abdominal swelling after mastectomy
It's important to know what kind of swelling you have or are at risk for so it can be managed or avoided. Management of Chronic Abdominal Distension and Bloating. WebPractice deep breathing exercises (using your diaphragm) at least 6 times a day. If this is the case, get instructions from your surgeon on how to care for your surgical drains at home. (doctors are currently evaluating my mom for other causes, including ovarian cancer). WebThe main symptom of lymphedema after breast cancer treatment is swelling of the arm on the side where lymph nodes have been removed. That is great informationI'm going to check into belly binder. Mine went undiagnosed, even though they are very common, and meant I needed another operation to remove it. I started physical therapy linwin xx. Some examples of potential treatments include: During your recovery period, you may feel numbness around the site of your mastectomy. Lymphedemais a build-up of lymph fluid in the fatty tissues just under your skin. This can be treated in several ways, including the medications and therapies discussed above. The location of the outward curve, whether it's uniform across your abdominal cavity or more pronounced in a particular region, helps them determine which organs are involved and narrow down the list of likely causes. Thanks again for trying to help! Breathe in as much air as you can while trying to expand your chest and abdomen (push your belly button away from your spine). It may take as long as 1 to 2 years for tissues to heal fully and scars to fade (the scars never go away completely). WebThere are many women, who claim that they are feeling hot flashes, change in mood or cramps. I have read some cases where bilateral mastectomy gets the lymphatic system out of balance. This feels", "@kk57 See if you can get a referral to a physical therapist who addresses lymphatic massage.". I have had bilateral breast cancer with lymph nodes removed and I seem to have to fight to get proper treatment. Thanks for listening. We're improving the lives of cancer patients and their families through advocacy, research, and patient support to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer. As I'm 62, this would be impossible and I'm very definitely post menopausal. and feel so much better Thank you. So consensus seems to be to talk to either GP or BCN, it won't just settle on its own? Policy. That said, it usually takes about three to six months for swelling to subside and for your breast to achieve a final shape, but it may take longer, particularly for patients who received radiation therapy for breast cancer treatment. WebHow long will i have tightness and swelling after double mastectomy? Webredness, swelling, or pain around your incision pus draining from your incision symptoms of a serious blood clot, such as: an area thats red, tender, or feels warm to the touch I was vigilant but in the end I had no idea how bad my lymphedema was or what risk I was really at for this. 2023 Healthline Media LLC. Once the fluid was aspirated, it almost immediately felt a lot better. She did Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD). Helpful Sugene Kim, MD, FACS says: Matthew C. Camp, MD says: Read 389 however,had a DIEP and ended up with seroma in the abdomen,which capsulated,and removed surgically.Consequently I ended up with scar tissue and a protruding tummy. Healthcare providers can often identify fluid in the peritoneum from a physical exam, but an abdominal ultrasound is more sensitive. Interested in more discussions like this? Learn more to see if it might be the right choice for you. Drain was removed on day six, and I have been taking my normal walk each day since day 7 (3-4 miles each day). I know they cut all of the muscles and nerves and they never recover completely. Hi, I've just joined the site, and wondered if anyone can help. These tissues can become inflamed from infection (peritonitis), or they can be filled with fluid as a result of a condition called ascites. So is that it? The internal organs of the abdomen can be classified as either solid or hollow. I just googled abdominal lymphedema and yes, it is a thing, and yes, that is what I have and I'm sure many others with "Buddha belly" have. I have found the vibration on a cycle track is very good. Talk openly with others about what youre experiencing. While you don't always have to stay positive, it is important to channel, Healthy snacks, reading materials, and a warm blanket are some of the items you may want to pack to help make your breast cancer chemo appointments, Researchers say they have discovered that progesterone-only contraceptives have a breast cancer risk similar to contraceptives that contain estrogen, Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Hopefully the burping and passing gas is the beginning of your relief and your bowels will follow. Yet another thing to add to the list of 'why don't they forewarn you about these things'?? However, recovery can be longer for some individuals, potentially taking months. Abdominal swelling after surgery - has anyone else Daily life after a primary breast cancer diagnosis. Generally speaking, you may be OK to drive if youre able to make an emergency stop without causing pain or discomfort at the mastectomy site. Abdominal swelling may have multiple causes as listed by Bookish. But I am pretty careful about gas as it certainly can add pain to the equation. Sorry for any confusion. My care team says