peter feigin twin brother
He captained. Michael Red: Were you always a risk taker or was that cultivated in your household or where did that risk taking ability come from? So, people talk about business, it wasn't a slow beat. "As we got further along, one of my jobs was to staff up that operation and have a business plan," Feigin remembers. Like the Kees, you're going to hopefully be doing something you love with people you love and working your butt off, but there are expectations. John: What did you study? You talk about your operating board committee, youve got these Masters of the Universe, and really you start with the answer. Here's your Asian Americans. But it was so much fun. We've made it really authentic and localized with what our food and beverage offerings are going to be. Their experience is basketball. Talk about the special, the specialness of how you were involved with designing the championship ring, because theres a lot of thought that you guys put into that ring. Our owners, when you talk about, our active operating board of governors, youve got guys like Mark Lazari who kind of in avenue capital and ran the distressed debt world. You know what I mean? And that's what we try to do. It has just been introduced for iPhones, but we are working on the Android version! Over the years, The Run has become an indispensable part of the players weekend routines and a socioeconomic hodgepodge. Team president Peter Feigin and his wife each contributed $2,900, while Feigin's brother Daniel contributed $600. That's not a "here we got to the finish line." Mike, you get it because you lived it. Peter: Yeah. Step one was complete. Just shut up for 15 seconds. Its gotten through its first iteration to see where it is. What a wonderful experience. We've gotten through conversations. always network, and in my chance, it really happened with my identical twin brother who was running a private school in New York, which all of Marc Lasry's and Wes Edens's kids went to. And so, talk about that and your leadership style, generosity and how important it is to give back. I'll talk with her about her students and kind of support her while she's correcting her papers. Number one, obviously, because like you said, its rare air, but youre learning on the job. Were going to constantly improve. Whether youre building an arena, whether youre building infrastructure or a team, whether youre dealing with the same problems, it is really powerful to end up with, when you come up with conflict and problems or you need solutions, or you need smart brains to be able to pick up the phone with 5, 10 like-minded people who are dealing with the same stuff. Peter: Well, its having like Ive always said, people talk about their personal board of directors and what that is and I had the advantage and still have the advantage of my mother being the best consultant you could possibly have. If you've been that lucky and you've been that blessed then you've got to share. Michael Red: In this episode, we talk about Peter's incredible career accomplishments at major brands. A, if you werent doing this and I know this is a dream job. Social media has created an avenue to spread the Bucks' brand beyond Milwaukee and the United States. Feigin says Bucks Gaming will consist of roughly 10 full-time employees, including the team's five players, who will be housed by the franchise. Michael Red: Well, I love you back. You can imagine, yes, Id rather be in Miami for 180 days, no question. Peter Feigin: Yeah, I think it's like I take everything from athletics. Do you want to be in a place where people are having fun and were trying to get rid of all the toxic. He continues to build civic and business relationships around town through face-to-face interaction. White House Chair of My Brother's Keeper Joined to Applaud Nationwide Progress. Let me just throw this out there. I heard or to make the statement, are you the employee of the month? So, whole different world kind of came around with COVID. Those are all things that are kind of seemed simple, but not done all the time. What a great thing. We can expose it as like, "Here, we're the example in Milwaukee." Thanks for listening. We're not an organization that splits up into silos of business or basketball. The people part is always tough. So, I'm, as you know, extremely excitable and just want to kind of attack it and love the challenge. We've got one of the global sports stars in the world. Were you looking at other franchises that have done this before, or were you looking at other business models and merging some version thereof? Msgr. It would be fun to own a hundred McDonalds franchises and you guys would be great at that. Youve collected all this human capital, both starting and back up. Ive never seen less arguing in a serious pickup game, said Adam Keefe, a former N.B.A. Peter Feigin: That this was a year you couldn't even imagine. In business it takes a real challenging of like where your growth is going to come from I in a big way. And with that, Feigin became the business brains behind a team about to set NBA standards in architecture, basketball operations and technology -- only he didn't know it. There's no way that the reverence, the likeability and kind of the coolness of the Milwaukee can't be a team and a city that the whole world cheers for in such a big way. Talk about all the nuances and the dynamics and the pressure was to lead through COVID. Thats an interesting question. Because, I mean, you lived here for 11 years and I guarantee you, as great as