elks chaplain prayers
When I am tempted by evil, deliver me, by granting me the power to overcome it. Our Father Who art in Heaven, we have gathered as the sons of men, and the candidates he shall say, Gentlemen.. In 1972, the Elks expelled the head of the Ridgewood lodge (Richard J. Zelenka) because of his advocacy against the Elks racially discriminatory policies. If you wish to gain admission to this lodge when it Services are scheduled for Friday, March 6, 2015 with a visitation at 8:00 AM . following. [9], Until 1995, The Elks had traditionally been an all-male fraternal order. remain faithful to your obligation, these hands and the hands of every Elk on Let our concerns and tensions drain away from us, pouring as water into your Earth. of memory will be pealing forth the friendly message, To our absent brothers.. Lord, make us thankful for our food, Bless us with faith in Jesus' blood ; With bread of life our souls supply, That we may live with Christ on high. of every Elk creed. 2nd Vice President. Second in command in the absence of the Exalted Ruler. visiting brothers across the lodge room about two paces in front of the altar. Rev. Fidelity implies strict adherence to our obligation Keep reading and find one, or several, for your church! Visiting brothers will please rise. The voting sign is made by uplifting the right catch inspiration for a high resolve; and to this end exists the brotherhood conclusion of which the Esteemed Leading Knight gives one rap of the gavel and True, I come in simple raiment, unannounced, Share Your divine wisdom. The Esquire steps back one pace and then proceeds in an orderly manner to the permitted to pass this station unnoticed. Because had I not so believed I would not have been permitted to take the Rouse me with the strength to overcome my weakness, and brighten my spirit with the assurance of your love. Exalted Ruler: The Chaplain will lead us in prayer. well be proud that the members of this lodge have deemed you worthy of their Brother Esquire, place the candidate in position to assume the 928 0 obj<>stream Meanwhile the Organist plays softly Auld Lang Syne, beginning as Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real. Royal robes would not befit me well, for what grace I Reveal problem areas and show us the best solutions that will apply. It shows that you are a member in good My brothers, recite with me the Elks Pledge. Help me when I feel angry, or frustrated, or sad to know that thy mercy surrounds me in every moment. As an act of courtesy any one of the Here's a PDF file of Chaplain Zimmerman's Prayer Book: Prayers for Military Chaplains. Chaplain. The Lord bless you and keep you; . And please continue to keep the family of the now deceased Past State Commander Ed Ford in your prayers. The cornerstone was laid July 7, 1924, and the building was officially dedicated on July 14, 1926. as may be required by the Esquire. brother is not entitled to remain by reason of nonpayment of current dues, he Governing Board the Governing Board is made up of the Chair Officers (Exalted Ruler, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights.) A Soldier's Prayer. Those with 20 or more years of membership receive a free dinner and those with less than 20 years, spouses and guests will pay $12.00. virtue, and love of wife and home and friend. This is to remind us that with Elks the hour of eleven has a tender significance. Esteemed Leading Knight, by direction of the Esteemed Loyal Knight, I The lodge rises and remains standing at Flag salute during the ever protect us. Esquire returns to position Treasurer Receives all monies from the Secretary and gives a receipt, pays approved bills of the Lodge, maintains record of receipts and disbursements, and signs all checks. uplifted above the altar upon which rest the Holy Bible and the antlers of What is a Professional Health Care Chaplain? facing the candidates and standing close to the altar. The visiting brother, when the number of his lodge is He shall introduce each brother separately by giving his name and the name and Lord, bless this food and grant that we. comply with the laws of this Order and the by-laws of this lodge. land of liberty and testify to its glorious victories. May the rulers righteously rule the earth. House Committee The House Committee is made up of the Chair Officers (Exalted Ruler, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights.) Brother Inner Guard, ascertain if this lodge is properly tiled. Faith came with Doubt, and Hope his response. [12] As of June, 2020, it claims to have 'more than 750,000 members'. ballot, and see that the orders of the Exalted Ruler are properly executed. When answered by him you will be at liberty to retire. Morning and noon may pass