palisades school district collective bargaining agreement
The parties' last collective bargaining agreement ran from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. The term "Day" shall mean any day the district business office is open for business with the public. PSEA Officers. is the organization that represents State College Area School District secretaries and para-professionals. Galtman also said that effective Nov. 1, the district will provide health insurance and prescription drug coverage to eligible support staff members. CSEA 258 Contract Operations Support 2021-2024. 110, Mercer County- Caseworkers, Clerical, Clerk Typists, Fiscal Assistants, and Case Aides, Mercer County Deputy Sheriffs Association, Mercer County- Courthouse Employees, 911 Center Employees, UNITED STEEL, PAPER, AND FORESTRY, RUBBER, MANUFACTURING, ENERGY, ALLIED INDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE WORKERS INTERNANTIONAL UNIONLOCAL 1355-04 and LOCAL 1355-05, Mifflin County- Children and Youth Caseworkers, Probations Officers, UNITED STEEL, PAPER AND FORESTRY, RUBBER, MANUFACTURING, ENERGY, ALLIED INDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO.CLC Local 1940-04, Monroe County- Employees in the Sheriff's Office, Prothonotary's Office, Register of Wills/Recorder of Deeds Office, Coroner's Office, Public Defender's Office and the District Attorney's Office, Monroe County- Professional Court Related Employees, Monroe County- Court Appointed Non-Professional Employees, Monroe County Probation Officers Association, Monroe County- Employees of Children and Youth Services, Area Agency on Aging, Montgomery County- Professional Employees in the Offices of Domestic Relations, Adult Probation, and Juvenile Probation, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 88 Local 1582, Montgomery County- Non-Professional Employees in the Offices of Sheriff, Prothonotary, Register of Wills, Clerk of Courts, District Attorney, Public Defender, Coroner, and Jury Board, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 88 Local 676, Montgomery County- Youth Center Secure Detention Counselors or YFAs, Montour County- Professional Human Service Employees- CASEWORKERS AND FISCAL TECHNICIANS IN THE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES, Montour County- Prison Guards, Sergeants, Correctional Officers, Montour County- ADULT PROBATION OFFICERS, JUVENILE PROBATION OFFICERS, AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 88 Local 2549, Northampton County- Court-Appointed Non-Professional Employees, Northampton County- Gracedale Nursing Home Employees- Licensed Practice Nurse, Nursing Attendant, Per Diem Licensed Practical Nurse, Per Diem Nursing Attendant, Cooks Helper, Second Cook, Third Cook, Therapeutic Recreation Assistant, Therapeutic Recreation Aide, Seamstress, Beautician, Storekeeper, Laundry Machine Operator, Finishers, Laundry Utility Workers, Dietary Aide, Dietary Utility Worker, Driver Utility Person, Unit Clerk, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 88 Local 1435, Northampton County- Residual Non-Professional Employees, Northampton County- Youth Detention Center Unit Employees, Northampton County- Court-Related Non-Professional Employees, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFF'S ASSOCIATION, Northampton County- Area Agency on Aging Employees, Northampton County- Graceadale Nursing Home- N-1 Nurses, Social Service Coordinators, THE UNITED STEEL, PAPER AND FORESTRY, RUBBER, MANUFACTURING, ENERGY, ALLIEDINDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE WORKERSINTERNATIONAL UNIONAFL CIO, CLCLU 2599, Northumberland County- COURT RELATED NON-PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 86 Local 2016, Northumberland County- NON-COURT RELATED RESIDUAL EMPLOYEES, Northumberland County- Correctional Employees, Northumberland County- Employees in Court Administration, Domestic Relations, Adult Probation, Juvenile Probation, District Magistrates' Offices and District Attorneys Offices and court reporters, tipstaves, and criers, Northumberland County- Supervisory, Professional, and Non-pPofessional Employees in the Child Welfare, Youth Service and Mental Health-Mental Retardation Departments, Aging, Drug & Alcohol, Clerk Typist Supervisors, including all First Level Supervisors, Northumberland County- Non-supervisory, Professional, and Non-Professional Employees in the Child Welfare, Youth Service and Mental Health Departments, including all Caseworkers, Social Service Aides, Clerk Stenographers, Clerk Typist, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Specialist, Drug and Alcohol Prevention Specialist & Trainee, Therapeutic Activity Aide, Social Service Aide, Aging Care Managers, INTERNATIONAL UNION OF SECURITY, POLICE AND FIRE PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA LOCAL 502, Northumberland County- ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, ASSISTANT PUBLIC DEFENDERS, SPECIAL COUNSEL, Northumberland County- COURT APPOINTED PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Northumberland