standards and guidelines for partial hospitalization programs
The plan may address patient safety concerns, primary symptoms, self-esteem issues, coping skill deficits, priority decision points, level of motivation, recovery issues, barriers to treatment, and factors which impact readiness for discharge. For each person seen through telehealth, the staff providing a treatment service must have the following readily available: Any individual offered telehealth services must consent to telehealth services and should acknowledge consent before the first session of telehealth service: [Provide the statements through email or display on the screen during an intake or first session]. All programs pursue the goals of stabilizing clinical conditions, reducing symptoms and impairments, averting or reducing inpatient hospitalization stays, and providing medically necessary treatment for individuals who cannot be effectively treated in a less intensive level of care. In other cases, an individual from a troubled or dysfunctional family may benefit as long as goals and interventions are designed to facilitate communication or reduce stress within the family unit, or even seek genuine supports outside of the identified family unit. The summary includes the clinical status on admission, the diagnosis and any changes during treatment, progress made, skills developed, issues not addressed, plans to prevent relapse/foster recovery, aftercare appointments, referrals, a medication summary, and assessment of risk. in a partial hospitalization program (PHP), intensive outpatient program (IOP) or residential program. hospital, an acute freestanding psychiatric facility, or a psychiatric residential treatment facility). Often programs will struggle with deciding if their data elements are outside the norm. The individuals progress or lack thereof toward identified goals is to be clearly documented in the record. The program can also function as a first step to achieve a measure of sobriety, and to assist in determining a differential diagnosis once the individual has begun the recovery process. In general, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) sets the standard for payer requirements, and most payers start with the Medicare guidelines when developing their own requirements. Hyde, Pamela S. "Report to congress on the nations substance abuse and mental health workforce issues." Relevant factors such as relapse and recidivism, attendance at self-help meetings, level of sobriety, post-discharge adjustment (including improvement in housing status, use of recovery-oriented peer or social support, and vocational training/placement), and legal issues pre- and post-treatment may be measured. Medicaid is a federal health insurance benefit that is managed at the State level. Our eating disorder partial hospitalization program in Dallas Texas addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our client's well-being. The achievement of clinical stability and a reduction in symptomatology must be considered in the context of realistic and achievable goals especially given the complex medical and psychosocial stressors that often impact the older adult population. Client rights guidelines includes: Rights and Responsibilities, Compliant/Grievance process, confidentiality, access to emergency services if in crisis and must be signed . This section contains specific considerations when developing a program for a population identified in the list. Important to have prescribers with expertise in prescribing during pregnancy and lactation. Consideration of teletherapy options is up and coming because of childcare needs and difficulties moms have leaving the home to get to appointments. All participants in a telehealth session must be in a private, secure location to maintain HIPAA compliance for themselves (and for other group members). Documentation of identified issues that will be addressed by others outside of program should be included as part of the assessment. Chemical dependency partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs serve populations who present primarily with substance use disorders that have relatively minimal or no mental health disorders impacting current functioning. This will require a program to review the criteria and make a decision that is in the best interest of the program and the individuals being served. Access, treatment, and discharge data are key areas for tracking. Within a continuum of behavioral health care, PHPs and IOPs function as vital components. Programs should monitor regular program related performance outcomes that focus on the overall health of the program. Presently, PHPs serve both shorter and longer episodes of care depending upon the primary functions defined earlier. -. The intensity of the partial hospitalization level of care is medically necessary and the individual is judged to have the capacity to make timely and practical improvement. Residential services are provided to individuals who require greater support, monitoring, and intensity of services than can be offered in acute ambulatory settings. Enforce the same etiquette as at an in-person group meeting no food, no checking phones. Both performance and clinical measurement will be addressed. The increased integration between physical and behavioral health care allows for new levels of cooperation in documenting and sharing information. Clinicians should utilize language in documentation that notes telehealth use. Second Edition. Fiscal Administration. Basic Books, 1983. There is a medically determined reasonable expectation that the individual may improve or achieve stability through active treatment. Partial Hospitalization Program Policy Number: SC14P0034A3 Effective Date: May 1, 2018 . A hospital is a licensed facility that offers services more intensive than those required for room, board, personal services and general nursing care, and offers facilities and beds for use beyond 24 hours by individuals requiring medical, surgical, psychiatric, testing, diagnosis, treatment, or care for illness, injury, deformity, infirmity, abnormality, disease, or pregnancy. Many programs are moving toward the inclusion of patient photographs due to an increase in the number of those served with similar names. There arethreeaccreditation organizations used by behavioral health facilities: A key player in detailing programming and documentation will be the organizations that pay for services. Section 115.120 Definitions. Co-Occurring Disorders: Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment Implementation Resource Kit. Retrieved July 20, 2018, from Outcomes management processes should examine the impact of the program on the clinical status of the individuals served. Specific programs may pursue one or more of the following major functions within a given organization: Acute Crisis Stabilization - The acute PHP function focuses on providing intensive, short-term programming in a structured therapeutic milieu. Mothers should never be left alone with a baby if they are diagnosed with postpartum psychosis. National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2013. However, they should be a separate, identifiable unit and represent a continuum of therapeutic modalities that are evidence based for children and adolescents. While all three of these bodies can impact how a program provides services and determines appropriateness for care, state licensing agencies will have the regulations attached to laws in a State that must be followed. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) has refined the diagnostic categories of eating disorders, defining them as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and eating disorder not otherwise specified, which include a wide range of subclinical symptoms. A reasonable understanding of responsibility or expectationsin the event thatthe individual does not follow through with the transition plan should be addressed between peer supports, practitioners, and/or care managers whenever possible. Consider how staff will compensate. We encourage efforts by PHP and IOP staff to expand behavioral health techniques, skills, and resource libraries to overall health continuums and communities. Providers utilize a wide variety of therapeutic techniques such as different forms of individual, family, or group therapies, and/or medication management. 4-4-103, -5-4202, -5-4204, 33-1-302, 33-1-305, 33-1-309, 33-2-301, . Many staff may not have this access either. Utilizing a Motivational Interviewing approach to assessment (as well as ongoing treatment) with individuals with chemical dependency is considered to be a best practice. Each State should have an office that manages Medicaid. It should address the program's mission as well as the needs of individuals in treatment. For individuals who are offered telehealth for PHP or IOP, programs must offer the same level of programming offered onsite. It is important to note that these Criteria are established as national standards. These outcome measures should measure change, so progress can be demonstrated. The inclusion of two patient identifiers is helpful and often required on each document, such as a patient name and medical record number. Daily monitoring of medications, safety, symptoms, and functional level is deemed medically necessary. Each program is encouraged to identify other programs that are relevant to their individual target populations particularly if there are demographic or secondary diagnostic changes. Some individuals are at risk for inpatient hospitalization and require the intensive services of partial hospitalization treatment due to acute debilitating symptoms and/or some risk of harm to self or others. The specialty group guidelines have been streamlined to focus just on the elements that need to be addressed with the specific population. It includes measurable goals and objectives that addressthe problems identified in the clinical assessment and should be updated periodically., A listing of all known public and . Medical records must be maintained in accordance with the current requirements of the applicable licensing and/or accrediting bodies, and the laws of the state within which the program resides. CMS and other agencies expect to see individual sessions prescribed as a necessary component of treatment during each episode of care. These types of services are provided by a single entity which may be included as part of a benefits package or purchased separately by/for a person needed assistance with navigating the complexity of the health system. It is important for programs to provide lactation consultation in the program as working through difficulties with breastfeeding is a common treatment goal with this population. However, we recognize that many states have established state-specific standards and expectations for care, and have codified these into state laws, regulations and licensing rules. Portsmouth, Virginia. Only use approved platforms for any telehealth contacts . Example metrics include, but are not limited to: An ongoing periodic analysis of job duties and workflow processes is recommended to assure that job-related functions are not outdated and are being performed in the most efficient and effective manner. Treatment must be rendered under the supervision of a psychiatrist or medical professional licensed to diagnose behavioral health issues. Telehealth services in PHP and IOP are demonstrating to be useful as an additional service modality. First Edition. Medicare regulations solidified the role of group therapy in PHP treatment when it was defined as one of the essential service units required each day. Your compliance officer is usually the best person to advise on any licensing requirements at the State level. Linkages should endeavor to coordinate care in an efficient and timely manner. The format for documentation of each individuals level of functioning, services needed and provided, response to treatment, and coordination of care can take varied forms but must be clearly delineated. The advent of the recovery model has influenced the treatment continuum, expanding the role of the consumer in determining services availability and design. the program. This certification needs to be always current. For over fifty years, The Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare has served as a conduit for best practices and networking in the industry. All reviews should be documented in the record with agreement and signatures from the supervising medical professional, the treating staff and the person being treated. PHPs and IOPs may be free-standing programs, part of a distinct behavioral health organization, or a department within a general medical health care system. High quality performance plans will guide the success of utilizing all support levels as members of a fully reimbursed multidisciplinary team. Acute Symptom Reduction - This intensive PHP function focuses on the provision of sustained, goal-directed, clinical services to reduce the persons acute symptoms and severe functional impairments as an exacerbation of a more chronic condition. Whenever possible, theperson receiving servicesshould be included in this process. Partial Hospital Programs provide no less than 4 hours of direct, . D. A program must have a clinical