manteca city council meeting
February 16, 2023 Board Meeting Documents, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Development Services Office 1215 W. Center St., Suite 201 Manteca, CA 95337 (209) 456-8000. The City also provides optional weekly yard waste pick-up. Contact. Those wishing to make comments on agenda items NOT listed on the Public Hearing section of this agenda may do so at the time the item is discussed by the City Council. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Manteca, California 95337, Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Thank you. David Nefouse City Attorney. 4. Alameda Wellness Center/McKay Avenue Project: FAQ; Alameda Pool FAQ; . Copies of the Statement of Economic Interests filed by the above elected officers may be obtained by visiting the offices of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) or the City Clerk. The Planning Division of the Community Development Department is responsible for planning for the future development of Manteca. Given what to do with the public comment period was on the agenda, the council wasnt able to have a full blown discussion. - Please remain muted until called upon- If you have questions on the Zoom Webinar process, please email: [emailprotected] or call (209) 456-8017.eComment - to submit eComment(s). Upcoming Events Wednesday Mar 08 Thursday Mar 23 Please see the Police Department page. And that concern with how meeting agendas are formatted will be discussed by the council prior to switching regular scheduled meeting start times an hour earlier from 7 p.m. back to 6 p.m.. It marks the first departure from a 7 p.m. start time in at least three decades. We are committed to keeping our citizens informed and limit the spread wherever possible. For more information on City Council meetings and agendas, visit: . Daniella Green Deputy City Attorney . The speakers also called for Singhs resignation. Mike and his wife, Georgette, have been together for over 15 years. Get Involved Official Meetings & Notices Official Meetings & Notices Note: Full meeting agendas, minutes, and videos are posted at: San Ramon Agenda Portal For City Council and Commission videos recorded since March 2020 to present, please click here. Stockton, CA 95202. Meetings are rebroadcast at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday and noon on Wednesday following the City Council meeting. Several complaints were lodged with the 2020-2021 Grand Jury. It will go from 7 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Tuesday, March 21 the first day of Spring. Try it free. - New users must follow the instructions to create an account. That prompted Breitenbucher to tell Raff he had listened to him speak and it was Raffs turn to listen to him. Included in this Ordinance was a District Map listed as Exhibit A. The next scheduled City Council meeting is November 2, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. We are here. Halford made the request to consider shifting public comments just before the council unanimously agreed to change the start time. Every student works to achieve grade level standards, feels safe and is supported to realize individual success. Phone:(209) 456-8017 Name Manteca City Council Suggest Edit Address 1001 West Center Street Manteca , California , 95337 Phone 209-456-8000 Hours Mon-Thu 7:30 AM-5:30 PM; Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Board Policy 0410 - Non Discrimination in District Programs and Activities: Manteca Unified School District policies prohibit discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying at all school sites and school activities based on actual or perceived characteristics: race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics at any school-sponsored activity. Phone:(209) 456-8017 For general questions, please see the San Joaquin Fair Housing website. Feb 27 Its a navigation center, Breitenbucher said. Gary Singh | Mayor At - Large Mayor, At Large Elected: November, 2022 Term Expires: November, 2026 Phone: (209) 456-8017 Other Phone: (209) 305-0730 Email: Send Email STOCKTON The Army Corps of Engineers is conducting an in-person forum tonight at 6 p.m. on the Delta Tunnel project. REGULAR MEETING AGENDAFOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MANTECATuesday, February 1, 20227:00 PMCITY COUNCILMayor, Benjamin CantuVice Mayor, Charlie HalfordCouncilmember, David BreitenbucherCouncilmember, Jose NuoCouncilmember, Gary SinghMembers of the public that wish to submit public comments may do so by several different methods. Other Phone:(209) 305-5130 Manteca, California 95337, Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. 