renegade black p stones
FUCKING DEMON! FUCKING RAT crackerRAT. The black P Stones first started being a known gang in California around the year 1970. The youth got lost in that, and they reverted back to what they knew: the streets and the crime. There were an estimated 700 members of the Black P Stones, of whom used to live in Baldwin Village. Well here is some schooling for your greasy ass, it means your opinion is about as important as the shit that I squeezed from my ass this morning. FUCK YOU AN THAT CHILDMOLESTERING JUST WAS I THOUGHT.LITTLE RICHARD A.B.P.S.N I live in the Westwood area by UCLA, You know, where all the upper White Middle Class people live, unlike the Shithole Nigger Ghetto where you live. I could be a White guy from the Aryan Brotherhood out in Idaho (Not Likely) but possible. LW: At one time, the leadership of the Stones was more influenced by the black power movement than by the streets. MY FAULT ROCCO THE R.A.T fuck you strolling dirty bitches 2 thumbs down Bolo Said it BPSN JS 5X fuck ya dead homies barlems is scary Bl5XD, Bl frkm bity theK bity free Tiny CK 3k BSIP NITEBUCKET TM Ys3k Ys2 and dead Barlem. Lime Hood (Yeah, green flags). YOUR R.A.T ASS OUT WHAT HOLE YOUVE. My Job is to help put Niggers like you in Jail for Drugs or Murder. AND EVERY LEGAL BADGE GOOD OR CROOKED WOULDNT DARE HELP. You are playing into his game. U. This way you can sleep better. ALMIGHTY BLACK PEACE STONE NATION LOOKING AT THAT BULLSHIT YOU JUST PUT UP ABOUT COMPTON BOMPTON OR WHAT EVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO CALL IT KNOW AT THIS POINT WE SHOULD BRING YOUR DUMB ASS IN TO CHICAGO/DETROIT AN HAVE A FAMILY ENTERVINTION TAKING TURNS BEATING ON YOUR ASS FOR BOUT MONTH STRAIGHT AN I MEAN. NATION, Learn how to speak English, you Dumb Asshole. P Stones! RIGHT NOW IS YOUR R.A.T ASS ILL SAY IT AGAIN YOU DONT WORK FOR ANY LAW PRECINCT WHICH YOU CLAIM YOU DO. No Crime was committed against anybody. lil nigga we world wide. HERE WITH THAT SHIT. He AINT GOT NO H.O.O.D That was a no no. BUT ME AN N.A.T.I.O.N STILL FALLING OUT DYING HERE LOOKING AT THAT STRIPPER BIG FREEDA WITH HIGH HEELS BEAT YOUR FAMILY MEMBER ON WORLDSTAR Ilvaite This stone can serve a wide range of purposes that include wisdom, protection, grounding, independence and truth. Jeff Fort, as leader of the Black P. Stone nation, brought Larry Hoover an offer to incorporate the Gangsters as part of the Black P. Stone Nation s structure as Gangster Stones and offered Hoover the less favorable position as an ambassador within the Black P. Stone Nation. GO BACK TO HELL D.E.M.O.N.I.C RAT CRACKER NIGGA WATCHING TO MANY DISNEYLAND CHANNELS LIL MAN LIGHT WEIGHT IS ALLAH WHEN YOU SEE ME There are some changes, and additions like any good ROM hack does. Niggers killing Niggers. IN THE U.B.N THEN IT IS OF YOU THATS IN THE JUNGLES THAT IN LINE WITH THE Rossi, Rosalind (1988-11-15). Its Blast first, laugh Later Nigga. Its really one world now, because of the hold the drug trade has. 6). However, on the streets BDs have been known to battle it out with GDs on a regular basis as well. And I dont think he ever saw it in his interest to stop the criminal aspect of it, because thats one of the things he was able to manipulate into a power base for himself. Pockets of Gangsters were scattered throughout every district on the southside of Chicago and membership was rapidly growing on the Westside. .REAL BLOODS. SO FUCK THE POLICE! ALMIGHTY BLACK PEACE STONE 4). SO IF ANY BODY IN THE RED NATION IS circle 7 20 of um. who knows they probably will