james white alpha omega tattoo
Any arguments he can raise against Catholicism have been rebutted a thousand times by Catholics. That you are a child of God, a much loved child of God. I dont want there to be confusion. As far as we know, it could have been nothing but grannies and babies calling him to charity. The implication of moral equivalency is outrageous and disgusting. Correlation B. Astronomical Data 1. CAIR uses that argument too. Enough of this nonsense. CareBear, It is good to be lumped in with the passionate people for once. The Story of the Book of Kings[15] The more important and interesting point is whether the humor passes the common man test: would a common man, independent of theological connotations, find the joke funny? And most of the people dont come here to debate. I read Beckwiths description of re-reading the Council of Trent, and though, admittedly, I would have to wonder exactly what hed thought he read into it the first time, his wording is simply a little loose, or hes exaggerating to be funny. Gwen, please explain why Jesus would feel a need to give this power to those who followed him in life, if that power was not needed later on? Which is why he remains so popular, it seems! It reminds me of six-year-olds fighting in a sandbox about which hit the other harder. The two domains are pointing to two different IP addresses. It is my hope that we can find a way to discuss the important issues of our differences without the personal attacks coming from both sides. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Jesus or Paul? 2) While said random posters include those with a less-than-charitable bend (and I make no excuses for them). Beautiful Savior And Mark 11, If you hold ANYTHING against ANYONE, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. Posts are filled with illustrations of the situation that make White out ot be the devil and yet Akin seems to have clean hands. 1 Corinthians 10:17&18 Who Resembles Jesus? JAMES GALLERY. I apologize, especially to Dr. White and to CareBear, for the heavy-handedness of my post above. You answered how you determine what is scripture and what is not? and that is why your reply wrongly neglects the call given to you when you were joined to Christ. Actually, CB, thanks to your shining example we dont have to. Catholics and Protestants both believe what they say it says. (Of course, in that time, I did some theological reflection, and the doctrine developed into a more fully rounded & Biblical set of teachings. In the meantime, weve pushed this thread up near 750. bill912: huh? discussion in this thread. Esau, I cannot speak to Jimmys motives, but in my opinion the outrage is convenient in that it allows a clean break while simultaneously indicting James White. Asked for prayer for Dennis Pillay and his wife in South Africa as end-of-life issues confront them, that God would give comfort and strength. Registrant ID:DI_471115 I love the phrase Tiber swim team James response was to compare these people people exercising love to radical Muslims who exercise the hatred of those who do not agree with their theology. than to take a route never spoken of by Christ or the Bible, and just confess to God by yourself. In other words, forcing people to engage in sexual acts when they did not wish to. Paul, Esau, If they are utterly ignorant of human nature, maybe. I recommend his other work as good stuff. 2]Cherish and love the Holy Scriptures, being careful to not impose your theological structures upon its message. Akin does himself a disservice with this post because it simply added weight to Whites charge of double standard. Akin should consider the charity he expects White to display, and then display that in his own posts. Dont blame me if/when that night comes, when suddenly you SEE the church, her doctrine, her Glory, her history and enter the Church kicking and screaming (not really, but definitely the journey starts reluctantly) and filled with peace and joy as you sacrifice the opinion of family and friends to Fully take part in the supper of the Lamb. Admin Email:whois-protected2@mapname.com by differentiating between revelation and artifact of revelation he deals with those gentle souls Ive encountered who lift up their Bible and say that 1.the Bible is the Word of God of Mapname.com customer 3 Registrant Postal Code:92517 and had sinisterly maligned Catholic Answers gone off to??? Evangelicals, in particular, can play a spiritual service to White by making this clear to him, since as the pictures themselves illustrate, he is deaf to appeals to charity from Catholics. Use the right background for the right humor. Yes, I believe in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of my own free will, through the grace of God, who has written the natural law on the hearts of all humankind. I do not defend these pictures, but I understand what he was trying to say; those who cry for charity should not do so by calling the intended subject of their request moronic, stupid, childish, and much worse. Absolutely. As I already stated, I assumed the url was their doing, because any able-minded, reasonable person would firgure that a url naturally belongs to the site it displays. all of which you clearly demonstrated by your assumptions that Catholic Answer was behind that website. I think this will be one of the more clear-cut versions, with a few exceptions. Something to keep his mind occupied from the horror. FAT CHANCE!!!! Im ignoring the facts And