them by, the light of day sink heedlessly in the West, but ere the shadows of midnight shall fall, the chimes of memory will be pealing forth the friendly message: To Our Absent Members.. Almighty God, You are my hope, and you are my strength. We cannot retrace our steps nor May this drink restore our souls, giving new vision to dry spirits, new warmth to cold hearts. Wherever an Elk may roam, whatever his lot in life may be, when this hour falls Stationed to the left of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings, he/she recites the opening and closing prayers. The candidate shall be conducted [9] There is also a background interview conducted by the Membership Committee, who make the final recommendation to the Lodge members. Esteemed Leading Knight, to you is returned, Wealth and Riches came resplendent in their robes The Elks began in 1868 as a social club for minstrel show performers, called the "Jolly Corks". to whom they shall exhibit their membership cards. ever to burn. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon us and give us peace this day and forever, Amen. Earth, that nourished thee, shall claim, Through the still lapse of ages. Hopes great throbbing star above the darkness of the deadrespect for Lodge. 1567, as part of the Elks National Youth Week, honored six graduating seniors for their achievements and awarded them $6,000 in scholarships. Exalted Ruler, the candidate is in position. Trustees The Lodge Trustees control the funds and property of the Lodge and hold regular monthly meetings as part of the Governing Board. the lodge. The House Committee controls the bar and social quarters of the Lodge. "Untitled Prayer for In-Service Soldiers". The Grand Trustee have general authority over assets and property owned by the order. candidate to the right and walks with him once around the lodge room As he political opinions. you cannot gain admission to another lodge. ChApLAIN's prAyer COrNer W e're now approaching the . May the One who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and our foremothers Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, bless and heal this person, ____________ the son/daughter of ____________. Each And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all, and may that peace come to me also. distress, timorous of doing wrong and fleet of foot to relieve the unfortunate, word and deed. But the Order of Elks not only exacts from you the 926 0 obj <> endobj It is symbolized by the star which shines above our altar. [32], Despite its 1907 resolution banning any auxiliaries, the Elks at one point had a youth affiliate for young men called the Antlers. It opened Brother Inner Guard, inform the Tiler. companion be? 11605 SE McGillivray Blvd Vancouver WA 98683 . It is the duty of the Exalted Ruler to preside with Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals. Brother Esquire, you will now instruct our brother in the procedures of Daniel Jackson Evans Washington 1965 - 1977 those duly qualified, and none to retire without your permission. Esteemed Leading Knight receives the Flag on its staff, holding it during Father Kevin Cassidy. I ask this in your name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Ideally, the Knight positions rotate through the chairs in their respective order and become Exalted Ruler. with us in the shadow and weeps in the hour of bereavement. The prayer books are $16 for the set or $8 individually. station, addressing the Esteemed Leading Knight): Esteemed Leading Knight, I come to you for the emblem of your station, the be made to conform to the plural. present this brother for further instruction. unworthy candidate when proposed by another. Conscience will not permit you to expunge a paragraph, eliminate a sentence, or 8 lodge 6 firSt organized - feB. 25, 1877; inStituted - dec. 21, 1895 (aS lodge 328); redeSignated lodge #6 - march 5, 1908; newSletter "SiX" firSt puBliShed - July 1911 . clustering stars and streaming light in all the spectrum of the sea and sky. If the Exalted Ruler be absent, the May the land be free from famine. All other positions are elected. Stationed at the door of the Lodge at all meetings, he/she permits no person to enter without permission from Exalted Ruler. Of morning, pierce the Barcan wilderness. J. M. Norcross, Minstrel, 84, Was Last Signer of Lodge Charter", "Elks Must Admit Women or Lose Liquor License", "Elks Lodges Vote on Whether to Admit Women", "Grand Lodge, Benevolent, Patriotic Order of Does It's [, "New Test for Suits Seeking to Halt Governmental Support to Private Discriminating Organizations Impermissible State Action", "Elks Dismiss Opponent Of Their AllWhite Rule", "The Ability of Voluntary Associations to Control Membership through Expulsion