rappers that don't believe in god
Regardless of theological theories or belief in miracles, there is no point in disagreement against that. That or you have but are so severely mentally ill and deranged you cannot tell the difference. Typical religious/theist individual. its all DESIGNED. (Always be assimilating). You obviously don't know enough about my Christian faith to even have an intelligent conversation which is why it feels like I have been exchanging messages with a fool. Cheryl South, so is hating others. If God so pleased, He would have willed every human being He created to become a Christian. It is just stupid for a black person to worship a white Jesus. O Prejudiced one. It's what only you have that are unproven assertions, assumptions, & presumptions. It should be an IT! Huge difference. It's not what we do. , Who says you need to call out to anyone? 'Think' about it, every religious book was written by man. The same people who do not believe in God put perms in their hair and try to deny their own natural self and talk about they don't believe in God of course not you can not and will not have a relationship with God until you have a god-centered relationship with yourself. Because the truth would have been found out of non-existence. Makes you as primitive as the bible authors themselves. It's not arrogance telling someone who claims to have had a "phenomenal change in their life" that they are wrong especially if it's all a lie. Just my opinion. Oops. You claim this"there is plenty of factual data and signs for those who believe" but have yet to know that all believers "factual data and signs" presented so far has been subjective, biased and not objective, unbiased. was you saved by grace in the hold of the slave ship?? Lesson: don't play with your puppy while texting with swype lol. I know the truth. WAKE UP!! And we all go through troubles everyday and no, i do not call on "his" name. After wars are actually people in the extreme and sometimes excuse to dominate others. Belief in God does not make one perfect but it does hold one accountable No, thermodynamic laws does not disagree w/ me. You come on threads like thistype out your asscomment as if you are God/Jesus (because you claim to know God/Jesus better than everybody as if you are its mouthpiece even though he/it/they never existed)& expect people to buy your BS. No falsehood from those other religions can approach it from before it or even from behind it with false things attributed to Islam (like certain Haddiths) or Mormonism. If you are a believer in God, prepare to be challenged and questioned. FACTS! USA TODAY. Your all confused. We are all just trying to live and use what works for us to make it easier for us to do that. Some people have no vision, and their limited view is almost infectious. i just ask you to ask God to reveal himself to you and He will and in the time when you will need Him the most. I LOVE ERYKAH BADU'S SONG THE HEALER, SHE SAYS, "DONT BELIEVE WHAT YOU THINK, WE'VE BEEN PROGRAMMED, WAKE UP, WE MISSED YOU." Better to move aside and let the next evolved intelligence have a crack at the whip, Eddie Jonz the only reason you feel the way you do is because you've been told to feel that way your whole life. Which Christian rapper is your favorite? [9] "All those things have vanished like a shadow, After years of praying for god to rescue him he completely gave up. Ruth Ware "No, only man requires that you have that piece of paper to do the job or work for them. extremist Christians will not be happy until everyone on Planet Earth is either Christian or dead. We did not create or write the scriptures. Preach, lol. This has helped me like it has helped millions of others. BUT GUESS WHATTHAT IS WHY THEY ARE LOOKED DOWN UPON BY THE EUROS AND GUESS WHAT, OUR POOR BRAINWASHED PEOPLE GO ALONG WITH THEIR EVIL PROGRAM SAYING THAT HAITI SOLD THEIR SOULS TO THE DEVILWHAT THE HECK. Your nephew is worth it. As do alot of believers, you should stop your own version of hate and judgement. #2. smh. Even space and time theory probably escapes you (or at least the point of them anyway). I am female. First of all, Allah/God is not a creature, so that is where you error. Doesn't seem to require any facts and an examination of the perceived "evidence" is just that, what some people thought and perceived, still doesn't make it fact. Again nothing from nothing leaves nothing you dam fool. A lot of things scientifically don't add up. In fact, most atheists are also agnostic. If you actually cared about whether or not your god existed (instead of just mindlessly accepting your religion for social reasons, you stupid sheep) then you would provide evidence. He is the source of Peace and Perfection. and he loves you too! But I'm sure Nat Turner, Jupiter Hammon, Phillis Wheatley, and Henry Highland Garnett give zero fucks. That means that Allah is the only true Reality. The faithless will never truly understand until it is too late. they just babble quotes!!! However, he doesnt attribute his talents to God. I love it! The one thing this article seems to misinterpret is people's lack of appreciation for RELIGION as thier lack of appreciation or belief in/for GOD. But really though, how and where does it hurt you to believe? That's why their polytheism begat your monotheism. Put up or shut up. I don't think anyone really knows. Oh!, there is A God. This is the reason why black Americans are on the decline. That's what all of you say now you're just fools. All objective evidence/proof points directly to the contrary. Countries, cultures, societies, cities, families, individuals, without a relationship with Christ will never have true security no matter what! But we are all tumbling along on this speck of dust called earth which is tumbling through this universe trying not to run into shit. Shakira shades ex Gerard Piqu and Clara Chia's relationship and new photos of Shawn Mendes and Sabrina Carpenter walking together in Los Angeles had fans buzzing on Twitter. Show me the objective proof/evidence of your Jesus claims. The truth is that nobody knows the origins of humans including you & those 2000+ year dead men when they were alive. Ultimately each be born who deserves respect regardless of its origins and beliefs , we are all on the same planet . The means reclaim your past or in better words "go back..and get it" Ase`. If I can read Harry Potter without believing it is all real and true you should be able to do the same with the bible, Koran, and any other mythological (religious) texts. What a Nobel Prize is considered by most people (not necessarily me) in the sciences is that you have actually performed the scientific method most effectively and contributed to the pursuits of finding answers to big questions. Continue proving me right. If you continue reading it then says that Ham's descendants will be leaders of great nations. Toby McKeehan. This article says that Religion is ingrained in the black culture. THE MAJORITY OF THESE PEOPLE MENTIONED I DO NOT KNOW B/C TV IS ANOTHER FORM OF OPPRESSION BUT GOOD AT LEAST THEY WILL SHAKE THE CHRISTIAN WORLD UP TO HOPEFULLY LOOK UP THE ORIGINS OF CHRISTIANITY AND OTHER ORGANIZED RELIGIONS. The spiritual side is inside us we can not deny it ( he must first believe in yourself knowing that you are part of a whole) if interress about seriously . http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/08/28/christians-hold-group-prayer-against-lgbt-rights-at-san-antonio-city-hall/. All of you demon possed folks on here have lost your way, that is, if you ever found your way. Kamilah T. Harris So you're a judge too ? Do you only help others because god tells you to and you want to get into heaven??? Savannah Gardiner you do know that both Apple and Microsoft are founded by Atheist. The bible which has origins in the Egyptian methology gives a metaphoric understanding that works for me a millions of others. It's as if no one can go against YOUR religious choices. The author seems to think that they are. I don't believe in him either!!!! is it just a coincidence how everything scientific in our world works? Toby's solo career began in 1999 after the band disbanded. Ruth Ware It was a lot of fluff, crap, and stuff I had to address so sorry for the multiple posts to your post. It was part of their mental and emotional enslavement. you like her better than me huh? FYI. I would apologize for the late response as I have been enjoying a vacation here in Ocho Rios, Jamaica for the past few days. I will continue to debate and spat people like you. You are so brainwashed honey. Keith, obviously cherry pick your scriptures, too because God created demons according to scripture just like he created hell and the Devil. We love that white Jesus more than we love the people we live with and we wonder why we cant get along. For blacks it is especially bad that we are religious, especially Christian. and for that very reason Christan's are held accountable for any hypocrisy behavior. I read the bible but I Look past the aligory stories someof wwhich are loosely based on facts, and look for the lessons that are being passed down. You don't understand how to produce quality If you don't understand that mixing and mastering are equally as important as your rap skills, connections, performance game and producers, you may want to reconsider. can u say that with ur own words and from heart? Interview: Christian Rappers Influenced by the Music of XXXTentacion and Lil Peep (PART 2) By Justin Sarachik December 14, 2018 Last week, in an article titled " Christian Hip-Hop Pushes Emo Rap to a Positive Narrative " we broke down Emo Rap's significance on Christian rap. That this all powerful being who created everything, is content with people being thoughtless drones. I wonder what the Christians in the twin towers were expecting to happen on 9/11. Our families, friends, children, community, lover/spouse, pets, those in need all over the world. Science has disproved this. Personally knowing your savior? I bet you're mighty proud of yourself too with your tinsel education. Fortunately, their permission isn't needed. Your place of worship is not tax-exempt because it is a "personal relationship institution." Or maybe he texts you? Without God I am nothing. The world mentality is sinking faster than the titanic. Religion can limit, or entirely shut down the potential to think and observe outside the realms of a person's mind, giving them no other way to think other than what the religious text has taught them. When Jesus was crucified,"he said"The work is finished"There are no more burden's to carry,because he has met all the DEMANDS OF THE LAW..Its the Holy Spirit that applies salvation to us and works other fruits in our lives..If we see Galatians 3:25-29.We are heirs to the promise..Spiritual life in the body is not a matter of legalism.It's not a burden; it's a blessing,because the Spirit lives within us.. Sam, sounds like you DO concentrate quite a bit on what's not "real". Kamilah T. Harris It certainly is ironic considering you're so far from the definition of that name. Really. Just because humans use religion to justify and perpetuate their ineptitude, doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. It got black people thru 250 years of the worst slavery the world has ever seen. Rooted and perpetuated by human imagination." Some of us; and I say us proudly, because I count myself in that number of those Christ talked about concerning the place he has prepared for those who love him. Alvin Knighton .I'm quoting God's word"It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. 100 years from now if you tell someone about Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen Victoria or President Lincoln what proof will they have? Peace out. I guess all blacks steal to huh? "May the peace of God be upon them. Lol. What is this gods name, birthday, who are its parents, what species is this god? If my last name was herpes would that mean that I have herpes? Alright, alright. That's #1 so no need to come with all this fluff and stuff about "what/who God is, he/she likes and dislikes, the origins of the universe and humanity, etc.". And if I did call out to someone, it would be to family and friends, who I know exist. There was no messiah named Jesus, The problem is, Jesus is not the son of God. That's great! @kamilah, I used to be like you. Despite the struggles during slavery and Jim Crow black folks still believed in God and led moral lives. There has to be a supreme power of perfection, beyond the creativity, computational abilities, and meticulous hands of man, that put the world in all its form. "He who The Son has set free,is free indeed".therefore you're no longer a slave. Tell me why Earth's water and nitrogen cycle are accurate, whereby biotic life follows a smooth and indispensable process. 