kansas nonresident deer draw 2022
State-owned and state-managed lands, excluding WIHA, are not included in Unit 19. Survey: Hunters may be requested to complete an online KANSAS DEER HUNTER HARVEST SURVEY at the end of the season. What is the cost of a Nonresident Deer Permit? If drawn, the applicant's White-tailed Deer Archery or Muzzleloader Permit converts to an Either-species/Either-sex Archery or Muzzleloader Permit. CWD testing is not a food safety test. All Whitetail Antlerless Only permits are valid during any season with equipment legal for that season. EXTENDED FIREARM WHITETAIL ANTLERLESS ONLY, Jan. 1-8, 2023 (DMU 6, 8, 9, 10, and 17)Jan. 1-15, 2023 (DMU 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 14 and 16)Jan. 1-22, 2023 (DMU 10A, 12, 13, 15 and 19). The optional mule deer stamp (which validates your deer tag as whitetail or mule deer) is $152.50. Ticks can carry germs that cause serious and sometimes deadly diseases such as tularemia, ehrlichio-sis, anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Lyme disease.
Deer hunting at Fort Leavenworth is open only to military and retired military personnel who have attended a training class and who possess a deer permit valid in Unit 10. $52.50 Nonresident Antlerless White-tailed Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler). An animal taken with an antlerless-only permit may be quartered as long as genitalia is left attached to one of the rear quarters, leaving the spinal column and head at the hunting site. A confirmation number will be sent, which will allow transport of the meat. No bow, crossbow or arrow may have any electronic device attached that controls the flight of the arrow. Do not shoot, handle or eat meat from deer and elk that look sick or are acting strangely or are found dead. Fort Leavenworth military installation, which is adjacent to the Unit 19 deer unit boundary, has been declared an urban deer unit. Consider having the deer or elk tested for CWD before you eat the meat. Kansas is mostly a private-land state (only about 1% of the state is accessible public land, it ranks 50th overall), however the state does have more than 1 million acres of Walk-in-Access lands. In addition to your turkey permit, you MUST have a Kansas hunting license, unless exempt by Kansas Law. Urban deer management units were created to focus greater deer harvest in the Kansas City-to-Topeka corridor.
APPLICATION PERIOD: April 1 - April 29, 2022. Application season is here which means its time to get prepped and organized. Hunters are invited to submit samples through participating KDWP offices, participating taxidermists/meat processors, or by submitting inde-pendently directly to the lab. For more information about the new mobile app, go here. A nonresident must apply for the Mule Deer Stamp during the April application period. Any person with a permanent physical or visual disability that prevents the person from hunting safely, as certified by a physician, may be eligible to obtain a permit to designate someone else to take a legal limit of game for the permit holder. Permits on properties owned by a legal entity are available only to tenants who either farm at least 80 acres, or manage an 80 acre or larger farm that produces an agricultural commodity such as crops or cattle. While hunting, the student must carry evidence of being a full-time student residing in Kansas. If unsuccessful in the draw, hunter receives a refund check and will be issued a preference point for a future drawing. HIP is required. Despite our increasing understanding and knowledge of the. Along with guided hunts and non-residents leasing hunting property, theres more and more interest coming from out-of-state hunters. For only the third time ever, the state issued all of its non-resident deer permits in the draw. The deadline for CC in AZ is today (March 1). The test is both entertaining and informative and only takes a few minutes. Nonresident Muzzleloader White-tailed Deer Combo permits are available only by draw (deadline to apply is April 28, 2023) and are valid in two adjacent units listed on permit during the muzzleloader-only and regular firearm seasons. This contrasts with states like Wisconsin and Minnesota, where theres no quota set for non-resident deer hunters. All hunters are required to register their firearms prior to hunting on the military reservation, and are required to check-in/out. Preference points remain on file for 5 years from last date a point was issued or purchased. Hunters may possess e-licenses, e-permits and e-tags on a mobile device.
Just $1 per month , The state saw a 27 percent increase in non-resident deer hunting applications this year, By WebApplication Deadlines 2023 STATE DRAW DEADLINES Dont miss an application period! Many of these hunters are looking for big bucks, accessible land, and a hunting experience thats different from what theyre used to. State stamps are available at any licensed agent, online , Pratt Operations Office or Regional office. Nonresident Archery White-tailed Deer permits are available only by draw (deadline to apply is April 28, 2023) and are valid in two adjacent Deer Management Units listed on permit and DMU 19 (during special seasons). New Limited Entry Permit Tag For Elk, Mule Deer, Coues Deer, Roosevelt Elk, Dall Sheep, Mountain Goat, Moose, Caribou, Bison, Muskox, Brown/Grizzly Bear, Black Bear, Black Bear If Season Cancellation Is Overturned, Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk, Bison, Moose, Mountain Goat, Sheep, Elk and Antelope Deadline To Update Card Information, Barbary Sheep, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Coues Deer, Elk, Ibex, Javelina, Antelope, Oryx, Black Bear, Bonus/Preference Point or Application Withdraw, First Come Leftover Elk/Antelope Permits Available, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Antelope, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Moose, Mountain Goat, Black Bear, Nonresident Any-Deer Bow License (Mule Deer/Whitetail Deer), Modify/Withdraw Moose, Sheep, Bison, Mountain Goat, Paper Application Deadline For Special Buck (East River & West River), Online Application Deadline For Special Buck (East River & West River), Moose, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, Bison, Big Game 1st Draw - Mule Deer, Elk, Antelope, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, California Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, Black Bear, Mule Deer, Columbian Blacktail Deer, Columbian Whitetail