moral philosophy quiz
Receive new tools and articles in your inbox, 2018 - created by Spark Wave, How To Discover Your Philosophical Beliefs. good=express approval) Doesn't matter/Dislike all answer choices. *All beliefs have to be true simultaneously Aristotle (63%) 7. Ethics/Moral Philosophy involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. All rights reserved | Privacy | Terms of Use. It does not store any personal data. How do they compare with those around you, and are they predicted by aspects of your psychology? less intelligent than a rat). of your responses that should reveal some interesting things about your moral Match. The world is a machine Stealing shows an excess of desire for property (greed?). If naturalism was true, 'Is pleasure the good?' Sullivan ?\underline{? You can help this person at little cost to yourself. Which theory is a consequentialist theory? Me (although it depends quite a bit on how I read the questions and answers) 1. Eg; George has a PhD in Chemistry and he is anti chemical weapons. c. psychology. So, eating meat may be virtuous, e.g. So, even though beliefs do not motivate us alone, they with our moral judgements and moral judgements may be truths. Is simulated killing part of the best life for human 2022 When the moral obligation In each of the following sentences, insert commas where necessary. means you must do that thing in order to behave morally. immobilize them by tying them up or, if really necessary, hurting them in a non-lethal way. Be a virtuous person Aristotle (52%) 9. *Look deeper, *What it means for something to be morally right is that it's commanded by god View Quiz. Mankind is under the governance of two soverign masters: pleasure and pain. Jeremy Bentham (75%)9. Jean-Paul Sartre (62%) 5. Are you morally responsible for the blindness of the drinker? If so, we shouldn't eat them - we'd use them as a means to an end. Also, come maxims are universalisable and are immoral. A rule is right to the extent that it increases the total happiness of the affected parties suffer?' 'It is as if I had said "You stole that money", in a peculiar tone of horror'. It could be good if it taught a moral lesson in drama or was a release for dangerous emotions (e.g. Cynics (31%)I'm highly suspicious of any test that seems to hold that Ayn Rand is an ethical philosopher, or, really, any sort of philosopher at all. However, don't let this lure you Providing the questions for all of life's answers. According to Natural Law Theory what do we need to use to find our "end" in life? Sentience The capacity to feel pleasure and pain. But, Naturalism jumps from an 'Is' to an 'Ought'. How can ET say we have made moral progress if there is no moral reality to judge moral values against. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. Kant ignores the value of certain motives (against Kant). Before starting Morality Play, it is important to bear the following in mind: At Quiz Lesson 1: Introduction to the Liberal Arts Tradition, Quiz Lesson 2: Intro to the Paradigm for the Liberal Arts Tradition, Quiz Lesson 3: Introduction to the PGMAPT Paradigm, Berninis Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius, Quiz Lesson 6: Music and Musical Education, Quiz Lesson 13: Philosophy and Natural Philosophy, End of Course Test: The Liberal Arts Tradition, 2022 ***Like a spider web, *The study of goodness If I personally believe that something is moral if it follows an individual's framework, then how am I supposed to pick a Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings character? b. commendation Mr. Wilson,{\color{#c34632}\text{,}}, would you initial my schedule change,{\color{#c34632}\text{,}}, please? *Does it exist? Utilitarian was considered to be a theory worthy of what? Do not steal unless it is vital to Match. Plato (51%) 16. us less likely to have a good will. The person who's bringing this charge has a lowly view of what a human is. Would you give up the capacity to have higher pleasures for all the lower pleasures? Aquinas (81%) 4. Free Citizens 2. Something is desirable if people desire it The activities on this web site have been completed 3072309 times. The person with phronesis can make the right decision in any situation. Explain. You can see a killing, but you cannot experience of the act (so it is not a matter of fact) and it is not a contradiction to deny that killing is wrong (so it is not a relation of ideas). Aquinas (77%) 6. To replace it with a non-contaminated bottle will cost you $10.00. b. physics. . Act Utilitarianism: Depends on the situation. Give it a shot and see if you are angelic or borderline evil. Emotion Do more empathic people make different moral judgments? There can be conflicts between virtues (against VE). (How curious! Empirical fact: Stealing usually causes more harm 'lie', 'respect', 'courageous' have both meanings. An 'excellence', or more specifically, a 'virtue' - a quality that aids the fulfilment of a thing's ergon (Aristotle). Top Contributed Quizzes in Miscellaneous. The Principle of Utility The view that an act is right if it produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Ockham (25%) 16. Sign up for the latest information from ClassicalU! Morality sometimes requires clear cut answer eg in cases of abortion. It is merely attitudes or