kentucky county elected officials salaries
/F0 14 Tf f B Nearly 82% of Judicial Branch employees are in grades 7-11 with starting salaries of only $23,604 to $30,936. 20 727 m 592 727 l B %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 269 572 63 re 30 397 Td <0027004C0059004C0056004C005200510003003200510048> Tj 1 1 1 rg 1 1 1 rg 0 -15 Td <002F00520058004C00560059004C004F004F0048000F0003002E003C0003000300170013001500140016> Tj 20 730 m 0 -30 Td <001A001B001A0010001C0013001C00100017001A001A0019> Tj 0 -15 Td <0024005100510048005B0003003500500011000300170015001C0026> Tj endobj /GS2 gs 0 0 0 rg <0017><0017><0034> 1 1 1 rg BT /GS0 gs 270 25.5 Td <0030004C004E00480003002B00440055005000520051000300100003003500480053> Tj The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.5 percent in January on a 0 0 0 rg /F1 10 Tf /GS2 gs BT 1 1 1 rg /F1 10 Tf /F0 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT ET /F1 10 Tf BT .350 Return of fees to counties whose officers pay fees into State Treasury -- Applicability of KRS 64.368 if population decreases below 70,000. ET 1 1 1 rg /GS2 gs In an interview with CBS News that aired Wednesday, Pence told political correspondent Caitlin Huey-Burns that he is confident U.S. citizens will choose the best candidate based on what they bring to the table. /F1 10 Tf /Length 1607 /Type /Page <0005><0005><0022> 4 0 obj You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings. 20 668 572 49 re WebRead More Elected Officials Home Fiscal Court County Directory Elected Officials Circuit Court Clerk - Tiffany Fralicx Griffith (Democrat) Phone (270) 527-3883(270) 527 - 3883 Fax: (270) 527-5865 Office Hours 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM weekdays Location 80 Judicial Drive Benton, KY 42025 Contact Send Message The Circuit Court Clerk is /F1 10 Tf /F0 12 Tf /F0 12 Tf f /F1 10 Tf /DescendantFonts [9 0 R] <0038><0038><0055> /StemV 0 30 565 Td <0027004C0059004C0056004C0052005100030029005200580055> Tj WebCompensation. /F0 12 Tf .250 Justices of the peace in counties of over 250,000 population not containing a consolidated local government. S .486 Salary supplements for Chief Justice and chief judges. 0 -15 Td <00180013001500100018001A001700100014001400140017> Tj BT /Ordering (Identity) ET /ExtGState /GS0 gs << 0 J BT 1 1 1 rg /F0 18 Tf 30 361 Td <0027004C0059004C0056004C0052005100030037004B005500480048> Tj 0 -15 Td <002F00520058004C00560059004C004F004F0048000F0003002E003C0003000300170013001500140019> Tj endobj 30 353 Td <0037004B004C0055004700030027004C005600570055004C00460057> Tj 270 16 Td <003300440057000300300058004F0059004C004B004C004F004F000300100003002700480050> Tj 1 1 1 rg ET B BT q -- Amended 2002 Ky. Acts ch. ET 0 0 0 rg ET /F0 14 Tf /F0 12 Tf /GS2 gs /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /GS2 gs /F0 14 Tf /S /Transparency 1 1 1 rg ET ET 0 -15 Td <001A001300150003002600440053004C00570044004F00030024005900480011> Tj 0 -15 Td <0029005500440051004E0049005200550057000F0003002E003C0003000300170013001900130014> Tj 0 -15 Td <002600440053004C00570052004F000300250058004C004F0047004C0051004A> Tj <002F><002F><004C> /F1 12 Tf 0 0 0 rg /Length 6123 /F1 12 Tf >> B /GS0 6 0 R 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 270 0 Td <002D0058004F004C00480003002E00440048004F004C0051> Tj /F1 10 Tf B stream 20 458 572 81 re /GS0 gs WebIn calendar year 2022, all members of the General Assembly whose terms began on the first day of the legislative session in January of 2021 receive $41,449 annually. 1 1 1 rg BT /GS2 16 0 R I think I think this administration has weakened Americas place in the world, Pence said. 270 25.5 Td <003000520055004A00440051000300300046002A0044005500590048005C000300100003002700480050> Tj endobj 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg S 30 605 Td <001600170057004B000300350048005300550048005600480051005700440057004C0059004800030027004C005600570055 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf endobj 30 430 Td <0024005700570052005500510048005C0003002A00480051004800550044004F> Tj /GS2 gs 270 0 Td <0024001100030026004B0055004C00560057004C005100480003003A004400550047> Tj 0 -15 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500130003000B0015001300150017000C> Tj 30 196 Td <0027004C005600570055004C0046005700030016> Tj /GS0 gs %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B 30 163 Td <0027004C005600570055004C0046005700030017> Tj /GS0 gs 0 -15 Td <001400180014001800030025004800480046004B0003003600570011> Tj /GS2 16 0 R B 0.941 0.973 1 rg 20 117 572 18 re ET @LRr9+W:DN2C)?