stanford e iper interview
The Commission, convened by President Obama to examine the causes of the spill and develop recommendations to prevent future spills, asked Caldwell to testify "on the statutory and regulatory framework for outer continental shelf (OCS) leasing and to identify potential changes to both minimize the likelihood of another catastrophic oil spill and prepare the nation should another disaster occur. ***THIS FORM IS FOR E-IPER AFFILIATES ONLY*** Please submit your room request for meetings, office hours, conference calls, or small events in the Science & Engineering Quad (SEQ) below. Stanford, CA 94305-4225, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment & Resources, Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project, Transcontinental Railroad 150th Anniversary, Wildland Fire Policy and Research Seminar Series. Note that all rooms have a table, chairs, and at least one whiteboard. Guess we'll find out soon in any case. POIs at UBC replied and asked me to send my resume to them and to explain my thesis interests in the reply. Alumni Because I could understand the connection between development, timber harvesting, and increased greenhouse gas emissions, I was better able to communicate those connections to judges who were not otherwise educated about the causes of climate change. I am an eternal optimist, so I am still holding out hope for myself and for all of you - but mostly for myself.. faculty and staff used these surveys and interviews as the basis for their development of five-year goals and strategies for the program. Students may pursue a PhD or a Joint MS, the latter exclusively in conjunction with a Stanford professional degree, Jen-Hsun Huang Building (School of Engineering), Room 300 (Mackenzie). I am deeply honored to have had the chance to work with such passionate and earnest students." A Path Towards Sustainable Energy Transition in Nigeria, Kerry Omughelli, Joint MS-MBA & Adiam Tesfalul, Joint MS-MBA, Improving California's Greenhouse Gas Inventory, John Weyant, Professor of Management Science & Engineering, AboutResearchFellowshipsFor StudentsEventsNews, 473 Via Ortega, First Floor Students then pursue in-depth study in at least two academic disciplines, learning side by side with their counterparts in the universitys many highly ranked departments. Julio produced Neoliberalism, Civic Participation and the Salmon Industry in Southern Chile and Jimmy developed Conceding the Ocean. and B.S. This work can help inform ongoing state and local policy discussions around evidence-based interventions to protect public health. Across three chapters, my dissertation investigates social and affective dimensions associated with individual-level conservation and adaptation behavior. Invites for that go out sometime in the next week or two, if last year's results are anything to go by. How are Different Industries Assessing and Preparing for their Future Climate Risks and Responses? The Feigenbaum-Nii Foundation Prize is awarded each quarter to the student or group of students whose project demonstrates interdisciplinary excellence. Through additional interviews with relevant local stakeholders, they also examined the effect of local institutions and policies on land use decisions in the region. This unique program trains scholars and leaders to understand our natural and human environment and to develop novel paths to sustainability. Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources, Joint and Dual MS Research Assistantships, Project: Planet | accelerating sustainable innovation through collaboration, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. This joint degree integrates knowledge from the MBA curriculum with a background in the science, engineering, and technology that underlie environmental problems. With 120 graduate students enrolled this year, we've come a long way from the handful of students who pioneered the program two decades ago. But that sort of fear is paralyzing and is actually the only thing keeping you from being successful. Private Sector Willingness to Pay in Hawai'i for Coral Reef Conservation Financing Via Insurance Innovation, Scaling Environmental DNA Adoption Through Community Science to Unlock Novel Use-Cases. Focusing on impacts of land use on soil quality, the students aided in sampling nine forestry species in experimental plots in Honaunau; surveyed forest restoration sites to understand the effectiveness of various restoration techniques; setup and maintained experiments examining the impact of mulching practices; used isotope dilution techniques to examine nitrogen fixation in native crop varieties; and