is dr mary healy married
Since moving near Ann Arbor, Ive been blessed to be friends with Ralph, Peter, and Sr. Ann. Doug Laurion. She serves the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian unity as a member of the Pentecostal-Catholic International Dialogue. Dani has postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, a blood circulation disorder that affects her heart rate, and which made it almost impossible to stand up on her own, necessitating constant use of a wheelchair. Danis physical therapist examined Dani post-healing and was blown away, discharging her because she didnt need any therapy at all. As for Henry Ford hospital, the doctor there apparently told Dani, keep doing what youre doing.. Carlisle: Paternoster / Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004. Doug and Dani are both native Michiganders, but grew up in different areas.
by Renewal Ministries Staff | Oct 3, 2016 | Featured Authors | 1 comment. Her advice? [3][5] She starred as Mrs. Aouda in Orson Welles's 1946 Broadway production of the musical Around the World in 80 Days, a role she reprised for The Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air radio adaptation. Her main interests include faith healing, evangelization, and Catholic spirituality. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2012. My friend said to me at that time that all she wanted from her local Catholic community was for someone to say, We want you to stay in the Catholic Church, it doesnt matter if youre gay, we want you here.. Healy and Hayes appeared in the cult fantasy film The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. (1953) and the Broadway comedy Who Was That Lady I Saw You With? [6][2], Healy has criticized Catholics' unfamiliarity with the Bible.
Together, in 1961, Mary Healy and Peter Lind Hayes published a memoir, "Twenty-five Minutes from Broadway"; their memoir, the title inspired by George M. Cohan's Broadway musical "Forty Five Minutes from Broadway", was about the community of New Rochelle, New York, where they owned and lived on Columbia Island along the Long Island Sound shore where they taped and rebroadcast the daily breakfast conversation program. The Gospel of Mark. I attended classes on healing with Dr Order Bulk SubscriptionsGet a discount on 6 or more copies sent to your parish, organization He holds a doctorate in theology from the Angelicum University in Rome. jesus said, if you believe in me, you will do the works that I do, and greater things because Im going to the Father (Jn 14:12). Sign up for 6 Free IssuesTry us out with a free trial subscription. For the past eight years, he has worked as a professional catechist. Dr. Healys works include: They starred in the television program "Peter Loves Mary" (1960 to 1961). Step out in faith. Dani and Doug Laurion's Catholic wedding Mass in Dec. 2021. Also, my commentary on Hebrews just came out! WebMary Healy is professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit and an international speaker on topics related to Scripture, evangelization, healing, and the Larger Work At age six, I had a dream about JesusI think that was when I began to fall in love with Him. Dani Laurion riding a Bird electric scooter following her healing. Building and using wood fired ovens, recipes, pizza, DIY, and forums. Mary Healy is professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit and an international speaker on topics related to Scripture, evangelization, healing, and the spiritual life. The bishop helped him a great deal, he is a good bishop and he wasted time to accompany this man. "Hey, kids, let's get together and put on a show!" Justice Scalias Legal Rise: The Beginnings of a Remarkable and Beloved Jurist. Men and Women Are from Eden: A Study Guide to John Paul IIs Theology of the Body. In 1946, she starred as Mrs. Aouda in Orson Welles' production for Broadway, an original Cole Porter composed Extravaganza musical production of "Around the World", opening 31 May, closing 03 August 1946 (75 performances), a role that she would reprise for Orson Welles' the "Mercury Summer Theatre on the Air" radio adaptation of the musical play. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2012. [3][7] She gave a talk on healing at the 2021 International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, Hungary. My mission is to know and love the Lord and to make Him known and loved, especially by helping spread the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit throughout the Church. Over the course of their relationship, they realized they wanted to get their marriage blessed and to come back into full communion with their faith. The Church Grows Young: Recent Developments in the Doctrine of Charisms. In Reading and Living Scripture: Essays in Honor of William S. Kurz, S.J. I saw a strong awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit and His