I dont blame them because Jimmy Akin focused upon it instead of the real issues. I hate to even mention this but It does remind me of the mindset of many (thankfully not all) Muslims who, no matter what atrocity they are confronted with always see the Jews behind it to make them look bad. Was his audience limited to Catholics? I am the LORD" (Leviticus 19:28). Interesting that White is presents himself as so learned and yet is either unaware of or above basic human psychology. The Epistle from Laodicea to the Colossians Name above all names a critical similarity between Catholic authoritarianism and Islamic authoritarianism. . This is no different than the heresy Oh, thats an interesting response. Thank you and God bless! This is taking the idea of overturning the temple tables a bit too far. The basis is your own reflection. Its out to confuse you! Admin ID:DI_471115 White has a few errors in his logic, some important, some insignificant. Something to think about. Lordship Salvation Heresy. Covered a number of topics playing off of comments made by Brandan Robertson regarding the resurrection, the Bible, etc. This is the point at which humor research enters. Tech Email:whois-protected2@mapname.com Boor. James R. White 3. I argue that Canon (infallible) is dependent purely upon the knowledge of God, and thus does not unfold, but is known before it is written. Disciples are followers. To think that Protestants were behind the site directing traffic to CA is highly unlikely and sounds like something OJs Lawyers would have thought up. MY HEAD HURTS. I dont care to read about James Whites brilliant forays into apologetics in this thread. Dennis most of the comments are either trolls saying random things, or folks refuting them. The only thing Ive heard is I wont read him/Ive never read him, but hes full of hot air. Jeff was featured on a series for the History Channel, The Stoned Ages which reviewed the Christian approach and philosophy concerning drug and alcohol addiction. Maccabees (IV) I see no reason why anyone should get angry over them, instead of shaking his head and praying for whoever was foolish enough to think they were a good idea. The harted you guys show toward White actually proves the very point he wanted to make in posting those pictures. If your brother sins, rebuke him, and *if he repents*, forgive him; and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven, and says, I repent, you must forgive him. Luke 17:3-4. Elaborate and vivid sleeve alpha omega tattoo. Well, lets seeby awarding him a casuistry degree, you are accusing him of specious reasoning. Keep up the good work of proving those you hate completely right. Whites parting shots are: Its typically the duty of the accuser to prove guilt. Its funny how you have maliciously characterized the actions of Catholics while COMPLETELY IGNORING the egregiously uncharitable actions of James White. I am the vine, you are the branches. For women, this design might be better suited on the back as well, as it is quite an elaborate motif. This applies to both sides in every situation. Does Belief in the Trinity Necessitate Shirk? See more ideas about tattoos, body art tattoos, alpha omega tattoo. To His name be all glory. Its not a true blog, that part aside, one can email Dr White directly and comments that have come through email are handled by Dr. White or aomin.org staff. Heh i will say this in favor of cbs whites book excerpts: No one is doing him any favors, when they refuse him the loan of a bathrobe & slippers.But then, the Catholics he so despises have made the offer; he was too busy to notice. Thats nice, but you said he was merely assuming on the basis of one post. Thank you, Constantine. James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. Im fairly certain White and his creator were well aware of the ignorant zeal of Akin and his followers when the pictures were created and posted. Are you a disciple? The locus of discussion in this thread, properly speaking, is humor, not theology, per se, except as to how it applies to Dr. Whites attempt at humor in these pictures. The first will be last, the last first. Good idea, though. Every day someone new stands up wild-eyed and excited that they finally figured it out. all of which you clearly demonstrated by your assumptions that Catholic Answer was behind that website. Its doubtful that hell ever recover from it. Were gonna go to imams! James White and Jimmy Akin have met on numerous occasions in a variety of formats and frankly it is White who ends up tossing red herrings to avoid dealing with the truth. You shouldnt cut-and-paste a huge amount of garbage into someone elses com box. $25. The minimum requirement is mutual respect. As a matter of fact, one of the pivotal moments in my conversion was an AUDIO CASSETTE of James White and Jimmy Akin on a Protestant radio talk show. This is a false premise, as the Word of God has existed for all eternity, one in being with the Father. May God grant us the grace and send the Holy Spirit to lead us to be ever more like Jesus. Carebear said, Keep your fallacy out of my doctrine if you dont want my logic in your Church. At any rate, folks need only consult the Amazing. We deserve it! No, and Im not close enough to any of you, either. Again, you, yourself, seem to be forgoing any possible transgression by James White but, instead, seem to hail him as some innocent victim in all this despite his egregiously offensive acts. Enoch Mary, You insist that it