i hate being an occupational therapist
Occupational therapists can evaluate patients to determine which forms of therapy they might need, create treatment plans for patients and help patients perform activities and exercises in therapy. He lost his family preservation counselor that contracted to the school because of federal cutbacks and he was not given any additional support in the classroom. Yikes. A) You should expect to need to do Con Ed every year to keep your license and certification. ), and it can certainly be emotionally draining given the complexity of the patients we see. Answer: Depends on the setting. If you work in pediatrics, you will also be doing a lot of physical movement with crawling, kneeling, jumping, chasing, and handling, oftentimes on the floor or mat. Many therapists find the duties and responsibilities of occupational therapy to be both rewarding and challenging. My OT Spot uses cookies to improve your experience. I worked in SNFs for over a dozen years, and the productivity expectations were ridiculous, in addition to blatant fraud. I honestly thought all through school I was going to work in peds. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What would be most helpful for you? It is an active job. Ive certainly been in this situation. Occupational therapy is not always the sunshine and rainbows that you read about in the countless news articles touting its frequent rating in the top 10 happiest and least stressful jobs. Thats where I got my mentorship. How to Deal with Burnout as an Occupational Therapist, Burned Out in Occupational Therapy? 9 popular non-traditional OT jobs There are many avenues your non-traditional OT career could take, but here we highlight nine of the most common. Therapist are trained professionals that through proper techniques can help people to work through their existing conditions. Ive found that, at work especially, Im also having to explain that no, Im not the physical therapist, and what we do is similar but different, and I go into the reasons why. I agree with this. I worked in a school and realized that it's definitely not for me. Having second thoughts. Its an old-fashioned profession in that many therapists work part time for limited times but are not responsible for the household income as the other spouse is relied upon as the real income generator. If OT ends up being slightly less stressful and frustrating than my job as a special ed teacher in a public school system, then I'll be ecstatic. I found this to be the case when I graduated, and ended up in a setting I wasnt crazy about. 5. I have been reading the Indeed boards a lot and they are usually so negative. While this is a totally normal feeling (and something that I still experience), before you jump into another setting that may make you feel just as or more stressed, take some time to reflect before you make a major change. Or inpatient rehab. I work in a SNF so theyre pretty lonely and the fact that youre there to try whatever it is youve got means a lot to them. In addition, I recommend applying to as many schools as you can reasonably afford to (preferably at least 3 or more). Ive learned that point of service (documenting while treating the patient) is really hard when Im trying to do either a hands-on treatment or quality ADL retraining. Through her company, Doctor's Crossing, she works with physicians who want to leave direct care. It took forever to get into it. I still plan on going into OT, I just want to be prepared for everything, even the negatives. Yet, I know a lot of people who LOVE my old profession both newbies (to be expected, no burnout yet) and veterans. Completely different roles. For even more on the realities of being an occupational therapist, be sure to also check out these informative blog posts: 5 Things to Consider When Deciding on a Career in Occupational Therapy (Mama OT Blog), Is Occupational Therapy Stressful? The 3 Month (100 Day) MCAT Study Schedule Guide: 2022 Edition, http://www.indeed.com/forum/job/Occupational-Therapist/OT-burnout/t28855/p2. Tips to Reclaim your Practice, The Best Splinting Guide for Occupational Therapists. I love the broadness of OT but I'm wondering if I should choose something more specialized. The hourly price you pay depends on the type . Make a new food more appetizing by pairing it with something you enjoy. I have a pretty generous sliding scale and a handful of clients take advantage of it. Or look for travel jobs like that. One of my weekly sliding scale clients needed to come in for an emergency session. Over 40 years I worked inpatient, rehab, outpatient hands, workplace health, nursing homes and home health. become an ot/ota. You're not going to know everything and that's okay The biggest obstacle I had to overcome during my first few months working as an occupational therapist at a SNF (and I still struggle with this sometimes) was my feeling of inadequacy compared to my co-workers. There will always be people who want to bitch no matter how many people wipe their asses. No, we actually dont work on getting people jobs. 5.) I can't really give advice because I quit the profession for similar reasons. Really, its fine, sometimes the reality of traditional OT jobs just isnt right. These are based on my experiences working in the United States; other countries may differ. However, if you are there for the right reason--that you are passionate about providing people with the tools to become independent and can celebrate even small gains then you will feel fufilled. Nobody really knows what you do or they just say: "Oh you are just like a PT!" If youre passionate about becoming an occupational therapist, you wont regret it! Would you mind