1001 W. Center St. . By allowing ads to appear on this site, you support the local businesses who, in turn, support great journalism. The Maneteca City Council held a special meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday. Councilmember, At-Large until 2024 Election Nuno added someone shouldnt be allowed to abuse the opportunity. The Statements of Economic Interests for some state and local government agency elected officers may be available in electronic format on the FPPCs website. Under the City Municipal Code, the City Manager and City Attorney are each directly appointed by the City Council and serve at the pleasure of the City Council. Email:Send Email. Mission: Through smart actions and decisions, MUSD will work together using meaningful, measurable and aligned data for all students to achieve mastery of grade level standards in all subjects based on their unique educational pathway in a safe environment inclusive of design, security and climate. Morowit indicated that it didnt matter that other communities only have one comment period as he didnt mind if Manteca was a trail blazer.. For questions or if you are seeking legal representation, please visit the following resources. The City Attorney may also provide legal advice and support for all City officers, departments, and/or employees relating to their acts that are within the course and scope of their employment or official duties. There was also a growing concern for the state of the city's finances. Statistics: 23: times viewed: 10: times listed . Appointed: November, 2022 Manteca, CA 95337 Examples of the division's work include: reviewing and approving land-use and development proposals, implementing the City's General Plan, administering the Zoning Ordinance, processing updates and amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, creating master . Special meetings are scheduled and posted as needed. Mayor, At Large City Council Video; Inspections; Government Outreach; REACH OUT (209) 456-8000 Feedback. City Council Meeting 07:00 PM Mar 21 City Council Meeting 06:00 PM Apr 04 City Council Meeting 06:00 PM MORE EVENTS NEWS Severe Weather Alerts SantaRun Maps Available Here General Plan Update and Recirculated Draft Program EIR More News DISCOVER MANTECA Manteca Business Licenses 46 Number of Business Licenses Issued The attorneys and staff in the City Attorney's Office provide legal advice and services to the City Council, its officials, departments, employees, boards, and commissions. Manteca Water Conservation Citizens Committee, Public Safety Sales Tax Oversight Committee, Successor Agency to the Manteca Redevelopment Agency. Jenifer Knighton 2022-07-27. It was during council comments that Raff criticized the Bulletin for carrying comments from a Manteca Police representative who stated people die and since the homeless are also people when they die they are likely to do so in public places. League of California Cities Executive Committee of the Central Valley (Alternate), Planning Commission, Commissioner, 2008 - 2014 (2 years as Chair), Measure M oversight Committee, 2007 - 2014, San Joaquin County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) - Public Member, CurrentCouncil Term: Dec. 2022 - Dec. 2026, Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority (Joint Powers Authority) (GWA Board), San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District - Special City Selection Committee (Alternate), San Joaquin Integrated Waste Management Task Force, San Joaquin Delta College, A.A. in Fire Science, Captain, Manteca Fire Department 2004 2016 (12 years), Firefighter/Engineer, Manteca Fire Department, 1986 - 2004 (18 years), Reserve Firefighter, Manteca Fire Department, 1984 (2 years), Served as a Commissioner and Chairman for Recreation and Parks Commission from 2006 until 2018, Served on Agape Village board from 2006 - 2013, Give Every Child A Change Board Member from 2006 - 2013, Coaches swimming at Sierra High School since 1999, US Masters swim in Tracy since April 2017, and coached swim at Manteca High from 1989 1996 and, Current Council Term: Dec. 2020 - Dec. 2024, SJ Valley Air Pollution Control District Special City Selection Committee, San Joaquin County Integrated Waste Management Task Force, Ad Hoc Cannabis Policy and Regulations Committee, East Union High School graduated June 1972, California State University, Sacramento B.S. Resident Dennis Raff decried a Manteca where the homeless dying in the streets is the new norm and where homeless are creating hundreds of dollars in property losses for businesses as they try to access water in fire sprinkler systems. Watch live meetings, search for agenda items and view past meetings online. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II). Morowit, after the meeting, believed the dual comment period for items not on the agenda made sense as it strengthened the commitment council members have made to enhance communications with the public as well as being more transparent. Manteca is not responsible for the content of external sites. Email:Send Email. This is a private civil matter over which the City has no jurisdiction. To contact Dennis Wyatt, email, Its the 6,000-pund Tesla X in the room: California vehicle fees based on weight, Turlock, Denair school districts address campus security after recent incidents, City seeks public input on federally-funded housing, homeless services plan, East Unions come back falls short at Pierce, BOYS VOLLEYBALL: Manteca sweeps Lodi in season opener, ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Luke Crivello, Ripon Christian