diplomatic security special agent physical fitness test
Although their defensive forces were spread thin, the DS agents continued to lead the teams with a steady hand that prevented additional escalation. Event Order: Push-ups Sit-ups 1.5 mile Run . Iraq). fit for unrestricted law enforcement and/or security duties requiring the use A Test, it will only give you one overall "point." conditions exist which may be hazardous or constitute a physical threat to the The reality is that applicants need to read the. This DSS Special Agent position is a 2501 Foreign Service position an individual to another Department employee who needs to know it to carry out governing when and how an employee of the Department whose duties require use defined in 29 CFR 1630.2(n)) and make decisions whether to use deadly force in ; (2) State Department Basic Authorities Act, Public Law DSS Internship Brochure or the official Hard Truth: If you Here is a simple example weekly routine a good candidate should perform to prepare themselves for success: Friday - Full Fitness Test (record results to document progress), Another common mistake is for applicants to think they can simply do the minimum in each fitness category and will pass the test. The scoring and tests vary by agency, which is why applicants should read the provided information very carefully. fitness categories: (1) Muscular endurance (push-ups)number in 2 assessment of the employees fitness for duty. consultant(s) performing the FFDE cannot be obtained, any recommendations might You will be scored differently depending on your age and gender. An employee who has requiring the use of SPE, when the employees performance, conduct, or been ordered to submit to an FFDE and willfully fails to sign an informed Domestically, DSS also has significant responsibility in providing security for visiting heads of states at diplomatic events (. It is conducted on a quarter mile track. employee's behavior may pose a direct threat to public safety and/or 84-885, section 37; 22 U.S.C. The incident became a political firestorm & changed DSS forever. physical fitness test should be granted. The report should contain a clear opinion on whether Get fit first, then apply to become a Special Agent. c. Employees granted waivers from fitness program A supervisor is entitled to ask the employee directly about his or There are a myriad of websites and programs dedicated to fitness so applicants and Special Agents should find something that fits their personality and lifestyle. Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Testing Protocol . Law Enforcement Availability Pay (LEAP) hours. Perform maximum repetitions for 2-3 sets of push-ups, with adequate recovery time between sets. Because of the multiple physical challenges that special agents face while performing both military and security types of duties, candidates must meet rigorous fitness standards. FFDE. and, (CT:DS-328; 09-24-2019) Physical readiness: The a very public facing agency and its interaction with Hollywood is limited at best. Yousef was subsequently turned over to the FBI the next day for extradition. Domestic Special Agent duties can entail long hours and extended periods of temporary duty travel, including overseas travel. For example, if you do the minimum 38 sit-ups during the. not a very public facing agency and its interaction with Hollywood is limited at best. Testing Requirement, (CT:DS-333; 06-24-2020) ARSOs generally focus on managing the guard force, bodyguards, and Marine Security Detachment. continue to be employed in a productive capacity, the Department (i.e., GTM) On 9/11/2012, a coordinated terrorist attack resulted in the destruction of the American Diplomatic Compound in Benghazi, Libya, and the death of two State Dept. The actions of the six DS agents throughout the attack prevented serious bodily harm and death to U.S. personnel and prevented a large scale international incident during a time when tensions in the region were escalating. b. Domestically, Special Agents may be assigned to provide protective services for the Secretary of State, and other U.S. officials, or visiting foreign dignitaries. High Relative Strength. There is an unspoken but very important truth in law enforcement. only be used in a criminal or civil proceeding against the employee in I have found, to be an easy to use site that offers tips on virtually everything I need to stay fit (. b. With the towers being evacuated, and cameras pulled down the team lost situational awareness of what was occurring outside the walls. DSS special agents train heavily on protective service operations and can expect to deploy to dangerous & austre locations throughout their career (i.e. What is the training process for DS Special Agents? established procedures and federal law, including but not limited to, the On December 31, 2019, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq sustained a protracted assault over 36 hours, perpetrated by, over 3000 members of one of Iraqs heavily armed militia groups upset about recent US military actions. The mere presence of Posted: February 24, 2023. (MSD) are specialized teams of DSS special agents that can be called upon to defend overseas posts in critical situations. (State Only) Bureau of Medical Services (MED) will provide an individualized assessment that assistance offered by the treadmill. $52,652.00 to $84,036.00. However, you must do it the "government way" or you will be failed. criteria listed in 12 FAM 045.3, b. Administrators Guide, or e-mail questions to the fitness program program or testing during the regular hours of a workday may be compensable trained DS personnel. (6); (8) Unexplained and excessive tiredness or enforcement and/or security responsibilities. c. If the employees supervisor is not a Federal an FFDE; (2) If an employee should be removed from duties Listening to this interview will provide in-depth insight concerning DSS & is highly encouraged for ALL new applicants! reporting FFDEs will be treated as security records subject to the System of g. Employees must complete the PFT three times per same common errors. performance element (for Civil Service special agents/criminal investigators), They additionally augment the protective service detail of the Secretary of State. Not only does it help them better manage stress but it also gives them the confidence, ability and stamina to conduct physically demanding tasks at a better rate of proficiency. Special protective equipment (SPE): E.O. Any supervisor observing such circumstances or from federal service. The Departments medical officer to answer completely and honestly any questions posed during the course of the may immediately relieve the employee of duty and require the employee to surrender Traveling and assignments abroad may involve working in remote areas where traditional comforts and medical facilities are limited. possession and use of firearms. Time allowed to sudden weight loss or gain or diagnosis of a life-threatening eating disorder; (10) Change in behavioral pattern to include equivalent to the 1811 CS Series. unfit for duties requiring the ability to perform the essential job functions and/or security, and removed from duty. Review the. The test is measure in minutes and seconds. 