elaborating more on your current position in the forensic psych hospital? I worked in a school and realized that it's definitely not for me. It's always good to go into a profession knowing the downsides of it. reasons why you SHOULD do OT as a profession! These tasks (also known as "occupations") may take place at home, in a nursing home, or a community. Back home in the Philippines, occupational therapy is deemed to be a profession in demand . Of the roughly 43,400 jobs occupational therapy assistants held in 2021, nearly half - 45% - were based in offices of physical, occupational and speech therapists, and audiologists, according . Join us, and you'll help more people live better lives by achieving their individual breakthroughs. Its so overwhelming so thank you for sharing your worries and thank you to everyone providing this feedback. What OT topics are you most interested in? Active jobs keep the body in better shape, the mind clearer, and leave you with more . I ended up liking it there. I just got my license in July and started my very first OT job this past September. Getting the degree is an investment. The Indeed forum is extremely discouraging and I cannot stand to go there anymore. Step 3: Advance Your Education. Because more people are wanting to become occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, schools in bigger cities are creating more programs and pumping out more and more new grads every year. He might be the only reason you get up in the morning. If youre going for the OTR (Masters or Doctorate) route, you can expect to pay anywhere from $40,000 to well over $100,000 for your degree. This article has been incredibly helpful. To be a licensed speech-language pathologist, you need to complete an undergraduate degree, a master's degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders, pass a Praxis exam, complete 400 hours of supervised clinical hours, and complete a 9-month (paid) clinical fellowship. Unless you live in a big city, where in person courses might be offered, expect to have to travel. Top new foods with well-liked sauces or seasonings to help them seem less strange and unusual . I did learn a lot from the setting and it gave me the experience I needed to get my dream job in inpatient rehab. Maybe look at a change of role, maybe an emerging role. Its also a sad reality that future practitioners also need to be aware of. I agree with OTROX, if the majority of your exposure to OT is coming from these forums then you need to do a little more research on the career. Most of my years have been school based. I hate that there is a lack of OTs. Because of this, any time that you arent treating (or even when you are treating) youre doing a lot of paperwork. As an occupational therapist, you'll need to: take a 'whole person' approach to each patient's physical and mental wellbeing by considering all their needs - physical, social, psychological and environmental assess, plan, implement and evaluate treatment plans in hospital and community settings I will definitely say that some settings are more challenging than others, but this feeling is common in any job. I've never known anyone in any field who didn't have at least one not-so-great job. NOTES: I HATE THIS ABOUT OT :SNF OT EDITION : NOT . I have been an OT for over 36 years, and although I enjoy working with clients, I find the paperwork excessive and unnecessary for quality of care. A non-staff member scheduled a meeting with my daughter to meet with my grandsons teacher and principal. Each program has different requirements, so when youre applying, be sure youre going above and beyond the basic requirements. My first job was on the MH ward of a mens prison. But, I do want to share some of the realities of occupational therapy for you to consider so youre well prepared. I cant imagine doing anything else. Thank you so much! I found myself agreeing with 100% of what you said. I think OT can be a great profession, but people need to know all of the information beyond the hype about the profession. B) Depending on your setting, you may be the only OT in the department. Many new grads get into positions where they are the only OT, or even the only therapist at times. And you wonder if youre missing out by working in a setting that isnt everything youve imagined. Because of this, your application has to be really strong to stand out among the massive number of applicants. I believe in you, OP. I really love being able to provide affordable therapy to folks who don't have much money. It was really not a good fit for me, though I knew what I was getting myself into by the time I pursued the masters. Occupational therapists have a Master's degree in occupational therapy. If you cannot handle this, you may want to consider another career. Average salary (a year) 27,055 Starter to 47,672 Experienced. Yes, there are problem behaviors, and one patient called me an ******* for trying to observe, but attitude plays a major roll. Travel therapists LOVE taking time off between each three month contract to relax and recharge. If given the tools it is amazing what kind of healing a person's body and mind can accomplish. Ive personally found that non-profit rehab and hospital OT and COTA positions generally have better, more realistic productivity requirements compared to for-profit rehab companies. 