age difference between david and jonathan
Unless it means something else here, which is what Anstey asserts, we shall have to look for another interpretation. Jonathan is about 45 when his son Mephibosheth is born. So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and prospered; and Saul set him over the men of war. Also Ish-bosheth son of Saul was forty years old when he became king over Israel, and he reigned 2 years. They sang, Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands. The sum of these first two gives Sauls age at his accession to the throne in this case 38. As I have shown elsewhere, Saul was adopted by Samuel as his son when Samuel anointed him king (1 Samuel 10:9). When David wore Jonathans robe he was identifying himself with Jonathan. SAUL IN CONTEXT . Therefore, when David said Jonathans love was more wonderful then David was referring to sexual activity. He [Kish] had a son named Saul, an impressive young man without equal among the Israelites the word bahur is used here, suggesting not youthfulness but vigour (the word often being used of warriors). Than all kinds of spices! Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:1-16, 19:1-10,20 Finally, it may well be that several diverse traditions concerning Saul were in existence, and that the forty year option was the one Paul had been taught. The higher form of love in heaven will not include sex. 1992. vol. In summary, 1 Samuel 20:16-17 describes the sealing of a covenantal relationship, as Jonathan voluntarily gives the throne to David. 2023 | Bible Lessons for Kids, Activities for Sunday School, Free Resources for Children's Ministry Leaders. How would you respond to someone who used Isaiah 66:17 or 65:3-4 to prove that Christians ought not to eat pork? [2] David's victory begins a rout of the Philistines who are driven back to Gath and the gates of Ekron. [46], In platonic respects, such as in sacrificial loyalty and zeal for the kingdom, Jonathan's love is seen as surpassing that of romantic or erotic affection,[47] especially that of the women David had known up until that time. Obviously, aheb has a broad meaning and cannot be arbitrarily limited to sexual love and or a desire for sexual relations. WebAnswer: By the time David finished speaking with Saul, Jonathans life became bound up with Davids life; he loved him as his very self. Zondervan Publishing. The Hebrew word for knit is qasar, which refers to bind, knot, conspire, and league together. This word occurs 44 times in the Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures and is usually translated as bind, conspirators, or conspired. Only once is the word translated as knit and that single occasion is here in verse 1. Another Old Testament expression for sexual intercourse is went in to her. It is descriptive and occurs eight times in the Old Testament (Genesis 29:23; 30:4; 38:2, 18; Judges 16:1; Ruth 4:13; 2 Samuel 12:24; Ezekiel 23:44). It is the general Hebrew word for love. Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David, with his armor, including his sword and his bow and his belt. Dale Ralph Davis in his commentary on 2 Samuel writes. Test: Review Questions . The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David. C4ktI)-O:26aW#(2v'>9jRvhMG(A#`P:wtt(HBV3~_3@zFZ[;$ ] ocyRAd2ssygO%p8 gQ{9k>eq. 7. pp. (All the people and Sauls officers) After the wedding, the disappointed Saul sends assassins to the newlyweds quarters, but David escapes with the help of Michol. The Hebrew words for love in verse 17 is ahaba. Verse 3 tells us that David and Jonathan made a covenant of mutual support. Saul took him that day and did not let him return to his father's house. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. (Angry, jealous) Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him and gave it to David, also his apparel, even to his sword and to his bow and to his girdle. The year 2910 was his first year of reign. (Allow responses. In fact, David went out of his way to accord Saul respect as the Lords anointed and as Israels proper ruler. Conclusion -- Jonathan was at least 58 years old when he died and David We are not told the age of Jonathan, but we can figure it out approximately. Here are the relevant facts: David reigned in Hebron for 7.5 years ( 2 Sam 5:4-5 ), beginning from the time Saul and Jonathan died. Sauls youngest son, Ishbosheth, reigned for the last two of those years, and died at age 42 ( 2 Samuel 2:10 ). Dod appears in Song of Solomon 4:10 and 16. Your friendship with Jesus grows as you daily walk with Him in prayer, Bible reading and obedience. Jonathan loved David: give someone else a hug. Although David was married, David himself articulates a distinction between his relationship with Jonathan and the bonds he shares with women. 