wallace fard muhammad disappearance
According to Bontemps and Conroy, Fard claimed that he was the reincarnation of Noble Drew Ali. Their physical and economic difficulties alike were used to illustrate the new teaching. Officially, the NOI believes Fard departed Earth via supernatural means. He measured and weighed the earth and its water; the history of the moon; the history of the two nations, black and white, that dominate the earth. var rcds = document.getElementById("rcjsload_b42b6d"); "Shinka" never actually existed, but there is a district called Shinkay in the Zabul Province of Afghanistan. WebFard offered blacks a credo of moral and cultural superiority to their white oppressors. To this day, nobody knows. Others have suggested that he was a Druze or a Shiite."[51]. He returned to Chicago, was arrested on charges of disturbing the peace through his preaching, and again returned to Detroit. Whatever the case, Fard was a master at remaking himself and was apparently a very charismatic man. He taught us the truth of how we were made 'slaves' and how we are kept in slavery by the 'slave-masters children. The marriage did not last even a year; Ford accused his wife of being an alcoholic and a bad spender. The past History shows that the ALMIGHTY ALLAH sends Prophets and Apostles for the people's Guide and Example, and through them HIS Mystery was Revealed. Fard snuck back into Detroit in January 1933, but was identified by authorities, arrested in May and again ordered to leave the city. He also offended some people when he allegedly claimed to be Drew Ali, the murdered founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America (another Islamic black nationalist group). Arian, posits that Muhammad arrived in Seattle, Washington, from Karachi, Pakistan in 1904 under the names Alam Khan and Khanialam Khan. [24] He established the University of Islam, where school-age children were taught, rather than in the public schools. To further muddy the waters, C.E. Members of the movement believe Fard to be the incarnation of Allh, and his birthday, February 26, is observed as Saviours Day. Omissions? They must live according to the law of Allah, avoiding all meat of 'poison animals', hogs, ducks, geese, possums and catfish. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He founded the religious movement in Detroit, Michigan, U.S., in 1930, and was its leader until 1934, his disappearance. [11] In 2020, it attracted an estimated 14,000 participants. https://68.media.tumblr.com/8baacfedb2c5ff0be7055d0550917d7e/tumblr_ne5vz9XWui1t1ova9o10_500.jpg. Pan-Islam is the ideology that calls for the unity and cooperation of Muslims worldwide on the basis of their shared Islamic identity. Consequently, Fard and another leader, Ugan Ali, were arrested and questioned. Part of Fard's teaching also involved admiration for Japan. https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/legal-and-political-magazines/fard-w-d-c-1877-1934-religious-and-political-leader, African American Religions: Muslim Movements, Muhammad, Elijah Karriem (18971975), Religious and Political Leader. We must give up the slave names of our slave-masters and accept the name of Allah (God) or one of His divine attributes. WebIn late 1933 or in 1934 Fardmysteriously disappeared from public record. [21][Note 1] These incidents drew police attention, according to Beynon, and contributed to persecutions and schisms. Otherwise he would chastise us with a severe chastisement until we did submit. Was he alive to see his organization rapidly grow during the civil rights movement of the 1960s? WebIn late 1933 or in 1934 Fardmysteriously disappeared from public record. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Both provided their race as "Spanish"; Ford claimed that his parents, "Zaradodd" and "Babbjie", were natives of Madrid, Spain. WebWant a minute-by-minute forecast for Fawn-Creek, Kansas? rcel.async = true; https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f3/Wallace_Fard_Muhammad.jpg. They must clean themselves up both their bodies and their houses. He arrived in Detroit in 1930 with an obscure background and several aliases, and taught an idiosyncratic form of what he considered Islam to members of the city's black population. He could very plausibly be Maori from New Zealand trying to pass as an Arab, or he could genuinely be Arabic. rcel.id = 'rc_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); In 1959, the FBI issued a smear story to a Chicago newspaper, claiming Fard was a Turk and a fascist sympathizer who had acted as a Nazi spy during World War II. A variety of other claims emerged; that he went to Hawaii, New Zealand, and even to the Middle East. Evanzz reported that Wallace D. Fard died in Chicago in 1971 at the age of 78. How we had been made blind, deaf and dumb by this white race of people and how we must return to our people, our God and His religion of peace (Islam), the religion of the prophets. WebMaster Fard's mysterious disappearance in 1934 led to an internal struggle for the leadership of the Nation of Islam among several contending factions. Today, the Nation of Islam teaches that