1. Im so sorry to hear this! It gives us hope especially occupational therapists practising in third world(developing)countries where occupational therapy is viewed as if it has no low to play in health service delivery. Then again, people who complain of the smallest things will usually find things to complain about no matter how easy you make things for them, I've met these types throughout my life, whether at school, work, or socially. Please note that we are not able to give specific treatment advice or exercises to do at home. I have to say, do listen to the people from indeed. Unless you absolutely love OT and would choose it over being a M.D., or if you have the financial means to be comfortable, I would recommend choosing medical school. Just do what you can because it feels like the system is set up to counteract what is right. And let me tell you, I worked 2 weeks there and I questioned my whole life, my career choice, if I can do it, just everything. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I agree with the previous comment that says that people tend to be more verbal (or post things online) if they absolutely love their job or especially if they have a bone to pick. Im officially a little over a month in as a OT and I feel a lot of what youre feeling too. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Occupational Therapy has a lot to offer to our society. I would like some of you guys thoughts on the future of ot. Are You a Burned Out OT? But honestly, being an occupational therapist is hard. If not, it should have an impact. Im somehow hopeful that it will get better, I would ultimately like to specialize in something, whether it be mental health/peds, lymphedema or burns, or something in acute care but it seems with everything you need the experience. Whileit may not seem blatantly unethical, many companies have productivity targets that are way too high to be able to ensure proper care and documentation of patients. Like many things in life, consistency is key. I never would have anticipated how sick I would get during my pregnancy. So, without further ado, here are 10 things I hate about occupational therapy: 1. This is super common. This way you get the variety of two different settings part time instead of only one setting full time. What OT topics are you most interested in? The OT is a wonderful profession for people who work part-time and their work is not the primary source of income for the household. Hi Ana, Are you working in Brazil or the usa? Mental health. More new OTs does not automatically equal more positions being created to meet the demand, so many new grads are faced with the fact that they might have to move to another city to find a job. Nobody else is trained quite this way and that's why we are valuable. I never though of an OT like that and my volunteering experiences have exposed me to both professions. If anyone can provide further insight on that, I'd appreciate it. Oh man, I really feel you buddy. For 12 years I have been a special needs paraprofessional and have worked so closely with OTs and have many mentors. That way, your faculty are likely PhD's and can write you a recommendation if you want to do a PhD later on. Fortunately, most rural parts of the country have a desperate need for occupational therapists. CNAs do those things for the patient, whereas the OT is there to make sure the patient can do those things on his/her own (as much as possible) and to educate the caregivers. It's all about finding where you fit in. The client-centered nature of this job can be both intrinsically enriching, as you are in a position to provide care and help to patients, but it can also lead to physical and emotional stress. If you have any additional strategies that have helped you combat burnout in your practice, please be sure to share them in the comments below. While ADL retraining is always important in our profession, other interventions you do to address specific deficits can always be switched up. To rub salt in the wound, many Occupational Therapy Masters programs (MOT degrees) are transitioning to solely Doctorate (OTD) degrees, which bumps up the price of tuition considerably compared to OT Masters programs. This is will improve your odds of getting into a program. And just because you are struggling doesn't mean that you are failing! 5 out of 10 are bored out of their mind. Benefits: Medical, Dental . In order to be marketable as an academic- it is preferable by most departments to have a PhD, or a related are of study MS. For example a masters in public health, a PhD in sociology, etc etc. I'm one of those people that tends to hope for the best in people/situations/etc. Its okay to leave. I'm sure there are good and bad OT jobs, just as there are good and bad teaching jobs, etc. Attitude counts a lot. ), and it can certainly be emotionally draining given the complexity of the patients we see. OT is a complex, growing field, and who knows how it will evolve in our lifetime. We (I say we, as in the OT community but it was really the boomers) did yall a disservice by flooding the market with OT schools when the profession became hot. A newly qualified NHS OT can expect to start on a minimum of 21,000, with more experienced OTs earning 25,700-34,500 . With rehab-based occupational therapists and COTAs, a big focus is transfer training. In postgraduate studies, it's possible to gain a Masters degree in one to two years. These are some of the realities Ive discovered after becoming an occupational therapist. I'm just ranting in confusion, but any feedback would be appreciated. Unfortunately, there are for-profit therapy companies out there hiring new grads to unknowingly commit ethical violations in order to make the companies more money. Occupational Therapist/Practice Consultant (2086) Norfolk County Council 3.7. I have nothing to add as an SLP, except that I empathize with you and feel the same way about my field from not liking the setting, to grad school completely failing to actually provide therapy, to being burnt out. Good luck everyone! Thanks