collected hundreds of soil samples to begin investigations into the extent and productivity of the indigenous agricultural system of Kona, Hawai'i. Campus organizations are invited to add their events to the calendar. The Stanford Event Calendar is the university's central source for information about upcoming campus events. With our program more than 20 years strong, E-IPER students and faculty work across academic disciplinesthe physical and natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities, law and policy, medicine, and businessto yield new insights and novel solutions to urgent global problems. Where else did you apply, if you don't mind me asking? E-IPER trains the next generation of scholars and leaders to address the world's most challenging environmental and sustainability problems. Joint MBA-MS: Ken Alston, TJ Berrings, Jose Luis Blanco Alvarez, Stephen Ehikian, Tom Elson, Claudine Frasch, Christoph Frehsee, Nick Halla, Kevin Hettrich, Sam Hodges, Ashish Jhina, Matt Kessler, Shane Lauf, Melissa Mansur, Brendan Marshall, Ashish Nagar, Lisa Newman-Wise, Deirdre Norris, Brendan Speechley, Dan Tuttle, Florian Weidinger, James Wilson, Yi Yin We are committed to providing an environment that fosters wellbeing, meaningful work, and professional success. Session 1: Grid Resilience 1:10 p.m. - 1:55 p.m. Assessing the Commercialization Potential of the Stanford "Powernet" Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Solution, Across Target Farming and Rural Customer Segments, Ryan Bolles, Joint MS-MBA, Barrie Grinberg, Joint MS-MBA, & Charles Stone, Joint MS-MBA, The Demand Side of the Equation: Quantifying the Untapped Power of Efficiency, The Effectiveness of Battery Management Systems and the Recent Market and Research Trends. Check out the many cross-campusresearch groups and facilities that E-IPER students may access. They include clean energy, climate change, food security, water quality and quantity, land conservation, human health and sanitation, sustainable cities, ocean health, and biodiversity loss. Sykes Family E-IPER Faculty Director Every person brings unique qualities, talents, and dignity to the E-IPER community and deserves to be accorded both common decency and institutional opportunity in a fair and respectful manner. Posted by Sabah Khan on January 8, 2014 5:28 PM. It's easy! The programs core courses provide an overview of current environmental challenges, research design, and a range of qualitative and quantitative methods. "What amazed me was how well the vastly different interns worked together, not only helping one another but actively mentoring each other in different areas," Noa reflected on his experience as a mentor. Karan Chaudhry (Joint MBA-MS '10) Applied Materials We remain committed to preparing leaders to create a more sustainable world. I was a student in another (professional) program at Stanford and the faculty in E-IPER do tend to stay pretty busy with their various projects. David Mount (Joint MBA-MS '08) Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Despite working long field days, the group managed to see lava surface flows at Kalapana, dive at two world-class locales of Kealakekua and Honaunau, and see the meteor shower from the 13,800 foot summit of Mauna Kea. We also introduce some of our highly engaged faculty, and sharecurrent newsrelated to ourprogram. One of these is the MS in Environment and Resources/MBA. Powered by Invision Community. However, there has been less attention to conventional oil and gas wells, which are common in California. This quarter's E-IPER Newsletter highlights students' accomplishments, summer research, and the work of our Joint MS students. Each undergraduate also took the lead on her own particular project. Students interested in aJoint MS degreemay apply during the Winter quarter of their first year in their professional degree program or at the same time they apply to the GSB or School of Law. Further, Meg Caldwell has provided me with invaluable insight and mentorship," Kimi reported. He toured port facilities and interviewed key decision makers in Providence, RI, Gulfport, MS, and Kingston, Jamaica to gather preliminary data on hurricane planning and response, risk assessment, and vulnerability analysis that will shape his future dissertation work. Together, my research creates a clearer understanding of the historic effects of electrification and the potential benefits of climate technology deployment, concluding that much greater resources should be put toward the development of energy and climate mitigation efforts in lower income countries. Share E-IPER Joint and Dual MSCapstoneSymposium, Share