he boarded the Mother Plane and is still alive. r d / (born February 26, 1877) was a co-founder of the Nation of Islam. The FBI were confident that Wallace Dodd Ford was, in fact, Wallace Fard Muhammad. [12], Fard taught a form of black exceptionalism and self-pride to poor Southern blacks during the Great Northward Migration at a time when old ideas of scientific racism were prevalent. Ford's prison records indicated he was born in Portland in 1891, the son of a Zared and Beatrice Ford; Zared presumably being a South Asian or Middle Eastern man, and Beatrice being a white woman. This article is about the founder of the Nation of Islam. The later official view of the Nation of Islam was that he was in Mecca. What would he have thought of it? He gained a reputation as a healer when his customers, after having adhered to the pork-free diet that Fard espoused, began noticing improvements in their health. Both of these tenets are contrary to the creed of orthodox or Sunni Islam. He had been gone for 23_ years at this point and although important to the NOI, he would be hardly remembered anyone else! [25] In 1933, he began signing his name "W. F. Muhammad", which stands for "Wallace Fard Muhammad". In contrast to Fards story, Karl Evanzz, noted NOI authority and author of The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad, has argued that Fard was born Wali Dodd Fard in New Zealand in 1893. But I am not the same person who taught Elijah Muhammad and I am not God. However, Minister Malcolm X and other leaders of the Nation of Islam have emphatically denied any past connection whatsoever of Elijah Muhammad, Master Wallace Fard Muhammad, or their movement with Nobel Drew Ali's Moorish American Science Temple."[57]. WebMap of Fawn Creek, KS, Kansas. Alternate titles: F. Mohammed Ali, Wallace Fard Muhammad, Walli Farrad. What seems most remarkable is that Fard seems to have utterly disappeared from the governments (especially the FBIs) radar after leaving Detroit in 1933. In compliance with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) requirements, some of these records are no longer in the physical possession of the FBI, eliminating the FBIs capability to re-review and/or re-process this material. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallace_Fard_Muhammad. This fiction is obviously not the truth, so what is the real story of Wallace D. Fard? There were rumors about his whereabouts until the 1990s, when some believed he was still alive and living somewhere in California. His concepts attracted hundreds of followers to the Allah Temple of Islam (ATI), as he called his group. Fard, 2017, by A.K. [43] According to San Quentin records, Wallie D. Ford was born in Portland, Oregon, on February 25, 1891, the white son of Zared and Beatrice Ford, who were both born in Hawaii. In fact, some of the most mysterious individuals who have graced this Earth have left the most indelible marks upon our books and records. Did Shakespeare actually author the work attributed to his name? Here in America they were living other than themselves. What seems most remarkable is that Fard seems to have utterly disappeared from the governments (especially the FBIs) radar after leaving Detroit in 1933. Fard: Unveiling the Identity of the Founder of the Nation of Islam by Dr. John Andrew Morrow investigates theories of Fard's origin. This is the story that stuck. $95 night. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. In Middlesex, Fard is revealed to be Desdemonas brother-in-law, who had been presumed dead after a rum-running incident. On their marriage record, Ford gave his race as Spanish, his birthplace as Oregon, and his age as 26. In June 1934, Fard left Detroit for Chicago and disappeared without a trace. The Nation of Islam refutes all statements that Muhammad and Dodd were the same person. They traced one Wallace Dodd Ford of Los Angeles, a violent man with a criminal record who worked at a local restaurant. Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. On his 1917 draft card, under the name "Wallie Dodd Fard", he listed his place of birth as "Shinka" in Afghanistan. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. In devouring his autobiography, I learned of the Nation of Islams charismatic and influential leader, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and of the large fissure that eventually split the organization over different interpretations of their tenets and goals. At this time, Ford was going under the name Fred Dodd, and operated a lunch wagon. He provided no known place of birth for his parents nor his date of immigration. Edit: After looking at those two pictures more I am convinced they're the same guy. "[25] He went on to state: "Why is Stress made to the Muslims to Copy, the Minister, Elijah Muhammad's Answers? See, The years 1891 and 1893 have both been cited by sources relying upon FBI records primarily. There is only one known, authenticated photograph of "Wallace Fard Muhammad", which depicts him as a light-skinned, caucasian-looking man: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f3/Wallace_Fard_Muhammad.jpg. He taught us that the