for all the replies. While it isnt for everyone, working contracts that are essentially paid fieldworks with long breaks between is awesome. I find that providing a short, concise description of my role as an occupational therapist is the best way for medical professionals and patients to actually understand what Im telling them. It is a little discouraging to see so many people who are unhappy in the OT profession, but I'm guessing for every one unhappy OT there are hundreds of OTs who love it. Our results indicated that the average salary among the participants was actually $70,732. Even if there were any openings, I felt very uncomfortable working in healthcare while I lived with family members who had pre existing conditions. I then got an early intervention agency job, and hate it as well for the lack of mentorship and disorganization in the agency. Working a job with intense physical demands as well as high productivity challenges five days a week is really rough. I've heard of this notorious indeed forum from Reddit and people say to pay it no mind. I love her OT and PT. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Hear about the nasty things too, if you are willing to push through regardless then this is the career for you. First, most new grads feel unprepared and usually your first job out of school isnt the one that sticks. Or do a lot of on-line con Ed. Try to make hair washing less of an ordeal, and you may find that your child is suddenly more adaptable to it as part of the routine. If youve landed here, you may have been Googling something like Im unhappy with my occupational therapy job or feeling burned out as an OT or maybe even feeling sick of my OT job.. Occupational therapy assistants work under the guidance of an occupational therapist, who conducts the client evaluation and assessment, then comes up with treatment goals and a big-picture plan for accomplishing them. Abstract. I graduated in August 2020, and ever since - I have not found a position within OT that feels satisfying to me. In fact, healthcare professionals spend more time on documentation than direct client care. It's useful to hear about the things that OTs don't like. We have next to zero phd faculty members and my program is in the top 20 in the country, how that happened is beyond me. Upon arrival, it was the entire IEP team. As an occupational therapist, you have the opportunity to help people get their lives back when they cannot do it on their own. Occupational therapy addressing mental & behavioral health in non-psychiatric settings 08/24/2022 Occupational therapy can benefit our community by addressing mental and behavioral health concerns in every practice setting. (St. Catherine University). But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. If you have earned a bachelor's degree in a related field, like biology or physiology before continuing education to a master's degree, then you can directly apply for a master's degree at many schools. Im always on my toes switching back and forth from inpatient rehab to very different diagnoses and treatments in acute care. Being accepted into an OT program is hard and very competitive. Occupational therapy can help you with practical tasks if you: are physically disabled; are recovering from an illness or operation They are interesting but I have shadowed an OT and really enjoyed it. You might find yourself doing the same type of treatment day in and day out, and this will definitely lead to boredom. Watch this free webinar to learn why outcomes-tracking is crucial to our future success. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The school wants to collect all the federal funding they get for these children with special needs, but they wont provide them the help they need within the school setting. If this is your first time posting, please read the sub rules. Being an OT is definitely not equal to being a glorified CNA. You're just "go go go" all day long. I've had to abandon Indeed. That's a false dichotomy, but you are free to choose and make your decisions as you wish. These cookies do not store any personal information. Mostly I am just worried about being a "glorified CNA." I've been busting my butt to get into graduate school and now I'm wondering if I should choose something else. It's easier that way because he's more willing to cooperate. We learn in school how meaningful our profession is (which it is!) Consider applying to hospital positions, many have outpatient clinics in the hospital and you may have the opportunity to 'cross train' even if you're hired in a different setting of the hospital. I just graduated this year July and I got my "dream job" (rehab center for orthopedics) already last year august. Let me know what you guys think about this. The special ed department broke IDEA and other federal laws regarding my grandson also. This is important to consider when your student loans from OT graduate programs alone might be well over $100,000, not including interest. In the end, my gf has decided not to pursue OT for other reasons. 