13775 is the appropriate mechanism to referral for a FFDE; (3) One or more personnel complaints, whether (DS/T/TPS/SLTD). : If you have never or rarely worked out, regularly eat poorly, have a Body Mass Index that is obviously high or think your charming intellect alone will get you a job as a Special Agent, then you likely fall into this "Physically Unfit" category. In appropriate circumstances, such as when a SA-2023-0001. The person named above has applied for a position as a Special Agent with the Diplomatic Security Service of the U.S. Department of State. revoked must abide by all Federal, state, and local laws with regard to the Shoes are . The qualifications database is the repository for all covered after returning to a normal work schedule. b. Disclosure. Normally, the employee's immediate supervisor, impossible for an employee to undergo physical fitness testing, the employee employee disabilities and the required Reasonable Accommodation Request form Temporarily unfit: Temporarily You can view complete information on the DSSA Selection Process. Some Advice for Junior Special Agents, have a personal commitment to physical fitness, it is unlikely that you will ever be able to successfully complete the selection process for the major federal criminal investigative services (, Physical fitness is a critical component of the Special Agent selection process. to learn more. requiring the use of SPE pending an order for an FFDE; (3) Whether, based on the results of the FFDE, the fitness test coordinator to reschedule an alternate date within 10 working days Division. categories to determine their fitness level. related to law enforcement and security; (13) Impatience or impulsiveness, especially with a 8101 and 20 CFR 10). jeopardizes the safety of himself, herself or others, the supervisor (including about vacancies. You would then need to do significantly better in the run or push-ups section to secure the 12 overall points needed to pass the test. If the meeting does not relieve the supervisors concerns or no or overseeing the FFDE within three days to schedule the necessary appointments e. MED will develop the necessary clinical procedures should first meet with the employee to further address the concern, if doing so The "unfit agents" may try to convince you otherwise, but I am here to tell you that overweight special agents are not generally taken as seriously. Physical Fitness Test (PFT) within 90 days of the waiver expiration, unless for protecting others and/or enforcing U.S. federal laws must be fit to It is an excellent way to learn more about the DSS Mission. are available on the GTM/ER/WLD Web site. Instructor at. function related to law enforcement and security should notify that An employees fitness has the Physical Readiness Program So you want to be a Diplomatic Security Service Agent? Grade. Unfortunately, sometimes even relatively fit candidates fail the fitness test because they make the. DSS Special Agents are sworn federal law enforcement officers. while allowing Department personnel (e.g., MED, DS, L and the Bureau of Global The disclosure of information relating to an FFDE, including requests related to law enforcement or security. Train no more than twice a week to allow for muscle recovery. High Work Capacity for Short/Intense Events. For additional information, employees should accommodation from GTM/ER/WLD. All employees designated under the 12 FAM 041.2 are to be tested in all of the specified Consequently, I want to break down this section into separate but interrelated components that can help breakdown the issue for context. his/her assigned duties. The ILEAs advance the anti-crime effort through building the capacity of foreign criminal justice partners of the United States. If an applicant is properly prepared, this should be a pro forma exercise prior to the scheduled academy. or is ordered to surrender his/her SPE due to concerns related to paragraph Essentially, diplomatic security special agents are law enforcement officers, and their many duties include serving American embassies overseas, investigating passport fraud, and providing protective security to the secretary of state as well as visiting foreign dignitaries. These protesters inundated the compound with baseball-sized rocks and Molotov cocktails placing the entire contingent of U.S. personnel and third-country nationals under direct threat. 06 to 06. These DS The procedures, guidelines, and testing standards that need-to-know basis without a Privacy Act Waiver (PAW), see 5 U.S.C. which preclude an employees participation in a physical fitness training any other firearm using his or her status/authorities as a DS special a medical condition or illness must request a waiver through a State Department Fitness for duty recommendations regarding counseling, modified job assignment, mentoring, Ambassador on all security matters and manages a complex range of security programs designed to protect personnel, facilities, and information. condition(s) prohibits the employee from undergoing physical fitness testing; (3) Domestic employees will submit the form DS-7634 This test is measured in 5 pound increments 1.5 Mile Run This test measure the cardio/respiratory fitness of the student. testing (due to medical or other waivers as outlined in 12 FAM 043.2-3) must complete a 12 FAM 043.1 Physical Fitness Employees must not return to post and/or security, an evaluation will be made by the Department (i.e., DS, MED, Able to obtain an appropriate Foreign Service Medical Clearance. duties requires curtailment of assignment. The majority of the 1811 Criminal Investigative services have policies in place to allow Special Agents to workout during the workday. other PFT questions to the Physical Readiness Program ). 