pse conversion to career 2022 pay scale
0000108874 00000 n H%E+Nv/ `$gqI3vTV^"v|=}77~'a>V' The same MOU is amended to use, for MHAs hired after ratification, the Saturday at the beginning of the pay period during which the MHA was hired as the date of relative standing for purposes of future conversion to full-time career. New career employees may choose new health insurance plans, enroll in the Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) plan, choose how much to contribute to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), where to allocate TSP funds, and other benefits decisions. COVID is not over and the APWU is still losing members to this horrible disease. endstream endobj 845 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[28 775]/Length 48/Size 803/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream 0000018555 00000 n American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO For Employees Covered by the National Agreement For Employees Covered by the IT/AS Agreement On your behalf, the APWU has negotiated basic seniority . Clerk PSEs assigned to offices Grade 21 or higher will be converted to Full-Time Flexible with such assignments made in accordance with the Clerk Craft provisions of Art. Again, the APWU disagrees with discontinuing any protocol that could lead to the spread of any contagion. Cost of living increases are paid proportionally to city carriers in Table 2 in accordance with Article 9.3.E of the National Agreement. IN MEMORY OF; Retiree's Place.. ci. By November 2021, the Level 4 rate will go to $17.36. This is a historic achievement, as non-career and non-union casuals without a path to career employment have been used in the Mail Handler craft since the 1970s. Grievances will need to be filed, but I suggest placing the power point presentation in all grievances where it shows the Postal Service wants employees to stay home. The parties commit to providing employees with a safe, productive, and inclusive workplace, and to establish a Task Force on Preventing Harassment that will be used to ensure that employees are fully aware of policies and procedures that can be used to combat harassment. When projected COLA payments are added at the consensus estimate of $250 per increase, at top step for career employees there will be an additional $1,500 in base wage increases over and above the general wage increases described above during the term of the 2019 National Agreement. On the second (2nd) or subsequent lay-off, one (1) week's pay for each complete year of continuous employment and, in the case of a partial year of continuous employment, one (1) week's pay multiplied by the number of days of continuous employment divided by three hundred and sixty-five (365), less any period in respect of which he was. The following is a summary of the tentative agreement reached between representatives of the NPMHU and the Postal Service to establish the terms of the 2019 National Agreement. Pse conversion to career 2022 pay scale. The Postal Service has said we will be provided proposed changes in advance and have an opportunity to review them and give input on the changes. All career Mail Handlers employed as of September 20, 2019 will be protected against layoff or force reduction during the entire term of the Agreement, unless Congress repeals or significantly relaxes the Private Express Statutes. 0 Please note that the listed bid assignments will become effective Saturday, January 14, 2023. A Task Force will be created under Article 35 to facilitate NPMHU representation on EAP committees at the District and National levels. jp. Other changes in Article 10 and related MOUs will provide: - That access to choice vacation periods for MHAs will be a mandatory topic of discussion during local implementation, - That PTFs have access to the Annual Leave Exchange Option, - That employees will be authorized to receive donated leave under the Leave Sharing MOU to provide care to children born or adopted within the past twelve months, - That guarantee the continuation of National Days of Observance upon the death of former U.S. Presidents, - That the current instructions governing Wounded Warrior Leave are incorporated into the National Agreement. The APWU still encourages all employees to do the simple things that help prevent the spread of COVID or other illnesses: The updated Decision Tree is attached and we will update you if any other COVID protocols are altered. In my opinion the changing of the Decision Tree was to avoid any payment of administrative leave by turning over an isolation or quarantine decisions to public health officials. The position is open to Clerk Craft in Oakland Bid Center, Opening Date: November 18, 2022 PSEs will be converted to career status upon reaching 24-months of relative standing. Close contact tracing is no longer done by the Postal Nurses but returned to local health departments to conduct. PSEs will be converted to career status upon reaching 24-months of relative standing Clerk PSEs assigned to offices Grade 21 or higher will be converted to Full-Time Flexible with such assignments made in accordance with the Clerk Craft provisions of Art. Phone: (202) 833-9095, Copyright 2023 National Postal Mail Handlers Union The new pay rates can be seen in the new letter carrier pay schedule availablehere. Grade 11 Pay Scale increased by an average of 2.3% prior to any general increases or COLAs; Part-Time Flexible (PTF) Work Rules . and possibly discontinue them. Pse conversion to career 2022 pay scale. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The PSE workforce is comprised of employees who don't yet have career appointments but who enjoy union representation and negotiated rights. The following definitions apply for the purposes of 510:. 0000010595 00000 n both PSE & Career lists have changed. This way the Postal Service can now make the claim it was not them who put anyone off work. Backpay for some former city carrier assistants that were converted to career status between November 23, 2019 and April 9, 2021 must be calculated manually . As of the date of ratification, any MHA with 2.5 or more years as an MHA at that time will automatically be converted to full-time career status, without the need to serve another probationary period. The tentative agreement includes a one-time conversion of MHAs in installations which have 200 or more man years of employment, with the conversion to take place within 60 days of ratification. Clerk Craft Award Notice for December 7, 2022 have been posted on the Bid Results page of this website. by CokeForAdamPisces. For example, if an employees Sunday tour of duty is from 8 p. Average United States Postal Service Mail Carrier hourly pay in the United States is approximately $17. General Schedule(GS) base payvaries from the GS-1 level at $20,172 per annum to $146,757 per annum at step 10 of the GS-15 grade, not including locality payadjustments. Pse conversion to career 2022 pay scale iq Fiction Writing 1. If any such employee, then tests positive for COVID-19 they need and should file an OWCP claim. 0000074598 00000 n The tentative agreement will eliminate the District cap, and instead apply a hard cap at the Installation level. Click Here to be taken to the page & notice. PTF Clerks' One-Time Voluntary Reassignment. The agreement also eliminates all casual employees from the Mail Handler craft within 120 days of the ratification of the agreement. The agreement also establishes the additional conversion of at least 3,641 PSEs to career. 0000011571 00000 n From October 2021 - June 2022, we've seized 6,205 lbs of meth; 4,936 lbs. 0000012140 00000 n The corresponding number of duty assignments will be created and posted in Function 1 in the 31 facilities as identified by the Postal Service, consistent with the. 1. 0000002559 00000 n Employees are encouraged to begin looking at their new benefits and not wait until the very end of the 60 days to decide. This issue was discovered during a recent quality check of the process. 0000073842 00000 n As a reminder, as newly converted career employees, these PSEs will have sixty-days (60) from May 9, 2020 (July 8, 2020), to make benefit decisions. 0000229042 00000 n As we have always said and will continue to say, the APWU recommends that all employees continue to practice things that help slow the spread: Social Distance, wash your hands, wear a mask, and if medically able, get your COVID-19 vaccines and Flu vaccines as well. Postal Service (USPS) met for the first session of main table bargaining at Postal Service Headquarters in Washington, DC. 0000006599 00000 n For the first time since 1996, the Postal Service and the NPMHU have agreed to unlock, each year of the contract, the flat dollar amounts paid for night differential at each grade and step of the wage scales. Many PSEs to be converted by 3/13/2021. 0000013101 00000 n The conversions will occur no later than July 16, 2022. Membership in the APWU gives you a voice in determining your future. Employees in these steps will move up into the remaining higher steps. We're working hard to keep dangerous drugs off the streets. The average annual salary for full-time non-postal employees has. 0000021921 00000 n SENIORITY PROVISIONS . Created and maintained by ILN Enterprises. 0000012852 00000 n 1300 L Street NW et Then, determine the number of pay grades within the structure. These newly converted employees will see an immediate pay increase, an increase in benefits paid for by the Postal Service, guaranteed work hours, and in most cases fixed schedules.. This will allow you to give input into benefits that are negotiated on your behalf and how your union is run. Article 37.4.A -Fulltime flexible employees and unassigned regular employees are considered unencumbered employees. I do not agree that this is in the best interest of Postal Employees. The annual salary is around $34,000 per year. Unlike previous temporary USPS workers, PSEs have the right to join the APWU. Other membership benefits include: "The American Postal Worker'; a bimonthly magazine reporting on issues and programs affecting you, a safety and health program that educates workers about possible hazards in the workplace and provides technical assistance, and members are eligible to enroll in the APWU Health Plan, which provides comprehensive coverage at a very reasonable cost. August 18, 2021. Holiday Pay Juneteenth added to the holidays for career employees for a total of 11 paid holidays PTF pay rate will be increased effective January 1, 2022 to reflect 11 holidays each year. 0000015311 00000 n Thank you and rememberstay safe, wear your mask! 815 16th Street N.W., Suite 5100, Washington, DC 20006 PTF Clerks' One-Time Voluntary