cause at first T.rodgers didnt want bps to be bloods just bps cause remember they was so tight with the brims the brims offered them to be brims and they declined. U. MAYBE YOU NY TO LA You An little RICHARD wouldnt spread jam on wonder let alone faint picking the biscuit up when its hot as matter fact Im pretty sure you An little RICHARD really really real Jakes MOTHERFUCKERS trying to lock the NATION up pitching to them crackers. DIRT GANG or DONT BANG ! On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. RATS DONT WOLF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS SQUEAL . Contents 1 Contents 2 Info [2][3][4] Why do Mexicans worship White people? Not saying that blood on blood conflicts haven't been happening for a while but even in Inglewood those beefs were squashed and majority of blood unity is One. (History) While knocking down a wall the soldiers noticed a block of basalt (stone) measuring 3ft 9 in height 2ft 4 in width and 11 inch in thickness. FUCKING J.A.K.E FUCKING R.A.T IN BADGE YOU DIRTY ASS C.R.A.C.K.E.R, HOW ABOUT HOW MANY TIMES YOU FUCK THAT RETARDED. MS: I know you must be seeing similarities between school districts being redrawn in the 60s, having gang members crossing into rival gang territories to go to school, and the school closures going on now. Now its divided up. UNITED B.L.O.O.D NATION EAT A DICK! ROCCO THE FUCKING RAT CRACKER AN YOU HAVE NO FUCKING HELP NO WHERE STOP FUCKING BLUFFING RAT FUCKER YOUR ALONE NOBODY HAS RATT ASS TAIL OR I MEAN YOUR RATTING ASS back AN YOU ARE A FUCKING RAT AN YOUR RIGHT IT IS YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH THAT MAKES YOU A PROUD FUCKING RAT CRACKER YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE A FUCKING RAT. Dwayne, I got big news for you: The DIFFERENT Neighborhood Crips kill other Crips even more than the DIFFERENT Blood/ Piru kill each other. I did some work there in the late 80s through the mid-2000s. 5POPPING BLUFF BLUFF BLUFF BLUFF. This is frowned upon by most bloods and the term cut means someone who was under UBN paperwork in prison. LW: Thats a very good question. In one month, close to four dozen Chicagoans would die in acts of gang violence. Crenshaw Mafia & Denver Lanes Konnectid like Legos. Westside OBP 151 real macon,Ga shit TO MY ROCCO THE RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RATFUCK YOU ROCCO IDAHOS. B. N. HERE WE GO WITH THIS SHIT AGAIN BLUEMUSTANG31 THE (HOMMO)FAG EXPRESSING HIS G.A.Y RIGHTS AGAINST THE (5) C.R.O.W.N NOW SPEAKING ON THE FAMILY RED NATION INFIGHTING WELL NO FAMILYS IS PERFECT WE ALL HAVE ARE PROBLEMS DISAGREEMENTS SOME VIOLENT ONES BUT WHEN THE FUCK IS THAT YOUR CONCERN HOMMO. GEORGE ANTHONY ROCCO YA YA YA YA BORING. A GOOD MONTH AN WILL SEND YOU BACK TO CALI WITH A NEW DIRECTION ON THE FAMILY NEXT TIME YOU SCEEM BLOOD AN DROP THAT 5 DOWN WILL MAKE SURE WE CUT BOTH YOUR FUCKING HANDS AN START DIGGING A GOOD nice deep HOLE FOR YOUR FALSE FLAGGING WANNA H.O.O.K ASS. You need to take one of those guns and put it into your mouth and blow a big hole through your Nigger Nappy Head. 5UP OR GET FOLDED MY NIGGA. WHAT GAMES? Now, get mad, take some more Crack and come on here talking like the Crazy Animal Nigger you are in Life. Dwayne Cross, the next Nigger running for President. You helped turn it into a Crack, Crime, Whore, Pimp Infested Shithole. LW: I think Jeff had a lot of influence, but it was not the type of influence that was all-encompassing. This is ALL these Niggers do and think about all fucking day. ALLAH. Retrieved 2007-12-28. The stone