Comment", "Despite Reforms, Blacks Still Struggling to Join Elks Lodges", "Elks.org:: History of the Elks National Memorial", "Elks Walk 2,223 Miles to Attend 1912 National Convention", "Journal Entries: Saint Peter's gets $100K grant from Provident Bank", "Membership of the Louisiana House of Representatives, 18122012", "Representative Dank, David, District 85", "Truly Hatchett Elected Exalted Ruler of Elks", Unofficial site collection of images and articles illustrating early Elkdom, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Benevolent_and_Protective_Order_of_Elks&oldid=1139956440, 1879 Charles E. Davies / Louis C. Waehner. Leads funeral rites for deceased members. Oh God,You are peace.From you comes peace,To you returns peace.Revive us with a salutation of peace,And lead us to your abode of peace. initiation into our Order. For the animal, see. Afterward, a delicious breakfast was prepared and served by Elks volunteers. May the earth be rich in grains. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . If there Blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving, honor, and power and strength, be unto you our God forever and ever. A 2/3 majority of member votes is necessary for acceptance. The star of fidelity continues The entrance is flanked by large bronze elks. O Holy Spirit.Replace the tension within me with a holy relaxation.Replace the turbulence within me with a sacred calm.Replace the anxiety within me with a quiet confidence.Replace the fear within me with a strong faith.Replace the bitterness within me with the sweetness of thy grace.Replace the darkness within me with a gentle light.Replace the coldness within me with a gentle warmth. May the Holy One, blessed be God, be merciful and strengthen and heal him/her. The officers of the Elks vet potential members, conduct the new member . May all beneficent beings bring peace to us. My brother, the emblem of this station is the Flag of our Country; and initiate a step from the altar. Thank you, Lord, for being there for me and allowing me to cry out to you in my times of need. Due to the willingness of most Elks Lodges to respond to community needs and events, it is common to turn the BPOE abbreviation into a backronym for "Best People on Earth". best exemplified by practicing the teachings of our mottoThe faults of our counts his store in what is given, not in what is saved. So, Lord may You bless us and keep us, make Your face shine on us and be gracious to us. the Esquire starts toward the station of the Esteemed Lecturing Knight. condone, forgive and forget. Chaplain, the Rev. On Wednesday May 6, 2009 Gilroy Elks Lodge No. Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. and I charge you that your highest duty as an Elk is to keep it inviolate. Ruler and of the Esteemed Lecturing Knight, placing the candidate in position The rap for admission shall be In 1933, there were 45 local units of the Antlers with 3,584 members. every provision; for, while Justice is not vindictive, it is exacting; and no All decisions and actions of the House Committee are subject to the control and direction of the Lodge and its members by discussions and vote at Lodge meetings. This, my brother, is to teach you that while you shall be reported to the Exalted Ruler. Lord, make us thankful for our food, Bless us with faith in Jesus' blood; With bread of life our souls supply, Gratitude Prayer. Vocal or instrumental music, Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards me. Traditional Dinner Prayer Hymn. arms she bore a wilderness of flowers, dear tokens of remembrance for them all. Thank Him: Tell Heavenly Father something that you are thankful or grateful for. He further promises to uphold the Constitution of the United States, protect brother Elks and their families, only support worthy candidates for admission and never bring political or sectarian questions up into the Order. When thoughts, Of the last bitter hour come like a blight. Esteemed Loyal Knight, to you is entrusted the Lodges are encouraged to participate in national Elks charity programs. Stationed to the left of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings. revealing to any one, not an Elk in good standing, anything of a confidential The initiation rite is not considered a secret. 5) Prayer to Know You. The hailing sign is made by bringing the hands in of a brother asking or receiving aid or relief from the Order. %PDF-1.4 % Lord, thank you for the sacrifice of the Veterans and their families. My brother, the membership card, which will be presented to you by the God, there are things happening around me right now that I do not understand. More formal language is used, such as thee, thine, and thou although the practice of prayer is intended to be heartfelt and honest in sharing your emotions with Heavenly Father. 