taiping rebellion primary sources
It takes the form of a dialogue between Hong Rengan and a deserter from the Manchu camp, with Hong expounding upon various Taiping systems of etiquette and propriety and affirming that one must know that the motion of the celestial body is the order of nature. The wealthy people alone in Nanjing had food to eat, the destitute and distressed males and females all came round me and prayed me to succour them. WebTaiping Rebellion (1850-1864) | Asia for Educators | Columbia University. The (LogOut/ For seven days he was in a trance, and when at the end of that time, he again became conscious, he was much given to peculiar or insane conversation. Other "Flag Gangs" armed with the latest weapons, disintegrated into bandit groups that plundered remnants of the Lan Xang kingdom. Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll, "Global Trends: Facing up to a Changing World", "Did the Hakka Save China? For this reason, the Chinese The Minister of State was an ordinary labourer by trade. [116] Similarly to McCartee, Hong's director of foreign affairs I. J. Roberts wrote, "His religious toleration, and multiplicity of chapels turns out to be a farce, of no avail in the spread of Christianity worse than useless. Although Karl Marx wrote several articles about the Taipings, he did not perceive a social program or agenda for change, only violence and destruction. He joined the Taiping on September 1851 when the insurgents marched through his village on their way to Yongan. The latter would become a prominent warlord in Upper Tonkin and would later help the Nguyn dynasty to engage against the French during the Sino-French War in the 1880s. Instead, it erupted as a result of intersectional fighting between Muslim factions and Han Chinese. abstinence from opium, tobacco and alcohol, calendar reform, literary Deng, Kent G. (2011) "China's Political Economy in Modern Times: Changes and Economic Consequences, 18002000". [46][47], In 1853, Hong Xiuquan withdrew from active control of policies and administration to rule exclusively by written proclamations. It all started in the 1840s, when the God Worshippers, a group of insurgents led by Hong Xiuquan, a political and religious leader who claimed to be a Christian prophet and Jesus brother, began to conquer vast territories in the rich and fertile southern provinces of the empire. If you want to support our website, you might be interested in taking a look at our translations of Chinese literature on Amazon. When reading the primary source I was expecting to find something closer to Spences point of view. [26] His heavenly father lamented that men were worshiping demons rather than himself and informed Hong that his given name violated taboos and had to be changed, suggesting as one option the "Hong Xiuquan" moniker ultimately adopted by Hong. China -- History -- Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 -- Sources. The destruction of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom also meant that the majority of any records it possessed were destroyed, the percentage of records said to have survived is around 10%. Wu Kun's troops broke up and became marauding armies such as the Yellow Flag Army led by Huang Chongying () and the Black Flag Army (Chinese: ; pinyin: Hiq Jn; Vietnamese: Qun c en) led by Liu Yongfu. Although the fall of Nanjing in 1864 marked the destruction of the Taiping regime, the fight was not yet over. [62] After the defeat of the Li Yonghe and Lan Chaoding rebellion in Sichuan, remnants combined with Taiping forces in Shaanxi. His son Wu Yazhong, also called Wu Kun (), fled to Vietnam but was killed in 1869 in Bc Ninh by a Qing-Vietnamese coalition. Rebels of the Heavenly Kingdom by Katherine Paterson is a young adult novel set during the Taiping Rebellion. With active mission stations in every continent, the published journals, letters and reports represent a global perspective on not only evangelism and mission history but conflict, colonialism and globalization. However, after 1853 there ceased being many women in the Taiping army. As a Han subgroup, the Hakka were frequently marginalised economically and politically, having migrated to the regions which their descendants presently inhabit only after other Han groups were already established there. Taiping leaders may have reached out to Triad organizations, which had many cells in South China and among government troops. The Taiping Rebellion (18501864) was a massive civil war in South China that constituted a one-time shock to the make-up of the population. [30][31] After reading these pamphlets, Hong came to believe that they had given him the key to interpreting his visions: his celestial father was God the Father (whom he identified with Shangdi from Chinese tradition), the elder brother that he had also seen was Jesus Christ, and he had been directed to rid the world of demons, including the corrupt Qing government and Confucian teachings. It happened one day in the year 1847 that the Tianwang suddenly became sick. The prestige of the Manchu rulers was gone. history. Zeng Guofan was the supreme commander of the victorious imperial army and, at that time, he was also the most powerful man in the whole of China. [117] Some reports suggested a great deal of indiscriminate slaughter of civilians conducted by the Taiping army in newly controlled areas. Thieves and robbers sprung up in the city, the nights were disturbed with incessant cannonading inside the city, and murders and pillages of whole families took place. WebThe primary sources noted above are drawn from Franz Michaels The Taiping Rebellion: History and Documents (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1971), vols. [10] In the 19th century, Western observers, depending on their ideology, referred to the Taiping as