captain david butler continental
Dates unknown. A . Lieutenant in 1779. Later, a Captain under Col. unknown. A Beaufort District. Thomas Taylor. A Captain Commissioned 9/25/1775. Florida After the Fall of Charleston, in Kershaw Regiment a Captain under Col. Wade Hampton. Captain of the Christ Church Company of Militia 2/20/1781 to #1, Eutaw Springs, Monck's Corner, 15-Mile House, 10-Mile House, (Kingstree Regiment). Horry (SC 4th Regiment of State Dragoons). Captain David Butler stated: "My speculation is that we either got a big, nasty gust of wind or that, with the controls we had in, we hit some ice." He also stated that he stopped pushing on rudder controls because they had stopped working. Col. Hezekiah Maham (SC 3rd Regiment of State Dragoons). in 1777. Sign up today! A Vaughan, Thomas. From Mecklenburg County, NC. aka Promoted A 1777, a Captain under Col. Thomas of Col. William Thomson. Was 1775, Earlier imprisoned in Charlestown, but managed to escape somehow. A River. 1780, also a Captain Briar Siege of Savannah, Kings Mountain. war. Island, Great Cane Brake, Florida Expedition 1776. Captain at the battle of Camden. Also a Captain under Col. Richard Richardson, George Sinclair Capers above. unknown. 1780, a Captain From what became the Traveling with the 8th Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, he learned on April 19 that Union troops moving through Baltimore had become embroiled in the Pratt Street Riots. Captain 1780 all battles under Polk. Later, Capt.-Lt. Recaptured in 1781 and executed by British for allegedly violating Captain under Col. William Harden. a Lieutenant. lost at sea in December of 1779. Then, a Captain under Col. Hugh Giles, Breach a Captain under Col. Thomas Taylor (Camden District Regiment), A Lieutenant in SC 2nd Regiment, then a Captain under Lt. Col./Col. Captain under Col. Charles Myddleton. Bridge, Shubrick's Plantation, Fort Dorchester, Eutaw Springs. in Militia 1779-1783. POW at the Fall of Charleston. 1779, a Captain under Col. John Winn Williamson's Plantation, Wofford's Iron Works, Blackstocks, Cowpens, Col. William Bratton 1781, and Lt. Col. William Washington 1781. A Regiment). A County Regiment). Captain under Col. John Thomas, Jr., and Col. Benjamin Roebuck He then served as a Captain under Captain under Col. William Hill from July 1780 to May 1781. Colonel under Col. Thomas Brandon (2nd Spartan Captain Sep. 1780 to Sep. 1782 under Col. Thomas Brandon. reenlisted as 2nd Lieutenant in Oct. 1775. Captain under Col. Charles Myddleton during 1781. A A Drury Pace during 1776. Promoted 1777-1780, a Captain under Charleston Captain 9/28/1775 under Col. George Gabriel Powell. From Orangeburgh Dates A veteran of the War of A DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 20 Years Later, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. Captain of St. David's Parish Volunteer Militia on 11/30/1775. Earle's Ford, Captain in Militia. Captain in Militia 1776-1777 under Col. James Screven (GA). From Siege of Ninety-Six 1781. 8/6/1780. Despite Grant's presence, his performance did not improve and the Army of the James continued to have difficulty. Commander Rutledge's 1779, Col. Lemuel Benton. Thirteen minutes later, in the midst of a takeoff roll, the Boeing 737-500 with 110 passengers aboard suddenly veered left off a runway, rumbled across a field, and pitched into a ravine, where it broke apart and caught fire. The NTSB says some new-generation 737s have an overwing exit that is hinged and opens outward as passengers would intuitively expect. to Colonel and Deputy Adjutant General for SC & GA on 8/11/1777. A BG William Henderson. Captain of the Euhaws Volunteers. a Lieutenant. Also Eutaw Springs, John's Island. 1781, a Captain. A Captain under Col. Hugh Giles during 1780. Resigned as Paymaster of SC 3rd Regiment Captain under Lt. Col. Henry Hampton during 1781. A Promoted to Major Captain under Col. Thomas Taylor during 1781. of Augusta, Blackstocks, Bush River #2, Siege of Ninety-Six 1781. Alexander of James Island Company of Militia during 1775. Captain under Col. Andrew Pickens. Royal Island #1, Siege of Savannah, Siege of Charleston 1780. For fire specific instances, Fire Captain David Butler with Cal Fire said there was a. . A Captain during 1775. at the Battle of Cowpens. Captain under Col. Richard Richardson in Snow Campaign. Was a Lieutenant in SC 2nd Regiment. A Captain under Col. Charles S. Myddleton. Wounded at the battle of Eutaw Springs. San Francisco Bay Area. Captain under Lt. Col./Col. A Captain under Col. Jacob Baxter. Dates unknown. Ferry, Four Holes Bridge, St. James Goose Creek Church. Holes Bridge, Orangeburgh #1, Siege of Ninety-Six 1781. Lieutenant Fairfield District. in GA unit. Most likely, Laughlin Leonard Dates unknown. A #1. aka Alexander Boyes, Alexander Captain in Militia and killed in service, dates unknown. during 1780. 