County- COURT RELATED, COURT APPOINTED, PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Perry County- Children and Youth Caseworkers & Office of Aging Care Mangers, Perry County- COURT-APPOINTED PROFESSIONAL AND NON-PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, COURT-RELATED NON-PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Perry County- Sergeants and Correctional Officers, Pike County- Employees in the Children and Youth Service Department and Area Agency on Aging Department, Probation Officers Association and the Probation Officer Supervisors Association, Potter County- Residual, Court Appointed, and Court Related Employees, Potter County- Professional and Non-Professional Employees of the Department of Human Services- Caseworker, Caseworker Trainee, Teacher, Residential Program Worker, Residential Program Worker Trainee, Personnel Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Clerk Typist, Custodial Worker, Homemaker, Volunteer Coordinator, Fiscal Assistant, and Human Services Aide, Schuylkill County- COUNTY OFFICE OF SENIOR SERVICES EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 89 Local 1512, Schuylkill County- County Courthouse Employees, Schuylkill County- Professional and Non-Professional Court-Appointed Employees in the offices of District Justice, Juvenile Probation, Adult Probation, Court Administration, Court Stenographer, Domestic Relations, Law Library, Records Management, and Courts, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY COURT-RELATED UNION "UNIT I", Schuylkill County- Clerks, Criminal Information Processors, Processing Specialists, and Secretaries, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY COURT RELATED UNION - "UNIT II", Schuylkill County- CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES AGENCY Employees, Snyder County- Prison Employees- Prison Guards, Correctional Officers, Secretaries, Cooks, Maintenance, and Nurses, Somerset County- Employees in a residual Commissioners Unit- Caseworkers and Clerks -- Children and Youth Services; Radio Operators; Cooks-Prison; Mail Clerks, Secretaries and Central Supply Clerks -- Commissioners' Office; Secretaries -- Voter Registration and Elections; Mappers, Assessors, Field Assessors and Secretaries -- Planning Commission; Secretaries --Agriculture Extension; Secretaries -- Conservation District; Secretaries --Civil Defense; Clerks --Treasurer's Office; Clerks -- Tax Claim Office; Clerks -- Recorder of Deeds; Maintenance Employees; Center Managers, Meal Drivers, Clerks, Information and Data Manager, Senior Center Directors, Maintenance Employees, Custodial Employees, Food Service Workers, Care Managers, Fiscal Employees, Community Health Nurse-Area Agency on Aging, Somerset County- Probation Officers and Probation Officer Intern in the Offices of Adult and Juvenile Probation and Parole; Collection Officers; Community Service Workers; Hearing and Enforcement Officers in the Office of Domestic Relations; and Investigative and Mediation Officers in the Office of Child Custody, SOMERSET COURT ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Susquehanna County- Court-Appointed Employees in the Offices of Court Administrator, Domestic Relations, Juvenile Probation, Adult Probation, and District Justices, Susquehanna County- Court-Related Employees in the Office of District Attorney, Register & Recorder, Public Defender, Prothonotary Clerk of Courts, and Sheriff, Susquehanna County- Professional Employees in the Office of Children & Youth Services, Susquehanna County-Residual, Non-Professional Employees, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 86 Local 2781, Venango County- Non-Professional Employees Residual Unit, Warren County- COURT APPOINTED UNIT EMPLOYEES, NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF FIREMEN & OILERS, DISTRICT OF LOCAL 32 BJ SEIU, CHAPTER22W, Warren County- COURT RELATED UNIT EMPLOYEES, NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF FIREMEN & OILERS, DISTRICT OF LOCAL 32BJ SEIU CHAPTER 22W, Washington County- Professional Employees Appointed to the Adult and Juvenile Probation Offices of the Court of Common Pleas, DEPUTY SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON COUNTY LOCAL 900, IUPA, AFL - CIO, Washington County- Prison Corrections Officers, Washington County- Court Related and Court Appointed Employees, Washington County- CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES EMPLOYEES, Washington County- non-professional employees in the departments of: Tax Revenue, Weights and Measures, Aging Services, Miscellaneous Administrative, Flood Control, Parks and Recreation, Veterans Services, Liquid Fuels, Planning, Airport, Elections, Jail, Information and Technology, Human Services, Central Purchasing, Facilities, Public Safety, Treasurer, Controller, and Recorder of Deeds, Washington County- ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEYS AND PUBLIC DEFENDERS, GENERAL TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS AND HELPERS LOCAL NO. exercise all powers granted to the School Committee, District