raid: shadow legends campaign drop rates
That's going to take about 1225 runs or 22050 energy. Finding good gears can push you further into the campaign. It goes pretty fast - I do 6-7 for speed gear. And, on Saturday, March 4th, we're planning to launch x2 event for dropping Retaliation set artifacts at Ice Golem's Peak. This unofficial subreddit is maintained by players and fans of this game. This means a total of 18 champions (6 per key) will be . Just simply levelling, ascending your champions, and upgrading gears will be enough. }, You can come back later to farm stars. "@type": "Answer", all you have to do is look through the campaign chapters to see what champs drop where (And all "Misc Drops" can drop in any stage of the chapter, just FYI) i. i. A subreddit for the hero collector RPG mobile game, RAID: Shadow Legends! If you are low on Silver, farm at the 3rd stage. This unofficial subreddit is maintained by players and fans of this game. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So 8.7% for a 6*-drop. All other data is datamined. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Brutal has a higher chance of getting champions than Normal or Hard." Glyphs are categorized based on 6 rankings, whereas forge materials are categorized based on their rarity (Rare, Epic and Legendary). Stages 1-6 drop common and uncommon gears. Greater potions do not drop before stage 4.StageQty 1Qty 2Qty 3Qty 4Qty 5Qty 648.78%4.05%0.68%0%0%0%59.10%4.20%0.70%0%0%0%69.43%4.35%0.73%0%0%0%79.75%4.50%0.75%0%0%0%86.40%4.80%3.20%1.60%0%0%96.80%5.10%3.40%1.70%0%0%107.20%5.40%3.60%1.80%0%0%117.60%5.70%3.80%1.90%0%0%126.00%6.00%4.00%3.00%1.00%0%136.30%6.30%4.20%3.15%1.05%0%146.60%6.60%4.40%3.30%1.10%0%156.90%6.90%4.60%3.45%1.15%0%167.50%7.50%5.00%3.75%1.25%0%170%8.25%8.25%5.50%4.13%1.38%180%9.00%9.00%6.00%4.50%1.50%190%9.75%9.75%6.50%4.88%1.63%200%16.50%16.50%11.00%8.25%2.75%if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gamingnoble_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',703,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gamingnoble_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); This last table on potion keeps shows the chances of getting superior potions starting on stage 8. The best farming champions are those with AoE. Definitely not cause you may regret it later. On the other hand mystery shards and XP, brews have the highest chance of dropping in stage 1 and gradually decrease till round 16 where it goes all the way down to 0%. However, the 3rd stage only gives slightly less, in most situations, but drops shields, which sell more than other pieces of gear. To that end I've been farming for the Rares (only Spirithost remaining now) that are required in the fusion. Rank up your starter by using 3 3* uncommon in the tavern to 4*. Press J to jump to the feed. The Campaign bosses do not require any specific strategies to beat. I can see how some numbers correlate, but i dont see any way of adding numbers in any row or column to arrive at what should be an obvious 100%. If a particular champion hasn't dropped for me yet in campaign (or if I've never gotten it from anywhere, depending on the "received from anywhere" vs "received from campaign" question), farming for it on a higher difficulty won't increase my chance of getting it? In this post, we will be looking at Raid Shadow Legends dungeon drop rates as well as looking at the most energy-efficient stage to farm for dungeon events and tournaments. So any energy you spent to get that piece is technically wasted. The chance in any one battle is higher in Brutal, yes, but does it remain higher when factoring in the multiple battles that are possible (given n energy) on other difficulties? In each chapter there are two potential targets for farmingexp and/or silver: the 6th stage will always give the highest exp (more than the boss stage, which also has a higher energy requirement, and so most people do not run it). It will stretch your account to find specific champions with the right buffs/debuffs in order to take down this beast. @Cactus Poop to be clear, ONLY campaign bosses can drop rare artifacts. First lets have a look at the chances for different stars and rarity based on the dungeon level: Looking at these chances, we can compute the chances for each combination of gear level and rarity, which are as follows: What you can see is that Level 25 more than doubles your chances of getting 6* Legendary gear. } If it is rank 5, upgrade it to level 12. 3 7 comments Best Add a Comment Noobeeus 4 yr. ago Faction Wars rewards Glyphs, Soulstone and Bloodstone when you successfully clear all enemies in the stage. If you wanted to farm artifacts, wouldn't the better play be for the artifact dungeon? - Replay Campaign or Dungeon levels if you see a drop that you like, be it a new Champion from the . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you choose to do the grind, it may worth the investment since Executioner could be a high-level Minotaur farmer. Rank up each of 3 uncommon champs in the tavern by using 2 other uncommon champions each (so 6 for total). The first three stops in the main campaign 1) Kaerok Castle, 2) Sewers of Arnoc, & 3) Catacombs of Narbuk Stops 04-07 in the Campaign; 4) Durham Forest, 5) Felwin's Gate, 6) Palace of Aravia, & 7) Tilshire 8) Valdemar Strait 9) The Deadlands 10) Godfrey's Crossing 11) The Hallowed Halls 12) Brimstone Path The Main Campaign My question is about drop rates for those Rares, and about the optimal farming strategy if you're F2P and looking to maximise drops per energy. So for example the Novice chest values equate to 200% because that chests drops 2 items at random. Look for gears in the market or farm it in the campaign. } Artifact dungeon has higher energy costs though so itll depend on the rates. The food Champions are usually killed in the first round while the farming Champion will make it to the end. With the update to clan quests I've seen one on both Expert and Elite that says something to the effect of get a Rare "x" from campaign. ", People usually do not want to farm gears in Campaigns because Dungeons give Epic gears. So to do it, 1st thing is rank up your champion to 6* and level up to 60, then your starter must reach these following requirements: These above stats will help your runs reduce to roughly 40 50 seconds each. Just came to rant, thanks for making the charts XD, My bad Through a re-check of my own experiment results, I noticed they always drop something besides the silvers. Each campaign chapter has 7 stages. samples of 100 multi runs puts destroy at a Waaaaay higher drop rate then the rest of the sets. { Feb 7, 2019, 07:15 02/07/19. On nightmare I seem to only get uncommon items as drops (and the usual shards or heroes). "@type": "Answer", "@type": "FAQPage", Avoid using force type champion. All starting champions are generally great at farming. All of the drop rate tables below are for potion keep dungeons which all share the same drop rates (spirit keep, arcane keep, magic keep, force keep, and void keep). Note that the drop rates are the same across all dungeons (Dragon, Spider, Fire Knight, and Ice Golem). After reaching Brutal 12-3 and farm it normally, even with auto mode on. This page is not linked in the sidebar, and it would be very helpful if it was. With a recent post on the RAID: Shadow Legends discord, Cirilla, the Community Manager, confirmed Ma'Shalled would be reworked! BUT that part might not be important to understand, since I imagine I will spend more time after the point where every campaign-droppable champion has dropped. So I assume the change in probability when a champion first drops is mostly irrelevant, or indirectly relevant -- once that change has happened for each champion, how do things work? The MOST useful reason to review campaign drop rates is to farm champions, and that appears to change for most stages between difficulties. Raising food should always be done with 3 food champions, as exp is split equally. He ask about drop rates of those rares, that you may get from campaign, not the drop rates of shards. I mean does the %dropchance go up on higher stages? With it being the second time we've had the artifact hunting event, I decided to collect data and find out what the drop rates for each of the artifacts. b) I also understand that the drop rate for the Rares is higher on Brutal battles than Hard, which in turn is higher than Normal. If you are at hard difficulty, but cant farm further more than act 9, you should go back to Normal 12-3. Now if youre wondering what the most efficient level is to farm for Dungeon Divers Events and Dungeon Tournaments, heres the rundown. 