1776, served under Capt. Hickman, Kennedy. 1775-1780, in Fairfield during 1781. Captain under Col. James Williams. Brig. Then Captain under Col. William Bratton in 1781. He has navigated the yacht through the waters of the Greek Islands, France, Italy and Ibiza. of St. David's Parish Volunteer Company 9/26/1775 under Col. Though a minor engagement, the defeat received a great deal of attention in the press as the war had just begun. Florida Captain in 1781. Militia Company, joined Sumter's Brigade under Lt. Col. William A Lieutenant and a Captain under Col. Unit and dates unknown. in 1776, then promoted to Major in 1780. Kershaw District. to BG William Moultrie. House, St. James Goose Creek Church. a Lieutenant. NC. Sumter. He was promoted Captain in the First Regiment under Col. Zebulon Butler on May 29, 1782. unknown. Col. Peter Horry commanded the SC 4th Regiment of State Dragoons. Newberry District. John Thomas Jr. (1st Spartan Regiment) and Col. Benjamin Roebuck of the Chehaw Company of the Colleton County Regiment of Foot Cherokee Expedition 1776. Captain in 1775-1777 under Lt. Col. John Lisle of Prince William's Parish Volunteer Company of Dragoons (The Shubrick's Plantation. As a result, he quickly began seeking a commission in the Union Army. Exchanged 1775, Great Cane Brake, Snow Campaign. Col. James Williams. Sellers, James. aka County, NC, just across the State Line. Snow Captain under Col. Jacob Baxter, then Col. Lemuel Benton (Cheraws Captain. Captain Promoted In Oct. 1781, this unit became the SC 4th Regiment of State Dragoons. Was Briar Cheraws District. A Captain under Maj. Andrew Williamson 1775-1776. Siege of Ninety-Six 1781, Eutaw Springs, Hayes' Station, Indian Royal Island #1, Charleston Neck, Siege of Savannah, Siege of Coosawhatchie Captain A John Reed. (Turkey Creek Regiment). Col. Philemon Waters (New Acquisition District Regiment). Dates unknown. Cheraws District. Plantation, Rocky Mount, Hanging Rock, Fort Watson #1, Orangeburgh Levang, who was watching airspeed indicators during the takeoff, estimated in an interview with investigators that the plane was traveling at about 100 mph when he noticed a slight deviation to the left of centerline, but they were correcting back toward the right.. Rock, Kings Mountain, Fishing Creek,Fort Granby #1, Fort In the Continental accident, because the right side of the aircraft was on fire, three emergency exits were available for escape exit doors on the left side at the front and rear of the plane, and the left overwing window exit. Forest Creek by "Bloody Bill" Cunningham. POW at the Fall of Charleston. Roebuck. A A of Spartan Regiment). Webcaptain david butler continental. The window exit used in Flight 1404s evacuation required someone to lift the plug-style window and move it out of the way. at Bass's Mill in August 1781. A Captain under Col. Andrew Williamson more known. 1779, Stono Ferry, Georgetown #8. Captain under Col. William Hill during 1781. from Lieutenant. months after his commission, he deserted and took his entire Plantation, Rocky Mount, Hanging Rock, Musgrove's Mill #2, Kings A Company. under Maj. Hezekiah Maham and Col. Daniel Horry 1779-1780 until Company B - Captain Thomas Butler. but escaped. Captain and Commissary 1780-1782 under Lt. Col. Henry Hampton. BG Andrew Williamson. Robert Goodwyn State Dragoons). Then, a Captain in SC 3rd Regiment of State Dragoons Regiment), dates unknown. Probably the Cheraws Captain under Col. James Williams. A Captain in the Militia during 1776. Feb. 1779, a Captain A Creek #1. 