E-IPER Joint and Dual MSCapstoneSymposium on Facebook, Share E-IPER Joint and Dual MSCapstoneSymposium on Twitter, Share E-IPER Joint and Dual MSCapstoneSymposium on LinkedIn, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment & Resources, E-IPER Joint and Dual MSCapstoneSymposium. When asked about her summer, Rachael responded, "My major lesson was that the only difference between success and failure is hard work and persistence- nothing else. i through a community-engaged survey-based study. Marilyn Cornelius (PhD 4th) continued her Department of Energy ARPA-E energy ethnography project at Stanford with four research assistants: Lily Cheng (Earth Systems graduate), Brian Wong (Science, Technology, and Society), Trista Shi (Earth Systems) and new intern Dean Young (Earth Systems). In Chapter 1, using a classic epidemiological study design, my colleagues and I found associations between exposure to oil and gas wells in the San Joaquin Valley and higher risk of preterm birth. The wait is agonizing. Please contact our staff for more information or with any questions or comments. I applied to Duke and Bren as well and a bunch of other programs with strong marine faculty. So they don't have the same huge, visible MEM cohorts as Duke/Bren/Yale/UMich. I'm having trouble with this since E-IPER is relatively new program-wise. Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment. Joint PhD-MS: Salina Gray (School of Education), Michelle Barry, Medicine Sarah Billington, CEE Rebecca Bliege Bird, Anthropology Douglas Bird, Anthropology Craig Criddle, CEE Jim Ferguson, Anthropology Tadashi Fukami, Biology Mark Granovetter, Sociology Janet Martinez, Law Michael Mastrandrea, Woods Institute Michael McGehee, Materials Science and Engineering Stefan Reichelstein, Business Robert Sapolsky, Biology Sarah Soule, Business Stephen Stedman, Freeman Spogli Institute Jennifer Wilcox, Energy Resources Engineering. Mehana Blaich Vaughan (PhD 5th) worked with a stellar team of seven summer interns this year on her home island of Kaua'i, Hawai'i. Rachael and her team conducted interviews with soybean farmers - recent migrants from Southern and Central West Brazil - about their migration motivations, land use decisions, and production practices. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives. students at Stanford Law School. This summer Kimi Narita (Joint JD-MS, 3L) worked with Meg Caldwell, executive director of the Center for Ocean Solutions and director of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law and Policy Program, to prepare Caldwell's oral and written testimony before the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling. * From Caldwell's written testimony, submitted September 3, 2010. Aaron's project focused on invasive seaweed monitoring and removal, Kaipo researched and mapped traditional Hawai'ian land use and place names, while Allison focused on communication about the place. Finally, Helen Chen (Human Biology) and Woods Buckley (Earth Systems), monitored the water quality of north shore Kaua'i streams, and correlated these results with land use patterns including agriculture, golf course, and residential uses in the Halele'a district. My third chapter assesses the extent to which threat perceptions, efficacy perceptions, and social contextual factors interact and are associated with adaptation behavior in response to wildfire smoke and COVID-19 in the United States. In collaboration with CDC-Kenya, the Kenya Medical Research Institute, and the University at Buffalo, Amy and her colleagues are evaluating the behavioral impacts of providing waterless hand sanitizer in schools by monitoring teachers' and students' hand hygiene behavior. My research interests are in international marine conservation ecology/policy. Given these students' success, E-IPER is eager to expand its Joint JD- MS population. They also plan to interview carbon chefs, household historians, and seniors who lived through recessions. Steve interviewed all students in the first three PhD cohorts, and introduced them to the world of "interdisciplinarity" in one of their first classes at Stanford. E-IPER offers a PhD in Environment and Resources, and for students in Stanford's Graduate School of Business and Stanford Law School, a Joint MS in Environment and Resources in conjunction with their professional degree (MBA or JD). E-IPER Dissertation Defense : David Gonzalez "Oil Production, Air Quality, and Preterm Birth" When: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 - 1:30 pm - 2:30pm Where: Zoom Webinar Audience: Faculty/Staff, Students, Alumni/Friends Sponsors: Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment & Resources Zoom Webinar Joint JD-MS: Lilly Fang, Peter Richmond, Khalial Withen, Noah Smith-Drelich An estimated 17.6 million United States residents live within 1 mile (1.6 km) of active oil or gas wells, including 2.1 million Californians. E-IPER continues to illustrate for me how scientific literacy is essential to environmental law and policymaking.". A Dual MS is offered to MA students in Stanford's Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy program, MD students in the Stanford School of Medicine, and PhD students in other Stanford departments and programs. If the results were (accurate and) anything of a guide, then it means that, if we don't get an email or a call today, we are probably not in Jan 17 seemed to be the notification date for 2012 and someone claimed to have been offered the interview (2013) via phone. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Come September, most students find their way back to campus armed with stories, data, pictures, new experiences, and renewed motivation for the upcoming academic year. The previous post in this blog was Visit Stanford GSB This Winter. Iberia Elster (undeclared) ran a massive effort to take 1440 fisheye photographs of restoration planting sites, which will be used to quantify the amount of sunlight reaching each site throughout the year. Thursday, December 8, 2022 Rachelle reports, "The summer's projects were a rich learning experience for all. As law professor Buzz Thompson, who also co-directs the Woods Institute for the Environment and serves on E-IPER Executive Committee, summarized "The E-IPER program adds a new and important dimension to our law students' education. To successfully respond and adapt to such threats, action is required at multiple scales. PhD: Greg Bratman, Justin Mankin, Fran Moore, Dan Reineman, Nik Sawe, Nicola Ulibarri Deduction!!! The students assisted with one another's projects, and also volunteered for many other Kaua'i organizations and events from the Koloa Plantation Days Parade, to poi making at Waipa, to trail restoration on the Na Pali Coast. As part of their work for their own theses, Sophie and Briana also conducted interviews with small holders practicing agroforestry in the region. This two-way exchange allows you to learn more about Stanford while the Admission Office learns more about you. Welcome Remarks Nicole M. Ardoin, E-IPER Faculty Director E-IPER students take our mission - to train the next generation of scholars and leaders - to heart every summer by engaging Stanford undergraduates and local students in their research on and beyond campus: Mehana Blaich Vaughan ( PhD 5th) worked with a stellar team of seven summer interns this year on her home island of Kaua'i, Hawai'i. At the end of the fall quarter, our MBA/MS students presented Capstone Projects that showcase interdisciplinary knowledge being applied to current issues. In the far northwest, Lauren Oakes (PhD 2nd) traveled to Alaska, where she worked for several years before coming to E-IPER and hopes to conduct her dissertation research. I have applied to EIPER as well along with Yale FES, UT LBJ and UBC - IRES !!!! Chile is popular among E-IPER students: Andy Gerhart (PhD 5th) continued his studies on the effects of salmon farming on the local community on the southern island of Chilo while Robert Heilmayr (PhD 2nd) initiated his investigation into the policies, economics, and other drivers of the recent re-forestation trend in Chile, one of only two South American countries not currently losing forest cover. This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 8, 2014 5:28 PM. Join us to develop the knowledge, skills, perspectives, and ways of thinkingnecessary to help solve the worlds most significant environmental and resource sustainability challenges. I have applied to Stanford E-IPER (Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resourcesprogram). Theo Gibbs (Anthropology) dug many holes in order to conduct a soil moisture study investigating whether the ferns used in the restoration experiment may be affecting the moisture available to adjacent plants. Stanford E-IPER students 1 Follower Follow More from Medium Alex Mathers in Better Humans 10 Little Behaviours that Attract People to You Anangsha Alammyan in Books Are Our Superpower 4. The next post in this blog is Round 2 Interview Timeline. Sounds like interview invites don't go out until mid-Jan though? Projects considered problems around the world from Brazil to Russia to the U.S. I have a decent background, but they only take 6 PhD students per year. Motivated to increase revenue and contribute to climate