does mike ever remember susan desperate housewives
Mike decides to forgive him and makes the mistake of telling Susan who storms over there to yell at Orson for what he did, prompting the seperation of him and Bree. Maxine offers her an new division of the site where she'll talk one-on-one with the viewers and make more money. Katherine makes it sound like Susan doesn't know what Mike gets up to and the two argue, Susan calls her a loon. Susan is given some pills for her pain and Mike tells her that he will go to rehab but he needs something to keep him going, Susan refuses to give him her pills and tells him that he will go to rehab or she will leave him. Susan gives Mike a "One-Month Anniversary" card and asks him if he's happy, he tells her that he's never been happier. Susan is saying how their relationship is doomed and right after she sides with Mike about Julie going to a party, she goes behind Mikes back and tells Julie she Susan apologizes to the Bolens. ("Color and Light") Susan asks Mike if he will be attending her mother's wedding, he tells her he won't and she tries to get him to reconsider. Bree confronts Katherine saying that Susan is her oldest friend on the Lane, Katherine argues that Susan is now with Jackson. He tells Dave that he thinks he's falling in love with Katherine and then leaves her a bunch of roses with a message saying "Don't Go", she doesn't but kisses Mike instead. ("Is This What You Call Love? So that he doesn't miss another milestone of his son's life, Mike moves into Mary Alice's old house, across the street from Susan. ("In a World Where the Kings Are Employers"), Mike and Katherine are moving in together and Katherine decides to throw a housewarming party. As they're chatting, Edie drives by, and Mike asks her about her burnt house, and she discovers about the "traditional' dinner, to which Mike feels bad when she tells him she has been eating nothing but fast food lately, and Susan is forced to feel like having to invite Edie over for the dinner too. ("Live Alone and Like It"), Mike overhears Paul Young consulting with Edie Britt, in order to know why exactly she was at his house some time before. ("Next"), Mike goes over to Susan's house, saying that she still has his pants, due to the moving in that never proceeded, she says she knows and lets him retrieve them. "), Mike is first seen working shirtless, on his front lawn, as Susan is admiring him from her kitchen window. ("It Takes Two") Susan goes to the country with Ian. ("Art Isn't Easy"), Mike and Susan have a meeting with a genetic counselor and she asks them their family's medical history, it comes out that Mike's father is alive and Susan was under the impression that he was dead as that was what he told her when they were first dating. When out, a rifle is shot at Katherine but hits a tree and not her, they assume it to be hunters but it was actually Dave, they want to go home as Katherine is freaked out and Dave sadly obliges. Mike visits Felicia Tilman who has arrived home after being attacked by Zach, he asks her if she has any news on Zach but she says that since he beat her with a hockey stick, they lost touch, she expresses that she will be moving as she recovers. When Mike shows up, he's relieved when he learns that the cop will not be able to test out the screwdriver. He later assures her that Kendra is just an old friend and that nothing is going on between them. Karen has cancer and Roy then plans to be faithful. Susan is torn between Julie and Mike but agrees with Mike. Susan told him she was not mad at all, so Mike tells her he will take one more shot at it, and tells her he has tickets to a Billy Wielder retrospective for Wednesday night, and would love to take her with him. In the Second Episode, ("Ah, But Underneath") Susan can't sleep at night, and goes downstairs for a glass of water and sees Mike walking his dog Bongo, out from her kitchen window. Susan tells Mike that it would be nice if MJ had all of his old toys in his room when they returned home, Mike thinks its a nice idea too and Susan goes to deliver them, however, she sees Felicia having Paul hostage. Mike alerts Susan who tells her friends who already know, leading to their fall-out. Dave saw dead and Edie was still oblivious to the evil sleeping next ("Children Will Listen"), Mike meets with Noah Taylor and learns that Deirdre was killed 15 years before, and her body was found, chopped to bits, in a toy chest. Karl comes over Susan's house and they get into an argument after she runs after him wearing just a towel. Peter Murrell, 58, was held by police after raids Susan helps Mike spit out the food and he says it tastes like it's "burned and undercooked". 7"), MJ and Juanita (or rather, Susan and Gaby) go head to head to sell the most school chocolate. ("Smiles of a Summer Night"), Susan decides to throw a charades party and asks Bree for the number of her ob-gyn, Bree gives her a random number and the place is awful. The ladies excuse themselves and they both realize that the contest for Mike is on. ("There's Always a Woman"), Bree and Orson have sex and it is caught on a security tape and they are blackmailed by the person who has it, Andrew retrieves the tape and discovers that it is the wrong footage as it is actually Mike and Katherine having sex in the kitchen, who have now started a relationship, not Orson and Bree. He looks a bit nervous when he overhears Susan asking the cop if he thinks the screwdriver is worth dusting for fingerprints. Mike reads it and finds Paul Young's name among the buyers of the toy chest. makes Susan pay for her groceries, telling her that Edie's insurance company is putting her through hell, and the longer it takes, the longer Edie will be at her home, using up all the utilities for free. Portrayed by She sets off MJ's toy police car siren and Felicia goes to check the scene outside, thinking it is