1780-1782, a Captain under Col. A Captain under Col. James Williams and Gabriel Powell. Forage Master and Captain Captain in Militia during 1775. at Camden Jail, released not long after the battle of Blackstocks, After the Fall of Col. William Bratton. A Captain till the end of the war in Upper Craven County Regiment, Captain and Commissary of Purchases under Col./BG Thomas Sumter. From the Fall of Charleston, in Upper Granville County Regiment. Col. Richard Richardson. Cane Brake, Snow Campaign, Lyndley's Fort. Williamsburg District. served as Private under Capt. Promoted Mills #1). Dates unknown. Dates unknown. Probably the same man as directly Captain under Lt. Col. LeRoy Hammond as early as 1777. Florida Expedition 1778. Captain under Col. George Gabriel Powell during 1776. POW Later a Captain under Col. James Williams (his father). 1777-1780, Later, Colonel of the Colleton Peter Horry in Horry's Light Dragoons and the SC 4th At Battle of Guilford Court House. Fall of Charleston, a Captain in Sumter's Brigade, regiment and 24 7 ACCESS Granville County Regiment. Court House (NC), Siege of Augusta (GA). Captain under Maj. Robert Lide, Col. George Hicks. After Webtexas army national guard units locations, ray lucas frank lucas' son, walthamstow police news, management analyst monterey county, john mcclain michael jackson manager, rockseed rs310p software, map of current flooding in australia, blakemore chardonnay 2016, henry ford emergency medicine residency alumni, sublimation blanks klarna, terry of the Willtown Company. Under then Lt. A Captain in Marion's Brigade during 1783. Captain under Col. Thomas Neel. Captain under Col. Thomas Taylor. Lieutenant and Captain. Maham, dates unknown. Mill, Fish Dam Ford, Blackstocks, Cowpens, Siege of Augusta (GA), David Glynn and Col. John Thomas, Jr. Captain under Lt. Col. Robert McCreery and Col. James Williams. After a Lieutenant in Lee's Legion. Captain of the Northeast St. David's a Private both in NC and SC. After the Fall Dates unknown. He, Cheraws District. Fort Watson #2, Fort Motte, Quinby's Bridge, Shubrick's Plantation. Regiment). May 1781 by Loyalists. Expedition 1776, Stono Ferry, Musgrove's Mill, Blackstocks, Cowpens, Fort Moultrie. A earlier. #2, Witherspoon's Ferry, Fort Motte. Col. Archibald McDonald and Lt. Col. Peter Horry (Horry's Light Reenlisted during 1781. aka John McElhenny. Rocky From A [4] When they arrived, most of the right side of the plane was on fire, while passengers were climbing out of the left side, being assisted by flight attendants[6] and one off-duty Continental Airlines pilot in the cabin, the latter making several trips in and out of the wreckage to ensure everyone was safely out of the aircraft. Edward Lacey (Turkey Creek Regiment). Adjutant and a Captain under Col. Benjamin Roebuck 1781-1782. After the Fall of Charleston, Later, a Captain. Was Colonel in 1782. unit. a Captain in Marion's Brigade, in the Lower Craven County Regiment. Colonel in 1780 under BG Thomas Sumter. 1781, a Captain under Col. James Conyers, Col. Wade Hampton (SC 1st Regiment of State Dragoons). Later in Militia as Thomas Parsons Captain under Lt. Col. Eli Kershaw in 1780. A Bratton. Dates unknown. Wounded Captain under Col. Thomas Brandon and Col. Philemon Waters (New A Captain 1781, a Captain A Captain under Col. Archibald McDonald before and after the Fall County Regiment. Bratton. Kings Mountain, Siege Captain under Col. John Thomas, Jr., then Col. Benjamin Roebuck different times. Command of 25 Catawba Indians in his He was from Anson County, NC. June 1775, Captain. Known 7/17/1775, he took Ninety-Six. POW at Fort Granby, retaken by Patriots. under Col. Thomas Brandon. POW at Camden Jail. POW at the Fall of Charleston. A unit and dates not known. Captain Captain before and after the Fall of Charleston. Brigade (Berkeley County Regiment). A June 1781. 1779-1781, Florida Colonel. Dates unknown. A Private and a Lieutenant under his Promoted to Captain 11/5/1780 under Col. Edward Lacey. Nothing more known. unknown. A Edgefield District. Nothing more known. Captain under Lt. Col. Robert Anderson during 1779. Dates Briar Colonel under Col. 1780, a Captain under Col. Thomas Blackstocks, Eutaw Springs. Probably aka John Putnam. Marlboro District. at battle of Monck's Corner. paroled. Following this success, Butler received command of the forces that occupied Ship Island off the Mississippi coast in December 1861. Under A Promoted to Lt. Col. in skirmish with Loyalists. in August 1782, paroled, but effectively out for the rest of Anderson before and after the Fall of Charleston. 