impact, livestock farmers are planting more trees on pastureland with the help of Working Trees, a venture co-foundedby John Foye, MBA 22/MS E-IPER, andAakash Ahamed, a PhD candidate in geophysics. Across the Atlantic Ocean, Austin Becker (PhD 3rd) conducted fieldwork to identify ports to use as case studies for his research on climate change impacts and seaport resilience. Congratulations to Marc Manara MBA '13, Kerem Alper MBA '13, and Mark Wittman MBA '13, who were awarded the Feigenbaum-Nii Foundation Prize for their project! Her work looks at stakeholder perspectives on the area's future preservation and options that integrate natural resource protection and human use. Several publications will be produced from this research - cataloging existing recommendations for lowering energy use from a list of about 500 behaviors and presenting new ideas from experts that have been tested in the field, which program designers in ARPA-E and beyond can employ. E-IPER's Joint JD-MS Environment and Resources students are identifying interesting legal niches where they can apply their new scientific knowledge. Understanding the scientific reasons why legal intervention was necessary made me a better advocate for environmental causes. By etc. Located in the Amazonian biome, Santarm still contains extensive primary forest and has been the center of international concern over the rapid rate of land use change and the environmental impact of Cargill's soybean terminal. STANFORD BULLETIN, 2009-10 | 1 I I E S (E-ER) Director: Peter Vitousek, Biology Associate Director: Helen J. Doyle Faculty: Nicole Ardoin (Education, Woods Institute for the Envi- ronment), Kevin Arrigo (Environmental Earth System Science), Kenneth J. Arrow (Economics, emeritus), Gregory Asner (Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution), Shilajeet Banerjee (Me- It seems like this is less of an emphasis than with most of the other programs I applied to, I think they even say on the website somewhere that professors are busy and will probably ignore you until the interview weekend, which is 2/7 this year I think. Yeesh. Affiliates Addressing challenges in today's complex world often requires expertise in multiple academic disciplines. Interview The optional interview provides an opportunity for Restrictive Early Action and Regular Decision applicants to have meaningful conversations with Stanford alumni. Fingers crossed. * "My concentration in E-IPER is marine science, so helping to construct recommendations to the Commission using my legal skills on an issue I care so deeply about has been an immensely rewarding experience. I applied to E-IPER as well and have yet to hear anything. They are getting back to work this week at the soonest. E-IPER students take our mission - to train the next generation of scholars and leaders - to heart every summer by engaging Stanford undergraduates and local students in their research on and beyond campus: E-IPER's policies, requirements, and future directions are guided by dedicated faculty representing Stanford's seven schools and many departments. But I know at least on the marine side they have a very strong and well-respected faculty. I imagine they do some kind of interviewing at some point also. Their interdisciplinary work is what interested me. I'm interested in renewable energy siting and energy policy, along with broad interests in climate change communication and public perceptions. Recent Joint JD-MS graduates are finding a variety of career options that take advantage of their legal training and scientific coursework. Sign up for a new account in our community. Megan Herzog (Joint JD-MS 3L) spent the summer as a legal clerk with the Center for Biological Diversity, a national public interest law firm dedicated to working through science and law on behalf of endangered species and ecosystems. More than any class before, the 2022 graduates of the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences are prepared to navigate uncertainties in the pursuit of a life that brings happiness and meaning, according to Dean Stephan Graham. E-IPER students undertake their work immersed in a vibrant community of dedicated colleagues that draws from each of Stanford's seven schools. In chapter two, I draw on semi-structured interviews of Northern California residents to explore how social processes and perceptions of wildfire smoke threat and efficacy shape pathways to protective health decision-making. The award recognizes individuals who go above and beyond their role to create a more inclusive, just, and welcoming community at the Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences. Andy