opinions. (If your comment is too long, first try breaking it into two parts.). Are you the type of person who will trick someone into falling by a banana peel or will you warn them before they slip? Kantianism and Social Contract theory focus on the individual decision makers while Utilitarian theories focus on all affected parties. Ockham (23%) 17. This action will also remove this member from your connections and send a report to the site admin. unhappiness than happiness and having low levels of lying increases trust, making society happier. Write the letter for the word that best completes given sentence. Stoics (18%) 18. Second form of the categorical imperative: Eating b. knowledgeably The propositions that help prove your argument are called what? The test of whether a maxim can be consistently applied to everyone without involving a contradiction. ***Scientists, Makes the claim that if the premises are true then the conclusion is necessarily true. Come from facts and commonly held values All of the above pass the "workable" test: *What does it mean to do the right thing? case, you will be asked to make a judgment about what is the morally right thing As for the "burning question", I think what really matters here is not necessarily the question of truth per se, but more the question of ideality. Rule util: Would a rule for a vegetarian / vegan diet Jeremy Bentham (70%) 5. Send a Message. False None of the answers I felt were addressing that. But, farm animals exist to provide meat so if their lives are happy overall, it adds to total happiness. Moral terms are indefinable (naturalistic fallacy) (moral non naturalism) (G E Moore) (against moral naturalism). Jeremy Bentham (100%) 2. animal rationality, especially in chimpanzees, The cheating question is far too abstract, even if I could cheat, the option to never tell them to avoid screwing them up but leaving them to find someone new isn't there. This cookie is used for load balancing, inorder to optimize the service. You have already completed the quiz before. This is not to say that you and the philosopher are in total agreement. Spinoza (38%) 11. the fisherman who must lie to the Nazis to keep the Jews who are hidden on his boat safe). Doesn't matter/Dislike all answer choices. David Hume (20%) 18. Learn. Makes the claim that if the premises are true then the conclusion is probably true If there were no moral truths, then there would be no moral progress. Played 38 times. John Stuart Mill (67%) 3. propositional, i.e. *Believed that everything in nature has an "end" (purpose) to it, If our goal is to be a good person what do we need to do? 5. This quiz and worksheet will test your knowledge of moral philosophies and how they relate to business ethics. *Circumstances are the only difference Emotivism cannot account for moral progress (criticism of emotivism). E.g. Lesson 1. This desire to be moral seems to be widespread among humans (innate or learned). What Do Moral Philosophers Do? Ayn Rand (52%) 6. However, you discover it is poison and if consumed will cause blindness in the drinker. Utilitarianism is an example. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Sometimes more good comes from breaking a law. which on average create the greatest good for the Looking at your answers, we have analyzed that you are a person with morals and some instances but not always. A consequentialist theory is one that is based on what? Nihilism claims there are no values at all. Things wouldn't improve as it would just be attitude's changing. Comments. It is OK to poison a rat, even though the rat suffers and is quite intelligent, because the rat is vermin - a pest. Several questions talk about 'moral obligation'. EG 'lying is wrong' is like saying you don't like tomatoes, 'boo to tomatoes'. theory makes out that we are making a huge Jean-Paul Sartre (41%) 9. *If yes, Socrates (and Dr. Daniels) is (are) right, *A theory about morality that is still used today Save. Learn. Moral principles including those that are self-evident by observing nature and revealed through religion. Comments. Somewhat Moral Ockham (32%) 13. Do you know what your views on classic philosophical questions are? Plato (35%) 15. Doesn't tell you how to actually gain virtues. Who counts? --If you act on a moral rule that would cause problems if everyone followed it then your actions are not more of their moral judgments are true. Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics. Prescriptivism (58%) 5. Moral language makes claims which are capable of being shown to be either true or false. The pursuit of pleasure. Thomas Hobbes (13%) 19. Kant argues that no one should treat animals cruelly because it might damage our good will and make us become cruel to people as well. Question 1 of 19. Do you think that assisting the suicide of someone who wants to die - and has requested help - is morally equivalent to allowing them to die by withholding medical assistance (assuming that the level of suffering turns out to be identical in both cases)? Animals can want things, but only humans can will them. When he himself took the final version of the test, he scored a 61 out of 63or, "You might be Peter Singer . Kohlberg Et Al 1981: The Philosophy Of Moral Development, Gudjonsson And Bownes: The Attribution Of Blame And Type Of Crime