and/or Superintendent herein. Community Consolidated School District 180 15 W 451 91st Street Burr Ridge, IL 60527 District Office: 630-734-6600 Fax: 630-325-6450 Classified School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 118 Agreement July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025. Below are the current contracts. The parties began negotiations for a successor agreement on May 7, 2020 , and . Empowering Every Learner. Mead Education Association (MEA) 2022-2025 CBA. ii. 1 AND . UNION OF AMERICA LOCAL #580, Indiana Borough Police Benevolent Association, Reynoldsville Borough-Foreman, Operator, Laborer, REYNOLDSVILLE BOROUGH EMPLOYEES AFFILIATED WITH AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL/CIO, Archbald Borough-Public Works, Code Enforcement, Administrative Employe, Borough of Blakely Police Department Employees, Blakely Borough-Office, Public Works, Garbage, Electric, Maintenance, Light Department Employees, Carbondale City-Public Works, Parks, Clerk, Meter Employe, Moosic Borough Police Officers Association, Old Forge Borough Police Officers Association, Roaring Brook Township Full Time Police Officers Association, South Abington Township Police Association, Throop Borough-Laborers, Custodians, Secretaries, Chief Clerk, Foreman, Akron Borough Police Officers Association, Columbia Borough Police Officers Association, Columbia Borough-Administrative, Clerical, Service Aide, Highway, WWTP, Mechanic, Janitor, Parking, Code Enforcement, East Cocalico Township Police Officers Association, East Cocalico Township Public Works Department, East Earl Township Police Officers Association, The Police Department of East Hempfield Township, East Lampeter Township-Police Clerks/Typists/Receptionists, Bookkeeper, Janitor, Administrative Receptionist, East Lampeter Township Police Officers Association, Elizabethtown Police Officers Association, Ephrata Borough-Office, Building Inspectors, Customer Service, Police Secretaries, Water Treatment, Production, Maintenance Employees, Lancaster City-All employees EXCEPT confidential employees, management, supervisors, police and firefighters, Lancaster City Police Officers Association, Lititz Borough Police Officers Association, Manheim Township Police Benevolent Association, The Full Time Officers of the Millersville Police Department, Mount Joy Borough Police Officers Association, Northern Lancaster County Regional Police, Police Officers Association of the Northern Lancaster County Regional Police Department, Pequea Township-Road Crew, Office Employees, Quaryville Police Association/Teamsters Local 929, West Earl Township Police Officers Association, West Hempfield Township Police Association, West Lampeter Township Police Officers Association, Ellwood City Police Department Wage and Policy Unit, Ellwood City Borough- Public Works, Electric, Wastewater Employees, LABORERS' DISTRICT COUNCIL OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA ON BEHALF OF LABORERS' LOCAL UNION NO. 1058, PENN TOWNSHIP POLICE WAGE AND POLICY COMMITTEE, THE LABORERS' DISTRICT COUNCIL OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA on and in behalf of LOCAL #1058, THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE BOROUGH OF SCOTTDALE POLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE, THE LABORERS' DISTRICT COUNCIL OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA on and in behalf of Local Union 1058, POLICEMEN OF THE BOROUGH OF SOUTH GREENSBURG/Teamsters Local 30, South Huntingdon Township- Operator, Laborer, Secretary, OLICE OFFICERS OF THE BOROUGH OF SOUTHWEST GREENSBURG, Unity Township- Clerical and Road Employees, THE WAGE AND POLICY COMMITTEE OF THE UPPER BURRELL TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT, Upper Burrell Township- Township Employees, UNITED STEEL, PAPER AND FORESTRY, RUBBER, MANUFACTURING, ENERGY, ALLIED INDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO-CLC ON BEHALF OF THE MEMEBERSHIP OF LOCAL 1408-82, Vandergrift Borough- Maintenance and Waste. The Committee recognizes that the Association does not waive its collective bargaining rights in these matters. Teamsters I Collective Bargaining Agreement - Sept. 1, 2019- Aug. 31, 2022; Teamsters I . Name: 2023 . 02/21/2023. No contract yet for Palisades teachers, just support staff, Stormcenter - School / Business Application. dkenwood 3, Huntingdon County- Court Appointed Employees, Huntingdon County- Non-Professional, Court-Related Employees, Indiana County- RESIDUAL PROFESSIONALS UNIT- CHILDREN & YOUTH PLANNING, AFL-CIO/ AFSCME District Council 83 Local 2644, Indiana County- Professional Employees Appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, INDIANA COURT ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Indiana County- Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Sergeants, Corporals, INDIANA COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION, Indiana County- Court Employees- Department Clerks, Legal Secretaries, Data Entry, Image Preservation, Victim Witness Coordinator, Administrative