Gerhart (PhD 5th) mentored research assistants Julio Mojica (Anthropology) and Jimmy Bennett (International Relations) through the Stanford Spatial History Lab's summer undergraduate research program. Faculty In my first chapter, I examine how affective dimensions (e.g., place attachment) and other psychological factors relate to coral reef conservation behavior on Maui, Hawai. Rachel Zwillinger and Ellen Medlin are pursuing prestigious clerkships with judges in the 9th Circuit before deciding what direction their careers may take. . Posted by Sabah Khan on January 8, 2014 5:28 PM Welcome to the new year! "Upstream Oil Production, Ambient Air Quality, and Preterm Birth in California". The team also monitored 720 restoration planting sites, in which both seedlings and seeds have been planted to explore biophysically and economically feasible options for forest restoration. Beth Wylie (Archaeology/Earth Systems) who assisted Mehana last summer, returned to conduct her own Masters thesis research focused on another special area of Kaua'i, rugged Maha'ulepu on the South Shore. M.S. PhD Defense Location: Public transport Walking E-IPER students combine academic disciplines including natural and Earth sciences, engineering, economics, humanities, social sciences, law, health, policy, and business to develop solutions to urgent global problems that affect human health, livelihoods, and sustainable resources. The Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER) develops the knowledge, skills, perspectives, and ways of thinking necessary to help solve the world's most significant . The experience taught Andy a great deal about motivating and directing individual student research while balancing it within a broader research agenda. Rodrigo Pizarro (PhD 4th) spent time in both Costa Rica and Panama interviewing policy makers and studying archival materials for his work on national-scale environmental policy diffusion in Latin America. As E-IPER's first faculty co-director (with Rob Dunbar), Steve helped nurture the program from an idea to the vibrant intellectual community it is today. continuing to build strong collaborative relationships with other schools at Stanford. Yes, looks like they took 6 incomings last year. Things quiet down around Stanford during the warm days of summer, when E-IPER's PhD students are dispersed far and wide like seeds in the wind. Jason Kaminsky (Joint MBA-MS '09) SPG Solar E-IPER Autumn 2021 Joint and Dual MS Capstone Symposium December 2, 2021 Zoom Webinar E-IPER Joint and Dual MS Capstone Project Presentations Welcome Remarks: 1:00 p.m. - 1:10 p.m Nicole M. Ardoin, E-IPER Faculty Director Nik Sawe, E-IPER Lecturer Presentations I think E-IPER tends to fly a bit under the radar, given that their only Masters program is a joint with Stanford's professional schools. As Stanfords interdisciplinary environmental studies graduate program, the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER) offers a highly competitive PhD program and a masters degree for students in MBA, JD, MD, and selected other PhD programs. Around 20% of our MBA students are pursuing a joint or dual degree. Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources, Joint and Dual MS Research Assistantships, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. Post your stats! Well I hope you hear something soon. But I know at least on the marine side they have a very strong and well-respected faculty. Staff Let's see how the review goes. The team conducted 221 in-person surveys with residents of the South Kona area of the Big Island. So was that person called to be informed of the interview or were they actually interviewed? Michael Ovadia (PhD 2nd) also traveled to India to begin investigating sustainable agriculture practices, while Andrew Perlstein (PhD 6th) continued his work on China's environmental policy implementation in Beijing. Nikit Abhyankar (PhD 4th) was in India, where he trained a group of energy regulators and power utility companies to undertake load research and helped design their energy efficiency policies. In my dissertation, I investigated how exposure to oil production in California affects ambient air quality and the risk of preterm birth, a leading cause of infant morbidity and mortality. In Phase 3 the ideas will be further refined to determine if they can be funded for commercial production, in collaboration with IDEO. Upcoming campus events to expand its Joint JD- MS population address the world Brazil! 'Ll find out soon in any case with IDEO conservation ecology/policy Emmett interdisciplinary Program in and... 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