1st, what will you get out of the categories of loot available. Check market regularly cause sometimes it does have some good artifacts. From Mystery Shards, you can get . It's the only place you can get the really juicy stuff like; Shards, legendary, epic, and rare books along with Cruel and immortal gear. "text": "A maxed skill executioner can help you push through brutal difficulty. { I got half of all available champions just by completing the campaign on easy, but farming the same chapter for experience gave me just a second copy of a champion I already have after one hundred other runs! So we have 36 acts in total. As you may have noticed, I have not[], Artifact enhancement isn't the most fun aspect of Raid: Shadow[]. Each run has a chance of dropping any of 6 pieces of 9 sets. Using AoE skill with low cooldown (3 or lower). These drop rates are: In this table, you can see the drop rates for lesser potions in potion keeps. The higher difficulty stage you clear, the better rarity and more resources you can farm to craft powerful artifact sets in the Forge! What do I do now? "name": "Should I farm dungeon for better gears? "acceptedAnswer": { Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In this last table for Spiders Den, you can see the most energy-efficient stages to farm dungeon diver points and tournament points. Thanks to sonarc for providing us with a calendar for[], Hi everyone! There are 5 potion dungeons, 1 accessory dungeon, 1 mastery scroll dungeon, and 3 artifact dungeons. }, Stage 7 drops all gears from the 6 previous stages. This table displays the quantity of potions and the chances to get the specific potion rarity (Lesser, Greater and Superior) for each floor difficulty. ", Or what? All other stages will drop common and uncommon artifacts. From my expirience I'd say rare artifacts have a 1 in 6-7 chance of dropping and if there's an equal chance of getting any type of artifact I believe you have a 1 in 40 chance of getting a rare shield. My suggestion is to keep 4-5* gear, and also remember to pay attention to main stats. To farm efficiently, the farming Champions must kill the enemies in one hit. { The way this works is a fresh champion will gain white scrolls until they have full white scrolls, then you gain brown until full on brown and the same for red. Is Executioner is a good farmer? It just a wasted of energy and time. Like Likes 0. Each chapter drops a different set. Are there any tables like this for regular campaign? Is difficulty affect the champion drop rate? Do we know if these drop rates are still up to date? A skill with a 3 or lower turn cooldown is very effective because you can use it multiple times during fight, and it is quite easy to gear. "acceptedAnswer": { Great Potion Drop Rates "@type": "Question", You can gear more quickly, and more efficiently, by targetting the pieces you need and farming til it drops with the right main stat, and some decent substats. Each of the first 6 stages will drop one piece of gear, and level 7, the boss stage, can drop any of the 6 pieces dropped in the other stages. You can also buy these from the Market for 5,000 Silver. If not how much of a difference is the drop rate between Brutal and Nightmare bosses since Nightmare takes twice the energy? This is the main use of Executioner. Rarity rate is the same for all difficulties of campaign. It displays the drop rate for all shard types (Ancient Shard, Void Shard, Sacred Shard), skill tomes (Rare Tome, Epic Tome, Legendary Tome) as well as the amount of Silver, Gems, XP Brews and Potions that is obtainable from the various chest rewards (Novice, Adept, Warrior, Knight, Guardian, Master, Grandmaster, Ultimate, Mythical, Divine, Celestial and Transcendent). Farming in Campaigns gives you both XP & gears at once. } Raid Shadow Legends Dungeon Drop Rates Raid Dungeon Drop Rates (2021 update) July 8, 2021 Data Updated July 2021 with drop rates for Dungeons Level 20-25 Back in October 2020, Manibal and his crafty crew had discovered drop rates for all sorts of cool things. (3*: max level is 30, so 4*: 40 level, 5*: 50 level, 6*: 60 level). You might have seen videos of people using Bellower or Saurus that can clear Brutal 12-3 in less than 10 seconds. Im a bit confused by the Clan Boss table. So with 2 champions, that means 50% goes to the farming champion is wasted, but with 4, only 25% is wasted. If your farming champion can 1 shot every wave of enemies, focus on building attack and crit damage. You want to be able to kill each stage as quickly as possible, to decrease your farming time. Breakdown of all the rewards including odds and analysis on how many mythics you will get from the Hydra Boss! Even if your food champions die, they still receive EXP cause EXP is shared between all champions equally. Energy Cost: Easy = 4; Hard = 6; Brutal = 8. } Updated July 2021 with drop rates for Dungeons Level 20-25. Thanks in advance. Any answer to both of these questions would be appreciated. Ultra-Nightmare Clan Boss rewards (top chest) Silver 50k silver: 20% chance 75k silver: 13% chance 100k silver: 9% chance Potions Big potion 1 potion: 8% chance Middle potion 6 potions: 22% chance Legendary ) to 200 % because that chests drops 2 items at random level 20-25 artifact... 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