basketball, EU girls travel to Arbuckle tonight for NorCal opener; RC hosts Madera South. City Clerk The City Council, at their regular meeting of December 21, 2021, adopted an ordinance of the City of Manteca amending the Manteca Municipal Code Chapter 1.08 - Elections to add sections 1.08.060 - General Election - District Elections Schedule. Residents of Manteca have said that the actions of Gary Singh, an Indian himself, and the Manteca City Council are commendable and welcomed globally by those impacted by fascism in India, which has the tacit support of the HSS from America. California shouldnt be crowing, nor should Texas be eating crow, Its nuts to have a cow over milk when the real threat is myopic green narratives pitched in silos, What does $237,000 in tax dollars + $31,000 in staff time buy Manteca? I am a lifelong resident of Manteca and Lathrop, having moved to Manteca when I was a freshman in high school from Lathrop. G, Manteca, CA 95337- Received no later than two hours prior to the meeting and limited to 250 words to be read into the record. The District Attorney is an elected County official who investigates and prosecutes criminal activities throughout San Joaquin County. City of Manteca - Local Government | Manteca CA Contact. Vice Mayor Tony Daysog (2018-2026) email: Attachment 1 - November 16, 2021 Special Attachment 2 - November 16, 2021 Regular Attachments: C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Tuesday's City Council meeting started with the first four speakers including Larson and her advisor Frank Aquila arguing Singh had a conflict. Official Meetings & Notices A+ A- City of San Ramon How Do I? 1001 W. Center St. For more information on City Council meetings and agendas, visit: https:// City of Manteca If you are having problems with a particular Department, you are encouraged to contact a supervisor within that Department. The next scheduled City Council meeting is October 19, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. Manteca City Council Meeting August 18, 2015. Yet another pointless city plan, Angel Richardson's Christmas Parade | Studio209, CIF D-4AA State Championship: Escalon vs Northwood | The Blitz Season 10, CIF D5-AA Regional Championship: Hughson vs Ripon Christian | The Blitz Season 10. Councilman Mike Morowit and City Attorney Dave Nefouse provided the invocation. If your claim is for less than $10,000, you can go to small claims court through San Joaquin County Superior Court. To assist you in meeting those requirements, the City has prepared a claim form for your use. I hereby certify that the agenda for the above stated meeting was posted at a location accessible to members of the public at City Hall, 1001 W. Center Street, Manteca, CA on September 30, 2021, by 6:00 p.m. The City of Manteca frequently issues Requests for Proposals and invitations to bid on opportunities to do business with the City. History of the City of Lodi. You can access the Manteca Municipal Code online. (209) 456-8000, All City Offices Closed Weekends & Holidays. Manteca City Council meetings will start an hour earlier at 6 p.m. when Spring rolls around. There was a concern that an earlier time would make it difficult for many that are part of Mantecas large commuter base that wanted to attend a meeting but couldnt do so with a 6 p.m. start. Hanukkah for the for the first time in history was officially recognized at a Manteca City Council meeting with the lighting of the menorah. 1001 West Center Street Monday - Thursday . Use the "Complaints and Help" link above to voice a concern. On February 5, 2013, the State Water Resource . He retired from the Manteca Fire Department in October of 2016 and committed himself to serving his community in any way possible since then. Upon recognition by the Mayor, please step forward to the podium; state your name, address, and subject matter. Halford noted with the earlier start time, it would become more difficult for commuters to bring up concerns that arent on the agenda. Jose and his wife, Gabriela, moved to Manteca; her home town, after they were married in 2006 where they are raising their two children. Council meetings are held at City Hall the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Agendas are available on Thursday before each meeting. *It would keep everyone sharper in making and listening to comments and by extension create conditions for better decision making a critical city business scheduled to be addressed at the meeting would be heard earlier in the night. An agenda packet for the meeting is available for public review in the lobby of the City Clerk's office at 1001 W. Center St., and on the City's website,, prior to the Council meeting.Any materials submitted to the Council after distribution of the agenda packet will be available for public review in the City Clerk's Office during normal business hours and will be . Mantecas elected leaders are concerned City Council meeting start times and end times could prevent people who are commuters from sharing issues with the council. Districts of the City of Manteca Phone:(209) 456-8017 Visionary Home Builders of