Committed, Philosophy & Dilemma and Foundation of Morality. ANTI REALIST AND NON COGNITIVIST 3.Rule Utilitarianism 4.Social Contract Theory Error theorists claim that all moral judgments Unfortunately, you can only do so by harming other people. preserve life (e.g. La pregunta por el Ser es propia de la filosofa. Introduction to concepts in moral philosophy. You pass someone in the street who is in severe need and you are able to help them at little cost to yourself. Flashcards. Higher pleasures of the mind are worth more and lower pleasures of the body are worth less. Jean-Paul Sartre (64%) 7. Now if only everyone else would just agree 1. Is it possible to be motivated to do what is right? Act Utilitarianism adds up the total good achieved Write the letter for the word that best completes each sentence. Epicureans (28%) 15. So, the function of an eye is to see. Flashcards. States that we are physical beings. What is your moral philosophy? Are you morally obliged to inform them about your brother's crime? b. Normative ethics. Above each underlined word, write DO for direct object, 10 for indirect object, PN for predicate nominative, or PA for predicate adjective. Cicero: On Duties. Decide which choice fits best in the blank. are similarities between some of the scenarios. Second Formulation of the Categorical Imperative. are false but ordinary people think that some Central moral terms (good, bad, right, wrong) are only emotive (e.g. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. To play this quiz, please finish . They are just an expression of an emotion. Today's Top Quizzes in Philosophy. what I want but cannot afford)' to be a universal law. Be based on logical reasoning John Stuart Mill (82%) 3. Honesty or truth telling is a virtue - telling the truth Happiness may have many definitions such as: advantage, benefit, good, or pleasure, Rules are based on the Principle of Utility Test. Test. You are able to help some people. Match. Or, honesty may clash with other virtues such as courage or compassion (e.g. Stealing is never the mean: So it is a vice - wrong. Pleasure is the natural property and happiness is the moral property. Example 1. frankly frank-ly\underline{\text{frank-ly}}frank-ly, alarm Thehorsewiththesllverymaneandwhitetallwaschosenbythephotographer.\underline{\phantom{\text{The horse with the sllvery mane and white tall was chosen by the photographer. Punishment When do we retaliate against harms, and why? Learn. Naturalism claims we can derive moral judgements from facts about the world (natural properties). Kantianism: Yes, by the two Categorical Imperatives. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. This cookie is used to a profile based on user's interest and display personalized ads to the users. So, we have a perfect duty not to steal. What is good or bad mistake about our moral language. You own an unoccupied property. Chapter 1 - The Responsibilities of Engineers, Judaeo-Christian Influences on Philosophy of Religion. Moral judgements are universal and you cannot make exceptions for yourself. Korsgaard argues that: a. motivational skepticism is always based on content skepticism. Can emotivism make sense of how we use moral language? The only proof that an object is visible is if people actually see it Have virtuous actions This quiz is incomplete! This is an amazing ethical theories quiz with questions and answers. end because according to Kant, an animal is not a Kant (93%) 3. They may come from scientific experiment, God, culture, laws, intuition etc. A person with a virtuous character has the right emotional response to any situation. How did the European continent divide as World War I began to take shape? 4) Therefore, there is no mind dependent reality. If you believe you ought to pay your rent, then you must also believe that anyone in a relatively similar situation to you ought to pay their rent. Ayn Rand (63%) 8. Some rule utilitarians may argue that the best rule b. Adopted by Peter Singer, argues that we should seek always the good we would rationally prefer rather than simply our selfish desires or pleasure/happiness. It seems like it must be such a burning question whether there is any moral truth, and I just can't decide. utility calculus. Moral Language makes recommendations about how to act. What was the relationship between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina? *Mills (Utilitarianism), Can rationalize and decide whether their actions are moral or not, Cannot decide whether their actions are morally right or wrong, the love of wisdom (the "mother" of science), Who said "The lover longs for that the lover lacks", Spurced science *Thought to be tied to culture/individual, Greeks v. Massagetae (Cremation v. Embodiment (eating the body at death)), Both believed the spirit could be released IF they followed the funeral practices of their cultures Does it do any harm? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Learn. The only thing that is good in and of itself is pleasure; the only thing that is bad in and of itself is pain . BUT, there has been moral progress eg slavery and so there are moral facts. Think you can pass the quiz? They aim at truth. Assesses each separate act according to whether it maximises pleasure over pain NOW. This quiz is incomplete! John Stuart Mill (100%) 2. not analytic). 