Deer, Elk, Roosevelt Elk, Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, Mule Deer, Columbian Blacktail Deer, Elk, Roosevelt Elk, Sheep, Mountain Goat, Moose, Mule Deer, Columbian Blacktail Deer, Elk, Tule Elk, Roosevelt Elk, Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, Black Bear, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Antelope, Fall Bear (Controlled), Mule Deer, Coues Deer, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Mule Deer and Whitetail Deer - Deer Muzzleloader, West River, East River, Black Hills, Custer State Park, Refuge Deer, 2nd Draw Elk For Black Hills, Archery Elk & Prairie Elk, Resident Only Leftover Tags First 24 Hours, Leftover Mule Deer, Whitetail, Elk, Antelope, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Antelope, Resident Elk, Elk, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Bear, Antelope, Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Deer, Elk, Moose, Mountain Goat & Mountain Lion, Deadline To Update Your Card Information For The Fall Draw And To Purchase PointGuard, Nevada First Come, First Served Available, OTC Licenses For Javelina, Fall Turkey, Private Land Deer/Antelope/Barbary Sheep & secondary management zone private land elk available, Super Tag and Multi Species Combo Application, General Season Sale Date For Archery Elk Permits Available & Remaining Limited Entry Available, Resident OTC Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk Licenses Available, Leftover Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Antelope (First Come, First Served) Available, General Season Sale Date Any Bull Elk Permits Available, Utah Remaining General Season Mule Deer If Available, Also Youth Archery Available, All Antlerless Permits Sale Date (If Available), Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk Permits, Deer B, Elk B License Surplus List Signup, General Season Sale Date Spike Bull Elk Permits Available, First Come First Served Leftover Tags Available, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer - Remaining Permits And Non-Draw Permits Available, OTC & Leftover Limited Licenses Available (Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Antelope), Any Returned/Leftover Nonresident OTC Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer Or Elk Tags Available To Residents And Nonresidents, Antelope, Antelope B, Special Mountain Lion, Surplus List Signup, Antelope Archery 2nd Season & 2nd Mentored Archery Season, Utah Resident Only Sportsman Permit Application - Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk, Moose, Desert Bighorn Ram, Rocky Bighorn Ram, Bison, Mountain Goat, Black Bear, Mountain Lion, Turkey, 2023 Season Nonresident Deer, Elk General Season Purchase Date Opens, Elk and Antelope Deadline To Update Card Information And To Purchase Point Guard (Date was changed by Arizona originally was Feb. 25 in the regulations), All Species - Deer, Elk, Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, 2022 Season Nonresident Deer, Elk General Season Purchase Date Opens, Deer, Elk, Antelope, Fall Bear (Controlled), Nonresident Deer (Whitetail and Mule Deer), Moose, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, Bison, All Species - Mule Deer, Elk, Antelope, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, California Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, Black Bear, All Species - Barbary Sheep, Bighorn Sheep, Deer, Elk, Ibex, Javelina, Antelope, Oryx, All Species - Deer, Elk, Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, Deer Muzzleloader, West River, East River, Black Hills, Custer State Park, Refuge Deer, All Species - Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk, Sheep, Moose, Mountain Goat, All Species - Deer, Elk, Sheep, Mountain Goat, Moose. At the time of purchase, hunters will have the option of paper carcass tags or e-tags. Range-finding devices and optical scopes or sights that project no visible light toward the target and do not electronically amplify visible or infrared light may be used. Equipment and unit restrictions on permit imposed. Those who are successful will receive either a printed carcass tag in the mail or an e-tag on the Go Outdoors mobile app, depending on which option they chose on the application. Hunters must have a deer permit that allows the taking of an antlered deer before acquiring an antlerless deer permit. Resident Firearm Either-species/Either-sex Firearms Deer permit (white-tailed or mule deer buck, doe or fawn). To find individuals with trained blood tracking dogs, go to To learn more about electronic registration, visitksoutdoors.com/programs, then click Electronic Deer Check-in.. Applicants must apply online or by phone, 1-833-587-2164. Pre-Rut Firearm Whitetail Antlerless Season: $117.50 Nonresident Youth White-tailed Deer Permit (youth 15 and younger and includes $27.50 nonrefundable application fee), $442.50 Nonresident White-tailed Deer Permit, (16 and older and includes $27.50 nonrefundable application fee), $152.50 Mule Deer Stamp Fee (plus Nonresident White-tailed deer permit fee listed above), $87.50 Nonresident Hunt-Own-Land Deer Permit, $87.50 Special Hunt-Own-Land Relative Deer Permit. No individual shall copy, reproduce, or possess any hard copy or reproduction of a big game or wild turkey permit or carcass tag. WebApplication Deadlines 2023 STATE DRAW DEADLINES Dont miss an application period! Protected areas serve as refuges and may result in future herd increases and higher deer damage on adjacent or other properties where protected deer spend time when hunting season is closed. Available over the counter through Dec. 30 to residents and landowner/tenants only. This permit is available to individuals who qualify as landowners, tenants, nonresident landowners or family members living with a resident landowner or tenant. 200" The top-scoring Kansas typical was taken in 1995 by Albert J. Daniels. (Freezing meat for 30 days is recommended before making jerky because this will help kill parasites present in the meat. Either Species Antlerless Only permits not available, Schedule B - Choices for Nonresident Deer Permits 2022 Draw Only PermitsNONRESIDENT DEER PERMIT, APPLICATION PERIOD: April 1 - April 29, 2022, Applicants must apply online or by phone, 1-833-587-2164. Additionally, clothes that have been worn outside when ticks are active should be contained in an air-tight bag until washed, and shoes left outside, to help prevent ticks from entering a house.
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