the "revolutionaries", "insurgents" or "rebels". I was at that time in a great dilemma and really at a loss how to proceed, and was obliged to discard attention to all save the Young King. To access Chinese viewpoints in English translation, you can use articles from The Peking Review and The Beijing Review as primary sources. Contains indexing & abstracting and full text for the complete archive of The Nation beginning with its first issue in 1865 through to the present. Led by Hong Xiuquan, the self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ, the In the deposition Li Xiucheng is commonly referred to by his official title Zhongwang (, Loyal King), while Hong Xiuquan is called Tianwang (Heavenly King). Battles broke out throughout the Lower Yangzi, and all counties, with the exception of Shanghai, were occupied for at least 3 months. [27] In later embellishments, Hong would declare that he also saw Confucius being punished by his celestial father for leading the people astray. Currently available isCraven A and other Stories by Mu Shiying. Li Bo's Tienkuo: The Heavenly Kingdom takes place within the Taiping capital at Nanjing.[112]. His orders were strict and proper, and his rewards and punishments administered impartially. London: Ernest Benn, 1962. p. 168. The Hong family [the family of Hong Xiuquans, the Heavenly King] consisted of three brothers; the two elder (Hong Renfa and Hong Renda) were by the fathers first wife, and Tianwang (Hong Xiuquan) was by the fathers second wife. It was either at the end of the 4th month, or probably at the commencement of the 5th, when I was in charge of the east gate, that General Zeng [Guoquan] sprung several mines all round. In terms of deaths, the civil war is comparable to World War I. The Taiping Rebellion was a civil war fought in China between the Taiping rebels and the Qing Dynasty, beginning in 1851 and lasting until 1864.
[11], In modern China, the war is often referred to as the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, due to the fact that the Taiping espoused a doctrine which was both nationalist and communist, and the Taiping represented a popular ideology which was based on either Han nationalism or protocommunist values. The decree was that they should eat sweet dew in order to support themselves, upon which I asked How can they subsist on sweet dew? The Tianwang then said, Let them take of the things which the earth brings forth, this, it appears, was what he called sweet dew. In concert with others I then represented that such was not a fit article for food, upon which the Tianwang observed, Bring some here and after preparing it I will partake of some first. No one, however, complying with this he gathered herbs from his own palace garden and having made them up into a ball, he sent the ball outside with orders to the people to prepare their food in like manner. There were still several hundred thousand Taiping troops continuing the fight, with more than a quarter-million fighting in the border regions of Jiangxi and Fujian alone. Qing dynasty, 1644-1911, - Taiping troops surrounded Shanghai in January 1862, but were unable to capture it. rebellion cost more than twenty million lives (twice that of World War The organisation of the Qing Imperial Army was thus: The Taiping Rebellion was a total war. Vol. It was plain to me that the city could not be held, and hence our men were kept under arms all night, ready for an emergency, and in the morning as soon as it was light they returned to their quarters. Some Corner of a Chinese Field: The politics of remembering foreign veterans of the Taiping civil war.
Zuo Zongtang from Hunan province was another important Qing general who contributed in suppressing the Taiping Rebellion. Featuring diplomatic dispatches, letters, newspaper cuttings, political pamphlets, reports of court cases and other materials, this collection represents a constant exchange of information between London and the British embassies and consulates. On January 11, 1851, Hong declared himself the Heavenly King of the Heavenly Kingdom of Peace (or Taiping Heavenly Kingdom), from which comes the term "Taipings" commonly used for them in English language studies. The Taipings began marching north in September 1851 to escape Qing forces closing in on them. Ethnicity, Identity, and Minority Status in China's Modern Transformation", College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, "From Yunnan to Xinjiang:Governor Yang Zengxin and his Dungan Generals", Military Organization and Power Structure of China During the Taiping Rebellion, "Reverend Issachar Jacox Roberts and the Taiping Rebellion", "Christian Influence Upon the Ideology of the Taiping Rebellion", "OUR CHINA CORRESPONDENCE. There was also a small Taiping Navy, composed of captured boats, that operated along the Yangtze and its tributaries. The scholar Jian Youwen is among those who refer to the rebellion as the "Taiping Revolutionary Movement" on the grounds that it worked towards a complete change in the political and social system, rather than working towards the replacement of one dynasty with another. The Causes of the Taiping Rebellion. Occasionally, the Nian rebels collaborated with Taiping forces, for instance, they collaborated during the Northern Expedition. They were not supported by foreign governments, but they bought modern munitions including firearms, artillery, and ammunition from foreign suppliers. The rebellion led to the loss of 17 million lives in the Lower Yangzi, Primary But in the end, all the suffering and sacrifices came to naught. With In 1851, Hong Xiuquan established Taiping Tianguo (the Celestial Kingdom of Great Peace) in parts of China the Taipings controlled and took the title of Celestial King. There are several online primary source collections available to you.
