polish swear words list
"spierdoli mi si komputer". The dude stole my vodka! #5. Disclaimer aside, lets take a deep dive into Polish swearing! #7: Na razie niech to pozostaje ale czekam na potwierdzenie! bad looking for me, maybe possible, but honestly i dont know. Podpierdala si do kogo - zaleca si. Trzymaj si swojego fiuta actually means hold on to your dick and not mind your own f*cking business. @Diana Cobos Sha kreh is most probably psiakrew which literally translates as dogs blood and I suppose is roughly equivalent to damnit in English. it's a medieval disease, and I don't know how to translate it.. but I think it's black plague. The rest are combinations of these five, derived words and phraseological relationships. No particular list could do the language the honor of covering all the possible Polish swearing! post valuable comments down below the dictionary. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Narecja ziomy :), try theese say them as you would read them in english. Used as an insult towards a person seen as someone not worthy of attention. Ha, ha, ha. It was a response to the state of the country at the time. Wypcha si sianem Literally stuff yourself with hay. Use in any dismissive context you prefer. Gupek If youre freestyling a verse and you need two rhyming Polish insults to deliver the sickest of burns, you can pair gupek with dupek. It kind of makes me think of the word "" in Russian. What are your favorite curse words in Polish? see the first post describing most Polish swear words, including "kurwa". dogs are often used for derogatory references, sometimes as a sound of exclamation, people would say - dogs blood!, or dogs face!. WebThis is a list English words of Polish origin, that is words used in the English language that were borrowed or derived, either directly or indirectly, from Polish.Several Polish words have entered English slang via Yiddish, brought by Ashkenazi Jews migrating from Poland to North America.Other English words were indirectly derived from Polish via I try Used some of these when messaging my Polish friend Good laugh. Here is a Polish swear word list to continue your education, along with the Polish swear words in English translation. I dont understand why a dogs blood would be offensive, tho. Thanks! post valuable comments down below the dictionary. We tend to think of swear words as one entity, but they actually serve several distinct functions. The verbs below are presented in their basic form, but usually they are Jebieszjeze You fuck hedgehogs. Who in the world would want to fuck hedgehogs? 1. odpierdoli - to do something carelessly, negligently - already exist on the list.
8. Ah, swear words, what an underestimated subject. Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout, August 03, 2022 Gupek If youre freestyling a verse and you need two rhyming Polish insults to deliver the sickest of burns, you can pair gupek with dupek. So, it was easy to spend a 2+ hours a day on it without burning out (to burn out means you do something so much that you don't want to do it anymore and give up). II. I thought that was s**t. Tea who you yeah Bunny --> ty chuju jebany, yes "ch" but many peolpe in poland don't know about this and they writte with miastake :). And great job! When I asked what it meant no one would tell me until I said I was going to ask mamusia for some pierdolic for dinner! Skurwysyn. For some reason, many people are fascinated with swear words in foreign languages. But czubekliterally refers to the tip, or extremity, of something. Web*** www.facebook.com/polishlets You can find me on Facebook. Barring you dont stumble into uttering any unintentional Polish insults, youll probably be in the clear if you just stick to these basic ground rules. This word refers to cabbage, but perhaps the green color of this vegetable reminds many of money. Use them at your own risk, of course. Ale deszcze dzisiaj napierdala). I'm gonna kill him! This page was last edited on 12 March 2023, at 10:33. Dupek Got a real asshole or a schmuck on your hands? We tend to think of swear words as one entity, but they actually serve several distinct functions. - Ty chuju! Perhaps one who lacks a shred of grace? Dont be confused since some locals also use the Polish word fajka to refer to the same thing.
WebWhen you drop a heavy box on your foot you say ' oh, fuck ' in English or ' o, kurwa ' in Polish. III. The maid is making the bed in a hotel room. which are I've promised myself never to teach any swear words to anyone. Kurwa (actually meaning bitch, whore), is pronounced as KUR-VA. Now that youve completed your first lesson on how to say swear words in Polish Its time to move on to other Polish curse words. haha, i just cant say these around my mom, she is from poland!
First off - nice article even for native Pole like me. A**hole, Bastard Skurwielu Idiot, cretin Bawan Gut Bandzioch Loser, slouch Cienias Nut, loony, schizo Czubek Ass, klutz, dork, nerd, a**hole Dupek Cretin, dolt, fool, idiot Gupek Sh*t, crap Gwno Youve got ants in your pants Masz w dupie robaki YouTube gives you a lot of freedom in customizing your profile. @Diana Cobos cholera is like fuck , and the other one is dog blood, @Diana Cobos She kreh is probably psiakrew ! Do you know what the word in Polish and English is?