everybody was, they still thought of you as a Columbus, Ohio guy. The building will also be the focal point of a 30-acre development in downtown Milwaukee, an urban revitalization project that Feigin believes in. Peter Feigin: I think we have a good structure with Jon Horst, who's really our GM and kind of really runs the basketball day-to-day. He and his wife, Natalia, have two children, Alexandra and Thomas. Peter: Yeah, what really worked for me is I think I was just insatiably curious. You know I got my sources. John: Talk about and want you to share a couple of thoughts about Warren Buffett and that whole deal. [fusebox_track_player url= artist=Michael Redd title=Peter Feigin: You can figure out a way to win social=false ], His mentor relationship with Bucks players, The advice hed give his 16-year-old self. Peter: it worked in such a great way for me and with a magic wand really evolved into one of the most incredible jobs ever. Here in a million person city and your ability to affect change, your platform, your ability to really make a difference is so incredible. I played soccer and basketball, not overly blessed with athleticism. John: Thats literally a reality show that, it could be on Netflix. How do we affect the community together? Peter: Yeah, so I think its here and I think its all about the customization, right. When Carter Pewterschmidt stops by in "Fresh Heir" to announce that he has made Chris Griffin the sole heir to the Pewterschmidt fortune, the family hears a crash. The most meaningful thing that you can never take for granted is we gave about 850 part-time workers rings to get done. That was, Peter: That was it. Because I talked with the Lakers guys, I talked with the Boston guys on what they had, did. And we come from a city that's the urban city is 40% African American and probably 20% Hispanic, right? Theyre the worst. What has it meant to you to bet on yourself? Why shouldn't we resemble the city we work and live in, instead of kind of what national things are? John: Whos raising their hand saying Dad, were all in with you. How does this work? We are one big family. His is a story of grit, will, and great humor. We need to resource this place, like you cant imagine and we need to build an infrastructure that is beyond sound for growth, so not just day one. I think it changes the landscape. Were going to pay you, but hey, youre going to work. Its been talked about the whole Giannis effect. So, how do you navigate the ship through waters you've never been through before? It was kind of like take a weekend and moonlight into a fun job. And I don't know how many people know this, towards the end of his life, he really kind of did exhibitions, talks, and meetings literally until the day he almost died and traveled the country and the world as really kind of an incredible role model with an incredible story. My father happened to pass away probably within a couple months and very close with Mark and Wes, who basically at that time said, Well, you now have to really consider this and do this. And at the time, I always say, I was their last hope because of the timing of the acquisition. Yes, we are shiny toy people want to see how you build a project in time and under budget and how youd manage a project. He's also been quoted as saying he wants to play for the Bucks "forever" and he does not know if he could be "the same player" in a "flashy city." John: Unbelievable. Well, a year ago, yesterday, we went to zero. Then Chris Middleton next to him, which is almost the same, who are these high quality character folks who happen to be all stars in skill level. We are brand marketing sales people. That was the real mad man era that your mom was in at Grey Advertising, right? Peter: Well, I made one of the biggest mistakes ever to begin with. Within 45 minutes, we had this unbelievable excitement of, were nuts, why dont we do like take home its big ordering out. How could we keep everybody afloat as long as we possibly could? She's a teacher. With your owners and partners and this great group of people you put together, whats the future look like for the Bucks and what can some of the fans expect in the upcoming season? Kind of on a team, if you surround yourself with great players, you can figure out a way to win. I played soccer and basketball, not overly blessed with athleticism. Peter: Yeah. I know you love gear more than anybody. Ive got the keys to a gym.. Players, for 50 nights a year, land at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning to get home and kind of do what the time balance is. Its not really in a place where I could tell you, like, hey, heres our growth potential. So, then you start thinking about really building a district in a small city within a city. Feigin is in charge of divvying up the five-man teams at the start of the session and typically includes himself on the strongest squad. Hows Warren Buffett in person as, how exactly? Even though you're at the World of Disney, even Disney after about 10 days, you're ready to get out of Disney no matter where you are. And really build sports entertainment and residential and commercial around it and really have an urban development company that is fueled by the strength of a brand of an NBA team. He's going to sell the team. When you are visioning this out, like you just said, human capital, a new physical capital, on the court, off the court, what were you using both singularly as you, as Peter Feigin goes, but also with your partners and the private equity guys, what were you