[citation needed], During the 19th century, the Qing dynasty experienced a series of famines, natural disasters, economic problems and defeats at the hands of foreign powers. Though the destruction of idols was initially welcomed by foreign missionaries, missionaries eventually came to fear the zealotry of the Taiping that they had a hand in creating. STUDIES ON THE POPULATION OF CHINA, 13681953. It was sparked by the leadership The peasants, having suffered floods and famines in the late 1840s, were ripe for rebellion, which came under the leadership of Hong Xiuquan. He came from a poor peasant family, probably belonging to the Hakka people. The army's organization was allegedly inspired by that of the Qin dynasty. Franz H. Michael, wrote that these armies evolved into armies used by local warlords who dominated China after the fall of the Qing dynasty.
WebTaiping Rebellion, (185064) Large-scale rebellion against the Qing dynasty and the presence of foreigners in China. Amy Tan's The Hundred Secret Senses takes place in part during the time of the Taiping Rebellion. [72], The rebels announced social reforms, including strict separation of the sexes, abolition of foot binding, land socialisation, and "suppression" of private trade. Taiping forces successfully repulsed an attempted imperial reprisal by the Green Standard Army against the Jintian uprising. [69] According to modern researchers,[70] the Dungan rebellion began in 1862, not as a planned uprising but as a coalescence of many local brawls and riots which were triggered by trivial causes, among these causes were false rumors that the Hui Muslims were aiding the Taiping rebels. Also included are books and pamphlets on Chinese education, culture, politics, economics, and business, maps, and similar material collected by an American couple living and teaching for four years in China. life and offered an end to their suffering. Taiping Rebellion, 1850-1864. Hong's ashes were later blasted out of a cannon in order to ensure that his remains had no resting place as eternal punishment for the uprising. [51] Some of his followers escaped or were released and continued the fight against the Qing. In 1859, Hong Rengan, Hong Xiuquan's cousin, joined the Taiping forces in Nanjing and was given considerable power by Hong. The Tianwang was unwilling to retire from the city and nothing could be done I therefore represented to the Tianwang the state of affairs and advised him to allow the people to leave the city, but this he would not consent to do, and rebuked me with, Dare you, without considering the nations dignity, let any of my brothers and sisters out of the city? Webcovered in Franz Michaels The Taiping Rebellion. The Taiping Rebellion and its self-proclaimed messiah threatened the Qing dynasty's hold on China as the nation battled Europe in the Opium Wars. [10] Other historians such as Jrgen Osterhammel term the conflict "Taiping Revolution" because of the rebels' radical transformational objectives and the social revolution that they initiated. The Taiping rebels were seen chanting while slaughtering the Manchus in Hefei. Without looking at the origins of the primary source, the reader only sees what Spence is trying to depict. [12], Little is known about how the Taiping referred to the war, but the Taiping often referred to the Qing in general and the Manchus in particular as some variant of demons or monsters (), representing Hong's proclamation that they were fighting a holy war to rid the world of demons and establish paradise on earth. [63] Remnant forces of the Small Swords Society uprising in Shanghai regrouped with the Taiping army. WebThe Taiping Rebellion, also known as the Taiping Civil War or the Taiping Revolution, was a massive civil war that waged in China between the Manchu-led Qing dynasty and the The city was each day more closely beleaguered, and this state of affairs went on till the 8th July, when it became evident to us that some demonstration must be made, as the city was then on the point of falling. Weakened severely by internal conflict, an attempted coup, and the failure of the siege of Beijing, the Taipings were defeated by decentralized, provincial armies such as the Xiang Army organized and commanded by Zeng Guofan. In the 7th and 8th months of the 13th year, when I had money and rice, I was able to contribute to their relief, and at that time had a list of seventy or eighty thousand poor people to whom were distributed 20 dollars and (or) two piculs of rice , In the 12th month of the last year (Jan. 1864) I was obliged to discontinue the distributions, as I was in distress myself and had neither funds nor rice. [113], While some missionaries like Roberts were enthusiastic in the first few years about the Taiping rebellion, Western skepticism existed from the inception of the rebellion. The Taiping Civil War was to cast out the demons of the earth and to bring peace and unity to the people under Hong Xiuquan, the Younger Brother of Jesus. [104] Both Communist and Chinese Nationalist commanders studied Taiping organization and strategy during the Chinese Civil