3000 Completion of Temple. The Battle of Gilboa, at which Saul and his sons Jonathan, Abinadab (previously unmentioned in the books of Samuel) and Malki-Shua die. It follows that whoever is one partners enemy is the other partners enemy. The word has the basic idea of being in league together or bound together. They believe that the David and Jonathan kissin 1 Samuel 20:40-41 indicates that they were homosexual lovers. 9 (Edersheim). Saul was probably about 40 when he began to reign, reigned 40 years, and died at about 80 years of age. Jonathan cherished David, Achilles loved Patroclus." His wifes name was Ahinoam. In most cases, of course, such a procedure is proper, but in every case we have to read the information in context, comparing Scripture with Scripture, and make sure that our interpretation is sound before adding up the numbers. As well as the basic pieces of information above, the following extra items appear reasonable: To show his Are 2 Samuel 24:13 (7 years of famine) and 1 Chronicles 21 (3 years of famine) a biblical contradiction? As we have seen, the actual number of years Saul reigned was 40, which settles the larger chronological question, but which forces us again to consider what to do with 1 Samuel 13:1. The events are recounted in 1 Samuel 13-15, which record the three falls of Saul. In the first place it appears to be love (, Martti Nissinen, Homoeroticism in the Biblical World, Minneapolis, 1998, Sketches of Jewish Social Life. Saul had already been rejected for eight years. Therefore, the question that this article addresses is, Did King David and Jonathan have same sex relations?. They refer to 1 Samuel 18:1-3 which says twice that Jonathan loved David. This means there is at least a thirty year age gap between David and Saul, and at least a twelve year age gap between David and Jonathan. Jonathan was about 18 at the start of Sauls reign he was entrusted with leading an attack on a Philistine outpost at this time (1 Samuel 13:2,3). Learning Goal: Students will learn that a believers best friend is the the Lord Jesus Christ. The sum of these first two gives Sauls age at his accession to the throne in this case 38. 2. Again, a higher figure is more probable. The traditional and mainstream religious interpretation of the relationship has been one of platonic love and an example of homosociality. This was the love of David and Jonathan. The grammatical and social difficulties are pointed out in respect to 1 Samuel 18:21,[48] as well as the marked difference in the Bible between sensual kissing (as in Song of Songs) and the social kiss of Near Eastern cultures, whether in greeting, or as expression of deep affection between friends and family (as found throughout the Old and New Testaments). Jon Levenson and Baruch Halpern suggest that the phrase suggests "David's theft of Saul's wife", and that the verse supports the construction that Ahinoam, the wife of Saul is the same Ahinoam who became David's wife. OrXi`2 Keil and Delitzsch; and is seen as referring to Merab and Michal: John Gill; T. Bab. That is, Solomons wife is engaged in different activities that is commonly called foreplay today. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); helps you tell kids about Jesus by providing age-appropriate Bible study material and Sunday School curriculum all 100% free online. David, the youngest son of Jesse, kills Goliath at the Valley of Elah where the Philistine army is in a standoff with the army of King Saul (Jonathan's father). Now suppose Saul reigns for 12 years. If Saul had his sons close together then Jonathan may have been forty-two at his death but he may have been older. The first piece of chronological information we have regarding Israels kings is very cryptic, and it serves as an guide to the interpretation of some later mysterious statements we shall find as we go along. [39] (This event, however, is never described in the Bible, and this particular interpretation has been disputed by Diana V. Edelman, who remarked that, "Such a presumption would require David to have run off with the queen mother while Saul was still on the throne, which seems unlikely."[40]). The preceding verses indicate a series of campaigns, and the following chapter describes a prolonged action against the Amalekites. 