slave-masters had taught us to eat the wrong food and that this is the cause of our sickness and short span of life. They claim Wallace Dodd Ford was not Wallace Fard Muhammad. The Rise of the Black Internationale", "When Japan Was "Champion of the Darker Races": Satokata Takahashi and the Flowering of Black Messianic Nationalism", "The Voodoo Cult among Negro migrants in Detroit", Historical Analysis of FBI's COINTELPRO AND W. Fard Muhammad, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wallace_Fard_Muhammad&oldid=1141937668, Members of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Articles lacking reliable references from May 2022, Articles with disputed statements from July 2019, Articles with trivia sections from June 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The name Fard is a common surname in Pakistan as are other names he bestowed upon his followers such as Shabazz, Ghulam, and Kallatt, Interviews with long-time Nation figures who met him or saw original photos of him such as, Early teachings from Fard indicated a distrust and disdain for Hinduism, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 17:20. [19], In the early stage of his ministry, Fard "used the Bible as his textbook, since it was the only religious book with which the majority of his hearers were familiar. While there is plenty written about Ford, not much is known about Fard. The Nation of Islam list Muhammads birthday as February 26, 1877, celebrated as a holiday called Saviours Day. When nothing further was heard from him, some rumored that he had been killed by police. 1997. In compliance with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) requirements, some of these records are no longer in the physical possession of the FBI, eliminating the FBIs capability to re-review and/or re-process this material. It says that Wallace Fard "is awaiting an immigration hearing. Members of the movement believe Fard to be the incarnation of Allh, and his birthday, February 26, is observed as Saviours Day. He spoke as a guest at the NOI temples in Detroit and Chicago. His parents were Zared Fard (a New Zealander whose parents were from an area of East India that eventually became Pakistan) and Beatrice (of New Zealands minority British population). In his 1965 book Message to the Blackman in America, which is a compilation of articles written by Elijah Muhammad for newspapers throughout the early part of his Ministry, he summarized what Fard taught him as follows: "He began teaching us the knowledge of ourselves, of God and the devil, of the measurement of the earth, of other planets, and of the civilization of some of the planets other than earth. In 1934 he disappeared without a trace. Wallace Fard Muhammad was the founder of the Nation of Islam. MSN Weather tracks it all, from precipitation predictions to severe weather warnings, air quality updates, and even wildfire alerts. [23] Following the rapid increase in membership, he instituted a formal organizational structure. Fard immigrated to the United States sometime before 1930. At the bottom of the card, he signed his name as "Wallie Dodd Ford". They say that he shall soon return in a spaceship and that then the existence of the wicked Yakubians and their rule will end, with a new utopia forged. Four years later, in 1963, they issued another story to a Los Angeles-based newspaper that claimed Ford and Fard were, in fact, the same person. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Thus ended the FBI investigation into Fard's early life. [27] "Harris had no standing in the order and was not regarded as a leader. In 1933, Fard disappeared and a power struggle within the NOI emerged. He gave the exact birth of the white race; the name of their God who made them and how; and the end of their time, the judgment, how it will begin and end. [17] He came to the homes of black families who had recently migrated to Detroit from the rural South. Among the files reviewed was that of Wallace Dodd Ford. rcel.type = 'text/javascript'; Officials said he came to the United States from Asia.". https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/legal-and-political-magazines/fard-w-d-c-1877-1934-religious-and-political-leader, "Fard, W. D. (c. 1877-1934), Religious and Political Leader Black Muslims In that year, he established in Detroit the Temple of Islm as well as the University of Islm, which was the temples school, and the Fruit of Islm, a corps of male guards. ." He told followers he was born in the holy city of Mecca, and his light-skinned appearance, courtesy of his Russian Jewish mother, was pre-ordained so that he could more easily mix with white people. Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). However, Ford himself claimed to be from various places, including Spain and Hawaii. Before arriving in Detroit in 1930, under the alias of David Ford, he attained a high rank in the Moorish Science Temple, a vaguely Islam-like religion that disbanded that same year. Fard through a vent. [17] The Quran was soon introduced as the most authoritative of all texts for the study of the faith. He told his followers that they were not Americans and therefore owed no allegiance to the American flag and could refuse to serve in its military. . [28] Additionally, Fard is alleged to have used up to 58 different aliases during his life. There is no doubt Fard had many enemies - even within his own organization. WebWallace Dodd Ford or Fard was also known as Wallace Fard Muhammad and he was the founder of the Nation of Islam in the 1930s in Detroit, MI. He appeared in Detroit in 1930 and made a living as a street merchant. "Fard, W. D. (c. 1877-1934), Religious and Political Leader Fard offered blacks a credo of moral and cultural superiority to their white oppressors. Hijrah Magazine (MarchApril 1985). Black Nationalism: A Search for Identity in America. It's possible him and Ford are the same guy. Fard appeared as a peddler "from the East," selling silks and other sundries and dispensing advice about health and spiritual development to his customers. Officially, the NOI believes Fard departed Earth via supernatural means. WebWallace Muhammad - Disappearance Disappearance In June 1934, Fard left Detroit for Chicago and disappeared without a trace. He led a controversial life in his later years and it does seem there was more than one organization that was unhappy with him. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The past is filled with elusive characters whose true identities tend to slip just beyond absolute description. [26], On November 20, 1932, James J. Smith, a black man, was killed by Robert Harris, who was his roommate and a member of the Nation of Islam, on a makeshift altar in what was described as a human sacrifice. [34][bettersourceneeded], As of 1920, Ford was still living in Los Angeles as 26-year-old Wallie D. Ford, with his 25-year-old wife, Hazel E. Ford. [16] From those interviews, Beynon wrote that Fard lived and taught in Detroit from 1930 to 1934. This was perhaps true, but the police recognized that Fard's preaching was encouraging extremist behavior and offered him an ultimatum: leave the city forever and avoid criminal charges. Harris was later declared mentally unbalanced, pleaded guilty and was imprisoned, while Fard and Ali were released. He earned his living at various times as a restaurateur, gambler, bootlegger and traveling salesman. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. After Fard Muhammad disappeared in 1934, the leadership of the NOI was assumed by Elijah Muhammad. Ford looks Middle Eastern in the mugshot. Do you personally think Fard fled Detroit in the 1930s and lived on elsewhere, or do you think he was killed? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. [50], Karl Evanzz, in his book The Messenger, postulates that Fard was the son of a Pakistani Muslim, then known as East Indians. "[37] The FBI took note of the article written by Erdmann Doane Beynon, and it conducted a search for Fard using various aliases including the name "Ford". Corrections? I don't know what to think. Were Ford and Fard truly the same person? In 1930, W.D. Chameleon: The True Story of W.D. He stated that he was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to a Black African father and a Russian Jewish mother, from the Caucasus. And that she is number one to be destroyed. Almost everyday we would have conversations (actually friendly debate) about his faith. A group calling themselves the Nation of Islam are preaching a radical black nationalist dogma that promotes pan-Africanism and outright racism. Detroit sues celebrity pastor and his nuisance mega-church over unfinished Woodward project, Detroits Movement fest releases full lineup: Basement Jaxx, Skrillex, Cybotron, Zeds Dead, and more. The prophet came to America to find and to bring back to life his long lost brethren, from whom the Caucasians had taken away their language, their nation and their religion. The FBI file on Fard provides both dates for individuals suspected (but never confirmed) to be Fard. Free maps of USA towns - printable, unique, stylish, souvenir maps for download now! The other was Wallie D. Ford of California, arrested by Los Angeles police on November 17, 1918, on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. He was an adviser of Elijah Muhammad since the late 1950s and was the tutor of his son and successor Warith Deen Mohammed. Master Fard's identity, origins, appearance, and disappearance remain mysterious and controversial. On the 1930 U.S. Census, a man listed as William D. Fard in Chicago, Illinois, gave his race as Mexican, his birthplace as Oregon, and his age as 32. At his suggestion, he came back to teach the residents, along with guests. The book Chameleon: The True Story of W.D. Even a year ; Ford accused his wife of being an alcoholic and power... As an Arab wallace fard muhammad disappearance or do you personally think Fard fled Detroit 1930! Late 1933 or in 1934 led to an internal struggle for the study of the,! Rum-Running incident Noble Drew Ali contending factions 's origin from 1930 to 1934 reincarnation of Noble Drew Ali those pictures! He established the University of Islam, where school-age children were taught, than! 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