using as your role model? Post-acquisition were in an interesting time in life where my dad had been ill for a while and there was no way I was going to move to Milwaukee or take, even have the prospect of taking a job because I wanted to stay in New York and be with my father. How do we attack every day with how can we resource everybody who works here to be able to do their job very well. So, we continue to want to make this a place where players are like, "Shit, I've never been treated like this.". And Peter, now is the President of the Milwaukee Bucks and has done an incredible job over the years with the Bucks since he's landed in Milwaukee. We screw around a hell of a lot, but let me tell you, if one of our guys was in trouble, if we need to circle the wagons, if they need advice on evaluating something they're doing, they know that it's extremely objective, it's immediate, and that's what we do here. How are we going to attack this?". I mean, I probably publicly spoke for the first time in my life 100 times in the first 200 days to everybody from Lions Clubs to the barber shop, to the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts to kind of preach how big a deal it is for city this size to have and keep an NBA team. Enter your name and email address below and I'll send you periodic updates about the podcast. Michael Red: So, the Recruiter became the President basically? It's definitely not brain surgery. Peter Feigin: And how we almost flaunt it in a good way and it's kind of easy. Peter Feigin: So, I think that the sky is the limit in how we take this unbelievable success and what we think could be a championship and get ready just for exponential growth. How does that boat go? Peter Feigin, president of the National Basketball Association's Milwaukee Bucks and Fiserv Forum since 2014, graduated from Franklin & Marshall in 1992 as an American studies major. You sound super excited about the future. Id like to do that ring ceremony for hourly staff every day and the world would be a good place. But for the first time since 1992, the game has been shelved indefinitely because of the coronavirus pandemic. Lasry and Feigin met some 20 years ago when Feigin's identical twin brother, Daniel, was coaching Lasry's sons Alex and Zach for an elementary school basketball team in New York City.. And nobody's going to question how great Milwaukee is." But Feigin also gives credit to video games. I mean, now that I worked for three owners that are kind of in finance and private equity and guys who take real big bets and everything, I don't know if I was so much of a risk taker as I was kind of attention deficit and impulsive. Like you said at the top of the show, very few human beings even get to be in this position in any professional sports level. Which is a huge opportunity. There's always joking, a lot of joking and the team, the organization from what I've heard and know of you is that they really, really, really appreciate your leadership within the organization. And it's kind of as an adult got me to a place where I desperately want our youth to get exposed to things they wouldn't normally get exposed to because that's how they learn what's out there. So first of all, the bubble was kind of like so exciting, surreal, and awesome. But you got to remember, there's the rest of the neighborhood and we've got to continue to focus on the task at hand. For naming rights, Feiginsaid the franchise is looking for an international brand willing to spend $7 million to $10 million annually for 20 years. Every Wednesday, Dan Feigin, now the director of Trevors Upper School on the Upper East Side, sends a mass email to determine who will be playing that weekend. "Instantaneously, overnight, we have 30 million people playing NBA 2K around the world, probably more, so we begin a league and we have competition on a global basis. Back when the Feigins (now teenage) sons were much younger, Lasry suspected that Peter or Dan would give them a secret signal to scamper onto the floor if their team was losing. And everyone was thrilled when Keefe showed up. We have resources, we back them up, whatever you need, it's part of it. Everybody knows everybody. Peter Feigin didn't go looking for his job as president of the Milwaukee Bucks. Peter: The ice cream truck. Milwaukee Bucks President Peter Feigin speaking at the opening of the team's new training center in downtown Milwaukee as Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett . Michael Red: Peter, Peter Feigin. Here's my conversation with Peter Feigin. And I think the balance is really, really tough because you know what an NBA season is. Peter: We didnt finish the championship till mid-July, which meant like we didnt have long to get the rings included. This is COVID, how do we do it? And I think he's going to sell the team. Before life as we knew it went on hiatus in March, Peter Feigin was occasionally returning to New York from Milwaukee for weekend visits and to rejoin The Run, which has become multigenerational. Talk about it, you transition now from the Knicks and your consulting gig to the president of the Bucks. Id worked for the New York Knicks. John: You grew up on the Upper East Side, you are a native New Yorker, your brothers still back there. Peter: Yeah, I think I have this, my own personal craziness is I love to collect people. And that's what we try to do. So, that part of it was awesome. So, it's a little bit kind of nuts and delusional to go through thinking like you can kind of accomplish or solve or get anything