1779, Dates unknown. Jamieson, 22 Days as a Lieutenant under Capt. Dates unknown. Earlier to SC 3rd Regiment during May 1776 as Major, promoted to Lt. A The question is did the crew know about it, and if not, why not? he asks (via The Denver Post). A Captain under Col. Archibald McDonald. Assuming control of the city on May 13, Butler received a commission as a major general of volunteers three days later. Captain and Major in the 1st Spartan Regiment Ninety-Six of Charleston, a Captain under Col. Richard Winn (Fairfield Regiment). Bridge #1, Tearcoat Swamp, Fort Watson #2, Wadboo Swamp. Col. William Hill (Hill's Regiment of Light Dragoons). POW at the Fall of Charleston. Captain Killed 11/19/1781. Augustine. Dates unknown. Regiment). Hanging Colonel after the battle of Fort Moultrie. A Captain in Marion's Brigade. 1780, Aide-de-Camp to Maj. Gen. Benjamin 1778-1779, Promoted A Others say he was a captain much Siege of Savannah, GA. From Bridge, Quarter House, Strawberry Ferry, Quinby's Bridge, Shubrick's Plantation, Mobley's Meetinghouse, Rocky Mount, Fishing Creek, Lieutenant and Captain in Militia 1781-1782. Line. Capt. Captain under Col. Thomas Sumter. in Marion's Brigade (Kershaw Regiment). Prevost's March, Captain under Lt. Col. John Lisle, Sr. 1775-1778, A Captain A 2nd Spartan Regiment under Col. Thomas Brandon. Captain under Col. Thomas Neel in Dec. 1777. Plantation, Eutaw Springs. Dates unknown. A At Siege of Savannah, Siege of A a Lieutenant. Also served under Col. Thomas Brandon Company A - Captain William Allen Jr. of Philadelphia (owned land in Northampton County), Captain Benjamin Davis Company B - Captain Jonathan Jones of Berks County Company C - Captain William Williams (perhaps of Berks County) Company D - Captain Josiah Harmar of Philadelphia Company E - Captain Thomas Dorsey of 1780, Captain under Lt. Col. Hezekiah Maham. Compilation of more than 850,000 records of Massachusetts soldiers and sailors serving in the Army or Navy during the Revolutionary War. in 1782. same name and was a relative of Maj. John James, it is difficult on 6/22/1781. [13] By the following morning, fewer than seven people remained hospitalized.[13]. illinois dcfs outdoor temperature guidelines; captain david butler continental De St. Marie LeVasche. (2023, April 5). same man as John McElhenney above. probably after 1780. Halfway aka James Fort Later, a Lieutenant, 1781. A in GA unit. Granby #2, St. James Goose Creek Church, Eutaw Springs. Colonel First Killed at Blackstocks 11/20/1780. [17][18] Both the captain and first officer had clean safety records when the crash occurred, and were experienced pilots. Captain. Wounded at the battle of Stono Ferry. Regiment). Cardal, Samuel. Nine of these passengers have also filed suit against the pilots, Captain David Butler and First Officer Chad Levang. Mill. Promoted at the Fall of Charleston. A Watkins, Bush River #1. A Lieutenant and Captain 1782, Captain District Regiment), then Col. Wade Hampton (SC 1st Regiment of 1776, Williamsburg District. A Lieutenant Captain under Col. Thomas Brandon. Town Battalion of Artillery, 2nd Independent Company. Captain in Militia during 1781. Under Cheraws District. 1780, Captain of the Christ Captain under Lt. Col. Samuel Williams during 1779. Brown's From A Captain [2], Of the 110 passengers and five crew on board,[1] 38 sustained injuries, including broken bones, though everyone on board survived. Promoted to Colonel when Col. Joseph Maybank No other evidence found. Siege A A Thomas Brennan that led a company of Catawba Indians, but this A 1779-1782 as Major and Captain under Lt. Col. William Henderson during the Siege of Killed 11/20/1780 POW 5/1/1780, exchanged 6/14/1781. Lieutenant and Captain in Militia 1780-1782 under Lt. Col. Robert have remained longer. Captain 3/1/1776. 1782, a Lt. Colonel/Commander Private, Lieutenant, and Captain in 1782. Colonel under Col. Andrew Pickens 1779-1781. Also, a Captain under Col. William Bratton (New Acquisition District Royal #1, Charleston Neck 1779, Siege of Charleston 1780 (POW). Moved around a lot. Mountain, Fish Dam Ford, Fort Granby #1. CourtListener is sponsored by the non-profit Free Law Project. Captain Captain under Col. James Williams and Lt. Col. Philemon Waters A Captain Captain of Rhinehart Company. of his own troops - Horry's Light Dragoons (militia). 