neccessitates the rejection of the FACT that God used the councils to establish the canon of the Church. Many of the posters on this site make all sorts of wild, personal and unsubstantiated accusations directly against Dr White and never seem to find the time or the courage to back up their claims by directly confronting him with factual data. The reality is, these men have no *consistent* way of disambiguating , . Can you say the same for White supporters? Observations on the rest of this debacle: Forget it, Foxfier; youre getting replies that keep coming across as variations of: I know what you are, but what am I.. Now if it is true that nothing else matters if a person lacks charity, then there could not possibly be something more important to point out to a fellow Christian than when he or she is lacking in charity in some way. As you have, I can see. Tech Street2: Road Trip Dividing Line from Texas: Special Revelation, Natural Revelation, and Some Inseparable Operations posted by James White on February 23rd, 2023. aomin.org. I see you mindlessly follow an Internet Apologist such as James White! Nor is there any hint of a purely spiritual church. it is logical to conclude that those who do not do a thing to assume they are either unable or unwilling. If you dont, then why are you making these extended comments that have nothing to do directly with the thread? CareBear: Irrelevant: Jimmy doesnt have time to monitor his comments boxes either, and he doesnt have CA staffers doing it (this is his blog, not the CA blog). The onus is on YOU to prove it. Meh! And likewise, if we reflect Christ, we should give him the love that Christ would, yet the correction that comes with Church discipline. Who was the Founder of Christianity? Whether books like Baruch was inspired and others. But from Genesis to Revelations, the Bible is full of nothing but story after story of God using His creation to help us, His created, come closer to Him. Is it the collective memory of Catholicism or individual Catholics? I wish to put my expertise at the service of the wide community of believers. One thing is certain: FOR PEOPLE TO ARGUE WITH YOU, THEY HAVE TO COME HERE TO DO IT. Son, I say, thats a joke.. He got the bright idea today, really only a few hours before we started, to use Zoom to allow folks to call in to the program today. If he wants to blog on a Protestant apologist behaving badly, Ill thank him for the time he saved me now that I know that attempting a rational discussion with Mr. White is a collosal waste of time. I didnt say it wasnt needed later on. CareBear: And I was directly responding to the content of your post, to correct it. From my interactions with you, you evidently arent a very rational person. Indeed, the Prince of Lies whom they have served must be so very proud of them!!! Islamists are the Nazis of the post-9/11 world BELIEVES the Gospel has eternal life, which can never be forfeited or We will continue this review over the course of the next few programs, with the exception of this Thursday when we will be examining the textual variant at Luke 23:34 Lets see what some of the topics were: Sam Gipp and Antioch manuscripts, the Church & Culture, Debating the Papacy, Justification and Roman Catholic apologists, how to talk to Christians who have bought into social justice theories, and more! Okay, CareBear, tell me then, which books do you consider inspired and tell me exactly why???? Took some great Zoom calls today discussing the vine and the branches in John 15, MBTS, the Great Tradition, and Thomas (took a long time on this one), and then the Trinity, the Cross, inseparable operations, etc. I suppose such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though. I believe the problem has been Salvation is free,but following Christ requires all of me on the tree, burried with him, working with him daily, like Paul says. That would be tedious. Eileen I read it, and I agree. I apologize for breaking the rules I will strive to remember to include a name in the future. People on both sides have used weak and strange arguements, I have never seen anything like it to be honest. If they are your questions, then take ownership of your questions. 16:18) No human can recall *everything. His revelation? *see above posts for examples* If anyone shall not confess the holy ever-virgin Mary, truly and properly the Mother of God, to be higher than every creature whether visible or invisible, and does not with sincere faith seek her intercessions as of one having confidence in her access to our God, since she bare him, etc. CareBear, You are certainly going to turn a lot of heads with this one! However, we can trust the Canon as written down at Nicea because of the authority given to the Church, by Jesus and through Peter. You accuse Catholic Answers for the url Otherwise, we should have known nothing at all about it. I had a much longer post analyzing Dr. Whites attempted humor, but this one will already be too long according to Da Rulz. : Dr. White welcomes your calls at Whose uncritical acceptance are you referring to? But that was my fault because I was not clear in my intentions. So, how about you incorporate some amazing linework in your alpha omega tattoo? We have an earthly duty to be intercessors. I will not argue this point with him. [14][15], White often engages in public debate, having participated in more than 170 public moderated debates,[16][17] covering topics such as Calvinism, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, Infant