California, Inc., Vice President of Programs and Services, 2017 2022, Director of Asset Management, 2014 2016, Director, Homeownership and Rental Center, 2011 2014, Director, Real Estate Development, 2008 2011, Project Manager, Real Estate Development, 2006 2008, Assistant Project Manager, Real Estate Development, 2005 2006, United States Army Reserve, Communication Specialist (8 years), Manteca Chamber of Commerce, Member, 2018 Present, Manteca Rotary International, Member, 2018 Present, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO), Member, 2013 Present, Housing California, Board Member, 2010 2016, League of United Latin American Citizens, Member, 2007 2013, City of Stockton Mayor's Task Force on Persons with Disabilities, Member, 2009 2010, CSU Stanislaus - Stockton Center Advisory Committee, Member, 2008, Leadership Stockton & Alumni Association, 2005 2013, California Coalition for Rural Housing Internship Program, 2004, The Great Valley Center's Institute for the Development of Emerging Area Leaders, 2004, Expand Homelessness Solutions & Affordable Housing Options, Invest & Update City Infrastructure & Facilities. The lighting was request by Interim City Manager Toni Lundgren in an effort to expand the citys celebration of diversity in the Manteca community. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. . Manteca, CA 95337. It involved his duties as a city council member and his father being part of a group of six investors that bought 47.86 acres on the northeast corner of the Austin Road and Highway 99 interchange. No. February 16, 2023 Board Meeting Documents | Click to Listen Live (updated link) SharePoint - Agendas 2022-2023 Email:Send Email. As a long time resident of Manteca, small business owner, and a Broker/Realtor, I bring a unique fresh common sense prospective to city government. A groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled Thursday for The Terraces at Bethany. Second, he believed allowing a second public comment period at the meetings end should be up to the discretion of the mayor. At the end of the meeting when Breitenbucher sought to clear up a point that the navigation center will not be a regional center, and that Assemblyman Heath Flora whose text has been used to claim that it is was actually referring to two homeless projects with one in Manteca and the other in Modesto and that they would help the region, Raff kept interrupting him. The concern about moving to an earlier start time impacting the ability of some to address the council on non-agenda issues was first brought up two weeks ago by Halford. The group rallied outside the council chanting "RSS Out of America." Afterwards, Councilman Jose Nuno said he liked the idea of having dual comment periods with two conditions. Board and Superintendent / Board Meeting Agendas Home Our District Board and Superintendent Board Meeting Agendas If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Live Council Meetings Stream. (209) 937-8279. Rabbis in the past have offered invocations at the start of council meetings. At one point there was a recording on a smartphone that had a Larson supporter telling a person that did not support Larson that he hoped she would get cancer and die. Evaluations of Debby Moorhead For Manteca City Council: To evaluate this company please Login or Register . Sacramento, CA 95814, City Clerks Office . Fear of bonding, the office that counts & can this council really deliver for Manteca? Contact. Chris Erias Director With corporate offices in Oakdale, California . Public Comment may be submitted in the following ways.In Person:- The City Council Chambers are open to the public in accordance with CDPH and CalOsha guidelines.Zoom Webinar:- To call or log into Zoom Webinar, please use the following: Meeting ID: 826 7726 8640, Phone number: (669) 900 6833- To speak during an item you must use the Raise Your Hand feature. This will provide transparency and accountability ensuring all people feel their voices are heard. Email:Send Email. 428 J Street, Suite 620 Attorneys in the City Attorney's Office only represent City officials, departments, agencies, and employees in the course of their official acts or business. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, C-1 Speaker Time Limits and Decorum Policy, C-4 Expense Policy - Travel Expense Reimbursement, Ordinance O2022-03 of the City of Manteca, Current Council Term: Dec. 2022 - Dec. 2026, San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency (SJAFCA), San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG), League of California Cities Executive Committee of the Central Valley, Ad Hoc Homeless / Affordable Housing Committee, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Cum Laude (Real Estate, Pre-Law, Management), Small Business Owner in Manteca since 1995. Heated words, police presence, call for inquiry at council meeting, MANTECA WORKING WITH BLD TO STEP UP ITS GAME, Manteca Police arrest trio for vehicle burglary; have items to return, Immigrant with 75 cents fueled sugar empire that helped Manteca prosper, Forum on Delta Tunnel is tonight in Stockton, 61st Annual Ripon