War. The most significant territorial loss for the Ottomans was Egypt. Since the rebellion began in Guangxi, Qing forces allowed no rebels speaking its dialect to surrender. Thank you for your support! He obtained the rank of army inspector before leaving Nanjing in 1853 as a junior commander in general Shi Dakais army. [64], Du Wenxiu, who led the Panthay Rebellion in Yunnan, was in contact with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. For additional information and contact information for many of the partner organizations, see this archived capture of the World Digital Library site from 2021. Gathering followers first from the poor and and was delirious for 30 days. This war was total in the sense that civilians on both sides participated in the war effort to a significant extent and the armies on both sides waged war against both the civilian population and military forces. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. David Strand, and Ming K. Chan, "Militarism and Militarization in Modern Chinese History". It was also dismissively referred to as the Red Sheep Rebellion () because "Hong-Yang" sounds like "Red Sheep" in Chinese. China, who in 1847 failed the imperial examinations for the third time
In May 1860, the Taiping defeated the imperial forces that had been besieging Nanjing since 1853, eliminating them from the region and opening the way for a successful invasion of southern Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, the wealthiest region of the Qing Empire.
The Taiping Rebellion, 1851-1864 Hung Xiuquan (1814-1864) was the son of a farmer and an aspiring Chinese bureaucrat. Primary Source Databases China, America and the Pacific: Trade and Cultural Exchange This collection is sourced from collections at American and Canadian libraries [61] As the Taiping rebellion lost ground, particularly after the fall of Nanjing in 1864, former Taiping soldiers and commanders like Lai Wenguang were incorporated into Nian ranks. [75], Separation of the sexes was strictly enforced in the first few years, although it tapered off in later years. With no reliable census at the time, estimates of the death toll of the Taiping Rebellion are speculative. Which rebellions threatened central China? Maochun Yu, "The Taiping Rebellion: A Military Assessment of Revolution and Counterrevolution", printed in, sfnp error: no target: CITEREFLipman1998 (. China and by the late 1850s controlled over a third of the country. by demographic disasters and foreign encroachment. was the rebellion brutally put down. He married the young sister of the Tianwang and was hence all-important to the cause. The rebels were courageous under fire, erected defensive works quickly, and used mobile pontoon bridges. CHINA. Fujian quan sheng zong tu (General maps of Fujian Province) is a printed edition dating from the Daoguang reign (1820-50) of the Qing dynasty. [115], According to Clarke the Western missionaries changed their opinions upon further inspections of the rebellion. Trace the changes both in these uprisings and his band of believers had been chosen to conquer China, destroy the The Europeans decided to stay officially neutral, though European military advisors served with the Qing army. Very few Taiping rebels, even in the leadership caste, came from the imperial bureaucracy. Although keeping accurate records was something imperial China traditionally did very well, the decentralized nature of the imperial war effort (relying on regional forces) and the fact that the war was a civil war and therefore very chaotic, meant that reliable figures are impossible to find. Southwestern? In 1860, Wu Lingyun (), an ethnic Zhuang Taiping leader, proclaimed himself King of Dingling () in the Sino-Vietnamese border regions. It is estimated that the entire Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The Communist Party of the People's Republic of China began publication of this journal in 1958. WebThis 1861 work was published during the Taiping Rebellion, a vast political and religious revolt against the Qing dynasty of China that lasted for more than ten years. Although Hong likely died of his illness, suicide by poison has also been suggested. [44] Hong Rengan developed an ambitious plan to expand the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's boundaries. and in the Chinese government's response to them by creating and [5][6] Rather than supplanting the ruling class, the Taipings sought to upend the moral and social order of China. He was sick for 20 days before succumbing and a few days after his death, Qing forces took the city. China was in no position to fight back, as it was then embroiled in the devastating Taiping Rebellion, a peasant uprising led by a failed civil-service examinee Taiping soldiers carried out widespread massacres of Manchus, the ethnic minority of the ruling Imperial House of Aisin-Gioro. China, chinese history, imperial China, Qing Dynasty. But fearing for his life, he departed from Tianjing and headed west towards Sichuan. As the land Jiangning was designated a province in the 25th year of the Qianlong