from a real police car, Susan goes to untie Paul but cannot and Felicia gets back in, she gets Susan to the ground and tries to stab her with a needle full of anti-freeze, Paul pulls her off and strangles her, Susan convinces him he is not a killer and Felicia leaves. He remembers her being a customer, and, that when he returned, the real murder put their hand on the counter and was wearing a pair of marigolds. Mike and Paul reach out to Zach to get him into rehabilitation. ("What Would We Do Without You? ("The Art of Making Art") Ben finds out from Bree about the body and Ben promises to take care of it, he asks Mike to cover it up for him. Mike visits Zach again and tells him that his father thinks that he shot him, Zach admits it and tells him that he dumped the gun at Bree's, Mike tells him that people do stupid things when they're high and that Zach should go to rehab, Zach doesn't want to as he knows his father will send him to jail. Edie joins Mike at his front door, and Susan blurts out that she has a clog, to which Mike tells her he will grab his tools and be right over. Susan reveals that she is getting an art class from Andre Zeller which is like getting a football class from Peyton Manning, this makes Mike impressed. ("Everybody Ought to Have a Maid"), Susan tells Mike that they must be nice to Katherine as she could sue them any moment. She forbids her from helping him but she starts to make meals for him, Mike sees them eating together and storms at her, angry, she tells him that Paul has no one and needs some company. ("They Asked Me Why I Believe in You"), Paul Young returns and Susan is distraught, accusing him of being a murderer, they whole neighborhood, and the police, march over to Mike's house for the proof that Paul killed Martha, as he still has her diaries, however, he denies possession of them. Flash backs reveal an argument in which Susan believed that the accident was their fault but Edie tells him it was all Susan's idea, and Mike later tells Susan to keep her distance from Paul as he knows he is a dangerous man. Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes (Susan sees Dr. Ron walking out of the house) Susan: Where is he going? But, he doesnt want to be the weirdo kid who is at a father/son derby without a dad. ("Any Moment") Susan and Julie discover Laura, Mike's sister. Katherine tells the police that Mike stabbed her and he is wrongfully arrested. ("The Thing That Counts is What's Inside"), Susan is fired from the website when she costs Maxine one of her biggest clients and she goes on the phone with a jeweller to see how much her bracelet is worth. ("The People Will Hear"), When Susan is at the hospital, for Julie's delivery, she says to her daughter she will always love Mike, but maybe one day she could be in love with someone, again. Paul tells the story of how he and Mary Alice bought Zach from her and moved to Fairview, three years later, Deidre arrived and wanted Zach back, Mary Alice refused and when Deidre ran at her, Mary Alice stabbed her, they chopped her up, stuffed her in a toy chest and burried her under the pool. ("If"), Karl leaves Susan his share in a strip club that he called Double Ds in the will and Susan is shocked to discover that Mike is a regular customer there. She tells him she's mad that she likes him so much without not really knowing anything about him. ("Getting Married Today"), Mike and Susan are now officially married and a month goes past happily. Mrs. Huber runs into Susan at the supermarket, after offering her a mincemeat pie the night before. Mike walks by, and sees her in the bushes, and tells her he received her messages about her invite for the dinner in Mary Alice's honor and that he would love to go as her date. Later, Mike is late picking MJ up from school and learns that Katherine did it for him, thinking she was doing him a favor, he rushes over to her house to get MJ and she tells him that MJ needs to know what his mother did. When Mike was young, his father, Nick Delfino, used to beat his mother, Adele, and Mike felt bad as he couldn't do anything to help her, thus giving Mike a need to protect people in the future ("You Take for Granted"). Mike asks her if it's a date, and she says she will bring Julie because they have a tradition where they throw dinners for new neighbors. "a guy with a band". The cop told Susan that the screwdriver wasn't worth a lab test, and didn't tell her so that they could still go on the date. The fight is broken up and, later, Mike tries to patch things up with Susan who rejects him as she is still angered by their break-up. However, she pours anti-freeze into the recipes, which will eventually kill Paul. Mike later tells Susan that he was his drug dealer and Susan throws him out, Julie is confused as to where he went. Mike returns home and tells Susan that he just got off the phone with the police station and that they have security footage of Danny drinking in a parking lot when Julie was attacked, meaning he's innocent. Later, Katherine brings the subject back up and is hurt when he tells her that he loves having her in his life but never wants to marry again. Felicia is shocked to see that people can get over sordid truths so quickly, and Mike reveals to her that he has let go of his anger, even despite Deirdre's death. When Mike drops Susan off, he tells her he knows she is mad at him because he didn't stop her from going out with the cop, and she tells him that she's mostly mad at herself. Susan kicks Robin out. Julie asks her how long has it been since she has had sex? ("The Miracle Song") Susan visits Mike in prison again and he tells her that he no longer believes Edie's lies about her as she has got him a new lawyer. When Susan leaves Wisteria Lane with her children, MJ, Julie, and her granddaughter, Mike's ghost appeared, in front of his old house, and he watched his family as they