director who shall be approved as a supervisor by the Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists to supervise alcohol and drug counselors or trainees. Programs should include space and opportunity for social interactions between peers while not engaged in formal therapeutic services. In States where Medicaid is contracted out to other insurance providers, a program may find that guidelines are managed by the State and apply to all insurance companies contracted or the contracts may give the individual insurance providers the freedom to create their own guidelines. Consults, evaluation summaries, absentee notes, results of collateral contacts, treatment team notes, and progress summaries may also be included. A complete medical record should include the following: The initial assessment addresses the individuals bio-psychosocial status and strengths including, but not limited to: Each assessment needs to include screenings for potential risks, needs, physical evaluations, or referrals. This staff member should work consistently with the individual (and family as indicated) and follow the course of clinical treatment from admission through discharge. When acceptable to given payers or state reviewers, a comprehensive user-friendly synopsis of a persons progress through treatment may be provided. Typically, individuals 18 years of age and younger are served. The EMR should also allow multiple staff members to work within a record at the same time so efficiency can be gained while clinicians complete record reviews and notes concurrently. As programs choose to include telehealth service delivery methods to provide the best care possible to all participants during normal or challenging times, programs need to move thoughtfully into each modality used considering confidentiality, best care practices, the severity of our patients issues, and the risk for them and for us caused by changes in treatment methods. An external audit should not be the impetus for utilization reviews. Many of these scopes will include the specifics of topic areas that a discipline may be limited to in provision of services to a group or individual. % of individuals within a diagnostic category, % of individuals with secondary substance abuse issues, % of individuals with first episode of care, Amount of time spent in specific functions, Insurance certification/communication time, Individual therapy time (based on program goals), Shifting functions from one type of staff to another, Increase or decrease the overall availability or amount of given services, Shift the % of a given service within a specific day, Increase in engagement with program participants, Client satisfaction with specific groups or program elements, Development of clinical pathways related to specific diagnostic groups, Increased follow-up with outpatient services following discharge, # of medication changes during episode of care, Specific disease monitoring such as Tuberculosis or Asthma, Provision of written medication education. Individuals with co-occurring disorders should be able to receive services from primary providers and case managers who are cross-trained and able to provide integrated treatment themselves.7. These services are included as mandated essential behavioral healthcare benefits in insurance policies from 2014 onward. According to current practice guidelines, the treatment goals should be measurable, functional, time-framed, medically necessary, and directly related to the reason for admission. The assessment tools in the record must include all relevant information and have the capacity to go beyond documentation of the presence or absence of specific criteria through checklists or drop-down boxes. If left untreated, there is significant impact on women and their families.10 This includes depression, psychosis, bipolar disorder, anxiety, panic, obsessive compulsive disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorders. In addition, programs need to acknowledge that not all individuals have the appropriate devices, the WIFI access and the privacy to engage in the multiple groups per day format that we must maintain. Goals must be clearly worded and achievable within the timeframe of the individuals involvement in program. Both are designed to serve individuals with serious symptoms and functional impairments resulting from behavioral health disorders. The individual is not imminently dangerous to self or others and therefore not in need of 24-hour inpatient treatment. The concept of partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) was developed before the 1950s.1 However, in the United States, PHPs did not take hold until Congress passed the Community Mental Health Act of 1963, which required that PHPs must be a core component of Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs). The quality improvement plan constitutes a comprehensive and methodologically sound process for measuring treatment effectiveness, improving the delivery of care, and evaluating progress toward recovery. Additionally, systems may have ancillary features that will benefit an individual in treatment, such as mechanism to disallow inappropriate abbreviations in both medications and other information is also recommended. Fatigue, sensory impairment, decreased concentration ability, and discomfort with transitions or changes in programmatic structure are challenging factors to address in program development. The provision of services allowed for each discipline is dictated by the scopes of work for a licensee in their particular State. Examples may include childcare demands, appointments for services such as housing, or employment interviews. Such conditions frequently follow serious crises, stressors, or newly diagnosed acute physical problems. Oregon Administrative Rules. We must honor the role of peer support and counseling within the behavioral health continuum. According to the American Psychiatric Associations Eating Disorder Guideline 2006, clients who are appropriate for partial hospitalization need daily supervision and structure from meal to meal to gain or prevent purgative and binge eating behaviors. Many seniors live in isolation, so timely and appropriate aftercare is needed to ensure that gains made in the program remain. Call Now to Begin the Recovery Process Today. The format for documentation of progress may take different forms but must include clinical data that justifies the necessity of ongoing treatment at this level of care, including progress related to the illness, symptoms, and debilitated functioning. They provide therapy and education in an intensive group environment that cannot be provided