Reassignment Opportunity Available in March 2022 Now that the APWU membership has voted to ratify the 2021-24 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), one of the first orders of business for the Clerk Craft is to. APWU and USPS reach agreement. Clerk Craft Award Notice for December 2, 2022 have been posted on the Bid Results page of this website. The Postal Service is no longer asking people to quarantinerather if an employee is exposed the Postal Service is telling them to wear a high-quality mask for 10 days and get tested on day 5 after exposure. This also will mean approximately 1,400 additional members of our bargaining unit, which will be good for the employees who are new MHAs and good for the overall strength of the Union. Entry-level candidates typically start at $14 per hour, which can rise to $26 per hour over time. Retired and separated employees that worked during the backpay period will be paid by check mailed to their last work location. Most eligible city letter carriers will receive retroactive pay pursuant to the 2019-2023 National Agreement on their August 20 paychecks. Click Here to be taken to the page & notice. 1. 0000002445 00000 n Members have the right to participate in local meetings, vote for local and national officers, vote on the contract, to run for office and to petition for change in the APWU. December 7, 2022 Clerk Craft Award Notice 95535175. Regular and 38% PSE and all career duty assignments are Full-Time Regular Elimination of All Casual Employees from the Mail Handler Craft. We have been negotiating on your behalf and will continue to do so. Article 12.5 is clarified to ensure that meetings about potential relocation of mail handlers will be held at the Regional level, and that Local Union representatives may attend. Only by standing together with your coworkers can you ensure you earn a living wage, gain access to important benefits, and get a fair opportunity for a career job. 0000029868 00000 n Once any career FTF has been unencumbered for 120 calendar days, if the number of FTR duty assignments is less than the startxref If you do test positive, employees stay home for at least 5 days and once you leave home wear a mask through day 10. 20. Retroactive payments will not be in the pay check dated June 24, 2022. Under the 2016 National Agreement, the Postal Service has been allowed 3% casuals, down from prior contracts when casual percentages have been as high as 12.5%. Effective advertising doesn't have to break the bank, though, and we've rounded up a few ideas you can try with any size budget. Based on the CDC guidance that businesses no longer need to do close contact tracing, the Postal Service has decided to change their decision tree and turn over the close contact tracing to public health officials. Tie-breaking procedures remain the same, but this change will eliminate potential manipulation of the relative standing list by managers. Open any image with adobe photoshop elements. The following pay increases will be included in the retroactive pay from the effective date indicated for each: *Cost of living increases referenced above are paid proportionally to city carriers in Table 2 in accordance with Article 9.3.E of the National Agreement. The language of Article 12.3B12 has been improved, so that a temporary supervisor returning to the craft for one continuous pay period of 14 consecutive days in order to bid is required to complete that continuous pay period prior to submitting a bid. 803 44 For a Level 4 Mail Handler at top step, the wage increases during the three years of the 2019 National Agreement not including COLA will total $2,370, including $668 retroactively effective in November 2019; $607 effective in November 2020; and $1,093 effective in November 2021. Conversion is not possible to a temporary vacancy (for example, due to another employees absence on active military duty). All career Mail Handlers will receive four general wage increases during the term: -- the first, retroactively effective to November 23, 2019, will be 1.1%; -- the second, effective on November 21, 2020, will be 1.0%; -- the third, effective on November 20, 2021, will be 1.0%; and, -- the fourth, called a special pay adjustment, also effective on November. The CDC has greatly reduced when isolation/quarantine is even necessary based symptoms, vaccination status, and the expectation that exposed people will wear well-fitting masks. 0000224777 00000 n At the time this email was written, no proposed changes had been provided to the APWU. PSE Conversions to FTF Upon PSEs' conversion to career FullTime Flexible (FTF), Article 37.4 will apply. TENTATIVE APWU/USPS AGREEMENT REACHED THREE YEAR AGREEMENT SEPT. 21, 2021 TO SEPT. 20, 2024, General Wage Increases 1.3% Nov. 20, 2021 (retroactive) 1.3% Nov. 19, 2022 1.3% Nov. 18, 2023 6 COLAs for Career employees PSEs will receive 2.3% each year PSEs will get a $0.50 a month after ratification Job Security No lay-off protections remain in full-force No lay-off extended to all career on rolls 9-20-21 50 mile limit on excessing Holiday Pay PTF pay adjusted for new holiday Juneteenth Holiday added Health Insurance No change to USPS contribution 95% USPS contribution to APWU CDHP PSEs converted will receive credit for time enrolled in CDHP toward 1 year qualifying period within 90 days of ratification 1 time voluntary