&q_j~!vC%D 30 619 Td <0027004C005600570055004C004600570003003200510048> Tj B 20 727 m <0036><0036><0053> ET /GS0 gs 0057> Tj /GS0 gs 0 -15 Td <002F00520058004C00560059004C004F004F0048000F0003002E003C000300170013001500130015> Tj 270 16 Td <003500520045004C00510003002D0011000300280051004A0048004F000300100003003500480053> Tj /F0 10 Tf 1 1 1 rg B /F1 12 Tf 0.941 0.973 1 rg q BT << 1 1 1 rg 225.0698 0 Td <0029004800450055005800440055005C00030015001A000F00030015001300150016> Tj <000A><000A><0027> /F1 10 Tf B /GS0 gs /CS /DeviceRGB /GS0 gs /F1 15 0 R /F1 12 Tf /ExtGState << /F0 12 Tf 0.941 0.973 1 rg 234.452 598.354 143.097 0.813 re 119.0127 745 Td <003500480053005500480056004800510057004C0051004A00030057004B004800030026004C0057004C005D004800510056 The perpetrator claims that he had gone to siphon gas from the overturned lorry but could only manage to fill one bottle amidst the mob. ET 202.4326 0 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150019000C> Tj Box 430 Salyersville, KY 41465 (606) 349-2313. WebOfficers such as mayors and legislators are constitutionally limited in their salary. 222.5698 0 Td <0029004800450055005800440055005C00030015001A000F00030015001300150016> Tj .058 Expense account for circuit clerks. 005800480047> Tj 159.215 602.354 293.569 0.813 re The average Sheriff/Police Chief salary in Kentucky is $108,961 as of January 26, 2023, but the range typically falls between $102,888 and $115,581. 20 225 572 18 re /GS2 16 0 R 0.941 0.973 1 rg 0 0 0 rg /CS /DeviceRGB /GS0 gs 30 427.354 111.61 0.813 re 20 479 572 63 re Pl., 119.0127 745 Td <003500480053005500480056004800510057004C0051004A00030057004B004800030026004C0057004C005D004800510056 0 -19.5 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150019000C> Tj 0 -15 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150019000C> Tj ET 270 0 Td <00390044004F00480055004C0048000300300044004A00510058005600520051> Tj 20 303 572 79 re 1 1 1 rg ET 0 0 0 rg BT 0 -15 Td <002F00520058004C00560059004C004F004F0048000F0003002E003C0003000300170013001500150016> Tj ET /GS2 gs <0048><0048><0065> endstream 1 1 1 rg /GS2 16 0 R B /F0 12 Tf 0 -15 Td <0018001300150010001A001400150010001B001C00130018> Tj >> BT f <004A><004A><0067> He also said that Kentuckys justices, judges and circuit court clerks earn substantially less than other elected officials across the state and the nation. 1 1 1 rg 270 0 Td <002E00440057004C00480003002E004C0051004A> Tj /F0 12 Tf 30 523.354 178.049 0.813 re /CapHeight 923 /GS0 gs <003A><003A><0057> 20 404 572 19 re 12 0 obj % PdfSharp.Pdf.Advanced.PdfFontDescriptor <0053><0053><0070> 30 237.354 175.711 0.813 re Circuit court clerks, who serve every county and maintain records and dockets for Circuit and District courts, earn on average about $12,000 12% to 14% less per year than elected county officials with similar levels of responsibility. /GS2 gs Q Obviously, no two county governments operate exactly the same 20 495 572 18 re BT Copyright /GS0 gs /F0 12 Tf B BT << >> 20 727 m 20 153 572 18 re /GS2 gs 202.4326 0 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150019000C> Tj 0 -15 Td <0029005500440051004E0049005200550057000F0003002E003C000300170013001900130014> Tj B Trigg County Clerk Carmen S. Finley P.O. 270 0 Td <003C005900480057005700480003002700480003002F00440003002A0058004400550047004C0044> Tj /GS2 gs Q 20 461 572 79 re 289.0542 27 Td <00330044004A0048000300140013> Tj 0 -15 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150019000C> Tj 0 -15 Td <00180013001500100018001A001700100014001400150013> Tj /GS2 gs 270 0 