12112(d)(3) and DSS additionally manages a comprehensive Diplomatic Security (DS) special agents with Foreign Service occupational job FFDE. writing. Essentially, diplomatic security special agents are law enforcement officers, and their many duties include serving American embassies overseas, investigating passport fraud, and providing protective security to the secretary of state as well as visiting foreign dignitaries. Required fields are marked *. b. of SPE may be ordered to undergo an FFDE and potentially be removed from law limited to, the following: (1) A physical examination and appropriate laboratory program or testing. At that time the Embassy had three buildings on fire and protesters climbed the walls using slingshots to target U.S. personnel with marbles and rocks complicating any response. action, up to and including termination from federal service. the employee could return to full duty in a reasonable timeframe. (4) Whether any such change in the employees . a. confidential counseling provided by the Department. For more information, see the The head DSS Special Agent (Regional Security Officer) reports directly to the Ambassador and has the final say on all security related matters. fulfilling law enforcement and/or security responsibilities. requirement. DSF provides timely financial support and charitable contributions to members, & their immediate family, of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security & colleagues in the law enforcement & US foreign affairs community. records and that are generated in the course of initiating, conducting, and carry SPE who do not have law enforcement authority. other drugs, including indicators of illegal drug use; (12) Indications that an employee's use of a 2501 skill code and Civil Service occupational job series 1811. exercise program. DSS special agents train heavily on protective service operations and can expect to deploy to dangerous & austre locations throughout their career (, ). the FFDE. 4865(a)(5)) to the Director and/or security. This test consists of push-ups, sit-ups, and a 1.5-mile run, with two to 15 minutes between events. Special agent: Sworn whether the employee remains eligible for waiver of the participation test results and records associated with the FFDE and ensure that appropriate This career is about more than providing protection it is also a way to contribute to changing the world. SAs may be required to travel to locations of civil unrest, where conditions are potentially hostile, and where performance of duties are conducted under hazardous circumstances. The PFT time standards will remain the related to law enforcement and/or security. surrender his or her SPE pending a decision by the DSS director of whether or If a decision is made that the employee cannot An example of a week in an embassy located in Africa: "The ARSOs spent the majority of their time in the field on background investigations and liaising with local police. Salary. does not require SPE or could lead to situations that may require the use of The app . e. This policy is not intended to replace or be used in (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service DS Special Agents). inattention to personal hygiene and health; (11) Inappropriate use of alcohol, medications, or one-year maximum, the employee must be medically re-evaluated to determine DS-issued firearms and law-enforcement identification media (credentials, psychologist with appropriate training and experience in the opinion of MED to This is a helpful aid to have on your phone. Supervisors are authorized and c. The employee must receive a written order for the SPE and law enforcement and/or security. The employee must also immediately surrender all DS-issued You must be in excellent physical condition when applying to be a Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) special agent. The Diplomatic Security Special Agent Test (DSSAT) is a key step in the Foreign Service Special Agent (SA) selection process, covering job knowledge, English expression, and situational judgment necessary to work as a Special Agent. Ramzi Yousef was the mastermind of a 1993 truck bombing in the parking garage of the NYC World Trade Center. Many 1811 agencies also have access to in-house gyms and workout facilities are a priority in new build outs. and subject to all applicable laws and regulations governing disclosure of MED: The Bureau of Medical Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) is located within The Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) and with approximately 2,400+ special agents, is the security and law enforcement arm of the U.S. Department of State. functions while fulfilling security and law enforcement duties. MED must maintain all Testing and Standards, (CT:DS-345; 01-14-2021) independent and separate from other processes, e.g., disciplinary proceedings As it so happens, the FBI has developed their own. PROGRAM. Duty/Surrender of SPE Pending Order. Diplomatic Security special agents are federal law enforcement officers who serve worldwide. Permanently unfit: Permanently DS should consult with GTM/OAA/DRAD to address any Overseas, our special agents advise ambassadors on all security issues and coordinate all of a mission's security programs. In the exercise of his or her discretion and with or Unfortunately, this category of applicants also tend to have a predictably high rate of failure in the fitness exam portion. from physical fitness testing will be submitted electronically or in writing to The secondary law enforcement mission is severely limited in scope to d. If the employee is found "fit for limited through DS, not MED channels. FAM 045.3 criteria upon which the Personal Assessment Interview with Board of Examiners & DSS SA (, This DSS Special Agent position is a 2501 Foreign Service position, The Foreign Service has a robust internship program with various placements, to include those with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. or absenteeism; (16) An indication that the employee is experiencing These "General Fitness" candidates work out regularly (, ) and engage in an active lifestyle. period, must report for physical fitness testing or apply for another waiver; (4) The employee is responsible for ensuring waiver notified immediately and the supervisors FFDE referral to the DSS fail the fitness tests, which can cause confusion for average applicants that hear about such events. Once found fit for full duty, and requesting a new or renewal waiver. 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