Andalusite is the same stone in another form, that does not have a visible cross within it. That is the pad dragging over the rotor. But thats ok, you guys being retards gives me endless entertainment. FOR NOTHING AN IM By leopards having sex The Back of the Yards neighborhood once consisted of all-white and mixed gangs, like the Gaylords and the Renegade Saints. Black Cinci Wheels. LOL. N. BetweenCrenshaw Blvdand La Brea Blvd. Internet rasist. IS ON STEROIDS Cedar Block. FOR TWO ITS 50,000 OF US WOLVES THERE AINT. IS 85,000 DEEP. White people have been the savages from day one. The stones talked about here are commonly brown with a black cross in the center. This whole Site was set up to put out information and gather information in order to put Niggers in Jail. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Which, run fromWashington Blvd to Adams Blvd, between Crenshaw Blvd and Arlington Blvd. AN THE LAST TIME I CHECK 5 U.B.N FLAME IN WITH THE A.B.P.S.N IN If that happened today, I cant even imagine what the uproar would be. When THE (5) done with YA. Nigger versus Nigger. WE RUN IT BITCH an thats a fact. SHUT YOUR RAT ASS UP ROCCO THE RAT YOU OLD STANKING ASS IDAHO. AN OUR M.U.R.D.E.R GAME Young generation black stones are clicked up with hoovers and friendly with grapes while fighting with the Bounty Hunters and other bloods. YOU CAN CALL ME JUDGE PREME 20,000. YOU STAIGHT PUSSY YOU ALL UP HERE IN THE RED NATION BARKING THAT IM KILLER SHIT FROM YOUR MOMS BASEMENT OUT THERE ANAHEIM,CA YOU WEAK MOTHERFUCKER. Me personally, I am not spiritually comfortable with speculating on the future and long-term of american gangbanging because I would have to go against everything I know and believe to do that. I was trying to demo with the moes out in Bali. YOUR A.P.P.L.E NET FOR 4. They were founded by OG T Rodgers from Chicago after he moved to Los Angeles. ROCCOTHE RAT IF WAS YOU MAN I MEAN THAT 380 UNDER THROAT TRIGGER PULLED IS LOOKING PRETTY GOOD RIGHT. Natalie Moore: I think that every generation thinks the one behind theirs is worse. The Black P Stones are on good terms with majority of the blood gangs in South Los Angeles, especially the Fruit Town Brims and theRollin 20s Neighborhood Bloods(The Rollin Stones). B. P. S. N. UNITED B.L.O.O.D. It created a loop. KNOW NO BETTER! AKA (40GLOCK)S, I WOULD BANG ON YOU (5) NUMBER (3) WE ALL KNOW ITS NUMBER (3) ITS REALLY NUMBER (3) NOTHING ELSE ROCCO THE FUCKING RAT ITS 3 YOU RAT FUCKER, Well Okay! The blood card is weaker than ever in LA because they started infighting and clicking up with former enemies the way that Crips do when that has never been apart of the fabric of being bloods. At the same time he was released from prison, Fort converted to Islam and imbued the BPSN with Islamic overtones, and adopted the name Abdul Malik Ka'bah. do your research homey! ALMIGHTY BLACK PEACE STONE NATION We dont have a Choice! It was weird. By it self AN those numbers Im giving you is a minimum. GET THE FUCK OUT HERE WITH THAT HOMMO SHIT STOP. You are even a Bigger Lying Bullshitter than I thought. They looked out for each other and offered . Trying to build up tensions. THE CHESTER. WHAT. SHOT. You have no idea who I work for and it has nothing to do with the Compton Precinct. HOOVER CRIPS, WE DONT GIVE A FUCK about ANY OF YOU BRICK ASS CRABS SPECIAL YOU BLUEMUSTANG31 THE SUPER(6 )HOMMO B.R.I.C.K ASS F.A.G KEEP BARKING THAT HOMMO SHIT. LMAO. !,and Im LmfAO again CeCause I just dogged you and your mother again you lil,Honkey!!!!!!,bitCh!!!!!!. West blvd. Only a mentally sick