'correct' or 'incorrect'. Thomas Hobbes (78%) 5. beings? EG giving to charity is good, so we ought to give to charity. This is a conflict between the virtues of justice and kindness. E.g. of their moral judgments are true. Proving an opinion to be correct and Persuading someone to accept your proof, describes the values that people actually hold This cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites. Practical wisdom tells us when it's virtue or vice. See More by this Creator. Moral Philosophy Quiz One. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. a. Qualified judges who are familiar with both always regard higher pleasures as worth more than lower ones. Nel Noddings (36%) 14. Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment. To determine when a moral rule is appropriate Kant proposed two Categorical Imperative (Kant) 1. The good is pleasure. 1. . Moral judgements are not beliefs (against moral realism+cognitivism) (against moral naturalism). Too focused on individual flourishing. Test. Error theorists claim that all moral judgments Nature has given humans two sovereigns; Pleasure and pain. -We understand temptation will come You live in a country where the police are generally trustworthy. Any social and economic inequalities must satisfy two conditions: It is free! Thehorsewiththesllverymaneandwhitetallwaschosenbythephotographer. Prioritize your choice above: Low Priority High Priority 15. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Act only from moral rules that you can at the same time universalize. In this activity, to say you are morally obliged to do something means you must do that thing in order to behave morally. The existence of moral disagreement. 3) So there is no one moral reality, rather a competing set of different moral views. Using the example of the moral statement 'killing is wrong'. First form of the categorical imperative: Simulated Q. If it is use incorrectly, write a new correct sentence. A character trait which enables a person to live well as a human being eg courage. St. Augustine (35%) 12. Utilitarianism Applied to Eating Animals (!!). Lying makes this impossible as it deceives people. *If it's valid we should be able to PROVE it's valid. You have a brother. Lying is a deficiency of truth telling, so it is a vice. How do they compare with those around you, and are they predicted by aspects of your psychology? You can save the lives of a thousand patients by canceling one hundred operations that would have saved the lives of a hundred different patients. You will receive your score and answers at the end. Contradiction in conception: It is not possible for 'Steal x' to be a universal law because if everyone stole all the time, private property would cease to exist and then stealing it would be impossible (as stealing is defined as taking other people's private property). Simulated killing would be morally bad if it gave us 1. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. (criticism of emotivism). Open questions do not have fixed answers. No one type of pleasure is better than another so it is measured based on intensity, duration, certainty, remoteness, richness ad purity. Are animals rational? Universalize this! Flashcards. It prevents from Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF) attack. 'Eat meat' can be willed to be a universal law Stringman, if you've recently been thinking about these issues yourself, you might be interested in my old posts on Moral Diversity and Skepticism, McNaughton vs. Non-Cognitivism, and Consistency and Utilitarianism, which grew out of that course. Learn. Moral Philosophy Quiz 1. wrongdoing, but not a serious one. This shows which actions are morally permissible. You will find there Nietzsche (15%) 18. suffering and unhappiness) than not | This recipe calls for nuts raisins and chocolate chips. Kant says we should only be motivated by our duties, but we are motivated also by things sch as love on kindness. There are moral truths which can be discovered through reason. (criticism of emotivism). Gain a better idea of your position on fundamental questions about the world with our new assessment, "Learn Your Philosophical Beliefs," which will walk you through the latest research on the relationship between people's philosophy and their psychological traits. The results are scored on a curve. a. adulation Prescriptivism (20%) 19. Test. That God's hand brings events to pass as he works out the salvation of his children. Follow. The number of people harmed will always be 10 percent of those helped. Potentially, feelings that could cause real violence may be reduced by simulated killing. 3) But, because morality is universal in scope, them moral duties apply to everyone irrespective of what they want. --If you act on a moral rule that would cause problems if everyone followed it then your actions are not more 2. It may depend on who takes part and how the simulated killing is understood - cartoon violence vs glorifying realistic violence. Our intuition tells us that consequences do matter, so Kant is going against our basic intuition eg lying in the Kant's Axe example would bring the most happiness. 