nhs maternity pay calculator spread over 9 months
My pay will be less than half of what I normally earn! Any financial upside of spreading your maternity pay will probably be cancelled out by ending your maternity leave early. Rough calculations on your gross salary (without taking tax, NI and pension are as follows): 8 weeks at 464.37/week. In addition, you could have the right to share statutory entitlements to leave and pay with your partner. Contact us for further advice if you think you have been discriminated against because of your pregnancy. If you are looking for information on pregnancy and COVID-19, please see our COVID-19 FAQs. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Consideration needs to be given to; facilities (including rest rooms); mental/physical fatigue and working hours; stress (including prenatal depression); passive smoking; temperature; working with visual display units (VDUs); working alone; travelling; the potential for violence; personal protective equipment. Learn more about being a BMA member today. See our A-Z of advice. If you work in the NHS, read more about KIT days in the NHS handbook section 15. Read more about your rights to Statutory Maternity Pay during redundancy here. This could include postnatal depression or conditions linked to childbirth. Thanks for replying. All employees have a right to take 52 weeks maternity leave under the statutory scheme. Do note, while we always aim to give you accurate product info at the point of publication, unfortunately price and terms of products and deals can always be changed by the provider afterwards, so double check first. These are known as Keeping In Touch days (KIT). To keep this (relatively!) I took the full year off and wanted my pay spread over that time so I would've never be without money during my time off. Count back four Sundays. If you are absent due to pregnancy related depression please see our section on pregnancy related sickness and read more about depression during pregnancy on Maternity Action. The decision of when to start your maternity leave can be a difficult one. If you think there is a chance you will go back to work sooner than the period you have spread your pay over, you should probably not spread your pay. A good place to start is plugging your circumstances into the maternity.money calculator and trying some different options. I take home 1900 a month and with it spread over 9 months I got around 1600 for the first 5 months, then 1300 and then just 800 for last month. Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. By spreading, you get less gross pay at the start of maternity leave and more at the end. if needed, put your request in writing and ask for a formal response. I then tagged 6 weeks AL on the end which gave me full pay again for a while before I went back. You cannot request time off for dependants if you know in advance that a problem may arise. The earliest you can start your maternity leave - is the beginning of the 11th week before your baby is due. If the treatment is successful and you remain pregnant, you will be protected against discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy until the end of your maternity leave. This period must include at least one day in the qualifying week. If you are having any difficulties agreeing adjustments with your employer, please contact us for further advice. If your employer has identified a significant risk that could damage your health and safety, they will need to decide what action to take. I work in NHS in NI. You get: 90% of your average weekly earnings (before tax) for the first 6 weeks. You must come to an arrangement with your employer as to when you take your accrued annual leave. As doctors are typically paid on a monthly basis, your maternity pay will be calculated based upon your last two monthly payslips, which will then be equated to a total annual earnings, this will then be divided by 52 (number of weeks in the year) to calculate your average weekly earnings. Please remember to contact us if you feel that you are being unfairly treated. Read more about Shared Parental Leave (SPL) here and on the Acas website. You might like to consider trying to increase your earnings for this period. Sometimes 10% more. Editor, Marcus Herbert, https://www.gov.uk/maternity-paternity-calculator. Employers should treat fertility appointments the same as any other medical appointment. Do check your maternity policy on this and readMiscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death rights to time off and pay on Maternity Action. NHS handbook covers the calculation of maternity pa, about this here, along with how to contact, gov.uk maternity planner to work out the dates, see gov.uk for eligibility criteria for statutory adoption leave and pay, section 15.22 (iv) of the NHS Terms and conditions, Maternity Action for information on Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and Maternity Allowance (MA), depression during pregnancy on Maternity Action, statutory leave entitlement of 28 days (including bank holidays), section 15 of the NHS terms and conditions, resignations and maternity pay on Maternity Action, Statutory Maternity Pay during redundancy here, Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Acas pregnancy and maternity discrimination, Health and Safety Executive (England, Scotland and Wales, 15.33 of NHS terms and conditions for England and Wales and Scotland. Indirect discrimination: when a workplace practice places women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or on maternity leave at a disadvantage. If you have your baby early, your maternity leave will start the day after. 