activity in our daily life. The Spiritual Gifts Handbook: Using Your Gifts to Build the Kingdom. It was in 2018 when Dani moved to Lansing to be closer to family, after getting her tracheotomy, that she ended up being admitted to the assisted living facility where Doug was working as a nurse. You are a member of the ICCRS (International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services) Doctrinal Commission. Her main interests include faith healing, evangelization, and Catholic spirituality. Mary Healy was previously married to Peter Lind Hayes (1940 - 1998).. About. Praise God! The Spiritual Gifts Handbook: Using Your Gifts to Build the Kingdom co-authored with Randy Clark (Chosen Books, 2018), [1] The couple were also celebrity contestants on the TV game show Password. Youre on the wrong side of history. WebMary Healy's Website. There are people that prefer to select or discard people because of the adjective. Thats the key thing.. All rights reserved, STD, biblical theology, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, 2000, STL, theology, International Academy of Theology, Gaming, Austria, 1998, MA, philosophy, Catholic University of America, 1991, MA, theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville, 1988, BA, University of Notre Dame (magna cum laude), 1986, Men and Women Are from Eden: A Study Guide to John Paul II's Theology of the Body, Healing: Bringing the Gift of Gods Mercy to the World, Inspiration and Incarnation: The Christological Analogy and the Hermeneutics of Faith.. His mother asked him not to do so as long as she was alive. Please see Dr. Healy's website: Renewal Ministries is the sponsor of The Choices We Face, a widely viewed weekly Catholic television and radio program distributed throughout the world, and engages in a wide variety of mission work in more than thirty countries. (To be clear, Im recounting her talk from memory, so I will do my best to represent her ideas accurately.). In 2021 she was diagnosed with excessive dynamic airway collapse, meaning the ventilator would now have to be her constant companion. She still has the tracheomalacia, but it's just not nearly as far along as it was, she says. Take a second to support Where Peter Is on Patreon! I knew I could find the Lord there. Sign-up for E-NewsletterGet Register Updates sent daily or weeklyto your inbox. A Catholic Perspective on Healing.One in Christ47 (2013), 285-310. Informed by faith and reason, Catholics are free to reach their own private judgment as to whether a miracle has occurred in this instance, David Kerr, Director of Communications for the Diocese of Lansing, told CNA in a statement. His long-term goal is to provide pastoral counseling for Catholics who have been spiritually abused, counseling for Catholic ministers, and counseling education so that ministers are more equipped to help others in their ministry. I took a course with Fr. Inner Healing & Freedom Ministry Coordinator, Director of Encounter Worship & Director of Projects, Inner Healing & FreedomMinistry Coordinator. She is one of the first three women ever to serve on the Pontifical Biblical Commission, and is a consultor to the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Healy, who was leading the proceedings, was giving words of knowledge, a common feature of healing services. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, she earned an MA in theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville and a licentiate at the International Theological Institute in Gaming, Austria. He is the author of the book, Biblical Foundations for the Role of Healing in Evangelization (Wipf and Stock, 2017) and has appeared in documentaries Fearless (2017) and Revive (2020). On multiple occasions he has referred to gender theoryparticularly when its taught to childrenas ideological colonization. In July of 2016, during a meeting with the bishops of Poland. Your email address will not be published. Frances Martin and began to see what incredible treasures of wisdom and inspiration are found in Scripture when it is unpacked and interpreted rightly. The 1946 Orson Welles "Mercury Theatre Production" was based on the Jules Verne novel about an adventurer who circumnavigates the globe in 80 days. Dr. Healy serves the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian unity as a member of the Pentecostal-Catholic International Dialogue. shaka wear graphic tees is candy digital publicly traded ellen lawson wife of ted lawson is dr mary healy married. EIN 27-4581132 was last April when British comedian Stephen K. Amos visited the pope on a pilgrimage. Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners? (Luke 5:30; cf. Behind the Text: History and Biblical Interpretation. He changed his civil identity, he got married and he wrote me a letter saying that it would bring comfort to him to come see and me with his bride: he, who had been she, but is he. [1], Healy took a sabbatical in 2014, during which time she became interested in miraculous healings and the theology thereof. But we experienced the power of the Holy Spirit as we worked out our differences through prayer, spiritual warfare, relying on the cross of Jesus and His blood, and learning to forgive and love each other. Healy and Hayes were married from 1940 until his death in 1998. In Mother of God Community, there were the typical challenges of living in very close fellowship with others. print and digital media outlets, dedicated to reporting the truth in light of the Gospel and the Detroit, Michigan 48206 [10] They were frequent guest panelists and once were the mystery guests on the long-running quiz show What's My Line? St. There is an openness to the Holy Spirit and His charisms, a focus on the New Evangelization, and a clear vision of what the Lord is doing in the Church today. Mary Healy, born in 1918 in New Orleans, was the youngest of four children of John Joseph Healy and Viola Armbruster. These people dont have a human heart., Last year, an LGBT Catholic friend of mine confided that she was seriously considering leaving the Church, in part because she is wrestling with the Churchs teaching on homosexuality, but mostly because she simply felt deeply unwelcome and unwanted. Request Encounter Ministry Speakers for your upcoming event. Her response was that if he was sacrificing the truths of the Church, then it wasnt real ecumenism. Dani Laurion flanked by two friends at a church potluck following her healing. True ecumenism takes place when the sacrifice is one of humility: the willingness to listen, to be open to receiving good things from another, and to resolve to go more than halfway to meet someone where they are. The Christological Analogy and the Lost Realm of Biblical Truth. InBehind the Text: History and Biblical Interpretation, edited by Craig Bartholomew, Murray Rae, Stephen Evans, and Mary Healy. She told CNA that for the past eight years, God has led her to study supernatural healing. WebNews. Sacred Heart has been a wonderful place to teach. Peter Hocken. Dr Mary Healy's talk was released on Sunday and we've received a great response, go check it out now! Providence, RI: Cluny Media, 2019. The PBC is an international group of twenty biblical scholars appointed by the pope, whose job it is to advise the Holy See on matters related to biblical interpretation. Her other books include WebOne time, I was giving a retreat and I talked about this parable that I just talked to you about. He is a retreat leader, catechist formator, writer, and a co-founder of Where Peter Is. Co-authored with Rev. Mary Healy is professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit and serves as chair of the Doctrinal Commission of International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS). What Vatican II Actually Teaches and Its Implications for the New Evangelization, and The Urgency of the New Evangelization, as well as many articles in scholarly and popular publications. or school. Dr. Healy told the story of someone who approached her recently and told her that he had once been in an ecumenical group, but left after a while because he felt that Many people prayed. This chronicle of the Church in action gives us the blueprint for the life and mission of the Church today. It was the first time in my life that nothing stood between God and I. [6], Healy was a member of the regular cast of Hayes's CBS-TV series, Inside U.S.A. with Chevrolet (194950), a revue-style series that producer Arthur Schwartz based on his successful Broadway show, Inside U.S.A.[7]:359360 Healy and Hayes were the first to sing the commercial jingle, "See the USA in Your Chevrolet", which later became a signature song for Dinah Shore.[8]. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. The dictatorship hasnt declared a truce in its persecution of the Catholic Church. The pope responded with a personal story: Similarly, Pope Francis has reiterated the Churchs teaching on homosexuality and has taught that same-sex unions are in no way. This is their Church, and their baptism has made them a permanent member of the Body of Christ, but we have failed so many times to acknowledge their place here. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2018. I really felt the Lord prompting me to study healing and its role in evangelization. On one hand, our pope is uncompromising in his support for Catholic teaching. Also published in French, Polish, and Portuguese. The Lord welcomes their requests and the Gospels contain not even a hint of reproach for these prayers, reads the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faiths 2000 Instruction on Prayers for Healing. [3][8], Healy was a general editor for The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, published by Ascension Press in 2018. Your email address will not be published. She completed her doctorate in biblical theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome in 2000. I just put my hands up and I just asked God to just hold me, she remembered. The Lord is awakening Christians everywhere to our identity as sons and daughters of God and to the authority we have in Christ. WOR set up equipment in their house in suburban New Rochelle, New York so that they could broadcast on weekday mornings from their home. EWTN News, Inc. is the worlds largest Catholic news organization, comprised of television, radio, In the present five-year term, our task is to study the topic of biblical anthropology: What does the Bible teach about the human person? In the late 1990s, I went on a Renewal Ministries mission to Lithuania, which was a wonderful experience. Obviously, recourse to prayer does not exclude, but rather encourages the use of effective natural means for preserving and restoring health, as well as leading the Church's sons and daughters to care for the sick, to assist them in body and spirit, and to seek to cure disease, the CDF wrote. Knowledge of the Mystery: A Study in Pauline Epistemology. InThe Bible and Epistemology: Biblical Soundings on the Knowledge of God, edited by Mary Healy and Robin Parry. Being a living bridge to our LGBT brothers and sisters may cost us our pride and our self-righteousness. She was breathing normally. In the Renewal, I saw New Testament Christianity lived out in a most visible and radical way. Healy was one of the first women appointed by the Pope to the Pontifical Biblical Commission. Thelen earned his Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Angelicum in Rome. Doug Laurion. She was previously married to Peter Lind Hayes. Inicio; Noticias; Entrevistas; Blog; Testimonios; Podcast; Men WebSon of Charles A. and Mary Jane Hudson Healy. Extending Healy's career from stage to the movies, with husband Peter, she co-starred with Hans Corned in "The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T," a 1953 musical fantasy film based on a story by Theodor Seuss Geisel about a boy who hates practicing piano and dreams he has been taken to an island where he is forced to play on a giant keyboard with 499 other captive children. Ralph and his wife, Anne, reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and have six children and nineteen grandchildren. Weve published two documents so far, Guidelines on Prayers for Healing and Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and weve just finished a new one on deliverance ministry, which we hope to publish this year. Washington: Catholic University Press, 2012. 25 Feb/23. She was determined to improve her walking ability, but her physical therapist apparently was not sanguine about the chances of Dani walking normally again. With few exceptions she and her husband worked together exclusively. A degree of verisimilitude also characterized the half-hour comedy "Peter Loves Mary," which ran on NBC airing in 1960-61. Mathias Thelen | Patrick Reis | Joe PhilipSarah Kaczmarek | Fr. Please tell us about that. Bringing others to Christ and His Church. Youre just a conservative. You have published Healing: Bringing the Gift of Gods Mercy to the World and Renewal Ministries produced a CD of your discussions with Peter Herbeck on this topic, entitled Does Jesus Still Heal? Healys trust in Gods power to heal peoples bodies has come about, she said, through a renewal of my mind, which is still ongoing. Youre a cafeteria Catholic. Dani said she hopes her miracle will help to teach people how to believe with their heart, not just their head.. She was elderly, and died soon after. She performed often with her husband, Peter Lind Hayes, for over 50 years, in a succession of films, television and radio shows and on the stage. Healy was born April 14, 1918 in New Orleans. (To be clear, Im recounting her talk from memory, so I will do my best to represent her ideas accurately. You can find her speaking schedule here. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture. Omaha, Neb. The hospital told her they wanted to do a bronchoscopy to determine what further action was needed. She had always believed in the power of prayer, but an event of that nature devoted to what she saw as faith healing seemed to her almost like a gimmick.. Son of Legendary Catholic Author Dies at 95, Printable Rosary Guides Full Page and Wallet Sized, McElroys Pastoral Proposal is not Franciss, Mike Lewis on his near death experience and opposition to Pope Francis, Theological Change and the Reform of the Mass, Catholics dont have a culture of studying the Bible in depth. He models a radically new attitude characterized by warmth, sincerity, welcome, and respect. Aquinass Use of the Old Testament in his Commentary on Romans. InReading Romans with St. Thomas Aquinas, edited by Michael Dauphinais and Matthew Levering. Large numbers of the sick approached Jesus during his public ministry, either directly or through friends and relatives, seeking the restoration of health. And afterward, one of Also published inHomiletic and Pastoral Review, May 2011. WebDr. The pope responded with a personal story: Last year I received a letter from a Spanish man who told me his story from the time when he was a child. My parents have been friends with Ralph and Anne Martin for more than thirty years. Many Catholics were brought up with the idea that reading the Bible is something more Protestant."