transfer opportunity to larger facility Enhanced Level 8 and 11 Pay Scales Elimination of Steps FF-AA See for slotting information of present employees in these levels PTF WORK RULE CHANGES Pay Period Guarantee increased to 24 hours from 2 hours 4 hour guarantee when scheduled 40 hours Annual Leave advanced at start of leave year Guaranteed 1 non-scheduled day a week with Wednesday notification prior week, AUTOMATIC CONVERSION OF PSES IN LEVEL 20 OFFICES AND ABOVE PSEs converted to career standing upon reaching 24 months Clerk PSEs Level 21 or higher converted to FT-Flexible Clerk PSEs Level 20 converted to PTF MVS PSEs converted to PTF DOES NOT APPLY TO CLERK PSES IN LEVEL 4 RMPO OTHER SLOTTING ISSUES SEE APWU.ORG, PSE WORK RULE CHANGES 40 hours Annual Leave advances at beginning of leave year. The parties have resolved the matter in accordance with the attached Memorandum of Understanding. The importance of these conversions cannot be overstated, Clerk Craft Director Lamont Brooks said. The Postal Service has significantly changed their COVID-19 policies. endstream endobj 804 0 obj <>/Metadata 26 0 R/Pages 25 0 R/StructTreeRoot 28 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 805 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 1008.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 806 0 obj <> endobj 807 0 obj <>stream NPMHU and USPS Extend COVID-19 Test Kit Fulfillment Pilot. 37.4. 0000017401 00000 n The Office of Personnel Management will make any necessary annuity adjustments. 0000014508 00000 n I put little faith in the Postal Service doing this in a manner that actually takes the safety and health of Postal Workers into consideration. A change to Article 16.5, providing that a suspension of fourteen (14) days if a timely grievance is appealed to Step 2 will not be served until disposition of the grievance, either by settlement, withdrawal, or an arbitrators final and binding decision. For the full description & application, please go to the Best Qualified Positions page. Get vaccinated when able and when recommend by your medical practitioner. Article 12.2C is amended to require management to provide a hard or electronic copy of the seniority list to union representatives at the Installation level. <]/Prev 304358/XRefStm 1572>> For example, the seven COLAs paid during the 40-month term of the 2016 National Agreement averaged $345 per COLA, even though one COLA was 0 and another was only $21 because of minimal inflation in the economy. We believe all this to be short-sighted by the Postal Service as we are seeing both upticks in COVID cases and an early arrival of an intense Flu season. There will be a 2.5% increase in clothing allowance during each year of the contract. For 2021, the Postal Services share of the cost of health insurance, which currently is at 73% of the weighted average formula used by OPM for federal employees with a maximum percentage of 79.25%, will have its final 1% reduction. in union solidarity, the struggle continues. 0000008588 00000 n If that average were to repeat itself during the term of the 2019 National Agreement, the COLA provision, by itself, would provide over $1,800 in additional base wage increases over the next three years. 0000018118 00000 n Please note that the listed bid assignments will become effective Saturday, December 17, 2022. The 2019 National Agreement will cover a period of three years, and will expire at midnight on September 20, 2022. Postal Support Employees (PSEs) are hired for a term not to exceed 360 calendar days per appointment. Additionally, the Postal Service has put us on notice that they plan on reviewing all social distancing protocols (i.e., PASS machine layout, etc.) *City carrier assistants receive the additional 1.0% increases referenced above in lieu of cost of living adjustments pursuant to Article 9.7 of the National Agreement. Article 30 is amended to establish the period for negotiations over Local Memoranda of Understanding to run for 30 consecutive days between May 2, 2020 and June 30, 2020. Postal Support Employees (PSEs) are hired for a term not to exceed 360 calendar days per appointment. xref 23700 - 980/7 - 30560 - 1145/2 - 32850 - 1310/7 - 42021. For MHAs, during their first year of employment, MHAs will be able to maintain their participation in the USPS Noncareer health plan. The November 9, 2022 Clerk Craft Vacancy Notice has been posted on the Bid Postings page of this website. Many PSEs to be converted by 3/13/2021 : r/USPS. 0000013613 00000 n The Joint Education and Training Fund will be continued, with additional funding of $1 million per year. A change to Article 17.5 will ensure that union representatives may attend orientation for new employees transferred to the Mail Handler craft. These conversions are consistent with the Interest Arbitration panels award issued on March 10, 2020. City carrier assistants will receive additional 1.0% increases effective November 20, 2021 and November 19, 2022 in lieu of cost of living adjustments pursuant to Article 9.7 of the National Agreement. The fourth regular Cost of Living Adjustment under the 2019-2023 National Agreement will be $1,934 annually for letter carriers in Table 1 and at Step O of Table 2. The exact amount of the COLAs will be based on future increases in the Consumer Price Index. 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