location of said piercing is the main issue to contend with. After washing your hands with soap and water, rinse the area with warm water. Typically featuring a curved barbell, this style has a plethora of options and adornments like stones, jewels, or charms hanging off the end of the ring. After washing your hands with soap and water, clean the area with warm water. Remember, a piercing is something for you to enjoy for years to come. Assuming that everything went smooth, wait 48 to 72 hours, contingent upon whether or not you experience irritation in the affected area. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'outdoorfavor_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',671,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorfavor_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Hot tubs have similar water treatments to pools, so its also recommended to avoid these. Overall, just be aware and make sure to clean a healing tattoo or piercing immediately after swimming in a pool or natural body of water. This is not to be confused with flexible plastic jewelry. For a traditional belly button piercing, theyll mark the true center above your navel. While sweat is naturally produced by the body, and is just a sign of your body taking care of itself, "make sure to take a shower after exercising as a clean body tends to be a healthier body." Brooks says. In very serious infections, it can also be detrimental to your overall health. Follow as clean a routine as possible like: Cleaning the hands with hot water before touching your belly button piercing. Byrdie takes every opportunity to use high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. To clean the piercing, rinse the area with saline solution. If you're going to show off your belly button piercing, dangle jewelry is the way to do it. This being the case, how long before you can go swimming after belly button piercing? When you get a piercing, youre at risk for catching a bloodborne disease, such as hepatitis C. The degree of risk depends on where you go to get the piercing and the standards of the place and person performing the piercing. Submerging your piercing in water can put you at risk of developing an infection in your new belly button piercing. Cozmo Faris is a professional piercer with more than 12 years of experience who teaches for the Association of Professional Piercers. Learn how we can help Keep off pools, lakes, oceans ad tubs as these tend to be breeding grounds for organisms causing infections. Tips To Heal Belly Button Piercing Faster? I suggest coming to the studio for the first change, says Valentini. Here's What You Need to Know, Medusa Piercings: What to Expect During and After, 15 Cool-Girl Ear Piercings You'll Want to Get Immediately, Rook Piercing 101: Everything You Need to Know, Lip Piercings: Cost, Placement, Aftercare, and More, Septum Piercings 101: From the Pain to the Price, Everything You Need to Know. When there are infections, pus which is a thick drainage that is yellow or green will be produced. But it turns out, piercing aftercare is a lot more in-depth than that. Make sure that you avoid spas and hot tubs until the piercing heals completely to avoid infection. I got very little aftercare advice/tips after I got my piercing today. It is recommended to avoid swimming with a new belly button piercing, and hence, three weeks is the duration that you need to consider as the time to strictly stay away from the pool. Allow Necessary Cookies & Continue However, if your only option is to take a bath, some precautions can help you avoid infections. You should try to avoid swimming too often during this timeframe, as it really just increases your chance of bacteria exposure that might lead to an infection. How much a piercing costs is entirely dependent on the studio you go to, your geographic location, your piercers experience, and how complicated your piercing is. If you must swim, we recommend covering your piercing with a waterproof Band-Aid. The initial jewelry should not be changed until such a time that the piercing is deemed healed. When Is The Best Time To Get My Belly Button Pierced? Transmission of hepatitis C virus infection through tattooing and piercing: A critical review. If you've had your skin pierced, clean the site twice a day with soap and water. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Answer #1. Next time you get the itch to get a piercing, make sure to remember this advice before planning a trip to the pool. It is therefore necessary to know how to take care of the piercing. This will ensure that the body has enough to form repair tissue for the area. Only go back to swimming after the piercing has healed to avoid infections. You may experience a little bit of bleeding. Avoid handling the area unless you are cleaning it. He will share his passion for outdoor life and brands or products we use outside our homes. A belly button piercing will most likely take anywhere from six months to a year to fully heal depending on how you care for it and your day-to-day lifestyle; however, the most common time frame is between six and eight months Regardless, its important to check with your piercer when you believe its healed before stopping aftercareif it's still healing, the site could become infected. For more advice, like how to shower with a new piercing, read on. Brooks says nipple piercings, in particular, dont do well in a sports bra, as it rests in a way that is equivalent to sleeping on the piercing, which is never good. If youre still interested in a belly button piercing, the best place to start is to find a licensed, experienced piercer who will work with your anatomy to give you the best piercing. Dont pick at the area, as it can cause further irritation or bleeding. Body Piercing GuideSites, Styles, What to Expect, Healing, and Care, LEARN ABOUT BYRDIE'S EDITORIAL GUIDELINES. Watch what you wear as clothes may rub against the new piercing. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you have to, try to avoid getting soap in the piercing. I pierced my ears a few days ago, and they've started swelling, and they're painful. Some of these include: There are a lot of ways through which a navel piercing can get infected. Enjoy! Once the hole has been made, they may use forceps to hold the area of skin taut while they insert the jewelry. "This was super helpful as I recently got a piercing and I am so lucky I stumbled upon this website! How else can you protect your new piercing from water and infection? You shouldn't need anything else to clean your piercing. When cleaning it, handle the area gently. Alcohol and peroxide are too drying. 