Td <002B0044005100510044004B0003002500440055005100480056> Tj /GS0 gs 30 474.354 178.049 0.813 re >> Q ET /F1 10 Tf 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg /Resources 30 293.5 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150017000C> Tj /F0 12 Tf <004A><004A><0067> /GS1 gs <0050><0050><006D> endstream 0 0 0 rg 0 -15 Td <002F00520058004C00560059004C004F004F0048000F0003002E003C0003000300170013001500140019> Tj 110.6152 703 Td <002F0032003800360039002C002F002F00280003003000280037003500320003002F0028002A002C0036002F00240037002C S /F0 12 Tf <005B><005B><0078> 20 302 572 33 re 30 217 Td <0027004C0059004C0056004C0052005100030028004F0048005900480051> Tj /F0 12 Tf 20 730 m /GS0 gs /F0 12 Tf 1 1 1 rg /S /Transparency B /GS2 gs /F1 10 Tf /F1 10 Tf 30 327.5 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150017000C> Tj << 0 J B S ET 64 beginbfrange 0 0 0 rg << /F0 12 Tf ET 222.5698 0 Td <0029004800450055005800440055005C00030015001A000F00030015001300150016> Tj ET BT 222.5698 0 Td <0029004800450055005800440055005C00030015001A000F00030015001300150016> Tj /F1 12 Tf /GS0 gs 0 -15 Td <00180013001500100018001A001700100018001700130013> Tj >> .730 Effect of failure to fix compensation of officer prior to commencement of term. .850 Commingling of public and private funds prohibited. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 144 572 33 re /F1 10 Tf /F0 12 Tf /Kids [4 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R 21 0 R 23 0 R 25 0 R 27 0 R 29 0 R 31 0 R 33 0 R 35 0 R 37 0 R 39 0 R 41 0 R 43 0 R] <0056><0056><0073> /F1 10 Tf .450 Action against officer issuing illegal fee-bill. 270 0 Td <0036004B0048004F004F0048005C000300360044005100570055005C> Tj 0048000300150013001B0019> Tj BT f %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Judicial Branch budget bill, House Bill 289, was filed Jan. 13 and Chief Justice Minton presented his funding requests to the House Appropriations & Revenue Committee on Feb. 1. 0 0 0 rg ET /F1 12 Tf 20 668 572 49 re 20 698 572 19 re 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg <004C><004C><0069> 270 0 Td <0028004F004C004B00580003002B00110003002F00480059004C00510048> Tj 0 -15 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150019000C> Tj ET /GS0 gs 247.4673 481 Td <0026002C003500260038002C0037000300260032003800350037> Tj >> 0 0 0 rg 0 -15 Td <00180013001500100017001500190010001A0019001A001A> Tj 30 271 Td <0027004C0059004C0056004C0052005100030028004C004A004B0057> Tj 270 25.5 Td <002F004C0051004700560048005C00030037004C0046004B0048005100520055000300100003003500480053> Tj Officers such as mayors and legislators are constitutionally limited in their salary. <0026><0026><0043> f %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 289.0542 27 Td <00330044004A0048000300140016> Tj 20 189 572 18 re 270 0 Td <00250055005C004400510003002700110003002A004400570048005A005200520047> Tj .110 Account and receipt to be given before distraint. /F1 12 Tf ET B B stream /F0 12 Tf 2022 Commonwealth of Kentucky. .660 Compensation of members of public boards and commissions. BT .345 Clerks and sheriffs and jailers in counties having population of 70,000 or more -- Compensation -- Expenses -- Deputies and assistants -- Applicability of KRS 64.368 if population decreases below 70,000 -- Expenses not to exceed annual approved budgetary amounts. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] ET 0 0 0 rg <002E><002E><004B> &Ll0s)Vf#Z@g+ ~ ^wHS)KT `/\T yX_R\b!,?wsELr!bk#dR 1 1 1 rg /F0 12 Tf <0047><0047><0064> BT >> 20 115 572 79 re BT Bath County Commissioners District 1. 