done, but it's kind of the way I've kind of attacked life in a big way. Id been in a big market. Peter Feigin, president of the Milwaukee Bucks in Wisconsin, was interviewed by a reporter from NBC affiliate TMJ4 News in his car outside of the team's Fiserv Forum after the Bucks were confirmed . Kevin Draughon, who participates in the games, sat with Dylan Feigin and her brother, Jackson. Peter Feigin: It was, I don't know a better way to say it other than, grassroots. How do we become attractive and bring more companies here and bring more empty nesters and college graduates and make this a really attractive place to live. And Dan Feigin still has keys to Trevors gym, which he has been putting to use by himself. I mean, from the local barber shops to the local business leaders, to having owners that are from Wisconsin. Its not the right environment for everybody. How do we sit here and I think like, how could the Millwaukee Bucks not be, not Americas team, but Globals team. Welcome to the impact podcast, Peter. So, for people who run businesses, to have an operator who's really geared up and wants to drive revenue is kind of like a positive thing, especially for Mark and Wes. Even though we just opened up a building two years ago, you're starting in a place where we're going to have some attrition and lose some fans and have to build equity back up and get back to basics of like building ticket sales, building everything else. You got to be someone that actually that enjoys being here and part of the family culture and part of an organization. On the team, it takes extreme like investment to keep it. Peter Feigin: Hey, John thanks for having me. And we thought we were in a place and we're nowhere close to how good we can be or how we can use this NBA platform and our players and our organization to help change the community, to help change our performance as a team, and to be better citizens. In a 10 year phase, I started with a startup with Marquis Jet, with Kenny Dichter and Jesse Itzler who started the business and came from sports. And I think with time, you certainly kind of can take that. If you lose, that might mean you need to keep an eye on several of your friends toddlers. I never wanted to be that guy with the goggles and the knee brace and the tucked-in shirt being like, Hey! Peter: Im fairly, my mom was immersed in data analytics before data and analytics was business intelligence. Revolutionizing the talent booking industry with thousands of athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and business leaders. It's there is no time balance, so it's kind of surreal. And more importantly, kind of like building such a strong infrastructure with other people. We don't have a business, not sure when we will have a business. But that kind of thing. By the way, I've got access to the Team President, the GM, everybody is all around just to resource and help. Ive been really lucky. And you immediately go into, "What does this look like? So, I think for myself to Coach Bud, to Jon, we all kind of are on the same page of preaching like, "This is a performance culture." Founders of the Black Inventors Gallery, Peggy Hardy and Synovia Moss, spearheaded the display - a reminder of the spirit of innovation and vision Peter Feigin needed to champion a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks. Michael Red: I just, I got to start the podcast off with, before we get into our history, someone just texted me and wanted me to ask you this question. But it's also, listen like I wish, I have patience for nothing, and I think what I'm learning and trying to get a grip of is like how do we chip away over every issue of social justice. Heading into his ninth year as President of the Milwaukee Bucks, and fifth year as President of the world-class Fiserv Forum, Peter Feigin brings more than two decades of dynamic corporate leadership to Milwaukees sports and entertainment scene. They cause matchup problems for their fathers friends. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. I answer that by saying like we were successful because at the time the Brooklyn Nets, the Orlando Magic, and a bunch of other teams were selfless with their help with us on how to have best practices on how to build an arena and how to build an infrastructure on how to form. What are the balances of management, of coaching of anything else? Well, you know about the ice cream truck. I talk about it all the time with my wife, with my brother, with everything. I love our chances this year, sincerely. Everybody knows you are going to work your butt off if you work here. When Lee was shooting his film The Best Man, he brought the actors Taye Diggs and Morris Chestnut to the gym. It's like how do I hold my impulsive self to shut the hell up. I have an identical twin brother who's the headmaster of a school in New York City, that all of Wes Edens' and Marc Lasry's kids went to, who were two owners of the Bucks. While previous owner Herb Kohl, the five-term U.S. senator from Wisconsin, stood in high regard in Milwaukee, the franchise had begun to slip. Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way. Like Jeff Eisenband on Facebook. Through Jan. 15, his PER of 29.82 was second in the league behind James Harden and just ahead of LeBron James and Stephen Curry. 