windows defender atp advanced hunting queries
Applies to: Microsoft 365 Defender. The following reference - Data Schema, lists all the tables in the schema. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. Only looking for events where FileName is any of the mentioned PowerShell variations. "", "","","". let Domain =; DeviceNetworkEvents | where Timestamp > ago(7d) and RemoteUrl contains Domain | project Timestamp, DeviceName, RemotePort, RemoteUrl | top 100 by Timestamp desc. Has beats containsTo avoid searching substrings within words unnecessarily, use the has operator instead of contains. It seems clear that I need to extract the url before the join, but if I insert this line: let evildomain = (parseurl (abuse_domain).Host) It's flagging abuse_domain in that line with "value of type string" expected. The below query will list all devices with outdated definition updates. | where RegistryValueName == DefaultPassword, | where RegistryKey has @SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon, | project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryKey | top 100 by Timestamp. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, evaluate and pilot Microsoft 365 Defender, read about advanced hunting quotas and usage parameters, Migrate advanced hunting queries from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. I highly recommend everyone to check these queries regularly. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. It indicates the file would have been blocked if the WDAC policy was enforced. FailedComputerCount = dcountif(DeviceName, ActionType == LogonFailed), SuccessfulComputerCount = dcountif(DeviceName, ActionType == LogonSuccess), ((FailedComputerCount > 100 and FailedComputerCount > SuccessfulComputerCount) or, (FailedAccountsCount > 100 and FailedAccountsCount > SuccessfulAccountsCount)), List all devices named start with prefix FC-, List Windows DefenderScanActionscompleted or Cancelled, | where ActionType in (AntivirusScanCompleted, AntivirusScanCancelled), | project Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType,ScanType = A.ScanTypeIndex, StartedBy= A.User, | where RemoteUrl==, | project Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType, RemoteIP, RemoteUrl, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, List All URL access bya Device namedcontained the wordFC-DC, | where RemoteUrl != and DeviceName contains fc-dc. | where ProcessCommandLine has "Net.WebClient", or ProcessCommandLine has "Invoke-WebRequest", or ProcessCommandLine has "Invoke-Shellcode", Only looking for PowerShell events where the used command line is any of the mentioned ones in the query, | project EventTime, ComputerName, InitiatingProcessFileName, FileName, ProcessCommandLine, Makes sure the outcome only shows EventTime, ComputerName, InitiatingProcessFileName, FileName and ProcessComandLine, Ensures that the records are ordered by the top 100 of the EventTime, Identifying Base64 decoded payload execution. Use guided mode if you are not yet familiar with Kusto Query Language (KQL) or prefer the convenience of a query builder. Watch Optimizing KQL queries to see some of the most common ways to improve your queries. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, evaluate and pilot Microsoft 365 Defender, Migrate advanced hunting queries from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Hunt across devices, emails, apps, and identities, Displays the query results in tabular format, Renders a series of unique items on the x-axis as vertical bars whose heights represent numeric values from another field. MDATP Advanced Hunting sample queries. If you get syntax errors, try removing empty lines introduced when pasting. For more information on advanced hunting in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps data, see the video. If you haven't yet, experience how you can effectively scale your organization's incident response capabilities by signing up for a free Microsoft Defender ATP trial. The packaged app was blocked by the policy. Find distinct valuesIn general, use summarize to find distinct values that can be repetitive. Failed = countif(ActionType == LogonFailed). When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need | project EventTime , ComputerName , FileName , FolderPath , ProcessCommandLine , InitiatingProcessCommandLine, Make sure that the outcome only shows EventTime , ComputerName , FileName , FolderPath , ProcessCommandLine , InitiatingProcessCommandLine, Identifying network connections to known Dofoil NameCoin servers. Here are some sample queries and the resulting charts. File was allowed due to good reputation (ISG) or installation source (managed installer). To use advanced hunting, turn on Microsoft 365 Defender. We maintain a backlog of suggested sample queries in the project issues page. First lets look at the last 5 rows of ProcessCreationEvents and then lets see what happens if instead of using the operator limit we use EventTime and filter for events that happened within the last hour. Feel free to comment, rate, or provide suggestions. These terms are not indexed and matching them will require more resources. This can lead to extra insights on other threats that use the . We are continually building up documentation about Advanced hunting and its data schema. Want to experience Microsoft 365 Defender? Limiting the time range helps ensure that queries perform well, return manageable results, and don't time out. At this point you should be all set to start using Advanced Hunting to proactively search for suspicious activity in your environment. Microsoft 365 Defender repository for Advanced Hunting. If you are just looking for one specific command, you can run query as sown below. FailedAccounts=makeset(iff(ActionType== LogonFailed, Account, ), 5), SuccessfulAccounts=makeset(iff(ActionType== LogonSuccess, Account, ), 5), | where Failed > 10 and Successful > 0 andFailedAccountsCount> 2 andSuccessfulAccountsCount== 1, Look for machines failing to log-on to multiple machines or using multipleaccounts, // Note RemoteDeviceNameis not available in all remote logonattempts, | extend Account=strcat(AccountDomain, , AccountName). In either case, the Advanced hunting queries report the blocks for further investigation. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Read about required roles and permissions for advanced hunting. Signing information event correlated with either a 3076 or 3077 event. The query below uses the summarize operator to get the number of alerts by severity. As you can see in the following image, all the rows that I mentioned earlier are displayed. KQL to the rescue ! In these scenarios, you can use other filters such as contains, startwith, and others. Image 10: Example query that returns the last 5 rows of ProcessCreationEvents where FileName was powershell.exe or cmd.exe, note this time we are using == which makes it case sensitive and where the outcome is filtered to show you EventTime, ComputerName and ProcessCommandLine. I have collectedtheMicrosoft Endpoint Protection (Microsoft DefenderATP) advancedhuntingqueries frommydemo,Microsoft DemoandGithubfor your convenient reference. Getting Started with Windows Defender ATP Advanced Hunting, Weve recently released a capability called Advanced Hunting in Windows Defender ATP that allows you to get unfiltered access to the raw data inside your Windows Defender ATP tenant and proactively hunt for threats using a powerful search and query language, Advanced Hunting makes use of the Azure Kusto query language, which is the same language we use for. If I try to wrap abuse_domain in tostring, it's "Scalar value expected". Merge the rows of two tables to form a new table by matching values of the specified column(s) from each table. Use limit or its synonym take to avoid large result sets. For guidance, read about working with query results. Find possible clear text passwords in Windows registry. Sample queries for Advanced hunting in Microsoft Defender ATP. You can also display the same data as a chart. App & browser control No actions needed. Azure Sentinel Microsoft Defender ATP: Automatic Advanced Hunting | by Antonio Formato | Medium Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. The flexible access to data enables unconstrained hunting for both known and potential threats. Image 6: Some fields may contain data in different cases for example, file names, paths, command lines, and URLs. You can also explore a variety of attack techniques and how they may be surfaced . Sharing best practices for building any app with .NET. It's time to backtrack slightly and learn some basics. Look forpublictheIPaddresses ofdevicesthatfailed tologonmultipletimes, using multiple accounts, and eventually succeeded. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Finds PowerShell execution events that could involve a download. To compare IPv4 addresses without converting them, use, Convert an IPv4 or IPv6 address to the canonical IPv6 notation. To prevent this from happening, use the tab feature within advanced hunting instead of separate browser tabs. Failed =countif(ActionType== LogonFailed). By having the smaller table on the left, fewer records will need to be matched, thus speeding up the query. Some tables in this article might not be available in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. AppControlCodeIntegritySigningInformation. This audit mode data will help streamline the transition to using policies in enforced mode. For more information on advanced hunting in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps data, see the video. I have opening for Microsoft Defender ATP with 4-6 years of experience L2 level, who good into below skills. There are numerous ways to construct a command line to accomplish a task. You can access the full list of tables and columns in the portal or reference the following resources: Not using Microsoft Defender ATP? 4223. The signed file under validation is signed by a code signing certificate that has been revoked by Microsoft or the certificate issuing authority. While Event Viewer helps to see the impact on a single system, IT Pros want to gauge it across many systems. Image 9: Example query that searches for a specific file hash across multiple tables where the SHA1 equals to the file hash. This article was originally published by Microsoft's Core Infrastructure and Security Blog. Advanced Hunting uses simple query language but powerful query language that returns a rich set of data. from DeviceProcessEvents. You can also explore a variety of attack techniques and how they may be surfaced through Advanced hunting. In the table below, we reduce the left table DeviceLogonEvents to cover only three specific devices before joining it with IdentityLogonEvents by account SIDs. Turn on Microsoft 365 Defender to hunt for threats using more data sources. The panel provides the following information based on the selected record: To view more information about a specific entity in your query results, such as a machine, file, user, IP address, or URL, select the entity identifier to open a detailed profile page for that entity. If you're familiar with Sysinternals Sysmon your will recognize the a lot of the data which you can query. Here are some sample queries and the resulting charts. To learn about all supported parsing functions, read about Kusto string functions. Projecting specific columns prior to running join or similar operations also helps improve performance. This will run only the selected query. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ This capability is supported beginning with Windows version 1607. Applied only when the Audit only enforcement mode is enabled. Learn more about join hints. Another way to limit the output is by using EventTime and therefore limit the results to a specific time window. This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. At this point you should be all set to start using Advanced Hunting to proactively search for suspicious activity in your environment. Image 17: Depending on the current outcome of your query the filter will show you the available filters. Project selectivelyMake your results easier to understand by projecting only the columns you need. If a query returns no results, try expanding the time range. Advanced hunting supports two modes, guided and advanced. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Learn about string operators. Through advanced hunting we can gather additional information. This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. The Windows Defender ATP advanced hunting feature, which is currently in preview, can be used to hunt down more malware samples that possibly abuse NameCoin servers. The Get started section provides a few simple queries using commonly used operators. While a single email can be part of multiple events, the example below is not an efficient use of summarize because a network message ID for an individual email always comes with a unique sender address. The following example query finds processes that access more than 10 IP addresses over port 445 (SMB), possibly scanning for file shares. The easiest way I found to teach someone Advanced Hunting is by comparing this capability with an Excel spreadsheet that you can pivot and apply filters on. We can export the outcome of our query and open it in Excel so we can do a proper comparison. Like the join operator, you can also apply the shuffle hint with summarize to distribute processing load and potentially improve performance when operating on columns with high cardinality. Reputation (ISG) and installation source (managed installer) information for a blocked file. It indicates the file didn't pass your WDAC policy and was blocked. We are continually building up documentation about Advanced hunting and its data schema. instructions provided by the bot. But before we start patching or vulnerability hunting we need to know what we are hunting. The first piped element is a time filter scoped to the previous seven days. Think of the scenario where you are aware of a specific malicious file hash and you want to know details of that file hash across FileCreationEvents, ProcessCreationEvents, and NetworkCommunicatonEvents. Simply select which columns you want to visualize. But isn't it a string? You might have noticed a filter icon within the Advanced Hunting console. While reading the news and monitoring the usual social media channels for new vulnerabilities and threats, you see a discussion on a new exploit and you want to quickly check if any of your endpoints have been exposed to the threat. Hunting queries for Microsoft 365 Defender will provide value to both Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Sentinel products, hence a multiple impact for a single contribution. all you need to do is apply the operator in the following query: Image 5: Example query that shows all ProcessCreationEvents where the FileName is powershell.exe. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. You might have some queries stored in various text files or have been copy-pasting them from here to Advanced Hunting. For more information, see Advanced Hunting query best practices. You can also use the case-sensitive equals operator == instead of =~. If an alert hasnt been generated in your Windows Defender ATP tenant, you can use Advanced Hunting and hunt through your own data for the specific exploit technique. We are using =~ making sure it is case-insensitive. The results are enriched with information about the defender engine, platform version information as well as when the assessment was last conducted and when the device was last seen. As we knew, youoryour InfoSec Teammayneed to runa fewqueries inyour daily security monitoringtask. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Find out more about the Microsoft MVP Award Program. There are several ways to apply filters for specific data. If you're among those administrators that use Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection, here's a handy tip how to find out who's logging on with local administrators' rights. These operators help ensure the results are well-formatted and reasonably large and easy to process. Account protection No actions needed. You can then run different queries without ever opening a new browser tab. .com; DeviceNetworkEvents | where Timestamp > ago(7d) and RemoteUrl contains Domain | project Timestamp, DeviceName, RemotePort, RemoteUrl | top 100 by Timestamp desc, Finds PowerShell execution events that could involve a download, DeviceProcessEvents, DeviceNetworkEvents | where Timestamp > ago(7d) | where FileName in~ (powershell.exe, powershell_ise.exe) | where ProcessCommandLine has_any(WebClient, DownloadFile, DownloadData, DownloadString, WebRequest, Shellcode, http, https) | project Timestamp, DeviceName, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, FileName, ProcessCommandLine, RemoteIP, RemoteUrl, RemotePort, RemoteIPType | top 100 by Timestamp,, Microsoft. At some point you might want to join multiple tables to get a better understanding on the incident impact. Create calculated columns and append them to the result set. You can find the original article here. Mac computers will now have the option to use Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection's endpoint and detection response. Image 21: Identifying network connections to known Dofoil NameCoin servers. The Windows Defender ATP research team proactively develops anti-tampering mechanisms for all our sensors. and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. Smaller table to your leftThe join operator matches records in the table on the left side of your join statement to records on the right. With that in mind, its time to learn a couple of more operators and make use of them inside a query. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. To compare IPv6 addresses, use. The query below applies Timestamp > ago(1h) to both tables so that it joins only records from the past hour: Use hints for performanceUse hints with the join operator to instruct the backend to distribute load when running resource-intensive operations. Simply follow the This document provides information about the Windows Defender ATP connector, which facilitates automated interactions with a Windows Defender ATP using FortiSOAR playbooks. Enjoy your MD for Endpoint Linux, Hello Blog Readers, I have summarized the Linux Configuration and Operation commands in this cheat sheet for your convenient use. Whatever is needed for you to hunt! We maintain a backlog of suggested sample queries in the project issues page. It can be unnecessary to use it to aggregate columns that don't have repetitive values. High indicates that the query took more resources to run and could be improved to return results more efficiently. Want to experience Microsoft 365 Defender? Indicates a policy has been successfully loaded. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Assessing the impact of deploying policies in audit mode Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. The script or .msi file can't run. Use advanced mode if you are comfortable using KQL to create queries from scratch. This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. You signed in with another tab or window. Are you sure you want to create this branch? If you have questions, feel free to reach me on my Twitter handle: @MiladMSFT. Good understanding about virus, Ransomware Apply filters earlyApply time filters and other filters to reduce the data set, especially before using transformation and parsing functions, such as substring(), replace(), trim(), toupper(), or parse_json(). 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