2909 Death of Abdon; Samuel appoints sons, rejected; anointing of Even if you have good friends Jesus always needs to be your best friend. % David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned for forty years. Jonathon was the son of the King whereas David was the son of a sheep farmer. Moreover, the King James translation does not make much sense: "Saul reigned one year. Our enemies are His enemies and He fights for us. 1 Samuel 14:49 Sauls family David is about 20 years younger than Jonathan, and is himself born a few years after the start of Sauls reign. Ackerman explains this as a case of liminal, viz. He remains in Gath for 1 year 4 months, as well as unspecified times in more remote locations. In fact, the saints in heaven will not engage in sexual activity between one another. This is our fault. The point is that God would not do that. Here we are told that the souls of Jonathanand David were knit together and that Jonathan loved David in verses 1 and 3. The number 30 in the Septuagint is almost certainly a copyingerror. Mephibosheth five years old when Saul and The description suggests a mature man who had already gained the respect of others. He shot the arrows and spoke the signal that told David that his life was still endanger. It involves love that flows from God to our hearts, a friendship love, and a physical love, that was designed by God. ?/72J~f]/^7Gc=$Ldai+v,Klc3E_7?,cQ7]?e[|m^Z&E9O93}r\;]_2iQ)G-GOt21 Ive looked at several different versions of the verse and some state one year old, and two years over Israel and others state thirty years old and forty two years over Israel. It occurs in Genesis 19:8. The next question to be addressed is, How should we understand 2 Samuel 20:41 where we are told about a David and Jonathan kiss?, Then Jonathan gave his weapons to his lad and said to him, Go, bring them to the city. When the lad was gone, David rose from the south side and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed three times. 2 Samuel 5:4 Sumamry of Davids reign Neither term is ever used for David and Jonathans relationship. ." The Expositors Bible Commentary. Jonathan is slain on your high places. When David and Jonathan were alone they hugged each other and wept. Nardelli disagrees and argues that the various covenants Jonathan engaged David into as the superior partner gradually elevated David's status and may be seen as marriage-like. But neither term occurs in 1 Samuel or 2 Samuel. Love does not always mean sex. (Jesus). Site design and hosting by . You have been very pleasant to me. "David and Jonathan: A case of unconditional love? This is relevant to the question of 1 Samule 13:1. (His robe, sword, bow & belt) (Information on the exchanging of robes/weapons- The resolution of the problem has bearing on how the book of Judges dovetails with the books of Samuel, as well as links with external matters. Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. 1999. p. 26. But not only were they emotionally bound to each other they expressed their love physically. There are two obvious problems with this verse. Copyright 2022 by RockWay, LLC. 19.2. It was not sexual. Jonathan around 53. Jesus is the mighty friend of sinners. Thus I wanted to get your thoughts on this passage. In other words they believe the David and Jonathan friendship was homosexual. (He was jealous of David because the Lord was with him), How did Jonathan protect David from being killed by his father? We believe that children and parents benefit from a strong Christian education program in the church. The name of his older daughter was Merab, and that of the younger was Michal. No longer an enemy of God, a believer is a child of God identified with Jesus Christ. Saul had three sons, of which Jonathan was the oldest. Presuming Samuel anoints David at around 20 years of age, he would have been at least 60 at this point of time, a realistic figure. What does the Bible say about homosexuality and lesbianism? Samuel was around 73. Bible Story:Davids Friend Jonathan, like his father Saul (16:21), loved (Hb. [50], At his 1895 trial, Oscar Wilde cited the example of David and Jonathan in support of "The love that dare not speak its name": "Such a great affection of an elder for a younger man as there was between David and Jonathan, such as Plato made the very basis of his philosophy, and such as you find in the sonnets of Michelangelo and Shakespeare. David was a young man at the time of the encounter with Goliath, during Sauls reign. This interpretation does full justice to the grammar of 1 Samuel 13:1a as well as to its context. Therefore, the question must be asked, Since when must love between two people always refer to genital contact?. Learning Context: Sunday School How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! It occurs 210 times in the Old Testament. How have the mighty fallen, Further, since the Bible overwhelmingly refers to homosexuality as a sin and wants us to not engage in this sin (Genesis 19:1-26; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:22-28; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10), why would God select David to become the king of Israel? The difficulty arises because the passage in which Sauls age at accession, and regnal length, has been damaged at an early stage of transmission of the text. Samuel was around 49 years old at this time. David took off his shepherds clothes and put on a princes robe. Sometimes the length of a kings reign will be given in terms of something other than his literal rule over the nation. 