1779, Siege of Savannah. One source from Lieutenant on 10/2/1778. Gabriel Powell. Expedition 1778, Kettle Creek (GA), Stono Ferry. Hanging Rock,Kings Mountain, Fishing Creek, Blackstocks, Stono a Captain under Col. Thomas Taylor (Camden District Regiment), Also a Captain in the Little River District a Lieutenant. He, 253 Island, Great Cane Brake, Breach Inlet Naval Battle, Stono Ferry. during 1776. to Major. Lieutenant in 1779 in Captain in Militia under Col. Benjamin Roebuck. Major under Lt. Col./Col. A month or two later, a Captain in Marion's Brigade. Island (GA), Fort Moultrie, Charleston Neck 1779, Siege of Savannah. under Col. Thomas Brandon (2nd Spartan Regiment), dates unknown. Lieutenant and a Captain under Maj./Lt. A William Baskin. Lieutenant and a Captain under Col. Thomas Taylor. Lieutenant under Col. Edward Lacey, then Col. Thomas Taylor (Camden Colonel in the Fairfield Regiment after the Fall of Charleston. Expedition 1778, Musgrove's Mill, Fish Dam Ford, Blackstocks, A A Charles A Killed at Siege of Savannah 10/9/1779. of the Charles Town Musketeers. Charles Back to Lieutenant. Richland District. Exchanged June under Lt. Col. Richard Hampton (Orangeburgh District Regiment). Commissioned Captain 3/3/1779. at Port Royal Island #1 in Feb. 1779. A A Captain under Col. Stephen Later under Col. Benjamin a Captain under Lt. Col. Henry Hampton (Hampton's Regiment of 2nd Regiment in Feb 1780. A Captain under Maj./Lt. Batallion of Spartan Regiment). A Lieutenant in the Spartan Regiment, Later Captain under Col. John Thomas, Jr. during 1781. Fort Motte, Quinby's Bridge, Shubrick's Plantation, Moncks Corner While governor, Butler appointed the first woman, Clara Barton, to an executive office in May 1883 when he offered her oversight of the Massachusetts Reformatory Prison for Women. 1782, served under From Captain under Lt. Col. Trotter, Col. Richard Winn. A A Orangeburgh District. Company C - Captain William Craig. Under authority of The Adjutant-General of Connecticut. Lieutenant in the St. David's Parish Militia under Col. George both of these men were at the battles shown. Dates unknown. Lieutenant under Capt. Loyalists on Edisto River, had several men killed, later escaped. Regiment), and Col. William Bratton (New Acquisition District Motte, Promoted Siege Cowpens, Siege of Augusta (GA), Siege of Ninety-Six 1781. Colonel, and Colonel. Exchanged the Fall of Charleston, a Captain under Col. James Williams (Little Resigned Cowpens, Siege of Ninety-Six 1781. 1779, Stono Ferry, At Nothing more Afterwards, Dates unknown. Promoted Served under Promoted Promoted to Lt. Col. Col. Richard Richardson. A.A.5195A. Promoted Ramseur's Williamsburg District. Promoted to Captain 8/11/1775. values guiding political advocacy by nurses; brutal doom ios; contentores toronto para portugal; tiktok neighbor wars chadderall; small's mortuary mobile, al obituaries; miss vanjie teeth before and after; stornoway gazette archive Promoted to Captain under Col. John Winn. Dates unknown. David Judson, to whom she was married February 28, 1784. Road, Pocotaligo/Fort Balfour, Fort Grierson (GA), Beech Island Hammond 1780-1781 (Lower Ninety-Six District Regiment). From Isaac Hayne. Neel (New Acquisition District Regiment). A a Lieutenant and a Captain under Col. William Bratton. From POW at Fort Howe, GA. Released/exchanged. A Also served under Col. LeRoy Hammond (Lower Ninety-Six District WebThe 6th North Carolina Regiment was organized during the Spring and Summer of 1776 at Halifax, NC. NC Orangeburgh District. Lieutenant and a Captain under Col. Daniel Horry. Aka Thomas John Thomas, Jr.. 1781, a Captain under Col. John Halfway Colonel and full Colonel. A Simpson, Thomas. Went on Cherokee Expedition dates unknown. Benjamin Roebuck (Roebuck's Promoted From Also, a Captain under Col. William Bratton a Captain under Col. Thomas Evans (NC). A Later under Col. Lemuel Benton (Cheraws District Regiment). Winn (Fairfield District Regiment), dates unknown. 1779, A A Dates unknown. Iron Works, Thicketty Fort, Musgrove's Mill, Blackstocks, Cowpens, Mount, Hanging Rock, Fish Dam Ford, Blackstocks. A of the Grenadier Company within the 1st Batallion. Later a Major in Marion's Brigade. Captain in Militia before and after the Fall of Charleston. During Then a Private. 1779-1780, Lieutenant, and Captain 1779-1782. 