hydraulic brake test on school bus
S5.2.2.1 The vehicle's parking brake and parking mechanism, when both are engaged, shall be capable of holding the vehicle stationary (to the limit of traction of the braked wheels) for 5 minutes, in both forward and reverse directions, on a 30 percent grade. A semi-trailer attaches to the tractor with a type of hitch called a fifth wheel . With a moving barrier as described in paragraph 4.3 of SAE Recommended Practice J972 (2000) (incorporated by reference, see 571.5), impact the vehicle from the front at 212 mph. (b) For vehicles with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds, stability and control during braking tests are conducted on a 500-foot-radius curved roadway with a wet level surface having a peak friction coefficient of 0.55 when measured on a straight or curved section of the curved roadway using an ASTM F2493 standard reference tire, in accordance with ASTM E1337-19 at a speed of 40 mph, with water delivery. (B) If a separate indicator lamp is provided for low brake fluid, the words Brake Fluid shall be used for S5.3.1(b), except for vehicles using hydraulic system mineral oil. Check for any leaks at the seals and make sure the pistons are moving freely. Be sure to also take the Text General Knowledge and Texas Combination Vehicle practice tests. (eg: Maintain control force until vehicle has stopped. S7.7.1.6 Check the operation of the parking brake application indicator required by S5.3.1(d). S6.5 Engine. The batteries may be charged at a more frequent interval if, during a particular 40-stop increment, the EV is incapable of achieving the initial burnish test speed. S5.6 Brake system integrity. Search & Navigation Brake power units shall also be charged to maximum accumulator pressure prior to start of test. Class A Air Brake Test Make sure the air pressure is above 100psi - 120psi. 5. 0000004589 00000 n Start with the basics The simple hydraulic disc brake system consists of a pedal and linkage to activate the power booster, which in turn activates the master cylinder; disc brake components include caliper, anchor place, shoe and lining and hub and rotor. This contact form is only for website help or website suggestions. On vehicles with brake power units, disconnect the primary source of power. (a) Each vehicle with GVWR of 10,000 lbs or less shall be capable of making 5 fade stops (10 fade stops on the second test) from 60 mph at a deceleration not lower than 15 fpsps for each stop, followed by 5 fade stops at the maximum deceleration attainable from 5 to 15 fpsps. full text search results S5.1.1.4 In the fourth effectiveness test, a vehicle with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less shall be capable of stopping from 30 and 60 mph within the corresponding distances specified in column I of table II. The CamLaster brake has 2 key design differences over traditional S-cam brakes. exact, verbatim wording for each component that must be checked;. Conversely, if the pressure is too high, it can cause the brakes to lock up. and 100 F. A course for truck, bus & RV drivers operating a vehicle fitted with air brakes. VEHICLE PERFORMANCE The electric powered Blue Bird TC/2000 school bus is equipped with ultra low rolling resistance tires. Skoolie Google Click Here to Login 2 Thread Tools Display Modes Page 1 of 2 1 2 > pesky brake lines from master cylinder | Hydraulic Brake Lines S7.11.1.2 Vehicles with GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds. Test as in S7.10.2(a), except make 10 stops instead of 6 and, at the completion of the 10 stops, deplete the failed element of the brake power unit of any residual brake power reserve capability before making the final stop. For centergrooved shoes or pads, thermocouples are installed within one-eighth of an inch to one-quarter inch of the groove and as close to the center as possible. (c) The service brakes shall be capable of stopping each vehicle with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds in two effectiveness tests within the distances and from the speeds specified in S5.1.1.2 and S5.1.1.3. Validyne model P55 differential pressure . For children who are going to be sitting down in the classroom for most of the day, this helps them to do more physical activities. If youre working with a hydraulic system, its important to test it regularly. In many disc brake configurations, a warning system employs a control module that monitors the hydraulic brake electrical system. There are plenty of pros and cons about the systems. Air braking takes more time than hydraulic braking because air brakes: In air brake vehicles, the parking brakes should be used: The brake pedal in an air brake system: Your vehicle has a dual air brake system, if a low air pressure warning comes on for the secondary system, you should? The pedal should not move. If the pedal sinks down, this indicates that there is a leak in the system and it needs to be repaired before use. (f) For a vehicle with electric transmission of the service brake control signal, failure of a brake control circuit. 39.00 Hydraulic Brakes 2. With the hood open, on the firewall, just to the left of the motor. This will give you an indication of how much pressure is required to fully engage the brakes. (b) Each vehicle with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds shall be capable of making 10 fade snubs (20 fade snubs on the second test) from 40 mph to 20 mph at 10 fpsps for each snub. 3. (b) At vehicle speeds of 10 mph or less, any wheel may lock up for any duration. Brake pads are mounted on each side of the rotor and grip the rotor when hydraulic pressure is applied by the hydraulic piston located in the caliper. Bus did brake by itself, but Wabco diagnostics laptop showed that neither parking brake nor service brakes were activated, whereas obviously some brake was applied (And it was not engine brake). S5.1.2.2 In vehicles not manufactured with a split service brake system, in the event of any one rupture or leakage type of failure in any component of the service brake system the vehicle shall, by operation of the service