2) This diversity is best explained as a result of different cultures. ~ Dr. James Rachels, John Rawls (1921-2001) 1) All duties take the form of imperatives (commands) That is maximizing the positives and reducing the negatives. It is a form of cognitivism as it claims that moral language is used and aims to express beliefs about moral reality which can be true or false. d. art. The "invisible" ring that allowed Gyges to gain entry into the royal palace, kill the king, and seduce the queen. Share practice link. b. sympathy. Meaning 'duty'. A maxim which cannot be universalised into a universal law without contradicting itself eg make false promises to get you way, because in a world where everybody did this, promising would be impossible. You might not consider yourself to be following a moral philosophy, but you are! treat people as an end in themselves never only as a means to an end. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Prescriptivism (72%) 4. when the obligation is 'weak', failing to do what is obligated of you is still a You give the poisoned drink as a gift anyway. The supreme principle of morality. Social Contract Theory: Yes, we are obligated to follow the law. It allows the website owner to implement or change the website's content in real-time. Judgments based on considerations of how other people are to be treated, and how others interests are to weigh against their own. Killing or to take sadistic pleasure in pretending to kill others or spend excessive time on it. Saying 'Lying is wrong' means 'I disapprove of lying, now do so as well' and as result you also disapprove of lies. Like just cause it might not be ok to kill someone doesnt mean its ok to walk away. Therefore ignoring animal happiness is a prejudice - called speciesism by Singer. ), Visitors: check my comments policy first.Non-Blogger users: If the comment form isn't working for you, email me your comment and I can post it on your behalf. Jeremy Bentham (100%) 2. Jeremy Bentham (61%) 4. Epicureans (50%) 10. Are you morally obliged to do so? Your own philosophy might match one of them, or take bits from two or more. Moral Philosophy Quiz 1 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by jmartin17 Terms in this set (57) Myth Narrative story with a "profound" truth, handed down across generations because easy to remember. Second form of the categorical imperative: Stealing is wrong because taking someone else's property treats them solely as a means to an end (you deny them any choice about what happens to what they own so that you may have it). So, we should live so we experience the most amount of pleasure with the least amount of pain. You might not consider yourself to be following a moral philosophy, but you are! 2) In order for x to perform its function well, it requires the virtues relevant to that function eg a good harp player requires dexterity, a musical ear etc. Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. A conditional command which only applies to those who will the end. An argument is what when the premises and conclusions are related to each other in such a way that if the premises are true then it is impossible for the conclusion to be false? Terms in this set (23) that unaided _____ can create a Roman empire but cannot sustain it. Im pretty happy with it even when I read the questions differently it just promoted Ockham and Kant a little but overall not much differenceand Nietzsche and Ayn Rand down the bottom group (athough I have some sympathy for Hume) and JB and JSM up the top. Test. Give it a shot and see if you are angelic or borderline evil. rational choices. Aquinas (80%)6. Those actions which we are not responsible for because we are compelled to perform them (psychologically or physically) or because we are ignorant of what we are doing (but only if we are not responsible for our ignorance). *Relationship between conduct and character, *The study of correct reasoning However, it is wrong to beat a pet dog (even if it's meat does not use anyone solely as a means to an Others, e.g. Steal weapons from a violent person to keep others safe. In each its role in our society. It contains a blank and is followed by four answer choices. Couldn't finish it. Rule Utilitarianism: Yes, because rules are broken. But it can also be a vice, e.g. *Reality, Being Higher pleasures of the mind have more value than lower pleasures. Ockham (7%) Although to be honest, I'm still pretty undecided about meta-ethics, which seems strange to me. Moral principles originate in and express emotions or attitudes. Take this test to see which moral philosophy you follow the most closely. The below statement corresponds to a numbered sentence in the passage. Characteristic activity. Emotive meaning is connected to use: the purpose is not to state facts, but to influence other people's behaviour. Hey, check out this interesting 'Morality test' that we have created below. Every argument must have one, and only one what? depends on whether the animal is a pet or a pest - Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Person Aristotle ( 63 % ) although to be treated, and are immoral value than lower pleasures feelings... More and lower pleasures a huge Jean-Paul Sartre ( 41 % ) 3 the answers I felt were that., laws, intuition etc also be a theory worthy of what they want honesty may clash with virtues! 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