2Sa 5:4 David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years. He is described as strong, swift, and a talented archer. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Jonathan and David make a covenant of friendship. . On that day a covenant was cut between the two friends; its terms we are not told but its practical issues stand revealed. Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them. Genesis 19:5 (NASB). Copyright Ministry-to-Children. When a person enters into the New Covenant through faith in the Lord Jesus something similar takes place. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. The covenant is described in verses 12-15. the description of David and Jonathan's first few meetings in 1 Sam 19:17. However, God commands us to have agape love toward everyone. Jonathans choice to be Davids friend revealed Godly character traits. 1 Samuel 20:40-41 (NASB). Since his sons were old enough (though not moral enough) to be judges themselves at this time, they must be presumed to be around 30, and Samuel at least 50 years old. The sages characterized the relationship between Jonathan and David in the following Mishnah: Whenever love depends on some selfish end, when the end passes away, the love passes away; but if it does not depend on some selfish end, it will never pass away. Ish-bosheth is at most 30 when he takes Sauls place as king. It is a variation on the basic Hebrew word for love, aheb. The age difference between David and Jonathan could be lessened by supposing that Saul and Jonathan were both older than the values shown for example if Saul was about 10 years older and Jonathan in his late twenties at the time of his fathers accession. 2942 (Hypothetical) David driven away by Saul. It was not just a spiritual bond it became covenantal for Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul (1 Samuel 18:3). (Successfully) Who was pleased with David? Suppose Saul reigned for 32 years. We are told this happened when David was thirty years old (2 Sam 5:4-5). Was King David gay? David rises in rank in Sauls army, marries Michal, and develops a close friendship with Jonathan, at the same time arousing Sauls jealousy. It is otherwise hard to account for several features, including Sauls inability to recognise David on his arrival. A few late manuscripts of the Septuagint (Greek) translation of the Old Testament read that Saul was 30 years old when he began to reign, so that is how the NIV renders the first half of the verse. Gilboa along with his two brothers Abinadab and Malchi-shua, and there Saul commits suicide. Gagnon states, "The narrators willingness to speak of Davids vigorous heterosexual life (compare the relationship with Bathsheba) puts in stark relief his (their) complete silence about any sexual activity between David and Jonathan. 8 0 obj (David killed Goliath with a stone and a slingshot) David's lament (the Song of the Bow) for Saul and Jonathan. All who put their faith in Jesus as Savior take off their filthy rags and put on His robe of righteousness. In the hope that David might be killed by the Philistines, Saul gives David his daughter Michol in marriage provided David should slay one hundred Philistines. Its not strictly necessary, but if youd like to give us additional information about this error, do so at our feedback site, Samuel would be rather over 80 years old when anointing David, and Saul would be leading his army at the Battle of Gilboa at an age of around 80. 1 Samuel 18:1-4 (NASB). Jonathan voluntarily gives the throne to David (v. 16-17). The emphasis is on Sauls capacity for rule, not his age. A thousand men were with Jonathan at Gibeah Jonathan attacked the Philistine outpost at Geba The next day David was playing his harp for Saul. Ish-bosheth presumed to be the same as Ishvi of 1 Samuel 14:49 was younger than Jonathan. (David) How did God show His power through David? In other words they believe the David and Jonathan friendship was homosexual. As David proved himself faithful as court musician and armor bearer, he was soon elevated to a prominent position of leadership in the military (18:5).[1]. The next significant passage is 1 Samuel 20:16-17. Please use our childrens ministry curriculum and Sunday School material for any purpose that brings honor to Jesus. The basic idea of being in league together or bound together and Jonathans relationship friend Jonathan, his. Program in the church else here, which refers to bind, conspirators, or conspired him as son! 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