Assistants, Office Managers, Investigative Assistants, Paralegals, Legal Assistants, UNITED MINE WORKERS OF AMERICA LOCAL 4702, Indiana County- Correction Officers, Facility Maintenance Officers, Jefferson County- Court Appointed Employees- Court Reporters, Clerks in the Magistrates' Offices, Clerks in Domestic Relations, Assistant Directors in Domestic Relations, Clerks in Probation, and Probation Officers in Probation, JEFFERSON COUNTY COURT APPOINTED EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, UNITED MINE WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO, Jefferson County- Non-Professional Court Related Employees, Jefferson County- Human Services, Clerk Typists, Case Aides, Fiscal Assistants, Caseworkers, Fiscal Techs, Program Specialists, AFL-CIO/ AFSCME District Council 85 Local 1460, Juniata County- Child and Youth Agency Employees, Juniata County- Probation & Parole Officers, Domestic Relations, Administrative Specialist, Domestic Relations Caseworker, District Magistrates' Clerical Staff, Probation & Parole Clerical Staff, Domestic Relations Clerical Staff Domestic Relations Enforcement Officer, Juniata County- Commissioners Office, Assessment Office, Emergency Management Services, 911 Center, Maintenance Department, Planning Commission, Tax Claim Office, Treasurers Office, Veterans Affairs Office and Voter Registration Office, Lackawanna County-Juvenile Probation Officers, Adult Probation Officers, and Domestic Relations Officers, Lackawanna County Adult and Juvenile Probation and Domestic Relations Section Employees Association, Lackawanna County- Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Lackawanna County- Area on Aging- Clerical, Case Managers, R.N., and Fiscal Employees, Lackawanna County- Office of Youth & Family Services- Homemakers, Caseworkers, Clerk Typists, Social Workers, County Social Service Aides, Fiscal Technicians, Clerks, Accountants, Fiscal Assistants, and Legal Assistants, Lancaster County- COURT-APPOINTED PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Lancaster County- Police Officers in the Office of the District Attorney, including but not limited to Detectives and Acting Officer in Charge Detectives, Lancaster County- COURT-RELATED NON-PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES. The mission of Radnor Township School District is to inspire in all students the love of learning and creating, and to empower them to discover and pursue their individual passions with knowledge, confidence, and caring to shape the future. Carlisle Area School District. PSEA Wear. . In District 65, there are five collective bargaining groups that represent educators and support staff members in all 18 schools. Insurance Rates - PESPA 2022-2023. Spokane Principals Association (SPA) - 2022-2025. SANBORN REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL STAFF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 5.3 5.2 A professional staff member called to appear for legal proceedings, such as jury duty, shall not lose compensation for the performance of such obligations, except that no member shall 0 2.5.2 All trip requests must be submitted to Transportation using approved trip software. Mead Association of Educational Office Professionals (MAEOP) 2021-2023. 2. Collective Bargaining Agreements. ALLENTOWN, Pa. - The Parkland School District Board of School Directors approved an agreement with the Parkland Education Association during its Tuesday night meeting. Susan Mroz. Department leaders work out of the Administration Center and can be reached by calling 708 226 7600. 2022-2023 Teamster. South Park School District Names New Middle School Assistant Principal; South Park Junior Selected as Carson Scholar; Archived News; . holds hearing for developer Atiyeh's proposed trucking terminal, Whitehall couple celebrates 75th wedding anniversary, Voting begins March 1 in What's So Cool About Manufacturing Contest, Pa. state senators announce bill that would crack down on distracted driving, 69 News speaks with Pa. Lt. Gov. Other collective bargaining agreements may have terms of up to three years. While another negotiating session between the Palisades School Board and teacher representatives is scheduled for Sept. 10, a collective bargaining agreement was reached between the district and its support staff Wednesday night. Olympia Education Association (OEA) . (23-057) Executive Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. ATU 2022-2025. Teamsters (103) Collective Bargaining Agreement. Austin Davis about making history, why he got into public service, Reading Mayor Eddie Moran announces reelection bid, Reading Planning Commission tables final plan for church campus, Police seeking suspect in Colebrookdale robbery, kidnapping, Historians remember folklore and legend surrounding the 'Lizzie Lincoln House', Berks History Center, NAACP discuss more inclusive exhibit opportunities, Police seek thief suspected in over a dozen burglaries at Lowe's stores, Exeter supervisors meet in relative peace. 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