"twoja postawa mnie zupenie rozpierdala". II. (We won't tell!). Otherwise this short guide would become a Sounds like Mowa to dupa which means speech (talk) is arse. I've integrated it into the original article. 1. odpierdoli - to do something carelessly, negligently - already exist on the list. Pszczyna With a name like this, this town in Southern Poland certainly stands out on the map. The use of the abbreviation "WTF", as in "what the fuck" can also be used in Polish profanity. Start Learning Polish in the next 30 Seconds with a Free Lifetime Account. Available anytime, anywhere, on any device. There is one, "napierdala" which differs from "napierdoli" and means - to hit, to knock, to bang (np. hundred-page dictionary.
I've integrated them with the original article. Without the vibrating 'r' it actually misses its point. I consider this verb itself as a weak curse word. She would also say cholera but I dont think she was talking about the disease when she said it! This also often changes the meaning. To do blowjob, to suck cock. Fun fact: in Polish, you dont just diss someone you ride over them (as implied by the verb pojecha). 6. Root word ' pierdoli .' Please see my suggestion about Move da dupa. Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something, Saying Hello No Matter the Time of Day in Polish. I just wanted to know what happened next in the story, so it wasn't like "studying", it was something that was fun and relaxing to do. (My knowledge is based on a survey among native speakers, listening to A person behaving in a way that is seen as obscene. Today's article is a guest post by skorway on YouTube (who is a Pole) about all the different meanings and variations of the Polish swear word pierd*li.
I had to search the internet. Check out our article on Polish swear words or check out the item below! Stary pryk Wish to smite someone into irrelevancy? Curse words enrich the Polish language, helping express ones thoughts and emotions, while showing how people react to different situations. to report each verb in imperfective aspect and I indicate the aspect when the WebTop 10 Polish Swear Words. My Grandma (full blood Polish) always cursed using dogs blood and cholera. In Polish, of course. Don't leave your home without them. Is this a real swear word or no? To disregard something or someone as unimportant (similar to the English expression fuck this/fuck you). "Opierdoli" = "ostrzyc" So you must learn them to avoid being cursed at and not knowing it, and to use them yourself. What were the first Polish words and phrases you have learned. Chce cie jebac analnie. Shes also a language enthusiast who grew up bilingual and had an early love affair with books. Kurka wodna When someones not just a chicken, but a water hen.. Harmless old-fashioned Polish swear words/phrases. Polish swear words with pronunciation are: Cholera! Otherwise very nice article, shows how hard for foreigners the Polish language is ;). Bohdan gets laid all the time. Is This Accurate? PIZDA . That is, the "ooya bana" bit. Exactly! practically only one highly offensive and broadly used curse word: A step-by-step guide about how to learn a language naturally on your own! Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something, Saying Hello No Matter the Time of Day in Polish. It doesn't contain weak Polish swear words with pronunciation are: Cholera! , a simple Polish word :) IndianPolishGurl. All Rights Reserved Polish Shirt Store is a division of ZWA Customs, LLC Built with Polish Power & Powered by Shopify, The article title on bad Polish words caught you didn't it? Boss made me work three hours more yesterday 'cause I pissed into a cement mixer. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I jeszcze: :), Hmm, gues I'll finally start learning Dutch! The appearance of this word in the Polish lexicon could be attributed to the historical partition of Poland where the country was occupied by its neighbors which tended to suppress the use of Polish language and enforce the use of theirs. I did one mistake more, there was "deszcz" instead of "deszcze", cheers! When it comes to Polish translation, in certain contexts, the swear words (curse words) have their both prominent and well-deserved role to play. Relly great post. Web*** www.facebook.com/polishlets You can find me on Facebook. And forget about the whole fucking world. Most common (and most useful!) ;-) I hope we're not making the problem worse? post valuable comments down below the dictionary. Dont be confused since some locals also use the Polish word fajka to refer to the same thing. Niestety nie rozumiem co "opierdoli" w tym kontecie znaczy. (Fuck off! Full list of bad words and top swear words banned by Google. I figured I should do something to make the guy leave her alone. Czubek When used derisively, this is basically a way to call someone a nutcase. speech. In Polish, thanks to prefixes and changes caused by conjugation and/or At least they won't find any information on the k-word here! It sounds funny even for a Pole ; ). You have been warned. Frequently, people I meet ask me how to say them in Polish. WebTop 10 Polish Swear Words. Regards, Bartek. PIZDA JEBANA .Its used every day and has many uses. I'm Polish native speaker and you really surprised me, because I think you include all meanings of word "pierdoli" which is of course a beautiful word and you can't deny it, can you? Lets not be shy. A vulgar way to call an attractive woman. Sex related swear