1. Since its recommended to avoid swimming for most of the healing period (at least 6 months), getting your belly button pierced in the winter is a good idea. Apart from observing the above general tips, below are specific things you need to have in your aftercare. Running will flex and expand your calf musclesyou cant avoid that repetitive motion, and if you just got a calf tattoo, this could be stressful on it and impact how it heals. This is the same for swimming pools as it is hot tubs, lakes, or any other body of water. Once you get out of the bath, lightly pat your piercing dry and immediately rinse the area out with sea salt water. How Long Should You Wait To Swim After Getting A Piercing. Karen L. Hudson is a tattoo artist and contributing writer for Byrdie. In case after taking enough caution infection still occurs, adopt the treatment methods discussed below to minimize it and prevent it from spreading. Wear loose clothes to reduce friction around the area. As the infection advances, the infected area will become swollen. He has good research skills, and thats why you can see why his articles are packed with info that is factual and not readily available. For some, this may be as long as 12 months. You can afford to skip one bath or swimming session to protect that. During this time, the piercing goes through three stages of healing. Swimming lasts a couple hours, infections last weeks of pain, a misshapen piercing scar lasts a lifetime. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Its common practice to ask around for recommendations when looking for a piercer. Later on, you can enter the pool but need to follow certain precautions to avoid an infection. But you might want to slow down and plan your piercings out more strategically. Use H2ocean healing ocean to expidite healing, and a little sea salt (natu. Always follow the instructions given by the piercer when taking care of the piercing. This ThoughtfulTattoos article tells you how to swim with a belly button ring. At this phase the body normally seals the piercing channel. This removes the risk of picking up an infection from the water in swimming pools, lakes and rivers, and the sea. By using our site, you agree to our. During the healing period, there may be bleeding or secretion of other fluids, and that can be an entry point for bacteria. But speaking of the beach, can you swim after getting your belly button pierced? Healing time: 6-8 months, fully healed by 12 months. Copyright Thoughtful Tattoos &, Inc. We Have 8 Smart Ways! Read More Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Be sure to wash your hands before cleaning your piercing site. You wouldnt go rubbing your fresh scrape up against someone else, because thats just asking for an infection. (Everything You Need To Know), Can You Swim After Getting Ears Pierced? When this happens, abscess could get trapped beneath the skin. Read Also: Can You Swim After Getting Ears Pierced?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'outdoorfavor_com-box-4','ezslot_8',667,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorfavor_com-box-4-0'); While many simple piercings, like the ears, take only around 6-8 weeks to heal, the healing period for a navel piercing is much longera belly button piercing takes 6 months to 1 year to heal completely[source]. Non-dangle jewelry hugs closer to the belly button and is usually seen as a drop, hinge, or curved barbell. The full breakdown, according to NHS, is that ear piercings take six to eight weeks, belly button piercings take six months to a year, and nose piercings take up to six months. Wait and be wise. Also, if your tattoo is in an area that will be stretched or flexed a lot during exercise, it's smart to put exercise off until the wound is fully healed. These swimming places are known to be unsanitary. This is why choosing your piercer is so important. Where the infection is not treated, it is possible for there to be formation of an abscess. Neosporin is an antibiotic product that is used to prevent infections and speed up the healing of wounds. You should have the opportunity to confirm the placement or discuss the possibility of piercing a different area. You may also want to choose exercises that won't result in a repetitive motion, as rubbing the area of the piercing isnt advised. Ensure any clothing and bedding that may come into contact with the area around the piercing is clean. Wash your hands before handling the piercing, Using disposable products to clean the area. Brooklyn tattoo artist Carmen Figueroa breaks it down for us, including why its important to follow the artists aftercare instructions to the best of your ability. It's best to avoid swimming after a piercing or tattoo. "Piercings heal on the outside first and then on the inside," Koox Diving states. Wow! That makes the cold-weather months a great time to be spontaneous.,,,,,, . To enhance drainage in the infected area, apply a warm compress at least two times a day. How Can I Clean My Belly Button Piercing After A Shower? The piercing could secrete fluids that crust around the belly button piercing. The healing time for a body piercing can vary depending on which part of your body is pierced and how well you look after it. Other than taking the precautions mentioned above, the area must also be cleaned. Although you may think a belly button piercing wouldnt hurt that much due to being on your stomach, it will hurt slightlyjust like any other piercing. Though sweat doesnt irritate a new piercing, it can still introduce germs and bacteria. Absolutely do not go swimming in the first month. How to Swim? The design of this piercing is said to put less stress on the navel area. It is also possible that your immune system works at such a speed that your system will work to get rid of any harmful possibility that may come with the piercing as soon as you get one. (Explained). Of course, this price tends to include a very basic jewelry option (if its included at all). List of waterproof bandages, with Band-Aid next on the area must also cleaned... Or secretion of other fluids, and medical associations get a piercing with..., as it is therefore Necessary to Know how to Hide Ear piercings or face,! Above general tips, below are the best time to be formation of an.. Water will cause your piercing professional are the best ways to care a! Advances, the piercing goes through three stages of healing there are a lot of ways which! 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