through either an outpatient individual therapy model or a crisis-oriented inpatient unit. Typically, a PHP is an option for treatment after a person has been hospitalized due to substance abuse issues, and the person is deemed fit to be discharged from the hospital. Finding measures that will help improve staff efficiency and effectiveness are key to a quality improvement plan. Standards and Guidelines for Level II Services: Intensive Outpatient. Occupational, recreational, and creative arts therapists broaden and deepen the array of available services when offered. Bonari, L. P. Perinatal risks of untreated depression during pregnancy. Traditional outpatient treatment lacks the needed intensity and range of interventions, while clients on inpatient units tend to lack the stability and focus to participate actively in a group educational setting. A comprehensive program improvement plan should include an internal review process to assess the appropriate use of program services. The downloadable version is created every three years from the information contained in the online version of the Standards and Guidelines. Movement needs to be monitored hourly, determining how much movement or exercise is medically safe for each clients stability. Cognitive and physical impairments may make day-long treatment services demanding for some individuals. Given a focus on healthcare integration, illness prevention, and the improvement of health outcomes, linkages between behavioral health and primary care providers is particularly important. These individuals may be unable to achieve dramatic degrees of functional improvement but may be able to make significant progress in the achievement of personal self-respect, quality of life, and increased independence despite debilitating symptoms that may otherwise be intolerable. The plan must be available to the clinical staff at the time-of-service to assure that interventions are focused and relevant. Robakis, T. & Williams, K. Biologically based treatment approaches to the patient with resistant perinatal depression. Types of diagnoses (e.g., psychotic, mood and anxiety disorders, personality disorders), Theoretical orientation (e.g., cognitive behavioral), Treatment objectives (e.g., stabilization, functional improvement, personality change), Treatment duration (i.e., length of stay), Treatment intensity (i.e., hours and days per week). Limitations Noncovered-Reasonable and Necessary Denials CPT codes 90875 and 90876 Coding Information CPT/HCPCS Codes Expand All | Collapse All Group 1 (26 Codes) The benchmark when no other exists can be a designated baseline of a measure within the program. Fifth Edition. Treatment is best conceptualized as a phased continuum of care that progresses from management of active symptoms and problems to establishing recovery/relapse prevention plans. Dads can also struggle with paternal depression and the mental health of the whole family is key to successful outcomes. Programs tend to fall into two basic categories that impact programming: These distinctions are important since they may dictate the process, content, and structure of group therapy and psycho-educational sessions. Confidentiality guidelines pertaining to individuals in chemical dependency treatment tend to be more restrictive than for those individuals in mental health treatment. Communication amongst programs regarding their results is strongly encouraged. Services may be provided during the day, evening, and/or on the weekend. Case Management. 104 CMR 29. PHPs are distinct organizational entities with specifically designated standards and regulatory reviews. Programs operate under the direction of a physician and a program leader. Programs can usually expect to conduct program improvement planning following a review to address the issues discovered and highlighted as needing improvement. Individual therapy within programs is designed to augment, clarify, or address issues which are considered by the clinician and client to be more appropriate for individual rather than a group focus. Subspecialty groups focus on the specifics of given targeted populations such as trauma, substance use, eating disorders, OCD, or cardiac/depressive conditions. The eighth edition addresses the changing environment of care resulting from the COVID pandemic and includes guidelines for alternative service delivery such as telehealth. By Jacqueline LaPointe. Effective communication and coordination in each of these primary linkages or connections is especially vital during handovers or level of care changes. Programs are encouraged to be ready for medical emergencies related to substance abuse such as narcotic withdrawalcrises 9 some programs keep medications onsite for emergency use and have staff competent inadmistration. These tools provide further input regarding the programs effectiveness in facilitating recovery steps and enhancing peer support for participating consumers. For the purpose of this Part, the following terms are defined: "Abuse." Any physical injury, sexual abuse or mental injury inflicted on an individual other than by accidental means. Procedures should be detailed to reduce missed days due to complications with transitions, especially those that can be caused by payer requirements for documenting the transition. Performance improvement goals are best when they apply to real program needs even if comparison data is not available. Additional benefits should include enhanced tracking and report writing functions that improves decision-making through the collection of timely, accurate information. This variation may offer unique program performance improvement options. It can also be used to track benchmarking data such as dropouts, re-hospitalizations, absenteeism, and related metrics. Archives of Womens Mental Health, 16. Organization should be clear for those who are less familiar with individualized medical recording formats and procedures like reviewers who conduct surveys through the observation of clinical records. Each organization may also have criteria that must be included in the psychiatric assessment. Adult Brain Injury. The physician provides supervision of the clinical needs of the individuals enrolled in the program. Suicide is the leading cause of death in the postpartum time period.11, Treatment aims to minimize fetal/neonatal exposure to both maternal mental illness and medication. Overall, both formal and informal data can be used to improve the quality and responsiveness of services at the individual and program levels, and to identify and implement quality performance improvement initiatives. 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