they have never seen this but obviously others have had it. Complete your request online or contact us by phone. One concern you may have is when you can go about daily activities, like household chores and running errands. For example, you might not be able to lift your arms above your head for a period of time during your recovery. Surgical Nerve Damage Permanent nerve damage can be a potential side effect of surgery. This becomes a bigger concern if a patient is placed in a hard cast or tight bandage. For me, the BC nightmare never ends. for the first couple of days I could actually hear the fluid moving around, but this has stopped now. but good woman that she is followed it up by "I'm just joking". Its one of several potential treatment options for breast cancer. In severe cases, lymphedema can cause pain and limit movement. Well discuss how long recovery takes, what mastectomy pain is like, and when you can typically return to daily activities. My lymphedema is mild because I avoid triggers, practice MLD, have a Flexitouch pump system to use as needed, know what physical exercises to do to help, know how to short-stretch bandage if necessary, and finally wear a compression sleeve during exercise or exertion. When can I resume my normal activities after a mastectomy? Can a Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Be Performed at the Same Time? Her comment was "Mom maybe you just didn't notice how big your belly was when your boobs were hanging down over it." Try digestive enzymes and probiotics before meals. If your distended abdomen has an organic cause, the treatment will be very specific to that cause. I had a CT scan yesterday. Up till then I was completely fobbed off. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions. So my bulge has added about 20cm to my circumference which is really pronounced when moving from laying to sitting - it looks like one side is flat and the other raises up like its own separate pregnancy! This is typically 3 days or less. We can also help you find other free or low-cost resources available. I first thought it was my food intake. The amount of swelling may vary. If you have breast reconstruction during the same surgery, you may have a longer hospital stay, up to a week. Ugh. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support and answers. Medical procedures always scare me now. If you have a digestive problem, your healthcare provider can help you narrow down causes and strategies for managing it at home. There's evanmarcus again appearing on the forum with slightly odd remarks.. This can include how to care of your incision, which types of arm and shoulder exercises to do, and when you can resume your normal activities. Is it all connected? In some cases, numbness may be temporary and fade over time as you heal, although your surgical scar itself will often remain permanently numb. Following bilateral Mx I had failed implants and was completely flat.My tummy appeared to be really fat,as wasn't balanced out. For others, it may be longer. If you had a mastectomy without breast reconstruction, youll be given a prosthesis to wear. Your surgeon will schedule a follow-up appointment about 7 to 10 days after your mastectomy. Another time I got a call from a nurse in my doctors office about adding patient requests blood be drawn from the foot because of breast cancer. The nurse made a comment about good luck with that (my words). You May ask why if it is common why it wasnt immediately diagnosed. It's called MLD, or manual lymphatic drainage. All Rights Reserved. Spivey TL, et al. I am not a medic so dont know. An organic problem can be explained by physical evidence, like a disease. I couldn't believe the bloat I had. Last Thursday, I had a Simple Mastectomy and Sentenal Node Biopsy. I am 5 days post mastectomy and level 2 axillary node clearance. This can include: Its very important to carefully follow all of these instructions after you return home. Try to get a lymphadema clinic referral as knowing the correct way to massage the lymph system is very important. @chamisa See my post below. Because of this, its unlikely that youll have to return to the hospital or a doctors office to have them removed. Some people may have severe swelling (edema). Thank you Carr for the valuable information. We couldnt do what we do without our volunteers and donors. Your recovery time can depend on a variety of factors, like the type of mastectomy that you had and your overall health. WebThey suggest using an abdominal binder and more importantly going to a physical therapist trained in lymphatic massage. Is a chronic problem and you dont know the cause. I too had 'mild' lymphedema.now I have hand and arm damage and it's not so mild. Part 1 Maintaining Fitness 1 Exercise regularly. Nette, thank you so much for that - I'll certainly get it checked out. Hi, I'm new here and have been too busy to consistantly lurk! According to the American Cancer Society, most women can return to their normal activities in about 4 weeks. It is not usual (or normal) to have significant swelling or pain after drain removal. Hugs.. @charisa, cindylb It stimulates the main lymph drainage areas, in you tummy, back and groin. Theyll start by asking you questions about your symptoms and examining your abdomen to see where it's distended. About Fat Injections. more Either a hematoma or a seroma need draining. Hysterectomy side effects and recovery. Belly bloatHi Shirley - I too had my surgery last Thursday - a