[9]. Pray big. You dont have to tone down your requests in prayer, she said. Mary Healy sang the the title song composed by Alfred Newman. Yes, we have something to learn from LGBT people. A replica of the stars' New Rochelle, New York, home provided the setting for 'The Peter Lind Hayes Show", which ran on NBC in 1950 through 1951. When have you seen the Holy Spirit at work? is dr mary healy married. Ralph is also the director of Graduate Theology Programs in Evangelization and a professor of theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in the Archdiocese of Detroit ( Afterwards, when Healy got a chance to talk to Dani, all Dani could say, and keep on repeating, was: This is real.. Still, she decided she wanted to attend, and even invited others to join as well. [citation needed] Healy died of natural causes February 3, 2015, in Calabasas, California.[3]. They're meant to be part of our evangelistic mission, Healy, who serves on the Pontifical Biblical Commission and teaches at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, told CNA. Nouan-le-Fuzelier, France: Editions des Batitudes, 2009. She said, "The presence of faith-filled, spiritually mature women in positions of authority is important for helping young men mature in their masculinity and preventing the development of clericalist attitudes. People are beginning to heed Pope Francis call to go out to the peripheries with the Gospel and not to remain enclosed in church buildings. Pope Benedict XVI appointed Ralph as a consultor to the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, and he continues to serve in this capacity. George married Mabel Leight on October 31, 1900 in Galesburg, Knox County, Illinois. Post author: Post published: February 27, 2023; Post category: anong uri ng awiting bayan ang dandansoy; Old World Stone and Garden; Build; Glossary; Forum; is dr mary healy married. Doug, fearing she would need assistance, offered her the wheelchair. She instead offered him her hand. After hearing that, Dani felt moved to remove the portable ventilator tube from the plastic valve in her throat. Please take a look around. ), A person with both arms outstretched is an image of a person crucified. The Good News of Biblical Sexual Morality.In Clerical Sexual Misconduct with Males: Evaluation and Recommendations. The gifts of prophecy and tongues have always been important to my spiritual growth and community life. (313) 883-8500, 2020 Sacred Heart Major Seminary Dani and Doug became fast friends, and after Dani was hospitalized for an illness in the fall of 2018, Doug began visiting her regularly. He is married to Emily and together they have six children. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008. A few months after that statement, during an in-flight press conference, the pope was asked about how he would personally accompany a transgender person. Please tell us about that. But Healy urged perseverance in prayer, citing Christ's admonitions to do so. George Chakiris was featured as a dancer. She looked over at her mother, who was crying. In the early 1960s, the couple also hosted a WOR radio show, which was broadcast from the basement of their New Rochelle house. Doug Laurion. She made her first screen appearance in "Josette" (1938). Biblical Interpretation as a Prophetic Charism in the Church.Nova et Vetera13.1 (2015), 219-240. It was Peters idea. They had even visited and prayed at the Solanus Casey Center in Detroit, the resting place of the blessed who was known for his ministry to the sick. Dr. Mary Healy is council chair of Mother of God Community, a lay Catholic community in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and adjunct professor of Scripture at the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College and at Ave Maria University. Healy, as Heloise Collins, portrayed the boy's mother. The biblical meaning of miracle is mighty deedAn evident manifestation of God's power. Rome: International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services, 2012. Behind, in Front of or Through the Text? One of their first high-profile pairings as a duo was in the CBS TV musical variety series "Inside U.S.A. with Chevrolet", which ran on CBS TV from September 29,1949 through March 16, 1950; a revue-style series that producer Arthur Schwartz based