18 weeks 'half pay', plus SMP (except if this will exceed full pay), 8 weeks on *'full pay' minus MA (and it is likely that you will be entitled to claim MA separately from the government), 18 weeks 'half pay' (and it is likely that you will be entitled to claim MA separately from the government), 13 weeks unpaid from your employer (and it is likely that you will be entitled to claim MA separately from the government), contact your universitys Welfare Adviser, calculate what annual leave you have left to take for this leave year, calculate what annual leave you will accrue during your maternity leave and. ACAS has produced guidance for employers looking to accommodate breastfeeding in the workplace; this should help you discuss any concerns you have with your employer. Do you have 26 weeks continuous service with your employer at the 15th week before your baby is due? The next graph takes Made Up Mum (on 17k salary), but this time alters the maternity leave start date: This shows that if you go on leave in October then your opportunity to benefit from spreading your maternity pay equally over the year is much greater than if you go on leave in June, where it turns out it is actually slightly detrimental. Continuous service and maternity leave under the NHS scheme This page explains the continuous service requirements for maternity leave eligibility that apply under the NHS Scheme. You can prepare for the risk assessment by writing down specific areas that you find difficult and note how they affect you physically and/or mentally. no later than 3 months after the payment start date. you earn at least 123 a week on average for 8 weeks before your qualifying week. Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. would you like to share your maternity leave (Shared Parental Leave (SPL) with your partner? Also, working on the NHS bank (whilst receivingStatutory Maternity Pay (SMP)can affect your SMP. Miscarriage or stillbirth can be life-changing events. I pay into superann xx. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Always read your employer's policies, check with your Human Resources (HR) department , see our section on when to start your maternity leave and section 15 of the NHS handbook. If you cannot reach an agreement with your employer, please contact us. The qualifying week is the 15th week before the week your baby is due. As an agency workers, you may be able to get Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP), but you cannot get Statutory Maternity Leave (SML). Read articles, interviews and comment from the BMA's award-winning magazine. A risk assessment may need to repeated or reviewed as the pregnancy develops. If you fall ill whilst on unpaid additional maternity leave, you will not generally be eligible to receive any contractual sick pay. I realise this is only the OMP part. You could have the right to share statutory entitlements to leave and pay with your partner. NHS Antenatal Classes - What are they like? Sign In or . Week 11 This will be the earliest you Week 15 'The 'qualifying week'. If you think there is a chance that you will want to go back to work sooner than the period you have spread your pay over, you should probably not spread your pay. 15.82 For England, Wales and Scotland Employees are entitled to take up to eighteen weeks of parental leave per child. 90 per cent of your average weekly earnings for the first six weeks. If you do any work in a self-employed capacity during your SMP, then such work will not affect your SMP. Tax and National Insurance is still deducted. If your employer allows you to spread your maternity pay, probably you will find you are better off by doing so unless you can qualify forUniversal Creditwhich really helps out in months of low income. When your pay is more even over multiple tax years you may pay less tax, and make smaller student loan repayments, because a smaller amount of your income is above the various thresholds. The provider will suspend your financial support until the time you start to attend the course again. abbvie ceo richard gonzalez wife; how far is haddonfield, illinois from chicago Microsoft Edge If the sickness is unrelated to your pregnancy, you will normally be able to take sick leave until you start your maternity leave as planned. The fact that you are pregnant should not be taken into account when determining who gets the job. Sickness absence pay. Please note, some employees will not qualify for both leave and pay. Then 13 weeks of just smp so 604 pound a month for about 3 months. Well remove this from your to-do list. You can change your mind down the line. You should check your employers local policy. 15.34 of NHS terms and conditions for Northern Ireland (for new mothers see 15.53). For example, if your child falls ill you may take off time to deal with their initial needs such as taking them to the doctor and arranging for their care. However, care must be taken that you are properly consulted and given correct notice. . You rely on the surgeon and their team to work at the highest professional standards. New mothers receive 12 weeks of leave, at a rate of 140 per week, plus an additional 10 per week for each child under the age of one. This was April 2016, In my last pregnancy I contacted hr and they sent me a pay break down , I spread my last pregnancy out over 10 months first two payments were . If you believe they are being unreasonable or are treating you unfairly, contact us for further advice. In my last pregnancy I contacted hr and they sent me a pay break down with actual figures before tax for the options available to me so I could make a better informed decision. I am only going to get SMP as at 25 weeks I had only been working for the NHS for 48 weeks and has to be 52 to get full maternity. If you do not return to NHS employment within 15 months of the beginning of your maternity leave, then you will be liable to repay the whole of your maternity pay (minus the SMP or MA that you have received). Your contract may say that you are entitled to more than the statutory entitlement, so it's important to check your local policy for carry over provisions. Your employer is only required to make exceptions to this in limited circumstances. If you do not want to go back to work after the birth of your baby, this will not affect your right to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) or Maternity Allowance (MA) but it is important to check your contract for any clause which requires you to pay back any contractual maternity pay if you decide not to return. During this difficult time it can be hard to know what to do. I agree, The RCN recommends using an updated browser such as To check if you are eligible in England, Scotland and Wales, you can use the leave and pay calculator on gov.uk and read more about SPL here. In law, you are required to take a minimum of two weeks off work after the birth of your baby. A dependent may be a husband, wife or partner, child or parent, or someone living with you as part of your family. Working conditions Is it that they are essentially saying is that you can split your occupational maternity pay evenly but they cant split your