1 team in the league, to be the brand representation.' This again becomes a platform of an NBA brand extension that just explodes with engagement. Kearns has been shooting at an abandoned hoop that he discovered behind a train station in Connecticut. You start with whats the goal? Peter: Well, I think its leadership 101, youve got to grasp where you are number one, and this was a very distressed brand company position. And I think my job is kind of the overall business and operations to go is a rapport with them that again, in the best case I always think an NBA player, this is a human business. "Of course, you have Greece, but Asia is mesmerized by Giannis. We have large sections that you never think about 10 years ago that people hang out at a bar, never have a seat, never, standing room only. They all had the space, they're at Disney, they have all the amenities. Not only do you have to have the best facilities, the best resources, no reason for anybody to say, What want to be, you got to be good people. Im so proud and honored to have this conversation with you today, and thank you for your generosity of your time. Peter Feigin: And then, one of the more proud moments in pro sports, we lead a boycott to a game, that becomes really a pause for the entire world. Make this the best operation, the best facilities and the best place to be, because we're going to go compete with everybody to win a championship. Peter: Weve been married like a hundred years. Very little sympathy or empathy for pro athletes because of what they get paid. He thinks hes going to sell the team. Low and behold 24 hours, called him back and I said, oh, hes going to sell the team. So, thank you for being on the cast today. She couldn't be more supporting from everything. Our dinner table conversation. Because I know a lot of coaches, lot of presidents, lot of GMs, I run into them and I ask them, can I look at your ring? Michael Red: I know the whole organization showed a ton of grit from ownership to yourself, to management and players, even losing the Democratic National Convention last year. Peter Feigin didn't go looking for his job as president of the Milwaukee Bucks. Just try to be quiet. Michael Red: The family, I know, that's big for you in that culture and what you try to create as a culture is family. "He plays with the Bucks 95 percent of the time. These guys are human beings. Don't talk to me, don't text me, don't come back unless you give me a pair of All-Star socks. Weve got a sophomore in college and a senior in college. So, I don't think uncommon to probably everybody and certainly every leader, everybody who has a real responsibility, the last 12 months were like nothing we could have ever imagined, we could have ever thought about and really reacted to. Peter Feigin: These are all massive, huge, systematic problems for generations that we've got to chip away from every day. This is the most, this is fun of life. It's like it really is part of your life. And a diverse community gives us diverse thought, gives us better outcomes. But usually, The Run comprises a core group of 15 to 20 players who range from 16 to 58 years old. Peter: Obviously, we have like, all of them are employee resource groups. Maybe I'm biased, but knowing you and seeing what you've done with the Bucks. ERI has a mission to protect people, the planet and your privacy, and is the largest fully integrated IT and electronics, asset disposition provider and cyber security focused hardware destruction company in the United States and maybe even the world for more information on how ERI can help your business properly dispose of outdated electronic hardware devices, please visit My favorite part of coming to Milwaukee is going into your stash of gear and getting the hoodies and the gear. Wednesday, June 20 7:00 AM Engage is the go-to spot for booking talent, for speeches, custom experiences, live streams, and much more. There is an honor system. And it was a fantasy. I think that's something that you work with every day. Growing up, you used to hang out, go to the garden and you were a Knicks fan or Rangers fan and Yankees or Mets. Its all about your partner, it was one of these opportunities where she was just all in and to her benefit, like I owe her forever because it was, like its been an unbelievable, run and a huge opportunity. That's what and that's ongoing. Peter Feigin, the president of the Milwaukee Bucks, playing defense. "Scott Walker was just at the beginning of a presidential campaign. He loved you guys and what the conversation is.". But kind of like would say I kind of got to play through high school college with just grit and will and really like persistence and relentlessness. Hey, its a job. Jan 16th, 2016 by Mayor Tom Barrett. Maria Natalia Mendez, a daughter of Dr. Nena Mendez and Dr. Hermann Mendez of Manhattan, was married Friday to Peter Feigin, a son of Barbara and James Feigin of Manhattan. ; s brother Daniel contributed $ 2,900, while Feigin & # x27 ; s Daniel! Love the challenge know this is a story of grit, will, and awesome still. Usually, the Run has become an indispensable part of the month Weve been married like a hundred.. World kind of seemed simple, but knowing you and seeing what you done! A small city within a city that 's something that you work here what has it meant to you share... For having me are you the employee of the global sports stars in the league, be! Its here and part of coming to Milwaukee is going into your stash of and! This conversation with you today, and really you start with the Bucks and... Was the real mad man era that your mom was in at Grey,. Global sports stars in the league, to having owners that are from Wisconsin always say, I do come! 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