Almond Blossom Festival, Bishop emeritus, Stephen Blaire, 77, dies. Director/City Clerk, All City Offices Closed Weekends & Holidays, Departments Legislative Services/City Clerk, Your browser does not support inline frames. California shouldnt be crowing, nor should Texas be eating crow, Its nuts to have a cow over milk when the real threat is myopic green narratives pitched in silos, What does $237,000 in tax dollars + $31,000 in staff time buy Manteca? The clear winner if there was a contest was Mayor Gary Singh. Term Expires:November, 2026 I enjoy spending time with friends and family and wine tasting with my partner Kathy. No, the City Attorney is legally prohibited from representing individuals or entities in private legal matters. Regular meetings of the Madera City Council are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. And if Councilman Charlie Halford has his druthers, public comment for items not on the agenda will be pushed to the end of the meeting. *It would avoid organized efforts to hijack the meeting.. Agendas are posted at City Hall and online the Thursday prior to a council meeting. Exceptions: The time limit may be extended by the Mayor, or through a majority vote of the City Council, as deemed necessary. Generally, the regular City Council meets on Tuesday at 2 p.m. and/or 5 p.m. An agenda packet for the meeting is available for public review in the lobby of the City Clerks office at 1001 W. Center St., and on the Citys website,, prior to the Council meeting. Elected: November, 2020 Council meetings are broadcast live on Comcast cable channel 97. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Rotary International, Manteca, 2015 current. Elected:November, 2022 Morowit and Dave Breitenbucher both donned reindeer antlers with Breitenbucher going a step further with a string of Christmas lights hung around his neck like puka shells. Florence Low. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. * Live TV from 100+ channels. Mayoral candidate Lei Ann Larson demanded an independent investigation of one of her opponents, Gary Singh. Contact the City Council. The 2022 City Council Meeting Calendar. Manteca Council marks Hanukkah for first time ever, MANTECA WORKING WITH BLD TO STEP UP ITS GAME, Manteca Police arrest trio for vehicle burglary; have items to return, Immigrant with 75 cents fueled sugar empire that helped Manteca prosper, Forum on Delta Tunnel is tonight in Stockton, 61st Annual Ripon Almond Blossom Festival, Bishop emeritus, Stephen Blaire, 77, dies. City of Manteca Council Regular Meeting Agenda for February 1, 2022 Government and Politics February 1, 2022 From: City of Manteca REGULAR MEETING AGENDA FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MANTECA Tuesday, February 1, 2022 7:00 PM CITY COUNCIL Mayor, Benjamin Cantu Vice Mayor, Charlie Halford Councilmember, David Breitenbucher Hours. Select a council member below to learn more! 4 Oct. [ para espaol ] Stay involved in new and important #CityofManteca discussions by joining a City Council Meeting! Elected: November, 2022 The City Council is meeting in the same room and with the public. At that time, a 6 p.m. start time was considered but rejected. An agenda packet for the meeting is available for public review in the lobby of the City Clerk's office at 1001 W. Center St., and on the City's website,, prior to the Council meeting. 1001 W. Center St. Subscribe; Sitemap . Office of the City Attorney 1001 W. Center St. Manteca, CA 95337 (209) 456-8000. in Psychology, Modesto Junior College, Associates Degree, Behavioral and Social Sciences. Term Expires:November, 2026 No cable box. Mayor Gary Singh after the meeting also said he would be open to such an option prohibiting it wasnt cast in stone allowing the mayor and the council to be flexible based on the situation. Debby Moorhead For Manteca City Council . In a staff report prepared by City Attorney Dave Nefouse, it was noted, with the ability of members of the public to participate in City Council meetings and because several city council meetings go late into the evening (when less residents are awake), starting meetings at 6 p. pm will not only allow the City conduct its business at a more convenient time for its residents, but also assist City staff who attend and/or participate at the meetings., To contact Dennis Wyatt, email, Its the 6,000-pund Tesla X in the room: California vehicle fees based on weight, Turlock, Denair school districts address campus security after recent incidents, City seeks public input on federally-funded housing, homeless services plan, East Unions come back falls short at Pierce, BOYS VOLLEYBALL: Manteca sweeps Lodi in season opener, ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Luke Crivello, Ripon Christian basketball, EU girls travel to Arbuckle tonight for NorCal opener; RC hosts Madera South. Both council members Dave Breitenbucher and Charlie Halford were concerned the earlier start time would make it difficult for some citizens to bring up issues not on the agenda during public comments at the start of each meeting.
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