SMP evenly as that is essentially weekly and some months will have more weeks than others (4 or 5) so it wont be a 100% even split. Your payroll should provide you with a pay predictor that shows you ho. Add message. Please check your local policies (recruitment, maternity and sickness etc) and pleasecontact us for further adviceif you feel that you are being unfairly treated. You must also have been earning 30 per week or more over a 13 week period. If you are pregnant or a new mother, talk to your manager and request a risk assessment. If you do salary sacrifice for a car, then your maternity pay is calculated with this taken off already, so they cannot take any more money off you during maternity leave for that I believe. I asked payroll what my payments would be and they said they would let me know. you cant spread your maternity pay over multiple years if your maternity leave all falls in only one tax year. The earliest your MA can start is 11 weeks before the date your baby is due and the latest is from the day following the birth. If you are employed by the NHS seesection 15 of the NHS terms and conditions. Please also see our section on risks assessments. associate specialists (Schedule 22 of TCS). If you do not qualify for statutory maternity pay you may qualify for maternity allowance which can be claimed from JobcentrePlus. Maternity leave counts as continuous service so if you become pregnant while on maternity leave, you retain the right to Ordinary Maternity Leave (OML) and Additional Maternity Leave (AML) for the second pregnancy. *Note: some employers who offer spreading will not let you spread some or all of the SMP component of the scheme, or place other restrictions like only spreading over 52 or 39 weeks. Maternity pay is taken as an average of the earnings made in the 2 months prior to the 15th week before the EWC (Expected Week of Confinement). If you have 12 months continuous service with one or more NHS employers at the beginning of the 11th week before the expected week of childbirth, and you have notified your intention to return to work with the NHS, you are entitled to: It is possible to agree with your employer to have the occupational pay entitlement paid in a different way, for example, spreading it equally over the maternity leave period rather than having a period of full pay and then a period of half pay. Remember, as an RCN member you can use ourCounselling servicefor free, confidential support through challenging times. Members should check their own situation with their employing authorities or trusts. These guides will help you answer many of your questions about work. Annual Leave 15. week=months??? Read more about this andyour rights at Acas. If you are given the option to spread your maternity pay, probably you will be financially better off by doing so (unless you qualify forUniversal Credit), because deductions from pay (e.g. Read more about this on Maternity Action. I told them to do it ASAP because I wanted to know wether to go bk just before u get the 13 weeks SMP x, Yeah last time I just took the 6 months which was more or less full pay but I'll have 2 under 2 this time so I was hoping for longer, apparently they can't split SMP which kicks in after the 8 weeks full pay so it would look like the first 8 weeks would be a lower wage? Email your completed application to nhsbsa.dentalservices@nhsbsa.nhs.uk. I split my pay over 12 months and it worked out that I basically got the exact same amount each month. Do check the calculations with your HR/Payroll. You will need to make other arrangements if you want to stay off work longer to care for them yourself. Contact us if you would like more control on how maternity pay is spread in the calculator. You may be entitled to ordinary Statutory Paternity Leave and Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) if you satisfy certain conditions. This toolkit covers your rights at work andanswers our most frequently asked questions on pregnancy, maternity leave and pay. 8 weeks' full pay, less any Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) or Maternity Allowance (MA) 18 weeks' half pay plus any SMP or MA (providing the total does not exceed full pay) 13 weeks' SMP or MA. Hello has anyone already been through nhs maternity and knows how it works? BO GI SN PHM. It's really stressing me out I have no idea what we will be living on!xx. 17 May 2021. National discussions have taken place to clarify how NHS employers should interpret section 13.9 of the handbook. The best way to determine staff AWE is to take all earnings paid in the relevant period and divide the earnings by the number of weeks in that period. making a temporary change to your working conditions, making a temporary change to your working hours (shorter shifts). see if you're eligible for maternity leave & pay, calculate your maternity leave take-home pay. Specialty and associate staff doctors' pay scales, Refugees, overseas visitors and vulnerable migrants, statutory maternity pay and maternity allowance, 8 weeks' full pay, less any Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) or Maternity Allowance (MA), 18 weeks' half pay plus any SMP or MA (providing the total does not exceed full pay). So to me that means if I kept it normally I'd earn. Once back at work I then payed more pension (pension arrears). If possible you should give them an approximate date for when you intend to return to your course. You should not be treated any differently or suffer any detriment because you are pregnant or because you are on maternity leave. If you work for another employer whilst receiving SMP but after the baby is born, this can affect your SMP. check your employers maternity policies carefully for full details on how to give notice. The 15th week is also known as the qualifying week. , put your request in writing and ask for a formal response financial upside of spreading your leave. When to start your maternity policy on this thread you need to a!, you could have the right to take a minimum of two weeks work! Remember to contact us if you want to stay off work longer to care for yourself! The baby is born, this can affect your SMP, then such work will affect. Places women who are pregnant or because you are looking for information pregnancy! Talk to your working conditions, making a temporary change to your working hours ( shorter )... 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