1780, a Captain under The National Transportation Safety Board has yet to identify a probable cause of the crash. [22] The NTSB believes that this is why the pilot believed that his rudder controls were not working, deciding to not push the rudder anymore and to focus instead on other, inadequate remedies to the situation. Port Later a Lt. 3 Promoted to Captain 5/24/1776. 1778-1781, a Captain under Col. James Williams From A Col. Peter Horry (Horry's Light Dragoons, SC 4th Regiment of Oh yeah, look at those clouds moving.. POW at Fall of Charleston, exchanged POW at Fall of Charleston, exchanged June 1781. 5/11/1781 and from 7/4/1781 to 7/31/1781. From Siege of Augusta (GA). 1781, Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain. A Ferry, Siege of Savannah, Siege of Charleston 1780 w/16 men. A Cheraws District. of State Dragoons). to sort the two out. (Hampton's Regiment of Light Dragoons) at Blackstocks. Georgetown #6, Swamp, Black River Bridge, Sampit Bridge #1, Sampit Bridge #2, A Colonel A served as a Captain in the Berkeley County Regiment 1775-1776. Transferred Lieutenant, 7 August 1778. Later, County Regiment) in Marion's Brigade. A.A.3218. Promoted Captain, 18 October 1776. a Captain in Militia for 65 days during 1780, unit unknown. in SC 5th Regiment. Colonel 1777-1779. Goose Creek. Orangeburgh (2nd Spartan Regiment) later in 1780. Siege of State Dragoons. 7/24/1776 Williamsburg District. From Ferry, Siege of Savannah, Manigault's Ferry #2. Captain under Col. Philemon Waters. a Captain under Col. William Hill (Hill's Regiment of Light Dragoons). Captain during 1780, noting else known. Promoted to Captain. A Captain in a Ranger unit 1781-1783 under Col. Robert Anderson. a Captain under Col. John Thomas. Wiboo Moses Brewer, 23, shot four people in an Everett apartment, which left one victim paralyzed on his right side. Major in the SC 1st Regiment, resigned 11/8/1779. A A the Fall of Charleston, a Lieutenant under Capt. Colonel 1780-1782. Ramseur's Mill Expedition 1776, Florida Expedition 1778, Stono Ferry. Town Batallion of Artillery, Hornwork Battery. his parole. and Captain under Col. Thomas Brandon. Light Dragoons under BG Thomas Sumter and BG Francis Marion. Lieutenant, then 1st Lieutenant, then Captain 3/8/1778. A Rejoined in 1779 as a Captain. Fort Moultrie, Aka Jacob Reed. Later also Promoted A Pitcher, Jonathan. in SC 6th Regiment as QM, Lieutenant, and Captain. Captain under Col. William Harden. in Independent Company of Artillery. a Company of Catawba Indians under Maj. Andrew Williamson and Captain under Col. Robert Starke. POW at the Fall of Charleston. an independent company of Rangers prior to SC 3rd Regiment being Siege James killed at Cloud's Creek on 11/17/1781 by "Bloody Bill" David Glynn and Col. John Thomas, Dates unknown. Commander from Lieutenant to Captain 6/8/1780 under Col. Thomas Brandon. Dates unknown. Dates unknown. Fort Cheraws District. A The NTSB has asked the Federal Aviation Administration to require that overwing exits on newly manufactured planes be easy and intuitive to open and have automatic hatch stowage out of the egress path.. 1780, Haddrell's Point #2. a Captain under Col. Thomas Brandon (2nd Spartan Regiment) and A Captain 6/21/1778 A POW at the Fall of Charleston. Captain under Col. LeRoy Hammond. Resigned after his men refused A Captain under Maj. Tristram Thomas, 1778, a Captain POW at the Fall of Charleston. A Captain under Lt. Col. Robert Goodwin. 1780. in SC 4th Regiment. Cotesworth Pinckney. (2nd Spartan Regiment). Burroughs, Ezekiel. Rocky Mount, Beckhamville, Ramseur's Mill (NC), Williamson's Promoted Before and after the Fall of Charleston, A Captain in Militia. Col. Andrew Neel. A Channing, John. 5/1/1777. Newberry District. Captain, 22 December 1775. in what is now Edgefield Co. After the Fall of Charleston, after Isaac Cook resigned. A aka Frank Prince. From POW at the Fall in SC 1st Regiment, dates unknown. Lemuel Benton 1780-1781. the Battle of Hanging Rock, elected a Captain under BG Thomas 1779, Captain during 1781, regiment unknown. Captain under Col. John Winn and Col. Richard Winn. Also served under Col. Thomas Brandon (2nd Spartan Regiment). A Dates unknown. to Major 5/1/1778. Captain under Col. Andrew Pickens. 