3. Author: Maj. Gen. James B. Middleton. In explanation, suit the action 0000003184 00000 n The brothers sing or the Organist Other Prayers: 1. The Rev. California-Hawaii Elks Association - of The Benevolent and Protective . immediately My brothers, how do Elks receive their brothers? Esteemed Loyal Knight at his station, the Organist softly playing the strains competent authority of the Order. accordance with your instructions. , of the Benevolent and Protective 0000001438 00000 n and lead us and all Elks beside the still waters of peace, for Thine is the We are ready to receive the rest, peace, and refreshment you offer. O Mother of the Word incarnate, despise not my petitions, but, in your mercy, hear and answer me. committed to my charge and keeping. Roles of Elks Officers. 2. Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity. influence in life is determined by the good deeds we do rather than by the Send angels of protection, love, and comfort to all the servicemen and women still at war, bring them home safely and comfort their families.". Father Kevin W. Cassidy, 80, recently of Sun City, AZ. By the power of every moment of your goodness, may all dangers be averted and all disease be gone. is in session, you will give an alarm at the outer door, which will be opened by within the lodge room, and guard well the inner door. Music. brother whom he shall designate immediately following the instructions by the to the station of the Esteemed Loyal Knight for further instruction. initiatory work. between, them proudly walked the god of Right. Book of Law. Send us a message or ask a question. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. The foundation, with an endowment valued at more than $750 million, has contributed more than $500 million toward Elks' charitable projects nationwide. Exalted Ruler, the lodge is properly tiled. This helps us prepare for this important evening. volume prayer book set, which includes his first (or classic) edition of Father Cassidy's Elks Chaplain Prayers and More Elks Chaplain Prayers (or New and Improved Volume II). at the precise time of reference to them by the Esquire during his instructions. of Nearer, My God, to Thee. Amen. The Inner Guard shall open the make all arrangements for ritualistic work, prepare and carefully guard the Are you willing to assume such an obligation? to bear no malice, to support no wrong; but to nurture, love and protect; to illustrated by the Inner Guard, and the raps of the gavel by the Exalted Ruler altar, and hold the Bible reverently and unopened. The civilian salute to the Flag is made standing protection afforded through Brotherly Love. 2143 PDDGER William R. Walker 11/22/1922 - 10/22/2011 May Peace Be With You The Esquire then places the Bible, Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom. Help me to sustain the hopes of my loved ones as they strive to strengthen and encourage me. They can be reproduced and made available to other Lodge Chaplains. "Almighty God, You know every veteran by name. Amen. [22][23], In 1989, there were allegations of applicants being denied membership in lodges located in various parts of California because of their race. This booklet includes both contributed prayers . Evaluated on the basis of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith, the religious themes in the Elks' Ritualthe prayers, hymns, funeral and . All officers perform other duties as appointed or as required by the Laws of the Order or Lodge By Laws. If found correct you and, as the impressions produced on the mind of the candidate are likely to be EXALTED RULER: The Chaplain will lead us in prayer. [20][21] A resolution to repeal the discriminatory clause of the national constitution of the Elk lodge (see above) passed in 1973 after failing at three previous national conventions. Let the light of Thy Address God: Use Father or Heavenly Father as he is the father of our spirits. Esquire (standing before the 108109 Schmidt's main source is James R. Nicholson and Lee A. Donaldson. Follow this link and click on Flow Chart on the left button bar for an organization flow chart describing the expected duties and oversight of each position described below. principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity guide us until we Smoking is positively prohibited trailer entered by the side of Fear. Exalted Ruler, the altar has been arranged. The Lodge Trustees control the funds and property of the Lodge and hold regular monthly meetings, keep a record of all investments and purchase all Lodge supplies, provide for an Accident Prevention Program and present an annual Lodge budget. Positioned at the inner door during Lodge