brake control, be capable of stopping 10 times consecutively from 60 mph within the corresponding distance specified in column IV of table II. Use only ______ fluid from a sealed container. (Inserting the recommended type of brake fluid as specified in 49 CFR 571.116, e.g., DOT 3). So why putthe starter switch key in your pocket duringthe vehicle inspection? Finally, remember to do a thorough check of your vehicle before starting your trip. If the vehicle is equipped with an adjustable engine speed governor, it is adjusted according to the manufacturer's recommendation. (b) In the case of a vehicle with a GVWR greater than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds), with a force applied to the control not to exceed 150 pounds for a foot-operated system and 125 pounds for a hand-operated system. S5.2 Parking Brake System. Pressing enter in the search box Leave an interval of 0.4 mi between the start of brake applications. If it does, there may be a leak. After each stop (except the last), accelerate the vehicle immediately at a maximum rate to a speed of 30 mph and begin the next stop. The types of vehicles and operations requiring a CDL are outlined below. Braking is all about simple friction and dissipating heat, so the best solution is the one that manages heat best - and that's the disc brake system. Stopping distance means the distance traveled by a vehicle from the point of application of force to the brake control to the point at which the vehicle reaches a full stop. S5.1.7 Stability and control during braking. Visually inspect the brake pad lining by checking each visible end and look through the opening of the caliper. GMC Topkick front axle complete, hydraulic brakes. The process to get a CDL with the necessary passenger, school bus and air brake endorsements isn't an easy task and can take up to 60 days, said Chloe Williams, New Jersey School Bus Contractors . Determine whether the brake system indicator lamp is activated when the electrical power source to the antilock or variable proportioning unit is disconnected. I'm much more comfortable with air brakes. Each vehicle shall be manufactured with a parking brake system of a friction type with a solely mechanical means to retain engagement, which shall under the conditions of S6, when tested according to the procedures specified in S7, meet the requirements specified in S5.2.1, S5.2.2, or S5.2.3 as appropriate, with the system engaged -, (a) In the case of a vehicle with a GVWR of 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) or less, with a force applied to the control not to exceed 125 pounds for a foot-operated system and 90 pounds for a hand-operated system; and. The third test is a leaks check. b. They all have a big compressor you can tap into for air tools, tire inflaters etc. guide. (including driver and instrumentation); (b) For vehicles with a GVWR greater than 10,000 lbs., unloaded vehicle weight plus 500 lbs. If they feel spongy or unresponsive, something is definitely wrong and you should take your vehicle to a mechanic right away. School Bus 101 9.47K subscribers Subscribe 28K views 5 years ago In a hydraulic brake system, when the brake pedal is pressed, a pushrod exerts force on the piston (s) in the master. (c) A malfunction that affects the generation or transmission of response or control signals in an antilock brake system, or a total functional electrical failure in a variable proportioning brake system. This will tell you how quickly fluid can move through the system. S7.10.1 Regular procedure. Engineer: Frederick Smith. If you feel unsafe at any time, move to a different location. If its low, top it off and bleed the brakes according to the manufacturers instructions. If you would like to comment on the current content, please use the 'Content Feedback' button below for instructions on contacting the issuing agency. or existing codification. The actuation system causes displacement of fluid at a volume and pressure required to cause the foundation brake to apply. The advantage of this type of system is that if one circuit should fail, the other can still provide some braking power. Reverse Lights - clean, not missing or broken . The first test is a pressure check. S7.9.5 For a vehicle in which the brake signal is transmitted electrically between the brake pedal and some or all of the foundation brakes, regardless of the means of actuation of the foundation brakes, the tests in S7.9.1 through S7.9.3 of this standard are conducted by inducing any single failure in any circuit that electrically transmits the brake signal, and all other systems intact. We recommend you directly contact the agency responsible for the content in question. To drive a vehicle with air brakes, you must pass the air brake component of the Georgia CDL knowledge test. S-cam brakes, on the other hand, require an external slack adjuster. Not just because I've been in the truck world too long either. When you are towing a trailer, the more weight that is on the trailer, the harder you will need to pull down on the lever to activate the brakes. 0000000954 00000 n For an EV that is equipped with both ABS and RBS that is part of the service brake system, the ABS must control the RBS. Use only heavy-duty brake fluid, DOT 3. (a) Each indicator lamp shall display word, words or abbreviation, in accordance with the requirements of Standard No. Make six stops from 60 mph with vehicle at lightly vehicle weight, or at the manufacturer's option for a vehicle with GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds, at lightly loaded vehicle weight plus not more than an additional 1,000 pounds for a roll bar structure on the vehicle. If it does, theyll know that the starter switch is working properly. It keeps kids more active. The parking brake tests for any vehicle on different grades, in different directions, and for different loads may be conducted in any order. Control force readings may be terminated when vehicle speed falls to 5 mph. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. At this point, you can begin applying pressure to the pedal and release it quickly several times to build up pressure in the system. The second test is a flow check. Which of the following makes the total stopping distance for air brakes longer than that for hydraulic brakes? Scope. (4) When the supply pressure in a brake power unit drops to a level not less than one-half of the normal system pressure. What is the Most Common Problem in a Brake Hydraulic System? Drums or rotors are assumed to be at nominal design drum diameter or rotor thickness. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow endstream endobj 57 0 obj<> endobj 59 0 obj<> endobj 60 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 61 0 obj<> endobj 62 0 obj<> endobj 63 0 obj<> endobj 64 0 obj<> endobj 65 0 obj<> endobj 66 0 obj<> endobj 67 0 obj<>stream This will tell you how much force the system is capable of generating. This situation can create a variety of problems like brake pedal pulsation during brake application, increased piston seal wear and abnormal pad wear. Our practice tests are designed to help you learn the material in the CDL Handbook, Each question is multiple choice and will provide instant feedback. The parking brake test surface is clean, dry, smooth, Portland cement concrete. If not, your brakes are fine! If the initial brake temperature for the first stop in a test procedure (other than S7.7 and S7.16) has not been reached, heat the brakes to the initial brake temperature by making not more than 10 snubs from not more than 40 to 10 mph, at a deceleration not greater than 10 fpsps. Enhanced content is provided to the user to provide additional context. Except where an adjustment is specified, after each brake application accelerate to 40 mph and maintain that speed until making the next brake application at a point 1 mile from the initial point of the previous brake application. In addition, lines and fittings are needed to contain fluid and transmit force from the pedal to the wheel end. Average the maximum brake control force required for the three snubs. At completion of 10 spike stops, make six effectiveness stops from 60 mph. ASE initiated this Test Series at the request of the National Association for Pupil Transportation . (1) If separate indicators are used for one or more of the conditions described in S5.3.1(a) through S5.3.1(g) of this standard, the indicator display shall include the word Brake and appropriate additional labeling, except as provided in (c)(1) (A) through (D) of this paragraph. Attain the required deceleration within 1 s and maintain it for the remainder of the snubbing time. In the case of vehicles burnished in accordance with S7.4.2.1(a) of this section, reburnish the vehicle by making 35 snubs from 60 to 20 mph, but if the hottest brake temperature reaches 500 F 50 F, make the remainder of the brake applications from the highest snub condition listed in Table IV that will maintain the hottest brake temperature at 500 F 50 F. Use a full brake application for the duration of the stop, with the clutch pedal depressed or the transmission selector control in the neutral position, for the duration of each stop. Release the spring brake and get the bus moving very slowly. During each burnish procedure, each propulsion battery is restored to the recommended state of charge or a state of charge of not less than 95 percent after each increment of 40 burnish stops until each burnish procedure is complete. switch to drafting.ecfr.gov. 1 Depleted. The indicator lamp shall also be activated as a check of lamp function whenever the ignition is turned to the on (run) position. Spring Brake Test a. If the speed attainable in 2 miles is not less than 84 mph, a passenger car, or other vehicle with a GVWR of 10,000 lbs., or less, shall also be capable of stopping from 80 mph within the corresponding distance specified in column I of table II. (a) Stability and control during braking (vehicles with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds). Heres how to test your hydraulic brakes for leaks: 1. Keep the longitudinal axis of the barrier parallel with the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. (b) In the case of a vehicle with a GVWR greater than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) not more than 150 pounds for a foot-operated system, and not more than 125 pounds for a hand-operated system. S7.2 Pretest instrumentation check. S6.1.1 Other than tests specified at lightly loaded vehicle weight in S7.5(a), S7.7, S7.8, and S7.9, the vehicle is loaded to its GVWR such that the weight on each axle as measured at the tire-ground interface is in proportion to its GAWR, except that each fuel tank is filled to any level from 100 percent of capacity (corresponding to full GVWR) to 75 percent. The battery or batteries providing power to those electrically-actuated brakes, at the beginning of each test, shall be in a depleted state of charge for conditions (a), (b), or (c) of this paragraph as appropriate. 39. (c) At vehicle speeds above 20 mph, any wheel not permitted to lock in (a) or (b) may lock up repeatedly, with each lockup occurring for a duration of one second or less. Taking this 50 question Texas CDL practice test will help you prepare for the exam by proving valuable insight into the areas you need to review more thoroughly. Volume and pressure required to cause the brakes according to the left of the motor brake test is... Just because I 've been in the system and it needs to be at nominal design drum diameter or thickness! Of fluid at a volume and pressure required to cause the brakes each indicator lamp shall word... Brake hydraulic system working with a type of system is that if circuit! The search box Leave an interval of 0.4 mi between the start brake... The air brake component of the parking brake application, increased piston seal hydraulic brake test on school bus and pad! & Navigation brake power units shall also be charged to maximum accumulator pressure prior to start of.! System indicator lamp is activated when the electrical power source to the wheel end vehicle inspection ) at speeds... 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