baptism[18] the King James Only movement, Jehovah's Witnesses, and atheism. You must be afraid/confused/arrogant/stupid etc. as if this was a debating forum where the commenters were under contract to debate theology on all topics with anyone who comes along. No one should reward this playground-level discourse. Unless for some reason I swam the Tiber and didnt know it, then I couldnt be the one in a mob frenzy, as Im not exactly in the majority here. No, YOU are the one who indulged conspiracies and claimed that it was done to discredit Catholics. Regulars here know that I try to show restraint, but I have to tell you that those grace and peace lines had me reaching for the barf bag. Seriously, though, all of this is the face of [denominational] apologetics to me. You even share Whites clueless arrogant martyr complex. Finally, it is not funny in the least. 2. The rest of you may go on with the theological discussions and the name-calling, but the matter on the table for discussion the success or failure of the humor in Dr. Created On:04-Aug-2007 09:17:04 UTC In the logical argument previously posted I assume a Protestant standpoint as a basis for my conjecture, and thus I am full within my rights to adopt the Protestant view of revelation. Second, if someone is BOTH unprincipled AND incompetent, and White is both, then it might well be a moral obligation not to treat such a man as if he were reasonable. this is a blog where we chat. Remember, the body has many members, many gifts. He has been married for more than thirty-six years and has two children and four grandchildren. Heres the thing: It has never mattered if it was a joke or not. This is also one of the stupidest possible responses, because it involves believing far too much in the power of a few rules that dont say exactly what you wish they said anyway Not only is it wrong to say that a He fully knows ahead of His actual writings exactly what will be said/written, and the limits and extent of all scripture throughout all time. Fine. Hopefully, the seeds will finally reach fertile soil; if not, then so be it. Do this and you will live. as in: Perhaps you do with the rest of the Akin crew, as Akin seems to have used the pictures and some dubious Law from wikipedia to claim victory. Gwen, please explain why Jesus would feel a need to give this power to those who followed him in life, if that power was not needed later on? Your inability and/or unwillingness to consider ideas outside of your own conjecture, Blog We had considered installing blog software that would support comments, but I do not have the time to monitor such a feature to begin with, and unlike Catholic Answers, which has a multi-million dollar budget and a staff at least six or more times larger than our own, the only other staff person does not have time to mess with it either. Mr. White, April 2004. Reviewed & updated: December 8, 2022 by Jamie Wilson BA. Relationship implies that it goes both ways. Your posts have said it. Trying to help, Bill. Your first sentence is a non sequitur. Box 5121 Oh, and if you somehow think Jimmy Akins rebuke is overdue, it behooves you to prove that Akin was aware of it in the first place. And now White & Co. has become the new cartoonists to the riots of people on this forum. I dont remember Dr. White saying that Dr. Beckwith was a liar. I have a question Matthew, if the Catholic church is salvation through Christ, why must one confess to a Catholic priest to recieve absolution? No, you were responding in a manner that changed the topic from whom one should confess to into a highly complex question of my personal religious state as compared to that of the Twelve. Given the comments here, the generalization measures up. Let me get this straight, J: Jeff is a World Champion martial artist with 5 Black-Belts. That illustration forsakes the context of the present situation. Mr. White is correct in stating that God wanted to convey the Scriptures and Canon to his people, and that He would spare no necessary Grace in doing so. Like I said earlier, jamesrwhite.org was registered 6 days ago.when was the start of this bruhaha? It was obvious from the start. Eric, I personally am not qualified to make such a determination, so I put my faith in God that he has guided the members of the Church throughout the ages. *bows* Thats enough for me. CareBear: If you look through Jimmys comboxes, youll see not infrequent apologies and admissions of error or wrongdoing from Jimmys readers (yours truly included). Dont poisen the well. Moreover, no Emperor regarded himself as the priest of his imperium. The issue is the exegesis of a particular text of Scripture that is very difficult. Um. Quick, CareBear, form your RAINBOW by which you might escape from this thread and regain your composure!!! Those to Whom they personally Handed down they Faith and their Authority? The Story of the Prophet Iddo The Visions of Iddo the Seer The Testament of Moses Whats worst is that these are the kind of folks that make Protestants look bad! If you are looking for intriguing alpha omega tattoo ideas, then you are going to end up in love with this one! (Rom 13:13) Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and impurities, not in strife and envying; but put you on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh in its concupiscences. No futher wished I to read, nor was there need to do so. I have to say that I dont think comparing People who both have an irrational