reign of the Qing dynasty (1760). His theology, anti-Qing sentiments, and a deep pool of the socially discontented would lead to the Taiping Rebellion, a devastating blow to Qing power and the deadliest war of the 19th century. Contemporary accounts describe the amount of desolation which befell rural areas as a result of the conflict. Their [16] The Qing military had recently suffered a disastrous defeat in the First Opium War, while the Chinese economy was severely impacted by a trade imbalance caused by the large-scale and illicit importation of opium. [108], Merchants in Shanxi and the Huizhou region of Anhui became less prominent because the rebellion disrupted trade in much of the country. Many of the southern Taiping troops were former miners, especially those coming from the Zhuang. Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as He married the young sister of the Tianwang and was hence all-important to the cause. - [62], Traditionalist works like those of Confucius were burned and their sellers executed. "Reverend Issachar Jacox Roberts and the Taiping Rebellion". After the failure of the Red Turban Rebellion (18541856) to capture Guangzhou, their soldiers retreated north into Jiangxi and joined forces with Shi Dakai. Required fields are marked *. None but the above six were aware of it. His prestige among the Taiping was enhanced by his success in bringing about an alliance with the Nian rebels of Northern China, who were staging their own anti-Manchu rebellion. It lasted from 1850 to 1864, although following the fall of Tianjing (now Nanjing), the last rebel army was not wiped out until August 1871. To him I gave my war-horse (pony) as he was without one, and rode myself a weak and useless animal. Power was, to a limited extent, decentralized, and ethnic Han Chinese officials were more widely employed in high positions than they had previously been. For information on contacting WDL partner organizations, see this archived list of partners. The work proclaims the revolutionary thought of the Taipings. Historian John King Fairbank compares the Taiping rebels with the communists under Mao Zedong who came to power a century later: In addition to the zeal, vigor, and puritanical discipline so often found in new political movements, they shared certain traditional Chinese interests, such as propagating and maintaining doctrinal orthodoxy, recruiting an elite of talent, realizing a utopian social order, and developing military power based on farmer-soldiers. This work contains five southern dramas: Huan sha ji (The tale of washing silk), Jin yin ji (The tale of the golden seal), Xiang nang ji (The tale of the purple sachet), Shao, Can, Active - Liang, Zhenyu, 1519 1591 - Xue, Jingun - Wang, Shizhen - Su, Fuzhi - Zhao, Ye - Ye, Zhou. HIST 268: War and Military Culture in China (HC): Primary Sources: Texts and Images Primary Sources Primary sources can take many different forms. - The rebels were relatively well-equipped with modern weapons. Zeng, Zuo, and Li led personally loyal soldiers [52] By early 1864, Qing control in most areas had been reestablished.[53]. Politics, society, [32][33][31] In 1847 Hong went to Guangzhou, where he studied the Bible with Issachar Jacox Roberts, an American Baptist missionary. WebTaiping Rebellion. Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate. Some are freely available on the web, while others are subscription resources (meaning that you need to link to them from the Collins Library website). either pounded to pieces or flayed alive. The preconceived design of ultimately establishing a government was known only to the Dongwang (Eastern King), Yang Xiuqing, the Xiwang (Western King), Xiao Chaogui, the Nanwang (Southern King), Feng Yunshan, the Beiwang (Northern King), Wei Changhui, the Yi Wang, Shi Dakai, and the spiritual Minister of State, Qin Yichang. [free web] This army would become known as the "Ever Victorious Army", a seasoned and well trained Qing military force commanded by Charles George Gordon, and would be instrumental in the defeat of the Taiping rebels. organization that swept across China. [113] After Roberts arrived in Nanking in 1861 and met with Hong, he was commissioned by him as the director of foreign affairs. lasted for some 14 years (185064), ravaged 17 provinces, took an estimated 20 million in active transport quizlet. movement was so strong and so popular that it took the central government Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Original resource at: National Central Library. If you can find scholarly editions, use them! [8][4] 30 million people fled the conquered regions to foreign settlements or other parts of China. 51 ] Some of his illness, suicide by poison has also been suggested is trying depict. The nation battled Europe in the Taiping Rebellion and its tributaries Senses takes place within the Taiping capital Nanjing. - the rebels were courageous under fire, erected defensive works quickly and! Troops surrounded Shanghai in January 1862, but were unable to capture it foreign or... 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