drove away from the lane and began their new lives together. Mike is saddened that this is how his son views him. Mike grabs his mail from her, and asks Susan if she likes old movies, and they start chatting. Susan and Mike's plans for romance are constantly thwarted as Julie sabotages their plans for a romantic weekend as she is harboring Zach Young in her room. Susan falls in her wheelchair, and, due to the positioning, it looks like Ron pushed her Mike runs across the street in her aid. "), Mike is confused as to where the extra cash is coming from and Susan lies to Mike about her internet career and he is none the wiser, he comes in as she is dancing around in her underwear in front of a web-cam and assumes it's a treat for him, they begin to have sex and Susan shuts off the web-cam, with effort. Also, Sophie meets with him to tell him Susan still loves him. Susan tries to change the name back and Mike is maddened and tells her of his grandfather and Susan aggress that their child be called Maynard Delfino. The bond between them grew stronger to the point they started dating, but the feelings of guilt shared by them and the sudden awakening of Mike Delfino, Susans Connect!") Susan turns Mike down in front of Mrs. Huber because she had just told her they were friends, and Mrs. Huber then starts blackmailing Susan by confronting her with the measuring cup. Susan begins to have more and more sex with Mike, which he is happy about, until he decides he has nothing left, he assures Susan that sex was all he and Katherine had but with her, he has the whole package. She gives them a lot of money for their LEGOs and she assures Marisa that Alejandro is never coming back, she tells her mother who looks at the check with her name and address on it and decides to find Susan. Susan later demands the painting back in an argument saying that it is between her and her ex, Katherine smiles but Mike is just confused. Season(s) Susan is worried about Mike as he is constantly looking at Renee's house with a pair of binoculars, when she discovers he had a gun in his pocket, she makes him go to the police about Donny. He rushes her to hospital, worried about her and their unborn child. Susan becomes upset that her daughter can no longer tell her everything. ("Into the Woods"), Susan and Mike are now officially back together and it has been a year s, Mike and Susan marry the first time. She tells him that she asked the cop to run a fingerprint check on the screwdriver she found at Mrs. Frome's, and that the weird thing was that he asked her out on a date, and she told him yes. Mike kept these checks, information concerning Laura and some of her drawings in a locked box in his closet, Mike constantly visited her but never told Susan. It ("Being Alive"), Danny is released but Susan strongly believes that he attacked Julie. He later sees Susan crawling out of Paul's house and talks to her, she argues with him and wonders why he never told her he killed a man, she says she will never trust him again before he kisses her. ("Beautiful Girls"), Mike is arrested for Monique's murder, and, while he is in jail, Edie breaks up with him as she isn't happy, leaving him without bail or money for lawyers. Mike then goes inside his house makes a mysterious telephone call to an unnamed man, and tells him that he hasn't found anything yet but is getting closer, and places a gun on his table while overlooking at the activity going on, on the Lane. Because of the attack, Susan decides to call up a meeting of the neighborhood watch. The two of them took the baby to Wisteria Lane and Deirdre came back for it four years later. As the ladies walk away, Edie tells Mike that she heard he is a plumber, and asks him if he could come over later tonight to take a look at her pipes, to which he says "sure". However, she guilts herself over being in Ian's arms all the while, rather than by Mike's side. ("A Vision's Just a Vision"), Dave moves in with Mike after Edie kicked him out, Mike obliges to let him stay there. It is then that Edie Britt walks up with a plate of Sausage Puttanesca for Mike, to welcome him on Wisteria Lane. A woman she once told that her sister had been murdered by Paul. Mike and Susan make up and Julie agrees to listen to Mike from time to time. He leaves and Katherine is deeply upset by this. See answer (1) Copy. Mike realizes that the $9000 has gone missing and confronts Susan, Lynette tells him that Susan leant her the money and that she will pay it back, Mike believes this and Lynette leaves. Mike later borrows money from Carlos as he has very large depts, more than Susan knows. Having lost hope, Susan continues her romance with Ian. ("Getting Married Today"), Once the night that Mike planned to propose, he does and the two become engaged. Susan says it is because she had too many memories of Mike in her house, and she can't do her mourning. Later, at lunch, Susan is so frustrated that she pours club soda down her leg and pretends her water broke, Mike rushes her out and she reveals she faked it to get away from his mother. When decorating, Katherine puts up a painting of Mike's and finds out Susan painted it for him, she is mad and takes it down, coming up with a lame excuse. That is when Susan realizes that Edie wasn't with Mike that night. Mike tells her that his dad used to beat up his mom and he couldn't do anything about it, but he tells her that he does get scared. Susan and MJ decide to deal with their anger a little more constructively by throwing jars of jam at the garage wall. Scared that Susan doesn't know just how much he loves her. Also for all the men Susan dated it seems pretty clear she was in love with Carl. Edie was n't with Mike and Roy then plans to be faithful the toy chest that night she told. She likes old movies, and she ca n't do her mourning offering a. 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