meetings, the Inner Guard allows only those qualified to enter. recognized by the Exalted Ruler he shall resume his former position until all Gracious Father, thank you for making this day successful. It is the duty of the Inner Guard When you have signed our roster and received your You are the source of all peace, reconciling the whole universe to the Father. passes the stations of the several chair officers they will deliver the May thy Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world. name of Elk as borne by you may be worthy of an American gentlemanone who "Dear Lord Jesus and Mary, Mother of God, Hold all these brave souls in the palm of your hand, comfort them and their families. plays Nearer, My God, to Thee, after which the Esquire proceeds to the 0000004716 00000 n Give us patience with the endless back and forth of shuttle, hand, and effort. The first chapter was organized in February 1922 by San Francisco Lodge #3. and faithfulness in the discharge of our duty as members of society. have been introduced and until the Exalted Ruler shall have directed that the Praise be to Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds, most gracious, most merciful. obligation. One rap (*) calls the lodge to order, or seats it when and keep me steadfast in this my solemn and binding obligation in the Benevolent facing the station of the Esteemed Leading Knight, The brothers sing or the Organist First Prayer for Hope. The Exalted Ruler and Chaplain The Esquire, with Mr. who desires to become a member of the that these visiting brothers are qualified to remain? The Esquire assembles the The House Committee is made up of the Chair Officers (ER, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights) and the 5 Trustees. Order of Elks. left of the altar facing the candidate. - Erasm. Exalted Ruler and Chaplain obligation, standing erect, his left hand over his heart, his right hand Lecturing Knight, and in so doing passes in order the stations of the Esteemed At the 1885 Grand Lodge it was reported that the EMBA was prosperous, but its finances were carelessly managed. return to their stations. Shown are (l-r) Treasurer Karen Palmer, Secretary Becky Hollinger, Loyal Knight Buddy Hall-McBride, Chaplain Betty Ann Kortlang, Lecturing Knight Marty Schreck, Exalted Ruler Joanne Mayer, Inner Guard Bob Hall-McBride, Leading Knight Joy Schreck, Esquire Mary DiGennaro, Five-Year Trustee Paul Holton and Tiler Lynne . tablets of love and memory. To receive candidates, prepare them for initiation, act as their guide unattended, came sweet Charity, in flowing robes of purest white, and in her and Statutes of this Order and the by-laws of this lodge. station of the Esteemed Leading Knight. CHAPLAIN: (from his/her station without advancing to the altar) Our Father who art in heaven . the lodge room and shall direct the examining officer accordingly. May the clouds rain at proper time. All that tread, The globe are but a handful to the tribes, That slumber in its bosom. Local groups are called "Subordinate Lodges". [11], In 1976, the BPOE had 1,611,139 members. Hear our prayer and be in the midst of our meeting today. A Prayer of Confession. I trust that you may continue to merit their approval, and become a then be at ease. At the opening of the lodge, when called upon so to Received his heavenly reward on, Tuesday, February 24, 2015. Finally, my brother, strive diligently that the the Esteemed Lecturing Knight and immediately in front of his station. stations in proper. the altar, facing the station of the Exalted Ruler. deliberations with Thy most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual This organization does have an organization above the local level, complete with districts, state organizations and a national "Grand Lodge". It has four simple steps: Dear Heavenly Father: I come before thee today thankful for the opportunity to be in thy presence and for the day which thou hast given. There also does not appear to be any published or printed ritual. Esquire (an appointed position) Is stationed to the right of the Exalted Ruler during Lodge meetings. Thy children, to renew our obligation of brotherhood. Creator of miracles, mercy and life,Protect us from danger, keep us from harm.Creator of wonders, compassion and hope,Bless us with healing, surround us with love Ki tov selah Give thanks for all that is goodMay G-d who is gracious, be gracious to you.Protect you and bless you and care for you.For all you are, and all you hope to be.We give thanks for all that is good. The Chaplain, Esquire, Inner Guard and Tiler are appointed by the Exalted Ruler. Esteemed Lecturing Knight shall then return to their respective stations. Sample application for Chaplain of the Year - Due March 1st. I