bilateral mastectomy. Doing so can help your recovery go as smoothly as possible. The American Cancer Society is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Any ideas? She had me purchase an abdominal binder which I wear only during the day. It's horrible enough going through cancer and treatment and all of the problems involved without having this disfiguring problem. Lie down on your back and take a slow, deep breath. These can become enlarged due to inflammation or growths such as a tumor, abscess or cyst. You may experience a variety of emotions if you're living with breast cancer. Good Luck and return to your doctor and get it diagnosed and sorted. If you notice that abdominal distension occurs after you eat, you may be able to change your eating habits to prevent it. WebTreatment for breast pain after surgery depends on the type and severity of pain you're experiencing. It can make the belly hard and swollen (distended). I'm not familiar with the details of this type of procedure or the complication which has occurredjust very sorry you have found yourself in this situation. The anti-aging mogul who spends millions each year to maintain the body of an 18-year-old has revealed another part of his health routine a device he claims allows This was my second bout of cancer, as I had a lumpectomy the previous year. I had surgery Feb. 27, 2019 and had abdominal swelling. I am now almost 72, retired, and I don't wear a bra with forms unless I dress up, so my body resembles a man with a big beer belly. (https://www.cghjournal.org/article/S1542-3565(20%2930433-X/fulltext). Bruising and some swelling are common in women after surgery. WebRisks of a mastectomy include: Bleeding Infection Pain Swelling (lymphedema) in your arm if you have an axillary node dissection Formation of hard scar tissue at the surgical site and the surgeon blew me off. I haven't been horrendously uncomfortable most of the time. Regular massage, especially deep tissue, can be harmful. I am also really having a hard time losing 15 pounds which I need to do. I felt lucky about their cancer assessment, but I couldn't get the information or education for lymphedema I requested. No swelling in my extremities. Functional Abdominal Bloating with Distention. It can also be a sign of heart, liver, or kidney However, Channel Theory is an excellent alternative treatment. . Youll also be given a leaflet that has written and visual descriptions of these exercises. I dont feel gasy I just look like I have a very very round beach ball underneath my shirts!! A distended abdomen is abnormally swollen outward. Relax and breathe out. It's not", "I had surgery Feb. 27, 2019 and had abdominal swelling. There was nothing wrong with my tummy before this op!! Its also a good way to relieve stress during the day. 3 Apply cold compresses to your abdomen for 20-minute intervals. Please tell me it will go away. We are always here for you. I never was informed about the possibility of lymphedema at all by any medical person, but an acquaintance had it so at least I was aware. They suggest using an abdominal binder and more importantly going to a physical therapist trained in lymphatic massage. That was a great article about relieving abdominal bloating. Its vital that you continue to do these arm and shoulder exercises regularly as you recover. Below, well take a deeper dive into what to expect when recovering from a mastectomy. I found that the surrounding area became hot, red, swollen and quite sore. (I dont like regular lymphedema compression sleeves but I do like Solidea brand items, which my therapist recommended.) I do have mirrors in my house and my stomach never stuck out before. Thanks again. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walks, ACS Center for Diversity in Research Training. With this in mind, try to prep your house and supplies ahead of time. Imaging tests will clarify this. Don't leave it to get better on its own as the longer the fluid is there the harder it seems to get rid of it. I can tell this is very bothersome to you, as I can understand. They just say that because muscle has been removed from my abdomen, the abdominal wall is very thin, so there is not much support. As a matter of fact, I have found two phlebotomists that will honor this. I had a double mastectomy10 years ago. Abdominal muscle weakness, which causes the abdominal contents to sag outwards and downwards (enteroptosis). Wrap an ice pack or a resealable plastic bag of crushed ice in a clean towel or cloth. I let the doctors convince me that I shouldn't worry about lymphedema and here I am fighting this battle while I'm also about to hear that I have hit the 5 year mark cancer free (a very good bit of news). I will probably get the results of that this Friday..I hope. I also wanted to say that it feels like soup one minute and a rugby ball the next ( its also that size!) Most of the people faces problem after surgeries but then you must be really cautious about all these problems. The hollow organs of the abdomen include the stomach, small intestine, colon, gallbladder, bile ducts, fallopian tubes, uterus and bladder. But it doesnt worry me and although occasionally uncomfortable it doesnt hurt. Give yourself patience and space to recover. Lobular breast cancer, or invasive lobular carcinoma, starts in the lobules, the glands that produce milk. It may also be difficult to sleep flat for a while. Organ enlargement from inflammation or a growth. I had to fight with the doctors to get care and ultimately had to take it upon myself to get PT and massage therapy (which I had to pay for myself) because they kept saying I didn't have it. Bone fractures (breaks) Unexplained back pain, difficulty walking, numbness and loss of bladder or bowel control. ! WebThe main symptom of lymphedema after breast cancer treatment is swelling of the arm on the side where lymph nodes were removed. It may be called edema, ascites, or lymphedema depending on the area affected and what is causing the swelling. It takes time to completely recover from a mastectomy. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support, practical information, and answers. It may be acute a sudden, unusual occurrence or chronic something that occurs and resolves itself repeatedly in a predictable way. Available Every Minute of Every Day. What happens after breast surgery. Like a bowling ball. "I had a double mastectomy with no reconstruction about 3.5 years ago. Has anyone else had this? What were your test results? abdominal swelling after mastectomy The only thing I can suggest is that you ask for a scan or you float the idea of a seroma with a memberof your medical team. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Did this swelling resolve for anyone? I bought the 9" abdominal binder from the medical store called Aids for Recovery. A low sodium diet also helps. The content on this site is for informational purposes only. Abdominal swelling is normal after breast augmentation. I do not have it bad like some do. Thanks! Be sure if you go to a physical therapist that you confirm that they have been trained in lymphatic massage. She has a direct line to the surgeons and the whole BC team. I was stage 1", "Hello @almostoutofthewoods and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. 444. . * To protect your identity do not use your full name. My surgeon advised against more ops as he felt It could cause more probs down the line He also said we are just seeing the true complications of TRAM surgery. A 2018 observational study estimated that 20 to 30 percent of people who undergo breast surgery experience some type of chronic pain. Did any of you get a diagnosis? 5 If the pain lasts longer than three months, you may have postmastectomy pain syndrome (PMPS). I am huge, I have had four children and I didn't get this big in my abdominal area. This could be fluid and needs to be sorted. Thank you for your question. But it doesnt negate my nemisis.bloating. Have one arm larger than the other (or swelling in another area), even if the change is small, can be upsetting. My doctor was reluctant to admit lymphedema was a potential problem but finally relented and made the referral. At the American Cancer Society, we have a vision to end cancer as we know it, for everyone. Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information. Cancer.org is provided courtesy of the Leo and Gloria Rosen family. I had a bi lateral mastectomy five years ago and only one lymph node removed on my left and two on my right (where the invasive cancer was). Red streaks leading from the incision. I did not know about this. Usually a side-effect of liver scarring (cirrhosis), ascites occurs when pressure on the blood vessels in the liver (portal hypertension) forces fluid into the abdominal cavity. When you leave the hospital, youll receive information about your recovery at home. Sigh. All, I am 5 weeks post double MX and have the belly swelling you describe. I've tried every logical thing I can think of and nothing helps. You have had a double mx but don't say you have been reconstructed, so no tummy interference. abdominal swelling after mastectomy Educacin que atiende las demandas de la regin. Possible problems after mastectomy. Another health carrier, Sutter, also offers classes and I found their lymphedema class was even more educational. After eight years in the system and with an excellent BCN I would always use her as my first port of call. Significant recent weight gain, which tends to be stored as intra All the best to you. Its frustrating that doctors dont take lymphedema more seriously, but I guess theyre just focused on ridding us of the cancer. I too have a distended abdomen since I had bilateral mastectomy in 2018 the swelling got aoarst this year and had a CT scan and US which is negative for cancer. today I am 10 weeks out from my DIEP surgery. This is such a common problem after a mastectomy that I would think doctors would admit that it is a problem and address it. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support and answers. Post-mastectomy syndrome is a condition affecting some women after surgery for breast cancer. When you return to work can also depend on the type of work you do. If they suspect muscle weakness as a cause, they might suggest abdominal or pelvic floor exercises. Before you leave the hospital, youll be shown various arm and shoulder exercises to do during recovery. About a month after the August surgery my belly became hard and bloated. I am due to have my seroma surgical removed on Tuesday 22 July. However, its more swollen on one side and I am experiencing pain. Oooh! Ido have swelling around my side and back, and under my arm, and a feeling on the upperunderside of my arm of a rubbing sensation, as if it's badly grazed.i guess this is all post op symptoms but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this. Cancer Information, Answers, and Hope. 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