retarded Nigger who is mad at the World because his ancestors were Slaves would talk the way you do. SO , REALLY ,UM, AND, AS MUCH OF THAT DUMB, SHIT YOU FEEL YOU CAN AFFORD TO TRY YOU CANT EVERYTHING AINT GOT A PRICE ON IT . ALLAH. TELL FELON YOUR NEXT STOP More than a 200 members of the family involved with crimes including racketeering conspiracy, RICO Conspiracies, murder conspiracy and attempted murder. CHICAGOFour alleged members of the Black P Stone Nation street gang were indicted separately today on federal drug charges for allegedly selling crack cocaine during an undercover. CRACKER ASS. The organization was co-founded by Eugene Hairston and Jeff Fort. ASS R.A.T CRACKER YOUR HEAD AN TAIL IS IN A TRAP SOMEWHERE. bitCh Im still going to break Coth sides of your jaw and stomp on one side or your head and flatten it like a panCake and then Completely turn you over and stomp on tha other side of your head until its Completely as flat as a panCake you CraCC smoking,ms.girl,Honkey!!!!!!,bitCh!!!!!!,. You OLD RAT IN. So, in reality, what you have are a bunch of small neighborhood Sets in different cities who kill each other and usually dont even know Bloods in other Sets in other Cities. YOU NEED TO BE OUT IN THE STREETS OF CHICAGO KILLING OTHER NIGGERS. KEEP THINKING YOU SAFE OUT THERE IN YOUR MOMS BASEMENT It has since emerged in other areas, particularly Wheatley Place, South Dallas Texas in the United States and Meadow Heights, North-West Victoria in Australia. The Almighty Black P. Stone Nation (often abbreviated BPSN or BPS) the A.B.P.S.N is a black Chicago-based Street Gang estimated to have more than 42,000 gang members [citation needed].The gang was originally formed in the late 1950s as the Blackstone Rangers as a civil rights organization. Thats what Niggers do. KIDS WATCH NO MORE RESPONSES TO YOUR RAT BADGE ASS. AGAINST A STRIPPER HYBRID PIRU AN WERE SUPPOSE. !,and p.s. May the legend rest in paradise. Youre the poorest group of people in your own country, lol. There are two major groups that have split with the BPSN: The Mickey Cobras were supporters of Mickey Cogwell, a co-founder of BPSN killed by Jeff Fort. Members of NLMB were all cool with him before their war against MTG began. THE (P)IS FOR PEACE ! Dude does it just suck being you? An THIS NIGGA live home with HIS MOMS AN POPS OUT IN ANAHEIM, CA ROCCO THE RAT YOUR NOT GATHERING SHIT FOR NOTHING. R.A.T. Lol get real and do your homework lil Nigga. Fuck OUTTA here! ALMIGHTY OR YOUR NOBODY BLOOD. SI GO AHEAD BLUFF RAT CRACKER BLACK(( P ))PEACE. P FOR PIRU! It should read Not Mine, instead you wrote Not mind because you are a Dumb Ignorant Muslim TERRORIST Nigger. SEE HERE IT IS AGAIN: Such is the. OUT U.B.N BUSINESS. LMAO, YA YA YA YA YOU DONT LIVE IN L.A NO WHERE OR ANY OTHER MAJOR CITY METRO STOP LYING STOP CUTTING THE FUCKING CHEESE. Paparazzi Bracelet ~ Island Renegade - BlackInfused with decorative silver beads, white twine-like cording knots around two shiny black leather cords around the wrist for a seasonal flair. Up ROCCO the RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT... Roccothe RAT IF was you MAN I MEAN that renegade black p stones under THROAT TRIGGER PULLED is LOOKING PRETTY right! In YOUR own country, lol are in Life mind because you are even a Bigger Lying Bullshitter than thought. 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] Why do Mexicans worship people! Trigger PULLED is LOOKING PRETTY GOOD right you is a minimum lil NIGGA around the year.... 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