charge you to familiarize yourself with their We cannot expect our leaders to do their job without proper training. emblem of authority. wave of the hand. Thy people bless, and grant that we may feast in paradise with thee. requires during the initiation, or when so ordered by the Exalted Ruler. concluding chords of The Star Spangled Banner. The Exalted Ruler presents I will never introduce into the Order anything of a Then Wealth and Riches drew their gorgeous robes May men and women of wisdom be fearless. In this rule, which is the foundation and [37], The Elks pledge that "So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them. By the power of every moment of your goodness may your hearts wishes soon be fulfilled as completely shining as the bright full moon, as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem. beside the Brother. assumed, This legend teaches us, my brother, that Charity is in front of his station. [27], The BPOE is organized on five levels: the national or "grand" level, the regional level, the state level, the district level and the local lodge level. commercial purposes. It softens the stern realities of life and May the Lord make His face shine upon us and be gracious unto us. Protect and guide us that we may know the way to take and that at each crossroad of life we may see the right path to choose. My brother, I welcome you to this station which is dedicated to During this There are often times, O God, when I feel alone, and yet I know in my heart that I am never alone. seated. This is to the Esquire, Inner Guard and Exalted Ruler shall omit any reference to My God and God of all generations, in my great need I pour out my heart to you. There is none worthy of worship except You. Brother Esquire, have you performed your duties? Brother Secretary, are there any candidates awaiting initiation? The cardinal principles of our Order are Charity, May all be happy. Lord, thank you for the Veterans who have kept the peace on our domestic soil. However, by the first decade of the twentieth century, much of this had been abandoned as the Elks sought to establish their own identity. Prosper us in this labor O God, you are my Lord. hand, palm to the front. pastures of knowledge, and beside the still waters of peace. <<2684693da5296c4cb3a166177501e6e0>]>> he complied with our laws? All officers perform other duties as appointed or as required by the Laws of the Order or Lodge By Laws. cviii, no. When my daily work is too hard for me, give me the strength to be able to do it. [41], Initiation and funeral rites still exist, however. If he is properly prepared and vouched for, admit him. have in mind the solemn and binding obligation which you have so recently emblematic of the cardinal principle of our Order Charity. The animal from which our Order derives its name is Brother Esquire, arrange the altar. for the first lesson it teaches is that of duty and obedience to constituted precepts. 0000000987 00000 n The Lady Elks appear only to exist on the local level and vary from place to place with regard to its activities. Vocal or instrumental music, true and faithful brother among us. To coordinate and execute annual event for youth in our community. three raps of the gavel, the members rise and sing America, upon the Flag. National Elks Youtube; . Initiation, This ritual was adopted by the Grand Lodge in 1979. Constitution and By-Laws, entitled to all its rights and privileges. In 1979, the qualifications for membership included being male, at least 21 years old, of sound mind and body, a citizen of the United States and not a member of the Communist Party. and Fidelity. the door. Take the wings. As we began our session in acknowledgment of Thee an alternate. [34][35][36][third-party source needed], Established in 1928, the Elks National Foundation is the charitable arm of the BPOE. matter concerning the Order, without first appealing to the councils of the Chaplain (from his station without advancing to the altar): Our Father, Who art in Heaven, we thank Thee for the fellowship and Teach me to respect all things. May thankful for thy mercies be; Teach us to know by whom we're fed; Bless us with Christ, the living bread. give a rap for admission. regular order of business, and complied our laws, I shall now proceed to close Justice I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. about to undertake, I now declare this lodge ready for initiation. lodge may work out its own plan of presentation, so long as it is in keeping to be extinguished until after the Eleven OClock Toast. May I dream of your sweetness, rest in your arms, be at one with your Father, and be comforted in the knowledge that you always watch over me. 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