on his successful Broadway show "Inside U.S.A.". Won the 1935 'Miss New Orleans' beauty pageant. She had gotten to the point where she could stand shakily and with help in case she fell for a couple of minutes at a time, Doug said. Peter Hocken. That being said, however, there are certainly many within the Diocese of Lansing who do believe that Dani Laurions healing was, indeed, miraculous [and] are duly delighted for Dani and her husband, Doug, while also being duly grateful to God for his unfailing goodness and mercy.. And so in December 2021, after fulfilling all the Churchs requirements, they had their marriage blessed. That's the idea behind this raucous spoof about a vaudeville performer who goes to college to spy on her bratty son. Edited by Robert Fastiggi, Jane Adolphe and Michael Vacca. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 2013. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2007. I received them.. The couples goal, they say, is to dance together, unencumbered, on New Years Eve. For a while after the healing, she did not use the ventilator at all, and today she uses it only at night. Please tell us about one of your biggest projects, writing the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, with Dr. Peter Williamson. Carlisle: Paternoster / Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003. Explainer: Why Did the Bishops Object to Proposed Changes to a Contraceptive Mandate? Sacred Heart Major Seminary is proud to be home to a world class faculty in Philosophy and Theology. [1] Crowned Miss New Orleans in 1935, she performed as a singer in the New Orleans area. In college, I found little to foster my faith, and I felt far from God. Webpicture of danny gokey's first wife. Sacred Heart Major Seminary The Hermeneutic of Jesus.Communio37.3 (2010), 477-95. How can people experience this in their own lives? Also published in Japanese and Polish.. Josephinum Journal of Theology19.1 (2012), 48-69. On the other hand, he refuses to conflate ideologies with persons. Here is what Ive learned through my suffering. Please tell us about being a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission. who has died from the surreal life; student nurse role in multidisciplinary team; is dr mary healy married Mary (age 22) and Peter Lind Hayes (age 25) were married from 1940 until his death on 21 April 1998 (age 82). Do you have any new work coming out soon? 2701 Chicago Boulevard She appeared in four Broadway shows between 19421958, and her film appearances include Second Fiddle, Star Dust and Theodore Geisel's musical fantasy The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. In 2006 she was inducted into the Nevada Entertainment/Artist Hall of Fame at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. is dr mary healy married. One moving example was last April when British comedian Stephen K. Amos visited the pope on a pilgrimage. So its not that a miracle violates the laws of nature or something like that, but as far as we can see from our human perspective, it is a mighty deed that demonstrates the supernatural power of God.. [2] In 1986, she earned a BA from the University of Notre Dame. So many people today are in need of healing, and many miracles of healing and deliverance are occurring. Release of their biography, "Twenty-Five Minutes from Broadway", by Mary and. Healy self-published a second book in 2004, "Moments to Remember with Peter and Mary - Our Life in Show Business from Vaudeville to Video". With few exceptions, she and her husband worked together exclusively. A person with both arms outstretched is an image of a person crucified. She says understanding Gods nature as a healer, and realizing she was deserving of Gods healing, helped her immensely. Please share some of your testimony with us. are taught in school that everyone can choose his or her sex. Sacred Heart Major Seminary welcomes visitors to its historic campus. Get ready to receive more awesome content from WFE soon! Dons et charismes dans la foi et la vie de lEglise. Healy says Danis miraculous recovery is worth celebrating, and also that she was impressed by Danis willingness to go out and, in an evangelistic manner, invite people in the community to the healing service. People experience this in their own lives of Charles A. and Mary Healy 's talk was released on Sunday we... Retreat leader, catechist formator, writer, and Sr. Ann the pope on a Renewal Ministries to... To Emily and together they have six children the plastic valve in her.! Professional catechist member of the Holy Spirit and his activity in our daily life as Heloise,.: our Sunday Visitor, 2013 Healy sang the the title song composed by Alfred Newman deal, refuses. With dr. Peter Williamson of also published in Japanese and Polish.. Journal. Et charismes dans la foi et la vie de lEglise [ 9.... 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