words are most useful and most common. I think Polish people overall don't swear as much as other nations (e.g.. Americans). Yeah in fact kurwa is very frequently used in poland. In English, it's amazing all the different meanings that the f-word can have! All sentences are correct, but third sounds VERY odd. "Dick" or "cock". The same goes with people you swear in front of - Babcia and Dziadek included - as swearing can lead to some damaging social effects. Meaning. , Its funny, many Polish people I know would probably rather write the infamous Polish k-word as k**** here, but feel no self-consciousness about writing (or saying) the English word fuck. (what the fuck is going on here? So, pardon our Polish - hope you learned something fun and practical today. So, to make things clear, here is a little disclaimer - swearing in Polish should be used at your own risk. You forgot about very important word Komar znw mnie upierdoli w szyj. When I was in my 20s just learning Polish in Poland, I heard the word pierdolic being used. A suffix s- or z- (and many others) usually turns them into "), I think that one of more interesting vulgarisms in polish is PIDZI! My mom often says ''Kurwa ma'' when something mildly goes wrong but she says it to herself, tho i always hear haha I am all eyes and ears :) lol, I'm wondering how a native English speaker would pronounce it..:), To be honest I dont really swear, the only word I use (probably too much) is. :). Na przykad mona "zapierdala z robot". Perhaps one who lacks a shred of grace? It takes time to learn how to properly pronounce this stuff though. An offensive term for a person of a slightly darker skin color but not black, usually Southern Asian, people from the Middle East. This guide contains Polish curse words the author likes. The Polish word for happiness consists of a sequence of two Polish digraphs ( sz, cz ), a nasal e sound, the Polish diacritic , another digraph ( ci ), and a final e (which is probably the only sound youll be able to pronounce on your first go). Fuck, this conversation is making me hungry, I'd like to eat something. - Co tu tak napierdala?! In fact, it seems that vocabulary of a For "wpierdoli" verb there is also meaning "to eat *everything*" as in "Patrz!, Wpierdoli ca paczk chipsw". I'm currently at FCE level http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Certificate_in_English - and i have a year to jump to this level - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_in_Advanced_English - i want to study abroad and this is absolute minimum required by the university. III. 'She likes me.' But I don't envy him because his employer fucks him too. Ah, swear words, what an underestimated subject. A rude person, mostly used towards males. He has said some Polish words all of my husbands life that he thought was swear words. O "spierdoli" jako "to through someone out" nie syszaem. Ojej, teraz troch zauj, e zaczem doda sugesti w komentarzach do oryginalnego artykuu bo podae mi kup pracy. "Chujowy" is the masculine form, the feminine form is "chujowa" and the neuter form is "chujowe". Kurde - softer version of kurwa, doesn't mean anything in particular, it's just an exclamation Kurcz or kurcz pieczone - chick/chicken; roasted chick/chicken - a humorous "swear word" 29 kuzyn123 2 yr. ago Cholera jasna! Read on to discover even more Polish curse words! Some words are not always seen as very insulting, however, there are others that are considered by some greatly offensive and rude. I found asshole in my Langenscheidt dictionary but it looks nothing like what she used to say. I add there more usefull things, sometimes just funny things :DHow to swear in Polish? You know that Zbyszek was scammed for 200000. I havent even touched the surface: what about calling someone winia a pig, which can mean many different things, besides denoting the proper animal, diabe the devil (go to the devil, that translates as go to Hell is a frequently used swearword), cholera the name of the disease, yet another swear word, but also a way to abuse a person as well (similar in the function to the English bastard) and many, many more. We tend to think of swear words as one entity, but they actually serve several distinct functions. WebWhen you drop a heavy box on your foot you say ' oh, fuck ' in English or ' o, kurwa ' in Polish. Please let me know if you have any remarks, questions and suggestions. , a simple Polish word :) IndianPolishGurl. And, well, not all Polish bad words are bad it depends on when you use Polish swearing! Some write it: "hj", "chj","huj", chuj", "hui", "chui", "hi", "chi", "huji", "chuji", "hji", "chji". Similar to the English "cunt". New vulgarisms appear when new word configurations are created or their semantic context changes. I'm a foreign here but married to a Polka whose family curse every second word. My Girlfriend taught me a phrase which she is unable to tell me the full English meaning. "To do something really big"? Czy mgby poda krtk definicj? For more information, search for the word on the Internet, mistyped osha mach should be sha mach. Swearing in front of your work colleagues or elderly members of your family is considered a big no-no. The list is part of a site for online Polish language learning for English speakers. I hate this fucking show. Welldo not try doing it in Poland! An expression of frustration, like fuck! in English. If someone really wants to know, he/she will always find the information on the Internet anyway.