2) No. Frederick Sparks Gullibility is believing what you hear from others and in the media. Your have put the European lie on Christianity. You failed science classes but you also failed Religious Studies 101. Go tell that to the people who believe what you believe and leave those who do believe in God alone. Fact is fact. Foremost among them King James who wrote his bible to kill his wives to get more wives (sounds like our suicide bombers of today)! 14Then God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;15and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth; and it was so.16God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also.17God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18and to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good.19There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day. His name is Yahhence HalleluYAHget it?So,Yahshua said, I came in my fathers name but you do not accept me but another will come in His own name and you will accept him as the Messiah. apparently you haven't been paying attention, grooveand just like most religious heads i know, you're saying so won't make it sohow about you give us proof how this will be true?been hearing this crap about jesus coming back since i was a kid, and so has my mom, and her mom and dad, and their moms and dads, so forth and so onshit, our people wouldn't be christian if it weren't for our slave mastersand unless you're gonna tell me that jesus and this God are ok with slavery, i don't want to hear itand if they are OK with slavery, what kind of God is this?, a question for you, markhow come this all powerful God, who is responsible for everything under the sun, still has his creations wondering what he looks like?real talk, there hasn't been not ONE actual sighting of this God, everthe only thing you religious folk fall back on are these tired lines passed down to us from generations before usthey prove NOTHINGand real talk, if you are a person of color YOU wouldn't have anything to do with christianity if it weren't for your slave masterjust the same as your name would be markgive them back their shitall of it. Your original post suggested that "Unbelievers should watch this video." Don't fall for the myth that imperialists brought Christianity to Africa, Christianity was in Africa specifically Ethiopia in the 1st Century. Therefore, caring about what they think or feel should not be in your mind when challenging and questioning. Here are 12 cases of rappers who've found God. Atheism is not a belief. Who will you find on this rappers who are atheist or agnostic list? As for your second response, you continue to lie about yourself which is always hilarious. Neither one speaks to you. Isn't that ironic? This is why religiosity and god belief are mental illnesses. Which means you are less knowledgable than the bronze age men that wrote the bible. Put your trust in God, not man. Bert and I know this because of the vast objective and proof that backs us up. They're not mutually exclusive. [48] Greg Graffin (1964-): Lead singer of the punk rock band Bad Religion. Don't fall on my faith, oh (I won't) Don't fall on my fate (Line 'em up!) Jesus is now and forever, He is real. Furthermore, he added that they . [1] Then the righteous man will stand with great confidence You rants should quite personal. How do Samuel Jackson, credits himself from no longer being a crack-head? I think, am I going to hell for this? Everything you claim to be of "no mistake" actually is of mistake. 1) You don't scare me. Keep believing. and when it has passed no trace can be found, Remember, the Lord giveth and the Lord can taketh away. A black Christian is a black person with no memory. Dennis Spurling Like I care. who stays but a day. You ruined it by writing ".that is no fairy tale." Easy mistake. "" All y'all done lost y'all's mind! So be humble and let other human beings who are not harming others live their lives without your judgment. You also don't know the real history of Christianity, the bible, or g/God. Jody Javiera Andrew Next to hydrogen, stupidity is the most common element in the universe. Interesting. Jerry I hope what ever ailment requires you to take medical leave is not too serious. AS A MATTER A FACT, BUDDHISM CAME FROM HINDUISM!!!! where can I follow u Samantha A. Christian. Cheryl South you don't have to be a christian to love and help others. Rappers, experts say, have their own relationships with God, which show their appreciation may come from a variety of sources. Again, present objective evidence/proof for me to look at which support your claims. 1:43. It's so much easier to claim that you know there is a god than it is to prove it. And the fact its a white man lacks even more common sense when all sciences tells us that the first homosapiens are black Africans. That was Satan's mistake and it got him kicked out of Paradise. Loving other's, helping other's is a major part of being a Christian. That giant wall of text gave me a headache. I cant explain this phenomena the Buddhist call it Karma. Well Jerry, since you asked my theory is based on physics. Countries with the least religious and most atheistic populations have the best healthcare, education, least crime/rape/abuse/murder rates, least wars, safest places to live, least violence. Reason why black Americans are on the decline, am i going to hell for?. Have herpes does n't exist as do alot of believers, you should stop own. That God does not make one perfect but it does hold one accountable,... Am i going to hell rappers that don't believe in god this or agnostic list lives without judgment... To dominate others have herpes classes but you also failed religious Studies.., we are religious, especially Christian keith, obviously cherry pick your,! And help others belief are mental illnesses not tax-exempt because it is to prove it variety. Were alive until it is to prove it miracles, there is no fairy tale. his! 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