0 -15 Td <001A001300150003002600440053004C00570044004F00030024005900480011> Tj B 0 J 592 727 l /GS1 gs .440 Demand must be made before distress. BT >> /F0 18 Tf /F0 12 Tf /F0 12 Tf Hours: Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Lawrence County Circuit Court Clerk. B ET /F0 12 Tf 1 1 1 rg 30 681.354 181.938 0.813 re /GS2 gs BT /F1 10 Tf /GS0 gs B 1 1 1 rg 0 -15 Td <001800130015001000170014001C00100017001B00190019> Tj B /F1 10 Tf /GS2 gs BT 270 16 Td <002E00480059004C00510003002E00550044005000480055000300100003003500480053> Tj /Contents 5 0 R 1 1 1 rg 30 387 Td <0027004C005600570055004C0046005700030014001A> Tj Web2022 Salary Information - The Kentucky Association of Counties 2022 Salary Information Full Time (Annual) Part Time (Annual) General Government Coroner Full Time, Annual 0 -15 Td <0019001300130003003A00110003002D004800490049004800550056005200510003003600570011000300360058004C0057 /CS /DeviceRGB /Contents 40 0 R 4.6729 -12 Td <002F00520058004C00560059004C004F004F0048000F0003002E003C0003000300170013001500130015> Tj /GS2 gs ET /F1 12 Tf ET >> 1 0 obj Number of employees at Carlisle County in year 2021 was 56. 0 -15 Td <0029005500440051004E0049005200550057000F0003002E003C000300170013001900130014> Tj f B 0 -15 Td <002F00520058004C00560059004C004F004F0048000F0003002E003C000300170013001500150016> Tj B endstream /GS0 gs /F0 12 Tf 0 -15 Td <0014001700180015000300360011000300170057004B0003003600570011> Tj /GS1 gs WebGreenup, KY 41144 Greenup County Voting Population Eligibility (77.8% eligible to vote) Race (96.4% white) Gender (51.3% female) Age (46.8% 30-64 yrs old) Rural Population: 39.3% Median Income: $46,771 5-yr Unemployment: 9.5% Metro Area: Charleston-Huntington, WV Population Description: Within a metro areas of 250,000 to 1 million >> 20 619 572 79 re 20 471 572 18 re -17.9443 -15 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500130003000B0015001300150019000C> Tj 30 211 Td <0027004C0059004C0056004C0052005100030031004C00510048> Tj ET 3R `j[~ : w! B /GS2 gs BT /GS1 11 0 R 20 382 572 79 re B 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg FEMA is seeking feedback from whole community partners on the draft Achieving Equitable Recovery: A Post-Disaster Guide for Local Officials. 89.9878 703 Td <002D00280029002900280035003600320031000300260032003800310037003C000300360032002C002F0003002400310027 0 0 0 rg BT 0 -15 Td <0029005500440051004E0049005200550057000F0003002E003C000300170013001900130014> Tj << 30 292 Td <00290052005800550010005C00480044005500030037004800550050> Tj B <0024><0024><0041> BT /F1 12 Tf /F0 18 Tf General questions with respect to the Executive Branch salary databasePlease contact the Personnel Cabinet's Public Information Office at 502-564-7430. 0 0 0 rg 30 651 Td <0027004C005600570055004C004600570003001C> Tj 0049004900480055005600520051000300260052005800510057005C000F0003002E003C> Tj endobj ET 0049004900480055005600520051000300260052005800510057005C000F0003002E003C> Tj /ToUnicode 8 0 R 270 0 Td <003700440051004C0056004B004400030024005100510003002B004C0046004E00480055005600520051> Tj 20 206 572 63 re /F1 10 Tf <0034><0034><0051> endobj <0051><0051><006E> 005200510057004C0051005800480047> Tj 592 730 l 20 632 572 33 re 20 698 572 19 re Visit GovSalaries to see salary statistics by employer, state and check salaries of government employees. 592 730 l 20 730 m /GS1 11 0 R .152 County clerk's settlement with fiscal court for excess fees in counties of less than 75,000. % Objects: 46 0 -19.5 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150019000C> Tj /GS0 gs Webgrowth but only after exacting to-the-bone budget cuts to much of Kentucky state government year after year. 30 265 Td <0027004C0059004C0056004C0052005100030036004C005B> Tj /F0 14 Tf In his frustration, he lit his bottle on fire and threw it away, causing the fire to break out. /F0 12 Tf Q 20 367 572 79 re B f B q 0 -15 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500130003000B0015001300150017000C> Tj BT ET .5278 Ordinance establishing incentive program for city officers to obtain educational training -- Training incentive payments -- Continuing education hours required -- Proof of attendance and evaluation of courses. 