1911 vs 1911a1 vs
I have an RIA 1911 and find it to be basically the same as the M1911A1s I shot in the army. 1911 in .38 super is on the list for future purchase for me, as is a long slide variant. says is accepted. Here are the 1911's I currently own: In the $1000 price range, Colt Defender all day. Big fan of the Novak front fiber optic, and rear adjustable sights. Curious you don't see more value in Ruger. If you are late to the game, hopefully, this will help you choose which one to add to your collection. Ive seen it referred to as the closest in design and manufacture to the original 1911s. The trigger length is correct (albeit with an incorrect serrated shoe), the triggerguard is correct, as is the grip safety and arched mainspring housing. It seems to shoot very accurately, and is reliable also. I've owned them all at one time or another, and it's hard to justify $3,000, when $1700 +/- will get you the same. Joe Kurtenbach and Caleb Giddings also look at the first-ever optics-ready carry revolvers with the new Taurus 605 and 856 T.O.R.O. I have a S&W model 457 .45 with hogue grips. Went 1911 because a buddy carried one and I like the look. Wouldn't trade any of them for all the high dollar ones out there. 1911s have served me well & I see no reason to mess with what works. Yup. Form, fit and function have been 100%. Now I have a Rock Island, it was my first 1911. G?x$k. Les Baer has been a powerhouse in the 1911 world for decades and is well-known and well-respected as one of the finest pistol makers in the industry. It's a very, very accurate gun and maybe I'll check it out again in the future. During a lot of that period of time, while I was sold on the effectiveness of the .45 acp round and rather hard wired to the 1911, I am also left handed. Theyre neat! A good shooter, but not refined for accuracy and performance. The most important upgrades featured in the 1911A1 are its improved sights and extended hammer spurs. Next, it should be made of American stainless steel. says is accepted. Dan Wesson is well-known in the 1911 community for making some of the best pistols out of the box without having to spend for a true custom gun. 1911 A1 5" railed 1911 A1 5" Rock Island 1911 A1 5" Rock Island railed She checked and they don't have an A2 model listing. You left out Citadel Firearms line of 1911's. Finally, this list is meant to feature a wide variety of guns currently on the market and not just those made by Colt. My goodness do I miss that pistol. Just saying! However, Springfield Armorys 1911 Mil-Spec isnt quite so mil-spec. Inside the slide is a stainless steel, match-grade barrel fitted with a stainless barrel bushing. U-notch (rear)MSRP: $530Manufacturer: Armscor/Rock Island Armory,632-656-5344, armscor.com. People still opt to do trigger work at this price, but it isnt because the stock trigger is bad. I'm with youthe SR-1911 in full government or Commander are great. I own a Springfield EMP 9mm 1911 and have shot a lot through it. I got the pleasure of being Introduced to a Kimber Custom Raptor 2. So based on my experience alone I would say Kimbers are the WORST 1911's to ever hit the market. Kinda hilarious that you'd question the viability of a bare bones RIA as a duty weapon. The PT 1911 comes with a bushel basket full of features, I certainly would choose a nice shiny new PT 1911. Not surprisingly, the A2 was built to Dan Wessons top-shelf standards, which means that all the components are hand fit to close tolerances. Whether youre scraping the bottom of the barrel to put enough cash together so you can join the club, or youre looking to spend your tax refund on a high-end 1911, weve got you covered! You want the best 1911 period! I have a couple Kimbers. Stocky's Owner Don Bitz walks David Faubion through the company's new rifle stocks for 2023. Sadly, I only have so much space. With the 4 barrel, and full size frame. I recently shot a Desert Eagle stainless at the NRA Personal Protection Expo. There are 9mm look alike 1911's but that as close as it gets, and none of them are the best, at anything, because the 9mm is a goldylocks round, jack of all trades, it does not do anything the best it does everything well. I think it is the best 1911 for the money. When you combine these premium parts with the crisp Les Baer speed trigger, you get a gun guaranteed from the factory to shoot 3-inch groups at 50 yards. The Taurus accuracy stayed within 2-3 inches at 25 yards for the duration of the course. He was in direct competition with other gun makers like Smith & Wesson and Savage, but in March 1911, his auto-loading pistol was officially adopted by the US Military as their sidearm of choice. Can be picked up for around $1000-1500. I find that the ten round magazines (for 9mm) when fully loaded with no round chambered sometimes jam the Custom II. WWII Colt 1911's. Vise versa. Im a decent shot, but shooting the entire gamut of Staccatos simply felt like cheating. Good luck on the replacement. For instance, the Springfield TRP Operator half rail is a lot of quality for how inexpensive she is. Thanks. Love my STI Trojan .45 ACP.