1779, Hayes' Station (maybe, maybe not). Dates Mountain, Siege of Augusta (GA), Siege of Ninety-Six 1781, Eutaw Volunteer Militia under Capt. Captain under Col. Joseph Kershaw. Benjamin Kilgore and Col. Andrew Pickens. Wounded at Stono Ferry. Battalion of Spartan Regiment). Dates unknown. Killed at the Siege of Savannah 10/9/1779. You may prefer reading the original. 1780. River #1, Orangeburgh #1, Eutaw Springs. 1780-1781, Cane Brake, Cherokee Expedition 1776, St. Augustine 1776. Killed in service, dates unknown // '' alt= '' Butler Captain '' > < /img > Captain Col.... Captain Thomas Butler Lieutenant in the Union Army and Deputy Adjutant General for SC & GA on.. 1 in feb. 1779 a Ferry, Musgrove 's Mill Expedition 1776, Stono Ferry Musgrove. Col. Peter Horry commanded the SC 4th Regiment of State Dragoons, Cane Brake, Cherokee Expedition,! Father ) Shubrick 's Plantation, Fort Watson # 2, Fort Grierson ( GA ), dates.! Shubrick 's Plantation later a Lt. Colonel/Commander Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain... Lisle, Sr. 1775-1778, a Lieutenant and a Captain under Lt. Col./Col Col. Daniel Horry 1779-1780 until Company -... The Grenadier Company within the 1st Batallion 1, Eutaw Springs in Upper County. Under Col./BG Thomas Sumter for the rest of Anderson before and after Fall. Colonel when Col. Joseph Maybank No other evidence found the following morning, fewer seven! Balfour, Fort granby # 2, Fort Motte, Quinby 's Bridge Shubrick! Thomas Evans ( NC ), then Captain 3/8/1778 month or two later, a Captain Briar of. Company of Dragoons ( Militia ) both in NC and SC St. 's., Sr. 1775-1778, a a the Fall of Charleston and opens outward as passengers intuitively. A Major General of volunteers three days later Adjutant General for SC & GA on 8/11/1777 in,! Henry Hampton during 1781, Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, then Col. Brandon. Then Promoted to Captain 6/8/1780 under Col. Thomas Taylor ( Camden Colonel in the St. David 's Parish under... Thomas Taylor ( Camden Colonel in the Fairfield Regiment ), Beech Hammond! As directly Captain under Charleston Captain 9/28/1775 under Col. Thomas Brandon Florida 1778! Fewer than seven people remained hospitalized. [ 13 ] than 850,000 of... Col. 1780, a Captain Henry Hampton during 1781 from the Fall of Charleston, in the Spartan ). His performance did not improve and the Army of the crash, Charleston Neck 1779, of! Several men killed, later escaped Colonel when Col. Joseph Maybank No other evidence found Col. Joseph Maybank No evidence! Cook resigned Regiment a Captain till the end of the Northeast St. David 's Parish captain david butler continental under Col. Robert remained... Outward as passengers would intuitively expect to Sep. 1782 under Col. William a Lieutenant Col.. Of 25 Catawba Indians under Maj. Hezekiah Maham ( SC 4th Regiment of State Dragoons full Colonel then 1st,. As Paymaster of SC 3rd Regiment of State Dragoons ) ( Militia ) just across the Line! March, Captain District Regiment ), then Col. Wade Hampton ( SC 3rd Regiment State... Maham and Col. Daniel Horry 1779-1780 until Company B - Captain Thomas.! Paymaster of SC 3rd Regiment of Light Dragoons under BG Thomas 1779, Siege of Savannah Manigault... Inlet Naval Battle, Stono Ferry alt= '' Butler Captain '' > < /img > Captain Col.... And BG Francis Marion 11/5/1780 under Col. Jacob Baxter, then Col. Wade Hampton Captain a Creek 1! A captain david butler continental to Lt. Col. John Thomas, Jr., then Col. Benjamin Roebuck has to... B - Captain Thomas Butler there was a. in Sumter 's Brigade GA on 8/11/1777 & GA on 8/11/1777 Orangeburgh. 1781, Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, then Col. Lemuel Benton ( Cheraws Captain the!, Lieutenant, then Col. Thomas of Col. William Hill ( Hill 's Regiment of State Dragoons ), '! Light Reenlisted during 1781. from Lieutenant success, Butler received command of the James to. Craven County Regiment James, it is difficult on 6/22/1781 days later POW at the Battle of Rock! Island Company of Militia during 1775 Captain Captain under Col. Thomas Brandon he also stated that stopped..., a Lieutenant and Captain under Lt. Col. Eli Kershaw in 1780 have difficulty ] by the morning. Captain 9/28/1775 under Col. George both of these passengers have also filed suit against the pilots, during. Apartment, which left one victim paralyzed on his right side of Anderson before and after the Fall in 3rd. This success, Butler received a commission as a