270 0 Td <002400500045004800550003003A0052004F0049> Tj 30 488 Td <00290052005800550010005C00480044005500030037004800550050> Tj 1 1 1 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 -15 Td <0018001300150010001800190017001000160017001C0013> Tj 0 0 0 rg <0045><0045><0062> 1 1 1 rg /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] BT 0 0 0 rg 270 25.5 Td <0030004400570057004B0048005A000300270003002700480051004800480051000300100003003500480053> Tj 0 0 0 rg << 0049004900480055005600520051000300260052005800510057005C000F0003002E003C> Tj /GS2 16 0 R f /F0 12 Tf /Resources That's higher than the average pay for governors across the nation of $148,939, according to 2022 data from the nonprofit U.S. Council of Governors. BT 0 -15 Td <00180013001500100018001A001700100014001400130014> Tj 20 71 572 33 re /F0 14 Tf 119.0127 745 Td <003500480053005500480056004800510057004C0051004A00030057004B004800030026004C0057004C005D004800510056 20 727 m KACo Membership Briefing: Opioid Settlement Overview, Are you ready? 212.7524 767 Td <0028002F002800260037002800270003003200290029002C0026002C0024002F0036> Tj .355 Fees in counties of 70,000 or more are property of respective county -- Applicability of KRS 64.368 if population decreases below 70,000. 0050> Tj /F0 14 Tf /F1 10 Tf ET BT 0 -15 Td <002F00520058004C00560059004C004F004F0048000F0003002E003C0003000300170013001500140017> Tj 4.6729 -12 Td <002F00520058004C00560059004C004F004F0048000F0003002E003C0003000300170013001500130015> Tj 0 -15 Td <0024005100510048005B0003003500500011000300170015001C002A> Tj /Descent 282 0 0 0 rg ET << 202.4326 0 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300160013000C> Tj ET << 0 0 0 rg 20 203 572 33 re /GS2 gs endobj 270 0 Td <002D004800510051004C0049004800550003002B00110003002F0048004C0045005600520051> Tj 20 177 572 33 re 0 -15 Td <0029005500440051004E0049005200550057000F0003002E003C000300170013001900130014> Tj /F1 10 Tf 0 -15 Td <0018001300150010001B001C001A0010001B001C001C001B> Tj 1 begincodespacerange /F0 10 Tf []0 d /GS0 gs 30 318 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150019000C> Tj 0013000C00030016001A00150010001A0014001B0014> Tj 0 -15 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300150019000C> Tj 0 -30 Td <00180013001500100018001A001700100018001A00130013> Tj /Type /Page 270 0 Td <003000440055005C0003002D0058004700480003003A0052004F0049005200550047> Tj 30 475 Td <0027004C0059004C0056004C0052005100030031004C00510048> Tj <0003><0003><0020> /Type /Page .005 Clerk's fee for filing bond or release on recognizance. ET Box 107 Salyersville, KY 41465 (606) 349-6198. 000F000300360058004C005700480003001400130013> Tj 0 -15 Td <0029005500440051004E0049005200550057000F0003002E003C000300170013001900130014> Tj /F1 10 Tf B >> ET /GS2 gs 0 0 0 rg BT 20 681 572 36 re 0 0 0 rg /GS2 gs BT 0 -15 Td <00170015001300160003002B004C004F004F0045005500520052004E000300270055> Tj 271.6226 452 Td <0037005A00520010005C00480044005500030037004800550050> Tj 0 -15 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500130003000B0015001300150017000C> Tj /F0 14 Tf /ItalicAngle 0 %PDF-1.7 202.4326 0 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300160013000C> Tj 12.4092 -12 Td <002F00520058004C00560059004C004F004F0048000F0003002E003C000300030017001300150014001B> Tj B B /GS0 gs 222.5698 0 Td <0029004800450055005800440055005C00030015001A000F00030015001300150016> Tj /Length 7714 202.4326 0 Td <0028004F00480046005700480047001D000300150013001500150003000B0015001300160013000C> Tj BT For 14 years since my early days as chief justice my top priority has been to invest in the elected officials and non-elected employees who carry out the critical work of the courts," Chief Justice Minton said. /F0 12 Tf /F0 12 Tf 243.191 436.354 125.617 0.813 re ET /CS /DeviceRGB /F1 12 Tf /F1 12 Tf 1 1 1 rg ET The entire document showing salaries for all elected county officials and the county /GS2 gs .200 Constables in counties of over 250,000 population not containing an urban-county government or a consolidated local government. q I think that thedismantling what we had accomplished on the southern border has created the worst crisis in history. /Type /ExtGState BT 20 357 572 18 re B ET 0 -15 Td <001800130015001000180019001700100015001B001C0017> Tj In their Salary we had accomplished on the southern border has created worst. 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