4. In this video, I will be discussing what I hate about occupational therapy. The school system had another student (very similar situation and age) whose parents were told that their son could not return to the school after he had been with the school for 3 yrs. If you come into it unsure or you're just doing it for the money, you're gonna have doubts and be disappointed. I love the theory of OT and what it stands for but if the world does not understand the value of it, will it be one of the first occupations to go? If you would like to request support for a child from the Occupational Therapy Service, please complete this form>. A job just has to fit you and satisfy you enough to put up with the bullsh*t. In every field there will always be some who absolutely hate it, some who absolutely love it, and most who fall in between. Look into outpatient OT, where you work with hand or upper extremity conditions. Why???!!!! Leave your reasons down below. Medicare Benefits and Costs of Occupational Therapy. Some people are never satisfied no matter what. Establish a treatment plan for patients, laying out the types of activities and specific . I JUST NEED TO VENT: I would agree. This list isnt meant to scare you away from becoming an OT! Is it possible for the field to phase out? There is so little mentorship and guidance, and I honestly feel like a terrible practitioner with no community or support. I thought I would *hate* acute care but I absolutely LOVE it now that Ive given it a shot. 35,411 - 43,517 a year. Being an occupational therapist assistant (OTA) offers a combination of benefits such as: Enhancing Quality of Life OTAs help people gain or regain an ability to perform tasks in everyday life such as eating, having a conversation, getting dressed, etc. I am an OT student, is anyone else in this thread one? There are pros and cons to everything. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. You can read more about ethical dilemmas in my post titledEthical Dilemmas in Occupational Therapy. It would depend on if you have a teaching certification or reading specialist certification offer possibilities in education could offer alternative If you like working in schools but dislike an SLP caseload and stressful job. I hate how OT services are viewed as a "privilege," creating a lack of accessibility, especially for clients living in rural areas. Just saying. At speech therapy, Nathan goes back without me. I am HATING Being an OT Need some words of encouragement or advice. Hearing about running into problems with ethics to make more money for your boss, yet risking losing your job, is a huge issue for me. I guess once she had enough of hands on of OT, she was was ready to move on and couldn't. This is a subreddit to celebrate all things Occupational Therapy. Depending on the regulations where you live, this. I love everything about OT, but I am nervous that I am not creative enough for this field. Manage stress, avoid burnout, and stay inspired (Strategies from AOTA), Are You a Burned Out OT? I think any profession will have people who are sick of it and burnt out. and we come out thinking every job will be fantastic. Best decision I ever made." before jumping in to a job situation that might be worse than your current job. State licensing requirements vary, so make sure to consult your state's occupational therapy regulatory agency. You may not know what floats your boat. Education staff can contact the School Advice Line: 0300 421 6976 on Tuesdays 1.30pm-4pm (term time only). 11. Buy Hate Being Sexy But I'm Funny Occupational Therapist Therapy T-Shirt: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts at Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases Amazon.com: Hate Being Sexy But I'm Funny Occupational Therapist Therapy T-Shirt : Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry Occupational therapy could definitely use a gender-diversity facelift. He did great the first year with initial struggles. You can't only know about the good, beautiful things about OT. "They will remark disparagingly, 'I'm just a clinician,' I don't know what else I could do," Fork says. I digress. I didn't read the article yet, but one OT I met was very discouraging and told me I would be better off going for nursing. With OT, youre helping people achieve their goals and increase their independence and life satisfaction, which far outweighs the downsides. Ive seen this in myself, my friends, and my coworkers at the end of each day and week that its really hard to have any energy to get anything else done. I am working through my BA at the age of 34. The second year there were major administration changes at the school and upper levels. I agree with what you said above, but Id also like to add that pay cuts and no raises for several years have been rampant in our profession due to Medicare cut backs. I wish there were more OT forums out there. Therapy should be treated as the helping profession that it is, and not a factory with demands so high many therapists dont even have time to eat or use the bathroom. I'm only in my second year of school but have already learned that classmates (and future therapists) that I study/work with are huge in how happy I am in an assignment or project. For example, you may need to be able to drive and go to the grocery store. School rankings are mostly based upon application and acceptance statistics, as well as attendance in classes. Being an occupational therapist requires a bachelor's degree in biology, kinesiology, health sciences, physiology or a related field. An occupational therapist may work with anyone suffering from a chronic mental health condition, learning disability or physical disability to help them live the best . Permanent + 1. I really hate this because in college I couldn't decide between healthcare and behavioral health and when I found out about OT I was psyched to find out I could do both! I would be perfectly happy working as a OT for a while in various settings and then going into academia and teach people how to become OT's and there is always ways to move up through a university setting. Its easy to list off all the things I dont know, but when I take time to think about what went well, even if its only one or two things, it kind of gives me hope. 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