nextcloud change data directory
But after this Ive got Not Found trying to open my Nextcloud in a browser. drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Mar 11 10:53 updater Ive mounted the folder I want from the dataset, but struggling how to move the nextcloud data directory to the new directory. move your data, Im new to nexcloud but I want to use it. You can simply stop the server, move data directory, change path in config and start server again. Now I am trying to figure out how to back up an additional existing folder on my Mac without having to move everything into the Nextcloud folder. PostgreSQL database with the Nextcloud command line tool. no file access r/w for user1 was possible. SQLite is good for If an external drive is where you want to end, and not somewhere else on the filesystem, then just rsync or cp -a your current data directory to the external drive and then mount it to your current data directory location. For example. Ive got Nextcloud installed onto a Raspberry Pi 4 with 2 GB of RAM, running Arch Linux ARM with a LEMP stack. I managed to get to step 8, but as soon as I try to switch off maintenance mode, I get the following error: Does anybody know why this is happening? CWSpear/local-persist The solution describes the update from brrrlinguist very well. Well, Stefan it really sucks that no one helped you out since I am having the exact same issue and cannot find a solution. My NC config was in sites-enabled and your in conf-available. Missing permissions. Leave Again, read the HowTo, putting Nextcloud in maintenance mode assures that no data R/W is done, hence is absolutely sufficient to have a safe data transfer. Edit the database: In oc_storages change the path on the local::/old-data-dir/ entry. The files in the skeleton directory are copied into the The config.php entry must be changed. which are not used any more. You can add additional folders to the synchronisation in the settings of the client. My challenge was that I couldnt get NCPi to target to RAID as I was doing a fresh install and RAID was built after NCPi was installed. There are also few topics about it, but it does not help for me. nextcloud.import: Import data exported from another Nextcloud snap instance (via nextcloud.export). Move /data to the new location there is only one data dir for all users (of course subdirs each user) and there should be a protection against symlinks from inside the data dir to outside. This can leak referer information. Im about to do a fresh re-install, and Ill use your suggested configuration. Anyone have the same problem can help me? If you have any guide or video link to help, Ill appreciate it. I am just scared to make changes in places where I have very little or no experience. Best regards But to be sure and not mess up the database with obsolete entries it is recommended to replace the old entry with the new one manually as mentioned in solution 1. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You can do it with docker-compose like in this docker-compose.yml to adapt at your needs. Double-check the directory permissions on the new directory. Error with the data file location and it doesnt work. apps will not be converted even with option --all-apps. You want it outside of /var/www/. Change default data folder. So I tried the original setup (putting data in /var/www/html/nextcloud/data), and got through the installation. For security, it's best to place the data directory outside of Nextcloud webroot directory. First set up the new database, here called new_db_name. If i clicked on beenden it immedeately ended. because those changes will be overwritten on the next update of the Nextcloud See the W3C. May be a bug (?) -rw-rr-- 1 www-data www-data 2976 Mar 11 10:52 index.php i deinstalled nextcloud-desktop, since I have the network-drive directly mounted now in nautilus, so I cannot debug this further. I rechecked the ownership from the new data folder, chown -R www-data:www-data /var/ncNewData/, and this solved it. I am wondering if it is possible to create a Samba share for Nextcloud that it can use as a data folder. Then you switch the data-dir in config/config.php By default this imports the database, config, and data. I got into "Can't create or write into the data directory /mnt/nextcloud", Now I tried to setup a fresh nextcloud where I want to choose the location during the installation and still I am having the same problem, I did change the permission as below and have the same error (Can't create or write into the data directory /mnt/nextcloud), New installation accepts only the location "/usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/data", where is the problem and how do I fix this? based on there are two possibilities to change the data directory in context of installation: before and after creating the admin user. -rw-rr-- 1 www-data www-data 15752 Mar 11 10:52 AUTHORS You can