Best 1911 Ive ever touched. Once the guns hit about the 8000 round mark, and had new springs installed, they were pretty much cured. Since Ive had it in my possession, Ive not had a single malfunction with itwhich is more than I can say for many other guns. Expensive 1911: Shooter Interface If you look at the 1911-A1 Tanker imported by SDS Imports youll find a very reliable, less-than-$500 handgun. Forged frame and slide, 25 lpi front strap checkering, metal MSH, full carry melt and night sight. They have recently expanded their line of production guns, and that includes the excellent Freedom Reaction. On top of the slide are contemporary combat sights with a white dot blended into the drift-adjustable front blade. Weve included an image and table below outlining the key design differences between the 1911 and the 1911A1. I absolutely LOVE it. By the time WWII began, the 1911A1 was far more common among Allied forces in the US and Europe. Type: Recoil operated, semiautomaticCartridge: .45 ACPCapacity: 8+1 rds.Barrel: 5 in.Overall Length: 8.5 in.Weight: 2 lbs., 7 oz.Grips: Brown plastic, checkeredFinish: Parkerized (steel)Sights: Fixed, A1 (front); drift adj., U-notch (rear)MSRP: $950Manufacturer: Inland Manufacturing,877-425-4867, inland-mfg.com. I think you should take springfield off this list after what they pulled in IL. Desert Eagle 1911, replaced a Rock Island 1911(never buy one) after it failed during a CCW qual. Still hard to believe that Kimber only made this list once and only for their "girly gun" version of the 1911. I have shot many 1911 in my life,my personal carry gun is a series 70 colt commander. Better trigger than any striker fired plastic fantastic. WebThe 1911 was the first large caliber, semiautomatic that was completely reliable. Couple that with a 5 ramped match grade barrel and one of the smoothest mag wells Ive yet seen on a 1911 and you are set up with a perfect out of the box home defense pistol. The M1911 has a magazine - not a clip. Yes, Dan Wesson is probably the best production 1911 made in terms of fit, finish, parts quality, etc. Now I still love the 1911 - nothing feels quite like it in the hand and shoots in the same manner. Remington Arms made 1911's for WWI, RR for WWII. Great range toy, but not for self defense. This current lineup is blued, not Parkerized. To ease production costs, adapt the design to modern manufacturing and make M1911A1s more enjoyable to shoot, most are a blend of traditional and modern features. I shot my firstRock Island Armory pistol during SHOT 2017. The Valor compared favorably to any of them, at a considerably lower price. Believe it or not the trigger on the RIA is very nearly as good as the Nighthawk. Mid: SA Range Officer. The guns run fantastically and need nothing to make them perform better. Also, where would the Springfield Range Officer fit in? Subscriber Services. Not only that, but each guns defining features tend to be used interchangeably to produce many variants of modern hybrid 1911s. The good news is that theres a perfect 1911 for you at your preferred budget. Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Now, when I pick up an off the shelf 1911, I find so many flaws in them. To say the least, it was a complete piece of s**t! It's the 1911A1 that needs better sights but at 10 yards I am happy owner. The Garrison is a beatiful, accurate, well-fitted pistol that won't break the bank. With just a bit of work though, the Ruger SR1911 is a very fine 1911 at a very reasonable price. I also agree with you adding Nighthawk Custom as well. By the end of the course, the guns were broken in, loostened up, and were down to failure rates of 1 per 50, to 1 per 100 rounds. The slide serrations are akin to the originals, and in other places the aptly named A2 offers modern touches that include an extended, serrated thumb safety lever, a functionally-minded lowered and flared ejection port. Meet the all-new Taurus Judge Executive Grade, a revolver featuring a hand-polished satin finish, presentation-grade wood grips, a brass rod front sight and an exceptional hand-tuned trigger. You can read our full review of the GI model here. Not having him on the top $3k list really does a disservice to your readers. M1911 vs. M1911-A1 In Brief As the alphanumeric designation indicates, the M1911 was officially adopted as the U.S. Armys first-ever semiautomatic pistol in the year 1911, thus becoming the most powerful-ever handgun cartridge adopted for general military personnel issue. i have ever owned . HOWEVER.That changed one day when my local dealer encouraged me to try a S&W 1911 made the first year in 2003. I have a kimber and a sig sauer 1911 satin stainless in 5 inch 45 autothere is no comparison between the kimber and the sig..the sig is so far superior in every way.shoots better, smoother straighter , and is overall a better gun and !!! Brown and Wilson guns are certainly better than the DW, but is an Ed Brown Kobra's 50-100+% higher cost really that much better than a DW Valor, or VBob? I fell in love with a Sig Emperor Scorpion when I saw it. I have to go to Gunbroker or other sites to make comparisons. Good fit and decent finish. Yet this guy has them listed as his number one? Ive run about 400 rounds through it now without a single failure. or The Colt M1911A1 in Combat. What, no love for the Auto Ordnance 1911 in .45 ACP? In reality, the "best" 1911 in the world is the one you can afford, that shoots well and makes you happy. Staccato-P (comes with 2-17rd -flush and 1-20rd) mags and C2 (Carry model) comes with 3-16rd flush mags. Over the years the appeal of the 1911 has evolved. If you ever get the change to fire one at your gun club you surely will sell what ever you have to sell Uh? Probably the best option under $1K IMO. If you are willing to accept MIM parts, then Kimber's current crop of government models in. I leaned a lot and after buying the Springfield Armory's Saint a few months back I started looking for my own 1911. Then the only kimber on there is purple!! The trigger design has a smooth face, but a longer profile thats closer to the original M1911 than the A1. Nearly 1.9 million 1911A1 pistols were built during the war. There were likely many that could have taken the place of what you see here, but I only have so much space to make it all fit. Not sure if it still going on, Each their own. A Government in stainless steel and a Combat Commander, blued. Crazy expensive and not at all worth the price Full custom 10k 1911s. Excellent price, excellent workmanship (OK, it it's price range), reliable and accurate. Comments, suggestions, contributions? Besides, I need to have something that utilizes the hundred or so 1911 mags I have amassed over the years that I will use! It has a forged stainless steel frame and slide, hand-fit Seth Joubert trigger and front strap checkeringall for well under a grand. It was jam-happy. It was witnessed that he used an M1911 to shoot a Japanese sniper at 80 yards, demonstrating its accuracy potential with one-hand shooting. If I concentrate I can do 2 groups at 15 yards which is about the limit of my eyesight. The Inland 1911A1 Government represents the most noble effort at recreating historys original. To ease production costs, adapt the design to modern manufacturing and make M1911A1s more enjoyable to shoot, most are a blend of traditional and modern features. I got rid of my Ruger 1911 quickly after buying it at Cabela's a few years ago. Quite nice. If I was you Id look at the 2011. Some of my favorites include the Staccato C2 line, which brings 16 rounds in a compact concealable package. This .45 Auto contained a 230-grain projectile capable of reaching speeds of about 850 feet per second and was much more capable as a self-defense round than the .38 Long Colt was. Wilson Combat, Chip McCormack and Tripp Research. Have owned a Colt MKV Series 70 45 SS ACP bought new for $185 and S&W 38 9mm as a store backup. No honorable mention for Les Baer? For shooters coming in on the lower priced 1911 are there any standouts? I was shocked to see that your list of the "Best 1911's for the Money" didn't include any Dan Wessons! Springfield Vickers Tactical Master Class 1911. The Nickel Finish Pistol fired flawlessly! I've got 1911's from Colt, Sig, and Les Baer, but think the DW's were the best bang-for-the-buck. Aftermarket mag's are the way to a Kimber's heart. Remington R1 Carry is an excellent gun and should be listed under the Remington listing. I have several 1911s, my Gold Cup Trophy was the worst of the lot fit and finish wise. Probably the BEST bang-for-your-buck 1911 out there (match grade barrel, forged frame and slide). I regret selling it. They are un-related companies. Every one of their 1911 model is a solid piece, and the TRP is just a notch above their best. How in the world did a Kimber end up higher rated than a Wilson Combat! We learn more about the side arm and the people who have made/make and have used/use the categorically best fire arm ever. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The new rifle is built on an aluminum billet chassis with carbon-fiber forend and cheek riser featuring V-block bedding. Bought way back in the 1990s. Needless to say they were thrilled. Fun to shoot. Buy two! Hi, have you guys tried the Rock Island TAC ULTRA FS HC? Following the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, gun control advocates have taken the anti-gun narrative to a fever pitch. These pistols are extremely well-fitted and feature aggressive front strap checkering, front cocking serrations target crowned muzzles, excellent triggers, and other features found on guns twice the price. Many people own more than one because, as far as pistols go, they are accurate, ergonomic, and easy on the eyes. I have a satin nickel comm. Also I didnt read anything about the Springfield TPR? I believe too many people today think they need all these fancy gizmos and add on's to have a viable carry gun; you don't, with the exception of sights and a throat job on guns manufactured before (at least some manufactures are making 1911's that run hollow points w/o any extra work) a bone stock GI 1911 is all you need, training with the gun will cure the rest. People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence in their behalf. All living perfectly happy together and in rather small confines. During the war, Colt delivered nearly 400,000. no mention of a Springfield TRP? blade (rear)MSRP: $780Manufacturer: Springfield Armory,800-680-6866, springfield-armory.com. Oh, yeah and it has to be the stainless flavor as I have grown accustomed to these types with a 629 Classic 44 S&W and my Beretta 92 FS made in Italy. Rail to frame fit still rock solid tight Have tried lots of 1911's and wouldn't trade this for any of them. 1911. I have a Glock 19 that I cant hit anything with. The terms "1911" and "1911A1" refer mostly to the military models. $330. Bottom Line: Colt offers a respectable and updated M1911A1 that maintains the legacy of the original warfighter. Change magazines. I'm surprised you didn't discuss Dan Wesson 1911s. Well I have a colt 1911 army issue built in 1913. I love it and it is and always will be my favorite. I own and/or have owned Kimbers, Colts, Springfield Armory, and Dan Wesson's, and the Dan Wesson's are easily the best in my collection. Other than they are a little finicky about ammo initially (I am still breaking in both) they are a riot. Remington Arms Company was not contracted by Colt to produce WWII 1911s. It is always entertaining to read anything related to the 1911, fact, fiction, truth, opinion and personal experiences. This trend has continued into the modern day, where now the 1911A1 is typically referred to as the 1911 and is far more popular than the original. TW: First, it should be a 1911, not a 1911A1. The Smith & Wesson e series is what I have for competition it works great shoot straight every time in my opinion it's an excellent gun, Thinking the same thing as im reading the article- no smiths on there?? All are pretty heavy to wear all day for EDC. Then I bought a used Super 38 on a 1911 frame, super accurate, easy recoil. Maybe 4-5 FTE in ~2000rds with my Ultra FS and those duds were with the alum cases. You want reviews? ; blade, gold bead (front); ramped, white dot (rear)MSRP: $1,363Contact: Dan Wesson Firearms,607-336-1174, danwessonfirearms.com. You get a whole lot of features for the money, and the fit and finish is superb. Compared to todays modern tactical sights, the 1911A1s thicker front sight and slightly more defined rear sight doesnt appear like a significant improvement. But I carry the RIA. I know that they're on the more expensive side of 1911's, but IMO, Sig quality alone should've earned it a spot at the table. Bottom Line:This is the best shooting mil-spec Model 1911 that never existed. And rightfully so. We all have different hands, different preferences, and very different opinions. I've carried a Smith & Wesson 5" 1911 for over 25 years. . Arched mainspring housing with grooved texture? I think it's the best out of the box gun you can get without customizing it, No. lol the best production gun is Dan Wesson Valor. They are also rather too expensive to use as a trot line weight, whereas a 1911 is much more effective and less likely to jam while using it in the creek. 1911 A1 5" railed 1911 A1 5" Rock Island 1911 A1 5" Rock Island railed She checked and they don't have an A2 model listing. Featuring V-block bedding, fact, fiction, truth, opinion and personal experiences lot. ) mags and C2 ( carry model ) comes with 3-16rd flush mags it going!, finish, parts quality, etc pistol that wo n't break the.! The DW 's were the best bang-for-your-buck 1911 out there 19 that i cant hit anything with front! Ready to do trigger work at this price, excellent workmanship ( OK, it was my 1911... Way to a Kimber end up higher rated than a Wilson Combat the military models in. Of production guns, and is reliable also in both ) they are a little about! Full review of the GI model here in.38 super is on the lower priced 1911 there... 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