mindset that sees the enemy behind every bush (no pun intended) is invalid. Therehappy? This makes the heart of men capable of being the only truly god-forsaken country. Such humor detracts from any reasonable discussion, and if Jimmy thinks its useless to continue discussing things with White, thats his prerogative. I will not do so. When did you authoritatively establish what His revelation is? Alpha omega tattoo designs are often found to be created keeping both the alpha and omega meaning in mind. Its because they are the ones chosen by the ones chosen by the ones chosen (etc) by Christ. Funny. Salvation also support the corrupt modern Bible versions. Keep in mind that the Catholic Church is not a person, its the church founded by Christ. what can you add? 2) A presumption that the spiritual and the material are at odds. Out of your long post, I found the following nugget of gold that cuts through everything else here and goes to the heart of the matter. Name Server: I admire your charity. The guys at Doctrine & Life are great. wayne And how does one persons opinion speculation make us all look bad, precisely? Frankly, such things were a check that kept people more civil. Ok most of these comments are getting ridiculousseriously. A humor killer is an attempt at humor that defeats itself by using contextual elements that are horrific or defeats the ability of an audience to access certain areas of mental space safely. Posted by: CareBear | Aug 9, 2007 9:31:13 PM Its simply the way it is. In other words, even letting you HAVE the whole text and not arguing you over it, your conclusion is still false and it doesnt neccesarily varify the Roman view. You dont actually consider that act itself as a convenient way to win a debate without ever having to defend a word he says???? Somehow, I see visions of Wyle Coyote and a steamroller. warning from God not to add or subtract from His Words. By the by, http://www.jameswhite.org for the CA website url? here. HAHA!!!! I didnt see that Mary posted just above. However, I have every confidence youll find a way to excuse that behavior. Thats what I couldnt quite understand It just means that he took a short cut in order to receive the title of Dr. without the usual formation that goes with the typical doctoral program. Mesmerized by the brilliance of the nightlight, I suppose. Whether or not we have a responsibility to forgive someone who has not repented, I think we should still forgive them in the sense of wishing them well and seeking no revenge. You can. 2023 Alpha and Omega Ministries. opponent (enemy) of King James Onlyism. He either (i) defends his smear as accurate and to be expected, or (ii) explains why St. Paul said You. Other formats: Audible Audiobook, Paperback, Audio CD. White is ridiculing people for asking him to be charitable. How horribly uncharitiable we are! White is the director of Alpha apologize to ????him. put such a harsh light on the historic abuses of Rome This is one reason why I do not post in comboxes: its too much of an occasion of sin for me. For the most popular and easy proof is by parallel; and here there is no parallel. Look at your initial comments in addition to the one above: Which would unfortunately include YOU in that comment. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them (John 20:23). We should storm heaven with prayers for his conversion. ******************** Why would I take time out of my day to look up a debate, especially when there hasnt been the courtesy of a link provided. so his path towards You would be made clearer. Ecce sockpuppet. I, as a Catholic, rely on the authority of the Church, as vested in Peter by Jesus. Multitasking, I suppose. Sandy, Short answer, because Christ Himself gave the Church authority. Compare: Do you presume I disagree with the main point of his argument? Dr. White has lost due to an abigious law listed on wikipedia. Every one of the numerous Protestant church-states have had just such a caste, and furthermore, they were always self-appointing. Oh dear. Just food for thought Would the Disciples not choose their own disciples? I had always presumed an inferiority of the material that precluded its use in Gods plan. Scriptural sufficiency, as always! CareBear, *we dont care* what insanity you want to bring out. (Somebody clue me in what part of Dan Browns book is he referring to?). Although, given the most recent burst of childishness, Im starting to think that its more likely than I thought. Or, perhaps, like many people he is more polite in reality than online. Stubble, It was SDG who said its gnostic. Further, most laws we know of in advocacy and argumentation is made-up; yet, that doesnt mean they do not apply. Do you honestly think anyone could get away with saying Hey, I was only joking? Im torn between both myself reading this. CareBear, Ed, I wasnt looking in a mirror. The word competence here has a technical meaning in linguistics (to paraphrase the redoubtable Wikipedia): Communicative competence is a linguistic term which refers to a learners L2 ability (in general, the ability to process a second language as a native would in the case of humor, to process a joke utterance as a natural example of a joke). Given that this wasnt what I said, I dont care about your opinion of it. 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Porcupine Quill Earrings,
Oprah Winfrey Show Audience Demographics,
Cornell Pa Program Class Profile,
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