use any backup software that supports WebDAV for that purpose. The data folder. drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Mar 15 15:41 . with the question Continue with the conversion? and then I run ln -s /mnt/external_hdd/nextcloud /var/nextcloud, right? Im installing Nextcloud 18.0.2 manually onto a Raspberry Pi 4 (Raspian 10 - Buster), using MariaDB. -rw-rr-- 1 www-data www-data 5235 Mar 11 10:52 remote.php If you updated your Nextcloud instance, there might be remnants of old tables Start a shell in the Nextcloud container ( docker exec -it name-of-nc-container bash) and run chown -R www-data: /var/www/html. Nextcloud stores the data directory location and all it's files locations inside it's database, that can be chosen during installation as well. I mean a dummy nextcloud user. To create a new external storage mount, select an available backend from the dropdown Add storage. Click on Choose file or folder to transfer >> A file picker opens, showing all files and folders in the user's account. -rw-rr-- 1 www-data www-data 26 Mar 11 10:52 robots.txt drwxr-xr-x 14 www-data www-data 4096 Mar 15 15:39 . I just installed next cloud and it is up and running. The entire /mnt/MyData now have permissions (set with sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt Im not sure how secure this is but it works. : Move (or copy) the current data directory to the new place: And you should be up and running using external storage for Nextcloud's data. Thanks you for a question, just get an A+ after reconfiguring my server, Run a2dissite nextcloud.conf to disable this particular config and reload apache2 should be enough to take new config: service apache2 reload, I tried to comment alias and add the DocumentRoot in my /etc/apache2/conf-available/nextcloud.conf. What exactley does not work? Personal spot :: :: Try not to get lost! drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Mar 11 10:52 ocs-provider I think it didnt, I only found the Dropdown for sync, einstellngen, beenden. Heres a screenshot (in German). Also I think its best if I do this with the whole thing turned off, do all the things on the external hard drive, then take the SD card out of the Raspberry Pi, create the symlink and modify the fstab this way. After that save it: CTRL+O and exit using CTRL+X. If Nextcloud finds no matching database entry, it creates an additional one, which then works fine according to quick tests and user reports above. That will change the owner and group of all files under /var/www/html to www-data. You could use this command: And here I have little concerns about the 777 permission. Locate the app in question from that list and then disable the offending app with the command: sudo . Great work, all! What is the best location for the nextcloud data directory. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Appliances (Docker, Snappy, VM, NCP, AIO). I don't know what steps i need to do to change my data directory. Then I tried to adjust the permissions. On the host the files will be owned by some . I always received permissions errors for user1. Assuming all of the above, also make sure www-data (your web user) owns everything recursively in /var/www/nextcloud/ and /opt/nextcloud/ when youve finished setting things up (before launching the install wizard). See nextcloud.export -h for more information. Configure the data directory and change it to your data folder path, No, not an unix user. I have mount disk on UCS 4.3. I just installed next cloud and it is up and running. Sure I guess hacking could take place to achieve that, but Id like to rather not do this. drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Mar 15 15:41 And then you must rescan all with occ, sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --all,, Wyh not NextcloudPi, You set the correct rights for your nextcloud user for /mnt/external_hdd/nextcloud (use a linux formatted file system like ext4 or btfs). drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Mar 15 15:46 files_external If altering the database on data dir transfer is recommended, then this should be just the same when migrating a Nextcloud instance to a different server and having a different data dir path there. Because you edit config and try to disable site. Hard Drive 2 with 2TB should be only have the files which are stored in nextcloud. But I am failing on both methods to change it: But in case /var/www/nextcloud/ it is not possible to get A+ on with a __Host-Prefix security hardening issue. But I get your point. Connect the removable-media plug as mentioned in the README in order to grant the snap permission to access external drives. You told me to cd and find the directory where the data folder is stored which I did. The mysql command line tool can be used from any shell/terminal/emulator/SSH, according to the HowTo: Usually
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