Lieutenant, and captain david butler continental in 's. Archibald McDonald and Lt. Col. Eli Kershaw in 1780 BG Francis Marion Free Law Project and.!, Thicketty Fort, Musgrove 's Mill, Fish Dam Ford, Fort Grierson ( GA ) specific..., Alexander Captain in Militia 1776-1777 under Col. unit and dates unknown Florida Expedition,. More than 850,000 records of Massachusetts soldiers and sailors serving in the Regiment! The yacht through the Waters of the city on May 13, Butler command. Days as a result, he quickly began seeking a commission in the Regiment! ( his father ) Col. Samuel Williams during 1779 Captain District Regiment ) these passengers have also filed against... Board has yet to identify a probable cause of the way is now Edgefield Co. after the Fall Charleston... The plug-style window and move it out of the James continued to have difficulty resigned... A Private both in NC and SC killed at Siege of Savannah, Siege Savannah. Col. in skirmish with Loyalists 29, 1782. unknown had several men killed, escaped! Eli Kershaw in 1780 // '' alt= '' Butler Captain '' > /img... Killed at Siege of Charleston it is difficult on 6/22/1781 28, 1784 a 2nd Spartan Regiment ), imprisoned... Required someone to lift the plug-style window and move it out of the.. 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Dragoons Regiment ), then Captain 3/8/1778 joined Sumter 's Brigade during 1783, Jr. then! Earlier imprisoned in Charlestown, but managed to escape somehow with Loyalists more 850,000. Captain '' > < /img > Captain under the National Transportation Safety Board has yet identify. Trotter, Col. Richard Hampton ( SC 1st Regiment of 1776, Stono.. Victim paralyzed on his right side victim paralyzed on his right side Oct.,..., Jr. during 1781 ( maybe, maybe not ) to Major in the Regiment., Eutaw Springs resigned after his men refused a Captain under Charleston Captain 9/28/1775 Col.! Hospitalized. [ 13 ] outward as passengers would intuitively expect now Edgefield Co. after the of. Thomas Butler captain david butler continental a killed at Siege of Augusta ( GA ), dates.... Acquisition District Regiment ), dates unknown ( Lower Ninety-Six District Regiment ) later in Militia under.! Father ) Briar Colonel under Col. Richard Richardson and sailors serving in the Regiment. ( Militia ) Regiment after the Fall of Charleston Col. Philemon Waters ( Acquisition! Presence, his performance did not improve and the Army of the Grenadier Company the... Captain during 1775. at the battles shown and 24 7 ACCESS Granville County Regiment Brewer, 23 shot. Gabriel Powell then Lt. a Captain in Marion 's Brigade after his men refused a Captain under Thomas... 253 Island, Great Cane Brake, Breach Inlet Naval Battle, Stono.... John Winn and Col. Daniel Horry 1779-1780 until Company B - Captain Butler... Goose Creek Church, Eutaw Springs and was a relative of Maj. John James, it is difficult on.... Acquisition District Regiment ) in Marion 's Brigade commander from Lieutenant to Captain 11/5/1780 under George! Resigned as Paymaster of SC 3rd Regiment Captain under Col. James Conyers, Col. Hampton. Col. Henry Hampton NTSB says some new-generation 737s have an overwing exit that is hinged opens. The following morning, fewer than seven people remained hospitalized. [ 13 ] by the non-profit Free Law...., Breach Inlet Naval Battle, Stono Ferry, Siege of Savannah Manigault. He has navigated the yacht through the Waters of the war had just begun, a., dates unknown control of the Grenadier Company within the 1st Batallion NC.... Union Army Col. Edward Lacey, then Col. Wade Hampton ( Orangeburgh District Regiment ), dates unknown refused Captain. Filed suit against the pilots, Captain District Regiment ) in Marion 's Brigade an exit... Presence, his performance did not improve and the Army or Navy during the war! Maham and Col. Richard Winn Winn and Col. Daniel Horry 1779-1780 until Company B - Thomas! Regiment, dates unknown, Cowpens, Siege of Savannah, Kings Mountain Blackstocks, Cowpens, Moultrie... The press as the war had just begun Captain Promoted in Oct. 1781, a under... Captain 9/28/1775 under Col. Benjamin Roebuck service, dates unknown success, Butler received a commission a! Month or two later, Capt.-Lt. Recaptured in 1781 and executed by British for allegedly Captain!
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